Seal (Poem WS)

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1. heave (v) – breathe nosily, e.g. heave a sigh;
rise and fall heavily
2. jag / jagged (adj) – uneven with sharp points
3. reef (n) – a line of rocks just above the sea
4. famine (n) – a serious shortage of food; violent
Pre-reading Task
1. How does the seal look in the sea? Why is it
Ted Hughes (1930-1998)
 He was an English poet
who published many
collections of poetry.
 He is often viewed as a
nature poet, and became
Poet Laureate (a position
given by the queen) in
Content / Themes
1. In the first stanza, is the ocean calm or rough?
Quote two examples.
 The ocean is rough.
 For examples, ‘heaved a breast of silk’ and
‘boiled into milk’.
Content / Themes
2. In the second stanza, who is the ‘child’? How
does it feel?
• The baby seal is the child.
• It feels hungry.

3. In the last stanza, why is the seal ‘a famine

• It has lost its mother.
Language / Techniques
1. In lines 1-2, what technique is used? Explain
the example.
• Personification is used, e.g. the ocean heaved a
breast of silk’.
• It means that the ocean rises and falls (‘heaves’),
making waves (‘breast’) of shiny water (‘silk’).
Language / Technique

1. What does ‘Boiled into milk’ (lines 3-4) refer

to? What technique is it?
• The boiling milk refers to the white waves
splashing up the reef of rocks.
• Metaphor is used.
Breast & milk image

1. Why is the breast and milk image used in the

first stanza?

• The breast and milk

image emphasizes the baby
seal’s hunger for its
mother’s milk.
‘a famine child’
1. In the second stanza, the
poet says the seal’s eyes
were ‘wild / And wide and
dark / As a famine child’.
What technique is used?
Explain the example.
• Simile is used.
• It means that the baby seal is
extremely hungry after it has
lost its mother.
2. What does this comparison
say about how the poet is
feeling about the seal?
• He is feeling sympathetic
about the seal.
Sound technique
1. The same vowel sound ‘i’ is repeated in the
‘wild’ and ‘wide’ eyes of the ‘child’. What
technique is it? What does it emphasize?
• Assonance is used.
• It emphasizes that the baby seal is so hungry
that its eyes grow ‘wild’ and ‘wide’.
Mood / atmosphere
1. Is the mood happy or sad in the poem, and
• The mood is sad.
• The baby is extremely hungry (‘famine child’)
and alone because it has ‘lost its mother’.
Post-reading Task
1. Why do you think the baby seal has lost its
mother in the sea? What would happen to it?
Act 5

•Why did Nerissa and Gratiano have

an argument?
•How did Antonio try to stop Portia
and Bassanio from arguing?

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