DLP in Science (Different Sources of Water)

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A. Content Standard:

The learners demonstrate understanding of the different sources of water suitable for human consumption.

B. Performance Standard:

The learners should be able to explain the use of water from different sources in the context of daily activities.

C. Learning competences/objectives

a. Demonstrate understanding of the different sources of water suitable for human consumption.

b. explains the use of water from different sources in the context of daily activities.

c. Explain the importance of water in our daily life.




a. REFERENCES: Science Learner's material 4

Learner's Packet Science Q4W2

b. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Digital presentation, Educational Video, pictures


Teachers' Activity Pupils' Activity

A. Engage

1. Performing Daily Routine.

 Prayer
 Good morning class!
Good morning, ma'am.
 How are you today?
 Okay, good to hear. We are fine ma'am.
 Before you take your sit, kindly pick all
the liters under your chair.
 Who is/are absent today?
Pupils will pick the liters.
 Reviewing previous lesson
 Classroom rules
2. Drill None ma'am.

Do you want some activity class?

So, before we start our discussion, let's have an

activity entitled “MATCH ME". In this activity all
you have to do is to match the given pictures to
where it is belonged. Yes ma'am
So, i have six pictures here and i will pick a name
inside this box and the name that will be picked
will go infront and paste the given picture.

(Pupils will do the activity)


To know more about our topic, let us learn more

about water by reciting a poem entitled “WATER”.
I will read it first to you and later on you will follow
me. So, just listen carefully because i prepared
here a guide questions for you to answer.


Three fourths of the earth is water

In the forms of oceans, lakes, rivers, Streams,

brooks, and waterfalls

Water vapor in the air

Water everywhere, water has three forms

Ice in the solid form

Water that we drink is in the liquid form

Stream in the gaseous form.

Everybody read the poem once more for you to

understand better.

Did you understand what you read?

Yes ma'am

Guide Question:

1. What is the poem all about?

2. How much water do we have here on earth? Water ma’am

Very Good! Three fourths (3/4) ma’am

3. What are the different forms of water?

Very Good! Solid, Liquid, and Gaseous form

Did you understand class?

Yes ma'am

Now I have here a video clip presentation and I

want you to listen attentively because after this we
will answer few questions.

Guide Questions:
1. What are the sources of water shown in
the video?
2. Name some of the places where water is
used (Example: farm).

3. What are the sources of water in your (Pupils answer may vary)

4. How are the different water sources kept

safe and clean?


So, our topic for today is related to the video clip

we've watched a while ago which is "DIFFERENT


-comes from different sources. It may come from

open or closed sources. It may also come from a
small body of water or a big body of water.
Rainwater comes from clouds.
There are three main sources of water. The kind of
water depends on its source.

The three different kinds of water are seawater,

freshwater, and groundwater.

1. Seawater

-is salty. It has a large amount of salt. It is found in

the seas and oceans. Seawater can be classified as
hard water.

2. Freshwater

-Some portion of earth’s freshwater comes from

surface water. This is found in open but small
bodies of water like waterfalls, rivers, lakes,
creeks, and ponds. Surface water comes mostly
from rain. Rainwater flows from land into streams
and rivers. In cold countries, it also comes from
snow. Great quantities of snow accumulate on
highlands and mountains during winter. In spring,
the snow melts and runs off into surface water.


-is found beneath the earth’s surface. It comes

from water that seeps into the ground. These
accumulate in the underground layer called water
table. Groundwater is the safe source of water. It
is considered the cleanest water and contains
plenty of dissolved minerals which the human
body needs. Springs are openings of the
groundwater directly to the earth’s surface.


Now I will group you into 3 and do the given


But before you start here are the standard for

group activity.

Setting Standard

W- ork quietly.

A- lways cooperate with your group.

T- hink and give ideas. Task on time.


R- eview your works.

So, for group 1 all you have to do is to create a

poem that is related to our topic water and give a
simple reflection.

For Group 2 Composed a song about the

importance of water and give a simple reflection
on your performance.

And for group 3 List down five importance of the

water and give at least five daily activities that use (Each group will do the given activity)
water and a simple reflection.

(Do it for 10 minutes)


DIRECTION: Read each item carefully. Choose the

letter of your answer.

1. Which of the following is not a kind of water?

A. Freshwater B. seawater

C. groundwater D. water vapor

2. Which kind of water is found beneath the

earth’s surface? (Pupils answer may vary)

A. Freshwater B. seawater

C. groundwater D. water vapor

3. Which of the following sources of water

contains a large amount of dissolved salt?

A. lake B. Sea

C. river D. falls
4. What should you do to conserve water when
brushing your teeth?

A. Let the water flow from the faucet while


B. Use a glass of water for rinsing your mouth.

C. Use plenty of toothpaste.

D. All of the above.

5. Which of the following helps conserve water

when taking a bath?

A. Take a shower for a long time to enjoy water.

B. Take a shower using much water in the storage


C. Take a shower and leave the faucet running to

clean the bathroom.

D. Take a shower for at least 5 minutes to cool

down and clean your body.


1. What are the sources of water supply in

your barangay?
2. How are the water sources kept safe and

By: Girlie Bumanglag

Frank Dayacus

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