This document advertises two programs run by Comp-U-Dopt that provide computers and free internet access to qualifying families. The computer lottery program gives away free computers, selected randomly, to families without a working home computer who have a child in pre-K-12 education. The free internet program provides internet access to families that qualify for free/reduced school lunch and have a child in pre-K-12 education. Both programs aim to give youth opportunities through technology and education.
This document advertises two programs run by Comp-U-Dopt that provide computers and free internet access to qualifying families. The computer lottery program gives away free computers, selected randomly, to families without a working home computer who have a child in pre-K-12 education. The free internet program provides internet access to families that qualify for free/reduced school lunch and have a child in pre-K-12 education. Both programs aim to give youth opportunities through technology and education.
This document advertises two programs run by Comp-U-Dopt that provide computers and free internet access to qualifying families. The computer lottery program gives away free computers, selected randomly, to families without a working home computer who have a child in pre-K-12 education. The free internet program provides internet access to families that qualify for free/reduced school lunch and have a child in pre-K-12 education. Both programs aim to give youth opportunities through technology and education.
This document advertises two programs run by Comp-U-Dopt that provide computers and free internet access to qualifying families. The computer lottery program gives away free computers, selected randomly, to families without a working home computer who have a child in pre-K-12 education. The free internet program provides internet access to families that qualify for free/reduced school lunch and have a child in pre-K-12 education. Both programs aim to give youth opportunities through technology and education.
Through technology and education we give youth a brighter future!
Don't have a working computer at home?
Would you like free access to the internet? Register to be selected at:
Computer Free Computer
+ Lottery Internet + Internet
About Comp-U-Dopt's About Comp-U-Dopt's
Computer Lottery + Drive-Thru Free Internet Program* Applicants can register to receive a free computer Comp-U-Dopt, will be offering internet access at no using the computer lottery registration link. Names cost to families that qualify. will be chosen randomly based on the available inventory 3-days prior to distribution dates. To qualify, families must have a child in pre-k-12th grade education and qualify for free or reduced To qualify, you must not have access to a working school lunch. Comp-U-Dopt is actively seeking computer at home, and you must have a child in families that would like to be a part of this program. pre-K-12 education (up to age 20) in the Dallas area (Garland, Mesquite, Oakcliff, South Dallas, Pleasant Grove, The network will continue to expand and serve up Bishop Arts, Fair Park, Irving, Arlington, Rowlett, North Dallas, to 10,000 households in Dallas. Devices provided by the school should not Plano). be counted as they are not owned by the family. *Comp-U-Dopt will provide internet for free for a minimum of 1-year of service.
Selected recipients will be notified by email and/or
text message to complete the RSVP process to pick up their computer at a drive-thru distribution site. sponsored by:
¡Por medio de tecnología y educación, le damos a los jóvenes un mejor futuro!
¿No tiene una computadora que funciona en su casa?
¿Le gustaría tener acceso a internet gratis? Regístrese para ser seleccionado en:
Lotería de Internet Computadora
Computadora Gratis + + Internet
Acerca de la Lotería de Computadoras Acerca del Programa
de Comp-U-Dopt + Distribución por Auto de Internet Gratis de Comp-U-Dopt* Los solicintantes se pueden registrar para recibir una Comp-U-Dopt ofrecerá acceso a internet sin costo a las computadora gratis usando el enlace debajo para el familias que califiquen. Para calificar, las familias deben registro de lotería de computadoras. Los nombres serán tener un hijo(a) en Pre-K a 12º grado en la escuela y elegidos al azar dependiendo del inventario disponible 3 deben calificar para el programa de almuerzo gratis o de días antes de las fechas de distribución. Para calificar, no precio rebajado. debe tener una computadora que funcione en casa, y debe tener un hijo(a) en pre-K a 12º grado en la escuela Comp-U-Dopt está buscando activamente a familias que (hasta la edad de 20 años) en el área de Dallas (Garland, quieran ser parte de este programa. Mesquite, Oak Cliff, South Dallas, Pleasant Grove, Bishop Arts, Fair Park, Irving, Arlington, Rowlett, North Dallas, La red seguirá expandiéndose y va a servir hasta 10,000 Plano). hogares en Dallas.
Las personas seleccionadas para recibir una computadora
*Comp-U-Dopt proveerá internet gratis por mínimo 1 año de serán notificadas por email y/o mensaje de texto para servicio. completar el proceso de confirmación. Podrán recoger su computadora en un sitio de distribución por auto.