Pain Physiology

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Methodical manual for students


UDC 612.8(075.8)
BBC 28.91

Затверджено ЦМР ЗДМУ( протокол № 4 від 26.02.15 р.)

Professor Belenichev I.F., the head of Pharmacology Department,
Professor Kamyshniy A.M., the head of Microbiology Department

Sukhomlinova I.E., Senior Lecture of the Normal Physiology Department,
candidate of medicine,
Tichonovskay M.A., Senior Lecture of the Normal Physiology Department,
candidate of medicine,
Yeryomina A.K., Senior Lecture of the Normal Physiology Department,
Voteva V.E., Assistant of the Normal Physiology Department.

Physiology of pain : methodical manual for students / I. E. Sukhomlinova

[et al.]. – Zaporozhye: [ZSMU], 2015. – 71 p.

Students’ independent practical work is an important part of the syllabus in the course of
Normal Physiology. It helps students to study this fundamental subject.
Systematic independent work enables to reach the final goal in the students’ education. It is
also important while preparing the students for their future clinical work with patients.
These lections, questions and tests will help students to get ready for the examination.

Theme actuality, study purposes, concrete purposes 5
Introduction 5
1. Pain Principles 6
1.1. Pain Receptors 7
1.2. Factors that Activate Nociceptors 10
1.3. Pain Thresholds and Just Noticeable Differences 13
1.4. Pain Fibers 14
1.5. Double Pain Sensations 16
1.6. Nociceptive Neurons in the Spinal Cord (Nocineurons) 17
1.7. Classification of Pain 19
2. Pain Tracts and Sources 21
2.1. Pain Pathways 21
Neospinothalamic Tract 22
Paleospinothalamic Pathway 24
Archispinothalamic Pathway 25
2.2. Sources of Pain 27
Somatic Pain 27
Visceral Pain 28
Thalamic Pain 28
Neuropathic Pain 29
Psychosomatic Pain 29
Referred Pain 33
Phantom (illusory) Pain 34
2.3. Acute Pain 34
2.4. Chronic Pain 34
Sensitization 34
Fibromyalgia 35
Headache 36

2.5 Summary 36
3. Pain Modulation and Mechanisms 38
3.1. Pain Modulation 38
Opiate Analgesia (OA) 38
Endogenous Opioids 38
3.2. Neuronal Circuits that Modulate Pain 40
Gate Control theory 40
Stimulation produced analgesia (SPA) 41
Stimulation Produced Analgesia (SPA) (continued) 44
3.3. Pain Mechanisms 45
Ascending and Descending Pain Suppression Mechanism 45
Stress-Induced Analgesia (SIA) 47
3.4. Summary 48
Control questions: 49
Practical skills 50
Quizzes 53
Correct answers 69
Recommended literature 70

Theme actuality, study purposes, concrete purposes of the module
Pain is an unpleasant feeling that is an essential component of the body’s defense
system. It provides a rapid warning to the nervous system to initiate a motor response to
minimize physical harm. Lack of the ability to experience pain, as in the rare condition
congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis (Axelrod and Hilz 2003), can cause very
serious health problems. Pain is the most common reason for physician consultation in
most advanced countries. It is a major symptom in many medical conditions, and can
significantly interfere with a person's quality of life and general functioning.
Understanding the regulation of the physiology of pain necessary in the practice of
every physician.

Study purposes: to know the physiology of pain and pain modulation.

Concrete purposes of the module:

A student must know:
• Pain Principles;
• Pain Tracts and Sources;
• Processing of nociceptor signals in the spinal cord;
• Pain Modulation.

Pain is a vital function of the nervous system in providing the body with a
warning of potential or actual injury. It is both a sensory and emotional experience,
affected by psychological factors such as past experiences, beliefs about pain, fear or
This article provides an overview of the physiological mechanisms of pain and
the important pain pathways. We will discuss pain receptors, transmission of
pain signals to the spinal cord and pain pathways within the spinal cord. We will also
look at how pain can be modulated at different levels along the pathway. Finally we
discuss different types of pain including visceral and neuropathic pain.

Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience
associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in
terms of such damage (IASP – International Association for the
Study of Pain 2011)

Pain Principles

Most of the sensory and somatosensory modalities are primarily informative,

whereas pain is a protective modality. Pain differs from the classical senses (hearing,
smell, taste, touch, and vision) because it is both a discriminative sensation and a graded
emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage.
Pain is a submodality of somatic sensation. The word "pain" is used to describe a
wide range of unpleasant sensory and emotional experiences associated with actual or
potential tissue damage. Nature has made sure that pain is a signal we cannot ignore.
Pain information is transmitted to the CNS via three major pathways (Figure 1.1).
Most ailments of the body cause pain. The ability to diagnose different diseases
depends to a great extent on the knowledge of the different qualities and causes of pain.
Sensitivity and reactivity to noxious stimuli are essential to the well-being and survival
of an organism. Pain travels through redundant pathways, ensuring to inform the
subject: “Get out of this situation immediately.” Without these attributes, the organism
has no means to prevent or minimize tissue injury. Individuals congenitally insensitive
to pain are easily injured and most of them die at an early age.
For thousands of years, physicians have tried to treat pain without knowing the
details of the ways in which pain is signaled from the injured part of the body to the
brain, or the ways in which any of their remedies worked. Recent discoveries about how
the body detects, transmits and reacts to painful stimuli, have allowed physicians to
relieve both acute and chronic pain.

Figure 1.1 Three pathways carrying pain sensation from the periphery to the
central nervous system.

1.1. Pain Receptors

Pain is termed nociceptive (nocer – to injure or to hurt in Latin), and nociceptive

means sensitive to noxious stimuli. Noxious stimuli are stimuli that elicit tissue damage
and activate nociceptors.
Nociceptors are sensory receptors that detect signals from damaged tissue or the
threat of damage and indirectly also respond to chemicals released from the damaged
tissue. Nociceptors are free (bare) nerve endings found in the skin, muscle, joints, bone
and viscera. Recently, it was found that nerve endings contain transient receptor
potential (TRP) channels that sense and detect damage. The TRP channels are similar to
voltage-gated potassium channels or nucleotide-gated channels, having 6
transmembrane domains with a pore between domains 5 and 6. They transduce a variety

of noxious stimuli into receptor potentials, which in turn initiate action potential in the
pain nerve fibers. This action potential is transmitted to the spinal cord and makes a
synaptic connection in lamina I and/or II. The cell bodies of nociceptors are mainly in
the dorsal root and trigeminal ganglia. No nociceptors are found inside the CNS.
Nociceptors are not uniformly sensitive. They fall into several categories,
depending on their responses to mechanical, thermal, and/or chemical stimulation
liberated by the damage, tumor, and/or inflammation.

Skin Nociceptors. Skin nociceptors may be divided into four categories based on
function. The first type is termed high threshold mechanonociceptors or specific
nociceptors. These nociceptors respond only to intense mechanical stimulation such as
pinching, cutting or stretching. The second type is the thermal nociceptors, which
respond to the above stimuli as well as to thermal stimuli. The third type is chemical
nociceptors, which respond only to chemical substances (Figure 6.2). A fourth type is
known as polymodal nociceptors, which respond to high intensity stimuli such as
mechanical, thermal and to chemical substances like the previous three types. A
characteristic feature of nociceptors is their tendency to be sensitized by prolonged
stimulation, making them respond to other sensations as well.

Joint Nociceptors. The joint capsules and ligaments contain high-threshold

mechanoreceptors, polymodal nociceptors, and "silent" nociceptors. Many of the fibers
innervating these endings in the joint capsule contain neuropeptides, such as substance
P (SP) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). Liberation of such peptides is
believed to play a role in the development of inflammatory arthritis.

Visceral Nociceptors. Visceral organs contain mechanical pressure, temperature,

chemical and silent nociceptors. The visceral nociceptors are scattered, with several
millimeters between them, and in some organs, there are several centimeters between
each nociceptor. Many of the visceral nociceptors are silent. The noxious information

from visceral organs and skin are carried to the CNS in different pathways (Figures

Figure 1.2 Visceral nociceptors and the fibers and pathways carrying the noxious
information to the CNS.

Silent Nociceptors. In the skin and deep tissues there are additional nociceptors
called "silent" or "sleep" nociceptors. These receptors are normally unresponsive to
noxious mechanical stimulation, but become “awakened” (responsive) to mechanical
stimulation during inflammation and after tissue injury. One possible explanation of the
"awakening" phenomenon is that continuous stimulation from the damaged tissue
reduces the threshold of these nociceptors and causes them to begin to respond. This
activation of silent nociceptors may contribute to the induction of hyperalgesia, central
sensitization, and allodynia (see below). Many visceral nociceptors are silent
Activation of the nociceptor initiates the process by which pain is experienced,
(e.g., we touch a hot stove or sustain a cut). These receptors relay information to the
CNS about the intensity and location of the painful stimulus.

1.2. Factors that Activate Nociceptors

Nociceptors respond when a stimulus causes tissue damage, such as that resulting
from cut strong mechanical pressure, extreme heat, etc. The damage of tissue results in
a release of a variety of substances from lysed cells as well as from new substances
synthesized at the site of the injury (Figure 1.3). Some of these substances activate the
TRP channels which in turn initiate action potentials. These substances include:

1. Globulin and protein kinases. It has been suggested that damaged

tissue releases globulin and protein kinases, which are believed to be amongst the
most active pain-producing substances. Minute subcutaneous injections of
globulin induce severe pain.

2. Arachidonic acid. Arachidonic acid is one of the chemicals released

during tissue damage. It is then metabolized into prostaglandin (and cytokines).
The action of the prostaglandins is mediated through a G protein, protein kinase
A cascade. The prostaglandins block the potassium efflux released from
nociceptors following damage, which results in additional depolarization. This
makes the nociceptors more sensitive. Aspirin is an effective pain killer because it
blocks the conversion of arachidonic acid to prostaglandin.

3. Histamine. Tissue damage stimulates the mast cells to release

histamine to the surrounding area. Histamine excites the nociceptors. Minute
subcutaneous injections of histamine elicit pain.

4. Nerve growth factor (NGF). Inflammation or tissue damage triggers

the release of NGF. NGF then binds to TrkA receptors on the surfaces of
nociceptors leading to their activation. Minute subcutaneous injections of NGF
elicit pain.

5. Substance P (SP) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) are
released by injury. Inflammation of tissue damage also results in SP and CGRP
release, which excites nociceptors. Minute subcutaneous injection of substance P
and CGRP elicits pain. Both peptides produce vasodilation, which results in the
spread of edema around the initial damage.

6. Potassium - K+. Most tissue damage results in an increase in

extracellular K+. There is a good correlation between pain intensity and local
K+ concentration.

7. Serotonin (5-HT), acetylcholine (ACh), low pH (acidic) solution,

and ATP. These substances are released with tissue damage. Subcutaneous
injections of minute qualities of these products excite nociceptors.

8. Muscle spasm and lactic acid. Not only can some headaches result
from muscle spasms of smooth muscle, stretching of a ligament can also elicit
pain. When muscles are hyperactive or when blood flow to a muscle is blocked,
lactic acid concentration increases and pain is induced. The greater the rate of
tissue metabolism, the more rapidly the pain appears. Minute subcutaneous
injections of lactic acid excite nociceptors.

The release of these substances sensitizes the nociceptors (C fibers) and reduces
their threshold. This effect is referred to as peripheral sensitization (in contrast to central
sensitization that occurs in the dorsal horn).
Within 15-30 seconds after injury, an area of several cm around the injured site
shows reddening (caused by vasodilation) called a flare. This response (inflammation)
becomes maximal after 5-10 minutes, and this region shows a lowered pain threshold
(i.e., hyperalgesia).

Figure 1.3 Tissue damage and the variety of the substances released from the
injury site that activate the nociceptors.

Hyperalgesia. Hyperalgesia is an increased painful sensation in response to
additional noxious stimuli. One explanation for hyperalgesia is that the threshold for
pain in the area surrounding an inflamed or injured site is lowered. An additional
explanation is that the inflammation activates silent nociceptors and/or the damage
elicits ongoing nerve signals (prolong stimulation), which led to long-term changes and
sensitized nociceptors. These changes contribute to an amplification of pain or
hyperalgesia, as well as an increased persistence of the pain. If one pricks normal skin
with a sharp probe, it will elicit sharp pain followed by reddened skin. The reddened
skin is an area of hyperalgesia.

Allodynia. Allodynia is pain resulting from a stimulus that does not normally
produce pain. For example, light touch to sunburned skin produces pain because
nociceptors in the skin have been sensitized as a result of reducing the threshold of the
silent nociceptors. Another explanation of allodynia is that when peripheral neurons are
damaged, structural changes occur and the damaged neurons reroute and make
connection also to sensory receptors (i.e., touch-sensitive fibers reroute and make
synaptic connection into areas of the spinal cord that receive input from nociceptors).
In conclusion, the several kinds of endogenous chemicals are produced with tissue
damage and inflammation. These products have excitatory effects on nociceptors.
However, it is not known whether nociceptors respond directly to the noxious stimulus
or indirectly by means of one or more chemical intermediaries released from the
traumatized tissue.

1.3. Pain Thresholds and Just Noticeable Differences

Exposing the skin to controlled heat (produced by heating element or laser) makes
it possible to measure the threshold for pain. When the temperature of the skin reaches
45 ± 1°C, subjects report pain. Non-noxious thermal (< 45°C) receptors are innervated
by different types of nerve fibers than those responding to the pain. A temperature of
approximately 45ºC denaturates tissue protein and elicits damage in all subjects. That is,
the pain threshold in all subjects is about the same. However, the response to pain is
different among people.
Pain is measured by the degree of pain intensity. Different degrees of pain intensity
are defined as Just Noticeable Differences (JND). There are 22 JND for pain elicited by
heat to the skin. This discrimination is possible because the discharge frequency of the
nociceptors increases with increasing skin temperature. Thus, nociceptors also supply
information on the stimulus intensity (intensity coding) in addition to the injury

1.4. Pain Fibers

The cell bodies of the primary afferent pain neurons from the body, face, and head
are located in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and in the trigeminal ganglia respectively.
Some of these cell bodies give rise to myelinated axons (A delta fibers), and others give
rise to unmyelinated axons (C fibers). The free nerve endings arise from both A delta
fibers and the unmyelinated C fibers, which are scattered together (Figure 1.4).
A delta fibers (group III fibers) are 2-5 mm in diameter, myelinated, have a fast
conduction velocity (5-40 meters/sec), and carry information mainly from the
nociceptive-mechanical or mechanothermal-specific nociceptors. Their receptive fields
are small. Therefore, they provide precise localization of pain.
C fibers (group IV fibers) are 0.4-1.2 mm in diameter, unmyelinated, have a slow
conduction velocity (0.5-2.0 meters/sec), and are activated by a variety of high-intensity
mechanical, chemical and thermal stimulation and carry information from polymodal
nociceptors. C-fibers comprise about 70% of all the fibers carrying noxious input. Two
classes of C-fibers have been identified. The receptive field of these neurons is large
and, therefore, less precise for pain localization. Upon entering the spinal cord, the pain
fibers bifurcate and ascend and descend to

Figure 1.4 Conduction of noxious information via A delta and C fibers.

several segments, forming part of the tract of Lissauer before synapsing on neurons on
Rexed layers I to II. In general, nociceptors responding to noxious stimuli transmit the
information to the CNS via A delta fibers, which make synaptic connections to neurons
in Rexed layer I (nucleus posterior marginalis). The nociceptors responding to chemical

or thermal stimuli (i.e., the polymodal nociceptors) carry their activity mainly by C
unmyelinated fibers. One class of C fibers terminates in Rexed layer I, and the second
class terminates in Rexed layer II (substantia gelatinosa). These fibers release substance
P, glutamate, aspartate calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP), vasoactive intestinal
polypeptide (VIP), and nitric oxide.

1.5.Double Pain Sensations

Two sequential pain sensations in short time intervals is the result of sudden
painful stimulation. The first one is immediately after the damage. It is followed several
seconds later with additional pain sensation. These two separate sensations are several
seconds apart because a fast transmitting information sensation is carried via A delta
fibers and is followed several seconds later with slow transmitting pain information
carried via C fibers. This phenomenon is known as “double pain sensation” (Figure
Two experimental procedures were used to verify which information is carried by
which fibers.

1. Externally applied pressure, such as compression of the skin above a

nerve, first blocks the myelinated A delta fibers, while C fibers continue to
conduct action potentials and allow the slow conducting pain to be carried.

2. A low dose of local anesthesia applied to peripheral nerves blocks

the unmyelinated C fibers before the myelinated A delta fibers. Under this
condition, the slow conducting pain information is blocked, and only the fast
conducting pain information by A delta fibers is carried to the CNS. This
experiment provides additional evidence that two different types of nerve fibers
carry noxious information.

1.5. Nociceptive Neurons in the Spinal Cord (Nocineurons)

Figure 1.5 Conduction of noxious information via A delta and C fibers.

The synaptic terminals of the axons of the dorsal root ganglion, which carry
noxious information arriving to Rexed layers I and II (Figure 1.6), release
neurochemical agents such as substance P (SP), glutamate, aspartate, vasoactive
intestinal peptide (VIP), cholecystokinin (CCK), somatostatin, calcitonin gene-related
peptide (CGRP), galanin, and other agents. These agents activate the nocineurons. It
was shown that when SP and CGRP are applied locally within the spinal cord dorsal
horn, glutamate is released. The release of glutamate excites the nocineurons.
Furthermore, SP receptors (neurokinin receptors) and NMDA receptors (glutamate)
interact which result that the NMDA receptors will become more sensitive to glutamate,
which results in central sensitization. The functions of these peptides are largely
unknown but they presumably mediate slow, modulatory synaptic actions in the dorsal
horn neurons. The neuropeptides are always co-localized with other "classical"

Figure 1.6 Four different nocineurons in the spinal cord.

There are four general types of nocineurons in the spinal cord (Figure 6.10):
1. High threshold mechanoreceptor neurons or nociceptive specific
neurons. These neurons are excited only by noxious cutaneous and/or visceral
stimuli. The nociceptive afferent fibers release glutamate and different
neuropeptides to activate the dorsal horn neurons.
2. Chemical nociceptor neurons are excited by chemical or thermal
noxious stimulus in the skin or in visceral organs.
3. Thermal nociceptor neurons are excited by chemical or thermal
noxious stimulus in the skin or in visceral organs.
4. Polymodal-nociceptive neurons or multi, or wide dynamic range
nociceptive neurons. These neurons are excited by both noxious and non-noxious
cutaneous and/or visceral stimuli (polymodal nociceptive neurons). These
neurons are activated by a variety of noxious stimuli (mechanical, thermal,
chemical, etc.) and respond incrementally to increasing intensity of the stimuli.

Rexed lamina I contains a higher proportion of nociceptive specific neurons,
whereas Rexed lamina II contains predominantly multi-receptive wide dynamic range
neurons. The nociceptive-specific neurons alert the subject when a stimulus is noxious,
and the multi-receptive neurons provide the subject with information about the
parameters of the noxious stimulus. In general, C fibers release neuropeptides such as
substance P whereas the A delta fibers release glutamate.

1.7. Classification of Pain

Pain has been classified into three major types:

1. Pricking pain. Pain caused by a needle, pin prick, skin cut, etc. -
elicits a sharp, pricking quality, stinging pain sensation carried fast by the A delta
fibers. The pain is precisely localized and of short duration. Pricking pain is also
called fast pain, first pain or sensory pain. Pricking pain is present in all
individuals and is a useful and necessary component of our sensory repertoire.
Without this type of protective pain sensation, everyday life would be difficult.
Pricking pain arises mainly from the skin, and carried mainly by A delta fibers
which permits discrimination (i.e., permits the subject to localize the pain).

2. Burning pain or soreness pain. Pain caused by inflammation,

burned skin, etc., is carried by the C fibers (slowly conducted pain nerve fibers).
This type of pain is a more diffuse, slower to onset, and longer in duration. It is
an annoying pain and intolerable pain, which is not distinctly localized. Like
pricking pain, burning pain arises mainly from the skin. It is carried by the
paleospinothalamic tract. (The old primitive transmission system for diffuse pain
which does not permit exact localization.)
3. Aching pain is a sore pain. This pain arises mainly from the viscera
and somatic deep structures. Aching pain is not distinctly localized and is an

annoying and intolerable pain. Aching pain is carried by the C fibers from the
deep structures to the spinal cord.

2. Pain Tracts and Sources
Before considering the higher mechanisms involved in the perception of pain we
will briefly examine the ascending pathways that carry nociceptive information from the
spinal cord to higher brain centers. the anterolateral system, which is composed of a
bundle of fibers, located in the ventrolateral aspect of the spinal cord, has long been
recognized as conveying nociceptive and thermal information to higher brain centers.
The cell bodies of the second order neurons that give rise to the anterolateral system are
found primarily in lamina I, outer layers of lamina II and in laminas IV and V of the
dorsal horn. These ascending second order projection neurons send axons and axon
collaterals that decussate and terminate in the brainstem and thalamus. As described in
chapter 7, studies of antidromically identified lamina I projection neurons have revealed
these cells to have the properties of WDR (wide dynamic range), NS (nociceptive
specific) and HPC (noxious heat, pinch and noxious cold) cells. In addition to the
lamina I projection neurons with nociceptive properties, there are also a group of lamina
I neurons sensitive to innocuous thermal stimuli and a group of lamina I neurons sub
serving the sense of itch.
The ascending pathways that mediate pain consist of three different tracts: the
neospinothalamic tract, the paleospinothalamic tract and the archispinothalamic tract.
The first-order neurons are located in the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) for all three
pathways. Each pain tract originates in different spinal cord regions and ascends to
terminate in different areas in the CNS.

2.1. Pain pathway

Neospinothalamic Tract
The neospinothalamic tract has few synapses and constitutes the classical lateral
spinothalamic tract (LST) (Figure 2.1). The first-order nociceptive neurons (in the
DRG) make synaptic connections in Rexed layer I neurons (marginal zone). Axons
from layer I neurons decussate in the anterior white commissure, at approximately the
same level they enter the cord, and ascend in the contralateral anterolateral quadrant.
Most of the pain fibers from the lower extremity and the body below the neck terminate
in the ventroposterolateral (VPL) nucleus and ventroposteroinferior (VPI) nucleus of
the thalamus, which serves as a relay station that sends the signals to the primary cortex.
The VPL is thought to mainly be concerned with discriminatory functions. The VPL
sends axons to the primary somatosensory cortex (SCI).

Figure 2.1
The neospinothalamic pathways.

The first-order nociceptive neurons from the head, face and intraoral structures
have somata in the trigeminal ganglion (Figure 2.2). Trigeminal fibers enter the pons,
descend to the medulla and make synaptic connections in the spinal trigeminal nucleus,
cross the midline and ascend as trigeminothalamic tract (or trigeminal lemniscus, Figure
7.2). The A delta fibers terminate in the ventroposteromedial (VPM) thalamus, and the

C fibers terminate in the parafasciculus (PF) and centromedian (CM) thalamus (PF-CM
complex). The PF-CM complex is located within the intralaminar thalamus and are
known also as intralaminar (IL) nuclei. All of the neospinothalamic fibers terminating in
VPL and VPM are somatotopically oriented and from there send axons that synapse on

Figure 2.2
The sensory and spinal trigeminal tracts. The solid blue line represents the
spinalthamic tract. The interrupted blue line represents the spinal trigeminal tract.
The purple line represents the sensory trigeminal tract

primary somatosensory cortex (SC I - Brodman areas 1 & 2). This pathway is
responsible for the immediate awareness of a painful sensation and for awareness of the
exact location of the painful stimulus.

Paleospinothalamic Pathway
The paleospinothalamic tract is phylogenetically old. The majority of the first-
order nociceptive neurons make synaptic connections in Rexed layer II (substantia
gelatinosa) and the second-order neurons make synaptic connections in laminae IV-
VIII. The second-order neurons also receive input from mechanoreceptors and
thermoreceptors. The nerve cells that furnish the paleospinothalamic tract are
multireceptive or wide dynamic range nociceptors. Most of their axons cross and ascend
in the spinal cord primarily in the anterior region and thus called the anterior spinal
thalamic tract (AST). These fibers contain several tracts. Each of them makes a synaptic
connection in different locations: 1) in the mesencephalic reticular formation (MFR)
and in the periaqueductal gray (PAG), and they are also called spinoreticular tract; 2) in
the tectum, and these fibers are known as the spinotectal or spinomedullary tract; 3) in
the PF-CM complex (IL) and they are known as the spinothalamic tract (Figure 2.3).
The above three fiber tracts are known also as the paleospinothalamic tract. The
innervation of these three tracts is bilateral because some of the ascending fibers do not
cross to the opposite side of the cord. From the PF and CM complex, these fibers
synapse bilaterally in the somatosensory cortex (SC II-Brodman area 3). The
paleospinothalamic pathway also activates brain stem nuclei which are the origin of
descending pain suppression pathway regulating noxious input at the spinal cord level
(see next chapter).

Figure 2.3
The paleospinothalamic pathway.

The multisynaptic tracts which course via the reticular formation also project to the
PF-CM (IL) complex. There are extensive connections between the IL and the limbic
areas such as the cingulate gyrus and the insular cortex, which is thought to be involved
in processing the emotional components of pain. That is to say, the insular cortex
integrates the sensory input with the cortical cognitive components to elicit the response
to the sensation. The limbic structures, in turn, project to the hypothalamus and initiate
visceral responses to pain. The intralaminar nuclei also projects to the frontal cortex,
which in turn projects to the limbic structures where the emotional response to pain is

Archispinothalamic Pathway
The archispinothalamic tract is a multisynaptic diffuse tract or pathway and is
phylogenetically the oldest tract that carries noxious information. The first-order
nociceptive neurons make synaptic connections in Rexed layer II (substantia gelatinosa)
and ascend to laminae IV to VII. From lamina IV to VII, fibers ascend and descend in
the spinal cord via the multisynaptic propriospinal pathway surrounding the grey matter
to synapse with cells in the MRF-PAG area. Further multisynaptic diffuse pathways
ascend to the intralaminar (IL) areas of the thalamus (i.e., PF-CM complex) and also
send collaterals to the hypothalamus and to the limbic system nuclei. These fibers
mediate visceral, emotional and autonomic reactions to pain.

Figure 2.4
Summary of the three pathways carrying pain sensation.

Figure 2.4 summarizes the three major spinal thalamic pathways. Information
about bodily events is conveyed by primary sensory fibers to higher brain centers
through the dorsal column medial lemniscal pathways. This route is considered a "touch
pathway," separate from the spinal thalamic pathways. However, recent reports indicate
that the dorsal column can also carry noxious information from the viscera and
widespread skin regions.

2.2 Sources of Pain

Somatic Pain
Somatic pain can be classified as either:
1) cutaneous, superficial or peripheral pain and
2) deep pain.
Cutaneous, Superficial or Peripheral Pain. Pain that arises from the skin and
muscles or peripheral nerves themselves. In general, this pain has two components, the
initial response (a) followed by later response (b). These signals are transmitted via
different pathway.
Pricking pain reaches the CNS via neospinothalamic tract (i.e., LST) to the VPL
(or VPM) and to the SCI.
Burning and soreness pain resulting from tissue damage reaches the CNS via the
paleospinothalamic tract (AST) and archispinothalamic tract to brain stem nuclei and to
PF-CM complex, etc.
Deep pain. This pain arises from joint receptors tendons and fascia (i.e., deep
structures). The quality of deep pain is dull, aching or burning. Deep pain is
accompanied by a definite autonomic response associated with sweating and nausea,
changes in blood pressure and heart rate. Somatic deep pain reaches the CNS mainly via
the paleospinothalamic and archispinothalamic tract (Figure 2.4).
Reaction to Somatic Pain. Sudden, unexpected damage to the skin is followed by
three responses:
Startle response. This is a complex psychosomatic response to a sudden
unexpected stimulus which includes: A flexion reflex, postural readjustment and
orientation of the head and eyes to examine the damaged area.
Autonomic response. This response includes: NE and E release, ACTH and/or
cortisol release, and vasoconstriction and piloerection.
Behavioral response. This response includes: Vocalization, rubbing designed to
diminish pain, learning to respond to sudden pain and psychosomatic pain.

Visceral Pain
In the visceral organs, nociceptors respond to mechanical stimulation such as
pressure, tissue damage, and chemical stimulation.
Most noxious information carried by visceral afferents does not give rise to
conscious sensation. Visceral pain is diffuse, less precisely graded and typically
accompanied by slowing of the heart, lowered blood pressure, cold sweats and nausea.
It conveys also hunger, thirst, electrolyte balance, irregulation in the respiratory and
circulatory systems. Many of these signals reach the CNS bilaterally (Figure 7.6) by the
following three channels:
In the visceral organs, free nerve endings are scattered, and any stimulus that
excites these nerve endings causes visceral pain . Such stimuli include spasm of the
smooth muscle in a hollow viscus, or distention or stretching of the ligament, such as a
stone blocking the ureter or the gall ducts. Stretching of the tissues such as intestinal
obstruction can also provoke visceral pain. Visceral pain is also caused by chemical
means as a result of gastrointestinal lesions, and tumors as well as thrombosis of an
artery. In many cases, visceral pain is not localized to the site of its cause, rather in a
distant site.

Thalamic Pain
Stroke or occlusion in the thalamogeniculate artery (a branch of the posterior
cerebral artery), which supplies the lateroposterior half of the thalamus, can result in a
thalamic lesion, which is often accompanied by neurologic conditions several months
after the initial event. The condition is associated with a devastating intracranial pain in
the contralateral side of the thalamic lesion and sensory loss. In some cases, severe

facial pain is experienced without any sensory loss. The pain resulting from an
intracranial lesion is also termed "central pain."
Lesions in the spinothalamic tract and its targets of termination as well as local
manifestations of diencephalic lesions are usually complex. They can induce alteration
of sensory, motor and endocrine components because of the functional diversity of the
thalamus. Subjects with this syndrome experience spontaneous aching and burning pain
in body regions where sensory stimuli normally do not lead to pain. Because the brain
and the spinal cord do not contain nociceptors, the pathological process presumably
directly stimulates nociceptive pathways, or it prevents the activation of the pain
suppression pathways. This condition is known also as thalamic pain syndrome or
Dejerive-Roussy syndrome.

Neuropathic Pain
Neuropathic pain is a sharp, shooting and devastating pain. It is a persistent pain
that arises from functional changes occurring in the CNS secondary to peripheral nerve
injury. Once the nerve is damaged, the damaged nerve elicits sustained activation of
nociceptors and/or nociceptive afferents. The neuropathic pain is due to an abnormal
activation of the nociceptive system without specifically stimulating the nociceptors.
Neuroplastic changes occurring in the CNS secondary to the afferent barrage are
believed to culminate in CNS neuronal hyperexcitability. Many scientists suggest that
“sensitization” of the nervous system following injury is a factor in neuropathic pain.
Neuropathic pain can usually be controlled by anti-inflammatory drugs and opioids. In
some cases, such as in diabetics, AIDS, cancer, etc., no treatment or relief is available to
neuropathic pain. Neuropathic pain should not be confused with neurogenic pain, a term
used to describe pain resulting from injury to a peripheral nerve but without necessarily
implying any neuropathy.

Psychosomatic Pain
Psychic reaction to pain includes all the well-known responses to pain such as
anguish, anxiety, crying, depression, nausea and excess muscular excitability through
the body. These reactions vary tremendously from one person to another following a
comparable degree of pain stimuli. The sensation of pain can be influenced by
emotions, past experiences and suggestions. The same stimulus can elicit different
responses in different subjects under the same conditions.
Recently, Positron Emission Tomography (PET) has been used to study pain
pathways and psychosomatic pain centers. For example, volunteers had their hands
dipped in hot water (50° C) while they were conscious. They then dipped their hand
again in hot water (50° C) after a post-hypnotic suggestion that the pain would be either
more or less unpleasant than the first time. The PET scans of their brains showed that
activity in the anterior cingulate cortex changed in accordance with how unpleasant they
expected the pain to be. However, the intensity in the primary somatosensory cortex
remained constant (i.e., the emotional component of pain is independent of its

Referred Pain
Referred pain is a painful sensation at a site other than the injured one. The pain is
not localized to the site of its cause (visceral organ) but instead is localized to a distant
site. One possible exception is that the axons carry pain information from the viscera
enter into the spinal cord by the same route as the cutaneous pain sensation axons.
Within the spinal cord there is a convergence of the information on the same
nocineurons. This convergence gives rise to the phenomenon of referred pain. For
example, pain associated with angina pectoris, or myocardial infarction is referred to the
left chest, left shoulder, and upper left arm (Figure 2.5). Pain resulting from distention
of the colon is referred to the periumbilical area
Cardiac pain is referred to the left hand. The left hand and the heart are developed
from the same myotome and innervated by the same nerve.

Figure 2.5
Area of referred pain (i.e., pain originating from the gall bladder is referred
to the right chest and back).

The following are some hypothesis to explain referred pain

1. Common dermatome hypothesis. When pain is referred, it is usually to a
structure that developed from the same embryonic segment or dermatome as the
structure in which the pain originates. Radiating pain down the left arm is the
result of a myocardial infarction (Figure 2.6), or pain originating from the
shoulder (dermatomes 3-5).
2. Convergence and facilitation theories (Figure 2.7). Inputs from visceral and
skin receptors converge on the same spinal cord neuron (i.e., viscerosomatic
neurons). Therefore, visceral pain is referred to skin area because the
nociceptors' terminals from the viscera terminate in the spinal cord on the same
neurons that receive input from the skin.

Figure 2.6
Convergence in referred pain is carried via the paleospinothalamic tract.

3. Facilitation or irritable focus. Pain impulses from the viscera alone are unable to
pass directly from spinal cord neurons to the brain, but create an "irritable focus".
When visceral and skin impulses arrive together, the information transmitted to

higher centers and the brain interprets the pain as being from the skin (Figure

Figure 2.7
Convergence of referred pain.

Learned phenomenon. Visceral information arrives in the CNS. However, the brain
interprets that the impulses originate from the site of a previous surgical operation,
trauma or localized pathologic process.

Phantom (illusory) Pain

Phantom or illusory pain is the experience of pain without any signals from
nociceptors. It occurs in a subject with previous injuries such as amputation in which
the dorsal roots are literally absent from the cord. Even though no sensory signals can
enter the cord, the subject often feels extreme pain in the denervated parts of the body.
For example, an amputee will often apparently feel pain in a part of his body that has
been removed. The phenomenon of phantom limb pain is a common experience after a
limb has been amputated or its sensory roots have been destroyed in which the pain is
felt in a part of the body that no longer exists. Pain from an amputated arm is referred to
the viscera as a result of disruption to the “balance” between different peripheral inputs
to the dorsal horn. A complete break of the spinal cord also often leads to a phantom
body pain below the level of the break. The source of phantom pain is complex and not
well understood. It has been suggested that there may be abnormal discharges 1) from
the remaining cut ends of nerves which grow into nodules called neuromas, 2) from
overactive spinal neurons, 3) from abnormal flow of signals through the somatosensory
cortex, or 4) from burst-firing neurons in the thalamus.

2.3 Acute Pain

Acute pain arises from activation of nociceptors for a limited time and is not
associated with significant tissue damage (e.g., a pin prick).

2.4 Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is prolonged pain lasting for months or longer that arises from tissue
injury, inflammation, nerve damage, tumor growth, lesion or occlusion of blood vessels.
Chronic or inflammatory pain can sensitize (see "Sensitization" below) the nervous
system, evoking chemical, functional, and even structural changes that serve to “prime
the pain-processing pump”. Chronic pain, such as lower back pain, rheumatoid and
osteoarthritis, and headache (see "Headaches" below) may result from constant
inflammatory activity which activates G proteins. In some cases, the pain persists long
after the injury heals, but there is no treatment that will eliminate the pain.

One possible explanation for chronic pain is a phenomenon called sensitization.
Following continuation and prolong noxious stimulation, nearby silent nociceptive
neurons that previously were unresponsive to stimulation, now become responsive. In
addition, some of the chemicals produced and released at the injured site also alter the
physiological properties of nociceptors. The nociceptors begin to initiate pain signals
spontaneously, which cause chronic pain. In addition, weak stimuli, such as a light
touch that previously had no effect on these nociceptors, will further activate the
nociceptors which result in severe pain signals. This phenomenon is referred to as
“peripheral sensitization.” The outcome of peripheral sensitization results in a greater
and more persistent barrage of nerve impulses firing in the CNS. The persistent barrage
of nerve impulses results in long-term changes in nerve cell activity at the level of the
spinal cord and higher centers in the brain. This phenomena is referred to as “central
sensitization”. It appears that peripheral and central sensitization persists after the injury
apparently has healed. The sensitization of nociceptive neurons after injury results from
the release of different chemicals from the damaged area. It is known that substance P
and calcitonin gene-related peptides are released from peripheral nerve ending which
stimulate most cells to release algesic substances which further potentiates the pain
from the injury. In contrast, central sensitization resulting from severe and persistent
injury which cause prolonged release of glutamate on nociceptive dorsal horn cells, this
constant glutamate release via G protein dependant phosphorylation cascades results in
opening of postsynaptic ion channels gated by the NMDA receptors. This phenomenon
is also termed "wind up." This activation produces hyperexcitability of the dorsal horn
cells and causes "central sensitization." Pain experts now agree that treating chronic
pain early and aggressively yields the best results and prevents patients from developing
physical and psychological conditions that could worsen the pain.

Fibromyalgia is characterized by widespread chronic pain throughout the body,
including fatigue, anxiety and depression. It is now believed that it has a genetic
component which tends to run in families.

A headache is a poorly understood type of pain that can be either acute or chronic.
There are about 300 different types and causes of headaches. The following are some
categories of disorders associated with headaches:

Intracranial structural disease

Infectious disease
Cerebrovascular ischemia
Cerebral vein thrombosis
Metabolic disease
Toxic exposures
Extracranial pressure disorders
Vasculitis and collagen vascular disease
Hemorrhage (parenchymal and subarachnoid)
Withdrawal syndromes
Severe hypertension
Dental, cranial vault, TMJ, and myofascial disorders
Cervical spine and occipitocervical junction disorders

2.5 Summary
Because of the importance of warning signals of dangerous circumstances, several
nociception pathways are involved to transmitting these signals and some of them are

The neospinothalamic tract conducts fast pain (via A delta fibers) and provides
information of the exact location of the noxious stimulus, and the multisynaptic

paleospinothalamic and archispinothalamic tracts conduct slow pain (via C fibers), a
pain which is poorly localized in nature. (Figure 2.4)

Pain activates many brain areas, which link sensation, perception, emotion,
memory and motor reaction. Therefore, many pain clinics target their treatments to
block the perception of pain using psychosomatic means of treatments such as
biofeedback, hypnosis, physical therapy, electrical stimulation, and acupuncture-
multimodal treatment.

3.Pain Modulation and Mechanisms

3.1 Pain Modulation

Most, if not all, ailments of the body cause pain. Pain is interpreted and perceived
in the brain. Pain is modulated by two primary types of drugs that work on the brain:
analgesics and anesthetics. The term analgesic refers to a drug that relieves pain without
loss of consciousness. The term central anesthesia refers to a drug that depresses the
CNS. It is characterized by the absence of all perception of sensory modalities,
including loss of consciousness without loss of vital functions.

Opiate Analgesia (OA)

The most effective clinically used drugs for producing temporary analgesia and
relief from pain are the opioid family, which includes morphine, and heroin. There are
currently no other effective pain therapeutic alternatives to opiates. Several side effects
resulting from opiate use include tolerance and drug dependence (addiction). In general,
these drugs modulate the incoming pain information in the spinal and central sites, as
well as relieve pain temporarily, and are also known as opiate producing analgesia
(OA). Opiate antagonist is a drug that antagonizes the opioid effects, such as naloxone
or maltroxone, etc. They are competitive antagonists of opiate receptors. The brain has a
neuronal circuit and endogenous substances to modulate pain.

Endogenous Opioids
Much of what we know about the central mechanisms of pain control comes from
experiments in which electrical and pharmacological stimuli were applied to certain
areas of rat and human brains.
When an electrode is implanted in and used to apply an electrical stimulus to the
periaqueductal grey matter of a rat’s brain, the initial effect, as determined from the rat’s
behaviour, is analgesic. This electrical stimulus may also reduce the activity that a
nociceptive stimulus normally generates in the neurons of the dorsal horn of the spinal

cord. But this same stimulus has no effect on the rat’s sense of touch or sensitivity to
Neurosurgeons have successfully relieved severe pain in human patients by means
of electrodes implanted close to the periaqueductal grey matter in their brains. This
technique, known as deep brain stimulation (DBS), has been used since the 1980s to
treat recalcitrant pain.
Researchers suspected very early on that this electrical stimulation might produce
this analgesia by causing the release of endorphins, in part because administering
naloxone, an opiate antagonist, blocked this analgesic effect.
More direct evidence was obtained when local microinjections of morphine into
the periaqueductal grey matter were found to produce a strong analgesic effect. This
microinjection method enabled researchers to identify several areas of the medulla
oblongata that are involved in suppressing pain, such as the nucleus raphe magnus, the
giganto-cellular nucleus, and the lateral reticular nucleus of the solitary tract. But
depending on which part of the periaqueductal grey matter received the electrical
stimulus, naloxone did not always block the analgesia, which indicated that the
descending pain-control pathways utilize several other neurotransmitters besides
opioids. For example, neuroscientists now have extensive knowledge of the
serotonergic pathways descending from the raphe nuclei and have learned that serotonin
antagonists can also cancel out the analgesic effect produced by electrical stimulation of
the brain.
Opioidergic neurotransmission is found throughout the brain and spinal cord and
appears to influence many CNS functions, including nociception, cardiovascular
functions, thermoregulation, respiration, neuroendocrine functions, neuroimmune
functions, food intake, sexual activity, aggressive locomotor behavior as well as
learning and memory. Opioids exert marked effects on mood and motivation and
produce euphoria.
Three classes of opioid receptors have been identified: μ-mu, δ-delta and κ-kappa.
All three classes are widely distributed in the brain. The genes encoding each one of
them have been cloned and found to be members of the G protein receptors. Moreover,
three major classes of endogenous opioid peptides that interact with the above opiate
receptors have been recognized in the CNS: β-endorphins, enkephalins and the
dynorphins. These three opioid peptides are derived from a large protein precursor by
three different genes: the proopiomelanocortin (POMC) gene, the proenkephalin gene
and the prodynorphin gene. The opioid peptides modulate nociceptive input in two
ways: 1) block neurotransmitter release by inhibiting Ca2+ influx into the presynaptic
terminal, or 2) open potassium channels, which hyperpolarizes neurons and inhibits
spike activity. They act on various receptors in the brain and spinal cord. Enkephalins
are considered the putative ligands for the δ receptors, β endorphins for the μ-receptors,
and dynorphins for the κ receptors. The various types of opioid receptors are distributed
differently within the central and peripheral nervous system. There is evidence for
functional differences in these receptors in various structures. This explains why many
unwanted side effects occur following opiate treatments. For example, mu (μ) receptors
are widespread in the brain stem parabrachial nuclei, a respiratory center and inhibition
of these neurons elicits respiratory depression.
Central or peripheral terminals of nociceptive afferent fibers contain opiate
receptors where exogenous and endogenous opioids could act to modulate the ability to
transmit nociceptive information. Moreover, high densities of opiate receptors are found
in periaqueductal gray (PAG), nucleus raphe magnus (NRM), and dorsal raphe (DR) in
the rostral ventral medulla, in the spinal cord, caudate nucleus (CN), septal nucleus,
hypothalamus, habenula and hippocampus. Additional detailson opiate receptors is
provided later in this lecture.
Systemically administered opioids at analgesic doses activate spinal and
supraspinal mechanisms via μ, δ, and κ type opioid receptors and modulate pain signals.

3.2 Neuronal Circuits that Modulate Pain

For many years it was suggested that somewhere in the CNS there is a circuit that
can modulate incoming pain information. The gate control theory and the
ascending/descending pain transmission system are two suggestions of such a circuit.

Gate Control theory
The first pain modulatory mechanism called the "Gate Control" theory was
proposed by Melzack and Wall in the mid 1960s. The concept of the gate control theory
is that non-painful input closes the gates to painful input, which results in prevention of
the pain sensation from traveling to the CNS (i.e., non-noxious input [stimulation]
suppresses pain).

Figure 3.1
The gate control theory of pain modulation. The gate control theory is based
on presynaptic inhibition of pain information produced by mechanical stimulation,
and provides the basic rationale for the TENS.

The theory suggests that collaterals of the large sensory fibers carrying cutaneous
sensory input activate inhibitory interneurons, which inhibit (modulate) pain
transmission information carried by the pain fibers. Non-noxious input suppresses pain,
or sensory input “closes the gate” to noxious input (Figure 3.1). The gate theory predicts

that at the spinal cord level, non-noxious stimulation will produce presynaptic inhibition
on dorsal root nociceptor fibers that synapse on nociceptors spinal neurons (T), and this
presynaptic inhibition will block incoming noxious information from reaching the CNS
(i.e., will close the gate to incoming noxious information).
The gate theory was the rationale for the idea behind the production and the use of
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) for pain relief. To be effective, the
TENS unit produces two different current frequencies below the pain threshold that can
be tolerated by the patient. This procedure has partial success in pain therapy.

Stimulation produced analgesia (SPA)

Evidence for an intrinsic analgesia system was demonstrated by intracranial
electrical stimulation of certain discrete brain sites. These areas are the periaqueductal
gray (PAG) and nucleus raphe magnus (NRM), dorsal raphe (DR), caudate nucleus
(CN), septal nucleus (Spt) and other nuclei. Such stimulation inhibits pain, (i.e.,
producing analgesia without behavioral suppression), while the touch, pressure and
temperature sensation remain intact. SPA is more pronounced and lasts a longer time
after stimulation in humans than in experimental animals. Moreover, during SPA, the
subjects still respond to nonpainful stimuli such as touch and temperature within the
circumscribed area of analgesia. The most effective CNS sites for SPA are the PAG and
the raphe nuclei (RN).

Figure 3.2
Periaqueductal gray and raphe nucleus stimulation produces analgesia.

Electrical stimulation of PAG or NRM inhibits spinal thalamic cells, (i.e. spinal
neurons that project monosynaptically to the thalamus) in laminae I, II and V so that the
noxious information from the nociceptors are modulated at the spinal cord level. PAG
has neuronal connections to NRM.
The action of the PAG most likely occurs by activation of the descending pathway
from NRM and probably also by activation of ascending connections acting on higher
subcortical levels of the CNS. Moreover, electrical stimulation of PAG or NRM
produces behavioral analgesia, (i.e., stimulation produced analgesia, see (Figure 3.2).

Stimulation produced analgesia (SPA) elicits release of endorphin and is blocked by the
opiate antagonist naloxone.
During PAG and/or RN stimulation, serotonin (5-HT) is also released from
ascending and descending axons in subcortical nuclei, in spinal trigeminal nuclei and in
the spinal cord. This release of 5-HT modulates pain transmission by inhibiting
incoming sensory activity. Depletion of 5-HT by electrical lesion of the raphe nuclei or
by a neurotoxic lesion produced by local injection of a chemical agent like
parachlorophenylalanine (PCPA) results in blocking the ability of both opiate
(intracranial and systemic) and electrical stimulation to produce analgesia.

Stimulation Produced Analgesia (SPA) (continued)

To verify whether the electrical stimulation produced analgesia via the release of
opiate and serotonin, the area was locally microinjected with morphine or 5-HT. These
microinjections indeed produce analgesia (Figure 8.3). These procedures also provide a
method of identifying brain regions associated with pain suppression and help to
produce a map of pain centers. The most effective method of producing opiate analgesia
(OA) is by intracerebral injection of morphine into the PAG.
The PAG and RN and other brain structures where analgesia is produced are also
rich in opiate receptors. Intracerebral opioid administration produced analgesia and SPA
can be blocked by either systemic or by local microinjections of naloxone, the morphine
antagonist, into the PAG or RN. Therefore, it has been suggested that the two (OA and
SPA) operate by a common mechanism.
If OA and SPA act through the same intrinsic system, then the hypothesis that
opiates activate a pain-suppression mechanism is more likely. In fact, present evidence
indicates that microinjections of an opiate into the PAG activate an efferent brainstem
system that suppresses pain transmission at segmental (spinal cord) levels. These
observations indicate that analgesia elicited from the PAG requires a descending
pathway to the spinal cord.

Figure 8.3
Periaqueductal gray and raphe nucleus electrical stimulation produces

3.3 Pain Mechanisms

Ascending and Descending Pain Suppression Mechanism
The primary ascending pain fibers (the A δ and C fibers) reach the dorsal horn of
the spinal cord from peripheral sites to innervate the nociceptor neurons in Rexed
laminae I & II. Cells from Rexed lamina II make synaptic connections in Rexed layers
IV to VII. Cells, especially in laminae I and VII of the dorsal horn, give rise to
ascending spinothalamic tracts. At the spinal level, opiate receptors are located at the
presynaptic ends of the nocineurons and at the interneural level layers IV to VII in the

dorsal horn. Activation of opiate receptors at the interneuronal level produces
hyperpolarization of the neurons, which result in the inhibition of firing and the release
of substance P, a neurotransmitter involved in pain transmission, thereby blocking pain
transmission. The circuit that consists of the periaqueductal gray (PAG) matter in the
upper brain stem, the locus coeruleus (LC), the nucleus raphe magnus (NRM) and the
nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis (Rgc) contributes to the descending pain
suppression pathway, which inhibits incoming pain information at the spinal cord level.
As mentioned previously, opioids interact with the opiate receptors at different
CNS levels. These opiate receptors are the normal target sites for neurotransmitters and
endogenous opiates such as the endorphins and enkephalins. As a result of binding at
the receptor in subcortical sites, secondary changes which lead to a change in the
electrophysiological properties of these neurons and modulation of the ascending pain
What activates the PAG to exert its effects? It was found that noxious stimulation
excites neurons in the nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis (RGC). The nucleus Rgc
innervates both the PAG and NRM. The PAG sends axons to NRM, and neurons in
NRM send their axons to the spinal cord. Moreover, bilateral dorsolateral funiculus
(DLF) lesions (DLFX) block the analgesia produced by both electrical stimulation and
by microinjection of opiates directly into the PAG and NRM, but they only attenuate the
systemic analgesic effects of opiates (Figure 8.4). These observations support the
hypothesis that discrete descending pathways in the DLF are necessary for both OA and
The DLF is comprised of fibers originating from several brainstem nuclei, which
are serotonergic (5-HT) from neurons located within the nucleus raphe magnus (NRM);
dopaminergic neurons originating from ventral tegmental area (VTA) and adrenergic
neurons originating from the locus coeruleus (LC). These descending fibers suppress
noxious input at the nociceptive spinal cord neurons in laminae I, II, and V.
Opiate receptors have also been found in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, mainly
in Rexed laminae I, II, and V, and these spinal opiate receptors mediate inhibitory
effects on dorsal horn neurons transmitting nociceptive information. The action of
morphine appears to be exerted both in the spinal cord and brainstem nuclei (i.e., PAG
and NRM). Systemic morphine acts on both brain stem and spinal cord opiate receptors
to produce analgesia. Morphine binds the brainstem opiate receptors, which activates
the brainstem descending serotonergic pathway to spinal cord (i.e., the DLF), and they
have an opioid-mediated synapse at the level of the spinal cord.
This observation suggests that noxious stimuli (rather than non-noxious stimulus -
see Gate Theory) are critical for activation of the descending pain modulation circuit
(i.e., pain suppresses pain via the descending DLF pathway).
In addition, there are ascending connections from the PAG and raphe nuclei to PF-
CM complex. These thalamic areas are part of the ascending pain modulation at the
diencephalon level.

Stress-Induced Analgesia (SIA)

Analgesia may be produced in certain stressful situations. Exposure to a variety of
painful or stressful events produces an analgesic reaction. This phenomenon is called
stress induced analgesia (SIA). SIA has been thought to provide insight into the
psychological and physiological factors that activate endogenous pain control and
opiate systems. For example, soldiers wounded in battle or athletes injured in sports
events sometimes report that they do not feel pain during the battle or game; however,
they will experience the pain later after the battle or game has ended. It has been
demonstrated (in animals) that electrical shocks cause stress-induced analgesia. Based
on these experiments, it is assumed that the stress the soldiers and the athletes
experienced suppressed the pain which they would later experience.
It has been suggested that endogenous opiates are released in response to stress and
inhibit pain by activating the midbrain descending system. Moreover, some SIA
exhibited cross tolerance with opiate analgesia, which indicates that this SIA is
mediated via opiate receptors. Experiments using different parameters of electrical
shock stimulation demonstrate that such stress produces analgesia and some of these
stresses that produce analgesia could be blocked by the opioid antagonist naloxone,

whereas others were not blocked by naloxone. These observations lead to the
conclusion that both opiate and non-opiate forms of SIA exist.

8.4 Summary
The modulation of pain by electrical brain stimulation results from the activation
of descending inhibitory fibers, which modulate (block) the input and output of laminae
I, II, V and VII neurons. The route from the PAG to the spinal cord is not direct. It
appears to involve a link with the 5-HT-rich raphe nuclei, as well as norepinephrine
(NE) from the locus coeruleus (LC) and dopamine (DA) from the ventral tegmental area
(VTA). Axons from the raphe nuclei, locus coeruleus and VTA project to the spinal
cord dorsal horn by way of the DLF to terminate in lamina I, II and IV to VII (i.e.,
stimulation of NRM, VTA and LC inhibits the neuronal activity of lamina I, II and IV
to VII neurons).
Opioid and serotonergic antagonists reverse both local opiate analgesia and brain-
stimulation produced analgesia. This suggests that OA and SPA are produced via the
same descending inhibitory system.
In conclusion, in the CNS, much of the information from the nociceptive afferent
fibers results from excitatory discharges of multireceptive neurons. The pain
information in the CNS is controlled by ascending and descending inhibitory systems,
using endogenous opioids, or other endogenous substances like serotonin as inhibitory
mediators. In addition, a powerful inhibition of pain-related information occurs in the
spinal cord. These inhibitory systems can be activated by brain stimulation,
intracerebral microinjection of morphine, and peripheral nerve stimulation. Centrally
acting analgesic drugs activate these inhibitory control systems. However, pain is a
complex perception that is influenced also by prior experience and by the context within
which the noxious stimulus occurs. This sensation is also influenced by emotional state.
Therefore, the response to pain varies from subject to subject.

Control questions:
Initial level of the knowledge
1. Anatomy of the Spinal cord
1. The types of Pain and their qualities – fast Pain and slow Pain.
2. Pain receptors and their stimulation:
a). pain receptors are free nerve endings;
b). three types of stimuli excite Pain receptors – mechanical, thermal and chemical;
c). nonadapting nature of Pain receptors.
3. Rate of tissue damage as a stimulus for Pain:
a). special importance of chemical Pain stimuli during tissue damage;
b). tissue ischemia as cause of Pain;
c). muscle spasm as cause of Pain.
4. Pain suppression ( “Analgesia”) System in the Brain and Spinal cord:
a).Brain’s Opiate system – Endorphins and Enkephalins;
b). Inhibition of Pain transmission by simultaneous active sensory signals;
5. Referred Pain and Visceral Pain:
a). causes of true visceral Pain (ischemia; chemical stimuli; spasm of Hollow
viscus; over distention of a Visceral Pain; intensive viscera)
b).”Parietal Pain” caused by visceral Disease;
6. Headache:
a). … of intracranial origin;
b). extracranial types of Headache.

Practical skills

TASK1. Look at these figures. Write the explanations about the reasons for
referred pain. Put information about the sites of referred pain in this table.

organ region of referred pain




liver and
and small
right kidney

left kidney



TASK 2. Look at these figures. Write the explanations about the pain inhibitory
system. Put information in this table.

Hormonal pain inhibitory system Neuronal pain inhibitory system
Substance action Substance action

TASK3. Look at this figure, note morphologic components for this Pain pathway.
Write an explanation of the transmission of pain signals into the hindbrain, thalamus
and cortex via (the fast “pricking pain» pathway and the slow “burring pain» pathway).

TASK8. Look at this figure. Write an explanation about it. Distribution of

curve obtained from a large number of persons shoving the minimal skin
temperature that will cause pain.

43 44 45 46 47
temperature (C°)

TASK9. Look at this figure “Areas of headache”. Note its morphologic zones and
write an explanation about reasons of headache.

TASK10. Write the explanations for clinical tasks

1.What is the hyperesthesia, analgesia, parestesia?

TASK14. The examination of pain.

This experiment is concerned with the fast component (or first pain) of the pain
sensation. The stimulus for pain is potential or actual damage to the tissues. Note,
however, that in the following experiment very little pressure is needed to elicit this
type of pain.
Draw a 3 cm square on the back of one of the subject's hands, and divide it into a 4
squares. Blindfold the subject, or have him close his eyes. Using a blood lancet, or a
sharp pin, apply brief and light stimuli within the squares. Map out the pain-sensitive
spots within the grids (the areas in between the pain spots will be pain-insensitive). Note
that the subject should report with a "yes" when the stimulus elicits pain and not when
the stimulus can be detected as causing only touch/pressure sensation. Record your
results in the grids drawn in your work book.


1. All of the following are released in response to noxious stimulation at the

damaged site(s) EXCEPT:
A. Globulin
B. Dopamine
C. Arachnoid Acid
D. Acetylcholine
E. Histamine

2. C fibers transmit which type of pain?
A. Pricking pain
B. Stimulation produced analgesia
C. Referred pain
D. Burning pain
E. Sharp pain

3. C fibers are
A. small myelinated fibers which carry sharp pain
B. large unmyelinated fibers which carry burning pain
C. small unmyelinated fibers which carry burning pain
D. large myelinated fibers which carry sharp pain
E. large myelinated fibers which carry temperature sensation

4. Aspirin acts to block the formation of
A. Bradykinins
B. Prostaglandins
C. Histamine
D. Dopamine
E. Serotonin

5. A delta fibers transmit primarily
A. burning diffuse pain information
B. pricking localized pain information
C. aching diffuse pain information
D. visceral pain information
E. phantom pain information

6. Pain receptors/nociceptors are
A. bipolar cells
B. free nerve endings
C. epithelial receptors
D. Pacinian corpuscles
E. Meissner corpuscles

7. A. two different pain receptors
B. two different pathways, differing in the number of the synapses
C. two different fibers which conduct the impulses at different velocities
D. two different neurotransmitters
E. two different neuropeptides

8. A delta fibers transmit which type of pain to VPL?
A. Pricking pain
B. Deep pain
C. Visceral pain
D. Burning pain
E. Aching pain

9. Sharp pain, induced by a skin cut for example, is classified by
A. Burning pain
B. Aching pain
C. Somatic pain
D. Pricking pain
E. Visceral pain

10. A surgeon attempting to treat chronic pain from the pelvic region will suggest
to make a lesion in the:
A. somatosensory cortex
B. ventroposterior medial thalamus
C. anterior white commissure
D. dorsal column
E. anterior lateral funiculus

11. In Brown-Sequard syndrome:
A. Tactile and pain sensation are lost contralaterally at different levels below the
B. Thermal sensation is lost in the ipsilateral side above the lesion.
C. Kinesthetic and tectile senses are lost ipsilaterally below the lesion.
D. The withdrawal reflex is lost.
E. Atrophy is developed in the muscles below the lesion.
12. Sharp localized pain is transmitted by:
A. archispinothalamic tract
B. Paleospinothalamic tract
C. Neospinothalamic tract
D. Sympathetic nerves
E. Parasympathetic nerves

13. Select the best answer: Pain impulses arising within the abdominal and thoracic
cavities may reach the CNS by:
A. somatic nerves innervating
B. sympathetic nerves
C. parasympathetic nerves
D. none of the above
E. all of the above

14. At the level of the ventral trigeminothalamic tract, pain fibers are generally
crossed or uncrossed?
A. Crossed
B. Uncrossed

15. Cell bodies of first order pelvic visceral pain fibers are found in:
A. dorsal root ganglion
B. mesentric ganglion
C. superior cervical ganglia
D. inferior cervical ganglion
E. middle cervical ganglion

16. The following pathway is sectioned in a chordotomy for the treatment of pain:
A. Lateral spinothalamic tract
B. Ipsilateral dorsal column
C. Corticospinal tract
D. Spinocerebellar pathway
E. Spino-olivary tract

17. According to the descending pain suppression theory,
A. Descending spinothalamic fibers produce presynaptic inhibition of Rexed
lamina VII neurons.
B. Pain stimuli activate descending fibers in the dorsolateral fasciculus.
C. Mechanical stimulation produces descending postsynaptic inhibition of Rexed
lamina VIII neurons.
D. Transection of the dorsal column blocks the descending fibers producing
E. Descending corticospinal fibers produce postsynaptic inhibition of nociceptive
spinal neurons will not affect pain sensation.

18. The Melzack-Wall gate theory refers to:
A. Ascending pain suppression system.
B. Non-noxious input suppresses pain at the spinal cord.
C. Electrical simulation-produced analgesia.
D. Cortical control system suppresses pain.
E. Descending pain suppression system.

19. Electrical stimulation in the periaqueductal gray elicits:
A. Circular movement
B. Analgesia
C. Catatonia
D. Tremors
E. Hyperactivity

20. The following nuclei are involved in the serotonergic descending modulation
system of pain:
A. Locus coeruleus
B. Central gray
C. Ventral trigeminal area
D. Raphe nuclei
E. Ventro-posterior medial thalamus

21. Nociceptors (pain receptors) include what type of nerves?
A. Group I
B. Group II
C. Group III
D. Group IV
E. more than one of the above

22. The fact that different thermoreceptors have overlapping receptive fields allows
us to respond to a range of temps
A. True
B. False
23. Thresholds are ____ for touch and temperature and ____ for pain.
A. high; low
B. high; high
C. low; high
D. low; low

24. When there is damage to cells, the cells will release lots of ___ which will then
stimulat the nociceptors.
A. Na
B. K
C. Cl
D. H

25.Pain, temperature and touch information synapses in the ______ horn of the
spinal cord in either the _________ or __________
A. ventral horn; substantia gelationsa; nucleus proprius
B. dorsal horn; substantia gelationsa; nucleus proprius
C. ventral horn; gracile fasculus; cuneate fasciculus
D. dorsal horn; substantia gelationsa; nucleus proprius

26. Central connections (body) for pain and temp is sent through the _________
tract to the ____ of the thalamus.
A. Spinothalamic ; VPM
B. Trigeminothalamic; VPM
C. Spinothalamic; VPL
D. Trigeminothalamic; VPL

27. Central connections (for the head) synapse first in the spinal cord
A. True
B. False

28. The trigeminothalamic tract synapses inthe ___ of the thalamus
C. post central gyrus
D. reticular formation

29. The trigeminothalamic tract sends info to the:
A. hypothalamus
B. Brodmann area 3,1,2
C. reticular formation
D. all of the above
E. 2 of the above

30. The homonculus motor cortex is on the ___________ and the homonculus
sensory cortex is on the _____________
A. post central gyrus; pre central gyrus
B. pre central gyrus; post central gyrus

31. Pain in an area where a limb has been amputated is referred to as...
A. Imaginary pain
B. Sheer pain
C. Invisible pain
D. Phantom pain

32. What causes us to feel pain?
A. Nerve endings
B. The brain
C. Both of the above
D. Neither of the above

33. he terms "arthralgia" and "neuralgia" refer to pain located where?
A. Joints and teeth
B. Arteries and nerves
C. Joints and nerves
D. Joints, nerves, arteries, and teeth

34. The medical community measures pain on a scale of...
A. Zero to 10
B. One to 30
C. Zero to 50
D. One to 100

35. he pain reliever morphine is derived from which substance?
A. Lead
B. Opium
C. Sugar
D. Lithium

36. If you are in a state of analgesia, you are...
A. Unable to stop pain
B. Unable to feel pain
C. Unable to locate pain
D. Medically in shock because of pain

36. Some people say they feel pain in their hair.
A. True
B. False

37. Pain is always a sign that something is wrong.

38. Redheads may be more sensitive to pain than people with other hair colors.
A. True
B. False

39. The most common painful condition is:
A. Headache
B. Low back pain
C. Cancer pain
D. Arthritis

40. Growing pains are real.
A. True
B. False

41. Weather changes can trigger pain for people with:
A. Asthma
B. Arthritis
C. Migraine headaches
D. All of the above

42. Women have a higher threshold for pain.
A. True
B. False

43. The difference between chronic pain and acute pain is:
A. The intensity of the pain
B. How long the pain lasts
C. Where the pain is
D. When the pain comes on

44. Exercise can help reduce pain over time.
A. True
B. False

45. Icing a sprain:
A. Returns soft tissue to normal
B. Decreases swelling
C. Increases circulation

46. If you have arthritis, you have:
A. Any of a group of more than 100 medical conditions
B. A condition that only affects seniors
C. A condition that never affects children

47. Positive thinking about pain:
A. Can reduce pain-related activity in the brain
B. Has no impact
C. Makes pain worse

48. Mr. John Thomas experiences visceral pain around the upper left lung. All of
the following carry this nociceptive information EXCEPT the:
A. somatic nerves
B. paleospinothalamic tract
C. sympathetic nerves
D. neospinothalamic tract
E. archispinothalamic tract

49. A toothache can be a symptom of:
A. Eczema
B. Sinusitis
C. Alopecia
D. Hyperthyroidism

50. Cell bodies of first order pelvic visceral pain fibers are found in:
A. dorsal root ganglion
B. mesentric ganglion
C. superior cervical ganglia
D. inferior cervical ganglion
E. middle cervical ganglion

51. Stimulation of nociceptors results in the sensation of
A. Touch
B. Light
C. Pain
D. Heat
E. Cold

52. Where is the right answer? The center of Pain sensation is in the ………
A. anterior nerve root ganglia
B. posterior nerve root ganglia
C. Cerebellum
D. Midbrain
E. post central gyrus of parietal cortex

53. The doctor diagnosed a referred pain at the left part of arm and shoulder. What
visceral organ can be in hurt?
A. Diaphragm
B. Kidney
C. Heart
D. Testis
E. Gallbladder

54. Which of the following is true about visceral pain?
A.I t is stimulated by cutting
B. It is stimulated in organs
C. It is easily pinpointed
D. It is stimulated by hot or cold
E. all of the above

55. The hypersensitivity to pain is......
A. Analgesia
B. Paralgesia
C. Hyperalgesia
D. Hypoalgesia
E. Parastesia

56. The Pain receptors are:
A. Free nervous endings
B. Pachini bodies
C. Merkel disks
D. Rufini bodies
E. Pachini bodies and Merkel Disks

57. Naked nerve endings are the terminal ends of dendrites of sensory neurons and
are responsible for which of the following sensations?
A .Pain
B. Pressure
C. Limb position
D. None of the above
E. all of the above

58.Where is a right answer? The first order neurones of Pain sensation from skin
are the cells in the ………
A. anterior nerve root ganglia
B. posterior nerve root ganglia
C. Cerebellum
D. midbrain
E. post central gyrus of parietal cortex

59. The doctor diagnosed a referred pain at the patient’s epigastric region. What
visceral organ can
be in hurt?
A. Diaphragm
B. Kidney
C. Heart
D. Testis
E. Gallbladder
60.The abnormal pain sensation is ......
A .analgesia
B. Paralgesia
C. Hyperalgesia
D. Hypoalgesia
E. Parastesia

61.What this dermatome?
A. This is special zone of the lobe cortex
B. This is segmental field of the skin which innervates by spinal nerve
C. This is special zone of the parietal cortex
D. This is thoracic zone of the skin
E. This is lumbar zone of the skin

62.This type of pain can occur both in the skin and in almost any deep tissue and
A. Acute pain
B. Electric pain
C. Throbbing pain
D. Pricking pain
E. Sharp pain

Correct answers:

1 – B, 2 – D, 3 – C, 4 – B, 5 – B, 6 – B, 7 – C, 8 – A, 9 –B, 10 –E,

11 – C, 12 - C, 13 – A, 14 – A, 15 – A, 16 – A, 17 – D, 18 – B, 19 – B, 20 –D,

21 – B, 22- A, 23 –C, 24 – B, 25 – B, 26 –C, 27 – B, 28 – B, 29 – D, 30 – D,

31 – D, 32 – C, 33 – C, 34 – A, 35 – B, 36 – B, 37 – B, 38 – A, 39 – B, 40 –A,

41 – D, 42 – B,43 –B, 44 – A, 45 – B, 46 – A, 47 – A, 48 – D, 49 – B, 50 – A.

51 – C, 52 – E, 53 – C, 54 – A, 55 – C, 56 – A, 57 – A, 58 –B, 59 – E, 60 – B, 61 – B,

62 – C.

Recommended literature Basic:

1. A.C. Guyton. Textbook of Medical Physiology: Philadelphia, 2011, 1116p.

2. K.Sembulingam. Essentials of Medical Physiology. Jaypee, 2013, 895p.

3. Sujit K. Chaudhuri. Concise Medical Physiology.- New Central Book Agency,


4. Human physiology V.F. Hanong, Lvov: BaK, 2009. – 784p.

Additional literature:

5. Abrahamsen, B., J. Zhao, et al. (2008). "The cell and molecular basis of

mechanical, cold, and inflammatory pain." Science 321(5889): 702-705.

6. Andersson, D. A., C. Gentry, et al. (2011). "TRPA1 mediates spinal

antinociception induced by acetaminophen and the cannabinoid Delta(9)-

tetrahydrocannabiorcol." Nat Commun 2: 551.

7. Berthier, M., S. Starkstein, et al. (1988). "Asymbolia for pain: a sensory-limbic

8. disconnection syndrome." Ann Neurol 24(1): 41-49.

9. Foltz, E. L. and L. E. White, Jr. (1962). "Pain "relief" by frontal cingulumotomy."

J Neurosurg 19: 89-100.

10. Gassner, M., R. Ruscheweyh, et al. (2009). "Direct excitation of spinal

GABAergic interneurons by noradrenaline." Pain 145(1-2): 204-210.

11. Kawasaki, Y., E. Kumamoto, et al. (2003). "Alpha 2 adrenoceptor-mediated

presynaptic inhibition of primary afferent glutamatergic transmission in rat

substantia gelatinosa neurons." Anesthesiology 98(3): 682-689.

12. Li, Y. and J. S. Han (1989). "Cholecystokinin-octapeptide antagonizes morphine

13. analgesia in periaqueductal gray of the rat." Brain Res 480(1-2): 105-110.

14. Palecek, J. (2004). "The role of dorsal columns pathway in visceral pain." Physiol

Res 53Suppl 1: S125-130.

15. Ploner, M., H. J. Freund, et al. (1999). "Pain affect without pain sensation in a

patient with a postcentral lesion." Pain 81(1-2): 211-214.

16. Rainville, P., B. Carrier, et al. (1999). "Dissociation of sensory and affective

dimensions of pain using hypnotic modulation." Pain 82(2): 159-171.


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