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When we talk about assessment methods, these are the strategies,

techniques, tools and instruments for collecting information. It is one way to

determine the extent to which students demonstrate desired learning

outcomes. When choosing Appropriate Assessment tools, we should consider the

following; goals of assessment, methods of assessment (either direct or indirect), and the

interval in giving assessment.

The teacher may consider the following characteristics in selecting appropriate assessment

tools whether conventional or ICT-based assessment: First, measure the desired level of

performance (level of satisfaction, productivity, efficiency, student performance). Second,

cost effective in terms of effort, time and money. Third, useful that will produce results that

provide information that can be used in making decisions to improve student learning.

Fourth, reasonably accurate and truthful. Fifth, dependable, consistent responses over

time. And the last one, is evidence of being on-going, not once and done.

Assessment tools help instructors evaluate students' knowledge and make

informed decisions that improve their learning experience. Assessment tools

help participants measure their progress towards specific outcomes and

modify their behavior to meet those goals.

For us aspiring teachers it is important for us to know the different

assessment methods as well as the criteria in choosing right assessment tools.

I have learned that it is not just about choosing our desired assessment but it
should fit or should we say let us consider their capacity of strength in

answering the assessment that we are giving to them. Also we should

consider what will be our goals of this assessment, what will be the methods

we should use in giving this assessment and also the interval in giving this

assessment. All of these topics are important for us so we can be an effective

educator soon, especially that these generation are already advance when it

comes to technology.

Purok 17A, Hagkol, Valencia City

Reflection Paper


Education 3

(Technology for Teaching and Learning)

Presented to:

Mrs. Jean A. Akut


Submitted by:


BEED 2D irregular

1st Semester - S.Y. 2022-2023


Purok 17A, Hagkol, Valencia City

Reflection Paper


Education 3

(Technology for Teaching and Learning)

Presented to:

Mrs. Jean A. Akut


Submitted by:



1st Semester - S.Y. 2022-2023


Role of technology for Teaching and learning is technology in the classroom provides

teacher with more tools to support students. In addition to resources like textbooks and

worksheets. In this day and age, technology makes people move, technology makes the

world move, in fact most of us depend on or live through technology if there is no

technology their lives will not be easy or weak.

About education technology it is used to facilitate learning. It has three types of domains (a)

technology as a tutuor, (b) technology as a teaching tool, (c) technology as a learning tool,

their three domains have meaning. The technology as a tutor is to support teachers in

teaching other people or programming teachers who can be tutor themselves. The

technology as teaching tool , technology is a teaching tool but can never replace a teacher.

And finally the last is technology as a learning tool it is makes learning easy and effective.

In this topic we also have for teachers and teaching, we all know that nowadays we are

dependent on technology that's why in this part technology provides enormous support to

the teacher as the facilitator of learning, technology has modernized the teaching-learning

environment, technology improves teaching-learning process and ways of teaching,

technology adds to the competence of teachers and inculcates scientific but look and last is

technology supports teacher professional development. If we have teachers and teaching

we also have for learners and learning where to support learners to learn how to learn on

their own that there three parts (a) structural, (b) declarative, (c) procedural. Technology

enhances learner's communication skills through social interactions. Technology upgrade

learners high order thinking skills. The role of technology for Teaching and learning have 7

creative strategies, S for substitute that means find something else to replace to what it
does. C for combine that blend two things that do not usually go together. A for Adapt

where to look for other ways this can be used. M for Modify/Magnifying/Minify that makes

a change, enlarge or decrease. P for put to another use where to find other uses. E for

eliminate where to reduce, remove and the last is R for reverse that turn upside down,

inside out, front side back.


Purok 17A, Hagkol, Valencia City


Reflection Paper


Mathematics 1

(Teaching Mathematics in Elementary Grade)

Presented to:

Mrs. Jean A. Akut


Submitted by:



1st Semester - S.Y. 2022-2023


A reflection paper is an academic work that can express your thoughts and observations on

a particular subject. This type of document can communicate your ideas and emotions

linked to an experience or a text. A reflection paper can describe your understanding of a

topic and now this may influence your beliefs.

To make a reflection paper it has step by step. First is understand and summarize the

material it's important that you review the material before writing the reflection paper.

Second is Analyze the material, typically, you analyze the thesis, argument or content of the

text before writing your reflection paper. Third select a theme, you can use your analysis of

the event or reading material to select theme for the paper. Fourth is make connections

between your opinions, you can make connections between your arguments to write and

prepare the paragraph sequence of your article. Fifth is begin with an introduction your

introductory paragraph contains the purpose and topic of the paper. Sixth is write the body

of the paper, this section of your reflection paper contains an in depth analysisof your thesis

statement. Seventh is end with good conclusion your summarizes the ideas and arguments

described in your paper. And the last is Proofread and edit, proofread your paper multiple

times before you submit it.

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