[FIXED] Progress in loading screen sometimes went beyond length of loading bar
[FIXED] FPS debug was hidden when loading maps
[FIXED] Map preview artifacts
[FIXED] Message "U.S.G.N.: Checking Game Version" was shown after being completed
[FIXED] Blurry player avatars
[FIXED] Sending many chat messages in one frame (via Lua) sometimes broke the
server connection
[FIXED] When selected map gets deleted, CS2D tried to load a map type category
instead of the first map
[FIXED] Missing map tileset sometimes wasn't transferred properly to clients
[FIXED] Melee weapon attack sounds were not played
[CHANGED] Improved performance when using OpenGL in windowed mode and VSync
[CHANGED] Improved anti_clock support with additional strength settings
[FIXED] Steam login verification when user name was changed recently
[FIXED] Client set wrong max health after picking up medikit
[FIXED] Hit registration malfunction after implementing VSync
[FIXED] Map change and leave screen fade out did not cover full screen
[FIXED] Buy menu weapon scaling for larger skins
[FIXED] "SABOTAGE!!!" achievement only worked in multiplayer matches (now vs bots
as well)
[CHANGED] Buy menu he, smoke, flash, kevlar skins
[CHANGED] Team select menu player graphics are now scaling with resolution
[CHANGED] Improved scoreboard sorting to prevent several issues
[CHANGED] In-game chat message character limit is now 50
[ADDED] Japanese localization, thanks to Amaguya (U.S.G.N. #11768)
[ADDED] 10 new weapon Steam achievements
[ADDED] Player chat muting in scoreboard using context menu (right click)
[ADDED] Left mouse click on scoreboard player to spectate
[ADDED] Language flags in language selection combo box
[ADDED] Language flag in bottom right corner of main menu for easy language
[FIXED] U.S.G.N. password file related console errors when not having entered any
U.S.G.N. password
[FIXED] Lua hook "log" was not invoked with actual log text when equal subsequent
logs were bundled
[FIXED] Turret range was too small for the new widescreen game resolution
[FIXED] Low quality smoke grenade particles were drawn under the player
[FIXED] Toilet and sink objects were disappearing near the screen corners
[FIXED] FPS influenced Animations, projectiles, particles and effects speed
[FIXED] 20ms player input delay
[FIXED] Shutdown when then the game reached low fps
[FIXED] Losing connection when loading advanced radar
[FIXED] Crash when using non-default sound drivers
[FIXED] After tabbing out and returning whole game was hidden by radar texture
[FIXED] Flashlight freezing after player death and other circumstances in the map
[FIXED] Screen flickering and game freeze when using radar (OpenGL)
[FIXED] Game showed error when loading gfx/buildings.png under certain
[FIXED] Projectiles disappearing after landing on obstacles
[FIXED] English translation is now hardcoded in game binary, fixing some bugs when
no translation is present
[FIXED] Mapcycle commands were not handled properly when they contained strings
with { or }
[FIXED] equip command now works properly with armors
[FIXED] strip command now works with armors (armor is set to 0 whenever stripping
any armor)
[FIXED] Changing a huge number of tiles at once with settile should not trigger
disconnects anymore
[FIXED] Critical error with logbatch setting having no effect at all
[FIXED] Crash when config.cfg file is missing
[CHANGED] Crosshair now scales smoothly (with float instead of int precision) if
ch_autoscale is 1
[CHANGED] Optimized low-detail fog
[CHANGED] Better and smoother hostage skins
[CHANGED] Player is drawn over obstacle shadow
[CHANGED] Wall cast shadows over obstacles
[CHANGED] Lighting engine version 3.0 (greater performance and more detailed
lighting effects)
[CHANGED] Console warning message when map background files are missing
[CHANGED] Player health in spectator HUD is now colored (green/yellow/red
depending on value)
[CHANGED] Improved scoreboard with 2 columns, more icons etc.
[CHANGED] Camera movement in spectator follow mode is now more smooth
[CHANGED] FPS lock increased from 50 to 60
[CHANGED] Some UI elements are now anti-aliased
[CHANGED] Chat text length limit is now 35 characters
[CHANGED] Profiler has a better UI
[CHANGED] Pressing ESC now closes the console if it is opened
[CHANGED] Map cycle (sys/mapcycle.cfg) is now cached and only loaded once when
loading a new map as server
[CHANGED] Server list is now sorted by players on server by default (instead of
[CHANGED] Better vote menu which shows current number of votes and maps which can
be voted for
[CHANGED] You can now votekick for players of all teams (except spectators)
[CHANGED] Now also the player hosting a listen server can participate in voting
[CHANGED] "Offline / LAN" option renamed to "Hide Server (unlisted)" to clarify
its meaning
[CHANGED] Triggers glow influences lighting
[CHANGED] Already selected text inputs do not flash anymore when clicking them
again to place the cursor
[CHANGED] Spectator interface is scaled along with hud scaling parameters
[CHANGED] Player spectator button now displays health and armor icons
[ADDED] Mouse option "Filtered Crosshair" for selecting drawing mode between
masked and alpha blending
[ADDED] Voice Chat option: "Mute all when joining server"
[ADDED] "Restore Default" controls button in the options
[ADDED] Crosshair size selection and preview in the options
[ADDED] Hud messages text shadow
[ADDED] SteamID bans
[ADDED] Scoreboard context menu (open with right mouse button)
[ADDED] Background for death notice messages that highlights your kills
[ADDED] Server Commands: sv_assist
[ADDED] Server Commands: sv_mvp
[ADDED] Command: sb_avatars
[ADDED] Command: sb_shortcuts
[ADDED] Command: sb_id
[ADDED] Command: sb_score
[ADDED] Command: sb_assists
[ADDED] Command: sb_death
[ADDED] Command: sb_ranks
[ADDED] Command: sb_ping
[ADDED] Command: sb_mvp
[ADDED] Command: sb_flags
[ADDED] Command: sb_mutevoice
[ADDED] Command: sb_hidehud
[ADDED] Command: sb_maxresolution
[ADDED] Steam and U.S.G.N. avatars in the scoreboard (Steam avatar has a priority
to be shown over USGN)
[ADDED] Lua commmand "player" now has "steamid" and "steamname" parameters to get
information about connected Steam user
[ADDED] Lua commmand "player" now has "mousex" and "mousey" parameters to get
cursor position in 850*480 view space
[ADDED] Lua commmand "player" now has "usgnname"
[ADDED] Steam login state is now displayed in the main menu
[ADDED] File cache for avatars, radarmaps and minimaps (does not download/generate
same files multiple times)
[ADDED] Voice chat
[ADDED] Script command setweapon now also accepts item names instead of type IDs
only (like equip, strip & spawnitem)
[ADDED] Non-rotated 3D tile property wall textures option in tile properties
[ADDED] UTF-8 Support for team chat
[ADDED] Customizable size for hud symbols, texts and icons
[ADDED] Customizable size and scale for radar
[ADDED] Map transfer shows additional loading bar for overall files progress
[ADDED] Advanced - Simple radar support radar color settings
[ADDED] hud_autoscale option (enabled by default)
[ADDED] ch_autoscale enables automatic pointer scaling
[ADDED] ch_manualscale scales cursor by the value (when using ch_autoscale 0)
[ADDED] Higher resolution hud symbol, numbers, radar and icon images
[ADDED] Spark effect for knife and machete when hitting walls/obstacles
[ADDED] Spark effect for laser
[ADDED] env_light rotation offset property
[ADDED] env_room position offset property
[ADDED] env_room color transparency property
[ADDED] env_sprite "affect lighting" property
[ADDED] Bomb planting animation and sound
[ADDED] Dynamic recoil server filter
[ADDED] Error log output when saving stats fails
[ADDED] Lua command "game" now has a "sysfolder" parameter (gets the used sys
[ADDED] Masked/filtered blending mode option for pointer
[ADDED] Optional detail minimap
[ADDED] Lua hook "vote" can now use return to cancel vote actions
[ADDED] logmaxflushrate setting (how frequently in millseconds can logs be flushed
= written to drive, default 1000 ms)
[REMOVED] Info_OldRender hidden from editor entity list because it's deprecated
and not working properly anymore
[FIXED] Main menu music kept playing when game server was started with commandline
[FIXED] Game no longer crashes when running a Lua script without a mod.txt
[FIXED] Newlines (\n) printed to the console are processed properly (replaced with
a whitespace character)
[FIXED] You were able to spawn/equip items with bad type IDs, leading to weird
[FIXED] sv_restart/restart/sv_restartround/restartround caused unjustified and
misleading console error output in some cases
[FIXED] Env_Light offset did not always work correctly
[FIXED] Game crashed when making lights with a size > 256 (size is now limited to
[FIXED] Mouse pointer was invisible when opening any menu while in weapon
scope/zoom mode
[FIXED] Crash when tabbing-out from full-screen application (DirectX)
[FIXED] Crash when minimizing application window (DirectX)
[FIXED] Same file will not be sent multiple times anymore if added multiple times
to sys/servertransfer.lst
[FIXED] Memory leak in Lua hooks
[FIXED] Right handed player skins
[FIXED] Crash when loading smaller tileset in map editor while map is using TileFX
[FIXED] Map briefing and server info was unloaded when switching language in-game
[FIXED] Bots didn't spawn in some non-standard game modes in some special cases
[CHANGED] Dropped item mouseover is now sorted depending on the item type and
[CHANGED] Game will always try to load files with the original extension first
before trying alternative extensions
[CHANGED] hudtxt/hudtxt2 network data is now sent in separate packages to prevent
connection loss on many calls
[CHANGED] arial.ttf replaced with free liberationsans.ttf for licensing reasons
[CHANGED] Standard resolution is now 16:9 (850x480 as minimum) instead of 4:3
[CHANGED] Horizontal borders appear when using 4:3 resolutions (640*480, 800*600,
1024*768 and etc.)
[CHANGED] A lot of performance improvements (loading maps/game initialization/map
drawing/map export)
[CHANGED] Loading now happens during intro screen with visible loading bar
[CHANGED] Trigger_Delay entity now also works with float values for delays with
millisecond precision
[CHANGED] More steps of joining a server are now described properly with text
[CHANGED] Console command "entities" now also shows the used resources
(image/sound) if there are any
[CHANGED] Replaced red crosses on items with green crosses because the red cross
is a protected symbol
[CHANGED] mp_dispenser_money now defaults to 500 instead of 100
[CHANGED] screen_quality now defaults to 100 instead of 75
[CHANGED] Better player, hostages and npc shadows
[CHANGED] Buying menu shows spinning 3D weapons
[CHANGED] Burst mode shoots separate bullets (mp_recoil enabled)
[CHANGED] Pistol no longer shoots multiple rounds when attack key is hold
(mp_recoil enabled)
[CHANGED] Lua sample script "hudtxt.lua" now uses dynamic variable values for the
[CHANGED] Improved flashbang and flare particle effects
[CHANGED] Editor and main menu use the full resolution
[CHANGED] Some windows like console and serverlist use the full resolution
[ADDED] UTF-8 chat messages support (to allow users to chat in more languages)
[ADDED] More color codes for dropped item mouseover (dark yellow = secondary
weapon, orange = grenades, green = equipment)
[ADDED] More detailed error message when CS2D fails to load animated multi frame
images because of bad image dimensions
[ADDED] reqcld mode 5 (mod info) and mode 6 (is 3D rendering enabled?)
[ADDED] Script command spawnitem now also accepts item names instead of type IDs
only (like equip and strip)
[ADDED] Experimental 3D rendering mode (settings command: render3d)
[ADDED] Tiles now have a 3D height parameter in the tile properties menu
[ADDED] Tiles now have flipY and mirror drawing modes for 3D
[ADDED] Capability to automatically convert old maps to 3D versions
[ADDED] Env_Sprite & Env_Image now have a 3D height parameter
[ADDED] New Env_Cube3D entity allowing to place 3D cubes in the map
[ADDED] Experimental dynamic recoil & crosshair (settings command: mp_recoil)
[ADDED] Dynamic recoil crosshair settings (ch_red, ch_green, ch_blue, ch_size,
ch_thickness, ch_bordersize)
[ADDED] New editor display option to either use full resolution or to show
gameplay view
[ADDED] Editor now automatically saves the current map as "" every 3
[ADDED] Hovering an entity in the editor now also shows its name and trigger
[ADDED] Trigger_If now has some parameterized conditions which can be used in the
editor without Lua scripting
[ADDED] Some weapon values can now be configured over a new config
[ADDED] Command loadweaponcfg (reloads weapon config from sys/weapons.cfg at
runtime, server only)
[ADDED] Command mp_hudscale (sets the scale/position mode for Lua HUD images and
[ADDED] HD loading support for CT, T, VIP, random player and zombies images
[ADDED] HD loading support for hud symbols and numbers
[ADDED] HD loading support for player weapons and dropped weapons
[ADDED] Maps: de_dust2_new, de_aztec_new, de_cs2d_new, fy_shipment, de_cbble_new,
[ADDED] Lua commmand "player" now has "screenw" and "screenh" parameters to get
the CS2D screen resolution of a player
[ADDED] Lua sample script "hudimg.lua" which shows how to create and position HUD
[ADDED] Lua sample script "imghover.lua" which shows a HUD image which reacts on
[ADDED] New spark particle effects when hitting walls / tactical shield (only with
max particle settings)
[ADDED] New muzzle flash effects
[ADDED] Visual frame selection for Env_Decal in the editor
[ADDED] Decal painting tool in map editor (hotkey: 5)
[ADDED] Console message when screenshot was taken successfully
[ADDED] New advanced detail radar (showing the map with actual map graphics in the
[ADDED] Console command "debug" mode 2 - Profiler: shows detailed information
about application performance
[ADDED] Progress bar is displayed when loading map
[ADDED] Progress bar is displayed when exporting map
[REMOVED] Commands shadowz_wall and shadowz_obstacle are now deprecated as each
tile has a defined height
[REMOVED] Some old/unused assets
[FIXED] Bad re-join delay after a map change (was 3000 seconds instead of 3)
[FIXED] Fixed vulnerability which allowed to disrupt communication between servers
and the U.S.G.N.
[FIXED] The "Friends" button blink effect was misplaced after introduction of
"Quick Play"
[FIXED] Crash when killing an already killed player
[FIXED] All sounds should now be stopped on disconnect or server shutdown
[FIXED] Left handed option checkbox in options showed inversed state
[FIXED] Server details window (rightclick on server in list) displayed some wrong
[FIXED] "Quick Play" won't try to join a server you failed to join because of a
ban again (in the same session)
[CHANGED] New light engine with better performance, more features and without map
size limit
[CHANGED] Using new skins from smn's "First Complete Skin Pack"! Thanks to smn!
[CHANGED] Tile #0 is not rendered in mini map / map export / radar (when it's a
normal ground tile)
[CHANGED] Tile shadows won't be rendered on tile #0 anymore
[CHANGED] Hostage skin rendering now supports alpha channels instead of simple
masking only
[CHANGED] Improved bullet & bullet hole particles/effects
[CHANGED] Interrupting (Ctrl+C, SIGINT) or closing (X button, SIGBREAK) a
dedicated server will now gracefully stop it
[CHANGED] Bigger explosion animation with more frames
[CHANGED] Support for multiple sound file extensions: ogg and wav (tries to load
in that order)
[CHANGED] Support for multiple image file extensions: png, bmp and jpg (tries to
load in that order)
[CHANGED] The game now actually scales up when using custom resolutions, borders
only for non 4:3 resolutions
[CHANGED] Rebalanced shotguns to reflect CS 1.6 more accurately
[ADDED] New super awesome advanced radar with included mini map
[ADDED] Command setteamscores tscore ctscore (sets the team scores for Ts and CTs)
[ADDED] Command sv_soundpos soundfile x y player (plays a sound at a certain
position and, if provided, a certain player)
[ADDED] Command sv_forcelight to force advanced lighting to be enabled for all
[ADDED] Command sv_daylighttime to change the time influencing the day light
[ADDED] Commands setbackground, setbackgroundscroll and setbackgroundtiles (set
map background image, its scrolling speed and scrolling-as-tiles mode)
[ADDED] Spritesheet support for Lua images
[ADDED] Image wiggling (player images with X >= 2 wiggle with the player, if
enabled on the client side)
[ADDED] Lua image modes 4 (background image, covered by everything, including
floor tiles) and 233-264 (background image following player)
[ADDED] Clientdata mode 4 will now also return an SHA256 checksum of the requested
file (empty string if file is outside gfx/ or sfx/)
[ADDED] New "spectating" property to Lua function player and new "specswitch" Lua
[ADDED] Lua functions checksumfile and checksumstring (get SHA256 checksum of file
or string)
[ADDED] Main menu music (sfx/menu.ogg)
[ADDED] Round-by-round reloading for shotguns ("_roundin.wav" files for custom
reload sounds)
[ADDED] Lua hook "shutdown" (on server shutdown)
[ADDED] Lua functions io.enumdir (iterate over all files in a given directory) and
io.isdir (check if a given path points to a directory)
[ADDED] More resolutions added to Launcher.exe
[ADDED] Info_RadarIcon entity which allows to place icons for the advanced radar
on the map
[ADDED] Some new settings for Env_Room, Env_Light and Env_LightStripe
[ADDED] Day light time setting for maps in map editor
[ADDED] Light effect for molotov cocktail fire
[ADDED] Serverlist now has a light column which shows the "force light" setting
[ADDED] Serverlist status icons are now animated and more fancy
[ADDED] Modding support (see mods/Readme.txt)
[ADDED] Editor map export opens CS2D folder for easier access to mapexport.png
[ADDED] Command line parameter "-systemmouse" to use the mouse pointer from the OS
instead of the CS2D mouse pointer
[ADDED] Dynamic object id parameter added to Lua hooks "hit", "shieldhit", "kill"
and "die"
[ADDED] "Classic Skins" mod, containing the old player & weapon skins from
previous versions
[REMOVED] Removed connection setting
[INFO] This is the first non-beta version. Leaving the beta phase was long
overdue. No special implications.
[FIXED] Corrected bad parameter order in "die" Lua hook (from killer, victim to
victim, killer)
[FIXED] Friendly fire server setting was not displayed correctly after joining a
[FIXED] usgn.dat was sometimes saved to wrong folder when using custom sys-folder
[ADDED] "Quick Play" button in main menu to quickly find and join standard mode
[ADDED] New game "Quick Play" option (adds quick play tag "[Q]" to server name and
qualifies it for quick play)
[ADDED] Windows setup: Option to create quick launch icon
[ADDED] Windows setup: Now registers the cs2d-protocol to join servers via
[ADDED] Windows setup: link is added to CS2D's start menu
[ADDED] Delayed command line server joining to allow proper U.S.G.N. login
[CHANGED] Windows setup: Desktop icon option is now checked by default
[CHANGED] Pasting chat text will no longer remove existing input
[CHANGED] All clients can now see the U.S.G.N. IDs of all other clients
[FIXED] HUD hover text was displayed for items which were hidden by fog of war
[FIXED] Wrong/strange fog of war visibility behavior in certain spectator modes
[FIXED] Items were invisible at right border of screen
[FIXED] Lua images with mode > 200 (draw over player) were not displayed properly
[FIXED] ESC/Enter did not work correctly while being in controls key assignment
[CHANGED] Silenced shots can be heared over a longer distance again
[ADDED] Stacktrace for (some) Lua errors (thanks to Starkkz)
[ADDED] Details about Lua hook when error occurs in hook (more when debuglua is
[REMOVED] LuaJIT has been removed from the release and replaced with the old Lua
[FIXED] Zoom HUD is not displayed anymore for weapons without zoom when z1/z2
damage is set
[FIXED] Rendering issues with HUD elements in some special cases
[FIXED] mp_hovertext changes were not sent to clients when changed while playing
[FIXED] sv_maxplayers changes were not sent to clients when changed while playing
[FIXED] "Generating Lightmap" loading screen sometimes went beyond 100%
[FIXED] Shadow sprites in map de_vantage were missing
[FIXED] Folders for HTTP downloads were not created properly
[CHANGED] Now using ZEKE.LuaJIT2 module for Lua (Win/Linux version only)
[CHANGED] sv_friendlyfire changes are now displayed to clients with a text message
[CHANGED] Dedicated server now uses server port to perform initial U.S.G.N.
version check
[CHANGED] Some minor performance tweaks
[CHANGED] Tweaked performance of Lua images (out of screen ones cost less
[CHANGED] Tweaked performance of laser mines (out of screen ones cost less
[CHANGED] Silenced shots are less visible and can be heared over a short distance
[CHANGED] Changed encryption and file name for locally saved U.S.G.N. password
[CHANGED] Dedicated server no longer tries to load sys/controls.cfg
[CHANGED] is used as fallback U.S.G.N. address when sys/usgn.dat is
[CHANGED] English strings will be used for strings which are not available in
custom languages
[CHANGED] equip and strip commands now work with weapon names as well
[ADDED] New fog of war modes to hide more stuff than just players
[ADDED] Server info button in in-game menu (opens window with server info text)
[ADDED] Multi item selection and removal for "Downloaded Files" dialog (with
[ADDED] Total size of all downloaded files is displayed in "Downloaded Files"
[ADDED] mp_wpndmg_z1 can be used to define an alternative damage when burst /
silencer is used
[ADDED] Hotkey [enter] for standard confirm buttons, these buttons are also
highlighted now
[ADDED] Hotkey [ESC] for standard cancel/close buttons
[ADDED] Command sv_stopsound (stop playing a sound for all or a specific player)
[ADDED] Lua command stats (get stats/rank for a specified U.S.G.N. ID)
[ADDED] Lua Hook shieldhit (when tactical shield of a player is hit)
[ADDED] Flamethrower now also emits light when light engine is enabled
[ADDED] Each language can use its own font with the new "font=..." statement,
arial.ttf is default
[ADDED] Added/updated some translations/fonts (Thanks to all contributors! Names
in Readme.txt)
[INFO] Smoke grenade smoke will still ALWAYS be visible, even when hidden by
fog of war.
That's because it would otherwise hide itself - which would make things
very strange.
Buildings will also always be visible in fog of war (technical and
gameplay reasons).
[FIXED] Light engine crashed on some maps with map width or height of 101 tiles
[FIXED] Clients sometimes accepted file transfers from manipulated servers they
should not accept
[FIXED] Clients sometimes accepted sounds/images in file transfer they should not
[FIXED] Lua join hook wasn't triggered when bots were added to the game
[FIXED] Language string 0359=Normal (AI level) was set to value of 0253=normal
(weapon weight)
[FIXED] Language string 0442=Display (verb) was set to value of 0148=Display
[FIXED] Language string 0745=left (remaining) was set to value of 0469=left
[CHANGED] Player count of full servers is now displayed in red
[CHANGED] Player count of servers with at least 1 human player and free slots is
now displayed in green
[CHANGED] mp_luamap default setting is now 0 (disabled) for security reasons
[CHANGED] mp_luamap now also affects (enables/disables) Lua scripts in entities
[CHANGED] Slightly improved flag animation
[CHANGED] Lua images with long image paths now cause significantly less traffic
[ADDED] Main menu scroll-in animation for "Unreal Software's CS2D"
[ADDED] A purple S in the serverlist now indicates that a server is using Lua
[ADDED] Bot count is displayed behind player count in serverlist as yellow number
(if >0)
[ADDED] Textfield in LAN serverlist to specify port which is scanned for LAN
[ADDED] Main menu button (2 little arrows) to force a refresh of the U.S.G.N.
[ADDED] Command settile (change a tile on the map)
[ADDED] Command mp_floodprotignoretime (control how long packets from attackers
are ignored)
[ADDED] Command bot_autofill (automatically manage bot count on server and fill
free slots)
[ADDED] Command bot_keepfreeslots (keep 1-2 free slots when auto filling to allow
players to join)
[ADDED] Command menu_lanscanport (set UDP port which is scanned to find LAN
[ADDED] Lua command objectat (get ID of an object at a certain tile)
[ADDED] Lua command closeobjects (get list of close objects around a coordinate
within a certain radius)
[ADDED] "hascustomframe" and "originalframe" parameters for Lua tile command
[ADDED] sys/lua/samples/tilemapper.lua example script
[INFO] This is just a hotfix to fix some crucial problems. It is optional. The
version number is not changed.
[INFO] The light engine issue still exists! Please keep the light system DISABLED
in case of crashs!
[FIXED] Crash when using Lua scripts with error (on some systems)
[FIXED] Crash in some cases when people with IP ban try to join
[FIXED] Buildings/portals not working without language files
[FIXED] Breakables/DynWalls were not affected by light/shadow engine
[FIXED] Crash/bugs when translating language string 0433
[FIXED] Command cmsg not working when using spaces
[FIXED] Lua image tags not working
[FIXED] "Heavy" for weapon weight missing in translation file
[FIXED] Some misspellings in translation files
[FIXED] "Arctic Avengers" listed twice as terrorist faction
[FIXED] Changing supply items with E didn't work from some positions
[FIXED] Some U.S.G.N. connectivity issues
[FIXED] AI bug with friendly fire and teamkills (thanks to Klin)
[FIXED] Sounds were still played (very quietly) with volume setting 0
[FIXED] Lua command entitylist didn't return all entities
[FIXED] U.S.G.N. login timed out when using the editor for a few minutes
[FIXED] Chat spam protection doesn't kick if chat output is suppressed with
say/sayteam hook
[FIXED] Disabled Lua menu buttons can not be used with the numeric keys anymore
[FIXED] Several bugs when triggering env_building entities (invisible buildings
[CHANGED] Improved internal friendlist handling, allowing higher friends count
[CHANGED] "debuglag" debugging info is not displayed for players with stealth
[CHANGED] ATTENTION: Lua command entitylist now works a bit differently!
[ADDED] Infinite roundtime in standard game mode is now possible (mp_roundtime
[ADDED] Command setname now has a "hide" parameter (do not display change in chat)
[ADDED] Lua command reqcld has new parameters (request if lightengine is on or
file is loaded)
[ADDED] Lua hook name now has a "forced" parameter (see if a nick change was
forced with setname)
[ADDED] Lua hook startround_prespawn (on new round before spawning)
[ADDED] "gasmask" parameter for Lua player command (see if player has gasmask)
[ADDED] "sys/lua/autorun" folder. All Lua scripts in it will be executed
[ADDED] Undo function for tile operations in editor (CTRL+Z, unlimited undo steps)
[ADDED] Entity Trigger_If (conditional trigger with Lua expression as condition)
[ADDED] Some translations by community members (see Readme.txt for credits)
[INFO] This is the first update which is also distributed over the
new auto-update function. Please note that this function is
only available for Windows clients.
[FIXED] Editor: Move whole map ignored tiles left / at bottom of map
[FIXED] Editor: Move whole map did not update trigger relation lines
[FIXED] Editor: "Entity graphics" display setting did not work
[FIXED] Editor: info_noweapons property menu was misplaced
[FIXED] Editor: env_npc Snark selection bug
[FIXED] Tile alpha channel/transparency (PNG) is now rendered properly
[FIXED] ai_say and ai_sayteam did not work
[FIXED] Money has been reduced if you skipped repairing using objectdamage
[FIXED] Spraylogos are not rendered above trigger_use buttons anymore
[FIXED] Killing a player in its Lua hit-hook without return 1 caused bugs
[FIXED] Sometimes more than one player received +3 score for defusing
[FIXED] You can't vote to kick yourself anymore
[FIXED] Wrong response for vote attempts when voting was disabled
[FIXED] Editor save window didn't remember map name after first save
[FIXED] NPC spawn bug on some non-square maps
[FIXED] Building re-spawn bug on some non-square maps
[CHANGED] menu_svreqdelay is now 30 ms again by default (instead of 50)
[CHANGED] Idle kick now has its own kick message
[CHANGED] No damage/direction indicators when hit by silenced weapon
[CHANGED] mp_roundtime maximum value increased from 15 to 99
[CHANGED] info_nofow entity re-enabled (hides Fog of War in 3x3 area)
[CHANGED] debug mode (including FPS display) is now disabled by default
[CHANGED] Super supply RPG Launcher replaced with Molotov Cocktail
[CHANGED] You now don't see full rank info of other players by default
[CHANGED] Improved NPC effects and sounds
[CHANGED] Increased NPC default health values
[CHANGED] You can now join the round 30 secs (default) after roundstart
[CHANGED] Remote Lua execution (via rcon) disabled for more security
[CHANGED] Minimal lag compensation change (probably doesn't help)
[ADDED] Hovering the U.S.G.N. login state will show your U.S.G.N. ID
[ADDED] Dynamic Lua image tween animation system
[ADDED] HUD Text tween animation system
[ADDED] Snarks now explode when they die, causing additional damage
[ADDED] Attack buffer to minimize server sided attack packet drops
[ADDED] List of items for (super) supply can now be changed
[ADDED] Warning when running game in program files or temporary folder
[ADDED] Stop button for serverlist (stops loading of new servers)
[ADDED] Tiles can now be rotated (middle mouse key in editor)
[ADDED] Each tile on map can have own brightness setting
[ADDED] Each tile on map can seamlessly blend with an adjacent tile
[ADDED] Editor grid can now be toggled with hotkey G
[ADDED] Disabled Lua menu buttons can be created with brackets
[ADDED] In-game server menu has now add/remove favorite button
[ADDED] Optional fog of war while spectating a player
[ADDED] Forced spectating-fog in "spectate own team only" mode
[ADDED] Friendslist context menu option "View Profile"
[ADDED] Auto-Update function for future updates (Win client only)
[ADDED] Command mp_postspawn (time allowed to spawn after roundstart)
[ADDED] Command mp_radar (enable/disable radar)
[ADDED] Command mp_supply_items (list of items for supply)
[ADDED] Command hud_fullrankinfo (show full rank info of other players?)
[ADDED] Command hudtxtcolorfade (hud txt color fade animation)
[ADDED] Command hudtxtalphafade (hud txt alpha fade animation)
[ADDED] Command hudtxtmove (hud txt move animation)
[ADDED] Lua Command reqcld (request client data like cursor position)
[ADDED] Lua Command tween_move (move image animation)
[ADDED] Lua Command tween_rotate (rotate image animation)
[ADDED] Lua Command tween_rotateconstantly (rotate image constantly)
[ADDED] Lua Command tween_alpha (image alpha fade animation)
[ADDED] Lua Command tween_color (image color fade animation)
[ADDED] Lua Command tween_scale (scale image animation)
[ADDED] Lua Hook clientdata (when reqcld response arrives)
[ADDED] Lua Hook objectupgrade (when building is upgraded)
[ADDED] banip, banname and banusgn have temp ban time parameter
[ADDED] NPC: Vortigaunt (with melee and ranged attack)
[ADDED] NPC: Soldier (ranged attack)
[INFO] Several maps have been updated! Please re-upload the maps if you
are hosting a dedicated server!
[FIXED] Click for respawning did not work on the whole screen
[FIXED] Dropped armors did not fade out like other items
[FIXED] Infinite ammo did not work as client
[FIXED] Ammo values have been displayed in infinite ammo mode
[FIXED] Bug which allowed to keep zombie vision on as survivor
[FIXED] Money for returning flags was sometimes 300 and sometimes 1000
[FIXED] "Remove from Favorites" did not work always
[FIXED] You didn't see your own score on mapchanges
[FIXED] Exploit which allowed to throw grenades over a higher distance
[FIXED] Mine planting problems (fast/unwanted planting)
[FIXED] Servers were not reachable for a certain time after disconnect
[FIXED] Some bugs with higher resolutions (spec zoom, screenshots)
[FIXED] Player collected defuse kit even if already having one
[CHANGED] rcon command now sends full script line and works with " and ;
[CHANGED] Chat-/action-/killmessages are now smaller
[CHANGED] "options->more" splitted in "options->more" and "server->more"!
[CHANGED] © not longer allowed as first character in playername
[CHANGED] You can't shoot trough teammates with tactical shield anymore
[CHANGED] Improved serverlist filter settings
[CHANGED] Default mp_zombiedmg changed to 0.5 (less zombie armor)
[CHANGED] Some bot AI improvements
[CHANGED] Changed de_aztec and aztec tileset + botnodes for some maps
[CHANGED] Gate field and barbed wire have more healthpoints
[CHANGED] Some buildings are now built faster
[CHANGED] Domination points are now displayed in the radar
[ADDED] Overwrite/tempload options when joining server with differing map
[ADDED] Serverlist number of displayed servers/players (in brackets)
[ADDED] Serverlist number of bots in a server/total/displayed
[ADDED] Serverlist "Copy Address" function now also copies the name
[ADDED] Serverlist "Details" function (shows players on server)
[ADDED] Zombies do now recover 3 HP per second by default
[ADDED] Zombies have a gut bomb (and get a new one for each kill)
[ADDED] Lua script interface for server side scripting (sys/lua/info.txt)
[ADDED] Lua script support for maps (save as maps/MAPNAME.lua)
[ADDED] Weblinks for briefings (enclose in » and «)
[ADDED] Colors/links in all briefings for "official" maps
[ADDED] Colorcodes ©XXXYYYZZZ work in server msgs (sv_msg, sv_msg2)
[ADDED] Ending a sv_msg/sv_msg2 text with "@C" will show it in center
[ADDED] It is now possible tab trough all textfields in menus
[ADDED] More "rank" info (score, kills, deaths, kills per death, time)
[ADDED] Server info text (sys/serverinfo.txt, opens on join and with F1)
[ADDED] Different weapon modes for bots
[ADDED] Building kill buttons in construction menu
[ADDED] Some buildings can now be upgraded with wrench
[ADDED] Console input history (use up/down cursor keys in console)
[ADDED] Command hud_fireinthehole (disable grenade radio message)
[ADDED] Command stats_rank ("rank" on/off/detailed)
[ADDED] Command mp_reservations (reservation system for U.S.G.N. users)
[ADDED] Command mp_randomspawn (spawn on random positions in DM mode)
[ADDED] Command mp_zombierecover (zombies get health over time)
[ADDED] Command mp_zombiespeedmod (zombie speed modifier)
[ADDED] Command sv_msg2 id msg (send message to certain player only)
[ADDED] Command sv_sound sound (play soundfiles as server)
[ADDED] Command killplayer id (server: kill a player)
[ADDED] Command spawnplayer id x y (server: spawn player at position)
[ADDED] Command setpos id x y (server: move player to position)
[ADDED] Command setmoney id money (server: set player money)
[ADDED] Command sethealth id health (server: set player health)
[ADDED] Command setmaxhealth id maxhealth (server: set player max health)
[ADDED] Command setarmor id armor (server: set player armor)
[ADDED] Command setscore id score (server: set player score)
[ADDED] Command setdeaths id deaths (server: set player deaths)
[ADDED] Command equip id itemtype (server: give weapon / refill ammo)
[ADDED] Command strip id itemtype (server: remove weapon from a player)
[ADDED] Command spawnitem itemtype x y (server: spawn item on map)
[ADDED] Command removeitem id (server: remove item from map)
[ADDED] Command trigger name (server: trigger entities)
[ADDED] Command speedmod id value (server: change player speed)
[ADDED] Command lua script (server: execute a Lua script)
[ADDED] Command luareset (server: reset Lua, remove all vars/funcs)
[ADDED] Command debuglua mode (show Lua debug information on/off)
[ADDED] Command serverinfo (show server info)
[ADDED] Command serveraction1 (F2, custom server action for Lua scripts)
[ADDED] Command serveraction2 (F3, custom server action for Lua scripts)
[ADDED] Command serveraction3 (F4, custom server action for Lua scripts)
[ADDED] Command hudtxt tid,text,x,y,align (display text on screen)
[ADDED] Command hudtxt2 id,tid,text,x,y,align (display text on screen)
[ADDED] Command mp_building_price building price (construction price)
[ADDED] Command mp_building_limit building limit (construction limit)
[ADDED] Command mp_building_health building health (health of building)
[ADDED] Gut Bomb
[ADDED] Dual turret building (turret upgrade)
[ADDED] Triple turret building (dual turret upgrade)
[ADDED] Entity Info_BotNode (define important spots on the map for bots)
[INFO] Don't forget to upload the new "sys/core"-folder if you are hosting
a dedicated server!
[CHANGED] Reduced price of flare grenade to 150$
[FIXED] Some Bugfixes
[CHANGED] Removed ability to join the "official" version with open source clients
due to hacks
[CHANGED] Serverlist now displays only servers with the same game version
[ADDED] Display of the amount of registered and available servers below the
[INFO] CS2D now requires user32.dll (generally available on each windows system!)
[FIXED] Now the player drops his weapon before he buys a new one
[FIXED] Game tried to load some not existing files
[FIXED] Removed Bot game memory leak
[FIXED] Several script parser bugs
[FIXED] Players stayed visible when covered by FoW on some old graphic cards
[FIXED] Bug which allowed to write a script based "speed-hack"
[FIXED] Client received invalid/expired msgs from servers where he previously
[FIXED] Multiplayer mapchange didn't work correctly
[FIXED] Player kept bomb in hand after round restart
[FIXED] Net Game didn't work after Bot Game
[CHANGED] Load process: replaced "memory access violation" with detailed error msg
[CHANGED] Delay after switching zoom mode halved (from 1000ms to 500ms)
[CHANGED] Decreased M249 damage and accuracy
[CHANGED] Decreased M4A1 firerate
[CHANGED] Highly increased Knife damage
[CHANGED] Script keynames changed
[CHANGED] Removed P2P connection display
[CHANGED] Changed some stuff to serverside to avoid cheats
[ADDED] Score, deads and ping are now displayed in dedicated server playerlist
[ADDED] Additional clientside anti cheat routines
[ADDED] Serverlist ping filter
[ADDED] server.cfg executed when you run a server
[ADDED] Mapcycle (mapcycle.txt)
[ADDED] Cmdline param.: "set" to setup the CS2D settings on start
[ADDED] Cmdline param.: "nostartup" to deactivate Unreal Software startup sequence
[ADDED] Cmdline param.: "connect" to connect to a server (works like the connect
[ADDED] Some new commands (mp_fraglimit, mp_maxrounds, mp_timelimit [...])
[ADDED] Some new entities (info_nobuying, info_noweapons)
[ADDED] Damage direction indicator
[ADDED] IRC chat badwords
[ADDED] Obstacle Block tile type (the same as a normal obstacle but without
[FIXED] Mehrere SCHWERE Bugs im Multiplayer Modus behoben, welche mit Version
a auftraten
[INFO] Achtung! Beim Bot-Game besteht die Gefahr, dass das Programm
nicht mehr reagiert. Die Ursache wurde bereits gefunden und wird
in einer der nächsten Versionen behoben