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### p2 - 15.04.


[FIXED] Progress in loading screen sometimes went beyond length of loading bar
[FIXED] FPS debug was hidden when loading maps
[FIXED] Map preview artifacts
[FIXED] Message "U.S.G.N.: Checking Game Version" was shown after being completed
[FIXED] Blurry player avatars
[FIXED] Sending many chat messages in one frame (via Lua) sometimes broke the
server connection
[FIXED] When selected map gets deleted, CS2D tried to load a map type category
instead of the first map
[FIXED] Missing map tileset sometimes wasn't transferred properly to clients
[FIXED] Melee weapon attack sounds were not played
[CHANGED] Improved performance when using OpenGL in windowed mode and VSync
[CHANGED] Improved anti_clock support with additional strength settings

### p1 - 07.04.2018

[FIXED] "has downloads"-filter did not work

[FIXED] Error when unloading mods with HD skins

### - 07.04.2018

[FIXED] "-nointro" command line parameter led to crash

[FIXED] Memory leak in chat system (leak was introduced with
[FIXED] Steam version offered auto update instead of updating via Steam only
[FIXED] Chat/radio icon over player heads was covered by map shadows
[FIXED] Turret does not shoot in wrong direction anymore
[FIXED] "Auto-Select" random player image wasn't always scaled correctly in HUD
[FIXED] IP banning in scoreboard context menu did not work properly with all IPs
[FIXED] Bug which led to corrupted player score values in score/rank system
[CHANGED] Console now supports multicolored printing (same as chat)
[CHANGED] Bullet synchronization between server and client
[CHANGED] Improved bullet particles graphics
[CHANGED] Reorganized "More (Settings)"-tabs with more categories for better
[CHANGED] "U" icon for U.S.G.N. login in main menu instead of padlock icon
[CHANGED] Improved Steam login logic
[CHANGED] Better handling of long texts in some UI elements (less overlapping)
[CHANGED] Max transfer file size limit (for "all", "images only", "sounds only"
settings) lowered from 100 mb to 16 mb
[CHANGED] Improved Env_Decal in-game rendering performance (editor rendering
performance not affected)
[CHANGED] More aggressive avatar caching / less avatar update/download socket
[CHANGED] Only 1 avatar download at a time instead of 2
[CHANGED] Error message in console when executing an unknown command is now a
single line only instead of 3
[ADDED] Steam support (login & achievements) for Linux and MacOS
[ADDED] Full support for client-side and server-side mods
[ADDED] Client mod selection menu in main menu (these mods will be activated
[ADDED] Server mod selection menu in "New Game"-menu (these mods will be enabled
for everyone on the server)
[ADDED] New server filter and status icon to filter/sort servers depending on
custom transfers/downloads
[ADDED] "Is decoration" setting for Env_Sprite & Env_Image entities
[ADDED] Ukrainian translation, thanks to Maxor (U.S.G.N. #125571)
[ADDED] Off-Screen damage option (when disabled you can't get damaged by players
outside your visible screen area)
[ADDED] Some visual additions & improvements in buy menu
[ADDED] Kill cam (when own or spectated player gets killed camera smoothly scrolls
to killer)
[ADDED] "Unreal Software's" and "CS2D" in main menu are clickable, leading to
unrealsoftware.de / cs2d.com
[ADDED] Commands "killcam", "killcam_spectator", "killcam_fx",
"killcam_victimtime", "killcam_scrolltime" for kill cam settings
[ADDED] Command "renderdecoration" to enable/disable map decoration sprite/image
[ADDED] Command "renderdecals" to enable/disable map decal rendering
[ADDED] Command "mp_anticlock" (detect local time/clock related hacks)
[ADDED] Command "menu_voxelweapons" to enable/disabled spinning 3D voxel weapons
in buy menu
[ADDED] Command "effect" now supports new particle types "blood" and "sparkles"
[ADDED] Command "clear" to clear the console output
[ADDED] Lua: better require support (now looks in sys/lua/ and mods/, as well as
in mods/<MODNAME>/lua/ when executed from mods/<MODNAME>/lua/main.lua)
[ADDED] Lua command os.millisecs (gets the number of milliseconds since the game's
[ADDED] Lua command os.info (gets information about the server's OS)
[ADDED] Lua command playerammo (get ammo value approximation of a weapon carried
by a player)
[ADDED] Lua command objecttype (get info about a specific object type)
[ADDED] Lua image command now allows to spawn lights by using "<light>" as path
[ADDED] Lua tile command now has parameters "rot", "blend", "color", "brightness"
and "height"
[ADDED] Lua hook "turretscan" (when a turret searches for a target)
[ADDED] Warning message if server info is empty
[ADDED] Commandline parameter "-nosfx" to disable audio loading (for faster
loading on low end systems)
[REMOVED] Launcher.exe removed from Windows Steam client (did not work properly
with Steam)

### - 03.12.2017

[FIXED] Steam achievement progress did not save properly

[FIXED] Crash when hovering UI text field and starting loading the map at the same
[FIXED] Better stability for servers with longer uptime
[FIXED] Lack of lag compensation precision since introduction of 60 fps
[FIXED] TileFX for 64px tilesets
[FIXED] 3D graphics mode with 4:3 gameplay ratio for 800x600 and 1024x768
[FIXED] Autobuy did not allow to buy AK-47 when autobuy list contained a M4A1
before the AK-47
[FIXED] Main menu language flag sometimes opened the options while scrolling the
[FIXED] Offline serverlist cache did sometimes not work properly under certain
[FIXED] Spawn projectiles appeared out of sync between client and server
[FIXED] When using "Free Look" it was impossible to select player to spectate from
[FIXED] Wrong flag was displayed for Czech localization
[FIXED] Env_Light size was limited to 128 instead of 256
[FIXED] Some rendering issues in DirectX mode with high resolutions on maps with
Env_TileFX entities
[FIXED] Shotguns now fire correctly when mouse1 is held down with an empty clip
[CHANGED] User name is now updated in ranked data list
[CHANGED] Blood spray and ground snow particles fade out quicker if there are many
(performance optimization)
[CHANGED] Default lag compensation divisor is now 16
[CHANGED] Rank command now shows user type (U.S.G.N. / Steam)
[CHANGED] Improved hudtxt font sharpness when using mp_hudscale (1 or 2)
[CHANGED] Serverlist: Only the real player count is now used for sorting by player
count, bots are ignored
[CHANGED] Linux: Default color depth is now 24 bit instead of 32 bit for better
[CHANGED] Fancy round end messages (cp_roundend) are now enabled by default
[ADDED] Korean translation, thanks to Zeisen (U.S.G.N. #53832)
[ADDED] UTF-8 support for hudtxt and sv_msg commands
[ADDED] Lua UTF-8 support for print, msg, msg2 and parse commands ("hello" = "UTF-
[ADDED] 1440x900 resolution support
[ADDED] 1360x768 resolution support
[ADDED] Lua image flag when using path "<flag:iso>"
[ADDED] Lua command reqhttp(url, path) to request http connection
[ADDED] Lua command player(id,"mousedist") now returns mouse distance from player
with in-game measurement
[ADDED] Lua command "addbind" (adds a key bind which the server can listen to with
the "key" Lua hook)
[ADDED] Lua hook "httpdata" (when http data is received afer sending a request
with reqhttp)
[ADDED] Lua hook "assist" (when a player receives a kill assist)
[ADDED] Lua hook "key" (when key bound via "addbind" is pressed)
[ADDED] Command/setting "steam_login_timeout" to control how much time to use for
login request
[ADDED] Additional ammo parameters for spawnitem command
[ADDED] "hudtxt" command additional vertical align and font size parameters
[ADDED] Entity property to ignore fog of war for Env_Breakable
[ADDED] Selected player in the scoreboard blinks in the radar
[ADDED] Spectator icon in the scoreboard for the player that you are currently
[ADDED] Assist argument in "kill" hook
[ADDED] Small X button in main menu for quitting (top right corner in main menu)
[ADDED] Small arrow for window/fullscreen switching (top right corner in main
[ADDED] 3 new Steam achievements ("FIRST BLOOD!", "So bright!", "I can see you!")
[REMOVED] IRC Chat (wasn't used properly by anyone)

### p3 - 19.11.2017

[FIXED] Steam login verification when user name was changed recently
[FIXED] Client set wrong max health after picking up medikit
[FIXED] Hit registration malfunction after implementing VSync
[FIXED] Map change and leave screen fade out did not cover full screen
[FIXED] Buy menu weapon scaling for larger skins
[FIXED] "SABOTAGE!!!" achievement only worked in multiplayer matches (now vs bots
as well)
[CHANGED] Buy menu he, smoke, flash, kevlar skins
[CHANGED] Team select menu player graphics are now scaling with resolution
[CHANGED] Improved scoreboard sorting to prevent several issues
[CHANGED] In-game chat message character limit is now 50
[ADDED] Japanese localization, thanks to Amaguya (U.S.G.N. #11768)
[ADDED] 10 new weapon Steam achievements
[ADDED] Player chat muting in scoreboard using context menu (right click)
[ADDED] Left mouse click on scoreboard player to spectate
[ADDED] Language flags in language selection combo box
[ADDED] Language flag in bottom right corner of main menu for easy language

### p2 - 18.11.2017

[FIXED] Action messages offset when radar is disabled

[FIXED] Serverlist cache did not discard old servers, leading to growing server
[FIXED] Some high resolution menu item positions
[FIXED] Main menu flickering when loading map
[FIXED] "Barbed Battlefield" achievement did not work (as client)
[CHANGED] sv_rconusers now also works with Steam IDs
[ADDED] VSync option (OpenGL only, enabled by default)
[ADDED] "!rank" support for Steam users
[ADDED] Lua command stats parameters to return player "mvp" and "assists"
[ADDED] Lua command steamstats
[ADDED] Lua image avatar loading when using path "<avatar:id>"

### p1 - 17.11.2017

[FIXED] Flash/scope did not cover entire screen in some resolutions

[FIXED] Kill assist achievements did not work
[FIXED] Key assignment in controls menu did not work properly
[FIXED] Lua player parameters mousex & mousey did not work (fix requires server
[CHANGED] Line of fire (shot) particle optimization
[CHANGED] Some avatar download optimizations
[CHANGED] Servers appear quicker in the server list by using a cached list
[ADDED] Introducing Steam client patches (visible in main menu version info with

### - 15.11.2017

[INFO] First release with Steam support (Win client only)

[FIXED] Various voice chat issues and stability problems

[FIXED] Various visual lighting engine issues
[FIXED] Various minor visual HUD / tooltip issues
[FIXED] Laser mines rotation
[FIXED] mp_hudscale not behaving correctly in all scenarios
[FIXED] Vertical black boarder (1-4px width) appeared for larger 16:9 resolutions
[FIXED] Graphical glitches when using command line parameters
[FIXED] Large avatars were sometimes not downloaded properly
[FIXED] Client money limit when pickup up gold or coins
[FIXED] Lag animation not looking right under certain network conditions
[FIXED] Committing suicide did not work anymore since
[FIXED] Bad projectile timing with increased FPS in
[FIXED] Problems with building rotations since
[FIXED] Sometimes unable to join servers when they were running Lua tweens
[FIXED] Scoreboard hide HUD option did not hide scripted Lua HUD elements
[FIXED] Possible crash when failing to write advanced radar/minimap cache
[CHANGED] Improved stability when server is being dDoSed
[CHANGED] Crosshair of spectated player is now semitransparent
[CHANGED] When being flashed the radar now also becomes invisible
[CHANGED] Max. 2 U.S.G.N./Steam avatars are downloaded & stored concurrently to
minimize FPS drops
[CHANGED] Lua Command player(id,"mousex") now returns -1 if mouse data is not
[CHANGED] "conkey" (console key) works as intended for more keyboard layouts
[CHANGED] Increased fire rate for all weapons (2.5%)
[CHANGED] Console now uses scaled text
[CHANGED] Scoreboard sorting now takes in account mvp and assists
[CHANGED] The scoreboard now shows building count of teammates only
[CHANGED] Default windows graphics driver is now OpenGL (for Steam overlay
[CHANGED] Flash bang effect now hides radar
[CHANGED] Fiveseven damage decreased from 19 to 18
[ADDED] Over 50 Steam achievements (Windows only)
[ADDED] Command mp_connectionlimit for max. accepted connections
[ADDED] Command cp_roundend for more additional round information message
[ADDED] Command sb_autosize (automatic scoreboard size)
[ADDED] Command sb_kpd (scoreboard kills / deaths ratio)
[ADDED] Lua Command tween_frame (image frame animation)
[ADDED] "mousemapx" & "mousemapy" parameters for Lua player command (mouse
position on map)
[ADDED] Server ticks are displayed in scoreboard and in-game menu (updates per
[ADDED] Clients are able to see which operating system server is running
[ADDED] Server lag compensation information in menu

### - 29.09.2017

[FIXED] U.S.G.N. password file related console errors when not having entered any
U.S.G.N. password
[FIXED] Lua hook "log" was not invoked with actual log text when equal subsequent
logs were bundled
[FIXED] Turret range was too small for the new widescreen game resolution
[FIXED] Low quality smoke grenade particles were drawn under the player
[FIXED] Toilet and sink objects were disappearing near the screen corners
[FIXED] FPS influenced Animations, projectiles, particles and effects speed
[FIXED] 20ms player input delay
[FIXED] Shutdown when then the game reached low fps
[FIXED] Losing connection when loading advanced radar
[FIXED] Crash when using non-default sound drivers
[FIXED] After tabbing out and returning whole game was hidden by radar texture
[FIXED] Flashlight freezing after player death and other circumstances in the map
[FIXED] Screen flickering and game freeze when using radar (OpenGL)
[FIXED] Game showed error when loading gfx/buildings.png under certain
[FIXED] Projectiles disappearing after landing on obstacles
[FIXED] English translation is now hardcoded in game binary, fixing some bugs when
no translation is present
[FIXED] Mapcycle commands were not handled properly when they contained strings
with { or }
[FIXED] equip command now works properly with armors
[FIXED] strip command now works with armors (armor is set to 0 whenever stripping
any armor)
[FIXED] Changing a huge number of tiles at once with settile should not trigger
disconnects anymore
[FIXED] Critical error with logbatch setting having no effect at all
[FIXED] Crash when config.cfg file is missing
[CHANGED] Crosshair now scales smoothly (with float instead of int precision) if
ch_autoscale is 1
[CHANGED] Optimized low-detail fog
[CHANGED] Better and smoother hostage skins
[CHANGED] Player is drawn over obstacle shadow
[CHANGED] Wall cast shadows over obstacles
[CHANGED] Lighting engine version 3.0 (greater performance and more detailed
lighting effects)
[CHANGED] Console warning message when map background files are missing
[CHANGED] Player health in spectator HUD is now colored (green/yellow/red
depending on value)
[CHANGED] Improved scoreboard with 2 columns, more icons etc.
[CHANGED] Camera movement in spectator follow mode is now more smooth
[CHANGED] FPS lock increased from 50 to 60
[CHANGED] Some UI elements are now anti-aliased
[CHANGED] Chat text length limit is now 35 characters
[CHANGED] Profiler has a better UI
[CHANGED] Pressing ESC now closes the console if it is opened
[CHANGED] Map cycle (sys/mapcycle.cfg) is now cached and only loaded once when
loading a new map as server
[CHANGED] Server list is now sorted by players on server by default (instead of
[CHANGED] Better vote menu which shows current number of votes and maps which can
be voted for
[CHANGED] You can now votekick for players of all teams (except spectators)
[CHANGED] Now also the player hosting a listen server can participate in voting
[CHANGED] "Offline / LAN" option renamed to "Hide Server (unlisted)" to clarify
its meaning
[CHANGED] Triggers glow influences lighting
[CHANGED] Already selected text inputs do not flash anymore when clicking them
again to place the cursor
[CHANGED] Spectator interface is scaled along with hud scaling parameters
[CHANGED] Player spectator button now displays health and armor icons
[ADDED] Mouse option "Filtered Crosshair" for selecting drawing mode between
masked and alpha blending
[ADDED] Voice Chat option: "Mute all when joining server"
[ADDED] "Restore Default" controls button in the options
[ADDED] Crosshair size selection and preview in the options
[ADDED] Hud messages text shadow
[ADDED] SteamID bans
[ADDED] Scoreboard context menu (open with right mouse button)
[ADDED] Background for death notice messages that highlights your kills
[ADDED] Server Commands: sv_assist
[ADDED] Server Commands: sv_mvp
[ADDED] Command: sb_avatars
[ADDED] Command: sb_shortcuts
[ADDED] Command: sb_id
[ADDED] Command: sb_score
[ADDED] Command: sb_assists
[ADDED] Command: sb_death
[ADDED] Command: sb_ranks
[ADDED] Command: sb_ping
[ADDED] Command: sb_mvp
[ADDED] Command: sb_flags
[ADDED] Command: sb_mutevoice
[ADDED] Command: sb_hidehud
[ADDED] Command: sb_maxresolution
[ADDED] Steam and U.S.G.N. avatars in the scoreboard (Steam avatar has a priority
to be shown over USGN)
[ADDED] Lua commmand "player" now has "steamid" and "steamname" parameters to get
information about connected Steam user
[ADDED] Lua commmand "player" now has "mousex" and "mousey" parameters to get
cursor position in 850*480 view space
[ADDED] Lua commmand "player" now has "usgnname"
[ADDED] Steam login state is now displayed in the main menu
[ADDED] File cache for avatars, radarmaps and minimaps (does not download/generate
same files multiple times)
[ADDED] Voice chat
[ADDED] Script command setweapon now also accepts item names instead of type IDs
only (like equip, strip & spawnitem)
[ADDED] Non-rotated 3D tile property wall textures option in tile properties
[ADDED] UTF-8 Support for team chat
[ADDED] Customizable size for hud symbols, texts and icons
[ADDED] Customizable size and scale for radar
[ADDED] Map transfer shows additional loading bar for overall files progress
[ADDED] Advanced - Simple radar support radar color settings
[ADDED] hud_autoscale option (enabled by default)
[ADDED] ch_autoscale enables automatic pointer scaling
[ADDED] ch_manualscale scales cursor by the value (when using ch_autoscale 0)
[ADDED] Higher resolution hud symbol, numbers, radar and icon images
[ADDED] Spark effect for knife and machete when hitting walls/obstacles
[ADDED] Spark effect for laser
[ADDED] env_light rotation offset property
[ADDED] env_room position offset property
[ADDED] env_room color transparency property
[ADDED] env_sprite "affect lighting" property
[ADDED] Bomb planting animation and sound
[ADDED] Dynamic recoil server filter
[ADDED] Error log output when saving stats fails
[ADDED] Lua command "game" now has a "sysfolder" parameter (gets the used sys
[ADDED] Masked/filtered blending mode option for pointer
[ADDED] Optional detail minimap
[ADDED] Lua hook "vote" can now use return to cancel vote actions
[ADDED] logmaxflushrate setting (how frequently in millseconds can logs be flushed
= written to drive, default 1000 ms)
[REMOVED] Info_OldRender hidden from editor entity list because it's deprecated
and not working properly anymore

### - 30.04.2017

[FIXED] Main menu music kept playing when game server was started with commandline
[FIXED] Game no longer crashes when running a Lua script without a mod.txt
[FIXED] Newlines (\n) printed to the console are processed properly (replaced with
a whitespace character)
[FIXED] You were able to spawn/equip items with bad type IDs, leading to weird
[FIXED] sv_restart/restart/sv_restartround/restartround caused unjustified and
misleading console error output in some cases
[FIXED] Env_Light offset did not always work correctly
[FIXED] Game crashed when making lights with a size > 256 (size is now limited to
[FIXED] Mouse pointer was invisible when opening any menu while in weapon
scope/zoom mode
[FIXED] Crash when tabbing-out from full-screen application (DirectX)
[FIXED] Crash when minimizing application window (DirectX)
[FIXED] Same file will not be sent multiple times anymore if added multiple times
to sys/servertransfer.lst
[FIXED] Memory leak in Lua hooks
[FIXED] Right handed player skins
[FIXED] Crash when loading smaller tileset in map editor while map is using TileFX
[FIXED] Map briefing and server info was unloaded when switching language in-game
[FIXED] Bots didn't spawn in some non-standard game modes in some special cases
[CHANGED] Dropped item mouseover is now sorted depending on the item type and
[CHANGED] Game will always try to load files with the original extension first
before trying alternative extensions
[CHANGED] hudtxt/hudtxt2 network data is now sent in separate packages to prevent
connection loss on many calls
[CHANGED] arial.ttf replaced with free liberationsans.ttf for licensing reasons
[CHANGED] Standard resolution is now 16:9 (850x480 as minimum) instead of 4:3
[CHANGED] Horizontal borders appear when using 4:3 resolutions (640*480, 800*600,
1024*768 and etc.)
[CHANGED] A lot of performance improvements (loading maps/game initialization/map
drawing/map export)
[CHANGED] Loading now happens during intro screen with visible loading bar
[CHANGED] Trigger_Delay entity now also works with float values for delays with
millisecond precision
[CHANGED] More steps of joining a server are now described properly with text
[CHANGED] Console command "entities" now also shows the used resources
(image/sound) if there are any
[CHANGED] Replaced red crosses on items with green crosses because the red cross
is a protected symbol
[CHANGED] mp_dispenser_money now defaults to 500 instead of 100
[CHANGED] screen_quality now defaults to 100 instead of 75
[CHANGED] Better player, hostages and npc shadows
[CHANGED] Buying menu shows spinning 3D weapons
[CHANGED] Burst mode shoots separate bullets (mp_recoil enabled)
[CHANGED] Pistol no longer shoots multiple rounds when attack key is hold
(mp_recoil enabled)
[CHANGED] Lua sample script "hudtxt.lua" now uses dynamic variable values for the
[CHANGED] Improved flashbang and flare particle effects
[CHANGED] Editor and main menu use the full resolution
[CHANGED] Some windows like console and serverlist use the full resolution
[ADDED] UTF-8 chat messages support (to allow users to chat in more languages)
[ADDED] More color codes for dropped item mouseover (dark yellow = secondary
weapon, orange = grenades, green = equipment)
[ADDED] More detailed error message when CS2D fails to load animated multi frame
images because of bad image dimensions
[ADDED] reqcld mode 5 (mod info) and mode 6 (is 3D rendering enabled?)
[ADDED] Script command spawnitem now also accepts item names instead of type IDs
only (like equip and strip)
[ADDED] Experimental 3D rendering mode (settings command: render3d)
[ADDED] Tiles now have a 3D height parameter in the tile properties menu
[ADDED] Tiles now have flipY and mirror drawing modes for 3D
[ADDED] Capability to automatically convert old maps to 3D versions
[ADDED] Env_Sprite & Env_Image now have a 3D height parameter
[ADDED] New Env_Cube3D entity allowing to place 3D cubes in the map
[ADDED] Experimental dynamic recoil & crosshair (settings command: mp_recoil)
[ADDED] Dynamic recoil crosshair settings (ch_red, ch_green, ch_blue, ch_size,
ch_thickness, ch_bordersize)
[ADDED] New editor display option to either use full resolution or to show
gameplay view
[ADDED] Editor now automatically saves the current map as "autosave.map" every 3
[ADDED] Hovering an entity in the editor now also shows its name and trigger
[ADDED] Trigger_If now has some parameterized conditions which can be used in the
editor without Lua scripting
[ADDED] Some weapon values can now be configured over a new config
[ADDED] Command loadweaponcfg (reloads weapon config from sys/weapons.cfg at
runtime, server only)
[ADDED] Command mp_hudscale (sets the scale/position mode for Lua HUD images and
[ADDED] HD loading support for CT, T, VIP, random player and zombies images
[ADDED] HD loading support for hud symbols and numbers
[ADDED] HD loading support for player weapons and dropped weapons
[ADDED] Maps: de_dust2_new, de_aztec_new, de_cs2d_new, fy_shipment, de_cbble_new,
[ADDED] Lua commmand "player" now has "screenw" and "screenh" parameters to get
the CS2D screen resolution of a player
[ADDED] Lua sample script "hudimg.lua" which shows how to create and position HUD
[ADDED] Lua sample script "imghover.lua" which shows a HUD image which reacts on
[ADDED] New spark particle effects when hitting walls / tactical shield (only with
max particle settings)
[ADDED] New muzzle flash effects
[ADDED] Visual frame selection for Env_Decal in the editor
[ADDED] Decal painting tool in map editor (hotkey: 5)
[ADDED] Console message when screenshot was taken successfully
[ADDED] New advanced detail radar (showing the map with actual map graphics in the
[ADDED] Console command "debug" mode 2 - Profiler: shows detailed information
about application performance
[ADDED] Progress bar is displayed when loading map
[ADDED] Progress bar is displayed when exporting map
[REMOVED] Commands shadowz_wall and shadowz_obstacle are now deprecated as each
tile has a defined height
[REMOVED] Some old/unused assets

### - 01.05.2016

[FIXED] Bad re-join delay after a map change (was 3000 seconds instead of 3)
[FIXED] Fixed vulnerability which allowed to disrupt communication between servers
and the U.S.G.N.
[FIXED] The "Friends" button blink effect was misplaced after introduction of
"Quick Play"
[FIXED] Crash when killing an already killed player
[FIXED] All sounds should now be stopped on disconnect or server shutdown
[FIXED] Left handed option checkbox in options showed inversed state
[FIXED] Server details window (rightclick on server in list) displayed some wrong
[FIXED] "Quick Play" won't try to join a server you failed to join because of a
ban again (in the same session)
[CHANGED] New light engine with better performance, more features and without map
size limit
[CHANGED] Using new skins from smn's "First Complete Skin Pack"! Thanks to smn!
[CHANGED] Tile #0 is not rendered in mini map / map export / radar (when it's a
normal ground tile)
[CHANGED] Tile shadows won't be rendered on tile #0 anymore
[CHANGED] Hostage skin rendering now supports alpha channels instead of simple
masking only
[CHANGED] Improved bullet & bullet hole particles/effects
[CHANGED] Interrupting (Ctrl+C, SIGINT) or closing (X button, SIGBREAK) a
dedicated server will now gracefully stop it
[CHANGED] Bigger explosion animation with more frames
[CHANGED] Support for multiple sound file extensions: ogg and wav (tries to load
in that order)
[CHANGED] Support for multiple image file extensions: png, bmp and jpg (tries to
load in that order)
[CHANGED] The game now actually scales up when using custom resolutions, borders
only for non 4:3 resolutions
[CHANGED] Rebalanced shotguns to reflect CS 1.6 more accurately
[ADDED] New super awesome advanced radar with included mini map
[ADDED] Command setteamscores tscore ctscore (sets the team scores for Ts and CTs)
[ADDED] Command sv_soundpos soundfile x y player (plays a sound at a certain
position and, if provided, a certain player)
[ADDED] Command sv_forcelight to force advanced lighting to be enabled for all
[ADDED] Command sv_daylighttime to change the time influencing the day light
[ADDED] Commands setbackground, setbackgroundscroll and setbackgroundtiles (set
map background image, its scrolling speed and scrolling-as-tiles mode)
[ADDED] Spritesheet support for Lua images
[ADDED] Image wiggling (player images with X >= 2 wiggle with the player, if
enabled on the client side)
[ADDED] Lua image modes 4 (background image, covered by everything, including
floor tiles) and 233-264 (background image following player)
[ADDED] Clientdata mode 4 will now also return an SHA256 checksum of the requested
file (empty string if file is outside gfx/ or sfx/)
[ADDED] New "spectating" property to Lua function player and new "specswitch" Lua
[ADDED] Lua functions checksumfile and checksumstring (get SHA256 checksum of file
or string)
[ADDED] Main menu music (sfx/menu.ogg)
[ADDED] Round-by-round reloading for shotguns ("_roundin.wav" files for custom
reload sounds)
[ADDED] Lua hook "shutdown" (on server shutdown)
[ADDED] Lua functions io.enumdir (iterate over all files in a given directory) and
io.isdir (check if a given path points to a directory)
[ADDED] More resolutions added to Launcher.exe
[ADDED] Info_RadarIcon entity which allows to place icons for the advanced radar
on the map
[ADDED] Some new settings for Env_Room, Env_Light and Env_LightStripe
[ADDED] Day light time setting for maps in map editor
[ADDED] Light effect for molotov cocktail fire
[ADDED] Serverlist now has a light column which shows the "force light" setting
[ADDED] Serverlist status icons are now animated and more fancy
[ADDED] Modding support (see mods/Readme.txt)
[ADDED] Editor map export opens CS2D folder for easier access to mapexport.png
[ADDED] Command line parameter "-systemmouse" to use the mouse pointer from the OS
instead of the CS2D mouse pointer
[ADDED] Dynamic object id parameter added to Lua hooks "hit", "shieldhit", "kill"
and "die"
[ADDED] "Classic Skins" mod, containing the old player & weapon skins from
previous versions
[REMOVED] Removed connection setting

### - 22.11.2015

[INFO] This version is a critical bug hotfix

[FIXED] Players were not able to join any server

### - 22.11.2015

[INFO] This is the first non-beta version. Leaving the beta phase was long
overdue. No special implications.

[FIXED] Corrected bad parameter order in "die" Lua hook (from killer, victim to
victim, killer)
[FIXED] Friendly fire server setting was not displayed correctly after joining a
[FIXED] usgn.dat was sometimes saved to wrong folder when using custom sys-folder
[ADDED] "Quick Play" button in main menu to quickly find and join standard mode
[ADDED] New game "Quick Play" option (adds quick play tag "[Q]" to server name and
qualifies it for quick play)
[ADDED] Windows setup: Option to create quick launch icon
[ADDED] Windows setup: Now registers the cs2d-protocol to join servers via
[ADDED] Windows setup: www.UnrealSoftware.de link is added to CS2D's start menu
[ADDED] Delayed command line server joining to allow proper U.S.G.N. login
[CHANGED] Windows setup: Desktop icon option is now checked by default
[CHANGED] Pasting chat text will no longer remove existing input
[CHANGED] All clients can now see the U.S.G.N. IDs of all other clients

### Beta - 24.06.2015

[FIXED] HUD hover text was displayed for items which were hidden by fog of war
[FIXED] Wrong/strange fog of war visibility behavior in certain spectator modes
[FIXED] Items were invisible at right border of screen
[FIXED] Lua images with mode > 200 (draw over player) were not displayed properly
[FIXED] ESC/Enter did not work correctly while being in controls key assignment
[CHANGED] Silenced shots can be heared over a longer distance again
[ADDED] Stacktrace for (some) Lua errors (thanks to Starkkz)
[ADDED] Details about Lua hook when error occurs in hook (more when debuglua is
[REMOVED] LuaJIT has been removed from the release and replaced with the old Lua

### Beta - 21.06.2015

[FIXED] Zoom HUD is not displayed anymore for weapons without zoom when z1/z2
damage is set
[FIXED] Rendering issues with HUD elements in some special cases
[FIXED] mp_hovertext changes were not sent to clients when changed while playing
[FIXED] sv_maxplayers changes were not sent to clients when changed while playing
[FIXED] "Generating Lightmap" loading screen sometimes went beyond 100%
[FIXED] Shadow sprites in map de_vantage were missing
[FIXED] Folders for HTTP downloads were not created properly
[CHANGED] Now using ZEKE.LuaJIT2 module for Lua (Win/Linux version only)
[CHANGED] sv_friendlyfire changes are now displayed to clients with a text message
[CHANGED] Dedicated server now uses server port to perform initial U.S.G.N.
version check
[CHANGED] Some minor performance tweaks
[CHANGED] Tweaked performance of Lua images (out of screen ones cost less
[CHANGED] Tweaked performance of laser mines (out of screen ones cost less
[CHANGED] Silenced shots are less visible and can be heared over a short distance
[CHANGED] Changed encryption and file name for locally saved U.S.G.N. password
[CHANGED] Dedicated server no longer tries to load sys/controls.cfg
[CHANGED] usgn.de is used as fallback U.S.G.N. address when sys/usgn.dat is
[CHANGED] English strings will be used for strings which are not available in
custom languages
[CHANGED] equip and strip commands now work with weapon names as well
[ADDED] New fog of war modes to hide more stuff than just players
[ADDED] Server info button in in-game menu (opens window with server info text)
[ADDED] Multi item selection and removal for "Downloaded Files" dialog (with
[ADDED] Total size of all downloaded files is displayed in "Downloaded Files"
[ADDED] mp_wpndmg_z1 can be used to define an alternative damage when burst /
silencer is used
[ADDED] Hotkey [enter] for standard confirm buttons, these buttons are also
highlighted now
[ADDED] Hotkey [ESC] for standard cancel/close buttons
[ADDED] Command sv_stopsound (stop playing a sound for all or a specific player)
[ADDED] Lua command stats (get stats/rank for a specified U.S.G.N. ID)
[ADDED] Lua Hook shieldhit (when tactical shield of a player is hit)
[ADDED] Flamethrower now also emits light when light engine is enabled
[ADDED] Each language can use its own font with the new "font=..." statement,
arial.ttf is default
[ADDED] Added/updated some translations/fonts (Thanks to all contributors! Names
in Readme.txt)

[INFO] Smoke grenade smoke will still ALWAYS be visible, even when hidden by
fog of war.
That's because it would otherwise hide itself - which would make things
very strange.
Buildings will also always be visible in fog of war (technical and
gameplay reasons).

### Beta - 06.09.2014

[FIXED] U.S.G.N. connectivity problems after using map editor

[FIXED] Random/flickering tile brightness for some wall tiles on big maps with
light engine enabled
[FIXED] CS2D command flood protection (with bind/alias) did not work properly
[FIXED] Asynchronous smoke grenade, gas grenade, molotow and air strike positions
on client/server
[FIXED] Barricade rendering order issues (its ground tile overlapped ground
[FIXED] Editor also displayed entity areas when pressing space in a text input box
[FIXED] Lua endround hook was not triggered when using sv_restart with a delay
[FIXED] Trigger_Use re-use delay did not work for clients at all (only for server
[FIXED] Turrets do not hurt their owner anymore when friendly fire is disabled (in
deathmatch mode)
[CHANGED] mp_lagcompensation default setting reduced from 5 to 2 (only compensate
pings up to 200)
[CHANGED] CS2D now shows an error message instead of simply quitting when silencer
skins are oversized
[CHANGED] Construction buildings are now green/yellow in deathmatch mode (own
yellow, rest green)
[CHANGED] Spawn and build effects are now green/yellow in deathmatch mode (instead
of red/blue)
[CHANGED] You can use all teleporter buildings in deathmatch mode (instead of own
"team" only)
[CHANGED] All dispensers heal you in deathmatch mode (instead of own "team" only)
[CHANGED] All gate fields (except for your own) now hurt you in deathmatch mode
[CHANGED] You can only repair/upgrade your own buildings in deathmatch mode
[CHANGED] Key " renamed to doublequote for bindings to (maybe) resolve parsing
issues in binds
[ADDED] Additional debug output for Lua script execution order after server
start / map change
[ADDED] Additional punishment modes for mp_antispeeder (kick without ban, kill,
[ADDED] Lua hook suicide (when player tries to commit suicide with kill-command)
[ADDED] Experimental: Allow to change color of tiles in map editor (only for tiles
without blending)
[ADDED] Map de_vantage by Alistaire (winner of the CS2Dworld Map Contest 2014)

### Beta - 11.04.2014

[FIXED] Light engine crashed on some maps with map width or height of 101 tiles
[FIXED] Clients sometimes accepted file transfers from manipulated servers they
should not accept
[FIXED] Clients sometimes accepted sounds/images in file transfer they should not
[FIXED] Lua join hook wasn't triggered when bots were added to the game
[FIXED] Language string 0359=Normal (AI level) was set to value of 0253=normal
(weapon weight)
[FIXED] Language string 0442=Display (verb) was set to value of 0148=Display
[FIXED] Language string 0745=left (remaining) was set to value of 0469=left
[CHANGED] Player count of full servers is now displayed in red
[CHANGED] Player count of servers with at least 1 human player and free slots is
now displayed in green
[CHANGED] mp_luamap default setting is now 0 (disabled) for security reasons
[CHANGED] mp_luamap now also affects (enables/disables) Lua scripts in entities
[CHANGED] Slightly improved flag animation
[CHANGED] Lua images with long image paths now cause significantly less traffic
[ADDED] Main menu scroll-in animation for "Unreal Software's CS2D"
[ADDED] A purple S in the serverlist now indicates that a server is using Lua
[ADDED] Bot count is displayed behind player count in serverlist as yellow number
(if >0)
[ADDED] Textfield in LAN serverlist to specify port which is scanned for LAN
[ADDED] Main menu button (2 little arrows) to force a refresh of the U.S.G.N.
[ADDED] Command settile (change a tile on the map)
[ADDED] Command mp_floodprotignoretime (control how long packets from attackers
are ignored)
[ADDED] Command bot_autofill (automatically manage bot count on server and fill
free slots)
[ADDED] Command bot_keepfreeslots (keep 1-2 free slots when auto filling to allow
players to join)
[ADDED] Command menu_lanscanport (set UDP port which is scanned to find LAN
[ADDED] Lua command objectat (get ID of an object at a certain tile)
[ADDED] Lua command closeobjects (get list of close objects around a coordinate
within a certain radius)
[ADDED] "hascustomframe" and "originalframe" parameters for Lua tile command
[ADDED] sys/lua/samples/tilemapper.lua example script

### Beta - 10.12.2013

[FIXED] Reload / weapon switch spam server vulnerability

[FIXED] Tile blending with top right tile was erroneous
[FIXED] Tile rotation context menu options did not work
[FIXED] mp_smokeblock setting wasn't sent to new joining players properly
[FIXED] Light engine crash during initialization (while loading map, thanks to
[FIXED] Colortag © was STILL allowed in chat messages
[FIXED] Inconsistent duplicate lines in translation files leading to errors (will
be set to equal values)
[FIXED] Env_Light entity state did not get reset properly on map/round restart
[FIXED] Lua command entitylist returned a list of all entities for entity type 0
instead of just T spawns
[FIXED] Wrong server name was displayed at some places (e.g. F1 server info
[FIXED] Image hitzones (Command imagehitzone) weakened shots which was an
unintended behavior
[FIXED] hudtxtcolorfade / hudtxtalphafade / hudtxtmove animations were always
visible to all players
[FIXED] Lua image tweens have not been sent to players who joined after they have
been started
[FIXED] Lua command inentityzone made the game crash in some cases
[FIXED] Lua command closeitems did not list all items in some cases
[FIXED] Bots sometimes ignored valuable items (caused by the bug in the closeitems
Lua command)
[FIXED] Bots STILL ignored radio commands
[FIXED] Some lag compensation bugs
[CHANGED] Improved logging performance (log files are updated in batches of 50
lines - see: logbatch)
[CHANGED] Consecutively equal log lines are bundled in log files
[CHANGED] Number of lines cached in console reduced from 500 to 250
[CHANGED] You can now blend all tiles with the tile blending tool and not just
walkable tiles
[CHANGED] hitzone hook has been extended with a damage parameter and an optional
return value (new damage)
[CHANGED] kill, die and hit Lua hooks now use weapon type 239 for damage/kills
inflicted by entities
[CHANGED] Lua command closeitems lists closest items first (approximation, no
exact distance sorting)
[ADDED] Command connect (connect to a server with specified ip:port and optionally
a password)
[ADDED] Command setammo (set ammo values for a certain weapon/item)
[ADDED] Command mp_hovertext (control which stuff shows text when hovered)
[ADDED] Command logbatch (control log batch behavior, batches of 50 lines by
[ADDED] Command mp_lagcompensationdivisor (lag compensation fine tuning)
[ADDED] Commandline parameter -pw / -password can be used in combination with -j /
-join to join a server
[ADDED] Editor shows tile modes and tile blending/modifiers when pressing space
[ADDED] You get flashed when the player you are spectating gets flashed
[ADDED] Flashed players have a small eye icon on their head in spectator mode
[ADDED] Link button in "more"-tabs (options/server) to open online reference for
selected setting
[ADDED] Shadow background for HUD progress bar (reload/plant/defuse) to increase

### Beta Hotfix - 15.02.2013

[INFO] This is just a hotfix to fix some crucial problems. It is optional. The
version number is not changed.
[INFO] The light engine issue still exists! Please keep the light system DISABLED
in case of crashs!

[FIXED] imagehitzone debug message removed

[FIXED] Console output had no linebreaks anymore in dedicated servers
[FIXED] Console output was cut off in some cases
[FIXED] Turret sound was missing
[FIXED] Bug when rendering multi-colored messages in chat area
[FIXED] Lua command tween_rotate did not work properly
[FIXED] imagehitzone did not work properly for images which were drawn at player
[FIXED] imagehitzone created hitzones for HUD images as well - this has now been
[FIXED] Some help menu bugs (error page when opening / clicking index button)
[FIXED] Some turret bugs (some particles at wrong positions, crash / no damage)
[FIXED] Serverlist not showing all server details (after connection through NAT
hole punching)
[FIXED] Serverlist not pinging all servers properly (after connection through NAT
hole punching)
[FIXED] NPCs were set to invalid types (red squares) when players left the server
in some cases
[FIXED] Images which were rendered for a certain player only were set to "render
for all" when player left
[CHANGED] Colortag © is now not allowed in player names anymore
[CHANGED] Colortag © is now not allowed in chat messages anymore
[CHANGED] Outdated sys/core/cmds.lst updated with new commands so console shows
new commands
[ADDED] UTF-8 support for translation files
[ADDED] Serverlist visualization for unpinged servers (blinking "? ? ?" over
latency/ping bar)

### Beta - 10.02.2013

[FIXED] Removed a few debug console messages

[FIXED] Password loading/saving issues
[FIXED] Windows dedicated/client crashed when Lua bugs occured
[FIXED] Vulnerability that allowed hackers to select super supply weapons in
normal supply buildings
[FIXED] In-game name changing didn't work anymore
[FIXED] Language files were still loaded from old path when using -sys or -path
commandline parameters
[FIXED] Lua "rawdmg" parameter was missing on lethal hits (hit hook) causing Lua
errors in some cases
[FIXED] Lua flashlight hook only worked when spray hook was used somewhere as well
[FIXED] Changing mp_flashlight setting in-game didn't work properly
[FIXED] Servers tried to check U.S.G.N. logins even when using -offline command
line parameter
[FIXED] Camera sometimes jumped around between spawnpoints while being a regular
[FIXED] Bugged sample script in sys/lua/samples/console.lua (getentitylist
[FIXED] Grenades/projectiles were not drawn for one frame when changing state from
flying to lying
[CHANGED] ";" is not allowed in player names anymore
[CHANGED] Warning about running the game in program files folder is now only
displayed on Win Vista/7/8
[CHANGED] Shots now cause less damage when they hit other players/NPCs already (-
30% damage per hit)
[CHANGED] Smoke grenades now block the field of view when fog of war is enabled
(in a 3x3 tiles area)
[CHANGED] Lua files are not accepted via file transfer anymore (for security
[CHANGED] Clients disallow to save transferred files to 'sys'-folder (was possible
with hacked server)
[CHANGED] Bot players now do not count anymore in all voting processes
[CHANGED] Dispenser buildings will not spawn ammo anymore on servers with
mp_infammo enabled
[CHANGED] Barricade now behaves like obstacle and can be damaged with close
combat/explosions only
[ADDED] Game now uses NAT hole punching for better connectivity in the serverlist
as well
[ADDED] Editor test map button (at tools)/hotkey (F12) and in-game return button
(ESC menu)/hotkey (F12)
[ADDED] Bot players can now be flashed with flashbangs
[ADDED] parse command now automatically stops to parse at first ";" (can be
changed with new parameter)
[ADDED] hudtxt/hudtxt2/msg/sv_msg/sv_msg2 now support in-line color tags
[ADDED] Env_Sprite can now be moved/rotated/resized in editor with the mouse
[ADDED] Env_Image can now be moved in editor with the mouse
[ADDED] Gen_FX particle spawn area can now be resized in editor with the mouse
[ADDED] You can now also specify a custom kill image in the customkill command
[ADDED] Command mp_smokeblock (do smoke grenades block the field of view?)
[ADDED] Command mp_shotweakening (how much damage/force do shots lose when passing
through players/NPCs)
[ADDED] Command damageobject (damage/repair/heal objects/NPCs)
[ADDED] Command endround (end the current round, supports different modes)
[ADDED] Command freeprojectile (instantly removes a projectile)
[ADDED] Command spawnprojectile (generate a new projectile)
[ADDED] Lua command projectilelist (get projectile lists)
[ADDED] Lua command projectile (get values from projectiles)
[ADDED] Lua command imagehitzone (add/remove Lua image hitzone)
[ADDED] Lua hook hitzone (on hit of a Lua image hitzone)
[ADDED] "entity", "entityx" and "entityy" parameters for object Lua command
[ADDED] "ai_flash" parameter for player Lua command

### Beta - 01.08.2012

[FIXED] Crash when using Lua scripts with error (on some systems)
[FIXED] Crash in some cases when people with IP ban try to join
[FIXED] Buildings/portals not working without language files
[FIXED] Breakables/DynWalls were not affected by light/shadow engine
[FIXED] Crash/bugs when translating language string 0433
[FIXED] Command cmsg not working when using spaces
[FIXED] Lua image tags not working
[FIXED] "Heavy" for weapon weight missing in translation file
[FIXED] Some misspellings in translation files
[FIXED] "Arctic Avengers" listed twice as terrorist faction
[FIXED] Changing supply items with E didn't work from some positions
[FIXED] Some U.S.G.N. connectivity issues
[FIXED] AI bug with friendly fire and teamkills (thanks to Klin)
[FIXED] Sounds were still played (very quietly) with volume setting 0
[FIXED] Lua command entitylist didn't return all entities
[FIXED] U.S.G.N. login timed out when using the editor for a few minutes
[FIXED] Chat spam protection doesn't kick if chat output is suppressed with
say/sayteam hook
[FIXED] Disabled Lua menu buttons can not be used with the numeric keys anymore
[FIXED] Several bugs when triggering env_building entities (invisible buildings
[CHANGED] Improved internal friendlist handling, allowing higher friends count
[CHANGED] "debuglag" debugging info is not displayed for players with stealth
[CHANGED] ATTENTION: Lua command entitylist now works a bit differently!
[ADDED] Infinite roundtime in standard game mode is now possible (mp_roundtime
[ADDED] Command setname now has a "hide" parameter (do not display change in chat)
[ADDED] Lua command reqcld has new parameters (request if lightengine is on or
file is loaded)
[ADDED] Lua hook name now has a "forced" parameter (see if a nick change was
forced with setname)
[ADDED] Lua hook startround_prespawn (on new round before spawning)
[ADDED] "gasmask" parameter for Lua player command (see if player has gasmask)
[ADDED] "sys/lua/autorun" folder. All Lua scripts in it will be executed
[ADDED] Undo function for tile operations in editor (CTRL+Z, unlimited undo steps)
[ADDED] Entity Trigger_If (conditional trigger with Lua expression as condition)
[ADDED] Some translations by community members (see Readme.txt for credits)

### Beta - 29.02.2012

[INFO] This is the first update which is also distributed over the
new auto-update function. Please note that this function is
only available for Windows clients.

[FIXED] Crash when tabbing through textfields

[FIXED] Editor hotkeys were active while using textfields
[FIXED] Info_NoFow did not work on all maps
[FIXED] Bots no longer try to attack you with bomb in hands
[FIXED] Bots ignored radio commands
[FIXED] Effect command particle amount was always at least 100
[FIXED] Removed pointless transfer debug messages
[FIXED] Server player was able to commit suicide when already dead
[FIXED] Trouble with wrong "precon auth" errors after mapchanges
[FIXED] Encoding problems with special characters in serverstats.html
[FIXED] Vulnerability that allowed to use buttons that were too far away
[FIXED] Tooltip for unreachable (red) servers showed an empty box
[FIXED] Executing "disconnect" as client in-game crashed the game
[FIXED] Lua object(id,"team") returned a boolean instead of an integer
[FIXED] Decals were not displayed on map export images
[FIXED] Decals were not moved when moving the whole map in the map editor
[FIXED] Not all existing decal frames were available for use
[FIXED] Super supply menu option 9 did not work
[FIXED] Explosion sprites were rendered wrong sometimes
[FIXED] Attempt to equip certain items gave error message about strip
[FIXED] Lua inentityzone now works properly with teamgates
[FIXED] "temp" was displayed as map name after downloading a map temporarily
[FIXED] It was possible to see through fog of war as spectator by pressing CTRL
[FIXED] Breakable/DynWall transparency floating point precision bug in editor
[FIXED] "Game Commencing"-restart occured with 1 player who is alive already
[FIXED] Rotating sprites where not displayed correctly on map export images
[FIXED] Portal gun didn't perform attack/attack2 Lua hook
[FIXED] Game allowed to join when a client failed to save the downloaded map
[FIXED] There was no muzzle flash in burst mode (Glock/Famas)
[FIXED] Rotation setting was visible for Env_Image (doesn't support rotation)
[FIXED] Editor entity arrangement issues (re-arranged other entities)
[FIXED] Map image export rendered background image wrong (now w/o bg image)
[CHANGED] Connection setting is now "fast" by default
[CHANGED] U.S.G.N. login is now always checked before joining
[CHANGED] Command mapshadows now allows values from 0 to 4 (new shadow engine)
[CHANGED] NET errors will only be displayed in console when debbuging is on
[CHANGED] Serverlist is now much bigger
[CHANGED] Filters are applied to the Internet serverlist only
[CHANGED] Maximum flash duration slightly decreased
[CHANGED] Hostage speed increased
[CHANGED] Only players who are alive are allowed to perform name changes
[CHANGED] You can only join a running round if nobody has been killed in it
[CHANGED] Explosions will automatically have less details when there are many
[CHANGED] Explosions are now brighter
[CHANGED] Slightly improved particle and effect performance
[CHANGED] Planted lasermine images can be changed now (lasermine_planted.bmp)
[CHANGED] Less molotov particles, even less with lower particle settings
[CHANGED] Less gas grenade particles with lower particle settings
[CHANGED] Projectiles of a player are now removed on team change / leave
[CHANGED] Dropped CTF flags will be returned automatically after 10 secs
[ADDED] Command sv_checkusgnlogin (always check login?)
[ADDED] Command sv_rconusers (list of users that are allowed to use RCon)
[ADDED] Command shadowz_wall (wall shadow length)
[ADDED] Command shadowz_obstacle (obstacle shadow length)
[ADDED] Command shadowshade_wall (wall shadow shade effect)
[ADDED] Command shadowshade_obstacle (obstacle shadow shade effect)
[ADDED] Command shadow_angle (sun/shadow angle)
[ADDED] Command shadow_frameskipping (light/shadow rendering frame skipping)
[ADDED] Command mp_hud (enable/disable certain HUD elements)
[ADDED] Command mp_buymenu (custom buy menu)
[ADDED] Command mp_flashlight (allow flashlights on server?)
[ADDED] Command flashlight (turn flashlight on/off)
[ADDED] Command win (switch between full-screen and windowed mode)
[ADDED] Command cmsg (send console message to all or certain player)
[ADDED] Command triggerposition (trigger entity at certain position)
[ADDED] Command language (change the game language)
[ADDED] Lua Command entitylist (get list with entity positions)
[ADDED] Lua Hook flashlight (when flashlight is turned on or off)
[ADDED] (, ) and | can be escaped with preceding \\ in Lua menu command
[ADDED] Lua image command can display map tiles and other game graphics
[ADDED] Player parameter for Lua break hook
[ADDED] Enhanced in-game chat flood protection with auto-kick
[ADDED] serverstats.html now has a CS2D favicon
[ADDED] Light/shadow engine by BlazingEyed (see video options, off by default)
[ADDED] The language can now be changed (external language files@sys/language)
[ADDED] Env_Room entity for light/shadow engine
[ADDED] Env_Light entity for light/shadow engine
[ADDED] Env_LightStripe entity for light/shadow engine
[ADDED] Info_NoWeather entity (disable weather effect in certain area)
[ADDED] Flashlights (turn on and off with F)
[ADDED] Some additional loading screens for certain editor actions
[ADDED] Serverlist now saves the server name as well (for website serverlist)
[ADDED] Serverlist now has a "recently joined" tab with 20 latest servers
[ADDED] Serverlist refresh countdown is visible in refresh button
[ADDED] Serverlist now has a "game mode" column
[ADDED] Browser launch compatibility (allow to join over cs2d://ip:port URIs)
[ADDED] "-realport" commandline parameter (use port from settings for list entry)
[ADDED] "-rconlua" commandline parameter (allow Lua script execution via RCon)
[ADDED] Gas Mask (non-buyable protection against gas grenades, id 60)
[ADDED] Several new Info_TeamGate entity options
[ADDED] Info_NPC now performs trigger whenever an NPC from it is killed
[ADDED] Info_TeamGate now performs trigger when it kills someone
[ADDED] Trigger_Use now has a re-use delay option
[ADDED] Warning message when saving map without spawnpoints (Info_T/Info_CT)
[ADDED] Checkbox in graphics options menu to switch to window/full-screen
[ADDED] Editor displays depth of an entity at the bottom (for arrangement)
[ADDED] Editor got simple tile blending tool to make tile blending easier
[ADDED] Ban reason parameter for banip/banname/banusgn
[ADDED] Translation. Most parts of the game can now be translated
[ADDED] Satchel Charge (remote controlled explosives)
[ADDED] M134 machine gun (by FaqAp)
[ADDED] FN F2000 rifle (by FaqAp)
[ADDED] Some new user created maps from the file archive

### Beta - 25.03.2011

[FIXED] Editor: Move whole map ignored tiles left / at bottom of map
[FIXED] Editor: Move whole map did not update trigger relation lines
[FIXED] Editor: "Entity graphics" display setting did not work
[FIXED] Editor: info_noweapons property menu was misplaced
[FIXED] Editor: env_npc Snark selection bug
[FIXED] Tile alpha channel/transparency (PNG) is now rendered properly
[FIXED] ai_say and ai_sayteam did not work
[FIXED] Money has been reduced if you skipped repairing using objectdamage
[FIXED] Spraylogos are not rendered above trigger_use buttons anymore
[FIXED] Killing a player in its Lua hit-hook without return 1 caused bugs
[FIXED] Sometimes more than one player received +3 score for defusing
[FIXED] You can't vote to kick yourself anymore
[FIXED] Wrong response for vote attempts when voting was disabled
[FIXED] Editor save window didn't remember map name after first save
[FIXED] NPC spawn bug on some non-square maps
[FIXED] Building re-spawn bug on some non-square maps
[CHANGED] menu_svreqdelay is now 30 ms again by default (instead of 50)
[CHANGED] Idle kick now has its own kick message
[CHANGED] No damage/direction indicators when hit by silenced weapon
[CHANGED] mp_roundtime maximum value increased from 15 to 99
[CHANGED] info_nofow entity re-enabled (hides Fog of War in 3x3 area)
[CHANGED] debug mode (including FPS display) is now disabled by default
[CHANGED] Super supply RPG Launcher replaced with Molotov Cocktail
[CHANGED] You now don't see full rank info of other players by default
[CHANGED] Improved NPC effects and sounds
[CHANGED] Increased NPC default health values
[CHANGED] You can now join the round 30 secs (default) after roundstart
[CHANGED] Remote Lua execution (via rcon) disabled for more security
[CHANGED] Minimal lag compensation change (probably doesn't help)
[ADDED] Hovering the U.S.G.N. login state will show your U.S.G.N. ID
[ADDED] Dynamic Lua image tween animation system
[ADDED] HUD Text tween animation system
[ADDED] Snarks now explode when they die, causing additional damage
[ADDED] Attack buffer to minimize server sided attack packet drops
[ADDED] List of items for (super) supply can now be changed
[ADDED] Warning when running game in program files or temporary folder
[ADDED] Stop button for serverlist (stops loading of new servers)
[ADDED] Tiles can now be rotated (middle mouse key in editor)
[ADDED] Each tile on map can have own brightness setting
[ADDED] Each tile on map can seamlessly blend with an adjacent tile
[ADDED] Editor grid can now be toggled with hotkey G
[ADDED] Disabled Lua menu buttons can be created with brackets
[ADDED] In-game server menu has now add/remove favorite button
[ADDED] Optional fog of war while spectating a player
[ADDED] Forced spectating-fog in "spectate own team only" mode
[ADDED] Friendslist context menu option "View Profile"
[ADDED] Auto-Update function for future updates (Win client only)
[ADDED] Command mp_postspawn (time allowed to spawn after roundstart)
[ADDED] Command mp_radar (enable/disable radar)
[ADDED] Command mp_supply_items (list of items for supply)
[ADDED] Command hud_fullrankinfo (show full rank info of other players?)
[ADDED] Command hudtxtcolorfade (hud txt color fade animation)
[ADDED] Command hudtxtalphafade (hud txt alpha fade animation)
[ADDED] Command hudtxtmove (hud txt move animation)
[ADDED] Lua Command reqcld (request client data like cursor position)
[ADDED] Lua Command tween_move (move image animation)
[ADDED] Lua Command tween_rotate (rotate image animation)
[ADDED] Lua Command tween_rotateconstantly (rotate image constantly)
[ADDED] Lua Command tween_alpha (image alpha fade animation)
[ADDED] Lua Command tween_color (image color fade animation)
[ADDED] Lua Command tween_scale (scale image animation)
[ADDED] Lua Hook clientdata (when reqcld response arrives)
[ADDED] Lua Hook objectupgrade (when building is upgraded)
[ADDED] banip, banname and banusgn have temp ban time parameter
[ADDED] NPC: Vortigaunt (with melee and ranged attack)
[ADDED] NPC: Soldier (ranged attack)

### Beta - 25.08.2010

[FIXED] Black pixels became transparent on PNG screenshots

[FIXED] Lua images of a player will now be removed when player leaves
[FIXED] Lua hook spawn has been emitted for spectators on roundstart
[FIXED] Lua timers were added twice and had some others bugs
[FIXED] Buildings were covered by entities (palms etc.)
[FIXED] Massive FPS drop when pointing at wall with pathfinding tool
[FIXED] Editor will now never load more than 256 tiles (tile limit)
[FIXED] customkill does not work with dead players/spectators anymore
[FIXED] Bans haven been loaded wrong from bans.lst
[FIXED] "/quit" in built-in IRC chat caused CS2D to crash
[FIXED] Crash when loading damaged stat files
[FIXED] Strange pointer/crosshair positioning in higher resolution win.
[FIXED] Higher resolution win. allowed higher grenade throwing distance
[FIXED] Lua join hook has not been executed for pl. 1 on listen server
[FIXED] Lua use/usebutton hooks have not been executed correctly
[FIXED] Flare exploit which allowed to throw infinte flares (locally)
[FIXED] It was sometimes possible to reload unreloadable weapons
[FIXED] Pings were inaccurate (precision limited by FPS)
[FIXED] Grenade sync-bug when throwing grenade directly at yourself
[CHANGED] Pings are now refreshed more frequently
[CHANGED] Game now runs in window by default
[CHANGED] Some minor performance tweaks
[CHANGED] Mine/Lasermine moved from weapon slot 4 to weapon slot 5
[CHANGED] Zombies can now also collect gut bombs (if any on map)
[CHANGED] Zombies now can't kill each other with claws when FF is enabled
[CHANGED] mp_autogamemode is now disabled by default
[CHANGED] mp_randomspawn now also works in "Team Deathmatch"-mode
[CHANGED] Maximum size for downloads is now 250 kb by default
[CHANGED] maxplayers and port are now unchangeable if set as cmdl param
[CHANGED] Not existing maps (on local PC) are now darker in serverlist
[CHANGED] Player counts full/empty are now darker in serverlist
[CHANGED] Large item versions in menu will be scaled depending on size
[CHANGED] Better "rank" in-game interface output
[CHANGED] Better "killed by" in-game interface output
[CHANGED] Empty weapon on ground now says (empty) instead of (0|0)
[CHANGED] Bigger close buttons for server info and map briefing
[CHANGED] menu_svreqdelay new default value is 50 ms (instead of 30)
[CHANGED] Player/item shadows can not be changed (unfair advantages)
[CHANGED] Falling letters link effect is far less annoying now
[ADDED] Lag compensation for fair aiming with high pings
[ADDED] Player IDs are now displayed in scoreboard (in front of name)
[ADDED] Free cursor positioning / text editing for text inputs and chat
[ADDED] You can now use CTRL+X/C/V (cut/copy/past) in in-game chat
[ADDED] Right clicking a text input now opens a useful context menu
[ADDED] Console context menu (clear console, copy line, copy all)
[ADDED] Textbox context menu (copy line, copy all)
[ADDED] Minimap preview for existing maps in serverlist
[ADDED] Put [ ] around name/map filter to match identical values only
[ADDED] "Downloaded Files" download history (see Options -> Net)
[ADDED] Auto-Buy system (button in buy menu, autobuy.cfg)
[ADDED] Re-Buy system (button in buy menu)
[ADDED] Optional reason parameter for kick-command
[ADDED] Command mp_localrconoutput (show output of remote commands?)
[ADDED] Command mp_lagcompensation (lag compensation for aiming)
[ADDED] Command autobuy (automatically purchase weapons)
[ADDED] Command rebuy (purchase same weapons as before)
[ADDED] Command fps (display current fps / buffer values in console)
[ADDED] Command reroute (forward a player to another server)
[ADDED] Command spawnnpc (spawns a npc at a certain position)
[ADDED] "-rcon" commandline parameter (set rcon pw and make unchangeable)
[ADDED] "-nocache" commandline parameter (never load cached serverlist)
[ADDED] "-path" commandline parameter (change working directory)
[ADDED] "-fullscreen" commandline parameter (run in fullscreen)
[ADDED] "-lua" commandline parameter (use this lua script)
[ADDED] Lua image mode 3 (cover entities like palms etc.)
[ADDED] Lua Hook rcon (when someone sends remote control commands)
[ADDED] Lua Hook objectdamage (when dynamic object is damaged/repaired)
[ADDED] Lua Hook objectkill (when dynamic object is killed)
[ADDED] Lua Command randomentity (get pos of random entity of certain type)
[ADDED] Lua Command randomhostage (get pos of random hostage)
[ADDED] Lua Command closehostage (get hostage which is close to player)
[ADDED] Lua Command inentityzone (is tile in zone of certain entity type?)
[ADDED] Lua Command setentityaistate (set AI state of entity)
[ADDED] Lua Command closeitems (return all dropped items close to a player)
[ADDED] Lua Bot AI (super primitive, including many new commands and hooks)
[ADDED] Lua Command ai_say (bot chat)
[ADDED] Lua Command ai_sayteam (bot team chat)
[ADDED] Lua Command ai_radio (bot radio messages)
[ADDED] Lua Command ai_goto (let bot go to tile)
[ADDED] Lua Command ai_move (move bot to certain direction)
[ADDED] Lua Command ai_respawn (bot respawns)
[ADDED] Lua Command ai_findtarget (find enemy for bot)
[ADDED] Lua Command ai_freeline (check if line of fire is free)
[ADDED] Lua Command ai_aim (let bot aim at certain position)
[ADDED] Lua Command ai_iattack (intelligent bot attack)
[ADDED] Lua Command ai_attack (primitive bot attack)
[ADDED] Lua Command ai_buy (bot buys item)
[ADDED] Lua Command ai_use (bot uses environment)
[ADDED] Lua Command ai_rotate (bot rotates to certain direction)
[ADDED] Lua Command ai_selectweapon (bot selects a weapon)
[ADDED] Lua Command ai_reload (bot reloads current weapon)
[ADDED] Lua Command ai_drop (bot drops current weapon)
[ADDED] Lua Command ai_spray (bot sprays a spraylogo)
[ADDED] Lua Command ai_build (bot builds a building)
[ADDED] Lua Command ai_debug (show debug info for bot in ai debug mode)
[ADDED] "rcon" param for Lua cmd "player" (has player valid rcon login?)
[ADDED] Return value 2 for "drop" Lua hook (never fade out item)
[ADDED] Editor function to export image of whole map in different sizes
[ADDED] Editor warning when tileset has more than 256 tiles
[ADDED] Editor warning/confirmation when you try to overwrite a map
[ADDED] Editor distance tool now shows distance in tiles as well
[ADDED] Editor move whole map tool
[ADDED] Automatically reloading "bans.lst" when it has been modified
[ADDED] Super supply building (supply upgrade, spawns armor/rpg launcher)
[ADDED] Custom reload sfx is now possible with files in sfx/weapons/
- sfx/weapons/<WEAPONNAME>_clipout.wav
- sfx/weapons/<WEAPONNAME>_clipin.wav
[ADDED] env_npc entity which spawns NPCs (non-player characters)
[ADDED] Individual zombie player skin (gfx/npc/zombie.bmp)
[ADDED] HTTP download support for sys/servertransfer.lst
[REMOVED] "weaponid" param for Lua cmd "player" (was pointless, always 0)

### Beta - 21.12.2009

[FIXED] Security vulnerability which allowed rpg/grenade hacks

[FIXED] Lua command tile did not work properly (always returned false)
[FIXED] Lua command object did not work
[FIXED] Lua hook bombplant did not work
[FIXED] Lua images were destroyed by explosions
[FIXED] Lua HUD image scale sometimes influenced normal HUD scale
[FIXED] Several file transfer bugs
[FIXED] Crash with death notice images if image for weapon was missing
[FIXED] Crash if there are no spraylogos
[FIXED] mp_timelimit mapchanges only occured with players on map
[FIXED] It was possible to switch team to spectators when being spectator
[CHANGED] Now using DirectX9 drivers on Windows systems
[CHANGED] More intelligent latency sorting (prefer servers with players)
[CHANGED] Serverlist filters changed/improved
[CHANGED] You can now drag the minimap view by holding the mousebutton
[CHANGED] mp_wpndmg/mp_unbuyable now accept weapon names without spaces
[ADDED] Optional player param. for Lua images (only one player can see img)
[ADDED] Bots serverlist filter (yes, no, at least 1 human)
[ADDED] Name serverlist filter (only show if contains X in name)
[ADDED] Map serverlist filter (only show if contains X in map)
[ADDED] -offline / -off commandline parameter (offline mode)

### Beta - 11.11.2009

[FIXED] Bug with commands which accepted a name AND id of a player

[FIXED] Dropped weapon when attempting to buy outside buyzone
[FIXED] Wrong rate of fire calculation (/2)
[FIXED] Env_Object did not work everywhere on the map
[FIXED] de_dust2 bomb explosion range was too large
[FIXED] Removed unused env_sound from de_aztec
[FIXED] Floor behavior Func_DynWall entities were invisible sometimes
[FIXED] Some server only commands SEEMED to work for clients as well
[FIXED] Infinite ammo icon flashed when bomb was planted
[FIXED] Dedicated servers attempted to play sv_sound(2) locally as well
[FIXED] It was still possible to use "invisible" nicks with special chars
[FIXED] Screenshot function did only work properly at 640x480
[FIXED] Screenshots from menu were called "_XXXXX.XXX" now "menu_XXXXX.XXX"
[FIXED] Minimap creation caused the game to crash with certain maps
[FIXED] Console: Params consisting of more than one word were displayed wrong
[FIXED] Dead players and spectators were not able to chat with each other
[FIXED] Some bomb defusing bugs
[FIXED] Bug in bind system (binds were attached instead of replaced)
[FIXED] All binds outside controls.cfg were removed when using options menu
[FIXED] Lua hook "spray" did not work
[FIXED] Severlist sometimes showed "Add to Favorites" for added servers
[CHANGED] Improved weapon selection HUD (visualized number of items in slot)
[CHANGED] AK47/M4A1 are more balanced/equal now
[CHANGED] SG552/Aug damage increased
[CHANGED] Scout/AWP unzoomed damage increased
[CHANGED] Highly improved particle and effect performance on large maps
[CHANGED] Extended command line parsing (see Readme.txt for details)
[CHANGED] Zombies don't get gut bombs on spawn anymore
[CHANGED] Dropped weapons don't disappear in Zombies! mode
[CHANGED] Not allowed to change team on roundstart in Zombies! mode
[CHANGED] sv_maxclientsip default value is now 5
[CHANGED] Improved rcon/mp_maxrconfails warning messages
[CHANGED] Walls become neutral if not killed when player leaves/changes teams
[CHANGED] Bomb blinks on radar (T only) when it is planted
[CHANGED] "Copy Address" replaced with "Copy Address" and "Copy Name+Address"
[CHANGED] "Copy Address" removed from Linux/Mac version (didn't work anyway)
[CHANGED] Moved action messages (join,leave,...) so they don't obscure radar
[CHANGED] hudtxt/hudtxt2 message limit increased from 10 to 50
[CHANGED] Enhanced Speedhack detection (mp_antispeeder)
[CHANGED] Improved serverlist loading performance
[CHANGED] Highly improved stats/rank performance
[CHANGED] Console now only holds/displays the latest 500 output lines
[CHANGED] Enhanced logging performance
[CHANGED] transfer_delay and transfer_size removed (now transfer_speed)
[CHANGED] Improved file transfer
[CHANGED] Command exec now automatically prepends sys-directory if necessary
[CHANGED] Command spawnplayer doesn't allow to spawn spectators anymore
[CHANGED] Lua move-hook walk-parameter is now integer instead of boolean
[ADDED] Game loads recent serverlist locally in case of U.S.G.N. downtimes
[ADDED] Wooden floor tiles
[ADDED] More hostage styles are available
[ADDED] Skip briefing/server info with space (cmd "specplayer")
[ADDED] Clicking X in a Lua menu will now also emit a Lua menu event
[ADDED] Remote control panel (rightclick a server in serverlist)
[ADDED] Weapon images in death notices (optional with game setting)
[ADDED] A lot of additional Env_Decal images
[ADDED] Portal Gun: You can now close your portals with reload-key
[ADDED] You can now upgrade barricades to walls (fast and cheap!)
[ADDED] Wildcards (*) for IP bans (e.g. banip 192.168.*.*)
[ADDED] Server net message flood-attack protection
[ADDED] U.S.G.N. info screen if U.S.G.N. connection failed
[ADDED] Download files option (control what files you want to download)
[ADDED] List of files server will send to clients (sys/servertransfer.lst)
[ADDED] Lua menus can now be invisible and bigger (@i or @b in title string)
[ADDED] You can now add custom images to map/HUD with Lua commands
[ADDED] Command mp_zombiekillequip (disable the gut bomb stuff etc.)
[ADDED] Command mp_floodprot (enable/disable flood-attack protection)
[ADDED] Command mp_autogamemode (auto. switch game mode on mapchange)
[ADDED] Command deathnoticeimg (death notices with images or not)
[ADDED] Command reconnect/retry (reconnect to last joined server)
[ADDED] Command entities (list all entities, as server only)
[ADDED] Command unban (remove a certain ban)
[ADDED] Command listbans (list all bans, as server only)
[ADDED] Command menu_red (influence menu color)
[ADDED] Command menu_green (influence menu color)
[ADDED] Command menu_blue (influence menu color)
[ADDED] Command menu_svreqdelay (serverlist info request delays)
[ADDED] Command transfer_speed (server file upload speed in kb/sec)
[ADDED] Command download (download files option)
[ADDED] Command flashplayer id intensity (flash one or all players)
[ADDED] Command flashposition x y intensity (flash players close to pos)
[ADDED] Command effect type x y p1 p2 r g b (create an effect)
[ADDED] Lua Command tile x y value (return tile values)
[ADDED] Lua Hook flagtake (when taking a flag)
[ADDED] Lua Hook flagcapture (when capturing a flag)
[ADDED] Lua Hook dominate (when dominating a domination point)
[ADDED] Lua Hook bombplant (when planting bomb)
[ADDED] Lua Hook bombdefuse (when defusing bomb)
[ADDED] Lua Hook bombexplode (when bomb explodes)
[ADDED] Lua Hook break (when breaking a breakable entity)
[ADDED] Lua Hook usebutton (when using a button)
[ADDED] Lua Hook vipescape (when the VIP escapes)
[ADDED] Lua Hook hostagerescue (when hostage enters rescue zone)
[ADDED] Lua Hook movetile (when a player reaches a new tile)
[ADDED] Lua Command timer time function [param] [count] (create timer)
[ADDED] Lua Command freetimer [function] [param] (free timer)
[ADDED] Lua Command image path x y mode (create dynamic image)
[ADDED] Lua Command imagecolor id red green blue (change image color)
[ADDED] Lua Command imagealpha id alpha (change image alpha)
[ADDED] Lua Command imageblend id blend (change image blend mode)
[ADDED] Lua Command imagescale id xscale yscale (change image size)
[ADDED] Lua Command imagepos id x y rotation (change image position)
[ADDED] Lua Command freeimage id (free dynamic image)

### Beta - 19.06.2009

[WARNING] Hostages can't use portals/teleporters

[WARNING] Don't use portals/teleporters when playing with bots

[FIXED] Mines did not explode anymore

[FIXED] You were able to build dispensers close together
[FIXED] Whitespace (ASCII 160) was allowed in nicks
[FIXED] It was possible to choose numbers as nicks (cmd conflicts)
[FIXED] You can't set health/maxhealth of dead players anymore
[FIXED] You can't equip dead players anymore
[FIXED] Vote-bans are now really temporary (1 hour by default)
[FIXED] "Remove Friend" context menu in friends list removed
[FIXED] Lua itemtype(id,"dispersion") did not work
[FIXED] Lua use hook did only work for server uses not for client uses
[FIXED] Lua menu problem when opening a new menu with menu hook
[FIXED] Very high mp_timelimit caused mapchange all the time
[FIXED] Bomb did not explode with Info_BombSpot range
[FIXED] Some weapon images in the buy menu were slightly blurred
[FIXED] Bug in grenade rebuy protection
[FIXED] "Add to Favorites" did not work
[FIXED] Client players did not see burst fire of server player
[FIXED] Less annoying position resets on laggy servers
[CHANGED] Explosions are curtailed by walls by default now
[CHANGED] HE Grenade causes less damage
[CHANGED] AK47 is now a bit weaker, M4A1 a bit stronger (minimal)
[CHANGED] Movement is now slower with chainsaw
[CHANGED] "x changes his name to y" is now "x changes name to y"
[CHANGED] Some player sprite improvements
[CHANGED] Knife sprite changed
[CHANGED] Upgrade to dual turret: price and duration increased by 50%
[CHANGED] Upgrade to triple turret: price and duration increased by 100%
[CHANGED] Removed number of bots on server from serverlist (was too long)
[CHANGED] Chat details like *DEAD*, (Team) or (Radio) are now yellow
[CHANGED] Debug Lua message "calling hooked function [...]" removed
[CHANGED] No blood FX when hitting mates with wrench (if FF is off)
[CHANGED] Some changes on map zm_street
[CHANGED] Zombies get +3 score/frags per kill (setting mp_zombiekillscore)
[CHANGED] Reload at round end will now be finished and not canceled
[CHANGED] Radio and Lua menus are smaller now
[CHANGED] Now sending map file as last file to avoid incomplete transfers
[CHANGED] Friends list is now sorted by online status
[CHANGED] Flash effect will now be stopped when you die
[ADDED] New and improved speedhack protection with kick + temp. ban
[ADDED] Console input context menu with list of commands
[ADDED] Map preview images (minimap) in maplist
[ADDED] Blinking "Friends" button when you have new messages/requests
[ADDED] U.S.G.N. powered NAT hole punching for better server connectivity
[ADDED] Additional weapon information in buy menu
[ADDED] Additional enlarged weapon/item image in buy menu
[ADDED] Back buttons in in-game menus
[ADDED] Command mp_tempbantime (defines how long vote-bans stay active)
[ADDED] Command mp_maxrconfails (security against RCon bruteforcing)
[ADDED] Command mp_natholepunching (allow/disallow NAT hole punching)
[ADDED] Command mp_zombiekillscore (score/frags per kill for zombies)
[ADDED] Command mp_teleportreload (teleport reload time in seconds)
[ADDED] Command mp_antispeeder (protection against speedhackers)
[ADDED] Command sv_sound2 id sound (play soundfiles as server)
[ADDED] Command weapon weapon (select a weapon by name/id)
[ADDED] Command setname id name (server: set name of a player)
[ADDED] Command setweapon id weapon (server: set weapon of a player)
[ADDED] Command explosion x y size damage id (server: make explosion)
[ADDED] Command shake id intensity (server: quake effect for player)
[ADDED] Command killobject id (server: kill an object)
[ADDED] Command spawnobject typ x y ... (server: spawn an object)
[ADDED] Command customkill killer "weaponname" victim (server: kill pl.)
[ADDED] Bombspot can now trigger entities when the bomb explodes there
[ADDED] Func_DynWall can now behave like a floor as well
[ADDED] Additional new button styles/graphics for Trigger_Use
[ADDED] Additional new objects for Env_Object
[ADDED] Option for Info_NoBuildings to allow Mines/Portals
[ADDED] Entity Info_TeamGate (only one team or nobody can pass)
[ADDED] Entity Env_Building (set buildings in editor, Neutral/T/CT)
[ADDED] You can now return 1 in Lua hit-hook to skip the damage process
[ADDED] You can now return 1 in Lua build-hook to skip building
[ADDED] Lua Hook buildattempt (when attempting to build something)
[ADDED] Extended Lua commands to get tables of player IDs/item IDs
[ADDED] Lua Command playerweapons player (return table with carried items)
[ADDED] Lua Command hostage id value (return hostage values)
[ADDED] Lua Command object id value (return object [building] values)
[ADDED] Laser Mine
[ADDED] Portal Gun
[ADDED] Teleporter Entrance building
[ADDED] Teleporter Exit building

### Beta - 30.03.2009

[INFO] Several maps have been updated! Please re-upload the maps if you
are hosting a dedicated server!

[FIXED] Click for respawning did not work on the whole screen
[FIXED] Dropped armors did not fade out like other items
[FIXED] Infinite ammo did not work as client
[FIXED] Ammo values have been displayed in infinite ammo mode
[FIXED] Bug which allowed to keep zombie vision on as survivor
[FIXED] Money for returning flags was sometimes 300 and sometimes 1000
[FIXED] "Remove from Favorites" did not work always
[FIXED] You didn't see your own score on mapchanges
[FIXED] Exploit which allowed to throw grenades over a higher distance
[FIXED] Mine planting problems (fast/unwanted planting)
[FIXED] Servers were not reachable for a certain time after disconnect
[FIXED] Some bugs with higher resolutions (spec zoom, screenshots)
[FIXED] Player collected defuse kit even if already having one
[CHANGED] rcon command now sends full script line and works with " and ;
[CHANGED] Chat-/action-/killmessages are now smaller
[CHANGED] "options->more" splitted in "options->more" and "server->more"!
[CHANGED] © not longer allowed as first character in playername
[CHANGED] You can't shoot trough teammates with tactical shield anymore
[CHANGED] Improved serverlist filter settings
[CHANGED] Default mp_zombiedmg changed to 0.5 (less zombie armor)
[CHANGED] Some bot AI improvements
[CHANGED] Changed de_aztec and aztec tileset + botnodes for some maps
[CHANGED] Gate field and barbed wire have more healthpoints
[CHANGED] Some buildings are now built faster
[CHANGED] Domination points are now displayed in the radar
[ADDED] Overwrite/tempload options when joining server with differing map
[ADDED] Serverlist number of displayed servers/players (in brackets)
[ADDED] Serverlist number of bots in a server/total/displayed
[ADDED] Serverlist "Copy Address" function now also copies the name
[ADDED] Serverlist "Details" function (shows players on server)
[ADDED] Zombies do now recover 3 HP per second by default
[ADDED] Zombies have a gut bomb (and get a new one for each kill)
[ADDED] Lua script interface for server side scripting (sys/lua/info.txt)
[ADDED] Lua script support for maps (save as maps/MAPNAME.lua)
[ADDED] Weblinks for briefings (enclose in » and «)
[ADDED] Colors/links in all briefings for "official" maps
[ADDED] Colorcodes ©XXXYYYZZZ work in server msgs (sv_msg, sv_msg2)
[ADDED] Ending a sv_msg/sv_msg2 text with "@C" will show it in center
[ADDED] It is now possible tab trough all textfields in menus
[ADDED] More "rank" info (score, kills, deaths, kills per death, time)
[ADDED] Server info text (sys/serverinfo.txt, opens on join and with F1)
[ADDED] Different weapon modes for bots
[ADDED] Building kill buttons in construction menu
[ADDED] Some buildings can now be upgraded with wrench
[ADDED] Console input history (use up/down cursor keys in console)
[ADDED] Command hud_fireinthehole (disable grenade radio message)
[ADDED] Command stats_rank ("rank" on/off/detailed)
[ADDED] Command mp_reservations (reservation system for U.S.G.N. users)
[ADDED] Command mp_randomspawn (spawn on random positions in DM mode)
[ADDED] Command mp_zombierecover (zombies get health over time)
[ADDED] Command mp_zombiespeedmod (zombie speed modifier)
[ADDED] Command sv_msg2 id msg (send message to certain player only)
[ADDED] Command sv_sound sound (play soundfiles as server)
[ADDED] Command killplayer id (server: kill a player)
[ADDED] Command spawnplayer id x y (server: spawn player at position)
[ADDED] Command setpos id x y (server: move player to position)
[ADDED] Command setmoney id money (server: set player money)
[ADDED] Command sethealth id health (server: set player health)
[ADDED] Command setmaxhealth id maxhealth (server: set player max health)
[ADDED] Command setarmor id armor (server: set player armor)
[ADDED] Command setscore id score (server: set player score)
[ADDED] Command setdeaths id deaths (server: set player deaths)
[ADDED] Command equip id itemtype (server: give weapon / refill ammo)
[ADDED] Command strip id itemtype (server: remove weapon from a player)
[ADDED] Command spawnitem itemtype x y (server: spawn item on map)
[ADDED] Command removeitem id (server: remove item from map)
[ADDED] Command trigger name (server: trigger entities)
[ADDED] Command speedmod id value (server: change player speed)
[ADDED] Command lua script (server: execute a Lua script)
[ADDED] Command luareset (server: reset Lua, remove all vars/funcs)
[ADDED] Command debuglua mode (show Lua debug information on/off)
[ADDED] Command serverinfo (show server info)
[ADDED] Command serveraction1 (F2, custom server action for Lua scripts)
[ADDED] Command serveraction2 (F3, custom server action for Lua scripts)
[ADDED] Command serveraction3 (F4, custom server action for Lua scripts)
[ADDED] Command hudtxt tid,text,x,y,align (display text on screen)
[ADDED] Command hudtxt2 id,tid,text,x,y,align (display text on screen)
[ADDED] Command mp_building_price building price (construction price)
[ADDED] Command mp_building_limit building limit (construction limit)
[ADDED] Command mp_building_health building health (health of building)
[ADDED] Gut Bomb
[ADDED] Dual turret building (turret upgrade)
[ADDED] Triple turret building (dual turret upgrade)
[ADDED] Entity Info_BotNode (define important spots on the map for bots)

### Beta - 07.02.2009

[FIXED] Flash effects have not been reset on roundstart/spawn

[FIXED] Wrong bomb selection key in auto-help messages
[FIXED] Max HP was unlimited (env_hurt) - limit set to 100 HP
[FIXED] env_hurt created hurt-sound when healing (negative damage)
[FIXED] Zombie mode team balance on roundstart did not work properly
[FIXED] Storm stayed active after deleting info_storm in editor
[FIXED] Some problems with buy commands (ump45, mac10)
[FIXED] Missing team score reset on server start
[FIXED] Particles on walls/buildings did not disappear on removal
[FIXED] Bots ignored respawndelay (always respawned instantly)
[FIXED] Env_Item did not work with Trigger_Start
[FIXED] Last votekick message before kick has not been displayed
[FIXED] Whitepspaces in playername removed (options menu)
[FIXED] Some bugs in the ban system
[FIXED] Bug with ingame server settings menu (always loaded server.cfg)
[FIXED] Player also respawned when clicking at minimap or other players
[FIXED] Zombie vision did not hide sprites with nightvision setting
[FIXED] "Authentication failed" error when joining with long nicks
[FIXED] Script parser bug with max length for string parameters
[FIXED] Wrong start money for players who joined after starting
[FIXED] Position synch. problems (occured when dropping items etc.)
[CHANGED] Increased AUG/SG552 damage
[CHANGED] mp_trace improvements + set mp_trace to 0 by default
[CHANGED] Health of buildings is now displayed with at least 1% and not 0%
[CHANGED] Normal players (not zombies) can now drop the claw weapon
[CHANGED] Puking blood as zombie (spray) brings more HP for yourself
[CHANGED] "PIayer" is not allowed as name anymore (I looks like l)
[CHANGED] Env_Hurt can now cause damage on a variable area (not just 1 tile)
[CHANGED] Some minor network traffic improvements
[CHANGED] HTML Statistics show top 30 instead of top 100
[CHANGED] Ranking is now based on score-deaths instead of kills/deaths
[CHANGED] You can only hear silenced weapons over a small distance now
[CHANGED] Improved melee weapon bot AI (important for bots in zombie mode)
[ADDED] Auto-help on bombspot and when collecting a bomb
[ADDED] Auto-help when collecting a flag (CTF)
[ADDED] Auto-help when finishing a supply building
[ADDED] Short entity names in editor
[ADDED] Trigger relations are visible in editor (space or point at entity)
[ADDED] Command mp_infammo (infinite ammunition server setting)
[ADDED] Command mp_maxclientsip (max clients/players per ip limit)
[ADDED] Command mp_kevlar (kevlar strength)
[ADDED] Command logsplit (create a new logfile each day)
[ADDED] Command logstamp (add timestamps in logfiles)
[ADDED] Command usgn_checkversion (setting to skip version/news sync.)
[ADDED] Command usgn_info (show U.S.G.N. info)
[ADDED] Command usgn_addserver (force an attempt to add server to list)
[ADDED] Claw secondary attack (higher damage+range, lower rate)
[ADDED] Spraylogo selection arrows and info that you can't change ingame
[ADDED] Additional U.S.G.N. request debug information (debug has to be 1)
[ADDED] 6 armor items (light, normal, heavy, medic, super, stealth)
[ADDED] Env_Item "On Trigger only" (spawn item on trigger only)
[ADDED] Func_DynWall "Close only if not blocked" (against doorkillers)
[ADDED] Selectable entity categories for the editor entity list
[ADDED] Automatic instant round restart when changing the game mode
[ADDED] Mapcycle script commands (add with {yourcommands} after map)
[ADDED] Displaying scoreboard before each mapchange
[ADDED] Auto rcon password reset when joining a server (due to security)
[ADDED] You can see player ips/usgn ids in playerlist with correct rcon pw
[ADDED] Chainsaw (with pretty stupid soundeffect!)
[ADDED] "Don't cheat" call on start
[ADDED] Protection against hacks which allowed to move trough walls
[ADDED] You can get your rank by saying "rank" (only when stats are enabled)

### Beta - 10.01.2009

[INFO] Don't forget to upload the new "sys/core"-folder if you are hosting
a dedicated server!

[INFO] Movement tracing is EXPERIMENTAL! Please use "mp_trace 0" to deactivate

it on your server if clients complain about movement!
If your own player movement as client is laggy it is caused by the
movement tracing. It happens with high mp_trace values and bad pings!

[FIXED] Critical file transfer bug

[FIXED] Some bugs which caused crashs
[FIXED] Auto balance made it impossible to join a team in zombie mode sometimes
[FIXED] "play map sounds" option did not work
[FIXED] ^ console problem (german keyboards)
[FIXED] Very long mapnames left the box of the maplist
[FIXED] Playerlimit did not work on U.S.G.N.-only servers
[FIXED] Own player (server) left game when banning others sometimes
[FIXED] Different hostage looks did not work
[FIXED] Chat messages were not visible on dedicated servers
[FIXED] It was possible to build dispensers close together (building sites)
[CHANGED] Improved/modified hack/cheat detections
[CHANGED] Wrench undropable in construction mode
[CHANGED] V.I.P. can collect kevlar, nv, medikit, sec. ammo, money, flags
[CHANGED] Zombies can collect flags
[CHANGED] New max. name length is now 25 instead of 30
[CHANGED] Default mp_idletime is now 60 sec (1 min) instead of 180 sec (3 min)
[ADDED] Editor context menu for entity arrangement (bring forward etc.)
[ADDED] Entity Func_GameAction
[ADDED] Zombie Vision (night vision for zombies)
[ADDED] Ban saving error message
[ADDED] Bot+Kick menus are PARTIALLY available for clients with correct rcon pw
[ADDED] Serverside movement tracing and position correction (mp_trace 0-5)

### Beta - 31.12.2008

[FIXED] Critical errors in join routine

[FIXED] Player dropped old prim/sec weapon when buying failed
[FIXED] Zoom bug (dropping related)
[FIXED] Auto balance for team selection was active in deathmatch mode
[CHANGED] Damage of all pistols reduced
[CHANGED] Armor is a bit stronger (max. 30% damage absorption)
[CHANGED] Improved file transfer speed
[CHANGED] Buildings (besides barbed wire) now need time for construction
[CHANGED] Improved menu for voting
[CHANGED] Other players spray us logo instead of yours if transmission failed
[ADDED] Error codes and messages
[ADDED] Repair sound for wrench
[ADDED] Voting messages and sound
[ADDED] Command mp_wpndmg WPN DMG (weapon damage adjustment)
[ADDED] Command mp_wpndmg_z1 WPN DMG (damage in zoom level 1)
[ADDED] Command mp_wpndmg_z2 WPN DMG (damage in zoom level 2)
[ADDED] Command logaddress_add IP:PORT (send console output to this address)
[ADDED] Command logaddress_remove IP:PORT
[ADDED] Command logaddress_removeall
[ADDED] Command mp_zombiedmg
[ADDED] Claw
[ADDED] New game mode: Zombies!

### Beta - 23.12.2008

[FIXED] Friends list scrolling bug

[FIXED] Bug which allowed to have a knife with scope
[FIXED] It was not possible to build dispensers close to enemy dispensers
[FIXED] Dead players/spectators blocked building positions
[FIXED] Hostages followed dead players/spectators
[FIXED] Spraylogo selection did not work after deleting the selected logo file
[FIXED] Spawn effect was visible through fog of war
[FIXED] "Hostage following"-arrows were visible through fog of war
[FIXED] Rendering problems with buildings on maps with Info_OldRender
[FIXED] Server name in scoreboard did not change after changing the server name
[FIXED] Mouseover item info showed only one item and not all at one tile
[FIXED] Serverlist mouseover info was not fully visible sometimes
[FIXED] Internet crashed when joining servers with many players/buildings
[CHANGED] Armor is much weaker now (max. 20% damage absorption)
[CHANGED] Damage of all pistols doubled
[CHANGED] USP ammo limit raised from 48 to 100
[CHANGED] AWP now kills with one hit in zoom level 2 even if enemy has full armor
[CHANGED] Stats don't show players with 0 score/deaths/frags anymore
[CHANGED] Console is now on the classic console key by default (~ on US keyboards)
[CHANGED] Some internal U.S.G.N. changes/improvements
[CHANGED] Spraylogos with other sizes than 32x32 pixels will not be accepted
[CHANGED] Weapon sprites bigger than 75x75 (in hand) will not be accepted anymore
[CHANGED] Weapon sprites bigger than 100x100 (dropped) will not be accepted
[CHANGED] Defuse times increased (10 sec or 5 sec with defuse kit)
[CHANGED] Join error messages are now more detailed
[ADDED] Missing sound for weapon buying
[ADDED] Stats now also display the score of players
[ADDED] "Forgot password?" and "Create new account" buttons for fast usgn.de
[ADDED] Enemy health is now visible for spectators (spec. mode "everything" only)
[ADDED] Mouseover item info now also lists ammo/amount of weapons on the ground
[ADDED] Minimap for spectators which shows players/hostages/bomb/flags etc.
[ADDED] You can now start following by clicking a player while spectating
[ADDED] You can't rebuy grenades by default now (new command: mp_grenaderebuy)
[ADDED] Enhanced speedhack protection
[ADDED] Additional general hack protections
[ADDED] Bots button in ingame menu
[ADDED] Voting system and menu (commands: votemenu, vote, votemap)
[ADDED] Original CS weapon buying commands (deagle, hegren, ak47, m4a1, awp, ...)
[ADDED] New fog of war rendering mode (Smoothed)
[ADDED] Scorboard mouseover player details
[ADDED] Linux and MacOS (Intel) binaries (windowed only, dl at www.CS2D.com)
### Beta - 08.09.2008

[FIXED] Serverlist sorting bug with uppercase / lowercase letters

[FIXED] Blank/empty playernames were possible
[FIXED] Only CTs heared "Hostage has been rescued!" message
[FIXED] Skin selection security hole
[FIXED] Living teammates heared dead team chat
[FIXED] Displayed pings were imprecise and too high
[FIXED] Wrong rendering order of barricade ground
[FIXED] Func_DynWall did not kill hostages
[FIXED] Fire and gas did not injure hostages
[FIXED] Several spectating bugs
[FIXED] RPGs/Rockets flew too far sometimes (clientside in multiplayer games)
[CHANGED] Damage of all pistols increased
[CHANGED] Penalty for killing team buildings + max 5 team buildings killable
[CHANGED] Info_CTF_Flag, Info_Dom_Point and Env_Breakable can now trigger entities
[CHANGED] Everyone can read dead chat in game modes with instant respawning
[CHANGED] Nobody receives radio messages in deathmatch mode
[CHANGED] You only hear your own "Fire in the Hole" message in deathmatch mode
[CHANGED] logs will now be saved in "sys/logs"-folder
[CHANGED] TKs with gas grenade or molotov cocktail are not counted as TK anymore
[CHANGED] Ingame menu button order changed (options/server settings/players &
[ADDED] New commands / Settings
[ADDED] Builder and health of buildings will now be displayed
[ADDED] Buildings of own team can be repaired with wrench primary attack
[ADDED] Option to render Env_Sprite under or over players (like Env_Image)
[ADDED] Option to hide Env_Sprite if player uses nightvision googles
[ADDED] Player spawnmoney time limit (max every 15 sec, DM/TeamDM/Construction)
[ADDED] Adjustable respawn delay (0 sec by default)
[ADDED] Team option for trigger entities
[ADDED] Zoom function for spectating (rightclick)
[ADDED] Entity Info_NoBuildings
[ADDED] Entity Func_Message
[ADDED] Supply building (can be used with [E] by builder for supply selection)
[ADDED] Snowball
[ADDED] Air Strike
[ADDED] Mine
[ADDED] Basic HTML server stats with player ranking and traffic stats
[ADDED] IRC Chat (very basic)
[ADDED] Friends List (does NOT support chatting!)

### Beta - 18.08.2008

[FIXED] Minor editor tilelist scrolling problem

[FIXED] Weapon stayed in zoom mode while reloading
[FIXED] Dropped flags disappeared like normal weapons (CTF)
[FIXED] Map editor/mapinfo showed wrong map-size (1 x/y too small)
[FIXED] Bugs with some buildings when players leave (buildings will be removed
[FIXED] "scroll background like tiles" bug (no scrolling)
[FIXED] Kevlar/Kevlar&Helmet purchasing bug with little money
[FIXED] Tile modes explosion/toxic were mixed up
[FIXED] Several spectating bugs
[FIXED] Trigger_Delay self-trigger did not work
[FIXED] Dispenser did not work properly
[FIXED] players were able leave the map 1 tile on the left/top
[FIXED] Env_Decal bugs in editor
[FIXED] Bots ran into walls when they tried to collect weapons sometimes
[FIXED] V.I.P. was able to collect all weapons (now USP only)
[FIXED] Items did not fade out in deathmatch mode on dedicated servers
[CHANGED] Movement speed decreased by 10%
[CHANGED] Flash/HE detonation delay decreased (now 1.3 sec, old 1.5)
[CHANGED] HE explosion damage and radius increased
[CHANGED] Gate field price and health reduced, buildimit of 3 added, damage
[CHANGED] Gas grenade now hurts player directly. Armor doesn't protect anymore
[CHANGED] Gas grenade damage and radius increased
[CHANGED] Molotov cocktail explodes when it hits a wall
[CHANGED] Shotgun range decreased and dispersion increased
[CHANGED] Glock/Famas burst dispersion increased and burst damage decreased
[CHANGED] Env_Decal now works on walls and obstacles too
[CHANGED] lastinv command (Q) improved
[CHANGED] Domination possible with less players if there are not enough on server
[CHANGED] All player texts are now green in deathmatch mode (instead of red/blue)
[CHANGED] All players are now visible on the radar in deathmatch mode
[CHANGED] sayteam is now the same as say in deathmatch mode
[CHANGED] Playername character restriction removed
[CHANGED] You always have a knife now - even in construction mode
[ADDED] New commands / Settings
[ADDED] Servers using wrong version can be hidden with filter
[ADDED] +300$ for dominating points (DOM)
[ADDED] Map editor rect tool size displayed
[ADDED] Additional setting for Env_Hurt (damage on time/movement/both)
[ADDED] Bots now understand CTF and DOM maps
[ADDED] Flags are now visible on the radar (CTF)
[ADDED] Turret building
[ADDED] Editor button to remove the background image
[ADDED] High ping/latency autokick with mp_pinglimit (500 ms by default)
[ADDED] Player gets money each spawn (DM/TeamDM/Construction, 2000$ by default)

### Beta - 12.08.2008

[FIXED] Several building bugs

[FIXED] Several netcode bugs
[FIXED] Several map editor bugs
[FIXED] Scoreboard was not able to display all (32) players
[FIXED] Problems with some binds/keys/menus
[FIXED] Trigger_Delay did not work properly
[FIXED] Bug with Func_DynWall
[FIXED] Leaving players did not drop bomb/flag
[FIXED] auto teambalance now changes uneven teams
[CHANGED] DirectX is now used by default
[CHANGED] Movement speed increased by further 20%
[CHANGED] Screenshots will now be saved in "screens" folder
[CHANGED] Join-/leave- and kill-messages limited to 5 visible messages
[CHANGED] Zoom switch-delay halfed, laser removed, scope changed
[CHANGED] Servers with old version will not be added to serverlist anymore
[CHANGED] Info_NoWeapons now removes collected/bought weapons on roundstart
[CHANGED] Flag carrier is now slower (CTF)
[ADDED] New commands / Settings
[ADDED] Servers using another version are now highlighted red
[ADDED] Scoreboard shows which player is server/bot
[ADDED] +3 Score for planting+detonating or defusing C4
[ADDED] +3 Score and +1000$ for capturing enemy flag (CTF)
[ADDED] More info when your mousepointer is over a server
[ADDED] Game mode filter added
[ADDED] Domination map type
[ADDED] The game now supports more resolutions (graphics will NOT be scaled!)
[ADDED] Launcher for CS2D added (Launcher.exe)
[ADDED] Transparency settings for Env_Breakable and Func_DynWall
[ADDED] Explosion delay for HE and flash
[ADDED] Button/Switch graphics for Trigger_Use
[ADDED] ESC+DEL now work in in-game chat

### Beta - 4.08.2008

[FIXED] Func_DynWall/Env_Breakable rendered in wrong size sometimes

[FIXED] Fog Alpha perc. display did not change ingame
[FIXED] Low FPS rate decreased movement speed
[FIXED] Func_Teleport didn't work when teleporter exit was on a new teleporter
[FIXED] Env_Explode / Env_Breakable explosions did not work
[FIXED] Binds are now disabled when an ingame menu is open
[FIXED] Serverlist wrong ping sorting with unreachable servers
[FIXED] Movement transmission bug
[FIXED] Several zoom mode bugs
[FIXED] Weapon mode switching problem as client on servers with high latency
[FIXED] Game closed on disconnect with ESC+9
[FIXED] Several map editor bugs
[FIXED] Several map transfer bugs
[FIXED] Security hole which allowed to buy unpurchasable items
[CHANGED] Movement speed increased by 10%
[CHANGED] Movement speed with knife increased
[CHANGED] Movement speed with tactical shield decreased
[CHANGED] Tactical shield is now unbuyable by default
[CHANGED] Damage of all Weapons increased
[CHANGED] Damage bonus for zooming decreased
[CHANGED] Armor now absorbs less damage
[CHANGED] Func_DynWall now kills the player when it emerges on the same tile
[CHANGED] Func_Teleport now triggers when it teleports someone
[CHANGED] Galil/Famas ammo values changed
[CHANGED] Mousepointer crosshair removed in zoom mode
[CHANGED] Zoom/mode switching delay added/increased
[ADDED] New commands
[ADDED] Info_OldRender for CS2D compability (only needed for some old
[ADDED] Rocket Launcher
[ADDED] Grenade Launcher
[ADDED] Wrench
[ADDED] Building system (2x rightclick with wrench!)
[ADDED] Different game modes (Deathmatch/Team Deathmatch)
[ADDED] Serverlist "Copy Address"-function (on rightclick)
[ADDED] Entity cut/copy/paste with Ctrl+X/C/V in editor
[ADDED] Low quality smokegrenade smoke on low particle details
[ADDED] More options for env_item (spawn every x seconds)
[ADDED] Debug Logfiles

### Beta - 28.07.2008

[INFO] CS2D has been re-programmed from scratch!

Please consider that this probably caused new bugs.
These will be fixed in following updates.
Furthermore the game is still unfinished and imbalanced.

[FIXED] Grenade bugs

[FIXED] Money and teamchange issues
[CHANGED] Shadows and effects
[CHANGED] Network code
[CHANGED] New interface and menus
[CHANGED] New ingame HUD
[CHANGED] New map editor
[CHANGED] Bots are now available in multiplayer mode
[ADDED] Security system and encryption
[ADDED] Left- and righthanded players
[ADDED] Visible reload animation
[ADDED] Visible nightvision googles
[ADDED] New settings and commands
[ADDED] Map and spaylogo transfer
[ADDED] U.S.G.N. account system
[ADDED] Serverlist filters and sorting
[ADDED] LAN serverlist
[ADDED] Favorite servers
[ADDED] Some new items (medikit, money etc.)
[ADDED] New weapons: Famas, Galil, RPG, Gas Gren., Molotov Cocktail
[ADDED] New equipment: Tactical Shield
[ADDED] New server settings and commands
[ADDED] New weapon modes (burstmode, silencer, laser colors)
[ADDED] New entities
[ADDED] Entity trigger system
[ADDED] CTF map type
[ADDED] Ingame menus for options, server settings and kicking/banning
[REMOVED] Entity Info_NoFoW removed

### Beta - 12.06.2007

[FIXED] Fixed 2 bugs which caused "Memory Access Violation" error

[FIXED] Internal serverlist bug
[CHANGED] New Unreal Software logo

### Beta - 23.01.2007

[CHANGED] Reduced price of flare grenade to 150$
[FIXED] Some Bugfixes

### Beta - 25.11.2006

[FIXED] Map exploit concerning new external CS2D map editor

[FIXED] Some U.S.G.N. problems (were only present on certain systems)
[CHANGED] Faster U.S.G.N. Server
[CHANGED] New Smokesprite by |jUSTiN|
[ADDED] Nickname checking: A lot of special characters are not longer allowed
[ADDED] Total number of playerslots used/available beneath the serverlist
[ADDED] U.S.G.N. features/improvements
[ADDED] (poor) Speedhack Protection
[ADDED] Some new maps
### Beta - 07.04.2005

[CHANGED] Removed ability to join the "official" version with open source clients
due to hacks
[CHANGED] Serverlist now displays only servers with the same game version
[ADDED] Display of the amount of registered and available servers below the

### Beta - 24.12.2004

[INFO] CS2D now requires user32.dll (generally available on each windows system!)

[FIXED] Some minor bugs

[FIXED] Player did not drop the weapon before buying a new one in alpha
[FIXED] VIP had no knife
[FIXED] Zoom made it possible to shoot faster with sniper weapons
[FIXED] "refresh/update" button stayed unclickable after leaving a net game
[FIXED] "Join Game" button on "View Info" screen was sometimes unclickable
[FIXED] sv_ff (friendly fire) default was not 0 (off) - now it is.
[CHANGED] Increased (zoom-)damage of SG552 and Aug
[CHANGED] Improved bot AI
[CHANGED] Improved damage direction indicator
[CHANGED] Improved nightvision (slightly glowing players)
[CHANGED] Weapon zoom is now a real 2x/4x-zoom
[CHANGED] Dynamic loading of players.bmp (-> you can add new hostage frames)
[CHANGED] Flare3.bmp loadbug. Start with cmdlparam "noerrormsgs" to load an
alternate image
[CHANGED] Spectator minimap enlarged (doubled size)
[ADDED] Explosions (Bomb, HE grenade, explosive breakables) now damage breakables
[ADDED] Editor copy and paste for entities (ctrl+c / ctrl+v)
[ADDED] Cut, copy and paste for console, chat and textfields (ctrl+x / ctrl+c /
[ADDED] Delete for textfields (del)
[ADDED] Spectator zoom (Right Mousebutton)
[ADDED] "obstacle" option for env_breakable
[ADDED] Some new entities (info_nofow, info_quake)
[ADDED] Editor move map function (ctrl+w/a/s/d or ctrl+cursor keys)
[ADDED] Cmdline param.: "map" ("dedicated", "bots") to setup a server with the
given map
[ADDED] Cmdline param.: "noerrormsgs" to disable load error output
[ADDED] Manual.htm with script- and command line commands
[ADDED] Bot weapon modes (menu was already available in prev. versions but had no
[ADDED] Some new commands

### Alpha - 22.08.2004

[FIXED] Buying/weapon switching bugs (a bug)

[FIXED] Erroneous cheat detection (a bug)
[FIXED] Changed accidental exchanged aztec.bmp tileset (a
[FIXED] U.S.G.N. clear up bugs (a
[FIXED] Some small editor bugs
[CHANGED] Changed sv_ff (friendly fire) default to 0
[ADDED] "catchcursor" function/command wich holds cursor in window (for windowed
mode only!)
[ADDED] "no shadow" option for env_breakable
[ADDED] Some new commands

### Alpha - 19.08.2004

[FIXED] Now the player drops his weapon before he buys a new one
[FIXED] Game tried to load some not existing files
[FIXED] Removed Bot game memory leak
[FIXED] Several script parser bugs
[FIXED] Players stayed visible when covered by FoW on some old graphic cards
[FIXED] Bug which allowed to write a script based "speed-hack"
[FIXED] Client received invalid/expired msgs from servers where he previously
[FIXED] Multiplayer mapchange didn't work correctly
[FIXED] Player kept bomb in hand after round restart
[FIXED] Net Game didn't work after Bot Game
[CHANGED] Load process: replaced "memory access violation" with detailed error msg
[CHANGED] Delay after switching zoom mode halved (from 1000ms to 500ms)
[CHANGED] Decreased M249 damage and accuracy
[CHANGED] Decreased M4A1 firerate
[CHANGED] Highly increased Knife damage
[CHANGED] Script keynames changed
[CHANGED] Removed P2P connection display
[CHANGED] Changed some stuff to serverside to avoid cheats
[ADDED] Score, deads and ping are now displayed in dedicated server playerlist
[ADDED] Additional clientside anti cheat routines
[ADDED] Serverlist ping filter
[ADDED] server.cfg executed when you run a server
[ADDED] Mapcycle (mapcycle.txt)
[ADDED] Cmdline param.: "set" to setup the CS2D settings on start
[ADDED] Cmdline param.: "nostartup" to deactivate Unreal Software startup sequence
[ADDED] Cmdline param.: "connect" to connect to a server (works like the connect
[ADDED] Some new commands (mp_fraglimit, mp_maxrounds, mp_timelimit [...])
[ADDED] Some new entities (info_nobuying, info_noweapons)
[ADDED] Damage direction indicator
[ADDED] IRC chat badwords
[ADDED] Obstacle Block tile type (the same as a normal obstacle but without

### Alpha - 20.07.2004

[FIXED] Some internal bugs

[FIXED] Grenades were picked up, even if already carrying the max number of
allowed grenades
[FIXED] Respawn bug which allowed respawing multiple times during one round
[FIXED] Server was chosen / joined when clicking the scrollbar
[FIXED] Say/Sayteam just openened the chatwindow
[FIXED] Menu font was not loaded correctly
[FIXED] Reset of the variables at roundstart
[CHANGED] Exchanged the P2P with client-server scheme
[CHANGED] Hostages will be teleported with the player using them
[CHANGED] Movement speed more dependent on the carried weapon
[CHANGED] Ammunition for each weapon corrected
[CHANGED] Laser ammunition lowered
[CHANGED] Changed U.S.G.N. - no more lags in the serverlist
[ADDED] Info Text if mousepointer is pointed on items
[ADDED] Ingame Dedicated Server (needs 3D graphics card!)
[ADDED] Chat Introscreen
[ADDED] Chat Antiflood
[ADDED] Many new commands
[ADDED] Configurable friendly fire

####################################################### older versions (german)

### Alpha - 28.06.2004

[FIXED] Mehrere SCHWERE Bugs im Multiplayer Modus behoben, welche mit Version
a auftraten

### Alpha - 26.06.2004

[INFO] Achtung! Beim Bot-Game besteht die Gefahr, dass das Programm
nicht mehr reagiert. Die Ursache wurde bereits gefunden und wird
in einer der nächsten Versionen behoben

[FIXED] Granaten von "env_item" konnten nicht aufgehoben werden

[FIXED] "buyequip" Command funktionierte nicht
[FIXED] Fehlerhafte Kollision mit "Block"-Tiles
[FIXED] Angriff mit Messer wurde nicht richtig übertragen
[CHANGED] Standardport geändert von 27015 auf 36963
[CHANGED] Verbesserte Schuss- und Schadensübertragung
[cHANGED] Sprites werden im VRAM gespeichert
[CHANGED] Rauch von Rauchgranaten der Vorrunde verschwindet beim Rundenstart
[CHANGED] Debug Logging deaktiviert
[CHANGED] Teilweise leicht verbesserte Bot KI
[ADDED] Verschiedene Bot Skills
[ADDED] "env_teleport" Entity zum Teleportieren von Spielern
[ADDED] IRC Chat Client integriert (nocht nicht voll funktionsfähig!)

### Alpha - 30.05.2004

[FIXED] Fehlerhafte Armor Anzeige / Übertragung

[FIXED] Parser Bug bei Parametern
[FIXED] Bestimmte Radio Messages wurden an alle gesendet
[CHANGED] Festgelegter Standardport für Client und Host (27015)
[CHANGED] Verbesserung der Bot KI
[CHANGED] Körperteilverschiebung nur über eigenen Spieler u. Bots
[ADDED] ESC Ingame schließt/löscht offene Chateingabe
[ADDED] Sonderzeichen zur Schrift hinzugefügt (z.B. Umlaute)

### Alpha - 29.05.2004

[FIXED] Fehlerhafte Health Anzeige / Übertragung

[FIXED] Schleichen (walk) wurde nicht lautlos übertragen
[FIXED] Volle Munition kaufen über Buymenü bzw primammo/secammo
[FIXED] Ab Version fehlende Schusslinien wieder sichtbar
[CHANGED] Radio-Message Texte
[CHANGED] Verbesserte Eingabe (Gedrückthalten von Backspace)
[ADDED] "Hostage down!" Radio Message beim Töten einer Geisel
[ADDED] U.S.G.N.-seitiger Serverping vor Serverlöschung aus Liste
[ADDED] Herumschiebbare Körperteile ab "blood 3"

### Alpha - 26.05.2004

[FIXED] Spieler konnte sich beim Planten/Defusen bewegen

[FIXED] Item Bug beim Löschen im Editor
[FIXED] Bei Relative Movement war schnelleres Laufen möglich
[FIXED] Spieler hatte sehr viele Frags statt Minus-Frags
[FIXED] "env_sound"-Sounds wurden nach RR mehrmals abgespielt
[FIXED] Einige kleinere Multiplayer Bugs
[CHANGED] Richtige 360° Bewegung bei Relative Movement
[CHANGED] Spieler läuft mit Messer in der Hand schneller
[CHANGED] Radar dreht sich nicht mehr mit
[CHANGED] X-Button deaktiviert
[ADDED] Radar blinkt bei Radio Messages
[ADDED] "Fire in the hole!" Radio Message bei Granaten
[ADDED] "env_breakable" Entities können explodieren
[ADDED] Waffen "Laser" und "Flamethrower", nicht kaufbar
[ADDED] Überprüfung wichtiger Bilder
[ADDED] P2P Verbindungsanzeige im Scoreboard

### Alpha - 21.05.2004

[FIXED] Diverse kleinere Bugs

[FIXED] Spieler behielt Waffe nach Tod durch tödliches Feld
[FIXED] Z-Ordering fixed. Keine flackernden Sprites mehr
[FIXED] Runde wurde in bestimmten Situationen nicht beendet
[CHANGED] Leichte Optimierung des Multiplayer Codes
[CHANGED] Geschwindigkeit der Schrittgeräusche verringert
[CHANGED] Sichtfeld erweitert (von 120° auf 170°)
[CHANGED] Passwort wird nur noch Serverseitig ausgewertet
[CHANGED] Leicht veränderte Spielergrafiken
[CHANGED] Verbesserte und neue Effekte
[ADDED] "War Mode" für Server. Deaktiviert Spectating.
[ADDED] Info über "Fog of War" / "War Mode" bei Server Info
[ADDED] Frame Limit im Menü (40 FPS)
[ADDED] Culling und Rotation bei "env_sprite" Entities
[ADDED] "gen_gfx", "info_storm" und "info_tilefx" Entities
[ADDED] Diverse Commands hinzugefügt
[ADDED] Spieler Schatten und Beine

### Alpha - 01.05.2004

[FIXED] Diverse kleinere Bugs

[FIXED] Fehler bei mehrfacher Nutzung externer Dateien
[FIXED] Fehler von Volume/Pan Update bei "env_sound"
[FIXED] Sprites/Decal/Hostage Bug beim Löschen im Editor
[FIXED] Hostages konnten über tödliche Tiles laufen
[FIXED] "Server went offline"-Meldung bei Cheat Detection
[FIXED] Mehrere Bomben/VIPs im Bot Game
[FIXED] Mehrfache Explosion von Smoke-/Flaregrenades
[CHANGED] Leichte Optimierung des Multiplayer Codes
[CHANGED] Optimierung des "Fog of War"
[CHANGED] Verbesserte UDP Initialisierung
[ADDED] Tile Propertie "Block" (wie "Wall", aber ohne Schatten)
[ADDED] Tile Scrolling Modus für Backgrounds
[ADDED] Joinen jetz auch per URL möglich
[ADDED] Waypointverfügbarkeitsanzeige
[ADDED] Diverese Commands hinzugefügt
[ADDED] Fog Effekt für "gen_weather"-Entities
[ADDED] Schaden durch Bombenexplosion
[ADDED] U.S.G.N. Prüfsumme bei "Server Kill" Operationen

### Alpha - 10.04.2004

[FIXED] Einige Fehler im Multiplayer Modus behoben

[ADDED] "Aim-Line" im Follow Spectator Modus
[ADDED] Anzeige der Tile-Koordinaten im Map Editor
[ADDED] Buy Commands für Waffen und Items (deagle,vest,hegren ...)

### Alpha - 08.04.2004

[FIXED] Fehler bei der abgesicherten UDP Übertragung

[ADDED] Snapshot Command
[ADDED] Automatische Ausführung von Scripts über autoexec.cfg
[ADDED] Übertragung von Items beim Joinen

### Alpha - 07.04.2004

[CHANGED] TCP wurde wieder entfernt

[ADDED] Abgesicherte UDP Übertragung

### Alpha - 05.04.2004

[INFO] Experimentelle Version für das Testen von TCP

[FIXED] Mehrere kleine Bugs

[FIXED] Fehler bei falschem Pfad für "env_sprite"-Entities
[FIXED] Bots schießen auf Gegner, die sie gar nicht sehen dürften
[CHANGED] Map "de_dust" überarbeitet
[CHANGED] Spectator Modus verbessert, anklickbare Buttons
[ADDED] TCP für sicherere Datenübertragung
[ADDED] Minimap im Editor und im Spectator Modus
[ADDED] Map Briefings
[ADDED] Bot Control Menü (noch nicht 100% fertig)

### Alpha - 27.03.2004

[RELEASE] Erste Vorstellung des Projektes auf www.blitzforum.de

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