Ayatullah Nurjati
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Poemhunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Ayatullah Nurjati()
Art connoisseurs and observers. He was active Plonk theater, and was a
literature tutor at the KOPLIK Ciputat Literature and Philosophy Circle Forum,
active in various NGOs. Actively writes in various leading newspapers in Jakarta
and the regions.Currently writing a collection of short stories (the edges are
iron) and finished Novel (Indonesia) Cinta Cyber--Sastra
Eyes Of Sonnets
Differences are indeed obvious between the two of them both in terms of race,
religion and ethnicity
With the difference whether it can achieve togetherness in love
If you look at a region, it is clear that difference is a blessing for people in a
Why cannot be applied to their life in love
Love is like two eyes which although different colours but have one function in
Even though they have their respective positions, they complement each other
and that is human nature in living
Ayatullah Nurjati
Words In Life
Ayatullah Nurjati
Lots Of Wishes
Ayatullah Nurjati
Peace With The Heart
Old age doesn't mean you can't reach your goals, because it could be that my
mother had given the name Ayatullah Nurjati the 2 word it started from the first
word 'Ayatullah' which comes from the Arabic word which means the 'Verses of
Allah' and the last word 'Nurjati' a blend of words 'Nur' from Arabic word and Jati.
'Nur' means 'light' and at the end of the word 'Jati' is called 'teak' in English
refers to the name of a tree that is always looked forward to when it is old for
human needs, be it furniture or household appliances - beauty will be harvested
at dusk, as my mother explained when I was a child. And I did really appreciate
my mother's gift that name
I realize that there is a meaning in this naming where now I am increasingly
convinced that God has prepared a luxurious portion for my life as a father
God is making things smoother by delaying my success by building a powerful
mega-project for me in the life of this world; hopefully it will also be achieved in
the hereafter.
We don't have to wait until our life is established then be grateful. The solution is
to make peace with your heart, have faith and be grateful for what God has
given you at this time, even though with simplicity, both as a teacher and a poet.
Ayatullah Nurjati
At an immature age, he has memorized all the holy verses of The Holy Qur'an
just by listening to the ustadz or Kyai where he recited when he was 13 years old
It seemed that he could easily relate to what people told him, including religious
leaders who always recited the holy verses of The Holy Qur'an.
Likewise, the words he composes seem very similar to world-class poets
His father as well as his mentor was never tired of transcribing what he said, as
well as the tool that was always beside him even though he is now even 21 years
Ayatullah Nurjati
The Poet's World And His Life
The essence becomes a proof that reason, taste, creativity and intention become
a realization
Realization becomes a real proof of a masterpiece
Masterpieces are not only seen from the essence of the maestro, but become a
substance and practical value
The practical value of a poet is to juxtapose meaningful words into an
embodiment of real action in accordance with reality and it is not in an ivory
tower, it is about the work that exists that depends on the readers and poets
who break down the facts into reality like a maestro sculptor who produces works
monumental statue
Ayatullah Nurjati
Warjo's thoughts soar across the horizon and the universe, but are hindered by
something that is shrouded in uncertainty
With the coffee still steaming as if in sync with his daydreams, indeed the
atmosphere also supports his thoughts that soar between galaxies
He was very saddened by the departure of his sweetheart, and he wanted to tell
his girlfriend to say no or not to go home. Now memories are just memories,
because Irene returned to her hometown because of her parents' orders. Surely
Irene, her lover, will arrange an arranged marriage with someone else by her
Their relationship has been long enough, more than half a decade they have
passed and there has never been an adventurous or significant dispute between
the two of them.
If you look at her lover, she is a girl with a mature personality who is always
cheerful and has never seen anything material
She explained the fact that their relationship was known and approved by her
parents. As if he had negative thoughts, he threw those thoughts away from
reason and logic that love must be nurtured with good behaviour and thoughts.
Immediately He felt happy and immediately followed to Irene's hometown
His heart rippled with joy as if the world only belonged to the two of them
Ayatullah Nurjati
Morphology Of Love
Even though love never looks at logic, love just comes with feelings
Love and the trinkets of its existence may be lost or it can be eternal if it is
nurtured with the intensity of a relationship that is always intertwined even
though it does not always have
Should the word be expressed or only manifested with feelings or reflected with
real affection
Human nature is to love and be loved
Ayatullah Nurjati
Online Ojek Driver
The moon with the dim light with a soft tone as if embarrassed to coo with the
glass Skyscraper Mountains
The sparkling stars are supported by dark clouds as if they are in synergy with
the twinkling lights of a tall concrete valley flanked by dangling trees that reach
the side of the city center road.
The animals here are mostly rodents, insects and winged animals that wander or
settle between the sides of tall buildings
You won't find any reptiles here, let alone fireflies, because these animals have
retired early due to the expansion of the city's greed
Among the passing vehicles tucked in the figure of a man who is no longer young
The earth that he steps on seems to obey and never complains as same as him
who always never complains about the conditions in which the earth is visited
because almost in a few months his life is always on the move
He is currently approaching 5 decades but his youthful passion changes things to
be different
He has 5 children; a patient wife always drives his life with patience
The motorcycle he rides is also no longer old, accelerating the wheel of life fast;
everything is done for a bite of rice, paying rent and hopes for the education of
his children.
Life continues to change with the times, anyone who is not ready to keep up with
the times will be crushed by the wheel of life that he rides himself and he
believes life will always be dynamic
Indeed, the profession that he is in is quite challenging, a profession that has
been trending in the last 5 years and makes him remain humble, humble soul
with a wide smile between his white teeth and some of which have fallen out,
making him more compassionate and patient
Becoming a father is not an easy matter; it requires a sharp and qualified
conscience and physique to achieve happiness and perfection in education
Even though the material is sometimes less or more you still live this life
patiently even though the climate in this city doesn't support you, good luck
Ayatullah Nurjati
Love Galaxy
Desire is similar to the currents and waves in the open ocean. Everything will be
blown away if it is not as strong as a rock, and even then it is clear that
sometimes it is weathered and sometimes it is abrasion because it is constantly
eroded by the waves
Natural causality will never stop growing and developing
Nature will never break its promise; wind, waves and all the interference of the
moon and sun become a synergy that will not be found on the planets in any
space galaxy. Its orbit has been ordered by God and they all obey as part of
piety to Him
Earth is a beautiful haven with exposure to land and sea as if you will never get
tired of visiting
From the bottom of the ocean will then burst various coral reef ornaments to
produce land. Even the collision between the oceanic plates also sometimes
brings disaster is a form of testing and in the end it becomes a benefit for
Obviously the shaking of the earth is a sign that they are doing dhikr, it would be
impossible for it to move as a form of obedience to the Creator
Blue wind with exotic landscapes, this is the place. Where the manifestation of a
small part of heaven is in my realm
The calm of the wind and waves is a sign of the combination of the sincerity of
my desire and my feelings to achieve your pleasure
Ayatullah Nurjati
I believe in a collection of words that have been written down in the form of a
holy book from God through the Apostles through the Media of Gabriel
I believe in the Prophets and Messengers with various forms of words and faith
I have faith and believe in the apocalypse as a form
I believe in the struggle in the bonds of words in the reflection of life
Ayatullah Nurjati
Orange Sky
The sun, as the leader, always gives unconditional affection to the members of
its solar system
The moon, as the earth's lover, never seems to have an affair, because of its
causation; it always commands the ebb and flow of the sea.
Such are the celestial bodies and space orbits created by God; they rarely
dispute the nature that God attaches to their respective duties and
Let the dark clouds be dark, because soon the land and everything in it will need
rain when it cries
The sun is like a father who never gets tired of providing a living for his children,
including the earth and celestial bodies in his command unit.
That's how the orange clouds are in sync with the blue sky where this is a picture
of the world with the trinkets of life
White clouds as if they don't want to betray the sun; sometimes they are
pregnant from the sun's seed
That is the cloud's form of respect for the father with its orange colour
Ayatullah Nurjati
Jala Sutra
In the astral world, any genie or demons will run wild if they come
He never studied martial arts or silat, all he knew was sharing between others
we don't know if it's hereditary or indeed she learned something magical
Inner practice, fasting is a ritual that he always does. If various groups see that
he is a person who has high authority
People who understand Javanese Trust always say that the knowledge they use
is Jala Sutra, but that's not the case
Sasongko is just a trader who is honest with life and never loses weight or cheats
on his buyers
Sasongko is a portrait of the reality of honesty where its presence is always
associated with culture, culture and mythology about a belief in the past that
may have been marginalized
He abandoned the breed and lineage of his parents in terms of stratification, with
maturity and modesty he showed another shady face
Ayatullah Nurjati
Fade Away
The longing was stiff, He really wanted to pursue the beauty that resides in this
heart. The feeling of wanting to meet was overflowing wanting to be realized
In the city where She lived, there were lots of memories, even if only a piece of
the story in the past
She looked beautiful in a polite tone as if leaving his ideals about life
Yogyakarta, with the millions of stories and facts that she described, seemed to
leave the story of his life growing up in Jakarta
His study is quite far from her city, our short meeting at Borobudur brought him
to meet her
At that time, it was as if she came like an angel who came down from heaven
When He was amazed by her humble figure, witnessed by the stupa of the
Borobudur temple which seemed to bless our meeting
20 years later, Yogyakarta still looks friendly. Her shadow that has been present
the longer the dots disappear
Memories that will never fade away silently as the city's side changes
The rails and stations remain the same even if one moves
Everything has not changed drastically, what has changed is her shadow when he
visited this city
A city full of memories and praying that one day he can settle down in his old
age, and still he is being an old virgin man
Ayatullah Nurjati
Pray For Cianjur
My earth is throbbing again, the radius of its pulsation is felt thousands of miles
Many victims died and also not a few serious injuries
Nature that used to be friendly seems to have now turned into a beast to be lived
The ground throbbed with a series of earthquakes as if undetected by creatures
and sophisticated devices
South Cianjur and a series of other catastrophic events that hit the island and
this country, however, are a sign of awareness for human beings.
God made us aware of something from this event by giving a small signal to the
artificial nature
That with misfortune there is a lesson behind disaster. there is the best reward in
being patient and empathetic to one another
while we pray that this nature and the save victims will soon recover from its
injury and no matter how much we are aware that nothing will be permanent and
eternal on this earth because this world is a stopover in the eternal and
everlasting world, namely in the hereafter.
Ayatullah Nurjati
Teacher Is The Nation's Life
Teachers are only predicates, we can find other etymologies such as Ustadz,
Suhu, Shivu, Sensei, Laose or other words that play an important role in the
development of the world of education in other parts of the world
Even though it is difficult to process emotions, by growing up and getting used to
it, emotions are processed to become a constructive motive for students
Teachers are not people who only teach at school or get a degree from the
campus, but teachers can be reached in the world of religion or other formal
Not only diction, etymology and terminology in educating, teaching, guiding,
directing, training, assessing and evaluating participants but real work is needed
for this nation to become quality individuals, both from an intellectual and moral
point of view.
Hopefully with increasing age the sharpness of mind and character will also
Hopefully with maturity the material essence will also mature
Happy birthday to the teachers, I hope your welfare will be even more
The role that is carried out may be a reward that will benefit in the afterlife
Ayatullah Nurjati
The Living World
But cloud remains patient in wading through her life and never gets tired of the
causality of his birth
Meanwhile, the sun as a boss is always sincere and sells out his love
Soil, Plants and all the creatures under it always crave their presence even
though it's not always like that
Everything in the heavens and on earth always gives sincerity to all living things
in the world
Ayatullah Nurjati
The Poet And The Fisherman
The poet relies on intuition and knitted words wrapped in pen to paper in making
his works
Fishermen rely on strings, hooks and nets to get their catch
They both rely on tides. What distinguishes the two is that poets rely on the tides
of motivation and ideas and fishermen rely on the tides for anchorage
The decline for the poet means the death of creativity and ideas, while for the
fisherman it will be difficult to moor his boat and cannot get ashore.
Both of them often worked at night because it was the biggest tide of their life
With the coming of the silent night ideas and creativity flow for the poet and for
the fisherman that is the ideal catch for his family life
Tide and night determine where the two celestial bodies collide with each other
and are witnessed by the sun in other parts of the world
The sun can only peek at the affair. Poets and fishermen become actors who
embody God's creation
Ayatullah Nurjati
Not A Cheap Soap Opera
You patterned the meeting between us like the director, and it was very, very
I am not an antagonistic actor who always has compassion and behaves like a
Moreover, being a protagonist actor who always behaves badly
I am who is flexible looking at life and infects love and compassion
It's enough for you to be an actor who lives our love life together—where we
complement each other
You don't have to try to be a producer, creative team or part of the profession in
the world of television, soap operas or movies
Let the angels be witnesses of our journey and continuation of life
Let it be part of our love endeavour will be answered by God as the director and
Ayatullah Nurjati
Nothing Lasts Forever On This Earth
The world and its contents are a place to stop and are served various forms of
halal food and drinks with a view delicious
It's just a matter of how humans feel grateful for His creation in Grateful
Babies who have been born through their mother's womb are a form of Joyous
This is what distinguishes between humans and animals and their usefulness
aspects of Meaningful
Let animals use their instincts regardless of the fate of this earth by destroying
each other dramatically
humans should act and behave abundance
as their duty on this earth must be commensurate comprehensively
don't just show morals and destructive behaviour, let alone pragmatic in
Earth and its inhabitants are waiting to be visited again and run after
Our task as humans individually and in groups is to seek charity because the
world is the field of the hereafter and Let God's judgment be proven in the
Ayatullah Nurjati
I Don't Know How To Say Goodbye To You
I Don't know why this feeling is getting more and more indifferent until it's hard
to absorb your existence
I Don't know why this feeling is getting more and more indifferent until it's hard
to feel your role
And I don't know why this feeling is getting more and more indifferent until it's
hard to see what phenomenon you want
And again, I don't know this feeling is getting more and more indifferent until it's
very difficult for what I sacrificed a lot for you
Ayatullah Nurjati
Metonymy Of Love Nation
I, He, She, He, It, They and We included our group believe that love of the
homeland or nationalism is part of faith
In 1926 an agreement was formed on how to be independent in sects
Long before Indonesia's independence day in August 17th,1945, my tolerant and
democratic group always glorified how to love the homeland
The Great Groups in the world have never declared to fight or coup d'etat and
have never carried out any co-optation until now even though our community
members are very numerous in this country.
Until now it has been 1 century if we count it with the Hijri calendar
Still, my group upholds the value of religious and state tolerance
Until now, my group remains tolerant and democratic
The more mature age in this toriqoh makes me more and more understand and
learn the value of democracy by putting aside the ego that is stuck in my brain,
heart and feelings. Hopefully with increasing age the values of religion, nation
and state will also increase
Ayatullah Nurjati
Fatamorgana Cinta
Kebumen,13 Juni,1999
Ayatullah Nurjati
Gray October At Kanjuruhuan Stadium
The dark night is commensurate with the clouds that roll up the clouds so that
the moonlight is no longer visible
Seen sad and blue emotion in an area at that time
Just when this nation celebrates the Pancasila Sanctity Day
However, it was marred by an incident in the world of football which he said was
a public spectacle
Ayatullah Nurjati
Amber Of September
History has ever recorded that a people has been threaten and betray to this
nation and it was really difficult to be forgiven and become burdensome
That's thing was really like Fruits and vegetables have also been harvested but
why is there trouble in my area, it correctly yes, also in September
Similar to the reality that is currently happening today to the cumbersome people
The leaves that have started to fall and dry up and look amber
Ayatullah Nurjati
Engineering Love
Ayatullah Nurjati
An Integrated Waste Management Site
Indeed, the trash can smell of garbage, especially near public toilets, it's
impossible to smell good
Can you imagine how it smells?
Outside or in the trash can arena, that's the case, but it's different if you come,
stop by and visit the houses of the residents, there you find the aroma of a house
full of fragrances and the arrangement of a luxurious and elegant house is no
exception to my house.
The garbage cart puller there has a classy luxury car and is clearly the opposite
of reality exists. How ironic
Ayatullah Nurjati
Country Of Donations
In a land I found that its rulers all eat the best food
Meanwhile, the common people only eat rice and side dishes sometimes just chili
sauce or salt
The rulers and their rulers are inlaid with gold and diamonds
Meanwhile, the common people still have bamboo rooms or semi-permanent
houses made of used plywood
Ayatullah Nurjati
Malam Kelam
Ayatullah Nurjati
Sapi Perah Merah
Ayatullah Nurjati
Renungan Malam
Refleksi malam dalam aku termanggu di ruang kostku yang sesak dengan
kehampaan. Mau kemana arah langkahku?
Ayatullah Nurjati
Garbage Park
Ayatullah Nurjati
Pemirsa Yang Budiman
23.07.03/2.56 pagi
Ayatullah Nurjati
Goa Jati Jajar
Kebumen 1999
Ayatullah Nurjati
Simpangan Pabrik Ubin
Ayatullah Nurjati
Taken For Granted: Untuk Sebuah Nama
Untuk sebuah nama yang abadi kembali kuberteriak hendak menyibakkan suatu
kesan bahwa kau adalah seorang yang bersih kukuh dalam ransum keindahan
dan siapapun kau……
aku malu.
Ciputat 3.19 sore/25/04/04
Ayatullah Nurjati
Potret Diri
Jiwaku meranggas terseok angin putting beliung terenyuh sang biduan hati
Bilik bambu terpesan adneralin terasa sesak
Air pekak tertanam semerbak gaun muda
Otak ambyar tertata
Ayatullah Nurjati
Lengger Dance
In the middle to the southern edge of the island of Java, there is a beautiful
synergy with culture
3 regencies in the area maintain an art contract in culture
People other than the Kalibagor and Jatilawang areas call it Ronggeng dance
This dance is different from the usual dance that is always performed
Lengger will not be marginalized by the times as long as Batu raden always
displays its charm for its travelers
This breed of Tayub dance has succeeded in reaching all over Java
Serat Centini is a witness to how this work was born
Not only dance performances and calung as accompaniment, but there is a moral
message from the dancers
Ayatullah Nurjati
Manusia Saraf
Apakah dengan warna kita bisa memacu kemilaunya sang amor yang lelah tuk
Simfoni dan elegy tentang mahluk yang berbeda
Orang gila dan sang dewi yang masduk akan gamblangnya sang katak berwarna
Ayatullah Nurjati
Terbungkus Dalam Keabsurdan
Ayatullah Nurjati
Untuk Kekasihku
Ayatullah Nurjati
Cokek Dance
The male and female dancers are close together but they never touch
The beat and the rhythm of the Gambang Keromong become an accompaniment
to the dance ballet
Even though it's rarely seen every day, hopefully it won't run out of time
Sad indeed, that art has begun to be marginalized according to the area where it
was created
August 9th,2022.7: 38 AM
© Ayatullah Nurjati @poemhunter.com
Ayatullah Nurjati
Mirage Of Love
When love is anchored, why do their parents abandon their idealism of love?
Why do differences always separate and seem to insult love
The universe of love with the galaxy of love is always orbiting in its position
The difficulty of reaching love is like a mirage in a utopian illusory life
Ayatullah Nurjati
All About Love
But it's just an illusion for sure When I want to meet him why is there a hijab
that separates us both
This feeling is so strong and I have never felt like it in my whole life
Let me quench this longing because right now I can't have you
Indeed, philosophers, prophets, sages, poets say love doesn't have to belonging
Ayatullah Nurjati
Indonesian Independence Day
3.5 centuries and 3.5 years of fighting for independence from the shackles of
colonialism that plagued this nation
This nation has been independent right on August 17,1945
The heroes, both from the religious leaders, pure fighters from among the youth
and parents
Many are willing to die, shed sweat and blood for the sake of this nation's
Don't pawn the independence of this country for the misguided profit of yourself
and your group
The independence that has been achieved, don't bother with the desire of your
stomach, my friend
This freedom is not only yours and your group's. The independence of this
country is a common property
You, you and I must fill independence with concrete and concrete evidence
Ayatullah Nurjati
You Have Metamorphozed Into A Wild Butterfly
Ayatullah Nurjati
Torch Parade
It has been 2 years since the diffusion of a unified religion and culture has not
been carried out and only this year it has been done
The pandemic has blocked the joint lines of cultural and religious life
Praise God the pandemic had been passed
The old and epic tradition is so beautiful to see and broadcast now
Maybe some people think it's weird but not with our community
The combination of the lunar and solar calendars is a witness to how the ritual
took place
Indeed, the moon and sun orbiting the sun are always anomaly and erratic,
sometimes slightly deviating from their initial orbits, but that's how nature is with
its trinkets.
Ayatullah Nurjati
Kupanjatkan Doa Padamu Ya Tuhan
Ayatullah Nurjati
Jamu--Obat Pelipur Lara
Ayatullah Nurjati
Imagination And Creativity In Fenomena And
Imagination and creativity marry and pair nicely with the logic of removing the
existing idealism
Imagination and creativity will not be divorced as long as philosophers and
artists, both writers, humanists and artists from newly famous or already famous
ones, always put forward phenomena and noumena about the facts of life as an
July 20th,2022.02: 06 PM
© Ayatullah Nurjati. PoemHunter.com
Ayatullah Nurjati
Love Without Ulterior Motives
Every day I'm surprised to see you who are increasingly different from usual
You said that you love me
But what I feel is clearly the other way around
You seem to want to sell your love for your desires to me
Ayatullah Nurjati
Merunduk Luruh Dalam Keagungannya
Ayatullah Nurjati
Perselingkuhan Malam
Ayatullah Nurjati
Tarian Eblek
Ada ritual Tarian Eblek yang banyak orang menyebut dengan kata lain seperti
Ebek, Kuda Lumping, Jarang Kepang, Jaranan Butho, Jathilan atau entah apalah
Penari yang semua pria dan penontonya baik pria dan wanita bisa kesurupan
Dukunnya sampai keteteran kalau sampai itu terjadi
Hawa mistis menyeruak ketika hal tersebut ditampilkan
Sampai hal tersebut menjadi keinginan para wistawan local dan asing untuk
berkunjung melihat pementasan tersebut
Sebuah difusi kebudayaan yang bersanding apik dengan agama local
Sebuah property kuda-kudaan terbuat dari bamboo dan tali rapia yang
ditunggangi seakan hidup dan liar ketika ditunggangi
Memang banyak unsure magis dalam kesenian yang mengakar pada tarian di
Ayatullah Nurjati
The Tip Of The Island Of Java
I traced the end of the northern coastline of the island of Java to the south on
There is an undeniable beauty for a long time
The mystery and majesty that God has given to my world, on There
The beauty that may have only been explored a little by the human in the past
even though they have been sucking the pure honey for a long time
Nature always recycles even though new style invaders like me and you who live
and settle in this era always suck the essence of the spirit on there
The natural honey that is served on this island will definitely never run out for a
long time
Along with the explosion, the new style invaders are always exploring nature and
polluting it with their wrongdoings, but nature is always polite and humble, even
though sometimes he is a little angry but he always wants to make up with us in
My nature—your nature and ours are all spread out from the air, land and water
are juxtaposed for us so that we can enjoy, be grateful and celebrate His creation
for a long time
Ayatullah Nurjati
Bagaskara The Fisherman's Son
Call it Bagaskara, the son of a fisherman who now has to support his mother and
younger siblings
He's only 15 years old
The harshness of nature has shaped him to be strong and humble, abundant
catches and the difficulty of getting fuel for fishing have become his daily life.
The waves crashing, the slap of the wind and the storm that hit him as if he was
used to it at his ripe age
He must leave the world of education for the sake of a decent living for his family
Harapan Island in the Thousand Islands, Jakarta is his shelter and the sea is his
main home
Her mother was forced to let her go because of a bond of the essence of her
young children
He was forced to give up for the success of his younger siblings' education
Ayatullah Nurjati
Silent Sonnet
It's useless when you become an actor but never understand where you are
Being an actor requires conscience
Not only want to be seen in shows but show who you are
even though it's weird I see but I just stay silent as consequence
At this time, I already like my silent position as the embodiment of the process of
maturity of life
In this way, I will improve where your position is
I will not give any input because it always poses in life
because basically all humans have their respective positions and they must know
where she or he is
So, take it easy when you are performing in a show, because this is not a theatre
Never wear a mask to cover your problems, because your good nature is your
temperament, show it in performance
Ayatullah Nurjati
With Or Without You
Ayatullah Nurjati
For A Poet With The Name Of Widji Thukul
34 years have been treaded through a long sequence of life that also has not
seen the bright spot
Ambition, desire and desire in the heart are mixed in all lines of life
He must have realized how beautiful life was always embroidered with an
essence of achievement
Obviously this country has never guaranteed the lives of poets
He was a poet who always produced works but there was no recognition
Indeed, class was always a distortion and a differentiator
His hoarse voice boomed down to the bottom of the Indian Ocean to the Pacific
Until now, his existence has disappeared like it was swept away by the wind
Ayatullah Nurjati
Drown In His Greatness
A gentle breeze pushes the clouds to let go of their essence, which is pure water
in the form of raindrops
A tree with its lush leaves hanging to the ground bowed in His majesty
Creeping animals to mammals believe in this phenomenon while doing Dhikr
Rocks that look dead seem to move and grow
Animals that metamorphose from water to soil or from soil, trees to the air seem
to believe in it as a causality of the earthly ecosystem.
Animals that are invisible to the eye to the largest always follow their conscience
in a food chain
The old vulcanized area, the former raging ancient volcano, has long cooled and
made everything look more beautiful
The river of snake incarnation, Lukolo, is a testament to how nature was formed
The ocean floor with plates colliding with each other has revealed how the earth
was formed through the process of Sunatullah
Nature presents a synergy between land, air and sea biota
Wadasputih Mountain, Paras Hill, Kruwet Hill, Duwur Hill and Indrakila Hill as if
steady with the splendor they have
Do not let them be pawned let alone eroded by greedy humans because they in
their habitat always fall down, bowing in His majesty
Ayatullah Nurjati
Full Strawberry Moon
Causality of the wife who always follows where her husband goes
They are always united in various joints
They orbit following their in-laws and ancestors who still survive
Sun as the elder and chief of the tribe always protects its citizens because of
god's command
There is a ritual that cannot be lost when the earth and the moon are side by
The husband is the earth who always provides for his children including all of us
The wife is the moon, not Venus let alone mars which always follows earth
Often the moon makes up with the beauty of the body and the red hue on her
beautiful face
Ayatullah Nurjati
Love—cyber Literature
Maybe I don't believe the concept of love that has been spawned by Erich Fromm
or al-Ghozali,
I think it's all just a virtual corridor in a maze.
For me love is a frightening picture, like a scary creeping animal ready to gnaw
inch by inch of your body.
After I lost my lover. And a series of tragic events
As if I do not believe in the existence of love.
My relationship with Utari ran aground because my orthodox parents, Lala, Indah
also betrayed me. What should I do to find the existence of love, is there love on
this earth?
Both of my parents have passed away—I'm just living a strange life alone
I became pessimistic. Until finally I found a woman she was Luisa Indy, a girl I
met via 'Chatting". She is the sparkling mooring that awakens me to this
Will the girl be able to grow the torn screen of love?
Ayatullah Nurjati
Eblek Dance
There is an Eblek dance ritual that many people refer to in other words as Ebek,
Kuda Lumping, Rarely Braids, Jaranan Butho, Jathilan or whatever the name is
All male dancers and the audience both male and female can be in a trance
The shaman will run out of water if that happens
Mystical air rises when it is shown
Until it becomes the desire of local and foreign tourists to visit to see the
A cultural diffusion that goes well with local religion
A piggyback property made of bamboo and rapia rope that is ridden as if it is
alive and wild when it is ridden
Indeed, there are many magical elements in art that are rooted in dances in my
Ayatullah Nurjati
Metafora Apa Adanya
Ayatullah Nurjati
My Nature Anomaly
The nature is now old because every day the land, the water is always raped
The air and the weather are always poisoned with air pollution
The rain brings disease and is not suitable for medicine
May the people realize that they live in nature and realize that they are in
harmony with it
Ayatullah Nurjati
Silodong Cave, Kebumen, Central Java
It is no secret that the Archangel Jibril has lied to the ruler of the Earth at that
time by taking a handful of soil from the island of Java
The earth swore to Jibril 'I seek refuge in the majesty of Allah Who has sent you
so that you do not take anything from me that will become part of hell.'
Even the devil has been lied to and has no power over what he has felt
Until Adam came to this earth because of the agitator who knew very well how
Adam was created
Outcrops of land, rocks and all the bottom of the Ocean where the elements of
the mountains have been dredged not by the Angels but because of the cruelty
of humans themselves
Connected corals are evidence of how corals are arranged and many elders and
ancestors believed that Adam was created from the grip of the earth taken by
These claims can clearly be questioned for their validity, but the nature in the
deceased's homeland is indeed the way it is
Kebumen is a term about the origin of the earth that exists on this earth and the
collision between plates is a witness to how the earth proceeds according to the
Silodong is a cave that opens in the ocean trough and often comes to the heart
It is an exotic cave where the erotic body always longs for erotic desires
Whoever you are who has and will enter it will feel into another world that you
have never felt before
Silodong is a bit and a piece of historical facts how the earth was formed
between the strokes of nature that lie on this earth.
As if we sprinkle His creation with gratitude
Not because of ethics and logic, but because of the elements of art that are
inherent in her where she was born from a family of artists, her mother is a
Javanese sinden and her father is a ketoprak player
Klobot, the Sintren Cigarette that she smoked while dancing took off the desire
of thousands of viewers' eyes
The sway of her plump body gives her a graceful impression
Whoever you are, you will be amazed at the attraction
Ayatullah Nurjati
Staying Wasted Or Moving Is Useful For The Sea,
Ocean And Its Creatures
I used to love to scream against the waves when I got into trouble
It felt tight in my chest with reality and facts when I did it
As it ripens, right now I'm really silent a lot when things come and go
The howling sea and land breezes along with the waves always give me a
solution because when they both slap my conscience it seems as if all my worries
and problems disappear.
I'm more silent when I have problems not because I can't solve problems but
because that's my current nature
I don't know why silence is golden, some wise people say
Instead of complaining to humans who are all sceptical, I'd better turn to God or
tell the story to the water and the inhabitants of the sea because they are the
ones who understand my complaints.
What makes me move and keep living life is when I learn how the waves are
always swept away by the wind with their gait and natures
Fish and inhabitants of the deep sea are always silent and move differently from
the inhabitants of marine mammals who are always joking while humming
happily as if they had never had a problem
That's how whales and dolphins always sing happily with their distinctive high-
pitched voices with a stature that is always cheerful
Likewise the waves when they are angry with the inhabitants of the sea who
always have an affair with the reef
Right now I don't even have the heart to slap the waves or curse them with my
venomous chatter
Ayatullah Nurjati
A Father's Heart
Called it Alex is a husband and a father who always tries to please his family
including his wife and children
He is a man who always works hard for his family
But why when the fortune he gets is small why is it always blamed by his family
His heart's intention is to become a mighty husband, but is there anything he
does that never seems to be appreciated?
He wants to pour all his feelings and mistakes on his partner, but it's impossible
to do it for fear of hurting his partner's feelings
He wants to complain to the air, earth or water, but it is impossible to do
because all these elements are no longer pure and have been contaminated by
the rotten desires of the creatures living in this world, including their partners.
He still has a God who loves him very much
God who always gives him enthusiasm and patience so that he can live this life
while waiting for a miracle to come to him
Ayatullah Nurjati
The Greatest Expectations
Ayatullah Nurjati
Metaphor As It Is
Ayatullah Nurjati
Life Inscription
Ayatullah Nurjati
Bayi-Bayi Gurita Jalanan
(Terj. Street Octopus Babies)
Terpaksa mereka merejang suatu materi demi suatu kaleng susu, ataupun
kemeja sekolah yang longgar
Sebenarnya dimana ayahanda—ibunda mereka, apakah keduanya sedang asyik
bercengkrama di rumah kontrakan elegan dengan mengesampingkan ego yang
tertempel di jidat
Ataukah memang mereka yatim-piatu yang tak mengenal kasih sayang kedua
orang tua, dan terpaksa menjelma menjadi suatu penyakit di jalanan
Pada saat siang benderang yang dikelilingi oleh kepulan asap kesedihan
menyayat, mereka mencoba tuk menerjang kesombongan para supir dan
Bayi mengajarkan kepada kakek-nenek renta bagaimana harus bersikap
Bayi jalanan dengan suara parau yang terkesan mencari sesuap bubur ayam
dengan melanglang buana ke sebuah negeri sumbangan
Sang pengasuh berbusana kerdil dengan copel dan gesper yang mengusung
suatu penjara, penjara kebangsatan dan memberikan popok kekalutan
Torehan keringat, daki kandas, kulit yang busik menjadi kesan bagi bayi gurita
tersebut, kakinya yang banyak dapat menerjang bus-bus dan angkot.
Rincingan receh untuk mengais survival mereka
Marka jalan hanya bisa menjadi saksi menangisi kehidupan bayi itu.
Halte, Samping Walikota Jakarta Barat sebelah Kampus terkemuka disana,12 Juli
© Ayatullah Nurjati @PoemHunter.com
Ayatullah Nurjati
Jeruji Malu
Ayatullah Nurjati
Aku Bukanlah Engkau
Engkau, kalian semua adalah jiwa yang mendesah lagi riang oleh sepatu
Sementara aku adalah diriku yang sirna oleh ketamakan kalian
...., karena kalian adalah binatang cemerlang
Lantas aku bertanya …?
Siapa aku...?
Aku adalah insan belang
Ayatullah Nurjati
Love Come And Go Everything
This longing is shackled by desires and thoughts that are time and space
Love doesn't have to belonging
Space and time that block the desire to meet into nothingness
Love also can't choose
Ayatullah Nurjati
I Don't Care About Her
Ayatullah Nurjati
Love Slave
When you're pulled over, I don't know what you want from me like a cow whose
nose is poked, I always do what you ask
I also wonder why I change when you approach me or vice versa
Nothing wrong with the Youth having such a slogan because of the fact that it
happened to me
Sometimes my emotions are unstable, my speech is often slurred and I don't
love myself even though it seems strange when looking in the mirror that always
whispers softly
Ayatullah Nurjati
Love Comes Without Permission
Ayatullah Nurjati
True Lover
Ayatullah Nurjati
Pantai Cinta, Citeureup, Pandeglang Banten
Honestly, I would prefer night to day because night always provides shade
Even though I realize this world needs a hot day for the ecosystem to run
However, this is not the case in my perception of life where I always ride the day
for the sake of the void
A night with star grains accompanied by a dim moon becomes solemn and
celebrates what is the meaning of life
Ayatullah Nurjati
Is This Really The Position Of Father Who Is Always
Every day there are things that you always bring up about what I always do.
What Should I do?
You think I'm always lacking
I'm not a superhero who cans everything. What should I do?
There is a weak side to me and everyone as a man of fading
But if you always reveal weakness, over time this heart will also be angry and
angry and how much longer can I endure? What should I do?
I have sacrificed myself for you but there is no positive side that you always lift,
for you I am a loosing
Is it always like that of a father or is there something wrong with me? What
should I do?
How long do I have to endure as a husband to be treated like this, even though
for more than a decade I have tried not to do the same thing as you as only one
weakness is raised, then you will feel humiliated and fragile, you know how
batteries are often treated like that. Should I leave you guys? Betray maybe if
necessary if I want to life changing
Ayatullah Nurjati
In The Name Of Knowledge That Is Useful For The
Fields Of The Hereafter
I really want to apply the Hadith of the Prophet by practicing useful knowledge,
or indeed my function and status has been from a masseuse, an insurance agent,
a lecturer to a teacher.
I've now started screaming with the occasional disapproval of their wishes. Even
though I strongly refused, but with a feeling of being unable to bear it, I finally
agreed to their request
But surprisingly, this body is getting sucked in by the essence and its energy is
getting more and thicker, I guess
Ayatullah Nurjati
Feelings That I Can Never Get Away In My Life
Ayatullah Nurjati
Jamu Medicines For Solace
Ayatullah Nurjati
A Father's Gait
The most difficult thing about being a father is not only presenting the material
but providing the teaching of reason
It turns out that being a father who acts according to the nuances of essence and
essence is very difficult
It needs an understanding of religion and various complementary elements such
as philosophy, psychology and facts in the real world
That's my father's gait, what is the power of this world without my father's
Ayatullah Nurjati
Bound Born In The Mazy
Ayatullah Nurjati
Taste That Never Gives Up
7 years ago When my analogy has long been suppressed for that taste
The feeling that was gone is now back
I don't know if I'm too confident about that feeling by abandoning existing ratios
and thoughts and various opinions from family and colleagues.
I want to leave this feeling with a body that is not in its position but this feeling
never goes away
Ayatullah Nurjati
Let Love Act
I was thrown back into an atmosphere where I was still chatting in a tender love
with her,20 years I was intimate with her, even though I realized that our age
was still ripe, the fruit of mangoes in my boarding house garden in Yogya.
I was still in love with her because love never looks at age, social status, religion,
ethnicity. And don't care about those who sneer at me with monkey love words.
Because I am a human, not a monkey, how can a monkey know love mankind?
Love only exists in humans.
Utari is a woman and I am a man, men and women must love and be loved, it is
human if there are two human beings who are in love. Love is a sacred part of
human life and it is an essential gift from God.
Indeed, Utari was not the incarnation of an angel who has no sin, she is an
ordinary human, but Utari is the incarnation of a savior, she is the one who
saved me from the brink of destruction, Utari is an adult human who taught me
how to behave and live life. My lost life has been planted with the flower of a
certain life after the loss of my beloved Sophie. She is a motivator for me.
She once suggested that I want to do theater at my school, so that I would
forget Sophie's death.
Once during college holidays I visited her her house, her mother immediately
asked me not to have any more contact with her, she said that Utari was too
young to know love, Utari had to be highly educated, and Utari didn't suit me
because of degrees and stratification. Ratri and Raden Ayu or Raden are just
helpers from mental confusion who want to seek social status. Honestly, I'm not
a noble family, from my name alone I don't use the Raden appendage even
though my name is kejawen, while he has the Raden Ayu appendage in front of
her name.
Ayatullah Nurjati
Sungai Yang Tertikam
(Indonesian Version From Translated Poem Entitled
'the Pierced River')
Ayatullah Nurjati
Life Building
Ayatullah Nurjati
Itching With Missing Feelings
A lump of taste bursts out and is digested by the liver with itching spread to the
brain through feelings
I don't know if I'm too confident about this longing or whatever it's called
I don't want this heart to cover this longing
Is what I feel the same as what she feels
Because I don't find that feeling for her
Ayatullah Nurjati
Santigi Coral
The plant is indeed a family of shrubs that grows into the rock
Even though it rarely struggles with the ground, it is strong enough to pierce
down in the Tip of Java island and surrounding
This plant is strong in the waves, always absorbs salt water but strangely it can
live with such extreme conditions
Even if the delicious ration in the form of fresh water is found from the rain, the
snacks are mostly seawater
The weather is getting warmer every year in the coastal area, it doesn't slow it
down to stay alive and benefit the surrounding area
In the howling wind, still humble and always remembering His Name
His suffering is special and commensurate. When he grows up, he remains
consistent and never demonstrates with God
But look at how we are fellow creatures of God that He created is clearly
inconsistent, it is clear that he is different to us. And we should feel ashamed
Ayatullah Nurjati
Cat Fish Philosophy
The cat fish with its ugly appearance wanders into a river until it enters a muddy
area with little water
There was found a lot of food trapped in it
The cat fish is happily happy even though the scorching heat has drowned its
body and all that's left is its head
He prayed to God so that he could give rain accompanied by a fish, namely a
snakehead fish
Ayatullah Nurjati
Stone Is Not Soil
Although it is not very beneficial compared to soil, stone with the hard nature of
plants and anything that sticks to it will be difficult to adapt
But even so, in my nature, Indonesia, you can find plants or any kind of animal
attached to them, they are always friendly, whether on land or at sea
Stone can also be eroded because of its hardness with water droplets that
consistently perforate it
Rocks are always hit by waves and even though they are eroded, they are still
Likewise, even though the rock is hit by the weather, it remains a rock
All of that disappeared because of human activity. We humans have never visited
All kinds of stones are stones and will always be stones
Parasites attached to it such as moss or perennials or marine animals give the
impression that the stone gives the impression that he remains consistent and he
always remembers Him and he has a spirit that benefits anyone who inhabits it,
including humans.
Ayatullah Nurjati
Life As Simple As Sea Waves
Ayatullah Nurjati
Form Of Human's Love For His God
I often find today, many people including myself and most people are not happy
because they are not given, happy because they are given, hate because they
are hated, love because they are loved, hit because they are beaten because it
all smells of materialistic and profanity.
The phase where I and most like to love what we want, namely women, children,
many treasures of the type of gold, silver and so on. So the Word of God
contained in the Qur'an
It is because of worldly activities and various worldly desires that forget us to the
true journey and fulfil our aspirations to the world alone. This is the essence of
the world, whose excessive love for him is the root of every ugliness or error
The best deeds are love for the sake of Allah and hate for the sake of Allah,
meeting for the sake of Allah and also parting for the sake of Allah, so the Imam
Jaffar Sadiq explained
I want this heart to be busy knowing Allah, love Him, daydream and love
wholeheartedly to the Creator of this Nature. However, this heaven's path is very
difficult to realize without a sharpness of character and a capable device
Human relations will bear fruit. Human actions and intentions to the Creator are
a form of love for creatures who are in love with their Lord, either secretly or
With dhikr that is a form of boasting of the weak creature to his Lord. And this
boasting will not disappear from him unless he negates the testimony against his
Ayatullah Nurjati
Pure Love Without Many Demands
The man's eyes are clearly closed, there is a feeling of awareness and it's as if
this thought is about to format his beautiful dream once more
However, it is very difficult to format the figure of the woman you love
Luckily the man didn't fall in love anymore
Even though at the beginning of the explosion of love, it is very clearly felt that
True love comes from the heart, stops to the mind accommodated by ratio and
logic, more and more
If there is a lover there is hope in love
It is Desire for millionaire
That's not called fake love
Bandung Bondowoso also had felt in love with Roro Jonggrang no more
Likewise Sangkuriang who felt his mother in love
Because pure love is love that never asks for Similar to a genie with a magic
teapot that always grants the owner's wishes more and more
If there is a woman like the ones above then she is not a lover—fake love
Prayer is indeed a request from creatures to the Creator more and more
When it's said it's clearly different in love
It means that the creature's love for the Creator is a lie in counterculture
Or that's the fact. When God gives without expecting back what He has given in
Ayatullah Nurjati
Nusantara Chocolate Philosophy
Ayatullah Nurjati
The Soul Of Texts
Let the text be its own part, there is no need to argue about its content
We readers are welcome to interpret each other's definitions without blaming the
Let the texts that I make later be a legacy for my children and grandchildren
That his father or grandfather once wrote a text about the fact that the world
was shocked at a materialistic system and readers have the right to define it
Ayatullah Nurjati
Desire That Is Difficult To Achieve
This age is too attached in the sequence of days, months and years
This age is always turbulent between the two sides
Two sides between this world and the hereafter
Sometimes I also show a lot of different faces of roles that I myself who
surprised that I'm doing various hypocrisy looks
It's really difficult to be an honest person doing something in the name of image
Because indeed we are always struggling with each other
All sincere and sincere kindness should be done without human judgment
However, it is difficult to achieve because human being relationships are a sign of
goodness for them to connect with God
Ayatullah Nurjati
The Pen Will Not Be Replaced By A Smart Phone Or A
Supposedly the pen has a spirit to provide information through feelings, intuition
and ratios and all aspects of the teaching of human beings on this earth.
Through the pen, we produce Scripture, Essays, Notes, Theory and Practice from
the Phases of Prophets, Philosophers, Writers, and various aspects of life from
Religion, Philosophy, Literature, and Anthropology to the world of health and we
can still enjoy it until now.
Although the discovery phase was in 953 AD, an Egyptian named Ma'd al-Mu'izz
made a pen that was equipped with ink storage, but it can still be found that its
function is more elegant than before.
Even though they have to beat the inscriptions and symbols of the megalithic
phase, but in fact it is a fantastic discovery for humans in a literate culture.
Although the pen that always danced between the slender fingers when side by
side with queens and concubines or indeed the strong hands of famous male
philosophers and writers and poets, to be honest at this time I also started to
rarely use it in my work.
But now it ranks higher among my works as a marker of human identity in his
Sometimes even though a smarth phone or computer is smarter than a pen, due
to its neutral nature it makes the pen a tool in carrying out literacy-making
I want to be a pen that is always neutral in creating a work supported by ink
which is a form of identity and entity making it an important tool that is always
the first choice accompanied by blank paper that has always played in all my past
Ayatullah Nurjati
Love—when Her Name Is Called Always Says In The
Name Of God
Ayatullah Nurjati
To The Greatest Woman Ever Present On This
Earth—she Is A Widow
Ayatullah Nurjati
For A Friend—edi Benkidz, I Really Miss About
Studying With You
I was confused tonight, for some reason my eyes were hard to close, even
though it's 3 in the morning. I have just stared at my deafening boarding house
in silence, while occasionally looking at the pale white wall that stood firm.
I turned to the other side of the room. To relieve my fatigue I went out of the
room for relaxation. I went out through the living room, there I found a chair and
table lying silent. If only they could talk, they would sue the owner for not being
treated like a tyrant.
I looked back. I've been boarding in this crowded place for two years, even
though it's a bit far from campus civilization, but I have a reason that I don't
want my privacy to be disturbed by anyone without exception. If anyone needs
it, just come to my boarding house.
Even though it is not suitable to live in, sometimes I am quite comfortable with
the private conditions of my study. Mother, boarding house father and their
children do live with me, but they can respect my privacy as a student.
I don't have to think about eating out, the food ration is a plus for me, all of that
includes my boarding facilities and I just have to pay one hundred and thirty-five
thousand rupiah per month, even though my room is only 4 X 4 meters.
It is this quiet place that creates its own image so that I can galvanize myself
with scientific substance. In every spare time I always swallow books by
monumental world writers, from philosophers of language to writers at home and
The atmosphere was very quiet, the only sound was the whimper of the
rambutan tree branches in the wind.
I left the house while leaning on the bamboo hall where I usually read a book at
Why am I like this, what happened to me, I asked myself.
I went back to my room and took out a piece of paper and a pen. As is my habit
when I am restless and reflecting I always write poetry, maybe poetry is a part
of my life and poetry is a diary for me. It's as if the pen follows the strains of my
hand and the paper wants to compromise to be used as a medium.
I didn't realize what I had written, I tucked the paper in my desk drawer. Maybe
because the fatigue that bubbled up in my mind made it a form of poetry
abstraction. While preparing the material for tomorrow's literary discussion.
Sometimes it's strange, it's like I'm thrown into an atmosphere where writers
speak through their writings. No doubt if their work is good, ideas, recounts,
fiction or any kind, it's easy for me to sometimes be sublimated to agree and
believe in what they write without having to chew deeper on what they want.
Plato, Aristotle, Ferdinand De Sausure, Deridda, William Blake, William
Shakespeare, William Blake, George Orwell, Gabriel Garcia Marques, Khalil
Gibran, Rabindranath Tagore, Edgar Alan Poe, Jalaludin Rumi and other world
famous philosophers, Poets, or writers.
It was Edi Benkidz that used to call it because he was a student who was
concerned with exploring texts in depth—'Great Canonist' I called him because he
was my old colleague because of him always could say motivated me to study
more deeply about the text. Sometimes I have to go to The National Library,
whenever there are specific words that are not in the dictionaries circulating in
general, sometimes I cheat too, have to look for these words by visiting a fairly
well-known bookstore in the early 2000s phase. The Thesaurus was indeed the
most complete dictionary at that time, the price was quite fantastic at that time,
namely in the range of 3 million rupiah, a number that was quite fantastic for
me, a student who was not well off, clearly different from today's googling,
'Everything is going to be fine'. He is also my student and partner in studying the
spirit of the text, which always has a different discussion every 2 weeks.
'Calm down Card*, the problem of photocopying the money my parents gave me
is very abundant, you don't have to think about your lunch ration, you don't have
to care. It has become my responsibility, ' he always said when he brought a new
book from his lecture at the Driyakara Philosophy College and it was always
given to me free of charge.
It's a completely different phase and time. But honestly I really miss his
existence. My friend that one is indeed extraordinary. Unfortunately, it is the
distance that separates us as we say in our hearts when we will hold the study
again together with classical texts.
I'll miss you, my friend. Bang Edi Benkidz
Ayatullah Nurjati
In Love With The Universe Of Love
Even if it's thrown into the world. There is always love even though sometimes
the rhythm is always changing
Love that is spiced by Lust, Desire is sometimes jealous and excessive sense of
belonging is what humans have.
That's Love Part of Human Feelings that God Created
Different from other creatures such as, devils, genie, devils, and angels.
Genie is also alleged to have feelings of love, but it is not strong with what
humans feel, even more strange things come, he said Gennie cheated on humans
and felt both of them love each other so that there was a marriage between the
Why Prophets and Apostles were created from the most perfect form, namely
Humans. Because of the Mind and Morals
Unlike the angels who are always obedient and dhikr to Him
Let it be an anthropology and philosophy of love that maybe only a little has
been revealed in this world and Only God Knows. Wallahu Alam Bissoap
Ayatullah Nurjati
The Deepest Love
My logic and reason can't accommodate my longing desire for her in love
Feelings like the petty romance I felt when I was younger and it was memorable
This love God owns and my love for her may be indescribable
I have to transfer that feeling to the Owner of Love
Ayatullah Nurjati
I Devote To A Big Name—george Orwell
Ayatullah Nurjati
I Pray To You, O Lord
Larvae that plunge into the sky will make the surrounding land ecosystem fertile
But why does it happen so often?
The keys on earth are pious people whom God is calling more and more to His
presence whom human being always circumscissile
We hope that God doesn't call them all, if that happens, what is the world
without them, why they are called by You so often?
You are the one who can pacify the contents of this Universe
A world that has been chaotic because of our tyranny as caliphs on earth
O Lord, You are the owner of the breath, body, spirit and the whole universe
Please don't beat us with trials that we can't bear who live in this earth
Ayatullah Nurjati
Discovery Of The Essence Of Eternal Love
In the youth of a young man named Bagas, he did not believe in the concept of
love that had been spawned by Aristotle, Erich Fromm, Paul Tillich, Gabriel
Marcel or other famous philosophers, according to him it was only a virtual
corridor in a maze.
For him love is a frightening picture, like a scary reptile ready to gnaw inch by
inch of your body.
After he lost his lover. And the tragic twist of events as if he did not believe in
the existence of love. His relationship with Utari ran aground because his
orthodox parents, Lala, Indah also betrayed him. What should I do to find the
existence of love, is there love on this earth?
Both of his parents had died—he was alone living a strange life, thus making him
a pessimist. Until finally I found a woman she was Luisa Indy, a girl he met via
'Chat'. he was the sparkling mooring that awakens me to this life.
Will the girl be able to grow the torn screen of love?
Turns out the answer is not at all. through a long process of searching for
identity and love which are connected by two different sides like a coin, giving a
nuance of understanding when Bagas grows up, Bagas finds his true love
He argues that the love presented by humans is pseudo and endless.
Love is a gift, it is a nature for every human being. Every human being has the
right to receive that gift, namely the love of Allah and His Messenger
January 15th,2022.05: 50 PM
© Ayatullah Nurjati. PoemHunter.com
Ayatullah Nurjati
By The Name Of Love And Beauty
Ayatullah Nurjati
Feelings—playing With Logic
The power of speech always plays in every aspect of my daily relationship with
I don't know why it's such a strange thing like pandemic
Because hope always comes from feelings of her
In contrast to love, which always hopes on the power of feelings, not the power
of speech, let alone reason and logic in something. Goodbye reason and logic
Quatrain A B A B, A B A B
© Ayatullah Nurjati PoemHunter.com
January,14th,2022.7; 34
Ayatullah Nurjati
My Late Father's Message From His Part Time Job As
A Masseuse
I was thrown back into my childhood where I was raised and how my parents
raised me independently. So all this time, what I studied from elementary school
to college was part-time money from the sweat, climbs and screams of their
patients or my father's service to the country, indeed at this time my father was
no longer working or retiring. However, perhaps because there is the highest
award for those who serve the country, the appreciation of the award is reflected
through monthly wages, health insurance and child support.
I could be proud of that because even though they have such a profession, I was
still lucky to be able to get an academic education up to college compared to
those who did not get an education at all, let alone go to college.
I remember very well when they always said that life must be based on sincerity
and honesty, honesty is worldly gold and sincerity is the main capital in living
life, that is my eternal principle. Where I stand is where I have to actualize
myself as a sincere and honest person. Even though being honest sometimes
hurts, but if we have the backing to be honest then everything will look human.
After my father retired completely, he had to also switch to the same profession
as my mother, but the difference is that Dad is still strong when he has to work
on his patients if the patient's house is far from my house, until far away cross
the city sometimes. Indeed, my father was never involved in serious problems
with illness, at most only headaches and colds.
Just imagine at that time he was already 63 years old. A face that is always
tough with age that seems to never whine, never reaps gold in his shabby coffers
and pockets, Still hopes and hopes that he can ride life, whether it's called
Father, Father or Papa who is always strong in storms. Is it really a steep road
that is always tread?
Because of my father, I was able to reap the old school bench with the knick-
knacks of his greed and because of my father I was able to penetrate the
essence of life through education. I am grateful for the old face that seems
tireless to provide peace. Day, night that face always scavenges for diamonds for
my family, but look at what I've done who can only think about myself.
The lines on the face that seemed to have faded and the muscles inched rickety,
still that face always wore a smile.
Now it is clear that what he has ordered I have actually carried out even though I
have not been in a totalitarian condition like him. I will always remember his
message 'Helping people is very important compared to the results of your hard
work in the form of money, later you can reap later in the hereafter' that was his
message to me.
Ayatullah Nurjati
A Little Shadow
After sunset, I said a prayer for my beloved parents. A familiar face flashed out
of my mind
What's with her?
What happened to her?
This mind tells this body to meet
But how is that possible?
There is a barrier and a hijab that is very difficult to penetrate
Is there something wrong with this taste
Or is it a feeling that has been surrounded by Desires so that it becomes
Oh, of course yes. The tears in her eyes seem to be entangled in this drained
heart of mine
What should I do now?
Do I need to cut through space and time to meet her?
She is never honest with her feelings
If I'm honest, it will look stupid and weird to see
Body, soul, brain and ratio seem to be shackled and locked by a jet state
If only I was still the clear one, I would have injected her feelings with worldly
pleasures, but things are different now.
What should I do now?
At the crossroads, my feelings are getting more and more uncertain
Oh God, give me Your way and guidance
So that I don't get lost with this feeling. Because I have left reason and ratio
Only Your Oneness all becomes clear. Through Prayer, Worship and all things I
ask You to let this momentary bite of feelings disappear
Ayatullah Nurjati
Communicating With The Body—let God Manages My
After Ashar Prayer knitting Twilight, as the light drizzle hit the body that had
begun to wobble. Everything I do in the name of service and service because
that's all I can do. There are so many passengers on the Train at Mass Rapid
Transit. This body seemed to be salty and a little torn apart accompanied by my
wife who was willing and sincere to take me to my idol's station, Tanah Abang
Station. Currently this mode of transportation is very sophisticated and is the idol
of every human being, including myself.
I am also surprised that after teaching I will not be feeling tired when I have to
deal with my patients. Sometimes before they call it's obvious that I feel a
strange feeling similar to the patients I have to hold onto either today or the day
after tomorrow.
Every inch of the body must be smeared with rubbing oil—the bumps ran
aground as my hands did the same thing my father and mother did when they
entered their bodies, the veins and bones were traced and sometimes the shape
of their bodies could not be ascertained because they were basically human
bodies. always different. It is not a measure of the patient's tariff problem from
the level of their body, but the sincerity to give.
Ayatullah Nurjati
Because Of Your One -One Love
Oxygen, Ammonia, Carbon dioxide, Covid, Jinn, Demons, Devils, Angels and
others are creatures that Thou create
They are invisible but exist
Moreover, I am who really exists and obvious
May You be able to get rid of these invisible creatures who are useless to us or at
least marginalize them from our civilization O Lord
Ayatullah Nurjati
Women And Their Platform Of Life
Ayatullah Nurjati
Dear, Back To Your Old Home
If I ignore you let alone let you be like that then I will feel guilty but if I act you
will feel hurt and think that I am not who you are
I used to be because I swallowed whole what I learned through discourses and
practitioners in book texts without digesting and chewing with heavenly teeth
and fangs
Profanity is still profanity, hereafter affairs are not as obvious as I used to think
like that. But there is a way for me realise to God rein even though it is very
difficult this Hijrah path is getting more and more difficult to follow but that is the
struggle Back to my old house and I want you do too my dear
Ayatullah Nurjati
A Poetry Offering To All Great Women In The World
In the past until now, women are easily deceived by the beauty of the world. In
fact, it seems hedonism at this time or indeed the weakness of the Companion
glorifies them
However, it is different from Siti Maryam who gave birth to a person who has an
important influence in this world who even though she is not married, God sent
her to give birth to Isa
Did Amzura, who was willing and sincere, follow the Sender to build the Ark? Of
course not. With his decadent intellect incited his people to think the Prophet was
It is worth Wa'ila who actually betrayed by inviting Luth's guests to commit
immorality or contradictory things happened to Rahmah Bint Afrayim, the wife of
Ayub who willingly side by side with Ayub even though he was in poverty and
acute illness afflicted him
I really want the woman who is next to me is not in the category of 2 women. I
want you, my woman, like Siti Hawa, Rahmah Binti Afrayim, Zulaykha, Maryam
binti Imran, Asiyah binti Muzahim, Siti Khadijah, and Fatimah
Ayatullah Nurjati
Pray For Semeru, Lumajang, East Java, Indonesia
Ayatullah Nurjati
Just Relax—enjoy The Moment
I want to love you as simple as like the moon who is always faithful to the earth
I want to love you simpler like the earth that always orbits the sun
I want to love you the simplest like oxygen that is always and anytime sucked by
the creatures that inhabit the earth
I want to always love you awfully the simplest like every inhabitant of the solar
system needs the existence of the sun
Simplicity that arises from the heart will not be lost like Adam and Eve were
reunited on earth
Don't think about the ratio because love speaks only the heart, the mouth is the
like plants that always photosynthesize and need the sun
Ratio always abandons the idealism that exists if as a person who loves and is
loved like a planet that never rotates or revolves like the earth
Let all that happen and continue to pray that the light will not fade to illuminate
the universe in our solar system. Let love be like the sun
Quatrain A B A B A B A B
Ayatullah Nurjati
Kebumen Cried
Even though the essence of it all is God's creatures, so where was God's
intervention, where was God at the time of the incident, was God sleeping at that
time, or was God having an affair at the hotel? The God of Stuttering is the God
who sows confusion, the God who shakes reason, the God with the rose collar,
the God who has the venom of a deadly snake.
While the real God is trying the fortitude of his protégé who is plagued by chaos
of character
September 1998
© Ayatullah Nurjati PoemHunter.com
Ayatullah Nurjati
All About Two-Legged Animals, Reptiles And Marine
I am a chicken
You are a snake
We met in some places unmistaken
I seemed to wake up and was amazed like the earth was hit by an earthquake
Reasons that can't possibly be united if it's in the animal world because it's
different between a chicken and a snake
Obviously, a chick will be eaten by a snake if it is a child but the facts are
different with me—I am a rooster still in the family of chicken
Clearly in the Chinese zodiac it's undeniable—both animals can protect each
other than me who is a chicken must have an affair with a goat or that was a
myth and story in a thousand islands of Jakarta that my enemy is mackerel tuna
and that's unmistakable
This is real fact is not fake
© Ayatullah Nurjati PoemHunter.com
Ayatullah Nurjati
Bound By Shipwreck In A Maze
Love for him has sunk along with the desire buried in the very deep cave
Like a trough in the sea that is blown away by the chaos of the wave
Desire that will never happen and hard to understand like haze
Let love die together with dreams that never come true like dove size wings and
feathers in characterize
Ayatullah Nurjati
Ayatullah Nurjati
The Love Of The Prophet—an Indescribable Longing
Longing is always never blamed with the fact of love phobia, love for the
Messenger is like megalomania
Longing to complain to feelings then complain to the heart part of the body
organs made from blood, flesh and which has been mixed with ammonia
Longing to get rid of existing ratios and feelings and every human being will feel
Those who love him, love his lover, will not expect his love to return, because it
is pure until cheerful and cheering
Ayatullah Nurjati
My Heroes
The patter of the struggle that is tethered through the essence of sheen that has
been agreed upon by the fighters and the whole nation
The blood that flows signifies a hurricane of beauty, even though it is full of
sadness, but that's a struggle
The red flowing blood is your courage, O warrior, even though sometimes many
lives are sadistically tied but that is your willingness, O hero.
your family, relatives, friends and friends in arms are willing and ready to give up
their lives on the battlefield
Several decades and orders have passed with uncertainty to the point where our
present age has matured through that process
However, our task is not heavy compared to those of you who have given up the
spirit to separate from the body for the sake of the independence of this nation
Hopefully the unity that has been established will not be obsolete by time
On behalf of the nation and state, I hope your struggle will not be in vain for the
sake of the unity and integrity of this nation
May God answer our prayers
Ayatullah Nurjati
Fishing Philosophy
But it becomes a living that must be done for the fulfilment of life for the
fishermen of catching fish
For any reason in getting the target fish and their friends throughout the water,
both fresh water to sea water where they used
It is clear that fish and pond dwellers to the ocean are very happy if they are
hooked with conscience and patience, especially for those anglers and fishermen
in tricking fish
Fish will always be sincere and happy to every human who hooks them even
though they are not aware they are being tricked slowly rather than hurting them
by changing the colour, taste creativity and intention of the water where they
Ayatullah Nurjati
Cigarette Philosophy
Ayatullah Nurjati
Loving You Like Running Marathon
In fact, practitioners elope for more than 10 years or even more, they do that
until they get a new baby to come to their parents
I don't know why I disagree or what, it is a fact that my religion eloped which is
still a debate, some agree and some don't, depending on how you react to it or
I don't even want to comments, but to be honest. The fact that I feel now, I want
to love you like running a marathon because then I know the process is longer by
maintaining the rhythm of running, physical and breathing and approaching each
other very, very well and I realize that you are also very dear to me in this
Ayatullah Nurjati
All About Drinking
Origin coffee is black because of the strong colors he can choose the soul
Tea is brown because with color we know where we came from and will come
back to the color
Why is beer cloudy brown and foamy because when we consume it, we will
always be infatuated with the world
Red, black or clear carbonated drinks because we are often confused in living this
Cider is a clear yellow color because often we are not aware that we are often
persuaded by a frantic heart
All types of drinks are above humans because with human engineering
everything can be created even though God's intervention
Purification of water is clear because with the color we want, it is as pure but
sometimes it is often used to mix new types of drinks.
What about mineral water, which often has an affair with the manufacturer
Milk is white because with color we can interpret love as nature because of purity
The most original is the water that offers God although it can be duplicated in
taste but cannot be made according to the songs. Likewise, love is like coconut
water, all the organs in the tree from the roots to the branches that hang down
to the ground always provide shade. Nothing in him was wasted—Useful to the
Ayatullah Nurjati
Cinta Rasulullah—rindu Yang Tak Terperi
Rindu ini membuncah, menggurita dan bergema ke seluruh jagat semesta dan
penjuru dunia
Rindu tak pernah berujung seolah terbujur kaku dalam rotasi waktu yang
Rindu yang selalu tertambat hasrat mengalir diagungkan oleh para penyajak
Rindu selalu tak pernah dipersalahkan dengan fakta cinta fobia, kecintaan pada
Sang Utusan layaknya megalomania
Rindu komplain ke perasaan kemudian mengadu ke hati bagian dari organ tubuh
berbahan dasar darah, daging dan yang telah bercampur amoniak
Rindu mengenyahkan rasio dan perasaan yang ada dan setiap insan akan merasa
Rindu, Silahkan kalian definisikan dalam wacana teoritis dan praktis karena itu
adalah pemberian Tuhan dan itu tak terperi, selalu saja berbahagia
Rindu hijau usang telah tertambat dan menepi menyiarkan sebuah kabar nan
spesifik dan berwatak
Madu cinta dalam cawan candu di mihrab perjamuan cinta dihadiri oleh para
Malaikat diselingi sholawat mania
Quatrain A B A B, A B A B, A, B, A, B
Ayatullah Nurjati
A Shoulder To Cry On
Even many decades ago he was a man who felt an indescribable betrayal
The plan has been engraved but becomes endlessly destroyed
Love is an essential gift from God, they say, whether it's a philosopher, poets,
linguist, novelist or psychologist or whatever they said, it was interplayed
But what that man felt was clearly different and it is denial
Love for that creature is a lie, like husband to wife or vice versa, it is pouring out
Because there is no love that is existed
Love is like the ebb and flow of the sea that is influenced by the moon or or
water droplets flowing from the valley downstream towards the end of the sea
and it is worthed
The man for him gets a heart even though he doesn't love but the woman loves
him and that's not rejected and it is not antipodal
It's just a blind illusion in the morning for those who believe in the element of
materialism, it is love classic lexical
Philosophers such as Al-Ghazali, famous poets such as Shakespeare, Khalil
Gibran, Jalaludin Rumi, Rabindranath Tagore seem to be easy to define of loved
An undeniable fact that love belongs only to Allah and His Beloved is the Chosen
Prophet--it cannot be ordained
But can he get the love attributed to that belief? He really does not know, only
God knows of from his revelation delivered again in Holly Book by it was
Ayatullah Nurjati
A Love Letter--Farewell From Utari
Finally the truth is the winner
Everyone who comes must go. Everyone who arrives must return.
Sincerity must go
I am Sorry …
I can only hope that:
You are safe to your destination
Small, worthless things that is prayer beads, can always remind you of God and
Communication between us will be able to continue
You can immediately realize all your wishes and,
Greetings, love, love and peace will always be with us.
from me
Ayatullah Nurjati
A Love Letter For A Name Hidden Among A Few Notes
Of The Day
It's a shame if the man told the truth that he really loved her, for some reason
that feeling aroused instantly
He had never before fallen in love so quickly, he would never try to lower his
value, let alone lose the moment
As long as she understand that he has never looked at someone from
stratification, degree, family lineage because basically humans were created by
the God with perfection so he has said from the start when he protected her and
tied she as a lover, He doesn't care about your past which you think may be
bleak, he believes that it is a process of searching for identity or indeed a nature
or destiny that must be lived
But anyway He will always love she and He will always don't care who she is.
Honestly, he is tired of hanging out with girls who are established in the throne
but single with ethics, and he finds she to be a woman who is indeed established
on the throne, wriggling but shrouded in ethics
No matter how aware he may be that she is a little disappointed with his
statement, He says that not because he wants to dig up all your past or reclaim
old wounds that have been tormented for so long, but because he wants to be
someone who will always know your desires and desires and he will change your
loneliness and sadness. to be absolute beauty. Forgive him dear, because from
the beginning he has emphasized that when he likes someone, he is mentally
prepared for the person he likes and loves. Hopefully all those desires and
desires will always be there and never be lost in time.
This is the beginning of how she understands him because basically he likes
honesty because honesty is gold for him and honesty defeats and leaves all
desires and desires that exist.
maybe he isn't the same type of man as the man she already knows, He may be
too honest to say everything. he is not a teenager anymore, not an established
man let alone a man who knows how to be a macho man who is always ready for
everything. Perhaps it would be more correct if she said that he was a classic
flawed man. His style of making love is not that of today's young people, and he
would prefer it if they made love instead of traveling, let alone visiting a woman's
friend's house
Basically She is a goddess who can put away all desires
Ayatullah Nurjati
Ayatullah Nurjati
Raja Ampat
Keep being a worldly virgin and never budge, especially with the persuasion of
the flash capital
Promise to always be like that, your nature seems to scorch the beauty of the
world along the nearshore
You must always be Mariam who is always a virgin and don't let your nature with
the greed of people change like bish
Whatever it is if you dive into its heavenly beauty you will find a strange
There are sincere and innocent people, Hey greedy people, don't ever destroy my
nature by throwing away plastic waste, pesticides and detergents
When you are like that I will call the angels and police of the world as
Ayatullah Nurjati
Your Trace From Anyer To Ujung Kulon
I traced the road where you live and I didn't find the presence of your trace there
From Anyer to Ujung kulon, there were no remain about you
It's not even 1 year since the tsunami hit the north coast of Banten on there
It's not even 6 months pandemics yet to hit this country—like gold and diamond
Scratches and cracks in the ground along with the scars of nature's wrath are still
clearly visible in there
2 days in October 2020 when there were insulation everywhere from Jakarta to
Ujung Kulon, my old friend and I tried to find traces of nature and His majesty
but Neither I find you
It's strange, is it true that your trance is stuck on a coconut tree or is it close to
child of krakatoa mountain? or is there really no where
There is no shadow of you there to the point that I want to visit the Ujung Kulon,
but it is not available, there are not you
You are like a genie who comes and goes as she pleases like Covid that is there
but not visible, invisible but real kills directly to venipuncture
Even I feel more sadistic than Covid 19, can numb my feelings and soul anytime
when I think of you
Alas, I think I'm tired just thinking about that and that, I thought you were just a
instead of having to be hit by a pandemic and contracting a deadly virus because
of thinking about you
Ayatullah Nurjati
A Man And A Hoe
There is nothing interesting in him that always interacts with the wall
What is clear is the vulnerable hoe that helps to climb the stairs and go down
The break was over and causality resumed—he was always sad as to why his
foreman kept telling him to execute the building of wall.
It's sad to be treated by the bosses and foremen like a clown
Ayatullah Nurjati
Menjadi Realistis—hidup Dengan Kesederhanaan
(Terjemahan Being Realistic--Live With Simplicity)
Ayatullah Nurjati
Ayatullah Nurjati
Balai Pengobatan
(Translated From Treatment Center)
Ayatullah Nurjati
The Color Of A Woman
She must have be strong in facing her life when she was out of blue
When she felt poor in yellow
It was really hard until I saw her beet red
She must struggle in giving Her children tickled pink
But you may see that her neighbor live in green
This can happen because she was in black
Fortunately, in front of the house left by his parents, there was grass in green
at her father's house of red
she started making plans by making a toilet of code yellow
She always waited customer money box that color was Black
She never felt Blue
Her face was no more Pink
There are so many male customers who tease her when she wears colored
clothes Pink
But she always refuses because she feels comfortable with his four children in
Even though she once felt in love with a well-dressed man of Blue
However she realizes that if she falls in the man's arms, her four children will not
be taken care of and that can be red
While sipping a cup of colored coffee of black
Suddenly someone came to bring a bunch of flowers dominated by color of
with a beautiful and graceful woman wearing clothes of yellow
in a park there are colorful buildings of pink
while the bachelor who really loves him is wearing a colored shirt of black
in perfect sync with the scenery, the colorful trees and grass of green
the bachelor carries the engagement ring in the box of red
the widow was shocked beyond measure and couldn't help but feel happy mixed
of blue
Ayatullah Nurjati
Sharpen The Feeling Through His Love
Ayatullah Nurjati
Massive Demonstration Of The World Fish Peninsula
In a pond, there are so many milkfish that live with fame, how is it not every day
that they are lied to, fed--fished--presto-eat by humans, their friends are giant
prawns, tilapia fish and White Snapper as if they know about the owner's affair
with their customers.
The milkfish realizes that it will not be able to be like the salmon that continues
to regenerate here because the condominium concrete, embankments and
various irrigation accessories seem to castrate their reproductive causality.
even though the Sembilang fish had whispered softly that it would not be extinct
until it reached its adult size. Honestly they like to be treated like this as it is
natural that the fish must be consumed by wild animals or humans or even
transported so that they all die. sad indeed.
Patchouli fish, Lundu, keropak, tawes especially because they have lost their
identity because they have been reconstructed by the building. They screamed
where their current habitat was because they were displaced by the magnificent
building of the human who never thought what if they were conditioned to be
marginalized, let alone displaced or the porong area, Sidoarjo how many fish
have died because of human activities. They are no longer in power. The elders
downstream of the mud grouper were getting hot 'immediately mobilize troops to
break down the dam connecting the apartments and the concrete to the
downstream' said the grouper fish commanding. They feel that their death is in
vain because it is not served on a plate at the human table or served as bait for
gills or beavers. The tiger prawns are now straight and thin, feeling sad and sad.
This is their fate and soon they will have a massive demonstration and it will be
covered by water world television. Sad indeed
Ayatullah Nurjati
Siapakah Gadis Itu…?
(Translated From My Poem Who Is The Girl?)
Ayatullah Nurjati
Jakarta, This Is My City. What's About Your City?
This world is unfair, why do humans create stratification and class? Does it
function as a balance so that this world runs properly or does there really have to
be class and social stratification so that the rich need the poor with their energy
and the poor need the rich with their accumulated money. However, life in
Jakarta is indeed like that, pragmatic discourse is so loud and deafening for its
residents with a unique fact, indeed the tendency of modern society's life
demands tight competition. So the concept of materialism is very applicable in
Indifferent! He doesn't want to get carried away with such thoughts
Why humans must be born with different stratification conditions and degrees.
God is very fair to create humans with such conditions or is it just a human effort
to find an identity in culture, He again asked my conscience. But it's useless, it
doesn't mean anything from my dirty cursing because God created this universe
always on opposite sides, there is water and fire with the aim that this world runs
Ayatullah Nurjati
Thou United In Thy Condition
Ayatullah Nurjati
Karena Kau…?
translated From Because Of You...?
Ayatullah Nurjati
Mad As A Snake In Real Life
Ayatullah Nurjati
It Talks About Dog's Life
Ayatullah Nurjati
A Banana Republic
Ayatullah Nurjati
Dawn In Damn
Ayatullah Nurjati
Color Of Life
I am black
You are red
They are blue
Because we are orange
Ayatullah Nurjati
Boxing Class In Real Life
When we are both adults, we just decide by ratio, our minds and thoughts
become bright
Whether you agree or not, that's another thing in real life
Being in the same shade of sunlight
Education, religion that shapes conscience from insight
Ayatullah Nurjati
Joyous Spirit
If only the spirit could demonstrate it would not want to mingle with adversity or
something despicable
God's commandment to be 'a joyous and joyful spirit'
he just obeys what God tells him
Those related to the flesh of the blood vessels are wrapped by the heart and liver
so that humans can be moveable
the subtle part in the spirit that is difficult to understand and needs a spark of
conscience can understand God even though it is difficult to applicable
Ayatullah Nurjati
We Are The Book Text
Women, Men, Presidents, security, managers and whatever the name is all part
of the storyline
We are all the result of the book section, It contains subtext
everything about us is a bookline
which will be published by the publisher in the lifeline
Ayatullah Nurjati
Being Realistic--Live With Simplicity
I am a practitioner of poverty
You are a practitioner of hedonism
We met in an accidental space-time
out of nowhere you just squirm as if to wake my subconscious about this world
the subconsciousness that has been gripped by you seems to come in every of
my prayers
I don't know if this is God's test or what, I don't know, I'm also confused at the
You used to be the one I knew so serene and reassuring
but unfortunately there is a gulf between us
either faith I should ask you or it's just a mask
I used to loved your innocence and your simple attitude or you are, always want
to reach it patiently
What's clear is the explosions that are getting weaker and fading, it makes me
realize how I should behave
I'm always ambiguous in determining my attitude
And when I'm the lover I'm always the loser
Ayatullah Nurjati
Tired Of Searching—early Retirement
Instead of thinking and intuition with desire, it's better to just throw it far away
in the trash
Because in the trash there are also dim desires, ideals, wishes, desires of the
heart and whatever it is called
Please enjoy the process
Ayatullah Nurjati
Mad Poet—dives The True Meaning Of Love
Until finally the poet is mad because of the invention that always fails
until finally the poet stopped by a shabby flea bookstore and found a cheap but
meaningful book with the philosopher's big name stating
'true love is someone's love for something without any interest and strings
attached behind it. In fact, the 'importance' is the thing itself'.
Instantly the poet was shocked and thought that love does not have to have--
possession only belongs to the God and we should love Him as the actualization
of Being to the God.
Ayatullah Nurjati
Love Lover
Ayatullah Nurjati
now that torch of idealism has been glowing more and more
I could see the trace of Al Ghazali talk about empirism more and more
A spirit that has a divine soul is the goal of a person's life
it had been sometimes looked vague when combined with my life
Ayatullah Nurjati
The Black Cat--Deep In Side Sorrow
Ayatullah Nurjati
The Black Horse—freedom Of Life
This Poem was inspired after teaching 11: 02, September 14th 2021
Ayatullah Nurjati
Thou Art My Thy
0 is human
1 is Lord
Read! In the Name of Your Lord, who has created
Ayatullah Nurjati
Enter And Accept Certainty
I AM SO Yellow
Because Thou give me clue
Thy rein are hard believe to follow
And it makes me blue
Ayatullah Nurjati
Dejavu--Woman In Brown Veil
I'm not good at processing flavors--even though I already have it but it's empty
maybe God sent you at the wrong time
but I believe in it as part of knowing the full meaning of love
love between humans and Allah SWT--Wihdatul Wujud
Rasulullah has taught how to behave
because women have to be respected for their feelings--even though it's hard to
apply them
Ayatullah Nurjati
Desires Snippet: The Meaning Of The Color Of A
Woman Who Is In Love
Ayatullah Nurjati
Ity Has Gone
you don't have to cry on the veranda stunned by the mighty man
adrift by intimacy and infidelity
Ayatullah Nurjati
Totalitarian Love
Welcoming beauty studded with shrubs, reaching for union with material avarice
Twisted life sure
Why is there anyone who wants to fade the idealism of our love? Or is this really
a scene in an episode of life that must be passed?
because I'm black looking at the world, even though sometimes I find it difficult
to choose light and dark black
but black can never be changed by other colors because of its nature.
The world will look in sync when visited by dark and light colors even though
sometimes they collide but they show their true identity
I want to be the sugar and you the water which won't change your nature. I'm
sure that my nature will reappear—black where nothing can separate us both
except God and I love you totalitarian through marriage bonds
Ayatullah Nurjati
Rooten Bookworm
Actors seem to be aware and become salvatours for the despotism of pornism
An aesthetic-ethics to be offered and that is a selling point
Ayatullah Nurjati
I Pick You, Inti
The old green longing has been tethered and pulled over
Tossing to the winds the arrival of a lover
Your core is a woman who is an inspiration
The virgin at the culmination point rotates in the bond of love
From Jakarta, who struggles through curves and their associations, I have come
to step aside
Kebumen doesn't seem tired to wait for my arrival
As if yells of certainty await you
The essence, acute complaints and the appropriate dimensions await you
A myriad of bars want you to open
you are loyal to open my sunken heart
The point is, if only I could turn my hand through the paper of fate, of course you
would squirm consciously
kebumen in jawir's testimony, tattoos and a few old friends seem to be waiting
for me to tell a story about how to fight with love
Inti, wait for me
July 4th,1999
Ayatullah Nurjati
Jakarta I'm Back
Ayatullah Nurjati
An Old Face
The face that is always strong is eaten by age that doesn't seem tired of whining
Never reap the gold in his shabby pocket and pocket
Still hoping and hoping that he can ride life
I can only berate him, abandon him and always make his heart cry
Is it called father, father or papa who is always strong in the storm
Is it really a steep road that is always tread
Because my father can reap the old school bench with his greedy trinkets
And because of my father, I can pierce the essence of life through education
I'm grateful for the old face that seems tireless to give peace
I who don't know myself can only chatter to that face how to behave without
knowing how to behave humanely
I who don't know thanks can only write black ink and keep screaming
Basically, I don't know myself or don't know how to repay
Day, night that face always scavenges for diamonds for my family
But take a look at what cursed children including me can only think about
The lines on the face that seem to have faded and the muscles that are inching
are wobbly
Still, that face always has a smile on it
Thank you father, hopefully one day you will be able to receive rewards from me
not through material things but through essence.
Ayatullah Nurjati
Ayatullah Nurjati
Night Cheating
Ayatullah Nurjati
Blue Night
The black color of the night is shattered by the drizzle that doesn't get tired of
Nature seems to be spewing anger
The dwarf poet is a girl who is said to be his lover
A poet who dreams of becoming a prince who is always plagued by the foam of
A girl who is indeed a queen complains about a life tethered to love
12.28 WIB/18/02/04
Ayatullah Nurjati
Blue Allegory
Ayatullah Nurjati
Ayatullah Nurjati
Nerve Human
I am a man of nerves
I'm poor sometimes
I complain about the lively life
I whistle the implied meanings
Playing with crushed plastic
Ayatullah Nurjati
Dark Night
The synchronization of the night manifests the hope that is drugged by dreams
Feelings of sadness are crossed by the smudged smudging of life
Why does the sky scrape the mosquito net
Bias - vanished by the cruel cascade of oppression
Ayatullah Nurjati
Because Of You
Ayatullah Nurjati
Treatment Center
Patients can only hope that they don't get injected too often
Meanwhile, the beautiful sister is crass for a face-to-face leaf
Ayatullah Nurjati
Who Is The Girl?
The poor man at this time can only surrender to the pounding of time that is lazy
to beat
Ayatullah Nurjati
Red Daily Cow
Falling in fatigue
The song of the sun is grinning in confusion
The moon spurs dim desires
Stars are shy
The sky is bound by shipwreck
I'm drooping miserably
Dense hope drooping surrender
Sad life feels
Because the wild wealth belongs to the collared creature
I, they, you, he is a cash cow
All of them are wild red creatures
While the building cat blushed
The blue planet is shaking
Broadcast time ticks, - dilemmatic axiom
Hanging dreams on the horizon
Sadistic slashing sword
Indecision one after another
The lost life has appeared
For living in a wet place
Will life be bright?
The answer is at the end of the toll bridge
What about five-star hotels who have an affair with the police?
The forest raped by sycophants
The jellyfish that was knocked out scrubbing - the bed
The tranquility of nature is decorated with gratitude
Ayatullah Nurjati
Wrapped In Abundance
Ayatullah Nurjati
The Pierced River
Ayatullah Nurjati
Dear Viewers
Ayatullah Nurjati
For My Sweetheart
Struggle and set and crush the waster at the crossroads in splattered wounds
Wriggle restless in sensitivity
Between two sides you can understand how beautiful love is
Cover with the hum of life
Smile, smile baby. Don't you doubt about the meaning of life
Ayatullah Nurjati
Street Octopus Babies
They have to stretch something for a can of milk, or a baggy school shirt
Where are their fathers and mothers, are they both busy chatting in an elegant
rented house by putting aside the ego stuck to their foreheads?
Or are they really orphans who don't know the love of their parents, and are
forced to become a disease on the streets
In the light of day surrounded by puffs of smoke of scorching sorrow, they tried
to overcome the arrogance of the drivers and conductors.
Babies teach grandparents how to be human
A street baby with a hoarse voice who seems to be looking for a mouthful of
chicken porridge by traveling the world to a donated country
The nurse is dressed as a dwarf with a clutch and buckle who carries a prison, a
prison of insanity and gives a frantic diaper
The nicks of sweat, the trail ran aground, the busty skin became an impression
on the baby octopus, its many legs can hit buses and public transportation.
Small coins to scavenge their survival
Road markings can only be witnesses to the baby's life.
Ayatullah Nurjati
Green Reflection Of Leaves
Bits of smoke staggered away from the deaf nose and scattered across the room
Unsteady body braiding 'kretek cigarette' ration
Today only two sticks of literacy inspiration are left
The eyes are stuck because they are sodomized too often
In the corner of the room near the hospital soup kitchen, lies a virgin who is said
to be poor in desire
While falling onto the bench that lay stiff, writhing wet
So far, the ontology that is glorified is absurd, anomalous, and sky high
Antipathy, antigone, anti-discrimination and camel-anti-joking in the ivory tower
The horizon in the serrated ontology of screwdrivers, hammers, stethoscopes,
hospital tools and cleaning service tools races in a skilled work routine
Colored white messages from the first floor to the sixth floor
Cream-painted hospital stumbles on critical discourse
Free medical treatment—sutris—drain, but in demand and qualified.
Ayatullah Nurjati
Good Bye My Mother
Mother rest in peace—I pray that you can enjoy the charity you have reaped
Mom thanks for everything.
Ayatullah Nurjati
Ayatullah Nurjati
Jati Jajar Cave, Kebumen, Central Java
Ayatullah Nurjati
The Junction Tile Factory (Cemara)
the junction of the tile factory I contemplate in the heavy rain which is dizzy as
sweat drips down my limp body
Ayatullah Nurjati
Taken For Granted:
for A Name
beautiful woman with a circular scarf puffing out her chest, frowning her
forehead which suppresses greed
blooming majestic seahorses arguing with dolphins in the trough of the heart
for a name shrouded in a few notes of the day
solitaire and rummy stuttered for being food poison
For a name that is eternal again I scream to reveal an impression that you are a
clean person who is strong in the ration of beauty and whoever you are……
I'm embarrassed.
Ayatullah Nurjati
Self Portrait
A twilight work awaits the translation of the red and white character—a furnace
with black charcoal
A piece of diploma is difficult to reach for a notebook that races on a black and
white photo
A shirt that satisfies the desire to go back fast
Business cards in a bad niche
Ayatullah Nurjati
Absurd Word
Ayatullah Nurjati
The Darkness Place
Ayatullah Nurjati
Good Looking Scenery
Ayatullah Nurjati
Urban Crickets
And I've been just waking up from my traveling around the bed and the pillow
Ayatullah Nurjati
Hopless Romance
Ayatullah Nurjati