0212 Asgn Reproduction in Flowering Plants
0212 Asgn Reproduction in Flowering Plants
0212 Asgn Reproduction in Flowering Plants
3. Arrange the following terms in the correct 17. Differentiate autogamy, geitenogamy and
developmental sequence: xenogamy with two suitable examples of
Pollen grain, sporogenous tissue, microspore each.
tetrad, pollen mother cell, male gametes.
18. Explain the events occur during pollen-pistil
4. Draw a well labeled diagram of
angiospermic ovule and label any four
diploid parts. 19. Explain post-fertilization events angiosperm
5. What is meant by monosporic development flower. Name two fruits which have remains
of female gametophyte? of sepals.
6. With a neat diagram explain the 7-celled, 8- 20. Differentiate self & cross pollination. Which
nucleate nature of the female gametophyte. one may lead to inbreeding depression and
OR why?
Describe the polygonum type of embryo sac.
Why is it generally referred as monosporic. 21. Describe the stages of dicot embryo
7. Mention strategies evolved to prevent self- development with the help of diagram.
pollination in bisexual flowers.
22. Angiosperms may be monoecious,
8. What is bagging technique? How is it useful cleistogamous or shows self-incompatibility.
in a plant breeding programme? Describe the characteristics features of each
9. Differentiate between: of them and state which one of these flowers
(a) hypocotyl and epicotyl; promotes inbreeding & outbreeding
(b) coleoptile and coleorrhiza; respectively.
(c) integument and testa;
(d) perisperm and pericarp. 23. Geitenogamy is functionally a cross
pollination but genetically similar to
10. Explain the role of tapetum in the formation autogamy, Explain.
of pollen-grain wall.
11. What is apomixis and what is its 24. A flower of brinjil produces 360 viable
importance? seeds by sexual reproduction:
(a) How many ovule are minimally
12. Name the organic material of exine of pollen required?
grain is made up of. How is this material (b) How many megaspore and microspore
advantageous to pollen grain? It do not form mother cells are required?
continuous layer around pollen grain, why? (c) How many male gametes are required?
How are pollen bank useful?
25. Explain process of megasporogensis with
Trace the development of megaspore mother
cell upto mature embryo sac.
27. Describe endosperm formation in a dicot