April MT Ii
April MT Ii
April MT Ii
1. Why are researchers the world over, trying to transfer ‘apomic c’ genes
into hybrid seeds? Give reasons (any two).
2. In cleistogamous plants, growing on agricultural lands that are regularly
sprayed with insec cides, fer lisa on, and seed forma on goes on
undisturbed. Give one reason.
3. Write the differences between wind pollinated and insect pollinated
flowers. Give one example for each type of pollina on.
4. Explain 'floral rewards' as an adapta on in plants, with the help of any
three examples.
5. State what is apomixis. Comment on its significance. How can it be
commercially used ?
6. Name the process of forma on of male gametes in flowering plants.
7. Why do moss plants produce very large number of male gametes ?
Provide one reason. What are these gametes called?
8. (a) Why is apple a false fruit for a biology student ? Give another
example of false fruit.
(b) "Bananas are o en seedless but are always true fruits." Jus fy the
9. (a) Describe any four devices which have been observed in plants to
achieve cross-pollina on and discourage self-pollina on.
(b) State what would con nued self-pollina on result in.
10.Differen ate between Parthenocarpy and Parthenogenesis. Give one
example of each.
11.(a) Plan an experiment and prepare a flow chart of the steps that you
would follow to ensure that the seeds are formed only from the desired
sets of pollen grains. Name the type of experiment that you carried out.
(b) Write the importance of such experiments.
12.Name the cell from which the endosperm develops in a coconut.
Men on its ploidy. Explain the process of endosperm development in a
13.State the purpose for carrying emascula on in breeding experiments.
14.Write the difference between the tender coconut water and the thick,
white kernel of a mature coconut and their ploidy.
15. (a) Describe in sequence the process of microsporogenesis in
(b) Draw a labelled diagram of a two celled final structure formed.
16. Write the special adapta ons that are found in plants pollinated by
wind. Give an example of an aqua c plant pollinated by wind and a land
plant pollinated by wind.
17.(a) Describe ovarian events in the menstrual cycle of the female
reproduc ve system in humans.
(b) Explain the role played by pituitary hormones during the events
described above.
18. Describe any two devices in a flowering plant which prevent both
autogamy and geitonogamy.
19.Explain the events upto double fer lisa on a er the pollen tube enters
one of the synergids in an ovule of an angiosperm.
20.(a) Why are some seeds called albuminous and others non-albuminous ?
(b) Which one of the following are albuminous or exalbuminous :
(i) Pea
(ii) Wheat
(iii) Groundnut
(iv) Maize
21.A flower of brinjal plant following the process of sexual reproduc on
produces 360 viable seeds.Answer the following ques ons giving
(a) How many ovules are minimally involved?
(b) How many megaspore mother cells are involved?
(c) What is the minimum number of pollen grains that must land on
s gma for pollina on?
(d) How many male gametes are involved in the above case?
(e) How many microspore mother cells must have undergone reduc on
division prior to dehiscence of anther in the above case?
22.(a) Seeds offer several advantages to angiosperms. Describe any three
such advantages.
(b) Why is banana called a parthenocarpic fruit? Would you call banana a
true fruit ? Give reason in support of your answer.
23.Name the following that form the parts of a typical angiosperm ovule :
(i) The stalk that a aches it to the placenta in the ovary.
(ii) The layers that protect it. The mass of ssue enclosed by these layers.
(iii) The different types of cells present in its mature embryo sac.
24.List the different parts of a typical dicotyledonous embryo along with
their func ons.