A320 Family Easa Required Placards and Markings
A320 Family Easa Required Placards and Markings
A320 Family Easa Required Placards and Markings
Log of Revisions
For cabin placards please refer to the “A320 Family passenger and crew placards and illuminated
signs” available in the configuration guide pages of AirbusWorld.
It is the responsibility of the Operator to ensure that any additional placards and markings required
by their operational or registration Authorities are installed at aircraft delivery.
Introduction (2/2)
The identification of deterioration is covered by regular MPD Zonal General Visual Inspections
(GVI) where any illegible placard and marking has to be corrected. Refer to MPD Zonal
However, to ease the identification of defects, Airbus recommends Airlines to customize their own
list of required Placards and Markings (type design and the ones required by operational or
registration Authorities) and to put in place a regular dedicated GVI to inspect the integrity of the
Placards and Markings.
During aircraft operations, it is not required to check the integrity of Placards and Markings before
each flight. However, if a placard/marking is identified as illegible or missing, Airbus recommend to
replace it at next suitable maintenance check opportunity.
For any queries please contact customer support with TechRequest tool.
Table of Contents 1/3
The applicable regulations at the time of initial certification related to placards and markings are listed.
Table of Contents 3/3
‒ Wings Placards and Markings
‒ Markings of the Escape Area
‒ Markings for fuel
‒ Markings of the Fuel fillers
‒ Marking of the THS position angles
‒ Landing Gear placards and markings
‒ Tire Inflating Pressure Placard with Aircraft on Wheels for NLG and MLG
‒ Tire Inflating Pressure Placard on the MLG
‒ Owner and Manufacturer Plates
Applicable Regulations 1/11
25.0671 (b) CONTROL SYSTEM Each element of each flight control system must be designed, or distinctively and permanently marked, to
minimise the probability of incorrect assembly that could result in the malfunctioning of the system.
25.0677 (b) TRIM SYSTEMS There must be means adjacent to the trim control to indicate the direction of the control movement relative to
the aeroplane motion. In addition, there must be clearly visible means to indicate the position of the trim
device with respect to the range of adjustment. The indicator must be clearly marked with the range within
which it has been demonstrated that take-off is safe for all centre of gravity positions approved for take-off.
25.0783 (b) for DOORS There must be a means to lock and safeguard each external door against opening in flight (either
Excluding A321 NEO inadvertently by persons or as a result of mechanical failure or failure of a single structural element either
ACF during or after closure). Each external door must be openable from both the inside and the outside, even
though persons may be crowded against the door on the inside of the aeroplane. Inward opening doors may
be used if there are means to prevent occupants from crowding against the door to an extent that would
interfere with the opening of the door. The means of opening must be simple and obvious and must be
arranged and marked so that it can be readily located and operated, even in darkness. Auxiliary locking
devices may be used.
Applicable Regulations 2/11
25.0787 STOWAGE Each compartment for the stowage of cargo, baggage, carry-on articles and equipment (such as life
(a) COMPARTMENTS rafts) and any other stowage compartment must be designed for its placarded maximum weight of
contents and for the critical load distribution at the appropriate maximum load factors corresponding to
the specified flight and ground load conditions and, where the breaking loose of the contents of such
compartments could:
(1) Cause direct injury to occupants;
(2) Penetrate fuel tanks or lines or cause fire or explosion hazard by damage to
adjacent systems; or
(3) Nullify any of the escape facilities provided for use after an emergency landing, to
the emergency landing conditions of JAR 25.0561(b)(3). If the aeroplane has a
passenger seating configuration, excluding pilot seats, of 10 seats or more, each
stowage compartment in the passenger cabin, except for underseat and
overhead compartments for passenger convenience, must be completely
25.0791 PASSENGER At least one sign (using either letters or symbols) notifying when smoking is prohibited and one sign
INFORMATION SIGNS (using either letters or symbols) notifying when safety belts should be fastened must, when illuminated,
be legible to each person seated in the passenger cabin under all probable conditions of cabin
illumination. Signs which notify when safety belts should be fastened and when smoking is prohibited
must be installed so as to be operable from either pilot’s seat.
Applicable Regulations 3/11
25.0803 (e) for EMERGENCY An escape route must be established from each overwing emergency exit, and (except for flap surfaces suitable as slides)
A319/A320/A321 EVACUATION covered with a slip resistant surface. Except where a means for channelling the flow of evacuees is provided:
(1) The escape route must be at least 42 inches wide at Type A passenger emergency exits and must be at least 2 ft wide at all
other passenger emergency exits, and
(2) The escape route surface must have a reflectance of at least 80%, and must be defined by markings with a surface-to-
marking contrast ratio of at least 5:1.
25.810 (c) for EMERGENCY (An escape route must be established from each over-wing emergency exit, and (except for flap surfaces suitable as slides)
A318 / NEO / NEO EVACUATION covered with a slip resistant surface. Except where a means for channelling the flow of evacuees is provided ?
ACF (1) The escape route from each Type A or Type B emergency exit, or any common escape route from two Type III emergency
exits, must be at least 1.07 m (42 inches) wide that from any other passenger emergency exit must be at least 61 cm (24
inches) wide and
(2) The escape route surface must have a reflectance of at least 80%, and must be defined by markings with a surface-to-
marking contrast ratio of at least 5:1.
25.0811 EMERGENCY (a) Each passenger emergency exit, its means of access, and its means of opening must be conspicuously marked.
(a)(b)(d) EXIT MARKING (b) The identity and location of each passenger emergency exit must be recognisable from a distance equal to the width of the
(d) The location of each passenger emergency exit must be indicated by a sign visible to occupants approaching along the
main passenger aisle (or aisles). There must be:
(1) A passenger emergency exit locator sign above the aisle (or aisles) near each passenger
emergency exit, or at another overhead location if it is more practical because of low
headroom, except that one sign may serve more than one exit if each exit can be seen
readily from the sign;
10 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4
Applicable Regulations 4/11
25.0811 EMERGENCY (d) (2) A passenger emergency exit marking sign next to each passenger emergency exit, except that one sign may serve
(d) EXIT MARKING two such exits if they both can be seen readily from the sign; and
(e) Applicable to (3) A sign on each bulkhead or divider that prevents fore and aft vision along the passenger cabin to indicate emergency
A318/A319/A320/ exits beyond and obscured by the bulkhead or divider, except that if this is not possible the sign may be placed at another
A321 CEO and appropriate location.
NEO (e) The location of the operating handle and instructions for opening exits from the inside of the aeroplane must be shown in
the following manner:
(1) Each passenger emergency exit must have, on or near the exit, a marking that is readable from a distance of 30 inches.
(2) Each Type I and Type A passenger emergency exit operating handle must:
(i) Be self-illuminated with an initial brightness of at least 160 microlamberts; or
(ii) Be conspicuously located and well illuminated by the emergency lighting even in
conditions of occupant crowding at the exit.
(3) Each Type III passenger emergency exit operating handle must be self-illuminated with an initial brightness of at least
160 microlamberts. If the operating handle is covered, self-illuminated cover removal instructions having an initial brightness of
at least 160 micro-lamberts must also be provided.
(4) Each Type A, Type I and Type II passenger emergency exit with a locking mechanism released by rotary motion of the
handle must be marked:
(i) With a red arrow, with a shaft at least three-quarters of an inch wide and a head twice the width of the shaft,
extending along at least 70° of arc at a radius approximately equal to three-quarters of the handle length.
(ii) So that the centreline of the exit handle is within ± 1 inch of the projected point of the arrow when the handle has
reached full travel and has released the locking mechanism, and
(iii) With the word ‘open’ in red letters 1 inch high, placed horizontally near the head of the arrow.
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Applicable Regulations 5/11
25.0811 EMERGENCY The location of the operating handle and instructions for opening exits from the inside of the aeroplane must be
(e) Applicable to EXIT MARKING shown in the following manner:
(1) Each passenger emergency exit must have, on or near the exit, a marking that is readable from a distance of 76
cm (30 inches).
(2) Each passenger emergency exit operating handle and the cover removal instructions, if the operating handle is
covered, must :
(i) Be self-illuminated with an initial brightness of at least 0.51 candela/m2 (160 microlamberts); or
(ii) Be conspicuously located and well illuminated by the emergency lighting even in conditions of occupant
crowding at the exit.
(3) Reserved
(4) All Type II and larger passenger emergency exits with a locking mechanism released by motion of a handle, must
be marked by a red arrow with a shaft at least 19 mm (0.75 inches) wide, adjacent to the handle, that indicates the
full extent and direction of the unlocking motion required. The word OPEN must be horizontally situated adjacent to
the arrowhead and must be in red capital letters at least 25 mm (1 inch) high. The arrow and word OPEN must be
located on a background which provides adequate contrast. (See AMC 25.811 (e) (4).)
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Applicable Regulations 6/11
25.0811 EMERGENCY (f) Each emergency exit that is required to be openable from the outside, and its means of opening, must be
(f) EXIT MARKING marked on the outside of the aeroplane. In addition, the following apply:
(1) The outside marking for each passenger emergency exit in the side of the fuselage must include a
51cmm/2-inch coloured band outlining the exit.
(2) Each outside marking including the band, must have colour contrast to be readily distinguishable from the
surrounding fuselage surface. The contrast must be such that if the reflectance of the darker colour is 15% or
less, the reflectance of the lighter colour must be at least 45%. 'Reflectance' is the ratio of the luminous flux
reflected by a body to the luminous flux it receives. When the reflectance of the darker colour is greater than 15%,
at least a 30% difference between its reflectance and the reflectance of the lighter colour must be provided.
(3) In the case of exits other than those in the side of the fuselage, such as ventral or tail cone exits, the
external means of opening,including instructions if applicable, must be conspicuously marked in red, or bright
chrome yellow if the background colour is such that red is nconspicuous. When the opening means is located on
only one side of the fuselage, a conspicuous marking to that effect must be provided on the other side.
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Applicable Regulations 7/11
25.853 SMOKING SIGNS (c) If smoking is to be prohibited, there must be a placard so stating, and if smoking is to be allowed:
(c), (d), (e) (1) There must be an adequate number of self-contained, removable ashtrays; and
(2) Where the crew compartment is separated from the passenger compartment,
there must be at least one sign meeting the 'No Smoking' sign requirements of JAR
25.0791 notifying all passengers when smoking is prohibited.
(d) Each disposal receptacle for towels, paper, or waste must be fully enclosed and constructed of at least fire
resistant materials, and must contain fires likely to occur in it under normal use. The ability of the disposal
receptacle to contain those fires under all probable conditions of wear, misalignment, and ventilation
expected in service must be
demonstrated by test. A placard containing the legible words "No Cigarette Disposal" must be located on or
near each disposal receptacle door.
(e) Lavatories must have 'No Smoking' or 'No Smoking in Lavatory‘ placards located conspicuously on each
side of the entry door, and selfcontained removable ashtrays located conspicuously on or near the entry side
of each lavatory door, except that one ashtray may serve more than one lavatory door if the ashtray can be
seen readily from the cabin side of each lavatory door served. The placards must have red letters at least
one-half inch high on a white background of at least one inch high. (A 'No Smoking' symbol may be included
on the placard).
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Applicable Regulations 8/11
25.0871 LEVELLING MEANS There must be means for determining when the aeroplane is in a level position on the ground.
25.0973 (a) FUEL TANK FILLER Each filler must be marked as prescribed in JAR 25.1557(b) (1)
25.1013 (c) OIL TANKS – Filler Each oil filler must be marked under JAR 25.1557(b) (2).
25.1301 (b) FUNCTION AND Each item of installed equipment must be labelled as to its identification, function, or operating
INSTALLATION limitations, or any applicable combination of these factors.
25.1541 (a) (b) MARKINGS AND (a) The aeroplane must contain:
PLACARDS - General (1) The specified markings and placards; and
(2) Any additional information, instrument markings, and placards required for the safe operation if
there are unusual design, operating, or handling characteristics.
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Applicable Regulations 9/11
25.1547 MAGNETIC DIRECTION (a) A placard meeting the requirements of this paragraph must be installed on, or near, the magnetic direction indicator.
(a)(b)(c)(d) INDICATOR (b) The placard must show the calibration of the instrument in level flight with the engines operating.
(c) Not required for JAR 25.
(d) Each calibration reading must be in terms of magnetic heading in not more than 45° increments.
25.1557 MISCELLANEOUS (a) Baggage and cargo compartments and ballast location. Each baggage and cargo compartment, and each
(a)(b)(c)(d) MARKINGS AND ballast location must have a placard stating any limitations on contents, including weight, that are necessary under
PLACARDS the loading requirements. However, underseat compartments designed for the storage of carry-on articles weighing
not more than 20 pounds need not have a loading limitation placard.
(b) Fuel, oil and injection fluids filler openings. The following apply:
(1) Fuel filler openings must be marked at or near the filler cover with:
(i) The word 'fuel';
(ii) Not required for JAR 25.
(iii) The permissible fuel designations;
(iv) For pressure fuelling systems, the maximum permissible fuelling supply pressure and the maximum
permissible defueling pressure.
(2) Oil filler openings must be marked at or near the filler cover with the word 'oil'.
(3) Injection fluid filler openings must be marked at or near the filler cover with the words ‘water’ or ‘water
methanol’, as appropriate.
(c) Emergency exit placards.
Each emergency exit placard must meet the requirements of JAR 25.0811.
(d) Doors. Each door that must be used in order to reach any required emergency exit must have a suitable placard
stating that the door is to be latched in the open position during take-off and landing.
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Applicable Regulations 10/11
25.1561 SAFETY EQUIPMENT (a) Each safety equipment control to be operated by the crew in emergency, such as
(a)(b)(c)(d)(e) controls for automatic liferaft releases, must be plainly marked as to its method of
(b) Each location, such as a locker or compartment, that carries any fire extinguishing,
signalling, or other lifesaving equipment must be marked accordingly.
(c) Stowage provisions for required emergency equipment must be conspicuously marked
to identify the contents and facilitate the easy removal of the equipment.
(d) Each liferaft must have obviously marked operating instructions.
(e) Approved survival equipment must be marked for identification and method of
25.1563 AIRSPEED PLACARD A placard showing the maximum airspeeds for wing-flap extension for the take-off,
approach, and landing positions must be installed in clear view of each pilot.
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Applicable Regulations 11/11
NATIONALITY AND Nationality and registration marks are painted on A/C in delivery in accordance with ICAO Annex 7
ICAO Annex 7 ICAO annex 7 recommendation
An aircraft shall carry an identification plate inscribed with at least its nationality or common mark and
registration mark. The plate shall be made of fireproof metal or other fireproof material of suitable
IDENTIFICATION PLATE physical properties and shall be secured to the aircraft in an prominent position near the main
entrance or, in the case of an unmanned free balloon, affixed conspicuously to the interior of the
Part 21 MANUFACTURER PLATE (a) The identification of products shall include the following information:
SUBPART Q — 1. manufacturer’s name;
IDENTIFICATION OF 2. product designation;
PRODUCTS, PARTS 3. manufacturer’s Serial number;
AND APPLIANCES 4. any other information the Agency finds appropriate.
21.A.801 Identification (b) Any natural or legal person that manufactures an aircraft or engine under Subpart G or Subpart F
of products shall identify that aircraft or engine by means of a fireproof plate that has the information specified in
point (a) marked on it by etching, stamping, engraving, or other approved method of fireproof marking.
The identification plate shall be secured in such a manner that it is accessible and legible, and will not
likely be defaced or removed during normal service, or lost or destroyed in an accident.
18 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4
Cabin Placards and Markings
For Cabin placards and Markings please refer to the “A320 Family passenger and crew placards
and illuminated signs” available in the configuration guide pages of AirbusWorld.
This brochure describes the mandatory placards and markings for:
• Passengers
• Cabin crew
• Illuminated signs.
For safety equipment:
If the equipment is installed, the corresponding placard is mandatory. Placard installations are
according to the aircraft definition.
All placards are available with or without directional arrows.
Placards may not be installed if the equipment is visible and easily recognized.
Emergency equipment quantities and locations are not required by JAR 25/CS 25 regulations alone
but mainly by operational regulations; each Operator needs to contact its local Authority.
19 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4
Cockpit Placards and Markings: Flight Controls
Trim System
20 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4
Cockpit Placards and Markings: Speed Limits
* Example only: Refer to the
AFM (Airplane Flight Manual)
for speed values
21 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4
Cockpit Placards and Markings: Standby Compass
22 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4
Cockpit Placards and Markings: Compass Correction Cards
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Cockpit Placards and Markings: Emergency Equipment/Furnishing 1/2
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Cockpit Placards and Markings: Emergency Equipment/Furnishing 2/2
25 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4
Cargo Compartments Markings 1/2
Each cargo compartment shall have placards indicating the loading instructions and limits:
maximum loading height, net arrangement, cargo loading capacities
26 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4
Cargo Compartments Markings 2/2
Each cargo compartment shall have placards indicating the loading instructions and limits:
maximum loading height, net arrangement, cargo loading capacities
27 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4
Marking of the Oil Filler of the APU Compartment
Each filler shall be marked with the
type of fluid to be used.
28 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4
Marking on Rear Wall of the Center Fuel Tank
Mandatory for aircraft equipped with
the Fuel Tank Inerting System
(MOD 38062)
29 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4
Oxygen Supply in Avionic Bay
Instructions for the use of the oxygen
supply system shall be placarded.
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Markings on the Passenger/Crew Doors 1/2
Door operation external placards and
markings shall be installed on all
passenger doors.
A318/A319/A320/A321: doors 1 and 4
31 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4
Markings on the Passenger/Crew Doors 2/2
The EXIT sign and residual cabin
pressure external door warning placard
shall be installed on all passenger doors.
A318/A319/A320/A321: doors 1 and 4
32 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4
Markings of Overwing Exit (OWE) Doors 1/2
The EXIT sign and door
operation placards shall be
installed on all overwing exit
doors (OWE).
(example of A320)
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Markings of Overwing Exit (OWE) Doors 2/2
A321 NEO ACF: overwing doors
34 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4
Markings of the Emergency Exits on A321 1/2
The EXIT sign and door operation placard
shall be installed on the exit doors.
A321 (not NEO ACF): doors 2 and 3
A321 NEO ACF: door 3
35 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4
Markings of the Emergency Exits on A321 2/2
A321 (not NEO ACF): doors 2 and 3
A321 NEO ACF: door 3
36 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4
Markings of the Cargo Doors (Forward and Aft) 1/2
This warning shall be
applied on all external
cargo doors (forward and
37 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4
Markings of the Cargo Doors (Forward and Aft) 2/2
Cargo compartment door
operation external placard
and markings shall be
applied in the proximity of
all cargo doors (forward
and aft).
38 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4
Markings of the Bulk Cargo Doors
Note: The “OPEN”
indication is sometimes
replaced by
“UNLOCKED” indication.
39 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4
Markings of the Nose Landing Gear Doors
40 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4
Markings of the Avionics Compartment Door 1/2
Each avionics compartment door
opening instruction shall be placarded.
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Markings of the Avionics Compartment Door 2/2
A320 Neo, A321 Neo
42 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4
Markings of Leveling Points on the Fuselage
43 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4
Markings of the Oil Label on Fan Cowl Access Panel
Each filler shall be marked with
the type of fluid to be used.
Note: Such information must be
visible on the oil tank access door
or inside the oil tank access
44 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4
Markings of the Escape Area 1/2
45 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4
Markings of the Escape Area 2/2
46 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4
Markings of fuel on the Wing Lower Surface 1/2
Mandatory for aircraft
equipped with the Fuel Tank
Inerting System
(MOD 38062)
47 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4
Markings of the Fuel Fillers on the Wing Lower Surface
Each fuel filler shall be marked
with the type of fluid to be used
48 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4
Markings of the Fuel Fillers on the Wing UpperSurface
Mandatory for aircraft equipped
with manual refueling
49 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4
Markings of the THS Position Angles
50 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4
Tire Inflating Pressure Placard with Aircraft on Wheels for
Nose Landing Gear (NLG) and Main Landing Gear (MLG)
Tire inflation pressure placard shall be
installed on the MLG and NLG.
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Tire Inflating Pressure Placard on the Main Landing Gear
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Owner and Manufacturer Plates
The manufacturer plate is mandatory.
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013
A320 Family Contents
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013
A320 Family Introduction
This standard placard brochure is valid for the AIRBUS A318 / A319 / The customer signs this check list and provides the translation of the
A320 / A321 aircraft. The brochure shows the placards basic English basic English wording and the graphic format of all second language
wording and there location in the aircraft's cabin. The installation text, as it is to appear in the aircraft, as electronic data. Recommended
locations of emergency and some crew placards are dependent on the formats are: Rich Text Format, Adobe Illustrator (.ai), Corel Draw (.cdr)
aircraft configuration and will vary. The locations for these shown in or other compatible vector formats. Any specific customer request for
this brochure are only examples. The colors of the placards in this other fonts different to the Airbus standard is subject to feasibility study
brochure are for information only. Due to the different printing for availability, lead-time and cost. Airbus cannot guaranty to realize
processes they may not be an exact match to those installed in the the bilingual placards with every specific customer requested font. Any
aircraft. specific Request is subject to an SCN. Both, the check list and the
translations in electronic format have to be supplied to Airbus by the
Pictograms are used wherever possible for passenger placards and
customer in case of normal versions latest ten (10) working days after
illuminated signs. The remaining passenger placards and illuminated
CDF (Contractual Definition Freeze) and in case of LCC-versions
signs are in English with space for one other language. A few
(Leasing Company Concept) latest at time of ODF (Operator Definition
exceptions are marked with "English only" like the lavatory occupied
signs in the door blades (not illuminated), the pull cover placards at the
emergency over wing exits and the seat row numbering clip. The If Airbus does not receive the translation of the basic English wording
selection of the second language, the placement of the passenger from the customer on time the passenger placards remain English only
placards, the cabin door residual pressure warning placard and and the aircraft will be equipped with placards according to Airbus
illuminated signs are covered by one RFC/SCN (Request For standard. The RFC for bilingual placards according to the check list
Change/Specification Change Notice) which bases on a customizable will be rejected.
EPAC/TDU (Entity Per Aircraft Change/Technical Description Unit).
Emergency equipment related placards are treated in different ways
The customized EPAC/TDU includes a bilingual placard and
for equipment which is not installed at delivery (with indication
illuminated signs check list. The reference of this check list shall be
“provisions only” or “to be installed after delivery”).
according to the Airbus document numbering system.
Placards for Emergency equipment which will be installed after
The check list in the last chapter of this brochure defines all the
delivery are fixed with tape inside the OHSC bin where the equipment
passenger placards which should be translated and includes the
shall be installed after delivery.
nature and the positioning of the second language.
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 4
A320 Family General
Technical Introduction
Only existing placards will be provided according to this placard
brochure. Physical appearance of provided placards will be as shown
in the placard brochure.
Individual RFCs are required for the cargo door residual pressure
warning placard, the customer selection of EEPMS exit identifiers and
the emergency lighting system.
Additional placards requested from customer which are not part of the
current brochure / check list and are not certification related will be
dealt by specific RFC. The translation of the additional placards has to
be included in the customized check list.
Placards for crew operation are in English only.
Within this brochure the following symbols are used:
Mandatory, placards must be installed to obtain JAA
Additional mandatory placards, to obtain FAA certification
CCAR 121.317 (f) requirement
Standard, non mandatory placards provided with the aircraft
Installed only with relevant equipment
Optional placard requiring specific RFC/SCN
Braille option available
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 5
A320 Family General
75mm 110mm
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 7
A320 Family
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013
A320 Family Passenger Placards
for A318 doors and for A319/A320/A321 doors without JAR26 operation
for A319/A320/A321 doors with JAR26 operation
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 9
A320 Family Passenger Placards
1.01a (To be selected with slide rafts)
(To be selected with slide rafts)
for A318 doors and for A319/A320/A321 doors without JAR26 operation
for A319/A320/A321 doors with JAR26 operation
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 11
A320 Family Passenger Placards
1.01a (To be selected with slide rafts)
(To be selected with slide rafts)
A319 with two over wing exits / A320 A319 with two over wing exits / A320 - FAA
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 13
A320 Family Passenger Placards
1.15 Fluorescent
(Mirrored image on opposite aircraft side) 1.16 Fluorescent
1.11 1.17
(Selection requires specific RFC) (Not visible from the cabin)
(Mandatory for A318)
1.06 Fluorescent
Emergency Equipment
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 18
A320 Family Passenger Placards
3.06 combined text
3.07 combined text
Note: Load limit depends on OHSC
configuration / equipment installation.
Installed only with relevant equipment
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 20
A320 Family Passenger Placards
(Clip left surface) 3.16 (Clip top surface) (Clip right surface)
(Clip left surface) 3.16a (Clip top surface) (Clip right surface)
Cabin Area
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 23
A320 Family Passenger Placards
Note: When this clip is selected then the basic seat row numbering
is not installed (color of background and letters are customizable).
Lavatories - Outside
English only
(Feasibility of other language
than English only has to be
investigated with specific RFC)
4.05 4.08 Fluorescent
4.02 English only
Only installed on lavatories
equipped with aisle mounted
4.06 CAS and Bi-folding Door
4.03 4.30
Note: If GSM on board is installed, then the following placard in addition to 4.30 must be
installed: - “Do not use mobile phone in cockpit during flight” in the cockpit (lavatory wall)
- “No stowage” on the OHSC door where GSM is installed (placard 2.09)
Installed only with relevant equipment
- Illuminated sign (5.07b) in the passenger service unit
FAA requirement
- Pictogram “no smoking” (placard 5.10) must be installed
Braille option available
(see illuminated signs - passenger service unit)
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 26
A320 Family Passenger Placards
Lavatories - Inside
4.03 4.10
Note: If GSM on board is installed, then the following placard in addition to 4.30 must be
- "Do not use mobile phone in cockpit during flight" in the cockpit (lavatory wall)
- "No stowage" on the OHSC door where GSM is installed (placard 2.09) Mandatory
- Illuminated sign (5.07b) in the passenger service unit Standard
- Pictogram 'no smoking' (placard 5.10) must be installed (see illuminated signs - passenger Installed only with relevant equipment
service unit) Braille option available
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 28
A320 Family Passenger Placards
Lavatories - Inside
Lavatories Inside
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 29
A320 Family Passenger Placards
(Placard installed at this position requested by FAA.) 4.16 4.28
Not present if
requested by customer
Installed only with relevant equipment
Braille option available
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 30
A320 Family Passenger Placards
Lavatories - Inside
Lavatories Inside
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 31
A320 Family Passenger Placards
4.24 4.26
(Not customizable)
4.18 4.24a
If bilingual placarding,
translation "press"
(Space for non English
translation for press)
4.23 Note: Only for chinese operators per local
certification requirement CCAR 121.317 (f)
Optional placard requiring specific RFC/SCN
Installed only with relevant equipment
4.18b FAA requirement
CCAR 121.317 (f) requirement
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 32
A320 Family Illuminated Signs
Exit Signs
Door Marking Signs
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 34
A320 Family Illuminated Signs
Exit Signs
Emergency Doors, A319 with 2 over wing exits / A320 A321 Doors 2 and 3 (Door 3 shown)
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 35
A320 Family Illuminated Signs
Door Location Signs - Emergency doors A319 with 2 OWE* / A320 Door Marking Signs - Emergency Doors A318 / 319
5.01 5.02
Emergency Escape Path Marking System Door Marking Signs – A321 Doors 2 and 3
For further information about location and positioning of second
language please refer to the "A320 Family Cabin Interiors
Configuration Guide".
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 36
A320 Family Illuminated Signs
Lavatories inside
(For information only, non customizable)
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 38
A320 Family Illuminated Signs
5.12 Fluorescent
Movable Class Divider Installed only with relevant equipment
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 40
A320 Family Crew Placards
Exit Doors
6.03 6.32a
(To be selected with slide rafts)
Installed only with relevant equipment
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 42
A320 Family Crew Placards
Exit Doors
(Outside of lavatory door)
(Lavatory A inside and outside of lavatory door)
Note: The positions shown are only examples; all placards are
available with or without directional arrows.
Placards will not be installed if equipment is visible and easily
Installed only with relevant equipment
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 44
A320 Family Crew Placards
Exit Doors
Emergency Door A318 / A319 Emergency Doors, A319 with 2 over wing exits / A320
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 45
A320 Family Crew Placards
6.37 6.38
A318 / A319 A319-2 OWE* / A320
Installed only with relevant equipment
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 46
A320 Family Crew Placards
Exit Doors
6.03 6.32
Installed in the CAS
next to concerned door
Installed at door 2 and door 3
Note: Always for A321 and for A318, A319, A320 with ACT
(Additional Center Tank)
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 48
A320 Family Crew Placards
Exit Doors
Installed only with relevant equipment
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 50
A320 Family Crew Placards
Emergency Equipment
2.03 2.05
Note: The positions shown are only examples; all placards are
available with or without directional arrows.
Placards will not be installed if equipment is visible and easily
Installed only with relevant equipment
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 52
A320 Family Crew Placards
Emergency Equipment
2.07 2.08a
Installed only with relevant equipment
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 54
A320 Family Crew Placards
6.17a 7.04
6.18 7.08
6.21 7.09
Installed only with relevant equipment
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 56
A320 Family Crew Placards
Assigned voltage and
frequency depend on the
medical outlet equipment type
Installed only with relevant equipment
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 58
A320 Family Crew Placards
Cabin Area
Cabin Area
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 59
A320 Family Crew Placards
Installed only with relevant equipment
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 60
A320 Family Crew Placards
English only
Installed only with relevant equipment
FAA requirement
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 62
A320 Family Crew Placards
Cabin area - Passenger area plug in table stowage Installed only with relevant equipment
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 63
A320 Family Crew Placards
Rear cabin area Installed only with relevant equipment
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 64
A320 Family Crew Placards
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 66
A320 Family Crew Placards
6.12A 6.12D
Lavatory A outside Lavatory D outside
Lavatory identification depends on aircraft configuration, the following locations are not shown:
Installed only with relevant equipment
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 68
A320 Family Crew Placards
Lavatories inside
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 69
A320 Family Crew Placards
FAA requirement
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 70
A320 Family Crew Placards
Galley outside
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 71
A320 Family Crew Placards
Installed only with relevant equipment
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 72
A320 Family Crew Placards
(Inner door side of all
stowage and miscellaneous
20.01 20.22
(Applicable to wet galleys) (Applicable to dry galleys (G2/G3))
Installed only with relevant equipment
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 74
A320 Family Crew Placards
20.03 20.48
(Full size trolley compartments (G2/G3 half size only)
(For double containers compartment only)
(On emergency equipment compartment in stowage)
(Applicable to double trolley compartments)
(On emergency equipment compartment in galley)
Installed only with relevant equipment
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 76
A320 Family Crew Placards
(Wet monuments only)
20.12 20.26
(Installed with optional coat rod (In case of two coat rod installation
within stowage) within stowage) Mandatory
Installed only with relevant equipment
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 78
A320 Family Crew Placards
(With optional coat hook on stowage exit area side)
20.13 20.21
(Inside stowage or
single container
compartment) 20.33
(G2/G3 only. Top of bullnose)
(Wet monuments only) 20.36
(G1/G4/G5 only. Top of bullnose)
20.16a TYPE 1
(XXX: compartment number)
(With optional coat hook on stowage exit area side)
20.16b TYPE 2
(XXX: compartment number)
20.16c TYPE 3 Standard
(XXX: compartment number) Installed only with relevant equipment
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 80
A320 Family Crew Placards
(G1/G4/G5 Top of bullnose)
(Stowage only)
(G2/G3 only. Top of bullnose) 20.40
20.34 (With optional folding trolley inside
(Stowage only. stowage)
Compartment with removable shelf - On
20.23 removable shelf)
(Stowage only,
X: stowage identifier,
ZZZ: compartment number)
(With optional folding table on stowage exit area
(Stowage only, in all compartments) 20.39
(With optional folding table on stowage exit area
Installed only with relevant equipment
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 81
A320 Family Crew Placards
(Installed above the holder device for emergency equipment compartment flap
on stowage exit area side)
(Installed above the holder device for emergency equipment compartment flap
on stowage exit area side)
(For optional drawer instead of miscellaneous or oven compartment)
(For intermediate latches for double high standard unit compartment)
Installed only with relevant equipment
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 82
A320 Family Checklist for A/C Definition
Crew placards
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 83
A320 Family Checklist for A/C Definition
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 84
A320 Family Checklist
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 85
A320 Family Checklist
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 86
A320 Family Checklist
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 88
A320 Family Checklist
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 89
A320 Family Checklist
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 90
A320 Family Checklist
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 91
A320 Family Checklist
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 92
A320 Family Checklist
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 94
A320 Family Checklist
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 95
A320 Family Checklist
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 97
A320 Family Checklist
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 98
A320 Family Checklist
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 99
A320 Family Checklist
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 100
A320 Family Checklist
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 101
A320 Family Checklist
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 102
A320 Family Checklist
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 103
A320 Family Checklist
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 104
A320 Family Checklist
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 105
A320 Family Checklist
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 106
A320 Family Checklist
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 107
A320 Family Checklist
Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013 108
A320 Family Glossary
Glossary of abbreviations
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Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 8, November 2013
AIRBUS S.A.S. 31707 Blagnac Cedex, France
© AIRBUS S.A.S. 2014. All rights reserved,
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54 June 2019 A320 FAMILY - EASA REQUIRED PLACARDS AND MARKINGS - Ref PR1413152 iss 4