A320 Family EASA Required Placards and Markings: EIAS Ref PR1413152 Iss2
A320 Family EASA Required Placards and Markings: EIAS Ref PR1413152 Iss2
A320 Family EASA Required Placards and Markings: EIAS Ref PR1413152 Iss2
A320 Family
EASA required placards and markings
EIAS Ref PR1413152 iss2
Change Record
This brochure is intended to be a guideline for the placards and markings required by
EASA/JAA type design regulation. It is not intended to cover all placards and markings
required by modifications in addition to the type design.
For Cabin placards please refer to the “A320 Family passenger and crew placards and
illuminated signs” available in the configuration guide pages of airbusworld.
It is the responsibility of the operator to ensure that any additional placards and markings
required by their operational or registration Authorities are installed.
The applicable regulations at the time of initial certification related to placards and markings
are listed.
25.0671 (b) CONTROL SYSTEM Each element of each flight control system must be designed, or distinctively
and permanently marked, to minimise the probability of incorrect assembly that
could result in the malfunctioning of the system.
25.0677 (b) TRIM SYSTEMS There must be means adjacent to the trim control to indicate the direction of the
control movement relative to the aeroplane motion. In addition, there must be
clearly visible means to indicate the position of the trim device with respect to
the range of adjustment. The indicator must be clearly marked with the range
within which it has been demonstrated that take-off is safe for all centre of
gravity positions approved for take-off.
25.0783 (b) DOORS There must be a means to lock and safeguard each external door against
opening in flight (either inadvertently by persons or as a result of mechanical
failure or failure of a single structural element either during or after closure).
Each external door must be openable from both the inside and the outside, even
though persons may be crowded against the door on the inside of the
aeroplane. Inward opening doors may be used if there are means to prevent
occupants from crowding against the door to an extent that would interfere with
the opening of the door. The means of opening must be simple and obvious and
must be arranged and marked so that it can be readily located and operated,
even in darkness. Auxiliary locking devices may be used.
25.0787 STOWAGE Each compartment for the stowage of cargo, baggage, carry-on articles and equipment
(a) COMPARTMENTS (such as life rafts) and any other stowage compartment must be designed for its
placarded maximum weight of contents and for the critical load distribution at the
appropriate maximum load factors corresponding to the specified flight and ground load
conditions and, where the breaking loose of the contents of such compartments could:
(1) Cause direct injury to occupants;
(2) Penetrate fuel tanks or lines or cause fire or explosion hazard by damage to
adjacent systems; or
(3) Nullify any of the escape facilities provided for use after an emergency landing, to
the emergency landing conditions of JAR 25.0561(b)(3). If the aeroplane has a
passenger seating configuration, excluding pilot seats, of 10 seats or more, each
stowage compartment in the passenger cabin, except for underseat and
overhead compartments for passenger convenience, must be completely
25.0791 PASSENGER At least one sign (using either letters or symbols) notifying when smoking is prohibited
INFORMATION and one sign (using either letters or symbols) notifying when safety belts should be
SIGNS fastened must, when illuminated, be legible to each person seated in the passenger
cabin under all probable conditions of cabin illumination. Signs which notify when safety
belts should be fastened and when smoking is prohibited must be installed so as to be
operable from either pilot’s seat.
25.0811 EMERGENCY (a) Each passenger emergency exit, its means of access, and its means of opening must be
(a)(b)(d) EXIT MARKING conspicuously marked.
(b) The identity and location of each passenger emergency exit must be recognisable from a
distance equal to the width of the cabin.-
(d) The location of each passenger emergency exit must be indicated by a sign visible to
occupants approaching along the main passenger aisle (or aisles). There must be:
(1) A passenger emergency exit locator sign above the aisle (or aisles) near each passenger
emergency exit, or at another overhead location if it is more practical because of low
headroom, except that one sign may serve more than one exit if each exit can be seen
readily from the sign;
25.0811 EMERGENCY (d) (2) A passenger emergency exit marking sign next to each passenger emergency exit,
(d)(e) EXIT MARKING except that one sign may serve two such exits if they both can be seen readily from the
sign; and
(3) A sign on each bulkhead or divider that prevents fore and aft vision along the passenger
cabin to indicate emergency exits beyond and obscured by the bulkhead or divider, except
that if this is not possible the sign may be placed at another appropriate location.
(e) The location of the operating handle and instructions for opening exits from the inside of the
aeroplane must be shown in the following manner:
(1) Each passenger emergency exit must have, on or near the exit, a marking that is readable
from a distance of 30 inches.
(2) Each Type I and Type A passenger emergency exit operating handle must:
(i) Be self-illuminated with an initial brightness of at least 160 microlamberts; or
(ii) Be conspicuously located and well illuminated by the emergency lighting even in
conditions of occupant crowding at the exit.
(3) Each Type III passenger emergency exit operating handle must be self-illuminated with an
initial brightness of at least 160 microlamberts. If the operating handle is covered, self-
illuminated cover removal instructions having an initial brightness of at least 160 micro-
lamberts must also be provided.
(4) Each Type A, Type I and Type II passenger emergency exit with a locking mechanism
released by rotary motion of the handle must be marked:
(i) With a red arrow, with a shaft at least three-quarters of an inch wide and a head twice
the width of the shaft, extending along at least 70° of arc at a radius approximately
equal to three-quarters of the handle length.
(ii) So that the centreline of the exit handle is within ± 1 inch of the projected point of the
arrow when the handle has reached full travel and has released the locking
mechanism, and
(iii) With the word ‘open’ in red letters 1 inch high, placed horizontally near the head of
the arrow.
25.0811 EMERGENCY (f) Each emergency exit that is required to be openable from the outside, and its means of
(f) EXIT MARKING opening, must be marked on the outside of the aeroplane. In addition, the following apply:
(1) The outside marking for each passenger emergency exit in the side of the fuselage must
include a 2-inch coloured band outlining the exit.
(2) Each outside marking including the band, must have colour contrast to be readily
distinguishable from the surrounding fuselage surface. The contrast must be such that if
the reflectance of the darker colour is 15% or less, the reflectance of the lighter colour must
be at least 45%. 'Reflectance' is the ratio of the luminous flux reflected by a body to the
luminous flux it receives. When the reflectance of the darker colour is greater than 15%, at
least a 30% difference between its reflectance and the reflectance of the lighter colour
must be provided.
(3) In the case of exits other than those in the side of the fuselage, such as ventral or tail cone
exits, the external means of opening,including instructions if applicable, must be
conspicuously marked in red, or bright chrome yellow if the background colour is such that
red is nconspicuous. When the opening means is located on only one side of the fuselage,
a conspicuous marking to that effect must be provided on the other side.
(d) Each disposal receptacle for towels, paper, or waste must be fully enclosed and
constructed of at least fire resistant materials, and must contain fires likely to occur in it
under normal use. The ability of the disposal receptacle to contain those fires under all
probable conditions of wear, misalignment, and ventilation expected in service must be
demonstrated by test. A placard containing the legible words "No Cigarette Disposal"
must be located on or near each disposal receptacle door.
(e) Lavatories must have 'No Smoking' or 'No Smoking in Lavatory‘ placards located
conspicuously on each side of the entry door, and selfcontained removable ashtrays
located conspicuously on or near the entry side of each lavatory door, except that one
ashtray may serve more than one lavatory door if the ashtray can be seen readily from the
cabin side of each lavatory door served. The placards must have red letters at least one-
half inch high on a white background of at least one inch high. (A 'No Smoking' symbol
may be included on the placard).
25.0973 (a) FUEL TANK FILLER Each filler must be marked as prescribed in JAR 25.1557(b) (1)
25.1013 (c) OIL TANKS – Filler Each oil filler must be marked under JAR 25.1557(b) (2).
25.1301 (b) FUNCTION AND Each item of installed equipment must be labelled as to its identification, function, or
INSTALLATION operating limitations, or any applicable combination of these factors.
25.1541 (a) (b) MARKINGS AND (a) The aeroplane must contain:
PLACARDS - General (1) The specified markings and placards; and
(2) Any additional information, instrument markings, and placards required for the safe
operation if there are unusual design, operating, or handling characteristics.
Part 21 MANUFACTURER (a) The identification of products shall include the following information:
SUBPART Q — PLATE 1. manufacturer’s name;
IDENTIFICATION 2. product designation;
OF PRODUCTS, 3. manufacturer’s Serial number;
PARTS AND 4. any other information the Agency finds appropriate.
APPLIANCES (b) Any natural or legal person that manufactures an aircraft or engine under Subpart
21.A.801 G or Subpart F shall identify that aircraft or engine by means of a fireproof plate that
Identification of has the information specified in point (a) marked on it by etching, stamping,
products engraving, or other approved method of fireproof marking. The identification plate
shall be secured in such a manner that it is accessible and legible, and will not likely
be defaced or removed during normal service, or lost or destroyed in an accident.
Trim System
Each Cargo compartment shall have placards indicating the loading instructions
and limits: maximum loading height, net arrangement, cargo loading capacities.
Each Cargo compartment shall have placards indicating the loading instructions
and limits: maximum loading height, net arrangement, cargo loading capacities.
A318/A319/A320:doors 1 and 4
A321: all doors
A318/A319/A320:doors 1 and 4
A321: all doors
The Exit sign and residual cabin pressure external door warning placard shall
be installed on all passenger doors.
The Exit sign and door operation placard shall be installed on all overwing exit
doors.(OWE) (example of A320)
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