Eng.8 Model Q For OLE

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Class: 8 Class Test F.


Time: 30 mins Sub; English P. M -08

1. Read the following passage and do the activities.

Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan was born in 1162, the son of a chief of a tribe which lived in north-east Asia. There were
many tribes or groups, all called Mongols. They rode horses and kept sheep, goats and cattle. Genghis
Khan’s father was murdered when he was a small boy. When he was older he trained his soldiers and
made a great army. Genghis Khan means ‘Prince of all that lies between the Oceans.’ With his fierce,
ruthless army he tried to conquer the world. It was an army of skilled horsemen. Each soldier had five

The army burned and looted villages, attacked at great speed, and used arrows, and bombs made from
gunpowder. By 1206 the Mongols controlled most of Northern Asia including China itself, and even parts
of Europe. In 1227 Genghis Khan died. His four sons divided the great kingdom. Kublai Khan was Genghis
Khan’s grandson. He conquered the rest of China and ruled it for many years. He had a winter and a
summer capital. Marco Polo came to his summer capital. The great king and Marco became friends, and
for seventeen years Marco served Kublai Khan. He travelled all over the vast kingdom of China. He saw
many things which surprised him.

A. Complete these sentences. (4)

(a) Genghis Khan’s father was chief of a tribe which ...

(b) His father was murdered when ...

(c) When his army attacked, they ...

(d) He was …. when he died.

B. True or False? Write the true sentences and correct the false ones.(4)

(a) Genghis learned his skills from his father.

(b) Mongols are the people who live in north-east Asia.

(c) Genghis conquered modern Iran, Iraq, China and parts of Russia.

(d) Kublai Khan was one of Genghis Khan’s four sons.

C. Answer the following questions; (4)

a) When did Genghis Khen born?

b) Who was Kublai Khan?
c) What was the relation between Genghis Khen and Kublai Khan?
d) Where did Marco polo arrive in?

2. Complete these sentences with a/an or the. (3)

(i) We will have dinner in …..….. very nice restaurant.

(ii) Would you like ……......... banana?

(iii)....….. man in the red shirt is my brother.

4. Rewrite the following sentences selecting appropriate modal verbs from the brackets.(5)

i. Students ______ wear school uniform. (must/mustn’t).

ii. Children ______ play in the mud. (should/shouldn’t).

iii. Sunita and her brother ______ get up early on Saturdays because they do not have to go to school
on Saturdays. (have to / don’t have to)

iv. When we cut down one tree, we ______ plant two in its place. (should/shouldn’t)

v. If you are suffering from a common cold, you ______ have cold drinks. (must/mustn’t)

The End

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