22 TCN 262-2000 en
22 TCN 262-2000 en
22 TCN 262-2000 en
, \
HANOI -2000
1 Hanoi, OJ June 2000
No. 1398/2000/QD-BGTVI
Article 1: To issue the following Branch standards together with this Decision:
Registration number: 22 ;rCN~263-2000
Article 2: The Branch standard shall take effect 15 days after its signing and the trial
application period shall be one (l) year. In the trial period, if units and individuals
applying this standard if find out unsuitable points, they should report to the Ministry
for settlement.
Article 3: The Vice director of tbe Ministry Office, Director of the Science
Technology Department, the General Manager of the Transport Engineering and
Design Incorporation and the heads of the related units shafl take responsible for
carrying out and checking the application oftne staIldard.
III Requirements on the invcstij!;ation for the design of road bed on soft soil .. 10.
III. I Genera I requiremenl.. 0- 10
Il 1.2 RegulatioIls on topographic survey . 11
IV.) Excavation a part of soft sailor excavation the whole of soft soiL .. 16
IV.G Vertical drainage of consolidation w;ltcr (using sand well and nick drains) . 20
lV,7 Using gC{l(cxtilc for S1Jcngthen the stability degree of embankment on soft soil.. 22
V.2 Attentions when applying t1le method of slices and the Bishop Method . 26
Appen lli.'I: I: Delcmlining Ule pre-consol idation pressure Gpz and compression indexes of soft
soil.. "' __ .. , .. __ .. 39
AppendiX II. Calculatc comprc~sion sLress (pressure) in the vertical direction 0", due Lo
cmbankmelll load or coulllcrweighl berm's load cilusing in the soil according to
Osterberg alignment chan __ 4~
MINISTRY OF specifications for design Come into effect from
I lS[h June 2000
- - ,
(Issued under the Decision No. 1398/2000 QD - BGTVT dated on lit June 2000 of
MOT's Minister)
r -
1.1 This standard is applied when conducting survey and design of roadbed filling on a
weak ground, including the embankment of freeway/expressway and the embankment
of highway of all categories. Besides, this standard may be applied for the embankment
of airports on a weak ground for reference.
This standard sets out requirements which must be done for topographic SUl'lcys,
geotechnical investigations and tests in weak ground area where the route running
through; this standard also sets out the requireme.nts and specifications for design
needed to make sure when designing the embankment on a weak ground and the
requirements for structure and corresponding methods of calculation as well as the
selection of solutions and application scope of each solution which commonly to use
for construction of embankment on weak soil (the special solutions for weak soil
treatmem such as lime column, cement column, concrete pile, sand column are not
mentioned in this standard).
1.2 When conducting the investigation and design for the roadued on a weak soil,
besides the rules and the regulations of this standard must be followed, the
specifications and general regulations on roadbed design in TCVN 4054-1993
"Highway - Speciflcations for design", TCYN 5729-1997 "Freeway IExpressway
Specificatioo$ for design" rflJ0 f afro ldU,ve)
In general, the rules and regulation~ in this standard on the solution using wick drains
and geotextile are not difference with tbe rules and the regulations in "Standard for
design ufweak suil Ireatmellt by wick drains in roadbed constmetioll - 22 TeN 244
98" and in "SpecijicaliollS for constniCfioll design and acceptance of geotextile in the
embankment construcfiOiI all weak soil - 22 TeN 248-98". In the case having different
requirements on investigation 'and design of embankment on weak soil, the rules and
the regulations in this standard should be used.
1.3 In this standard, the soft ground is determined in Article 1.4 means the soft soil
types with small shear strength and big deformation, therefore the embankment on
ground of weak soil is not stability on the whole or large settlements or the settlement
extending over a long time that affects to the pavement, structures on the road and
adjacent Rbutments if not having appropriate treatment methods. For that reason, the
purpose of rules and regulations in this standard is to assure for the dimensions and
geometric elements of roadbed (including roadbed elevation) on a soft soil usually
remaining the desigrttltormation in the construction time of roadbed as well as the
progress of exploitation after that.
1.4 The soft soil may be have mineral source or organic source depending on the
reasons of fonnatioa,
1.4. I Commonly, the types of soil fonned from mineral source are clay or sandy clay
deposited in waters along shorelines, gulfs, swamps, lakes or delta plains; these types
may be mixed \-l,1th organic materials in the process of deposit (organic content may
reaches from 10% to 12%) so that they may have black-brown or black-gray color
with odorifercus. With this types of soil, they are determined as a soft soil if their
moisture content is approximate or higher than the liquid limit, high void ratio (e ;::: 1. 5
with clay, e ~ 1 with sandy clay), cohesive strength C obtained from undrained shear
test is lower than 0.15 daN/cm 2, the angle of internal friction <p is from 0° to 10° or
cohesive strength ·obtained by in 'place vane-shear test CuS 0.35 daN/cm 2 in the natural
Besides this, the soft soil may be formed in the valleys under the formation of sandy
silt, fine sandy silt (void ratio e> 1.0, degree of saturation G> 0,8)
IA.2 The types of soil having organic source usually formed in swamp, continuos
stagnant water, hjgh groundwater table areas where the vegetation grow, decompose
and dissolve that create organic deposits mixed with mineral deposits. This type soil
is tenned muck/peat, its organic content is from 20% to 80%, black or dark brown
color, the soil structure is not fine (hecause mixing vegetation leftovers). With this
types of soil, they are determined as a soft soil if the void ratio and the characteristics
The swamp and marsh soft soils also can be classified depending on their organie
For preliminary assessment on engineering characters of soft soil and from that
consider jng appropriate design solutions of roadbed, the soft soils are classified
(1. I)
In which:
W, Wd, Wnil are moisture content in the natural state, plastic limit arid liquid limit of
[5.2 On natural stale, the swamp and marsh soft soils are classified into three
categories as I, II, II:
• Category 1: having liquid index that is stable; if vertical earthen wall is
excavated in it with the depth of 1m then it still maintain the stability for
one or two days;
• Category II: having liquid index that is unstable; this category does not
reach the criterion of category I but peat soil is not at liquid state;
1.6 When alignment runs through the runninGblastic soft soil, silty clay areas
mentioned in Article fA. J, I.5.1 and silty sand, fine silty sand areas mentioned in
Article 1.4.1 and peat swamp areas mentioned in I. 5.2, it is necessalY to conduct
appropriate measures of iuvestigation and design (refer to the next sections of this
standard) in order to make sure that the roadbed is stability on strength and
deformation. induding in case of having a soil layer which is not weak above the soft
soil layers.
The embankment on soft soil must be stable, not be damaged due to heave during the
construction progress of filling (filling the roadbed according to design or filling the
roadbed higher than design elevation for pre-loading) and during the exploitation and
service period after that. To meet these requirements, the following detailed criterion
must be assured simultaneously: '
II. 1, I The estimated degree of stability according to calculatril'results for each stage
of embankment filling (roadbed filling and pre-loading fi \ling) and designed
embankment (in consideration of maximum traffic load stopped on th~ roadbed) must
be equal or bigger the minimum degree of stability regulated below:
o When applying stability audit by the methods of slices with circular failure surface that
dig deeply into soft soil area and calculation parameters that are determined from
Article \'.3, the minimum stability coefficient Kmin ~ 1.10
(I When applying the Bishbop method for stability audit, the minimum stability coefficient
Kmin;: lAO
II. J.2 Data of settlement observation in the vertical direction ilnd movement
observation in the horizontal direction of soft soil area at both sides of embankment ill
the progress of roadbed filling and pre-loading filling must not exceed the value
regulated below:
~ Settlement rate at the bottom of embankment for roadbed center must not exceed 10
mm per day.
" Movement rate in the horizontal direction of observation stakes at both sides of
embankment must not exceed 5 mm per day,
S is computed by the method regulating in VI.2 and VIJ with two components: $;
(immediate settlement due to undrained hori;;ontal distortion, in consideration with the
unconfined ability of soft soil below the embankment) and consolidation settlement So
(due to the water in the voids escapes and soft soit is compressed into closer
arrangement under the load of earth fill).
n.2.2 When calculating the above-mentioned total settlement, the settlement-induced
load must be considered only including the load of design embankment and the filling
part of counter weight berms (if having), not including the filling part of pre-loading (if
having) and not considering the traffic load.
IIL2.3 After completion of roadbed and pavement constructed on a soft ground area,
the residual consolidation settlement ~S at center axis of roadbed is allowed as shown
in Table II.I below:
• The length of embankment section that nearby tbe abutment is determined equal 3
times length of adjacent abutment foundation. The length of embankment section
at culvert location or undercrossing is equal from 3 to 5 times width of culvert
foundation or undercrossing;
• If the residual consolidation settlement bS is over the values given in Table II. 1, it
is necessary to have treatment methods in order to reduce .6.5 value that will be
mentioned in Articles IV.3, IV.S, rv.6. If ~S value is satisfied the allowable value
given in Table n, I, the methods [or increasing consolidation quickly are not need
to apply.
II.2.4 For the highways of category 20, 40 and the highways having 1\2 high-level
flexible pavement structure or lower, the problem of the residual consolidation
settlement is not need to mention in design.
• To determine the volume of earth fill or sand fill settled in the soft soil (compare
with natural ground surface before filling).
• To draw the relationship between the total settlement and the time (including the
time of each stage of roadbed and pre-loading filling). Based on this relationship
for separating the immediate settlements (settlement parts increasing suddenly in
the duration of filling stages) and creating the chart of consolidation settlement St
at the time t counting from the end of roadbed and pre-loading filling progress;
• Each embankment subsection on soft soil with different design and computation or
each subsection is constructed separately, the system of settlement observation
must be installed separately (difference from filling height, types of soft soil having
different properties evidently and the thickness of soft soils are difference ..........
• For each above-mentioned section, jf its length is equal or less than 100m, it is
necessary to install three settlement plates on the same cross-section at the middle
of section (one plate at roadbed center and two plates at the edge of shoulder); if
its length is more than 100m, two above cross-sections for settlement observation
must be installed at a minimum and one additional cross-section for settlement
observation also installed for every IDOm longer (installed at the location where the
potential of settlement is big);
• The benchmark system using for settlement observation must be installed at the
location where does not settle and they must be fixed steady;
• Settlement plate must be protected steady, over a long period of time, at least to
the project hand over,
• When stopping fill work, weekly observation must be carried out for two months
after that; monthly observation continuing until guarantee time completed and hand
over the observation system for management! exploitation unit (for them to
continue observations, if necessaly);
• In the progress of roadbed fiJI and pre-Ioadine fill (if having), daily readings by the
accuracy theodolite must be taken to the nails marking on the top of above
mentioned stakes for measuring the movement in the horizontal direction (the
direction perpendicular to roadbed centerline). The triangulation method with two
fixed apexes of a triangle that is outside of the influence area of filling load is used
for measurement. At the same time, the elevation on top of stake must be measured
in order to observe the soft soil surface heaves up or not. After fill work
completion, weekly observations must be continued until the roadbed stabilization
is clearly identified. The accuracy of theodolite must assure the error on distance
measurement is ± 5mm, the error on angle measurement is ± 2.5"
II ,3.4 For the embankment on soft soil having large scale and importance or
complicated geological condition such as the section with the embankment thickness is
high! or the distribution of soil layers is not the same (having a hard layer. .. ), these
causing a big difference between the actual conditions and the conditions using for
computation of stability and settlement. In these cases, the observation system on pore
water pressure (enclosing with groundwater table observation wells) and the
instruments (spiral wheel type) for settlement measurement in different depths should
be installed. Relying on these observation instruments, the requirements mentioned in
Article II,2.5 are implemented easily and fi·om that the construction time may be
reduced. In this case, the design for installing above observation instrument systems is
considered as a special design and must be approved by the investor.
1l.4.2 The loads of roadbed fill and pre-loading fill are determined exactly as same as
the actual fonnation of fill (trapezium with design Jope, the counter weight benns or
two loading strips of unlimited berm at both sides in the case of removing soft soil
before filling may be added).
Il.4.3 The traffic load is considered as the load of maximum heavy vehicles that can
stop lightly on the roadbed width (Figure ILl) distributing on 1m length of roadbed;
this load is converted to equivalent fil! layer with the height is h" which is determined
by the following fonnula:
hx = (II.1)
In which:
• G is the weight of one vehicle (select the heaviest vehicle), in ton
• n is the ma;<imurn number of vehicles can be arranged on the roadbed width (as the
scheme of vehicle arrangement in Figure II.))
• y is unit weight of roadbed f11ling soil, in ton/m
• I is the distribution area of traffic load in the longitudinal direction, in III (as shown
in Figure II. I)
It can obtain I = 4.2 01 for vehicle having G = )) tons, obtain 1 = 6.6 m for vehicle
haviog G =:: 30 tons, obtain I =:: 4.5 m for the tandem having G = 80 tons
B = n, b + (n - I)d + 2 (IL2)
In which, commonly obtain b ::: 1.8 m for all types of car, b 2.7 m for tandem; d is
the minimum horizontal spacing between vehicles (commonly obtain d = 1.3 01); e is
the width of double-tires or caterpillar chain (commonly obtain e ~ 0.5 to 0.8 m); n can
be selected to the maximum but it must ensured that the B value calculated from the
formula (II.2) smaller than the roadbed width.
Therefore, when calculating in consideration with traffic load then the filling load is
added a h" value.
IL4.4 The earthquake load is mentioned when calculating the degree of stability of
embankment on soft soil is the force of inertia of sliding mass itself This force is
considered direct propoJtion with the weight of failure mass:
(11.3 )
In which:
• Wj is the earthquake force acting on each failure slice i (of each failure mass) (in
ton). Wi has the load point which is the center of gravity of slice (or sliding mass)
and it is in the horiz.ontal direction from the inside of roadbed to the outside of
embankment slope;
• Qi is the weight of faiI Ilfe slice i (or failure mass i), in ton;
• Kc is the propOItional coefficient that is obtained depending on the earthquake level
as shown in Table II.2
The earthquake zoning in Vietnam can obtain from the Standard of Vietnam
Construction for reference and only where the earthquake level is higher than seventh
level, the earthquake force must be considered when computation. Besides, the way to
calculate the eanhquake force can be obtain in 22TCN 221-95 fOI reference.
HI 1.1 The investigations for determining the distribution area of soft soil on
distribution field, distribution depth and cross-slope at the bottom of lowest soft soil
layer must be implemented in order to consider the alignment options of bypass or
running through the soft soil area where the disadvantages are at least. The
investigations for determining the source of humidity, drainage capability as well as the
location and exploitation capability of borrow pits using for embankment fill are also
III J.2 To obtain samples and conduct tests in laboratory al1d fleld that are necessary
on geotecnicaJ aspect for determining:
• Types of soil and their properties mentioned in Article 1.5.1, L4.1 and 1.5.2 in order
to confinn the area where the alignment running through is a soft soil area and to
~ (or by direct shear method in the laboratory if not having in-situ vanekshear
device), wet density y and groundwater table (for detennioing the soft soil area that
is subjected to the acting of the uplift force). These propel ties must determine
sel-larately for each different soft soil layer. Besides, the cohesion C, angle of
internal friction and the bulk density (con'esponding with the dense and wet state)
of the soil using for embankment fill are also needed to detennine. .
• The properties using for the estimated computation of total settlement and
ratio eo, compression index C, and Co, coefficient of consolidation for vertical
drainage Cv (cm 2/s) and pre-consolidation pressure. These propertit:s are also
separately determined for each different soft soil layer (see the meaning of above
I1I.2.2 In the detailed design phase and executed design phase, the longitudinal profiles
and cross· sections of design alignment with the detailed stakes in the spacing intervals
corresponding with the regulations of each phase must be measured. Besides, it is
necessary to amend the stakes at the locations of boring and taking the soft soil
samples and at the locations of installation of observation system that mentioned in ll.3
III.3.1 In order to meet the requirements mentioned in Articles In.!.1 and III.l.2, the
exploration without obtaining soil samples (by rotating augers, penetrometer or in-situ
vane-shear devices) and exploration with obtaining soil samples (by drilling devices to
obtain undisturbed samples for testing in the laboratory) should be combined so that is
very economical. With the large fIeld of exploration in the feasibility study phase, it is
necessalY to use at a maximum the methods of exploration without obtaining soil
samples in the combination with drilling to obtained samples at a minimum. in the
detailed design phase and executed design phase, the drilling methods for obtaining
samples mu~t be amended, the exploration without obtaining soil samples is only ~.--A
amended when necessary (when the expansion of exploration area is needed or when
the exploration without obtaining soil samples in the feasibility study phase is not
enough as mentioned in Ill. 3.2). The locations and quantities of exploration points
must be decided by the Proiect Manager after having the nrpvic;:inn ('If riM;(>-" "nl;~~~
When exploring by the auger, penetrometer, vane shear devices, it is necessary to
consult with related standards below:
• Standard for geotechnical exploring drill 22 TeN 259-2000
• Vane-shear: ASTM D2573 and TCXD 205-1998 of Ministry of Construction
• Penetration: ASTM 01586
III. 3.2 * Feasibility Study Phas~: After conducting conunon drilling program and
finding out the soft soil then carrying on the zoning work and setting the borings on
the alignment centerline with the spacing between borings from 250 to 500 meters (if
necessary, the exploration points such as vane shear, penetration etc. can be amended
for detecting soft soil area, but not obtain samples). The borings on the cross-sections
is only conducted when the designer proposed and the investor approved,
* The executed deSign phase: using the boring results or in-situ tests that had
conducted in the detailed design phase. The investigation quantities are only amended
in the case of the investigation quantities of the detailed design phase weren't
conducted fully as required. In special cases, when finding out more soft soil locations
then the quantity of geological investigation can be increase, the additionaJ quantities is
proposed by the professionally manager and approved by the investor but, not exceed
20% the quantities conducted in the detailed design phase.
I1LJ J The cross-section for vane shear test and drilling with obtaining soil samples
must sel at the location of highest filling comparatively and having the representative
distribution of soft soil/ayers.
UI.3.4 In each boring mentioned in Article III 3.2. samples will be obtained depending
on t he length of soft soil section:
* Taking one undisturbed sample at 1 - 2m inten..·al of depth when tbe le.ngth of soft
soil section reaches lo 200 meters.
* When the length of soft soil section is more than 200 meters then the sample quantity
is proposed by the professionally manager and approved by the investor but one
undisturbed sample must be taken in the middle of each layer at least.
• Testing for determining the shear strength properties (cohesion C and angle of
internal friction <p) must follow the methods and regulations in Vietnam Standard
TCVN 4199-95, in which they must be determined by direct shear method and
direct consolidation shear method all together (direct shear property using for
auditing stability degree of embankment in the progress of filling and direct
consolidation shear property using for auditing stability degree of embankment in
the progress of exploitation);
IIl.3.6 Testing for detennining the mechanic-physical properties of sailor sand using
for embankment fill is also conducted according to corresponding standards with the
remolded samples by filling materials that obtained from soil or sand borrow pits
having the density and moisture content correlating as the in-situ condition. For the
shear strength property, using only the direct shear method.
IfI.3.7 For each property using on computation, it should have 6 testing values at least
and the computed value is determined by formula.
(IlI.l )
In which:
~t is the computed value
.6. l b is the numerical average of testing values
o is the average squared deviation
5= (IIl.l)
IIIJ.8 The in-situ testing data by penetrometer or vane-shear devices are also
processed to the computed values as mentioned in Article II!.3.7 (consulting with the
standards and specifications mentioned in Article III. 3.1, combining with the
experiments of geotecnical specialists).
IV.].l The structure of embankment on soft soil must ensure to restrict the
disadvantageous impacts of flooding and underground water:
• Filling soil must use the type of good water stability, don't use silty types
absolutely (according to the classification in TCVN 5747 ~ 1993);
• Density, minimum height of filling above flooding level and groundwater table as
\\ieJ[ as the other requirements of roadbed structure (as the sideslope protection
when the roadbed material is sand ... ) must follow the instructions In TCVN 4054 ~
1998 and TCVN 5729 - 1997,
IV. 1.2 Low-lying land (ponds, pools...) must make even in the area of 20m from tbe
toe of slope to each side of embankment and not excavate in that area.
IV.2.1 Direct fill can apply (don't use any treatment solutions) when computation on
stability and settlement of direct embankment on the natural ground (including the soft
soil below) or on soft soil that can meet the requirements and regulations mentioned in
Article II.! and 112. The method of stable computation is regulated in Article V and
the method of settlement computation is regulated in Article VI of this standard.
The sand mat with the minimum thickness of 50 em and wider than the toe of slope
from 0.5 ill to 1.0 m each side of embankment should be applied in all cases of direct
fiU on soft soil.
IV,2,2 The following cases can consider the· application of the method of direct fill
• There is a soil layer that is not belong to the types of soft soil mentioned in Article
1.4 and 1.5 above the soft soil area (in practice it is usually called the covering layer
above soft soil surface). The embankment h'eight of direct fill can be 2 - 3 meters if
the thicknes.~ of covering layer is 1 - 2 meters; the height of direct fiU can be 3 - 4
meters if the thickness of covering layer is more than 2 m;
• On the peat area of type lor soft-plastic weak soil with the thickness of peat is less
than 1 - 2 meters.
• On sandy silt, fine sandy silt area (this type~ have the coefficient of consolidation is
usually big then the settlement is fast),
Besides, in the cases of the settlement estimation value is small and the rate of
settlement is fast, if roadbed fill reaches immediately the designed elevation then it will
not assure degree of stability according to the requirements mentioned in Article tI.l.l)
the method of direct fill adding with the control of construction rate (constructing in
lifts; having the waiting time for consolidation between stages of fill) may be applied in
order to assure the stable requirements, excepting the control of rate of fill will extend
over a long period of time, it doesn't meet the requirement of construction schedule
for whole project then the another treatment methods should be considered
IV.2.3 The method of fill from the natural ground area which is not soft: to the soft soil
area for direct fill embankment construction on soft soil.
• Filling materials must be good water stabilization types such as all kinds of sand,
gravel aggregate, stone or industrial wasted materials etc.
• Filled part is only the part below the natural ground surface of soft soil and
compaction works are still conducted from light (bulJdozer...) to heavy (heavy
roller) until the filling materials doesn't continue settling into the soft soil, it means
until creating a stable construction plane on soft soil.
• Embankment part counting from the natural ground surface must be constructed in
lifts and assured the regulated compaction requirements,
IV 2.4 For creating advantageous conditions of direct fill construction on soft soil
(creati ng conditions for vehicles moving on soft soil and fa r compacting of the initial
filling lifts), the geotextile can be used to lay on soft soil before filling as the
instructions in Table IV.l below:
Table IV I Selecljon oj geolextile and struclure oj temporary road
for serving the vehicles moving on soft soil
For getting high compaction efficiency immediately from the initial ftlling lift,
gcotextile having minimum tensile stn~ngth from 25 kN/m up should be selected.
IV.3 E.~('avation a part of soft soil or excavation the whole of soft soil
IV.3.l This method is more useful on the aspect of stable increasing, reduce the
settlement degree and settlement time. Therefore, excluding the case of having a soil
layer that is not weak above the soft soil layer, in another cases the designer should
consider to apply or combine the excavation a part of soft soil with the other method.
Especially, this method is suitable in the case of the soft soil thickness is smaller than
the influence area of fill loading. Excavating soft soil by mucking machine, excavating
to where then encroaclunent filling to there, the excavation depth can reach 2 - 3
meters The principal problem is the construction plane must design and i\1Tange with a
rationalization, convenient for encroachment filling after forming the excavation
trench. The excavated soft soil can throw to both sides of the finished eneroaclunent
filling section for making counter weight berms. The necessary depth of soft soil
excavation can be determined by the computation that is instructed in Article V.2.6 on
the basis of satisfy the requirements mentioned in Articles TI. 1 and II.2,
IV.3.2 CfClss-section of excavated part of soft soil is designed with trapezium fOlID,
the small base at the bottom having its width equal to the width of roadbed surface, the
big base at the above having its width equal to the field of contact of embankment with
soft soil surface withuut excavation (the field between both sides aftce of slope). This
means that the depth of soft soil excavation only needs to ensure in the area of roadbed
width while the depth of excavation can be reduce at both sides of the slope,
IV.3 J The method of excavation a part of soft sailor excavation the whole of soft soit
is suitable in the following cases:
• Thickness of soft soil is from 2 meters down (in this case, the excavation the whole
of soft soil is usually applied for the roadbed bottom in contact fully with the layer
which is not soft);
• Soft soil is type I peat or clay, sandy clay in running-plastic state; in this case, if the
thickness of soft soil is more than 4 - 5 meters then it can excavate a part of soft
soil so that the remaining part of soft soil having the maximum thickness from 112
to 1/3 height of embankment (including the part of fiJi settled into the soft soil).
IV.3 4 In the case of the soft: soil having the thickness smaller tban 3 meters and its
strength is too low such as type II, type III of peat or organic clay (liquidity index B >
1), the filling work can not be in time after excavation, the riprap method sinking to the
bollom of soft soil layer or riprap combining width surcharge method for the
embankment settling itself to the bottom of soft soil can be used, This method is
suitable for the case of widening the existing embankment on soft soil in highway
rehabilitation / improvement projects,
Using rock with the size of 30 em up and it is poured from the inside for pushing soft
soil to the outside. After the rock raises up the soft soil surface then laying out sand,
broken stones or aggregate and compacts little to little from light to heavy. If the rock
having small size then tht.: cage, wire muzzle or plastic cage with rock inside can be
used for filling.
IV3 5 The use of bamboo piles with 25 piles/m2 is also a method that replaces for the
excavation a part of soft soil Within the area of depth of driving plIes (corrunonly, piles
can drive 2 ~ 2,5 meters in depth).The types of bamboo pile having its bigger side
diameter more than 7 em, smaller side diameter more than 4 em that isn't broken when
driving should be used. Geotextile (or geogrids having similar functions) should be Jay
out on the top of bamboo piles after filling a lift of 30 em as mentioned in Article
. ---'-
Like that, the cajuput piles having its bigger side diameter more than 12 em, smaller side
diameter more than 5 em, driving 3 - 5 meter~ in depth with the density of 16 piles/m? may
be used.
IVA.l This method only applies when direct fill on soft soil with the effects of increase
of stability level for preventing the heave of roadbed, even in the progress of fill and in
Article 11.1.1. If the progress of roadbed fill and counter weight fill at both sides is
construction speed, therefore the construction time can be quick. However, this
method doesn't reduce the time of consolidation settlement and not only the settlement
value doesn't reduce but it increases (caused by the increase of loading of counter
weight berms at both sides). Besides, this method suffers shortcomings that are big
volume of fill and large area of land occupation. This method isn't suitable with the
soft soils which are the type III peat and organic clay.
• Filling material of counter weight benn is all nonnal types of soil or sand; in case of
• The width of beml at each side should be wider than area of the most critical
sliding arc from 1 - 3 meters at least (the most critical sliding arc is determined
according to the method mentioned in Articles V.I and V. 2). The surface of berm
• The height of benn is not too high for not causing the heave (loss of stability) for
the part ofbenn itself; when design, it is usual to assume that the height of berm is
equal to 1/3 - 112 height of embankment then conducting the stable audit
according to the circle sliding surface method mentiDned in Article V for the berm
itself and for the embankment with berm, it is accepted if the auditing results meet
IV.5.1 Sand mat is placed between the soft soil and the embankment for increasing
quickly the consolidation drainage ability from the underneath of soft: soil to the natura!
Sand mat should be used in the cases direct fill on the soft soil (IV 21 and IV 2.2) and
forced to absence when applying the method of vertical consolidation drainage (the
?u1icle IV.6).
IV.5.2 Sand using for the mat is necessary to ensure the following requirements:
Sand must be a type having the organic proportion ~ 5% with the percentage of the
sizes bigger than 0.25 nim is more than 50%, the percentage of sizes smaller than 0.08
mm less than 5% and it is satisfied one of two following conditions:
In which:
D30 is the particle size corresponding to the 30 percent passing size
0 10 is the size of particle diameter corresponding to the 10 percent passing size
IV.S.3 The thickness of sand mat is at least equal to the total settlement mentioned in
Article H2.1 but not less than 50 em. The requirement of compaction density of sand
mat is equal to 0.9 the density of standard compaction (serving for vehicles
constructing the above layers).
IV.S.4 Width of sand mat surface is at least wider than the embankment bottom 0.5 -:
1.0 meter at each side; the slope and the widening part at both sides of sand mat must
have a filter layer for the consolidation water escaping without sand, especially when
the sand mat settles into the soft soil then the consolidation water can still escape and
when necessary, the water pumps can be used to suck water out so that doesn't
damage the sand mat.
IV. 5.5 In the case of using geotextile works as a filter layer as mentioned in Article
IV.5.4, the diameter of filter hole of geotextiJe must ensure the following conditions:
Or ~ C.D 85 (IV.4)
In which'
Or is the diameter of filter hole of selected geotextile (~tm)
D8~ is the size of particle diameter of sand mat corresponding to the 85 percent
passing size (~m)
C is coefficient, obtain C=O.64
The geotextile holding of which function then the technical specifications of geotextile
must meet the corresponding requirements as well.
IY.S.6 The consolidation water from the sand mat escapes through the filter layer must
carry away of surrounding area of embankment rapidly. It is necessary to design the
drainage ways and the water pumps can be used to suck water out when necessary
(especial when the sand mat was fully settled into the soft soil).
rv.6 Vertical drainage of consolidation water (using sand wells and wick drains)
IV.6.1 Relying on the installation of vertical drainage means (sand wells and wick
drains) then the consolidation water from the deep layers in the soft soil under the
acting of filling load will has the condition to escape quickly (horizontal drainage to
sand wells or wick drains then follow them flowing upward to the surface of natural
ground). However, for ensuring to improve the effects of this drainage method, the
minimum neight of embankment should be 4 meters and when designing it is necessary
to meet the conditions (IV.5a), (IV.5b) below:
ayz + a z ;::: (1.2 - 1.5) crP-l (IV.Sa)
In which:
crY?: IS the vertical stress (pressure) causing by the original effective weight of soft
soil at depth z (in Mpa)
0,,'1 = l: Yi . hI (lV.6)
Yi and hi are the unit weight and the thickness of soil layer i in the range from the
contact surface between soft soil with the bottom of embankment (z=O) to the
depth z in the soft soil; pay attention to the soft soil layers underlying groundwater
table, then the Yi value must use the submerged unit weight (minus to l)
Oz is the vertical stress (pressure) causing by filling load (embankment part and prc
loading part if having, but not include the filling height h.< which is converted from
traffic load) at depth z in the soft soil counting from the embankment bottom (in
Mpa); Oz is computed by Osterberg chart given in Appendix n.
Opz is pre-consolidation pressure at the depth z in the soft soil (in Mpa); G p1; is
determined from consolidation test by the instructions and regulations in Appendix
The conditions (IV.Sa) and (IV.5b) must be satisfied to all depths z in the range from
the embankment bottom to the end of installed depths of sand wells or wick drains.
If the above-mentioned requirements are not satisfied then the surcharge method can
be combined as mentioned in Article IV 6.8 in order to increase cr, value.
IV.6.2 The methods of using vertical consolidation drainage means are only applied
when the thickness of soft soil layer is thick (the thickness of soft soil layer is bigger
than the width of embankment bottom) and the height of embankment is high. Because
the construction cost is high then these methods only are applied when the others
doesn't meet the criterion on residuaJ settlement 6.5 mentioned in Article n.2.3 in
required construction time.
IV.6.4 Sand using for sand wells must also meet the requirements mentioned in Article
IV.S.2 but it must meet simultaneously two conditions IV.2 and IV'),
IV.6.5 Wick drains using as the mean of vertical consolidation water drainage must
meet the following requirements:
IV.6.6 Sand well diameter from 35 -... 45 em should be used, the sand wells are installed
in a staggered pattern at spaced intervals are equal from 8 - 10 times diameter of well.
If using wick drains then they should be also installed in a staggered pattern at spaced
intervals are not Jess than 1.3 meter and not more than 2.2 meter.
IV,6.7 The selection of the depth of sand wells or wick drains is a technical and
economic problem that requires the designer's considera tion based on the distribution
of settlement of soft soil in depth under the acting of filling load in each concrete case.
It is not necessary to install the sand wells or wick drains in influence area of filling
load (the area subjects to settlement) as mentioned in Article III,3.2, they only need to
install to a depth that having the consolidation settlement value of soft soit layers from
that upward taking possession of an enough large proportion in comparison with the
evaluated consolidation settlement value, so that if increasing the rate of consolidation
in the area of sand wells or wick drains installation then that reach enough the criterion
on allowable residual consolidation settlement mentioned in 1l.2.3 in the required
construction time.
Therefore, the designer must propose different modes (on depth and spacing intelval)
on sand wells or wick drains installation. The installed depth of each mode must ensure
r to meet the conditions (IV.Sa) and (IV.5b).
IV.6.8 When using the methods of vertical consolidation water drainage, it is necessary
I to combine with the pre-loading method and loading time should. not less than 6
months in all cases. Any types of soil (including the organic mixing soil) can be used
for pre-loading BU. The slope of pre-loading fill can be 1:0.75 and the compaction
density only needed to reach K ~ 0.9 (standard compaction)
IV.7 Using geotextile for strengthen the stability degree of embankment on soft
IV. 7.1 When setting geotextile between the soft soil and the embankment as shown in
Figure IV.l, the friction between filling soil and the upper surface of geotextiie will
create a holding force of sliding mass F (passing over the friction between soft: soil and
geotextile lower surface) and relying on that, the stability degree of embankment on
the soft soil will increase.
Figure IV./
CD is the acting zone (sliding mass)
(!Dis the passive zone (the geotextile's zone playing the role of hold)
F is the traction force acting on geotextile (in TIm)
Y is lhe arm of force F to the center of rotation for the most critical slip surface
The following condition must be ensured in design computation when uSIng this
In which:
F is the traction force acting on geotextile (in Tim)
Fer is the allowable traction force of geotextile 1m \vidth (in Tim)
F _.-- (IV.8)
cp - k
In which:
K is the factor of safety; obtain k = 2 when the geotextiJe made of polyester and k
• The condition of allowable friction force for the geotextile laying on the soft soil
Fer::o Io Y h/ d (IV.9)
Fcp =; I.o
Y<1 h / (IV.lO)
II and h is the length of geotextiJe in the acting zone and the passive zone (see
Figure IV. J)
r is the allowable friction coefficient between filling soil and geote:\'tile using for
hi is the filling height on geotextile (change in the range of 11 and 12, from hi to h2,
(see Figure IV.l); the expressions IV.9 and IV.IO are the summation of friction
In which:
q> is angle of internal friction of filling soil that is determined corresponding with
the actual dense of embankment or sand mat, if having (in degree);
k' is reservation factor on friction, obtain k'= 0,66
The determination of hand h values is conducted simultaneously with the audit of
stability degree mentioned in Article V. I: assume the force F for ensuring the minimum
coefficient of stability meet the requirement mentioned in Article IT. 1.1 then check the
condition (IY.7) so that is satisfied simultaneous (Iv. 8), (IV.9) and (IV. to); ifit satis/)'
then based on the minimum value Fc~ from the above relationships for geotextile
selection having correlative Fnux .
IV. 7,1 Geotextile using for strengthen the stability degree of embankment on soft soil
can set one layer or many layers (l - 4 layers), each geotextile layer alternates with
sand layer 15 - 30 em thick depending on the compaction capacity. The total tensite
strength of geolextile layers must select as equal as Fmax value determined as mentioned
in Article IV.?2
Attention: For the upper geotextile layers which are in sand fill (all the upper surface
and the lower surface contact with sand), the Fcp value computed from (IV.9) and
(rV.IO) is multiplied by two, from that calculating the total allowable friction force of
geotextile layers.
IV.7.4 In the case of using this method, woven geotextile having the minimum tensile
strength of25 kN/m as mentioned in Article IV2.4 should be selected for assuring the
compacted effects of soil on geotextile in order to create a high coefficient of friction
between soil and geotextile. For other geotextile specifications, it is necessary to refer
Table IV. 1 for using.
If the geotextile is used as a filtration layer then the diameter of filtration pore as
rnentioned in Article IV. 5.5 must also be assured.
For proposing design methods, the consultant must calculate for assessment the
stability level and development of settlement in the case of direct fiJI on soft soil (not
apply any treatment methods) based on the methods instructed ill Article V and Article
VI first. The computation tor assessment must conduct separately for each section
having embankment dimension and condition on layered structure as welJ a5 technical
characteristics of soft. soil that are different. If the computed results showing that don't
assure the requirements and design specifications mentioned in Article II and Article
TV. I, then the treatment methods for each that section are proposed, that are simplest
methods first of all (including the method of embankment dimension change on the
height and slope), or the options combining simultaneously some methods among them
mentioned in Article IV and another methods not mention in this standard (for
example: extension of approaching bridge out of soft soil area...) can be proposed. For
each proposal option, the computation for assessing on stability and settlement must
do over, by means of computation, detailed comparative analysis on technical
economic aspects for selecting the option to apply, The influence of embankment
5ettlement to the existing man-made works should be considered when analysis.
IV 8.2 In all cases, it is necessary to take full advantage of the allowable construction
time: filling on soft soil must be started at the earliest and if necessary, it can allow to
extend to the full of Jast date in the general schedule or divide into many hlling lifts,
both filling and waiting for consolidation. Take full advantage of the construction time
like that is a method which bring folth a significant teclmical-economic effect,
therefore it should be combined with all another treatment methods.
IY.S,3 In the progress of construction in situ, the watching results on observation
system must be always examined, compare them with the limit requirements on
stability and deformation mentioned in Articles 11.1.2 and II.2 in order to adjust the
speed of fill if necessal)', and at the same time It can adjust tbe design methods to the
advantage direction on technical··economic aspect in comparison with the initial design.
EspeciaJly, it 'is necessary to base on the actual settlement observation as mentioned in
Aniele II.2.S for predicting the residual settlement when deciding the time to start
construction for project items that (tre related to the requirement ·on settlement control
of embankment on soft soil (settlement estimations according to computation is
only used for submitting design methods).
IV8.4 In a case the length of highway running through a soft soil area having
uniform relative geotechnical characteristics is from 500 meters up, it is necessary
to conduct in-situ the test embankment section from 30 - 50 meters in length
(shouldn't shorter than two times the width of embankment bottom) with the
installation of observation instruments as mentioned in Article II.3 and from that
the design methods can be adjusted with accuracy before mass construction. This
test must be conducted in the detailed design and the adjustment after testing will
be conducted in the executed design.
In the case of low embankment height, more test should be conducted. The
observation watching time of the test section should be from 6 - 12 months.
V.l.l This standard uses the method of slices or Bishop method with circular
fa i lure surface develops deep! y into soft soil area are basi s methods for
computation to assess the degree of stability of embankment on soft soil.
v. 1.2 The method of slices is computed foHowing the diagram indicated in Figure
V.l and the factor of stability Kj for a circular slip surface with respect to the
center OJ is determined by formula VI:
! I
-- -
F /---~
In Figure (V. I), the slice i having the width di is acted by the original effective
weight of soil itself Qi; Wi earthquake force (if the consideration is needed);
besides, if the geotextile is lai d for
stability strengthen then the total sliding mass is acted by the holding force F (see
Figure IV.I and Article IV.7.I). Wi is determined in Article II.4.4, F is determined
as mentioned in Articles IV. 7.1 and IV.I2. These forces have the arms to the
center of rotation OJ are Yj (Wi force) and Y (F force). For the circular slip surface
having the center of rotation OJ, Yi values will change depending on the center of
gravity of each slice, white Y value is not change.
I, is sliding arc length io the area of slice i
o is the total number of slices that are divided in the area of sliding mass
ai is the angle between the perpendicular of 11 arc and the direction of Q, force
(Figure Y. I)
Rl is the radius of the circular slip arc
Cj and <Pi are unit cohesion and angle of internal friction of soil layer that contains
I, failure arc of the slice i (if Ii arc is in the embankment area then using the
cohesion and angle of internal friction of filling soil). For the soft soil area, when
using the results of vane shear test then applying <,p, == 0, while Ci is obtained equal
to the computed shearing resistance Cu ' (see V.3.2)
The symbols in (V,2) and (V.3) are as the same meaning as in (V.l) and that
j ndicated in Figure V. I. The way to determine them is fully similar with the
computation by the method of slices, It is only difTerent in the progress of
computation following (V.2) and (Y.3) that is "longhand" repetitious computation
method because Illi in (Y.3) also depending on Kj; therefore, if applying the
Bishop method, the computer software programs must be used.
V.2 Attentions when applying the method of slices and the Bishop method.
V.2.1 The slice width di is not over two meters and when dividing a mass into
slices. the arc length for each slice I; must be in one soil layer. Each slice includes
all soil layer counting from the failure surface upward (sand mat layer, the filling
part settled into the soft soil, part of soil layer that is not weak, part of counter
weight belm, part of pre-loading fill and a part of filling height correlative with
equivalent traffic load may be included).
V.2.:2 Determining the original efTective weight of soil itself for each slice Q. as
Qi = d L:rk.h~
In which: hk is the height of slice i in the range of each different layer having different
dry density Yk (N is the number of different layers in the range of slice i). For the soft
soil layers that are below the ground water table, the Yk value must use submerged unit
weight (minus to 1),
Pay attention: for the slices that are in the range of roadbed width, the equivalent
height converted from traffic load h" which is determined by formula (U.I) as indicated
in Figure V.I and the height of pre-loading fil! (if having) must be included when
calculating Qi.
V,2.3 The computation with many different circular slip surface (OJ, Rj) for
determining the most critical slip surface and the minimum factor of stability KJ min
(abbreviated Kmin ). This Kmjn value is lIsed for assessing of the requirements Oll heave
stability mentioned in Article II. J. The location of the most critical slip surface which is
estimated according to the computation must be drawn (determined) in order to give a
basis for designing and setting the treatment methods such as the width of counter
weight benns (Article IV.2.4), the depth for installing vertical drain devices (Article
IV.6.7) or for determining the acting area when strengthen the stability by geotextile
(Figure IV. 1). In the case of thin soft soil layer, the failu re surface may include circular
arc sections combining with a straight section at the bottom of soft soil (especially
wben the bottom slope is more than 10").
V.2.4 if not using the computer, the most critical slip surface may identify at a guess
by the change of OJ center position in the area of "the most critical slip center" as
illustrated in Figure V.2
nguy hiem
lam MNPO
Figure V2: Skelch for determining the area of critical slip center
(1 is the middle point of embankment slope, C is the toe of embankment slope)
If the fIlling soil is sand (cohesion c ~ 0), point of intersection between the most critical
slip surface and the roadbed width may change on AS range; if filling soil having big
cohesion then this intersection point usually pass through A point or nearby A (from A
to the embankment center).
y'2,5 The computer software programs for determining the factor of stability Kj and
the minimum factor of stability Kmin must have the ability for ensuring the computation
requirements mentioned in Articles V.I, V.2.I, V.2.3.
V.2.6 When a5sessing the stable level of embankment on soft soil with different
treatment methods mentioned in IV.2, IV.3, IVA, IV.6, IV.7, the methods mentioned
in Y.l and the apply requirements mentioned in Article Y.2 are still used. This problem
requires to draw embankment cross-section with enough natural bed layers at below
and the structures according to the requirement of corresponding treatment method
(soo. soil excavating depth, sand mat, counter weight berms, shape of pre-loading fill
mass, setting geotextile layers) in which the embankment height must include the
equivalent height from traffic load before assuming the failure surfaces and conducting
the computation.
• Calculating the level of stability of embankment at this filling height by the methods
mentioned in V.I and V.2 corresponding with shear strength of soft soil which is
determined in a different condition for each filling lift (see Article V.J). 'If the
auditing results meet the requirements mentioned in IU.\ and K min value is not too
high (Knin = 1.2 should be used), the above assuming height can be accepted as a
design height for each filling lift; if not, assuming another embankment heights until
the auditing results give KIllin:=: ) .2.
It is allow to use the prepared charts for determining the critical filling height Hgh or
calculating formulae oflimited load Pgh depending on the shear strength characteristics
of soft soil in order to propose quickly the above-mentioned assuming embankment
heights but after that, it must be audited again by the circular slip surface method
mentioned in V.I and Y.2 (pay attention: Pgh ::: Yd . Hgh with '(d is the bulk density of
filling soil or pre-loading fill).
V. 3. I There are three cases of stability computation that require using computed shear
strength in ditTerent conditions as bellow:
I Case I: The embankment is constructed in the condition when the soft soil below is
not jet consolidated or the degree of consolidation is very small as the concrete cases
• The case of calculation for assessing the stability level in order to propose design
methods mentioned in Article IV.8.1;
I • The case of applying the methods of direct fill, filling with laying out geotextile
(IV.2 and IV.7), excavating a part of soft soil (IV.3), using counter weight berms
• The case of embankment fill at the first lift when applying the method of fill in lifts
(IY.8.2 and V.2.7), when applying sand mat method (IV.S) and vertical drain
I •
2. Case n· The embankment on soft soil after completion and putting into operation,
I the underneath soft soil reached degree of consolidation 90% up
If the result of stability computation according to case I with the filling height of one
stage is equal to the design embankment height showed the assurance of requirements
mentioned in n 1.1 then although applying any treatment method, the computation
according to cases II and III don't need to mention.
I V,3 ,2 For the case I, the characteristics of shear strength putting in computation must
be determined as follows:
• For the embankment soil and sand mat: the cohesion value c and angle of internal
friction <p is detem1ined from remolded samples at the compactness and moisture
content the same as actual conditions by means of undrained direct shear test in the
laboratory. If the embankment is submerged at both sides then the shear samples
must be remolded at the most disadvantageous moisture content correlatively
• For the natural soil layers that are weak or not weak below the embankment: using
the field vane~shear tests and the computed cohesion value Cu is determined by
following formula (considering the angle of internal friction cp 0) ::0
In which:
I q );-{u....-
S., is the shear strer.gth in undrained test obtained b~~ane-slleat test (in Mpa)
Y.3.3 For the case II: The characteristics of shear strength of soft' and not weak soil
layers below the embankment (C and <p) are determined with undisturbed samples by
the consolidation direct shear test in the laboratory; for the filling soil layers (including
the sand mat, if having) that are still determined as the same case L
V.3.4 For the case II: The characteristics of shear strength of soft soil layers below the
embankment are determined as the same case I but S. value in the formula V,5 is
replaced by Su value which is determined as follows:
In which:
U is the estimated degree of consolidation that can be reached since the start of the
fIrst filling lift to the start of the continuing second filling lift: U is calculated in
decimal number of one (for example: when 50% consolidation has occurred then U
= 0,5) and it is estimated by the way mentioned in Article V1.3.1
S. has the meaning as the same in the formula (V.5) with the field vane-shear test in
time the fill work doesn't jet start (soil is in the natural condition): Oz, G pZ ) G V7. have the
same meaning and that are determined as in the formulae (IY.5 and IY.6) with the
filling load of the first stage. With Su calculated by (V.6), the computed cohesion (it
means the computed shear strength) Cui will be calculated by the formula (V.S)
depending on the degree of consolidation of soft soil fu.'1.er the first ftlling stage. The
value of this computed shear strength must be smaller than the shear strength value of
case II when U == 1
In which: Cj and CD; are determined by the means of consolidation direct shear test as
mentioned in Y.3.3, IfC u calculated by formulae (V 5 and Y6) is bigger than the value
of right member of formula (V.7) then the value of right member of fonnula (Y. 7) is
only used for calculating.
In the case of usinr: the result of undrained direct shear test in the laboratory for
calculating then corresponding with the reached degree of consolidation U, the shear
strength of soft soil of layer i is considered of increase a L\c, value
condition (Y.7)
V 3.5 The stability computation with the above-mentioned methods for determini r
computed shear strength is only used for design prevision, In the case r and case r
ensuring the embankment is always stable in the progress offilling, the requirements on
settlement and horizontal movement observation mentioned in Article IL3 must be
fully conducted.
VII, 1 The consolidation settlement S" is estimated by the method of dividing into
sublayers for getting the total settlement with the following fonnula:
(VI. I)
In which:
eo i is
the compression index or the slope of compression curve (demonstrated
under the form e 19a) in the range a, > Oi pz of soit layer i.
ci the compression index or the slope of compression curve in the range ai < Oi pz
a) When Oi"" > oipz (soil is in the underconsolidated state under the acting of original
effective weight) and when o'vz .-= a i rz (soil is in nonnally consolidCl:ted state) then
the formula (VI I) is only the rear term (not exist the term having C,')
b) When 0<'2 < G i pl (soil is in overconsolidated state) then the computation of
consolidation settlement Sc according to VI. 1 will have two cases:
• If a i z > CJi pz - d vz then using the formula (Vl.!) with both terms;
• The stress value (pressure) OiVL is deteonined as the instructions in Article IV.6.1
(fonnula ry.6).
• The pressure value Oivz is calculated from Osterberg alignment chart in Appendix II
as mentioned in (IV.6.1) but it is only corresponding with designed embankment
load (Article II.2.2) and in consideration with settlement reservation as mentioned
in I\rticle \fI.2.3
V1.1.3 The depth of soft soil area that is settled under the acting of filting load or the
range is influenced of filling load z. is determined by condition:
Ou = 0.\5 0 vu (VI.2)
In which:
Oz. is the stress causing by filling load at depth Z. (if using for the computation of
total settlement S then the filling load only includes designed filling load)
O"vu is the stress causing by the original effective weight of upper soil layers at
depth Z. (in consideration with uplift: pressure jf these layers are below
underground table)
Thereforc, the method of dividing into sublayers for getting the summation in order to
compute the total settlement by (Vr.1) is only conducted to above-mentioned depth z.
and that is also the depth needed to explore when conducting geotechnical
investigation in the soft soil area as mentioned in Article IIIJ. 2
with m = 1.1 .... 1.4; if having the solutions for restricting the horizontal heave of soft
soil under the acting of filling load (such as having counter weight berms or laying
geotextile ... ) then using m == 1.1 value, beside, if the higher filling height and the
weaker soft soil then using the biggcr m value.
For calculating the total settlement S by formula (VI.J) then the consolidation
settlement Sc by fonnulae (VI. 1) or (VII ') must be computed, it means that the
parameters and computed values mentioned in Article VI.l.2 must be determined, in
which (Jzi value depends on the filling load, this loading includes aU the filling part S
settled into soft soil. S doesn't know at first, therefore the process of settlement
computation is a repetitious process follows the procedure below:
Assume the total settlement Sst (nonnaUy assume Sgt = 5-10% thjckness of soft soil or
the depth of soft soil area subjected to settlement z.; if soft soil is peat and it is large
,. settlement then Sgt = 20-30% above-mentioned thickness can be assumed);
With filling load H'lk, calculating consolidation settlement Sc by (VI. 1) or (VI. I')
depending on each case;
j. If calculated Sc value meet the condition (VI.3), it means Sc -= ~, then accepting the
I m
result and therefore Sc and S = SgI are determined simultaneously; ifit doesn't meet the
above-mentioned condition then to assume S again and repeat the process of
computation,. ,
Therefore, the elevation of embankment on soft soil must design with a height increase
of S value for settlement reservation. The width of embankment at the elevation
corresponding to H'tk height must be equal to the width of designed embankment.
VI. 3.] In this case, the degree of consolidation rcached after the time period t counting
from the completion of fill work of designed embankment and pre-loading part (if
having) is determined depending on time factor Tv as shown in Table VI.l.
In which:
With hi is the thickness of soft soil layt:rs in the range z~ (z. = Lhi) having different
consolidation coefficient Cvl
the top and at the bottom (having sand layer or sand lens below the soft soil) then
H = 112 z,
! -
I Tv 0.004 0.008 0.012 0.020 0.028 0,036 0.048
Uv 0.080
0.104 0,125 0.160 0.189 0.214 0.247
Tv I 0.060 0.072 0.100 0.125 0.167 0.200 0.250
Uv 0.276 I 0.303 0.357 0.399 0.461 0.504 0.562
Tv 0.300 0.350 I 0.400 0.500 0.600 II 0.800 1.000
U.. 0.631 0.650 0.698 0.764 0.816 0.887 0.931
- ..
Tv 2.000
Uv 0.994
Pay attention that if Cv is in cm2/sec then hi and H must be in em and t must be in sec.
VI,3.2 The degree of consolidation of embankment on soft soil after the above~
mentioned time is determined as follows:
AS == (l~U). Sc (Vl.9)
VI.3.3 Based on the relationships (Vl,6, VI. 7) and Table VL1, the designer can
determined the time period that is necessary to wait after embankment fill (including
the construction time of pavement structure) for the residual consolidation settlement
after completion of pavement construction is in the allowance range mentioned in
Article 112.3; from that, take into consideration on the application of the methods that
increase settlement fast is needed or not. .
IVA.1 In this case, the reached degree of consolidation U after the time period t
counting from the completion offill is determined by following formula:
In which:
In which:
Th is the time factor in the horizontal orientation:
Th = -S-t
With 1is the computed distance between sand wells or wick drains
The coefficient of consolidation in horizontal orientation Ch (cm /sec) can be also
determined by means of confined compression tests for undisturbed samples
obtained in horizontal direction according to TCVN 4200-86. If the consolidation
soft soil area includes many layers having different Ch then the value using in
computation is the weighted average value Ch based on the thickness of that
different layers.
(VI. IS)
r tb
With Cv is determined as mentioned in Article VI.3.1
I • F(n) is the factor considering to the influence of installation spacing between sand
wells or wick drains, that is determined depending on n =.: lid (with d is the diameter
of wells or the equivalent diameter of one wick drain) by fonnula:
n J· 3n~~1
F(n) = - 2- I o ( n ) - -2 - (VI. 16)
n -1 40
• F. is the factor considering to the influence of shake-up soil area surrounding wick
drains (coefficient of penneability is decreased in that area).
When using the sand well, two these factors not need to consider (it means F. = 0 and
F, = 0); while using wick drains then they are determined as mentioned in Article
VI.4.3 In case of using wick drains as a vertical drainage means, the factors F(n), F.
and Fr in (VI. 11) are determined as follows:
Because d is smaJl so the n proportion is usually big and n »1) therefore F(n) can
compute by following simple formula:
I _$ = 2+3 (VI.21)
The factor in the consideration of the resistance of wick drain:
Fr = 2/3 7l: L2 ~- (VI.22)
In which:
L is the computed length of wick drains (m), if having only single drainage at the
above then L is equal to the depth of installed wick drain, if having double drainage
(both at the top and at the bottom) then L is equal to half the depth of installed
wick drain.
VI.4.4 In the case of using sand well, the alignment chart in Fugure Vr.1 that express
the relationship between (VI 11) and F(n) by (VI. 16) and F.=F,""'O may be used directly
when design.
-tI Ij
o _ L_ ~ "
IJ ~
~t-::::::: ~ --
~ r---: t.::: ~ F:::I'
i''''~ ~.l-
~~ r--.
I " :" i'- ;,
i"- ~~'
of! '«0 ~ I
I'~ ~ t"'" 1',
'.Q) '0 j:;;: f'..
to, I
I I - I --,- r
"" ~~' 1\\ ~ "- 1', ~ ""
~ f'\\ f\-"('\1'\",-1\
G:l 6C , ~
1\ t--
~ f\ t\. r-.. ~
I 0
- -'---
- '" "" ~
I"- "-
t-- ~ "- l"-l>
1--1::: ~ ~ t't--"----",
-.:;;- __ t:::::':
I I 6 7 I , I
r j 6 7 I , o~
Nhan 10 thoi gian T"
Figure VI. 1: Alignment chart for determining degree of consolidation
in horizontal direction Db based on Th and n
Vl.4.5 The consolidated settlement degree St and the residual settlement f.,S after the
time duration t in the two-way consolidation drainage are stil1 determined as 10
formulae (VI. 8) and (VI.9) but replace Uv by U calculated by (VI. I0).
VI.5.1 For the consideration of the influence of construction time of fill (last for a
given period but not fill suddenly then finished) with the settlement development of
embankment on soft soil, simple deductive method as in figure VI,2 with assumption
i - that the filling load to be linear increase can be used,
• At first, draw time-consolidation settlement curve Sl = So U in the case of filling
load acting immediately (dotted curve, the second curve in figure VL2)
Thoi gian t
The settlement at the end of construction period (at the moment tc when the fill work
finished) is detennined to be equal settlement of the second curve at the moment of
tel2, in the figure: from l/2t c point projecting to the second curve that intersecting at
point H, from H projecting in the horizontal direction and that intersecting the vertical
projecting line from t c at point E,
2. Based on the testing results, draw e-lgp settlement compression curve (figure 1),
in which: e is void ratio corresponding with pressure levels p. This settlement
compression curve can he drawn under the Ige-lgp formation
_ e, - e
C - ------'-
19er p -!ga l
In which'
Cp is the void ratio corresponding with pre-consolidation pressure op~ .
Cl is the void ratio corresponding with compression pressure 0'1. The
selection of 0'1 value depends on the actual bearing capacity of soil layer i
which is needed for settlement computation. Nomlally, it can obtain 01 '=
O. I kGkm2 corresponding with the first testing pressure grade according to
TCVN 1200-86 for the soft soil; C( can also calculate from the branch of
removal of loading on the figure 1.
and (IV.5b) jf not satisfied then it shouldn't apply the methods of vertical
consolidation drainage (sand wells or wick drains).
Pressure grade 0' (kG/cm )
Pre-consolidation pressure: O'p:::=0,620 (kG/cm )
Appendix I - Figure 1
0.10 020 0,30 0.50 1,00
I ,I !
1.30 II I'
1.25 -nl Ij II I,
I II 11 I
1.15 I j I r. k, III
~-H-lll:1 LtlJ.I
" p
.<1/. I
:r 1.05
1.00 I I
0.95 I I 'L_
,, I
, 1
Pressure grade cr (kG/cm )
Pre-consolidation pressure: or := 0 620 (kG/cm )
I 0.0 ,
I !
CYyz 0'7.
I , ,,
20 \
i .- J
I /
\ I ,,
\ I
, ,I
\ :
,t' . Upz
0VZ '\
: \../
/ .
I ., -
I- \ ,
\ i \
I . ...... \ I
E. 6.0 \
\. ,,
III \ \
'0, \ \
Ul \ \
\ \
\ '.
B.O \
I \
\ ..
\ \
, ".,.
r 10.0 \ \
\ \
\. \
I '\
12.0 \
0.0 10 2.0 3.0 4.0 50 6.0 70 80 9,0
- - -..--- - - -
r=-- .,
-~- --,----
;; :i~ ~ ·?t'1l1
._ I j...J.JI.U:I~~_'_.~J
~ _ ,.- _.~111.1 .
,-, llltrt-m~~ ~~' i lId
, ,,
Ali II I~
- , ·, ., O.f/- I
6t =f'J
0,10 , l
. ./ .
·, 1.
I -~
, ~,
.//- . ~, f-J
--l- -l0;
· .-. ,
- ---! -=, ·, , ,
qOf 2
«Gte.' · I"
rectangular load that will be considered as trapezium having proportion aJz ::: 0 ~ 0,01);
1~.~..~._.~~~~.~. ~~~~._._~-._.~~~~~~~
Example on the use of Osterberg chart
1. Determ i n~ stress a;j ~t poin t M I:
- -.-
a..-With !oaeS-8.Gtmg-on..lefttl":c;,sCrl
and .!2z == ~2 ::: 0' 5
z 2
a 2
-::: -:::: 1 and _2::: -:::: 1,5 Ir = 0.478
._-~-- ·_--z·- 2 z 2 ---~--~-
Determine It when alz:= 0 and b/z = 0.5 and if when ail = 0 and biz = 1
obtained: (}zJ = (0.278 + O.410)q = 0.688q
3. Determine stress at point M1 (apply for cHlculating the stress causing by counter
a- Calculate I1rnnk
a 2 b 8
-:::: - =I and - =-::: 4
z 2 z 2
b- Calculate liruc.