Damasco Michelle Ann LIT 2 MID YEAR CLASS Activity 1

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Make a graphic organizer that synthesizes the genres of literature, their sub-genres, and their brief
definition/description in phrases.


is a form of literature that uses aesthetic and

rhythmic qualities of language.

Three kinds of Poetry

Lyric Poetry is a Narrative Poetry is a Descriptive and Didactic

comparatively short, form of poetry that tells a Poetry
non-narrative poem in story, often making use of
which a single speaker the voices of a narrator ➢ Both lyric and narrative
presents a state of mind and characters; the entire poetry can contain
or an emotional state. story is usually written in lengthy and detailed
It has 4 kinds: metered verse. descriptions (descriptive
Elegy - a poem of serious It has 3 kinds: poetry) or scenes in direct
reflection, typically a Epics - A long narrative speech (dramatic poetry).
lament for the dead. poem written in elevated
Ode - a poem in which a style, in which heroes of ➢ The purpose of a
person expresses a great historical or didactic poem is primarily
strong feeling of love or legendary importance to teach something.
respect for someone or perform valorous deeds.
something. Mock-epic - are typically Examples:
Sonnet - a fourteen-line satires or parodies that
poem written in iambic mock common Classical Smoke (Descriptive
pentameter, which stereotypes of heroes and Poetry)
employ one of several heroic literature. Light-winged Smoke,
rhymes scheme and Ballad - a poem or song
Icarian bird, melting
adhere to a tightly narrating a story in short
thy pinions in thy
structured thematic stanzas. Traditional
ballads are typically of upward flight, Lark
Dramatic Monologue – a unknown authorship, without song, and
poem in the form of a having been passed on messenger of dawn,
speech or narrative by an orally from one Circling above the
imagined person, in which generation to the next as hamlets as thy nest;
the speaker inadvertently part of the folk culture. Or else, departing
reveals aspects of them dream, and shadowy
character while describing form
a particular situation or
series of events. An excerpt from An Essay
on Criticism by Alexander
Pope (Didactic Poetry)

'Tis hard to say, if greater

Want of Skill Appear in
Writing or in Judging ill,
But, of the two, less
dang'rous is th' Offence,
To tire our Patience, than
mis-lead our Sense: Some
few in that, but Numbers
err in this,

is a written or spoken language in its

ordinary form, without metrical structure.

Two kinds of Prose

1. Fiction is in the form 2. Non – Fiction is prose writing that is

of prose, especially based on facts, real events, and real people,
short stories and such as biography or history.
novels, that describes
5 kinds of Non – fiction
imaginary events and
a. Biographies - is a
detailed description of a
2 kinds of Fiction
person's life. It involves more
than just the basic facts like
a. Realistic
Fiction - is a genre education, work,
consisting of stories relationships, and death, but
that could have also portrays a subject's
occurred to people experience of these life
or animals in a events.
believable setting. b. Autobiographies - is
b. Fantastic a written account of the
Fiction -a type of life of a person written by
fiction that that person.
ideologically and c. Essays - is, generally,
aesthetically a piece of writing that
subordinates reality gives the author's own
to imagination by argument — but the
depicting a world of definition is vague,
marvels that is overlapping with those of
contrasted to an article, a pamphlet,
everyday reality and and a short story.
to accepted views d. Articles - a piece of
of what is credible. writing included with
others in a newspaper,
magazine, or other
e. Humor-situations,
speech, or writings that
are thought to be

is a piece of writing that tells a story and

is performed on a stage.

6 kinds of Drama:

1. Comedies are lighter in tone than ordinary writers and provide a happy conclusion.
The intention of dramatists in comedies is to make their audience laugh. Hence, they use
quaint circumstances, unusual characters and witty remarks.
2. Tragic dramas use darker themes such as disaster, pain and death. Protagonists
often have a tragic flaw—a characteristic that leads them to their downfall.
3. Generally, a farce is a nonsensical genre of drama, which often overacts or engages
slapstick humor. It’s basically, what you call a “Parody”
4. Melodrama is an exaggerated drama, which is sensational and appeals directly to the
senses of audience. Just like the farce, the characters are of single dimension and simple, or
may be stereotyped.
5. Fantasy is a complete fictional work where characters virtually display
supernatural skills. It is more appealing to children as fairies, angels, superheroes, etc.,
are embedded in the plot. Use of magic, pseudo-science, horror, and spooky themes
through various kinds of technical devices create a perfect world of fantasy. The modern
version of drama incorporates a great deal of special effects.

6. Musical is an opera in which the action is not interrupted by formal song

divisions (such as recitatives or arias) and the music is determined solely by dramatic

provides us with an opportunity to examine the

importance of expressing ideals in form. It is the
simplest of the literary form. The essay has only a
minimum number of parts-the beginning, the middle,
and an end.

The essay received its name for the title of Michael de

Montaigne's first collection of short prose writings-
ESSAIS. The word ESSAY has a cognate ASSAY,
which means to test or to evaluate. An essay is the
minimal literary form of prose expression. It can be of
any length on any subject, in any style; It is a prose
composition of any length intended to present a
tentative exploration or evaluation of a subject.

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