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ITE351 Day01

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Course Code: ITE 361 - New Venture Creation


Name: -----------------------
Section: ----- Schedule: ---------------

Lesson title: Class Orientation Materials: Student module

Learning Targets:
At the end of the module, students will be able to:
1. Understand and Interpret Flexible Learning
2. List topics and schedules for New Venture References: NONE
3. Determine Course Requirement and grade

Welcome New Venture Capitalists! To New Venture Creation.
From the name itself I hope you realized that we will be focusing in making your business. Most of
the topics in this course are applied in the real business industry. You will be performing some of
them, and some of them are at your project.
We cannot tackle the whole Business Process, it involves a lot accounting, but in this course
the theories and principles of business are applied.
This subject is very inclined with your field of IT, some of the terms here are actually understandable
to IT only. And some of them are the latest (as of 2021) techniques and methodologies of
entrepreneurs/new venture capitalist used within the internet age.

Content Notes
Flexible Learning Setup is a combination of face-to-face classes and home-based learning. For
school year 2022, we will follow the 4-10 schedules, which mean:
✓ You will attend fa�-to-face classes for 4 days in a w�ek and
✓ Study at home for the next 10 days The primary instructional material for the flexible learning set­
up is the Flexible Learning Module. The learning experience& in the modules are designed for full
Course Code: ITE 351 .. New Venture Creation

Name: ------------------------ Class number. __

Section: - ----Schedule: --------------- Date: -----

self-study in the event that students will need or be required to stay home. The table in the next
page shows the course outline. Grading system and rules was also presented.

This is the course schedule, project parts and outline:

Course Outline
Week Module Part of No.Of Classroom
No. Project Modules Scenario
Course Orientation YES
1 2 IN
New Venture
2 Entrepreneurs and Venture Capitalists 1 OUT
Identifying Opportunities and Generating Ideas YES
2 IN
The Whole Entrepreneurial Process

4 Choosing a Form of Business YES 1 OUT

Business Models YES
5 2 IN
Industry and Competitor Analysis YES

6 First Periodical Exam 1 IN/OUT

SWOT Analysis ' YES
7 2 IN
IT Industry

8 The Four Ps of Marketing a New Venture YES 1 OUT

Writing a Business Plan YES
9 2 IN
Purpose of Intellectual Property

10 Raising Capital YES 1 OUT

11 Project Update YES 1 IN
Course Code: ITE 351 � New Venture Creation

Name: ----------------------- r., 1;::1·,-, nur' ',',r

Section: ----- Schedule· ------------- Datr,.

12 Second Periodical Exam 1 IN/OUT I

The Venture Team and Business Ethics YES

13 2 IN
New Age Sources of Income YES

14 Feasibility Analysis Template YES 1 OUT I

Project Update 2 YES

15 2 IN

16 Starting your Technopreneurship 1 OUT

Startup Requirements in Philippines

17 2 IN
Tips and Common Mistakes for Entrepreneurs
18 Third Periodical Exam 1 OUT

Academic Requirements
Prelim Summative Tests
Midterm Summative Tests
Project Update
Finals Project Document
Grading System
Periodic Grade and Final Grade will be computed as follows.
Passing Percentage is 50% of course grade.
P1 Grade = 20% Participation + 30% Quizzes/Performance Tasks + 50% Exam Final Grade
P2 Grade = 10% Participation + 20% Quizzes/Performance Tasks + 30% Project DocL�ment + 40%
Exam Final Grade
P3 Grade = 20% Participation + 40% Project Document + 40% Exam Final Grade
Course Grade = (P1 x 0.33) + (P2 x 0.33) + (P3 x 0.34)
Course Code: ITE 351 - New Venture Creation

Name: ----------------------- Class nurnt,s, --

Section: -----Schedule: --------------- Date: -----

Description of the Project

The student's project is a mock business plan. We do not have the resources and knowledge to
perform a business plan , or a feasibility study. But a mock business plan is sufficient to understand
the important concepts, theories , and principles in a business.

Project is basically a document consists of 11 parts or chapters:

1. Identifying Opportunities and Generating Ideas - Day 4
2. Choosing a Form of Business - Day 6
3. Business Models - Day 7
4. Industry and Competitor Analysis - Day 8
5. SWOT Analysis - Day 10
6. The Four Ps of Marketing a New Venture - Day 12
7. Writing a Business Plan - Day 13
8. Raising Capital - Day 15 (Last topic for midterm project document)
9. The New Venture Team and Business Ethics - Day 18
10. New Age Sources of Income - Day 19
11. Feasibility Analysis Template - Day 20 (Last topic for finals document)

All of these parts or chapters are explained throughout the course.

The project must be initially submitted and checked on Day 15-17, (Midterm) Details on Day 16
The project must be finally submitted on day 21-26, (Finals) Details on Day 21
The Finals Exam is a presentation of the project, Details on Day 26
Students should start working on their project on Day 3. Identifying the business, they want to work
on the future.
It is recommended to look at day 16 and day 21 as soon as possible

Project Mechanics
Project can be by individual or groups of 2 to 4.

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Course Code: ITE 351 - New Venture Creation

Name: ----------------------- ClrJ r1 1 ·rn ,rA

j )

Section: -----Schedule: ------------ Date

✓ The concept of the project is making a business plan, thus it requires the students to determine if
they will be a:
sole-proprietor (1 owner, but can have many companions),
partnership (2-4 owners, split equally or depending on agreement),
or corporation (2-4 owners, using percentage as voting power for decisions)
✓ The main concept of the project is the business idea. It must be innovative, new, it solves a
problem, intriguing, interesting, worth it.
✓ With the idea, the business can be a product (sellable items) or a service.
✓ The students must apply what is learned in the selected modules to the project
✓ The project must be able to convince the teacher/panelist or people that the business idea/plan is
excellent and they will be willing to spend/invest their money in your project.

Grading of the Document: (Midterm and Finals Requirements)

Key points 30% The project delivers key points that reflects the topics on
'the modules '

Content 25% The project has sufficient content to show its quality
Feasibility 20% The business idea is feasible, or it is possible to be made,
it is acceptable if it is not feasible, if it is shown why the
business is not possible to be made.

Appeal 15% The business idea/project convinces the readers to invest

on the business idea
Grammar 10% Sentences are of correct grammar
Total 100%

Project Document Format

Calibri 11, Margin Narrow (0.5 in all sides), Letter sized paper. Expected pages: 13-25 pages.

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Course Code: ITE 351 - New Venture Creation

Name: ------------------- C!a�', nu,-r,1--J<::r

Section: -----Scl1edule: --------------- Date

Check for Understanding

In preparation for your Group Project, find your groupmates and submit it to your teacher for future

1. What if I am absent during the quiz/exam? Can I still take it?
Yes. You need to submit an excuse letter signed by your guardian or parent indicating any
"valid" excuses as allowed in the School's Policy. If not complied, you will not be given a special quiz.

2. What if I failed the ·quiz or examination, can I take it again?

No. Be prepared before taking any quiz or examinations. For more questions, please approach
your teacher after-class or you can personally message your teacher using messenger, email, SMS
or phone call.
Don't worry if you've missed to turn in your activities, just turn it in and inform your teacher why you
have missed it.

Thinking about Learning

a) Mark your place in the work tracker which is simply a visual to help you track how much work you
have accomplished and how much work there i. s left to do.

Period 1 Period 2 Period 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

b) Think about your learning by filling up "My Learning Tracker". Write the learning targets, scores,
learning experience for the session ano deliberately plan for the next session.

Date Learning Target/Topic Scores Action Plan

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Course Code: ITE 351 - New Venture Creation

Name: ------------------------ Clc:1::, r11 mr/ r

Section: ----- Schedule: --------------- Dr";tf',·

What's the What module# did you do? What were What contributed to the quality or I
date What were the learning targets? your scores your performance today? Vi/hat will ,
today? What activities did you do? in the you do next session to maintain
activities? your performance or improve it?

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