The Little Prince tells the story of a pilot who crashes in the Sahara Desert and meets a young boy called the Little Prince. Over the course of three nights, the Little Prince recounts his life story to the pilot. He is from an asteroid just big enough for him and a rose that he cares for. Seeking adventure, he visits other planets inhabited by eccentric adults who each represent an aspect of human nature. The Little Prince learns about friendship from a fox and returns home hoping to see his rose again. In the end, it is unclear if he makes it back to his asteroid or dies in the desert. The story explores themes of friendship, imagination, and what is truly important in life.
The Little Prince tells the story of a pilot who crashes in the Sahara Desert and meets a young boy called the Little Prince. Over the course of three nights, the Little Prince recounts his life story to the pilot. He is from an asteroid just big enough for him and a rose that he cares for. Seeking adventure, he visits other planets inhabited by eccentric adults who each represent an aspect of human nature. The Little Prince learns about friendship from a fox and returns home hoping to see his rose again. In the end, it is unclear if he makes it back to his asteroid or dies in the desert. The story explores themes of friendship, imagination, and what is truly important in life.
The Little Prince tells the story of a pilot who crashes in the Sahara Desert and meets a young boy called the Little Prince. Over the course of three nights, the Little Prince recounts his life story to the pilot. He is from an asteroid just big enough for him and a rose that he cares for. Seeking adventure, he visits other planets inhabited by eccentric adults who each represent an aspect of human nature. The Little Prince learns about friendship from a fox and returns home hoping to see his rose again. In the end, it is unclear if he makes it back to his asteroid or dies in the desert. The story explores themes of friendship, imagination, and what is truly important in life.
The Little Prince tells the story of a pilot who crashes in the Sahara Desert and meets a young boy called the Little Prince. Over the course of three nights, the Little Prince recounts his life story to the pilot. He is from an asteroid just big enough for him and a rose that he cares for. Seeking adventure, he visits other planets inhabited by eccentric adults who each represent an aspect of human nature. The Little Prince learns about friendship from a fox and returns home hoping to see his rose again. In the end, it is unclear if he makes it back to his asteroid or dies in the desert. The story explores themes of friendship, imagination, and what is truly important in life.
• The narrator discusses the nature of The story conveys the The settings of The 1. The Little Prince: The titular character of the grown-ups and their inability to idea that true friendship Little Prince vary novella. He is a young boy who comes from an perceive important things. He shows and love can overcome throughout the story. In asteroid called B-612. He is curious, them a picture of a boa constrictor even the most difficult the beginning, the imaginative, and kindhearted. that has eaten an elephant. A narrator of circumstances. narrator is stranded in 2. The Narrator: The unnamed protagonist of becomes an aircraft pilot and crashes Through the story, the Sahara desert, and the story. He is a pilot who has crash-landed in in the Sahara Desert, far from Saint-Exupéry also the majority of the the Sahara Desert and meets the Little Prince. civilization. A young boy nicknamed conveys the importance story takes place in the 3. The Fox: A fox that the Little Prince "the little prince" asks the narrator to of taking the time to desert. Later, the Little befriends in the desert. The fox teaches the draw a sheep, which the narrator appreciate the beauty of Prince visits other Little Prince about life and the importance of finally manages to draw. life and to remember planets, including Earth. friendship. • The prince of B 612, a house-sized the simple joys of being 4. The Rose: A rose that the Little Prince asteroid, recounts his life story while alive. meets on his asteroid. She is vain and the narrator attempts to repair his demanding, but the Little Prince loves her, plane. He describes his earlier days nonetheless. cleaning the volcanoes and weeding 5. The King: The king of the Little Prince's unwanted seeds and sprigs that infest asteroid. He believes he has total control over his planet's soil. The prince fell in love his subjects and is constantly issuing decrees. with a vain and silly rose that began 6. The Vain Man: The inhabitant of another growing on the asteroid's surface asteroid. He believes he is the most important some time ago. person in the universe and spends all his time • He resolved to leave the planet to admiring himself. explore the rest of the universe, but 7. The Drunkard: The inhabitant of another the rose apologized for failing to show asteroid. He is an alcoholic who is always that she loved him. The prince has looking for a new drink. visited six other planets, each 8. The Lamplighter: The inhabitant of another inhabited by a single, irrational, asteroid. He spends all his time lighting and narrow-minded adult, each meant to extinguishing his streetlamp. critique an element of society. The prince is recommended to visit Earth, 9. The Geographer: The inhabitant of another where he meets a group of absurd asteroid. He is a scientist who is always people who comprise just about the studying the stars entire adult world. 10. The Businessman: The inhabitant of • The prince landed in a desert and met another asteroid. He is obsessed with counting several creatures, including a yellow stars and trying to own them. snake and a desert flower. After climbing the highest mountain, he saw only the enormous, desolate landscape. A railway switchman told the prince that passengers on trains were never satisfied with where they were and never looked out of the windows. • The prince finds a well, saves them, and talks to the snake about returning home and seeing his rose again. He tells the narrator not to watch him leave, as it will upset him, and then walks away and allows the snake to bite him. The next morning, the narrator is unable to find the prince's body, and leaves the desert. It is left up to the reader to determine if the prince returned home or died
G.R. No. 213394, April 06, 2016 Spouses Emmanuel D. Pacquiao and Jinkee J. Pacquiao, Petitioners, V. The Court of Tax Appeals - First Division and The Commission of Internal Revenue, Respondents