Handbook Final

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Teachers and school leaders’ professional competency


Ministry of education

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

January 2014 E.C


Part I...........................................................................................................................................................1


1.1. The Teachers and school Leaders Licensing Test...........................................................1

1.2. Purpose of the handbook..................................................................................................................2

1.3 The Tasks of Teachers and school leaders professional licensing and relicensing directorate...........2

1.4 Organization and usage of handbook...........................................................................................3

Part II...........................................................................................................................................................5

Teachers and School Leaders Test Focus Areas and Sample Tests with Answers........................................5

2.1. General pedagogical knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge..............................................5

2.2. Subject specific content knowledge..................................................................................................6

2.2.1. Mother Tongue Language Teachers...............................................................................................6

2.2.2. English Language Teachers.............................................................................................................20 English Language Skills Test........................................................................................................20 English Language Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT)....................................................................21

2.2.3 Mathematics sample questions and Answers....................................................................................25

2.2.4. Standard elements and sample test items for licensing chemistry teachers......................................30

2.2.5. Standard elements and sample test items for licensing biology teachers.........................................38

2.2.6. Standard elements and sample test items for licensing physics teachers..........................................50

Part II Pedagogic Content Questions: Objective..................................................................................53

2.2.7. Standard elements and Sample items for ICT teachers:...................................................................59

2.2.8. Civics and Ethical Education...........................................................................................................66

2.2.9. Standard elements and sample test items for history teachers..........................................................74

2.2.10. Geography Teachers......................................................................................................................80

2.2.11. Social Sciences Teachers...............................................................................................................86

2.2.12 Standard elements and sample test items for Physical Education teachers.....................................87

2.2.13. Music Teachers..............................................................................................................................95

2.2.14. Fine Arts Teachers.........................................................................................................................97

2.2.17. Aesthetic & Physical Education Teachers.....................................................................................98

2.3. Competency Standards and sample tests with Answers for school Leaderss.................................100

2.3.1. The school Principals.....................................................................................................................100

Part III......................................................................................................................................................116

Tips on Preparation for the Licensing Test..............................................................................................116

3.1. Learn what the Test Covers...........................................................................................................116

3.2. Gather Study Materials.................................................................................................................117

3.3. Develop Your Study Plan..............................................................................................................118

Part IV......................................................................................................................................................118

Appendix: Frequently Asked Questions..................................................................................................118

4.1 What type of tests do I need to take?.............................................................................................118

4. 2 How soon should I start to prepare?.............................................................................................118

4.3 When are the written licensing tests given?...................................................................................119

4.4 What does the written licensing test measure?...............................................................................119

4.5 Does the Directorate and/or the REBs organize orientation event about the test?..........................119

4.6 How does the Directorate ensure the test is valid and fair?............................................................119

4.7 Can I take the licensing test more than once?.................................................................................119

4.8 Where do I get information about licensing test centers?...............................................................119

4.9 How do I register for the licensing test?........................................................................................120

4.10 Is there a registration fee for the licensing test?..........................................................................120

4.11. Can I change my test date and/or test center?..............................................................................120

4.12. Where can I get explanation about my score?.............................................................................120

4.13.How are licensing tests developed?..............................................................................................120

4.14. Who is required to take licensing tests and why?........................................................................120

4.15. Where can I find information to help me prepare for licensing tests?.........................................121

4.16. What Identification must I bring at the licensing test centers?....................................................121

4.17. What if I am absent from the test on the test date?......................................................................121

Part I


Since the introduction of licensing and relicensing system into the Ethiopian general education
sector, teachers and school leaders have been taking licensing tests based on subject content and
pedagogy area standards as well as their respective professional standards. The tests are
intended: (i) to assess the competency of teachers who are joining the teaching career, teachers
who are already in the system as well as principals and supervisors thereby issuing licensing
certificates to successful ones; (ii) to identify gaps of the examinees that need to be addressed
through subsequent rounds of teacher preparation as well as through continuous professional
development additionally the handbook describes the tasks of teachers and school leaders
professional licensing and relicensing directorate.

1.1. The Teachers and school Leaders Licensing Test

Teachers and school leaders licensing test is the written test that is given to teachers and school
leaders so as to assess their competency based on the standards set for their performance as
educators and leaders. The tests contain items from different cognitive/knowledge levels. Tests
are challenging, unless special attention is given to what is expected in the areas of generic
standards, and respective content and pedagogy standards. Being cognizant of this challenge, the
licensing department embarked into preparing a test guide that assists candidates to minimize the
challenge. This test guide provides overall information that is required for the candidates as they
prepare themselves for the test. The test is the kind commonly called paper and pencil type
which mainly is made of four multiple choices containing one and only one answer key. The test
items writers make the utmost effort to write the items in accordance to universally accepted
psychometric and measurement principles and with due accountability.

1.2. Purpose of the handbook

The purpose of the handbook is to provide a brief orientation about licensing tests to the test
takers. It will help the candidates to learn more about how to prepare and know what to expect
on the test so that she/he can pass it and become eligible for the licensing.
Therefore, test handbook enables candidates to direct their study and to focus on relevant
material for review.

1.3 The Tasks of Teachers and school leaders professional licensing and relicensing

Professional Licensing and Relicensing is a system that allows professionals entering the
profession to continue their careers by continuously assessing their professional competency by
setting the appropriate Professional Competency Standard.

Accordingly, the main goal of the professional activities of teachers, teacher’s trainers and
school leaders is to improve student achievement. Therefore, it is necessary to establish and
implement a professional licensing and relicensing system based on professional competency

Establish a professional licensing system to ensure that the profession is continuously covered by
teachers, teacher trainers and school leaders who are striving to support the ongoing efforts to
maintain the quality of education provided by schools and teacher education colleges.

The following are some of the key activities that have been implemented by teachers and school

 Develop professional standards for teachers, teacher trainers and school leaders;
 Develop and apply evaluation frameworks, guidelines and implementation manuals in
accordance with established standards;
 Develop and assess written and portfolio assessment tools:
 Compile and analyze the results to provide feedback for stakeholders፡
 Implement an Item banking system for the quality of the results of the test Analysis.

 Gives professional licenses to teachers and school leaders who have achieved the
expected results in the competency assessment;
 Prepares and distributes a Professional Competitive Writing Assessment Procedure and
Response handbook;
 Identify Gap Analysis and provide feedback to assessors, teacher education colleges,
universities, stakeholders and policy makers;
 Provides support and supervision to regional and city administration schools on
professional license implementation, evaluation preparation and administration, results
analysis and data management;
 Investigate and resolve complaints regarding professional licensing and relicensing
 Develop a plan for the directorate; evaluates plan implementation report with regions
and stakeholders;

1.4 Organization and usage of handbook

This handbook is comprised of four parts/sections. The document begins with an introduction in
which are discussed the goals of licensing test, the nature of the test, and what necessitates
preparing a licensing test guide and the tasks of teachers and school leaders professional
licensing and relicensing directorate. The second section shows and elaborates the standards and
knowledge areas based on which tests are developed. In the same section one also finds carefully
selected sample test items which are believed to represent the composition of the actual test
items along with indication of what level of understanding and skill they require. Each item is
also followed by answer key and brief justification. The third section provides the users of the
guide with steps which can be followed and applied easily so as to become well prepared for
upcoming tests. At last an appendix is incorporated in the material which focuses on answering
and explaining questions which most of the test takers are expected to raise.

When one comes to using the test handbook, it is worth to roughly go through what is presented
in section one of the material which gives the users an overall picture of the content, nature and
purpose of the test guide. The aim of the material is not to encourage users to work with each
question item and to make them busy with an attempt to reaching to the corresponding correct
answers nor is its intention to serve as an all-inclusive source of subject area and pedagogy
knowledge. It does not also substitute the generic and subject specific standards.
Rather users of the guide are expected to understand that licensing test items are as varied in
their nature as the contents and expected competency delineated in the pedagogic and subject
matter content and skill standards as well as the overall curriculum for the specific subject. So
while preparing for a licensing test, it is a good beginning to familiarize oneself with the
standards mentioned in this material and be well versed with the relevant curriculum for one’s
area of specialization as an educator and leader. It is also important to see that the list of source
materials is not exhaustive and the sample items may not be an exact representation of the
content of the actual test for each candidate. Regarding details in how one can prepare
him/herself to the licensing test, you find important activities to do in the form of tips for test
taking preparation in part three of the test handbook. The appendix part will also be of great help
for you in avoiding confusions with respect to the process of licensing.

Part II

Teachers and School Leaders Test Focus Areas and Sample Tests with Answers

Teachers’ licensing test has two components: pedagogic content knowledge component and
subject matter content knowledge componenet. Both the pedagogy and subject content
knowledge standards as well as generic standard of teachers have different elements. Each
element also has its specific competency indicators. The tests are prepared to assess the
competencies of teachers on the basis of the indicators for each subject and level. Unlike the
teachers’ licensing tests, school leaders’ tests cover only the competencies in the generic
standards. These standards have different elements which have their own indicators. Tests for
school leaders are prepared to assess the professional competencies of school leaders on the basis
of these indicators.

The pedagogy and content knowledge areas of licensing tests and sample questions with answers
are presented as follows.

2.1. General pedagogical knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge

Pedagogical knowledge can be defined broadly as the philosophical, theoretical, and practical
approaches, sets of events, activities, processes, practices, and methodologies that guide teaching
and learning. Pedagogy part of the tests for licensing teachers makes up 25 percent of the
question items. Teachers of all subjects at each level are expected to know and do the following
in relation to their subject matters. These are:

Knowing how to teach the content /subject matter/

 Planning for effective teaching and learning

 Teaching-learning methods (strategies) to meet the specific learning needs of all students
including those with special needs

 Effective classroom organization and management

 Appropriate instructional media

 Assessment and feedback on students learning.

Knowing students and how they learn:

 Learning styles of students

 Physical, social, intellectual & emotional development & characteristic of students.

 Students with diverse (linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic, family, age,
experiences, etc.) backgrounds

 Learning and student development

2.2. Subject specific content knowledge

The content knowlegde includes knowledge of the content of the subjects and the curriculum.
Teachers need to know and demonstrate the fundamental concepts, structure and inquiry
processes relevant to levels they teach. Thus, the content knowledge tests are prepared to
measure teachers’ kowledge about the subject matter they teach. In tests for licensing of teachers,
75 percent of the question items are related to content area.

2.2.1. Mother Tongue Language Teachers

Subject matter content knowledge area

● Listening/ Speaking

● Reading

● Writing

● Fluency

● Vocabulary

● Comprehension

● Composition

● Literary Device

● Comprehension of genres

● Making a research

Pedagogy areas

● First language pedagogy knowledge

● Learner Knowledge

● Planning for instruction

● Continues assessment and first language testing

7የአማርኛ ናሙና ጥያቄዎች

1. የማዳመጥ ክሂል የትኛውን አያጠቃልልም?

A. ማናቸውንም ድምጽ መስማትን

B. የንግግርን ጭብጥ መረዳትን

C. ቀደምት ዕውቀትን መፈተሽን

D. የንግግር ድምፆችን ከሌሎች ድምጾች መለየትን

የእውቀት ጥያቄ: ማዳመጥ /መናገር

መልስ: A

ምክንያታዊነት: ማናቸውንም ድምጽ መስማት በተፈጥሮ የሚገኝና ድምጾቹን የመምረጥ ፣የመረዳትና ትርጉም

የመስጠት ሂደትን ስለማይጠይቅ የማዳመጥ ክሂል ውስጥ ስለማይካተት ነው፡፡

2. ንባብን አስመልክቶ ትክክል ያልሆነው ሃሳብ የቱ ነው?

A. ንባብ አእምሯዊ ተግባር ነው

B. ንባብ ቡድናዊ ተግባር ነው

C. ንባብ ግብዓት መቀበያ ተግባር ነው

D. ንባብ የፅሑፍን መልዕክት ከመቀበል ያለፈ ተግባር ነው

የእውቀት ጥያቄ: ንባብ

መልስ: B

ምክንያታዊነት: ንባብ በቡድን ሳይሆን በግል ብቻ የሚከናወን የመረጃ መቀበያ /ማግኛ መንገድ ስለሆነ ነዉ፡፡

3. ስለኣቀላጥፎ ማንበብ ከህጻናት ኣንጻር ትክክል ያልሆነው የትኛው ነው?

A. ሆሄያትን በተገቢው ሁኔታ መለየት B. በተገቢው ፍጥነት ማንበብ

C. የተነበበውን የማስታወስ ችሎታ D. ቃላትን ደጋግሞ ማንበብ

የእውቀት ጥያቄ: አንደበተ ርዕቱነት

መልስ : D

ምክንያታዊነት:- ቃላትን ደጋግሞ ማንበብ የተማሪውን የንባብ ፍጥነት ስለሚገታው ያቀላጥፎ ማንበብ

ምሳሌ መሆን ስለማይችል ነው፡፡

4. ትዳር ሲፈርስ ልጆች ከወላጆቻቸው ይለያያሉ:: ይህ መንደርደሪያ ዓረፍተ ነገር በየትኛው የአንቀጽ

ማስፋፊያ ሊጻፍ ይችላል?

A. በብየና ስልት B. በምስያ [ባምሳያ]

C. በምክንያትና ውጤት D. በገላጭ

የእውቀት ጥያቄ: መጻፍ

መልስ: C

ምክንያታዊነት : መነሻዉ አረፍተ ነገር በምክንያት የተገለጸ ስለሆነና በመቀጠልም ምክንያቱ ያመጣን

ውጤት እያሳየ በዚህ መልክ አንቀጹ እየተስፋፋ ስለሚሄድ ነው፡፡

5. “ልጅነታችን” በሚለው ቃል ውስጥ ያሉትን ምዕላዶች አስመልክቶ በትክክል ያልተገለፀውን ምረጡ፡፡

A. /-ነት/ ቁጥርን ያመለክታል፡፡ B. /-ኣችን/ አርቢ ምዕላድ

C. /-ነት/ ስም መስራች ምዕላድ D. /-ኣችን/ “የእኛ” የሚል ትርጓሜ


የእውቀት ጥያቄ: ቃላት

መልስ: A

ምክንያታዊነት: በቃሉ ውስጥ የሚገኘዉ /--ነት/ ጥገኛ ምዕላድ ረቂቅ ስምነትን እንጂ ነጠላ ወይም ብዙ
ቁጥርን ስለማያመለክት ነው::
6. ከሚከተሉት ውስጥ በምርምሩ ባሕሪ ምክንያት ተመራማሪው መረጃ ይሰጡኛል ያላቸውን ናሙናዎች

ለይቶ የሚመርጥበት ዘዴ የቱ ነው?

A. ወሳኝ ናሙና C. እድል ሰጭ ናሙና

B. ቀላል የእጣ ናሙና D. ውስብስብ የእጣ ናሙና

የእውቀት ጥያቄ: ጥናትና ምርምር ማካሄድ

መልስ: A

ምክንያታዊነት: ለምርምሩ ትክክለኛ የመረጃ ምንጭነት /ግብዓትነት ሆኖ የሚገያገለግል የናሙና አይነት ስለሆነ ነው::

7. በተውኔት መነባንብ ተብሎ የሚታወቀው ክስተት ምንድን ነው?

A. የማናቸውም ቃለ- ተውኔት መለያ ነው፡፡

B. የገጸ-ባህርይ ውስጣዊ ፍላጎት የሚነገርበት ነው፡፡

C. ገጸባህርያት የሚለዋወጡት ቃለቱኒት [ቃለተውኔት] ነው፡፡

D. በተውኔት ውስጥ የሚስተዋል የገጸባህርያት ትንቅንቅ ነው፡፡

የእውቀት ጥያቄ: የንግግር አይነት

መልስ: B

ምክንያታዊነት: መነባንብ አንድ ገጸ-ባህርይ ብቻውን በመድረክ ላይ ወጥቶ ሃሳቡን፣ፍላጎቱን ወ.ዘ.ተ ለተመልካቹ

የሚያቀርብበት ስለሆነ ነው፡፡

8. የቋንቋን ዘፈቀዳዊነት ከሚከተሉት ውስጥ በይበልጥ የሚገልፀው የትኛው ነው?

A. ስያሜውና ተሠያሚው ተፈጥሮኣዊ ወይም ባህሪያዊ ግንኙነት አላቸው፡፡

B. በስያሜና በተሠያሚ መካከል ያለው ግንኙነት በተናጋሪዎች ስምምነት ላይ የተመሰረተ ነው፡፡

C. በአንዳንድ ቋንቋዎች ውስጥ ስያሜውና ተሠያሚው ተጠየቃዊ ግንኙነት ሊኖራቸው ይችላል፡፡

D. በቋንቋው ተናጋሪዎች የሚሠጠው ስያሜ በጎልማሶችና የዕድሜ ባለፀጎች በሆኑት የማኅበረሰቡ

አባላት መደገፍ ይኖርበታል፡፡

የእውቀት ጥያቄ: የንግግር አይነት

መልስ: B

ምክንያታዊነት: በሰያሚውና በተሰያሚው መካከል ምንም አይነት ተፈጥሯዊ/ባህሪያዊ ግንኙነት

ያሌለቸውና በተናጋዎች ስምምነት ላይ የተመሰረተ በመሆኑ ነው፡፡

9. ቀጥሎ ከቀረቡት መሀከል ለአመዛዛኝ ድርሰት ምሳሌ የሚሆነው የቱ ነው?

A. ጥሩ አስተማሪነት የሚመነጨው ከሰውየው ችሎታ እንጂ ከሚያገኘው ስልጠና
አይደሉም የሚሉ አሉ፡፡
B. ለጠረጴዛው ጎኗን ሰጥታ እግሮቿን አነባብራ ተቀምጣለች፡፡ ክንዷን ጠረጴዛው ላይ
መዳፏ ላይ ጋደም ብላለች፤ አውራ ጣቷ ክብ አጋጯ ስር ገብቶ በሌባ ጣቷ ጉንጯን እንደማከክ እያለች
C. ምሳሌዊ አነጋገር በማህበረሰብ ልማዳዊ ስምምነት መሰረት የሚፈጠር በቁጥብና
በምርጥ ቃላት በአጭሩ የሚነገር የተጨመቀ ጥልቅ ሀሳብ የያዘ የስነ ቃል አይነት ነው፡፡
D. ባህል ሲባል በህብረተሰብ ታሪክ ሂደት ውስጥ መላውን የሰው ልጅ የፈጠራቸውን
ና መንፈሳዊ ቅርሶችንና እንደዚሁም እነዚህ ቁሳዊና መንፈሳዊ የባህል የተፈጠሩበትን ግልጋሎት ላይ
የሚውሉበትንና የሚተላለፍበትን ዘዴዎች ያጠቃልላል፡፡
የእውቀት ጥያቄ: የንግግር አይነት

መልስ: A

ምክንያታዊነት: በአመዛዛኝ ድርሰት ውስጥ ሁለት ሃሳቦችን በማምጣት ለሁለቱም ሃሰቦች አሳማኝ

መረጃዎችን በማቅረብ አንባበው/ተደራሲው ከቀረበው መረጃ በመነሳት የራሱን የሃሳብ ምርጫ

እንዲይዝ ለማስቻል ነው፡፡

ብርድሽ አቃጠለኝ

ወይኔ እናት ሐገሬ፣ችግር ዘነበባት

ጥላ ሲሉኝ ባጣ፣ገላዬን ጫርኩላት፡፡ (ባታ፣2012)

10. ከላይ በቀረበው ግጥም ውስጥ ጎልቶ የወጣው (የታየው) ዘይቤ የቱ ነው?
A. ሰውኛ ዘይቤ

B. አያዎ ዘይቤ

C. አነጻጻሪ ዘይቤ

D. ንቡር ጠቃሽ ዘይቤ

የእውቀት ጥያቄ: የስነ ጹህፍ ስነ ዘዴ

መልስ: A

ምክንያታዊነት: ሀገር እንደሰው ተወስዶ በርካታ ችግሮች እንደደረሱበት ስለሚገልጽ ግጥሙ በሰውኛ ዘይቤ

ስለቀረበ ነው፡፡

11. ለጀማሪ ተማሪዎች አረፍተ ነገር መመስረትን ለማስተማር የተሻለው ስልት የቱ ነው?

A. ቃላትን በብዛት ሰጥቶ መርጠው እንዲያዛምዱ ማድረግ

B. ቃላትን ገጣጥመው ሌላ ቃላትን እንዲመሰርቱ ማድረግ

C. ቃላትን መሰረት አድረገው ሃሳባቸውን እንዲገልጹ ማድረግ

D. ከመማሪያ መጽሐፋቸው ላይ አረፍተ ነገሮችን ለይተው እንዲገለብጡ ማድረግ

የእውቀት ጥያቄ: የአፍ መፍቻ ቋንቋ ማስተማሪያ ስነ ዘዴ

መልስ: C

ምክንያታዊነት: - ጀማሪ ተማሪዎች የተሰጣቸዉን ቃለት መሰረት አድርገው በራሳቸው አረዳድ/ግንዛቤ

አረፍተ ነገር መመስረታቸው የተሻለ አረፍተ-ነገር ለመመስረት እንዲበረታቱ ስለሚረዳቸው


12. አንዳንዴ ፈጣን ተማሪዎች የአዝጋሚዎቹን የተሳትፎ ዕድል ሊሻሙ ይችላሉ። ይህን ለመቆጣጠር ምን

ማድረግ ያስፈልጋል?

A. ሁለቱም በየራሳቸው ፍጥነት እንዲሔዱ የሚያደርግ ሥነዘዴ መከተል።

B. ፈጣኖቹን በመቆጣጠር ወደአዝጋሚዎቹ ደረጃ ዝቅ እንዲሉ ማድረግ።

C. አዝጋሚዎቹን በማጣደፍ ከፈጣኖቹ እኩል እንዲራመዱ ማድረግ።

D. ሁለቱ አብረው የሚሠሩበትን ሁኔታ በመፍጠር፣ አማካይ ፍጥነት እንዲኖር ማድረግ።

የእውቀት ጥያቄ: የተማሪወች እዉቀት

መልስ: D

ምክንያታዊነት: የትምህርቱን አላማ ከግብ ለማድረስ የሁሉም ተማሪዎች ተሳትፎና ተግባር ወሳኝ ስለሆነ በሁለቱም

ደረጃ የሚገኙት ተማሪዎች አብረው የሚሰሩበትን ሁኔታ መፍጠር ስለሚያስፈልግ ነዉ፡፡

13. ከሚከተሉት ውስጥ የአማርኛ ቋንቋን ለማስተማር በሚዘጋጅ ዓመታዊ የትምህርት ዕቅድ ላይ የግድ

እንዲካተት የማይጠበቀው ክንውን የቱ ነው?

A. የትምህርቱ ዓላማዎች C. የትምህርቱ ርዕስ

B. የየክፍለጊዜያቱ ክንውኖች D. መርጃ መሳርያ እና ማጣቀሻ

የእውቀት ጥያቄ: የማስተማሪያ እቅድ

መልስ: B

ምክንያታዊነት: የክፍለ ጊዜያቱ ክንውኖች ባብዛኛ በእለታዊ የትምህርት እቅድ ውስጥ የሚታይ ተግባር ስለሆነ


14. በአንድ የቋንቋ ትምህርት አላማና ይዘት ላይ በመመስረት ተማሪዎች የቀረበላቸውን ትምህርት ምን ያህል

ተረድተውታል የሚለውን የመገምገም አማላው የሆነው የፈተና አይነት የትኛው ነው?

A. የብቃት መለኪያ ፈተና C. የምርመራ መለኪያ ፈተና

B. የችሎታ መለኪያ ፈተና D. የዕድገት

የእውቀት ጥያቄ: የአፍ መፍቻ ተከታታይ ምዘና

መልስ: C

ምክንያታዊነት: ተማሪዎቹ የተማሩትን ትምህርት ምን ያህል እንደተገነዘቡት ለመረዳት ስለሚያስችለን


14 Oromo Sample Questions

Barsiisota afaan Oromoo barsisaniif

1. Baruumsi ifa. Manni keenya ifa qaba.Himoota dhiyataniif kan jala sararamaniif deebii kan

A. Heekni jecha ‘ifa’ jedhuu hima lamaan keessattiyyuu tokko

B. Hima duraa keessatti, hiika dabalataan kan gale yoo ta’u hima lamataa keessatti hiika
idileen gale

C. Hiikni jecha tokkoo galuumsa keessatti irra caalaa muul’ata.

D. B fi Cn deebiidha

2. _______matima, xumuraiika guutuu dabarsuu danda’a. Kanneen armaan gadii keessaa kami?

A. Keeyyata C. Mataduree barreeffamaati

B. Hima D. Jecha

3. Barattoonnii, erga qubee faarsanii booda, Boca qubee akka tolchaniif taasistee, tooftaan ittiin
barsiisaa jiru kun kaminni?

A. Barreeffamaan shaakalchiisuu C. Gochaan barsiisuu

B. Dubbisuun barsiisuu D. Hunduu deebiidha

4. Hundeen jecha ’hime’ jedhuu isa kami?

A. Himuu B. Him- C. Hime- D.Hima

5.Tapha hiibboo keessatti inni gaafatame kallattii deebii argachuudhaaf mala akkamii

A.Ni qorata B. Dammaan qaba C. Biyya dhoowwata D. Ni arrabsa

6. Caacculee asoosamaa warreen jedhaman jalatti kan hinramadamne kanneen armaan gadii
keessaa kami?

A. Qooddattoota B. Yoomessa C. Durdurii D. Diddaa

7. Afaan nidu’a jechuun kanneen keessaa kamiin jechuu miti?

A. Namoota afaanicha dubbatantu dhuma

B. Namoota afaan itti hiikkatantu dhiba

C. Namoota afaanicha dubbatantu guuta

D. Hawaasni tokko hawaasa biraatiin yoo liqimfamu

8. Caasaa birsaga Afaan Oromoo keessatti kan fudhatama qabu isa kami?

A. Dubbifamaa, dubbifamaa, dubbachiiftuu

B. Dubbifamaa, dubbifamaa

C. Dubbaciiftuu, dubbachiiftuu

D. Dubbifamaa, dubbachiiftuu, dubbifamaa

9. Afaaniifi funyaan ta’e

A. Kalaa’e

B. Fagaate

C. Soorame

D. Hiyyoome

Afan Oromo Answers with Rationales

1. Himoota lamaan keessatti jechoonni sararaman hiika ifaa fi dabalataa waan agarsiisaniif
filannoo A deebii hinta, u.Jechoonni jala sararaman hiika ifaafi dablataaa garsiisuu irra
darbee hiika jechicha sirritti hubachuu waan nu dandesisuuf filannooBfi C deebii ta, uu
danda, u.kanaafuu deebiin D dha.

2. Keeyyanni hima ijoo fi himoota callaa hima ijoo babalisaniin waan barreeffamanuuf
filannoo A deebii ta, uu hin danda, u; matadureen barreeffama tokkos yaada guutuu
dabarsuu waan hin dandenyeef C deebii ta, uu hin danda, u filannoo D akkasuma
Barreeffamni matimaa fi xumurtuu of kessatti qabatu ta,ee hiika guutuu dabarsuu danda,u
hima waan ta,eef deebiin gaaffichaa filannoo B dha.

3. Baratoonni sagalee qubee baratan akka sirnaan adda bafatanii hubatan gocuuf qubee akka
bocani fidan yoo goone malli ittin barsiisaa jiru gochaan barsiisuu waan ta, eef deebiin
isaa C dha.filannoon A fi B barattoonni meeshaa irraa waa bocuun akka baratan waan hin
tasiisneef deebii ta, uu hin danda, an.

4. Filannoo A, CfiD jechoota. Filannoo B garu hundee jechaa waan ta,eef jechoota biroo
uumuuf nu gargara Fkn.himte,himan ,hime....kanaafuu Deebii n B dha.

5. Inni gaafatame yoo deebii argachuu hin dandeenye lafa kennee namichi hiibboo gafatu
akka hin arrabsine dammaan si qabe waan jedhuuf filannoo A deebii hin ta,u. Tapha
hiibboo irratti yoo deebii dhaban biyya dhoowwachun waan hin danda,amneef filannoo
C deebii ta,uu hin danda,u. Inni gaafatame yoo deebii argachuu hin dandeenye waan
arrabfamuuf filannoo D deebii hin ta,u. Kanaafuu deebiin A dha.

6. Caacculee asoosamaa warreen jedhaman jalatti Kan ramadaman Qooddattoota, yoomessa

fi diddaa dha.durduriin gosoota afoolaa keesatti waan ramadamuf adda kanaaf deebiin
isaa C dha.

7. Deebiin “C” Filannoo A. Namoota afaanicha dubbatantu dhuma kan jedhu yoo ta’u, yoo
namoonni afaanicha dubbatan lafarraa dhuman afaanichi du’e jenna.

Filannoo B. Namoota afaan itti hiikkatantu dhiba daa’imti dhalattee afaan tokkotti afaan
hiikkattu yoo hinjiraanne afaanichi du’e jechuu dandeenya. Sababni filannoon C deebii
ta’eefis namoonni afaan tokko dubbatu yoo baay’ate afaan tokko du’uu hindanda’u.
Filannoo D. Hawaasni afaan tokko dubbatu hawaasa bal’aa afaan biraa dubbatuun yoo
liqimfame afaanichi hawaasa liqimfame sanaa du’uu danda’a.Sababnisaas Hawaasni
hawaasa bal’aan liqimfame sun afaansaa dhiisee afaan hawaasa bal’aa sanaa fayyadama
waan ta’eef afaanichi du’uu danda’a.

8. Deebiin D Caasaa biraga Afaan Oromoo keessatti A. Dubbifamaan gosa tokkos ta’e
gosti adda addaa jalqabarratti seenuu hidanda’u utubaan. B. Dubbifamaan gosa tokkos
ta’ee gosti addaddaa birsaga ijaaruu hindanda’u, C. dubbachiiftuun adda addaa lama
walitti aanee birsaga uumuu hindanda’u D. Afaan oromoo keessatti birsaga uumuu
danda’a. Ka’umsi dubbifamaa ta’ee utubaan dubbachiiftuu akkasumas cuftuun
dubbifamaa ta’uun birsaga ijaaruu danda’a.

9. Deebiin A Sababni deebiin A ta’eefis walitti dhihoo ta’uusaa agarsiisa kunimmoo

Jechamni kun Hawaasa afaanichaa biratti haala kanaan hiika argateera. Filannoo B
fagaate jedha kunimmoo faallaa jecha dhihoo ykn kalaa’e isa jedhuuti malee hiika ta’uu
hindanda’u. Filannoo C soorome jedha hiiknisaas duroomuu waan ta’eef dhiheenya
waliin walitti dhufeenya hiikaa hinqabu. Filannoo D Hiyyoome kan jedhu yoo ta’u kunis
kalaa’uu waliin walitti dhufeenya hiikaa waan qabuufi. sample Questions

1. ኣቦይ ተዓረ መልከዐኛ፣ ከደራይ፣ ተራር ኣፍንጫ፣ ሓለንጋይ ቁመት፣ መዓንጣ ሽቦ

ይመስሉ፡፡ ብዙሕ ቅርንብ ዓይንን ጉተና ህድሞ ዝመስል ኣፍሮኦም ፍሉይ

መስሕብ ይህቦም፡፡ በዓል በዓል ነጭ ሃሪ ዝመስል ዓለባ ዓዲ እንትኽደኑ፤ ኣብ

እዋን ስራሕ ድማ ርስሕ ዝበለን ዝተጨማደደን ዓለባ ጀዲድ እዮም ዝኽደኑ፡፡

ብሓፈሻ ግርማ መጎሶም ዘድንቕ’ዩ፡፡

ልዕል ክብል ዝቐረበ ሓፂር ፅሑፍ እንታይ ዓይነት ድርሰት’ዩ?

A. ኣነፃፃሪ ድርሰት C. ስእላዊ (ገላፂ) ድርሰት

B. ተንታኒ ድርሰት D. ክትዓዊ ድርሰት

2. ከልቢ ናብ ሓደ ቤተ-ክርስቲያን ኣትዩ ዝብላዕ ምስሰኣነ " እዚ ገዛስ ዓብዬ ይመስል ግና ማይ ቢሑቕ

ዘይብሉ" በለ ይበሃል፡፡ ኣብ ዝብል ሓሳብ ዘሎ ዘይቤ እንታይ ይበሃል?

A. ሰባይ ዘይቤ C. ተምሳሌታዊ ዘይቤ

B. ኣነፃፃሪ ዘይቤ D. ምግናናዊ ዘይቤ

3. ካብ 'ዞም ዝስዕቡ መማረፂታት ንሰዋሰው ዘይምልከት ፍተሒት ኣየናይ እዩ?

A. በቢግዚኡ ንምርድዳእ ምስ እንጥቂመሉ ዝተጣመረን ኣካል ቋንቋን'ዩ

B. ቋንቋ ካብ ሰዋስው ወፃኢ ኣልቦ -ስርዓት (Chaos) 'ዩ

C. ሰዋስው ቃላት ስርዓታዊ ብዝኾነ መንገዲ ምውዳድ 'ዩ

D. ቋንቋ ስርዓታዊ 'ዩ ዝበሃል ብመንፅር ሰዋስው ኣይኮነን

1. መልስ C

2. መልስ A

3. መልስ A

2.2.2. English Language Teachers

An English language teacher who cannot use the English language him/herself in speaking and
writing and who does not have adequate knowledge and awareness of the English language
vocabulary and grammar expected of him/her, cannot teach English at schools effectively.
Therefore, all English language teachers should have adequate skills of the English language
skills and awareness that match the cycles and grade levels they teach in schools so that they can
help learners to achieve the intended proficiency of the English language.

There are two types of tests for English Language teachers. The first is English Language skills
test and the second is teaching knowledge test (TKT). Each test has its own standards. English Language Skills Test

Standards for Professional English Language Skills:-

Standard 1 Reading skills:-

Standard 2 Vocabulary skills:-

Standard 3 Grammar:-

Standard 4 Listening skills:-

Standard 5 Speaking skills:-

Standard 6 Writing skills:-

Features of English Language Skill Tests

It is difficult to present samples of the skill tests here as they are practical tests. However, it will
be very helpful to give some information as to the nature of each skill test.

 Listening test: in listening test, candidates listen to an audio tape script and answer
questions based on what they have listened.

 Speaking test: in speaking test, the candidates and the assessor meet face to face and the
assessor gives candidate a situation in which the candidates demonstrate his speaking
ability by actually speaking.
 Reading test: in reading test, candidates are given reading passages based on which they
are asked different types of comprehension questions and questions related to other
reading sub skills.

 Writing test: in this test, candidates demonstrate their writing ability by actually
expressing their ideas in writing at simple and complex levels. English Language Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT)

English language teacher knows the objectives of teaching English in Ethiopian schools and
levels of English language proficiency expected to be achieved at the end of specific grade level
and cycle. This knowledge enables an English language teacher to organize his/her resources and
all appropriate language learning experiences that are geared towards attaining the intended
objectives and proficiency levels.

English Language Content and Pedagogy Knowledge Standards:-

Standard 7:- Objective Knowledge:- reasons/objectives for teaching English in


Standard 8 :- Content knowledge:- contents of the English language syllabuses

Standard 9:- Knowledge about language :- concrete and basic English words and basic
English grammar rules

Standard 10:- Second language activities/tasks knowledge:-vocabulary activities ,

exercises for teaching writing and writing skills, nature of grammar, tasks
and exercises, tasks for initial reading and comprehension skills, tasks for
early listening skills, tasks for speaking skills, poor and good language
learning activities, techniques of modifying/adapting ill-designed language
activities in the English textbooks, etc.

Standard 11:- Second language pedagogy knowledge

Standard 12:- Continuous assessment techniques and language testing knowledge

Standard 13:- Learner knowledge

Sample Questions for English Language Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT)

Look at the following questions and choose the correct answer from the choices provided from A
to D

1. Productive skill involves

A. Speaking and writing activities
B. Reading and writing activities
C. Listening and reading activities
D. Listening and writing activities
Answers and Rationale: Productive skills are abilities that we use to produce a message
(output), while receptive skills are abilities that we need to understand a message (input).
Therefore, Choice B. cannot be an answer because reading is a receptive skill. Choice C. is
not an answer because both listening and reading are receptive skills. Choice D is not also an
answer because listening is a receptive skill. The correct answer, therefore, is “A” because
both speaking and writing are productive skills.
2. Two or more words that often go together are called ……..

A. Comparatives C. conjunctions
B. collocations D. Contrast

Answers and Rationale: Comparatives are the form of an adjective or adverb that expresses
a difference in amount, number, degree, or quality. Therefore, “A” cannot be an answer.
Conjunctions are words used to connect clauses or sentences or to coordinate words in the
same clause (e.g. and, but). So, choice C & D cannot be answers, too. The answer is “B”,
because collocations are words or phrases that are often used with other words or phrases, in a
way that sounds correct to people who have spoken the language.

3. Scanning is
A. Reading a text quickly to the general idea
B. Reading a text quickly to find specific information
C. Reading a text quickly to identify the writer’s attitude
D. Reading a text quickly to add ideas

Answers and Rationale: Choice “A” cannot be an answer because it is skimming, not
scanning. Choice “C” is not an answer since it is intensive reading. Choice “D” is not
also an answer since it needs extra activity. Therefore, choice “B” is the correct answer.

4. Homophones are words that have the same……
A. Spelling B. Meaning C. Sound D. Syntax
Answers and Rationale: The correct answer is “C” because a homophone is a word that is
pronounced the same (to varying extent) as another word. Choice “B” cannot be an answer
because a homophone differs in meaning. Choice “A” cannot also be an answer because
a homophone may also differ in spelling. Choice “D” cannot also be an answer because
a homophone may have different contrast.
5. Which of the following can be an objective for a speaking lesson?
After the lesson Students will be able to
A. ask and answer questions about likes and dislikes regarding free time activities
B. write a letter to a school director complaining the increment of the school fee
C. compare and contrast about the menus from two different hotels
D. listen to a text to identify the missing words in the listening text

Answers and Rationale: The correct answer is “A” because asking and answering
questions about likes and dislikes are oral activities.

6. If an English language teacher wants to teach “Future Tense” which situation/context is more
A. Give direction to another student to bring something
B. Discuss plans for a class filed trip
C. Report daily schedules of people
D. Explain rules and regulations of the school
Answers and Rationale: The correct answer is “B” because future tense expresses
future actions and plans are future actions.
7. In which method of teaching grammar are students given examples on a new language
structure and told to find out how the language works?

A. Deductive
B. Inductive
C. Discovery
D. B and C
Answers and Rationale: The correct answer is “D” because both inductive and discovery
approaches start with examples and ask learners to find rules or solve problems for
themselves, and hence they both are learner-centered.

8. Among the following types of questions, which one helps students to practice using the
A. multiple choice questions
B. yes or no questions
C. matching questions
D. open-ended questions
Answers and Rationale The correct answer is “D” because open-ended questions
are questions that allow someone to give a free-form answer. Open-ended questions
prompt people to answer with sentences, lists, and stories, giving deeper and new
insights. Whereas closed-ended questions (Choices A, B, and C) limit answers;
people select from the alternatives given.
9. Which of the following is the starting point in preparing language tests?
A. Tasks and activities
B. Teaching methods
C. Objectives
D. Contents

Answers and Rationale :The correct answer is “C ” because objectives tell us what the learner
should know and be able to do after completing a certain course or training; and tests measure to
what extent these objectives are measured.

2.2.3 Mathematics sample questions and Answers

A) Content Knowledge

 Arithmetic, number system and operation

 different perspectives on algebra

 geometry, measurement and trigonometric functions

 data analysis, statistics, and probability

B) Pedagogy knowledge

 Understand how the students learn mathematics

 Knowledge of teaching strategies of mathematics
 Knowledge of planning for effective teaching and learning
 Know to assess the student in learning mathematics and provide feedback
Sample Questions

Choose the correct answer

1. The set of numbers which occurs with the highest frequency is called:

A. Mean C. Median
B. Mode D. Range

2. Let and , then which

of the following is true?



3. Which of the following expression is equivalent to ?

A. C.

B. D.

3. If the lines with equations and

are parallel, then the value of is:

A. 3 C. 5
B. 4 D. 1

−5 3π
5. If sin θ= and π <θ< , then which of the following is NOT true?
13 2

−12 −13
A. A.cos θ= C. C.csc θ=
13 5

−12 5
B. B .cot θ= D . tan θ=
5 12


6. Given R  X , and S  Y . What other piece of information is needed to show

RST  XYZ by the ASA congruence postulate?

A. T  Z

B. RS  XY

C. ST  YZ


Pedagogy part

7. When you begin by assuming that the conclusion of a theorem is false, then show through a
sequence of logically correct steps that you contradict an accepted fact, this is known as:
8. Which of the following cannot be a learning objective of the concept of sets?
A. Inductive reasoning C. C. Indirect proof

B. Direct proof D. D. Exhaustive proof

A. Defining what is meant by a set.

B. Finding intersection of sets.
C. Defining the set of real numbers.
D. Finding the Cartesian of two sets.
9. Aster taught her students about a circle. During her delivery, she starts from formula of area of
a circle i.e. A = r2, then goes to present examples and exercise for her students. Which
method of teaching Aster used?

A. Problem Solving method

B. Synthetic method

C. Analytic method

D. Deductive method

10. A grade 9 Math teacher writes a work out question like this:
"Solve the equation |x−2|=|x +2| by showing all the steps." Which method of assessment is
best suitable to evaluate this question?
A. Selected response

B. Extended written response

C. Short answer
D. All of them
Answers and Computing steps
1. The mode of a variable is the most frequent observation of the variable that occurs in the
data set.
The answer is B

2. ,
, b/c elements of M are: 1 M, , and

=M\N N\M

M\N = , and N\M =

Therefore, ,

C. , is
The answer is B

3. = -

= -

=3 -( + )

=3 -( + )

=3 - -
The answer is D

4. Two lines are parallel when their slopes are equal i.e m1 = m2

3Y = -2x +7 and 6Y = -Cx + 11
Y = -2/3x +7 and Y = -C/6 +11
M1 = -2/3 and M2 = -c/6
The value of c is:-
M1 = m2 (the two lines are parallel)
-2/3 = -c/6
2/3 = c/6
3c =12
The answer is B
5. sin θ= , θ is in a 3rd quadrant angle. In this quadrant sin θ and cos θ are negative but cot
θ is positve . there for choice B is false answer.

R  X , and S  Y
6. The two triangles are congruent by ASA postulate. Angle is
congruent and the included side is RS  XY . The correct answer is B.

7. C
8. A
9. B
10. B

2.2.4. Standard elements and sample test items for licensing chemistry teachers

Elements of content knowledge standards for chemistry teachers:

 Nature of Chemistry

 Nature of Matter
 Energy and its interaction with matter
 Atomic Theory, Structure and Periodic Table
 Bonding, Compounds and Molecular Structure
 Chemical Reactions and Stoichiometry
 Environmental chemistry
 Practical Activity
Elements of Pedagogical knowledge standards
 Planning
 Teaching
 Learning
 Assessment

Sample Question Items

1. Which one of the following is a physical change?

A. plant growth

B. heating sugar

C. fermentation

D. the fading of dye in cloth

Major knowledge area: The nature of matter

Specific knowledge area: Physical and chemical changes and properties

Answer Key: A

Rationale for the key: the type of change that accompanies the growth of plants is largely

2. The rate of diffusion of methane, CH4, is twice that of an unknown gas. What is the molecular
mass of the gas?

A. 32 C. 44

B. 82 D. 6

Major knowledge area: the nature of matter

Specific knowledge area: the effect of forces between chemical species on their physical
Answer Key: D
Rationale for the key: As per Graham’s law, the rate of diffusion of a gas at constant temperature
is inversely proportional to the square root of its molecular weight.
3. Consider the following reaction: NH3 (g) + H2O (l) NH4+(aq) + OH- (aq)
In this reaction, a BrØnsted-Lowrey acid is:

A. H2O C. NH4+

B. NH3 D. OH-

Major knowledge area: Bonding, compounds and molecular structure

Specific knowledge area: Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry and Lewis concepts of acids and bases
Answer Key: A

Rationale for the key: Bronsted acid is proton donor.
In the reaction indicated the proton- donor is H2O. (H2O + H2O H3O+ + OH- )

4. Two solutions A and B have pH values of 2 and 6 respectively. How many times greater is the
hydrogen ion concentration in solution A than that of solution B?

A. 1000 B. 100

C. 10 D. 0.10

Major knowledge area: Bonding, compounds and molecular structure

Specific knowledge area: pH, pOH, the concentration of H+ and OH- ions
Answer key: A

Rationale for the key: pH is a measure of the acidity of a solution. It is a function of the [H+] ion
which is expressed as: pH = -log [H+]

5. Potassium nitrate, KNO3, is used for:

A. treatment of waste water
B. making gun powder and other explosives
C. plastering walls and supporting fractured bone
D. preventing fungal attacks of leaves and vines

Major knowledge area: Atomic theory, structure and periodic table

Specific knowledge area: The occurrence and uses of some selected metals and non-metals
Answer key: B
Rationale for the key: gun powder is made of sulfur and charcoal mixed with potassium nitrate as
an oxidizer. (2KNO3 + S 3C + K2S + 3CO2 + N2) It is also used for manufacturing of
6. Oxygen 16
8O and sulphur 32
16S are in the same group in the periodic table. They form
compounds with hydrogen, to form H2O and H2S. However, at room temperature H2O is
liquid and H2S is gas. This is attributed to:
A. hydrogen bonding in H2O
B. hydrogen bonding in H2S
C. coordinate - covalent bonding in H2O
D. difference in the molecular mass of the two molecules

Major knowledge area: Bonding, compounds and molecular structure

Specific knowledge area: The nature, formation and strength of intermolecular force
Answer key: A
Rationale for the key : oxygen being smaller in size, the O-H bond is more polar than the
H-S bond. As a result water molecules are strongly bound together via hydrogen bond which
consequently makes water exist in liquid state under ordinary conditions.

7. Iron and chlorine form two compounds, A and B. Compound - A contains 1.905 g of chlorine
for each 1.5 g of iron whereas compound B contains 3.8 g of chlorine for each 2g of iron. The
ratio of the masses of chlorine in these two compounds is:

A. 2:2 C. 1:2

B. 1:1 D. 2:3

Major knowledge area: Chemical reactions and stoichiometric calculations

Specific knowledge area: Laws of chemical reactions
Answer key: D
Rationale for the key : If two elements A and B combine chemically in more than one way to
form two or more compounds, the ratio of the masses of the second element which reacts
with a fixed mass of the first element is simple whole number. The rest is to do some
elementary mathematical calculations.

8. A student initiated a displacement chemical reaction by adding 9.5 g of zinc into 9.5 g a
solution of dilute hydrochloric acid in a beaker. Which one of the following is true regarding
this reaction? (Atomic weight: Cl =35.45 g/mol, H = 1.0 g/mol, Zn = 65.3 g/mol)

A. the limiting reactant is zinc

B. 20.5 gram of zinc chloride is produced when the reaction stops
C. 14.75 gram of zinc chloride is produced when the reaction stops.
D. Zn + 2HC l ZnCl2 + H2 is the balanced chemical equation for the reaction

Major knowledge area: Chemical reactions and stoichiometry
Specific knowledge area: Mass-Mass and Volume – Mass problems
Answer key: D
Rationale for the key : Know the chemical species participating in the reaction.
Write the balanced equation for the reaction.

9. How many degrees of temperature rise will occur when a 25.0 g block of aluminum absorbs
10 KJ of heat? The specific heat of Al is 0.900J/g co .

A. 0.44 c0 C. 444 c0
B. 22.5 c0 D. 360 c0

Major knowledge area: Energy and its interaction with matter

Specific knowledge area: The concept of enthalpy change
Answer key: C
Rationale for the key: A system undergoing a physical process like boiling, melting or
dissolution always causes transfer of energy mostly in the form of heat between the surrounding
and the system. A definite amount of energy is either absorbed by the system or released to the
surrounding which at the same time is accompanied by change in the temperature of the system
or the surrounding. Calculations of such processes can be done using the formula Q = mcΔT
where m is the mass of the substance, c specific heat capacity which is a unique property of any
pure substance and ΔT is change in temperature.
10. Which procedure is a correct way of preparing 500 ml of 0.02 molar HCl from a concentrated
stock solution ?
A. taking 10 ml of 1M HCl from the stock and diluting with ionized water
B. taking 5 ml of 2M HCl from the stock and diluting with distilled water
C. taking 10 ml of 1M HCl from the stock and diluting with acetone solvent
D. taking 5 ml of 1M HCl from the stock and diluting with deionized water
Major knowledge area : Practical activities
Specific knowledge area : Designing experiments
Answer key: B
Rationale for the key: A stock solution is a concentrated solution that will be diluted to some

lower concentration for actual use. For most practical use a measured quantity of water is added
into the solution slowly and in a stepwise manner. So determine the number of moles of solute in
the solution to be prepared by dilution and choose the solution that gives an equal amount of
solute as the one contained in the solution to be formed. Formula: Number of moles of the
solute = concentration x volume of solution (L)

11. One of the following is an advantage of inquiry approach of teaching in chemistry

A. Involving students in learning activities that require a high degree of cognitive
B. Developing students attitude towards chemistry
C. Providing concrete experiences for children
D. All

Major knowledge area: Teaching

Specific knowledge area : Teaching method
Answer key: A
Rationale for the key: Teaching and learning based on the inquiry method is an approach that
helps students build their knowledge and understanding through research and exploration based
on existing knowledge. The inquiry method requires higher-order thinking skills and critical
thinking to make conclusions.

12. Miss "X" is grade 10 chemistry teachers. She usually starts her lesson after revising the
previous lesson. The specific principle of teaching she applies is:
A. Integrating lessons
B. Connecting instruction with life
C. Recognizing individual difference
D. Uniting instruction with policies

Major knowledge area: Planning a lesson
Specific knowledge area : Integrating a new lesson with previously lesson
Answer key: A
Rationale for the key : When you repeat general points from past lessons before beginning a
new lesson, the teacher creates smooth transition between the two lessons. This way the teacher
can make the students show interest for the new lesson. It is a kind of integration of contents in
curriculum implementation at the level of classroom instruction

13. Which of the following active learning methods is most appropriate for a student to learn
“Balancing net ionic equations”?
A. giving more exercises of balancing ionic equations as home works.
B. making the students write report on balancing net ionic equations.
C. giving research projects on balancing net ionic equations.
D. giving more examples of balanced net ionic equations
Major knowledge area : Learning
Answer key: A
Rationale for the key :The best method to allow students to effectively learn about balancing net
ionic equations is to give them ample opportunity so that they can practice and apply the steps by
themselves either in small groups or individually. One way of doing this is to give students
appropriate home works.

14. At the beginning of a unit on “the Atomic structure”, a teacher may give a pre-test to
determine if the class knows about atoms, or atomic theories. What kind of assessment is it?
A. summative assessment.
B. assessment of learning.
C. diagnostic assessment.
D. predictive assessment
Major knowledge area : assessment
Answer key: C
Rationale for the key : Diagnostic assessment is a kind of assessment to know the current status
of the learners with respect to what they are going to interact with as a beginner or as a student to

face relatively deeper and wider contents and experiences. Therefore it is a good source of
feedback for the teacher to adjust things.

15. Which of the following technology is most effective to teach chemistry in secondary schools
with limited lab resources and internet connection?
A. radio education online practical activity
B. television in education
C. online lecturing
D. simulation online practical activity simulation
Major knowledge area : supporting teaching of chemistry with technology
Answer key: B
Rationale for the key : television can be utilized to teach topics of chemistry that are better taught
in the laboratory without the need to worry about the presence of internet network access or
shortage of laboratory equipment and chemicals.

2.2.5. Standard elements and sample test items for licensing biology teachers

Elements of content knowledge standard

● Biology and Technology

● Cell Biology and Biochemical Molecules

● Enzymes and Energy Transformation

● Biology of Plants

● Biology of animals

● Human biology and health

● Microorganisms and disease

● Genetics and evolution

● Classification of organisms

● Ecology and Conservation of Natural Resources

Elements of Pedagogical knowledge standard

 Planning
 Teaching
 Learning
 Assessment
Sample Question Items

1. Microorganisms are not used industrially in the production of:

A. Foods C. Organic acids

B. Drinks D. Cloths

Knowledge area: biology and technology

Answer key: D

Rationale: The answer is ‘D’ because cloth industry does not use microorganisms for
production where as food, drink and organic acids are produced industrially using

2. Which one of the following cellular structures controls the whole cellular processes in cells?

A. Nucleus C. Golgi apparatus

B. Mitochondrion D. Lysosome

Knowledge area: Cell Biology and Biochemical Molecules

Answer key: A

Rationale: the answer is ‘A’ because Nucleus is one of cellular structure controls the whole
cellular processes in cells.

3. Which one describes character of enzymes?

A. made of lipids C. proteins

B. inorganic catalysts D. cannot be reused

Knowledge area: Enzymes and Energy Transformation

Answer key: C

Rationale: ‘C’ is the answer because enzymes are entirely proteins they are organic catalysts &
catalyze reversible action

4. What experiment would be demonstrated to show that carbon dioxide is one of the factors

that affect photosynthesis?

A. Detecting oxygen isotope as it is used by plants.

B. Relighting the glowing splint as a gas given off.

C. Destarching a plant by keeping in dark for some days.

D. Removing air surrounding a leaf using potassium hydroxide

Knowledge area: Biology of Plants Answer key: D

Rationale: the answer is ‘D’; KOH solution absorbed the carbon dioxide gas and

without CO2 gas photosynthesis does not takes place and the starch is not formed.

5. A reflex action is an automatic response and it is controlled by:

A. cerebrum C. medulla
B. cerebellum D. spinal cord

Knowledge area: Biology of Animals

Answer key: D
Rationale: the answer is’ D’ Reflex action is the result of coordination of spinal cord
And peripheral nervous system.
6. Which communicable disease is caused by virus?

A. Tuberculosis C. Syphilis
B. leprosy D. Covid -19

Knowledge area: Human biology and health

Answer key: D

Rationale: the answer is’ D’ Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused
by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

7. Rod shaped bacteria are called

A.Bacilli C. cocci
B. streptococci D. spirilla

Knowledge area: Microorganisms and disease

Answer key: A

Rationale: the answer is’ A’ bacillus (plural bacilli), or bacilliform bacterium, is a rod-shaped
bacterium or archaeon. 

8. The enzyme responsible for the synthesis of complementary DNA from mRNA is:

A. Transcriptase C. Translation

B. Reverse transcriptase D. RNA sysnthase

Knowledge area: Genetics and Evolution

Answer key: B

Rationale: the answer is’ B’ Reverse transcriptase is responsible for the synthesis of DNA
from RNA. A reverse transcriptase (RT) is an enzyme used to generate complementary
DNA (cDNA) from an RNA template, a process termed reverse transcription. It is mainly
associated with retroviruses. A retrovirus converts single-stranded genomic, RNA into
double-stranded cDNA which can integrate into the host genome, potentially generating a
long-term infection that can be very difficult to eradicate.

9. If two organisms are interbreeding & produce fertile offspring they are found in the same----

A. kingdom C. species
B. phylum D. class

Knowledge area: Classification of organisms

Answer key: C

Rationale: the answer is’ C’ a species as members of populations that actually or potentially
interbreed in nature, not according to similarity of appearance.

10. Which of the following are biotic component of ecosystem?

A. soil C. light
B. producers D. climate

Knowledge area: Ecology and Conservation of Natural Resources

Answer key: B

Rationale: the answer is’ B ‘ Biotic factors – living factors of ecosystem -- exist in three
main groups, split into five groups total: producers, consumers

(herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores) and decomposers. In aquatic systems,

examples of these include algae, dugongs, sharks, turtles and anaerobic bacteria.

11. How would you construct a specific objective? At the end of the lesson students will able to

A. Know the functions of liver

B. Analyze the improvement of healthy lifestyle

C. Explain the circulation of blood in heart chambers.

D. Understand the relationships among our body systems

Knowledge area: planning

Answer key: C

Rationale: the answer is’ C ‘ the word explain indicates low order of thinking.

12. In which method of teaching, biology students will be best familiar to learn mono cot and
dicot plants?

A. Roles play
B. demonstration
C. lecture
D. discuss

Knowledge area: Teaching B

Rationale: the answer is‘ B ’ demonstration method describes, illustrate or explain

by examples, specimens or real objects

13. What are the benefits of active learning methods?

A. To increases feedback between students and teacher

B. It gives opportunity to active students to gain deeper understanding

C. Develops collaborative skills

D. All of the above

Knowledge area: Learning D

Rationale: the answer is ’D’ Active learning approaches range from short, simple

activities like reflecting, problem solving and paired discussions, to longer,

involved activities or pedagogical frameworks like case studies, role plays, and
structured team-based learning.

14. The purposes of assessment in teaching learning:

A. To assist student learning

B. Evaluate and improve teaching and learning programs

C. To provide evidence of satisfactory completion of a course

D. All of the above

Knowledge area: Assessment Answer key: D

Rationale: the answer is ’D’ Assessment is the process of identifying, gathering and
interpreting information about student achievement.

Natural science

Content knowledge area

 Air as as a substance
 Water
 Plants
 Animals
 Our body
 Earth
 Family members ,needs and house hold materials
 School activities facilities and surrounding.
 Location of the school in relation to the administrative units and locality ,kebele, wereda,
region and country
 Communities resources and major livelihood activities
Pedagogical knowledge area

 Planning
 Teaching
 Learning
 Assessment
Sample questions
1. The most important use of water in chemical industries is to serve as:
A. The founding block of the products
B. A common solvent and reaction medium
C. A cooling medium in chemical factories
D. A cleaning chemical to wash parts of industrial plants
Major knowledge area: water
Specific knowledge area: importance of water

Answer key: B

Rationale for the key: In most industries and laboratories water serve as the primary solvent for
compounds. Thus water is said “a universal solvent

2. Industrially air can be separated into its constituent parts. This is possible because:
A. The constituents of air have different density
B. Each component in air has its own unique boiling point
C. Air separates itself into its components when it dissolves in water
D. Air can be decomposed into its parts by means of electrolytic decomposition
Major knowledge area: air

Specific knowledge area: properties and importance of air

Answer key: B

Rationale for the key: the method used to separate components of air industrially is known as
fractional distillation. The method makes use of the fact that each component has its own boiling

3. Evaporation differs from vaporization in that evaporation:

A. Is a surface phenomenon
B. Causes phase change
C. Needs external energy
D. It occurs at the boiling point
Major knowledge area : Water

Specific knowledge area: the physical properties of water

Answer key: A

Rationale for the key: evaporation is a physical process by which particles of liquid will
gradually leave the surface.

4. The leaf of a plant prepares starch because it:

A. Contains H2O and CO2 C. Contains chloroplasts

B. Is part of the shoot system D. Has vascular tissues

Knowledge area: plant
Answer key: C

Rationale: the answer is ‘C’ Chloroplasts are plant cell organelles that convert light energy

In to relatively stable chemical energy via the photosynthetic process.

5. Where does glycolysis take place?

A. Mitochondrial matrix C. Mitochondrial inner membrane

B. Mitochondrial outer membrane D. Cytoplasm

Knowledge area: Animals

Answer key: D

Rationale: the answer is ‘D’ glycolysis is the first phase of cellular respiration.

It takes place in the cytoplasm where associated enzymes and factors are located.

This process is anaerobic and therefore does not require energy.

6. HIV is spread by all of the following except

A. Unsafe blood transfusion C. Learning in the same class

B. Sexual intercourse with different partners D. Infected needles
Knowledge area: Our body

Answer key: B

Rationale: the answer is ‘C’ learning in the same class cannot transmit HIV unless Sharing
needles, syringes, other sharp equipment or blood contact.

7. The cause for day and night is

A. Rotation of the Earth on its axis. C. The tilt of the earth`s rotational axis.
B. Rotation of the Moon on its axis. D. Impossible to determine.

Knowledge area : Earth

Rationale: The spinning of the earth on its axis causes days to turn into nights. A difference of
one hour is created between two meridians which are 15 degrees apart. A change in the direction
of wind and ocean currents. The rise and fall of tide every day.

8. In Ethiopia the most commonly practiced urban agriculture is

A. Dairy farming C. Business activities

B. Small enterprises D. Industrial activities

Knowledge area :- Resources and major livelihood activities


Rational of the answer:- Urban agriculture, urban farming, or urban gardening is the practice of
cultivating, processing, and distributing food in or around urban areas. Urban agriculture is also
the term used for animal husbandry, aquaculture, urban beekeeping, and horticulture. These
activities occur in peri-urban areas as well. So is the answer A.

9. One of the following is City Administration in Ethiopia

A. Gambela C. Dire Dawa

B. Somali D. Oromia

Knowledge area:-  Location of sub-city, regions and country


Rational of the answer: Ethiopia is organized with 10 Regions and 2 city administrations. From
those city administrations Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa are on top listed.

10. Conservation of wild animals is possible through

A. Deforestation C. Promoting illegal hunting

B. Habitat conservation D. Soil conservation
Knowledge area :- Natural and social Environment type of question:-Recall


Rational of the answer: Most effective ways to help wildlife is to preserve the
environment in which the animals live. Restoring native forests, grasslands, and coastal
ecosystems by planting native species, manually removing invasive plant species, and
taking out old fences.

11. Which one of the following is wrong about human right?

A. It is given by law B. it is unalienable

C. it is given by nature D.it is universal right

Knowledge areas:- Knowledge of the role of the family to the child including the
specific roles of each family member, needs and household materials.

Answer key: - A.
Rational: - The answer is A. Human right is unalienable from human being since is

given by nature also referred as natural right and universally accepted but

it is not given by law rather by nature. Therefore choice A is wrong (not true) about
human right.

12. Which one of the following is not the classification of rights?

A. Legal
B. Moral
C. Human rights
D. Divine laws

Knowledge areas:- Knowledge of the role of the family to the child including the specific

roles of each family member, needs and household materials.

Answer key: - D
Rational: - the answer is’ D’. Legal, human and moral rights are a kind of rights which
classified based on ways of attainment. Divine laws are not kinds of human rights rather it is
the kinds of laws.

2.2.6. Standard elements and sample test items for licensing physics teachers

Physics teachers subject knowledge content standard:

 Models and Scales

 Conservation Principles
 Force and Newton’s Laws
 Energy Transfer and Storage
 Force, Energy and Fields
 Use Information Communication Technology (ICT)
Physics teachers pedagogical knowledge content standard:
 Planning
 Instructional delivery
 Curriculum
 Assessment and evaluation
Sample Questions

Q1) By what factor does the force between two point charges be changed as their separation

A) 16times C) 2times

B) (1/16 ) times D) (½)times

Q2) A 20kg box is pulled by 100N force as shown below. If the coeffient of friction between the
box and the surface is 0.4.Then, acceleration

of the box is

[ Use: g =10ms-2, Sin530 = Cos370 = 0.8, Sin370 = Cos530 = 0.6]

Q3) For the electrical circuit given below; the current through , R=3  resistor is

Q4) For any two points (say, A and B) on the surface of the Earth in absence of air resistance,
[(1/2) mv2+ mgh]A = [(1/2) mv2+ mgh]B.

This manifested by conservation of

A) Mass C) Momentum

B) Charge D) Energy

Q5) M In the hydraulic lift shown below, piston A has a cross-sectional diameter of 2 m and
piston B a cross-sectional diameter of 4 m. Determine the amount piston B is lifted if piston A is
moved by h1=1m down:

A. 4m.

B. 2m.
C. 0.5m
D. 0.25m.
Q6. Which of the following is an example of the Doppler effect?

(A) Sudden increase in pitch when a moving sound source is moving away from a listener

(B) Sudden increase in pitch when a moving listener is moving away from a sound source

(C) Sudden drop in pitch as a moving sound source passes a listener

(D) Continuous drop in pitch as a moving sound source approaches a listener:

Q7) M If a light ray IM is incident on a glass surface as shown, identify the correct emergent

8) To effectively connect the power of the new information and communication technologies
(ICTs) to improve learning, which of the following essential conditions must be met?
A. Students and teachers must have sufficient access to digital technologies and the Internet
in their classrooms, schools, and teacher education institutions.
B. High quality, meaningful, and culturally responsive digital content must be available for
teachers and learners.
C. Teachers must have the knowledge and skills to use the new digital tools and resources to
help all students achieve high academic standards.
D. All of the above
Subjective Part
Q9. On a distant planet the acceleration due to gravity is less than it is on earth. Would you
float more easily in water on this planet than on earth?

Q10. The graph below shows the changes of phase that occur as energy is continuously added to
1g of water. Answer the following questions based on this graph.

(A) In which regions of the graph is the average kinetic energy of water particles increasing?

(B) Thermal energy is added by heat continuously, but the temperature does not always increase.
Explain why

Part II Pedagogic Content Questions: Objective

Q11) One of the followings is NOT correct about physics lesson planning. Identify it.
(A) Lesson planning makes the work regular, organized and more systematic
(B) Lesson planning induces confidence in the teacher
(C) It helps in making correlation between the concepts with the pupils environment
(D) It helps correct use Classroom Seating Arrangements.
Q12) When you are teaching about a thunder storm, some of your students argue that it is a
punishment from supernatural power. What would be the best method to remedy the

A. Experiments /demonstration using Van de Graff generator

B. Examples from disasters happened in relation to thunderstorm
C. Tales from elderly people
D. Tales from peers of students about what the community state
Q13) One of the followings can be obtained from Grades 9 and 10 Physics Syllabi.
A. Detailed information on marking scheme.
B. allotment of periods for the content areas
C. List of equipment required for hands-on activities
D. Lesson plan
Q14) which one of the followings is NOT a characteristic of effective physics lesson
A. Effective assessment should be congruent with instruction, and integral to it
B. Effective assessment should be ongoing and continuous
C. Effective assessment should be a process excluding students
D. Effective assessment should be focused on what students have learned and can do

Answers and their rationale

Q1) Given Required Solution /rational

Two charges, Q1 & Q2 F=? Using Coulomb’s law :

Distance b/n Q1 & Q2 = R0 F0 = (KQ1Q2)/ R02

Force constant, K F = (KQ1Q2)/ R2

R = 4R 0 F = (KQ1Q2)/16 R02

F = 16 [ (KQ1Q2)/ R02 ]

16 [ F0 ]

Ans.= B

FN F=100N


2. F
X θ

Ff θ


The force that acts on an object is given by:

Fy = Finθ Fx=Fcosθ Ff = FN *µ

Since ∑ Fy = 0, FN + Fy = Mg

FN+100 sin θ = 200N

FN = 200N-100*0.8N

FN = 120N

Ff = µ*FN=0.4*120=48N

Ff = 48N

From Newton’s second law

Fnet = ma

Fx - Ff=ma

100 cos 530 -48N= 20kg* a

60 N −48 N
=a a= 0.6m/s2
20 kg

Ans.= A

3. Hence the current through series circuit constant. the current through 3Ω resister in the given
90 v
circuit is: I= , RT=3µΩ + 3µΩ +[6µΩ//(2µΩ+2µΩ+2µΩ]

RT=3µΩ + 3µΩ +[6µΩ//6µΩ]

=3µΩ + 3µΩ +3µΩ


V 90 v
I= = =10MA
R 9 µΩ

Since current in series connection is constant, current through 3µΩ resister is 10MA

Ans.= D

4. From conservation of energy, Energy cannot be created or destroyed but it cannot be

transformed from one form to other forms of energy .

1 1
[ mv12 + mgh1]A = [ mv22 + mgh2]B , where v1= speed of m at point A,
2 2

v2= speed of m at point B,

h1=the position of m at point A,

h2=the position of m at point B,

Total energy at point A is equal to total energy at point B.

Ans.= D

5, D A hydraulic system operates based on Pascal's principle.

In this hydraulic system, a small force, F1 is applied to the small piston resulting in a large force,
F2 at the piston K. The pressure, due to the force, F1, is transmitted by the liquid to the large
Pressure, P = F1/A1
This pressure is transmitted through the liquid and acts on the base of the large piston.

Force on the large piston, F2 = P X A2.= (F1/A1) X A2.
The large force causes the load to rise.

Also F2/F1 = A2/A1

Output force / input force = output piston area / input piston area
Because of the much larger surface area, A2 of the piston K compared to the surface area, A1 of
the piston, the resultant force, F1.
This shows that a large force can be produced by a small force, using Pascal's principle.
Hydraulic systems act as a force multiplier where A2/A1 is the multiplying factor.
For example, if A2=5A1, then F2 = 5F1
since F2 = F1 X (A2/A1)
A hydraulic system must not contain any air bubbles in any portion of its hydraulic fluid system.
The presence of air bubbles in the hydraulic fluid system will reduce the efficiency of the system
as part of the applied force will be used to compress the air bubbles.

F2 A2 A1 πr 2 1
F1h1=F2h2 , h1= h2 = h h2 =h1* h2 = 1m *
F1 A1 2, A2 πR 2 = 4 = 0.25m

6, Ans: C when a car approaches you, the sound waves that reach you have a shorter
wavelength and a higher frequency. You hear a sound with a higher pitch. When the car moves
away from you, the sound waves that reach you have a longer wavelength and lower frequency.
You hear a sound with a lower pitch.

The motion of the observer will alter the frequency of the measured sound from a stationary

 An observer moving towards the source measures a higher frequency.

 An observer moving away from the source measures a lower frequency.
It is important to note that we have only looked at the cases where the source and observer are
moving directly towards or away from each other and these are the only cases we will consider.

7, B

Since the incident and emergent medium are the same (air)

Here, IM is parallel to NQ. Therefore, NQ is the correct emergent ray.

8, D

The objectives of ICT are to connect the gap between the parents, educators, and students by
prompting viable, cooperative and straightforward modes of communication. It likewise
gives advanced information exchanging ways for educational institutions such as schools,
colleges, and universities to pass on or exchange information. Thus, it plays a very crucial
role in education, especially in the administration and management of institutions.
To effectively connect the power of the new information and communication technologies
(ICTs) to improve learning, Students and teachers must have sufficient access to digital
technologies and the internet in their classrooms, schools, and teacher education institutions.
Moreover teachers and students must have the knowledge and skills to use the new digital
tools and resources to help all students achieve high academic standards. Quality,
meaningful, and culturally responsive digital content must be available for teachers and
9, Ans is No. You float because the weight of the water you displace equals your weight. Each
weight is proportional to g, so its value makes no difference.

10 Ans A, The average molecular kinetic energy increases in regions a, c, and e of the
graph. In these regions temperature increases and hence the average molecular kinetic energy

Ans B, Temperature is not increasing in regions b and d despite the continuous addition of heat
in these regions. The reason is the energy added is spent to transform the phases from the solid to
liquid and from liquid to gas respectively.

11, Ans D classroom seating arrangement is not a day today lesson planning activity, it’s
depends on the class size and the behavior of students, where students are located within the
classroom can influence the amount of non-academic activity, off-task behavior, and
socialization they engage in. so ans is D

12, Answer is A because Experiments and demonstration using Van de Graff generator shows
visual evidence for the students.

13,The answer is B because depending on size and difficulty of content areas the allotment of
periods for lesson exist on the Syllabi of physics lesson.

14, The answer is C, All are correct except C because assessment of lesson always should
include students learning’s.

2.2.7. Standard elements and Sample items for ICT teachers:

Content area

 History of ICT

 Computer hardware & data representation

 Software systems
 Introduction to database
 Introduction to programming
 Multimedia applications and e-learning
 Computer networks
 Computer security
 Information security
 ICT linkage with other disciplines
Pedagogical area

 Instructional planning
 ICT teachers have broad knowledge and understanding on teaching strategies
 ICT teachers know how to prepare and use ICT based instructional tools
 ICT teachers have broad knowledge and understanding on effective classroom
 Create and Maintain supportive and safe learning environment
 Knowledge of assessment
Sample Questions: Below there are 16 questions taken from the above content and pedagogical

1. Which computers are the slowest, least powerful, and inexpensive?

A. Minicomputers
B. Supercomputers
C. Microcomputers
D. Mainframe computers
Knowledge areas: History of ICT
Answer key: C

Rationale: “Microcomputer” is now primarily used to mean a PC, but it can refer to any kind of
small computer, such as a desktop computer, laptop computer, tablet, smartphone, or
wearable. A small computer designed for use by a single user at a time. A PC or
microcomputer uses a single chip (microprocessor) for its central processing unit

2. Computer hardware that are used to convert human understandable data to electronic
machine-readable format are
A. Processing devices
B. Output Devices
C. Input devices
D. Storage devices
Knowledge areas: Computer Hardware

Answer key: C

Rationale: In computing, an input device is a piece of equipment used to provide data

and control signals to an information processing system  such as
a computer or information appliance.

3. Which one is different from the others?

A. Fiber optics
C. Coaxial
D. Satellite
Knowledge areas: Computer Networks

Answer key: D

Rationale: Choice A, B and C are types of cables, whereas Satellite is an artificial body placed
in orbit round the earth or moon or another planet in order to collect information or
for communication.

4. Suppose you prepared a field trip to your students to visit EthioTelecom. Which of the
following application software will you use to prepare a brochure that gives basic
information about the field trip?
A. Microsoft Excel
B. Microsoft Access
C. Microsoft Power Point
D. Microsoft Publisher
Knowledge areas: Software systems

Answer key: D

Rationale: Both A, B, C and D are application software’s designed for a specific purpose,
among this Microsoft publisher designed for to manipulate features such as page
size, text, graphics, and borders. Publisher's strengths are in its ability to bring
together text and images to make professional looking flyers, brochures, handouts,
and newsletters.

5. Which one of the following is false?

A. Cardinality of a relationship represents how many tuples are related from two
B. Degree of a relationship indicates how many entities participate in the
C. A foreign key in a table used to uniquely identify every tuple in the table.
D. A multi valued attribute can have more than one value.
Knowledge areas: Database

Answer key: C

Rationale: A foreign key is a column or group of columns in a relational database table

that provides a link between data in two tables. It acts as a cross-reference between
tables because it references the primary key of another table, thereby establishing a
link between them.

6. Which of the following multimedia element demands very fast input and output device?
A. Text
B. Sound
C. Symbol
D. Animation
Knowledge areas: Multimedia

Answer key: D

Rationale: Animation is a method in which figures are manipulated to appear as moving images.

7. To which of the following activities is ICT useful?

Use the following data to answer this question.

I. Education
II. Farming
III. Medicine
A. I and II
B. I and III 
C. II and III 
D. I, II and III
Knowledge areas: ICT linkage with other disciplines
Answer key: D

Rationale: ICT enables the use of innovative educational resources and the renewal of learning
methods, establishing a more active collaboration of students and the simultaneous acquisition of
technological knowledge.

8. Which of the following is not a safety measure to consider in the ICT environment? 

A. Not overloading a socket
B. Sitting in a correct posture behind the computer
C. Allowing the battery of a laptop to run-down before charging

D. Avoid plugging computers in damaged sockets
Knowledge areas: Information security
Answer key: C

Rationale: Any computer user must take care of/ consider safety measurements accordingly
choice A, B and D. Allowing the battery of a laptop to run-down before charging is
not a safety measurement.

9. Which one of the following is the best way to protect a computer against computer viruses?
A. Open mail attachments before scanning for virus.
B. Update antivirus software on a regular basis.
C. Install any software that you don’t now its source.
D. Download files from the internet without scanning.
Knowledge areas: Computer security

Answer key: B

Rationale: It’s obvious that update antivirus software on a regular basis is the best way to
protect computer viruses.

10. System software which is used to write a set of instructions or programs is called ______.
A. Programming Language software
B. Application software
C. Microsoft word
D. Operating system
Knowledge areas: Programming
Answer key: A

Rationale: System software is software designed to provide a platform for other software.
Application software is designed for specific purposes, Microsoft word is designed
to typing purpose and operating system software that manages computer hardware,
software resources, and provides common services for computer programs.

11. Which of the following is the characteristic of a good lesson plan?

A. The amount of content to be covered should not be limited in the plan.
B. The teacher can prepare the plan without the knowledge of the curriculum.
C. The plan should contain basic activities and appropriate teaching aids.
D. The plan should be prepared to address the fast learner styles.
Knowledge areas: Instructional planning
Answer key: C

Rationale: A good lesson plan is detailed. It has a flow that excites students about the topic,
gives them time to study or learn new material, and apply what they learn. The
details are in the structure and preparation. The lesson plan should include times,
type of activity and needed materials.

12. Suppose you are going to teach the daily topic types of a computer to students. Which of the
following can NOT be the daily objective of this lesson?
A. To identify features of the computer types.
B. To explain the components of computers.
C. To differentiate the types of computers.
D. To name the types of computers.
Knowledge areas: Instructional planning

Answer key: B

Rationale: Components of computer is different from types of computer.

13. Suppose you have written the following objective on your lesson plan:
At the end of the lesson, the students would be able to identify output devices.
Which assessment question best measures the attainment of the above objective?

A. What is an output device?

B. Write any two output devices.
C. Which of the following is an output device?
D. Explain the difference between an input and output devices.

Knowledge areas: Knowledge of assessment

Answer key: C
Rationale: From the lists of devices students identify which is an output device.

14. An ICT teacher is advised to identify specific pre knowledge of her/his students before
starting a new topic. Why is that?
A. To start teaching from the unknown and proceed to the known.
B. To develop an appropriate teaching aid for the new lesson.
C. To know the students’ performance and by pass the topic.
D. To differentiate the fast learners from the others.
Knowledge areas: ICT teachers have broad knowledge & understanding on teaching strategies
Answer key: B

Rationale: Assessing students' prior knowledge allows an instructor to focus and adapt their
teaching plan. For students, it helps them to construct connections between old and
new knowledge.

15. Which one of the following is false about the use of ICT in teaching?

A. ICT can help teachers make the lesson more student centered.
B. ICT helps teachers explain a concept more clearly to learners.
C. ICT is applied on computer related subjects.
D. ICT helps to explore and represent information dynamically and in many forms.
Knowledge areas: ICT teachers have broad knowledge & understanding on effective classroom
Answer key: B

Rationale: ICT is more of skills rather than concepts

16. Suppose you, as an ICT teacher, discovered that the projector for a classroom is not
displaying even though the projector is turned on. You asked your students as to which step
should they take first. Four students gave their responses like the following:
Student1 said: We should check the cable between the projector and computer to make sure
it is properly connected.

Student2 said: We should run a diagnostic program to ensure that the computer is operating

Student3 said: We have to call the school's lab technician for help.
Student4 said: Let us change the projector.

Which student’s suggestion is a good step that should be taken first?

A. Student1
B. Student2
C. Student3
D. Student4
Knowledge areas: Create and maintain mupportive and safe learning environment
Answer key: A

Rationale: We always check the trouble shooting from the very least steps, like plug in the
power cable properly.

2.2.8. Civics and Ethical Education

Civic and ethical studies proffessional licences exams which prapared for teachers has two
approaches. It contain content area and pedagogy skills methods for teaching the subject
matter. Teachers of all subjects at each level are expected to know and do the following in
relation to their subject matters. These are:-

Content area:-

1) Building Democracy and Democratic system

2) The Rule of Law

3) Equality,its importance, features

4) The concept of justice and its system

5) Patriotism and and features

6) Responsibilities

7) Industriousness

8) Self-reliance

9) Saving

10) Active community participation

11) The pursuit of wisdom

Pedagogy area:-

12) Planning:- the need of planning

13) Learning:- characteristics of direct, indirect, experimental, interactive, etc., learning

14) Teaching:- teaching methods and materials for specific Civics and Ethics concepts

15) Assessment :- characteristics of continuous assessment/

Content area

The Civics Teachers must understand:-

All Teachers who teach civic and ethical studies at all school cycles and grade levels must focus
on the substances of subjects matters what they learn as well as to teach effectively. They should
have awareness that they teach in schools. Each test has its own standards and it touch all
standard or description.

I. Pedagogical area

All Teachers who teach Civic and Ethical Studies at all school cycles and grade levels must
focus on pedagogical area around :-

 Planning for effective teaching and learning , teaching-learning methods(strategies) all

students , effective classroom organization and management,to assess and provide
feedback on students learning.
II. knowing of students and how they learn:

 Learning styles of students, diverse, physical, intellectual and emotional development and
characteristic of students, learning and student development
Civics Sample Questions

1. Assume a country where a government cannot be removed from power by peaceful;
democratic and legal means. Such kind of action what type of government is exercise in:-

A. Parliamentary government B. Presidential government

C. Unlimited government D. Limited government

Knowledge areas:- Building Democracy and Democratic system

Answer key: - C.
Rational: - The answer is “C”. Unlimited government the come to power by war and

droop from not legal means. The rest choices are forms of governments

in which power is transferred by legal means.

However, in federal government system the power is transfer in peaceful

ways or legal means which is free, fair and periodic election is exercises.

2. A Form of corruption which is the act of favoring for one’s own relative is :-

A. Nepotism B. Embezzlement C. Bribery D. Theft

Knowledge areas:- The Rule of Law

Answer key: - A.
Rational: - The answer is ‘A’. It is form of corruption which is the act of favoring for
ones owns relatives at the expense of others . It means favoritism towards relatives
3. Identify the one which is exclusive power of the Federal Government in Ethiopia.

A. Policy formulation

B. Collection of taxes

C. Foreign relations

D. Establishing police force

Knowledge areas:- Equality,its importance, features

Answer key: - C
Rational: -The answer is C. The Federal Government and the Regional States are
entitled to undertake all other tasks indicated in the other alternative
answers but foreign policy is left to the Federal Government
4. Peoples living in one zone of a given national regional state have raised their
complaints against the regional administration. Because, peoples in their neighboring
zone which is the birth place of the president of the regional state have been provided
with different basic social services such as water, roads, schools, health care services,
electricity, etc. So, these peoples have complained that “we are not free from paying taxes
for the government, but we are free from getting basic social services unlike peoples in

our neighboring zone.”

According to the above case which type of justice is denied?

A. Compensatory justice

B. Retributive justice

C. Procedural justice

D. Distributive justice

Knowledge areas:- The concept of justice and its system

Answer key: - D

Rationale: - The answer is D. Distributive justice refers to the perceived fairness of

an allocationor, more broadly, to how people judge what they receive.
It was probably the first type of justice to gain the attention of
organizational justice scholars and continues to receive wide attention.
5. If the child is born in England from an Ethiopian father and American mother, the child can
Acquire Ethiopia citizenship by;-
A. Blood relation B. birth place C. law D. naturalization
Knowledge areas:- Patriotism and and features

Types of question: - compression

Answer key: - A
Rational:- The answer is A. Blood relation according to Ethiopia law if a child is born
from Ethiopia parents (both) or if one of the parent mother of father in
Ethiopia the child can acquire Ethiopian citizenship. This relationship called
blood relation. Therefore the child can acquires citizenship by blood relation.
6. One of the following ideas is not incorporated in collective responsibility.

A. Obeying the law

B. Taking care of one’s self
C. Taking care of one’s family.
D. Promoting personal interest.

Knowledge areas: - Responsibilities

Answer key: - D

Rational: - The answer D. Because the others are major aspects of collective
responsibilities that strive to achieve common ends. However,
promoting personal interest does not go along with collective responsibility.
7. Work has the following positive effect on a person except:
A. Material enrichment
B. Gaining experience and knowledge
C. Resulting in material impoverishment
D. Creating social interactions
Knowledge areas:- Industriousness

Answer key: - C

Rational: - The answer C. Because work helps to achieve all of the results listed in

the alternative answers but it does not make a person to be impoverished.

8. Which one of the following is correct about the saying “respect others and others will respect
A. the idea of respect has often social reward
B. self-respect has nothing to do with respecting others
C. if you respect yourself you do not care about others
D. if some people do not respect you, you can forget about respecting

Knowledge areas:- Self-reliance

Answer key: - A

Rational: - the answer is A. respect has social reward. In a society you live you hav an
interaction with people, so during interaction, if you react with respect, in turn
they respect you. This is called reward.

9. Spending resources unwise refers:-

A. Conservation of resource C. family planning

B. extravagance D. saving

Knowledge areas:- Saving

Answer key: - B.

Rational: - The answer is D .The extravagance is using resources .This unwise (improper)
use of resources affect saving negatively. wasteful or careless spending: a
special purchase that costs more than you usually spend: the quality of
something that is very expensive or fancy : an extravagant quality.

10. From the following one is a written form of data collection method.

A. observation C. Questionnaire

B. interview D. group discussion

Knowledge areas:- Active community participation

Answer key: - C

Rationale: - The questioner is a document or it is a written material respondent to get

information from them

11.The ethical value that is appreciated and preached in all religion and by all people is:-

A. theft C. truthfulness
B. dishonest D. lair

Knowledge areas:- The pursuit of wisdom

Answer key: - C

Rational: - The answer is C. Trustfulness is one of the ethical values appreciated and preached
by different religion and by all people . It means being honest in whole says or does
wasteful or careless spending.

: a special purchase that costs more than you usually spend : the quality of something that is very
expensive or fancy : an extravagant quality.

Pedagogy area

12. The ability of the teacher to visualize and forecast into the future of what, why and how of
the teaching-learning process is called:

A. Teaching Methods. C. Assessments

B. Instructional Planning D. Learning Theory

Knowledge areas:- Planning

Answer key: - B

Rationale: - The answer is B. Because in teaching learning process what the teacher to
class room planning to act is instructional planning. In general terms, planning
means the “act or process of making or carrying out plans.”1 Instructional
planning is a process of the teacher using appropriate curricula, instructional
strategies, resources and data during the planning process to address the
diverse needs of students.

13. As a teacher of Civic and Ethical Education, you mainly used lecture approach in the class.
So, which learning approach did you employ in this case?
A. Indirect learning approach

B. Direct learning Approach

C. Participatory learning approach

D. Interactive learning Approach

Knowledge areas:- Learning

Answer key: - B

Rationale: - The answer is B. Therefore Direct approach when you use the direct approach,
main idea (such as a recommendation, conclusion, or request) comes in
the"top" of the document, followed by the evidence. This is a deductive
argument. This approach is used when your audience will be neutral or positive
about your message.

14. One of the following is different from the others.

A. Lecture C. Simulation

B. Group discussion D. Role play

Knowledge areas:- Teaching

Answer key: - A

Rationale: - The answer is A. Lecture is an oral presentation intended to present

information or teach people about a particular subject. The rest choice
differ from the answer because those are team or group work at teaching

15. Suppose that you are a Secondary School Civics and Ethics Education. You always assess
your students at the end of the semester to determine who passes and who fails. Which type
of assessment do you employ according to this case?

A. Formative assessment

B. Continuous assessment
C. Assessment for learning

D. Summative assessment

Knowledge areas:- Assessment

Answer key: - D

Rational: -The answer is D. Summative assessments are often high stakes, which
meansthat they have a high point value. To evaluate student learning at the
end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or

2.2.9. Standard elements and sample test items for history teachers

Content area

 Ethiopian History: (Ancient, Medieval, Modern)

 African History: (Ancient, Medieval, Modern)
 World History: (Ancient, Medieval, Modern)


o Instructional planning
o Use of appropriate tools
o Teachers’ engagement
o Assessment

Sample Questions

1. Which one of the following events caused the outbreak of the First World War (1914-1918)?

A. Great powers conflict in the Balkan Peninsula

B. Political assassination in Bosnian capital

C. Formation of antagonistic military alliances in Europe

D. Arms race and military buildup in Europe

Answer key B.

Rationale: The immediate cause for the outbreak of World War One was the
assassination of

the Austrian crown Prince, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie on June 28,

at Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia by a Serb nationalist named Gavrilo Principe.

2. Which one of the following is INCORRECT?

A. The famous Queen Eleni was Hadya princess married to Zara-Yaeqob.

B. Bati Del Wonbera and Sable Wongel played the same role on opposing sides.
C. Medieval Abyssinian foreign relationship was mainly linked with Christian Europe.
D. Core factor for Medieval Christian Kingdom and Muslim Sultanates’ conflict was
Answer key D

The reason is attributed to the weakening of the Christian kingdom and the movement

and expansion of the Oromo population.

3. Among the following one served as the port of Axum during the Ancient period most of the

A. Zeila C. Adulis

B.Berbera D. Assab

Answer key C.

Because Adulis was a port located on the Red Sea which was near to the center of the
Axumite Empire.

4. During their occupation of Ethiopia, the Italians built a network of roads in order to:

A. exploit the resources of the country.

B. replace the old French-built railway line.
C. link isolated villages to towns for the benefit of the peasants.
D. facilitate the movement of Italian troops on their way to Somalia.
Answer key A.

The main reason of colonialism was to exploit the resources of a country, not to

benefit the colonized people by building infrastructure.

5. Which one of the following civilizations was flourished along the bank of the Nile River

A. Axumite Civilization C. Civilization of Ancient Ghana

B. Egyptian Civilization D. Civilization of Mali
Answer key B.

Because the rest of African civilizations are found away from the Nile Valley.

6. When was Western Roman Empire disintegrated?

A. 476 A.D C. 1453 A.D
B. 1054 A.D D. 1914 A.D
Answer key A.

The Roman Empire disintegrated in the year 476 A.D due to the invasion of

Barbarian tribes.

7. The Portuguese had changed the focus of trade from gold to slaves as a result of __________

A. the establishment of their posts on Coastal areas of West Africa

B. the Colonization of the Americas
C. the discovery of Southern Africa
D. the decline of the western Sudanese states
Answer key B.

Because of the colonization of the Americas the Europeans snatched large and

fertile farmland so that they needed huge human labor to work up on those farms.

8. All of the following are correct about the Renaissance except.

A. It wittiness the revival of science and philosophy.

B. It was ended in the early period of 19th century.
C. It spread to many European countries from Italy.
D. None of the above

Answer key B.

The Renaissance last between the 14th and 17th centuries.

9. All of the following were the consequences of the Second World except

A. The emergence of Britain and France as super powers of the world.

B. It provoked liberation movement in colonized countries. for independence.
C. It prepared background for the Cold War.
D. It was concluded by defeat of Germany and its pro.
Answer key A.

It was USA and USSR that emerged as super powers after the second world war.

10. Which country did not participate in the Third Arab-Israeli war or the ‘’ Six day War’’
against Israeli?

A. Syria, C. Jordan
B. Iraq, D. Algeria.

Answer key A.

Algeria did not participate in the Arab-Israeli war as a result of its geographical

location which is not in the Middle East.

11. History teachers deal with facts of the past and long historical process because of this they
always wrongly inclined to apply mostly

A. Question students as their method C. Lecture

B. Self-reading D. Debate among students

Answer key C.

Because it is easy for the teacher to pass such a long historical process in a limited

time than the other methods.

12. When history teacher wants to evaluate his/her students about their knowledge of relationship
of events he /she need to prepare question of

A. Essay

B. Chronological sequences

C. Short answer questions

D. All of the above

Answer key C.

To evaluate the relationship between events it is logical to use chronology.

Chronological sequences help students to evaluate what comes before or after

a certain event.

13. If a history teacher told his students’ independent writing and research skills on specific
historical topics. The recommended history teaching method would be?

A. Text book assignment method

B. Term paper method

C. Lecture method

D. Biographical method

Answer key B.

To develop students independent writing and research skill term paper method is

better than other teaching methods.

14. The primary benefit of revising the previous lesson or asking questions from the material in
the current topic is

A. Confirming that the teacher has good subject matter knowledge

B. Implementing the rules and regulation of the school board
C. Minimizing the amount of re-teaching required for the students to master the subject
D. Enhancing student engagement in the learning process
Answer key D.

Revising the previous lesson before starting the current lesson helps to assure whether

the students are engaged in that lesson and to initiate their memory.

2.2.10. Geography Teachers

 Geography teachers should know:

Knowledge area
 The World in Spatial (in relation to space)Terms
 Places and Regions
 Physical Systems
 Human Systems
 Environment and Society
 The Uses of Geography
 Public Policies
Geography teachers should know:
Knowledge area:
 People, Places and Settlement
 Structure of the earth
 Understanding the planet Earth (the world we live in)
 Environment and society
 Public Agenda or Cross-cutting Issues
Pedagogical area for Geography teachers covers
 Planning
 Learning
 Teaching
 Assessment
Sample Questions
1. If Hwang Ho and Yangtze Kiang is to Chinese Civilization as Tigris and Euphrates is to:

A. Inca civilization C. Greek civilization

B. Indian civilization D. Mesopotamia

Content knowledge :-people,place & settlement

Ansewr key D
Rationale:- Hwang Ho valley civilization is the famous river of china known as
yallow river. Both Hwang Ho & Yangtze kiang rivers were the birth place of ancient
chinese civilization so as to say belongs to chinese civilization, while Tigris &
Euphrates rivers are famous for Mesopotamia. The Euphrates River is one of the most
important rivers in the world. Along with the Tigris ,it provided much of the water that

supported the development of ancient Mesopotamia culture. The Tigris Euphrates
valley was the birth place of the ancient Mesopotamia civilization.
2. Which of the following is true about metamorphic rocks? Metamorphic rocks are:

A .Formed due to magma that have cooled and solidified within the interior of the earth

B. Pre-existing rocks that are transformed due to heat and pressure

C. Magma that have cooled and solidified on the surface of the earth

D .Existing rocks formed through weathering and erosion

Content knowledge :-structure of the earth

Answer key: B
Rationale:- metamorphic rocks started out as some other type of rock, but have been
substantially changed from their original igneous, sedimentary, or earlier metamorphic
form. Metamorphic rocks form when rocks are subjected to high heat, high pressure, hot
mineral rich fluids or, more commonly, some combination of these factors.

3. Which of the following winds bring rainfall during the summer season to most parts
of Ethiopia?

A. North East Trade winds C. South Easterlies

B. Equatorial Westerlies D. Polar Easterlies

Content knowledge :-The planet Earth/ World we live in/

answer key: B
Rationale ፡- the Equatorial westerlies enhance the curl of the wind stress shallowing the
thermocline and rendering regions climatically sensitive to strong wind anomalies.One
such region exists in the south Indian Ocean during the boreal summer and has been tied
to variations in cyclone formation and African /Ethiopian/ Rainfall.
4. One of the most common characteristics of less developed countries is:

A. Producing agricultural materials for sale

B. Fulfilling the basic necessities of their people

C. Having the same economic growth

D. Having very high rate population growth

Content knowledge :-Environment & society

The ansewr is D
Rationale ፡ The high population growth rate is the main cause of poverty, deforestation,
environmental pollution and land degradation in developing countries of the world.
Because high population rate is a curse for developing nation if they are not properly made
as Human resourse. So this factor commonly facing less developed countries.
5. Which one of the following ideas refers to transparency in a democratic government?

A. Representatives of the people should be responsible to their actions individually

or collectively

B.Decisions and actions of the government and its official should be clearly known

to the people

C.People and the media must get limited information about the activities of the


D. Representatives of the people should make decisions that reflect the interests

of the people

Content knowledge : Public Agenda or Cross-cutting Issues

The answer is B
Rationale ፡- Transparency in democratic government means everybody has the right to
access governmental information’s.

6. The contour lines are widely spaced at the bade and are close together at the top in

A. Convex slop C. Concave slope

B. Even slope D. Stepped slope

Content knowledge : World in spatial terms

Answer key: C
Rationale : when the contour lines of a hill are far apart at first then come close together
is referred as Concave slope.

7. The number of deaths of children before celebrating their first year is known as

A. Infant mortality rate C. Child mortality rate

B. Crude death rate D. Material mortality rate

Content knowledge፡- Human system & their characteristics

Answer key A
Rationale: Infant mortality rate is the number deaths under one year of age occurring
among the live births in a given geographical area during a given year, per 1000 live
births occurring among the population of the given geographical area during the same
8. In many parts of Ethiopia, there was no significant rock formation during which era?

A. Cenozoic C. Paleozoic

B. Precambrian D. Mesozoic

Content knowledge :-Physical system & their characteristics

Answer key C
Rationale: Paleozoic era began about 600 million years ago. warm shallow seas covered
much of earth's surface during the early Paleozoic era .Because of this most of the life
forms were of marine /lived in ocean/ and nothing significant rocks and known by its
greatest extinction event in Earth history.
9. Which one of the following use segments of the circle to show the sizes of the items that
make up its subject?

A. Bar graph C. Line graph

B. Pie charts D. Histogram

Content knowledge : Use of geography

answer key B
Rationale :A pie chart /circle chart/ is a circular statistical graphic ,which is divided in to
slices /segments/ to illustrate numerical proportion. Which can be used to show
percentages of a whole and represents percentages at a set point in time. Unlike in bar
graphs and line graphs pie charts do not show changes over time.

10. Savannas are categorized under which ecosystems?

A .Desert

B. Grass lands

C. Tundra

D. Deciduous forest

Content knowledge :places and Regions

Answer key: B
Rationale :Savanna is type of vegetation that grows under hot, seasonally dry climatic
conditions and is characterized by an open tree canopy /i.e scattered trees/ above
continuous tall grass understory (the vegetation layer between forest canopy and the
11. ___________ is the major cause of difference in the classroom behavior of boys and girls.

A. Developmental differences C. Job Satisfaction

B. Educational levels D. Societal expectation

Pedagogy area :- learning

Answer key D
Rationale :social expectation is an internalized social norms for individuals and
organizations, thus for society as a whole, about what people should do. For example,
girls and women are generally expected to dress in typically feminine ways and be polite,
accommodating, nurturing. Men are generally expected to be strong, aggressive and bold.
Every society, ethnic group and culture has gender role expectations, but they can be very
different from group to group, that is why boys and girls behavior is differentiated in
12. Which one of the following is inclusive of all the others?

A. Geography curriculum

B. Geography syllabus

C. Annual lesson plan

D. Unit plan

Pedagogical area:-Planning
Answer key A
Rationale : The geography curriculum has been designed to reflect the diversity of the
subject to encourage a balance between the acquisition of skills and knowledge and to
draw attention to the important values and attitudes with which geography is concerned.
To flourish the mission Geography syllabus with its segment chapters established, annual
and unit plans are prepared to teach students in a given period/planned time/.In this
regard geography curriculum includes all phrase listed in choices above.

13. Which one of the following is NOT learning by doing teaching method of Geography?

A. Demonstration method

B. Inquiry

C. Discussion method

D. Project method

Pedagogical area:-teaching
Answer key: A
Rationale :A demonstration method of learning is the process of learning someone how
to make or do something in step-by-step process. It is a method used to communicate an
idea with the aid of visuals such as flip charts, posters, power point, etc. While inquiry,
discussion and project methods are learning by doing for farther findings.
14. The purpose of continuous assessment is to facilitate student learning by:

A. Reinforcing and expanding students’ learning

B. Lowering the self-esteem of students by over-concentrating

on judgments rather and advice for improvement

C.Demoralize learners by comparing them negatively and

repeatedly with more successful

D. Working with an incomplete knowledge of students learning needs

Pedagogical area:-Assessment
Answer key: A
Rationale : According to Ministry of Education (MoE, 2006), beyond purpose of grading
or marking students' performance, continuous assessment should serve the purpose of
monitoring learning progress of students, providing students with constructive feedback,
identifying learning difficulties and examining effectiveness of teaching. Regarding to
this the main purposes of continuous assessment are:-Assessment drives instruction and
learning, informs students of their progress, and teaching practice, role of grading in
assessment when student learning outcomes are not met. So that of reinforcing and
expanding students’ learning is one purpose of continuous assessment.

2.2.11. Social Sciences Teachers

 Social studies teacher should know:

 Culture and cultural diversity

 Time, continuity and change

 People, places and environments

 Individual development and identity

 Individuals, groups and institutions

 Power, authority and governance

 Production, distribution and consumption

 Science, technology and society

 Global connections

 Civic ideals and practices

 Culture and cultural diversity

2.2.12 Standard elements and sample test items for Physical Education teachers

 Physical education teachers should know:

Content knowledge

Physiological and motor development rates

Physical education and Physical fitness
Movement skills and knowledge
Safety, injuries and first aid
Sport Ethics
Ethiopian cultural sport and games
Ball games
Adapted physical fitness
Sport psychology
Pedagogical knowledge

Understands principles and benefits of Physical education and Physical fitness

Uses knowledge to create and manage safe learning environment
Demonstrates competency in a variety of movement skills and helps students to develop it.
Uses knowledge of planning and teaching methods
Demonstrates Knowledge of assessment and feedback
Uses knowledge of organizing and managing Physical education classes
organize various types of computations for intramural and extramural activities

Sample Questions

1. A person who is long-boned and has a lean body build and little muscle.

A. ectomorph C. endomorph

B. mesomorph D. atrophy

. Knowledge area: Physiological and motor development rates

Answer key : A

Rationale: you inherit a tendency toward being an endomorph, ectomorph and mesomorph
somatotype. An ectomorph is a person who is long boned and has a lean body or with a low

body fat and a smaller build .Usually tall and lank. Slight build and possess fast

2. One of the following is skill-related component of physical fitness

A. Body composition

B. Cardiovascular fitness

C. Speed

D. Flexibility

Knowledge area (major area):- Physical education and Physical fitness

Answer: C

Rational:- skill related fitness are Agility, balance, Coordination, Power, speed and

reaction time.

3. Bending movement that decreases the angle between two parts

A. flexion C. adduction
B. abduction
D. extension

Knowledge area : Movement skills and knowledge

Answer: A

Rationale: Flexion refer to movement that decreases the angle between two body
parts. Flexion at the elbow is decreasing the angle between the ulna and the humors.
When sitting down, the knees are flexed. Flexion of the hip or shoulder moves the
limb forward (towards the anterior side of the body).

4. Which one of the following Performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) is prohibited at all times in
training and competition by World Anti-Doping Agency?

A. Anabolic Agents C. Glucose

B. Fat D. Protein
Knowledge area : Safety, injuries and first aid
Answer: A

Rationale: anabolic agents other than food that changes the way the body works. And
change a person’s moods and behavior. Anabolic steroids are used for some medical
conditions, but people also use the illegally in some sport setting. They use them to boost
muscle mass performance, and endurance and to shorten recovery time between work

5. Which one of the following is Not a virtues of sport ethics?

A. Fairness C. Atrocity
B. Integrity D. Respect

Knowledge area:- Sport Ethics

Answer key :C

Rationale: Atrocity is a point to acts of extreme cruelty, brutal actions typically involving

violence or bodily injury, shockingly bad and ferocious deeds

6. The size and content of the playing field of playing fields of Ethiopian Gena cultural game

A.90 m to 100 m length and 45 to 50 m width

B. 100 m to 120 m length and 75 to 90 m width
C. 40 m length and 20 m width
D. 27 m length and 15 width

Knowledge area : Ethiopian cultural sport and games

Answer key:A

Rationale: The length of the field of ‘Gena’ playing ground is 90-100 meter and

its width is from 45 to 50 meter. The field should be prepared through a smooth

level that could easily enable the ‘Rur’ to roll without difficulty on the ground.

7. Taken from the line of the 6 yard box nearest to where the ball went out.

A. Corner kick C. Throw kick

B. Free kick D. Goal kick

Knowledge area : Ball games

Answer key : D

Rationale:- Goal kicks are:

• Normally taken by the goal keeper.

• Ball is not in play until has passed out of the penalty area.
• Taken again if any plays the ball before it leaves the penalty area.
8. Which one of the following is the correct command sequence for short distance running?

A. On your mark! → Go! → Set! C. On your mark! → Set → Go!

B. Set! → On your mark! → Go! D. Set → On your mark! → Go

Knowledge area:- Athletics

Answer key: C

Rationale: The correct command sequence for short distance running is On your

mark! → Set → Go!

9. In the content of health experience an impairment is any loss or abnormality of

psychological, physiological and anatomical structure or function.

A. Handicap C. Temporal auditory perception

B. Disability D. Impairment

Knowledge area:- Adapted physical fitness

Answer key: D

Rationale:-Impairment is in the content of health experience an impairment is any loss or

abnormality of psychological, physiological and anatomical structure or function.

10. Disorders in which real or imagined fears occur so often that they prevent a person from
enjoying life.
A. Anxiety disorders C. Mood disorders
B. Dissociative disorders D. Personality disorders

Knowledge area:-Sport psychology

Answer key : A

Rationale: Anxiety disorders are a disorder in which real or imagined fears occur so

often that they prevent a person from enjoying life. For examples types of anxiety disorders

are phobias, Obsessive compulsive behaviors and general anxiety disorders.

11. Who is consider as “The Father of Modern Gymnastics” and” Inventor” of different
gymnastic apparatus?
A. Frank Nacktgen C. Fredric Ludwig Jahn
B. Yan-Ba-Zedew D. Dudley Allen Sergent

Knowledge area :-Gymnastics

Answer key: C

Rationale: Friedrich Ludwig Jahn started the modern gymnastics movement in 19th century
Germany. He developed exercises for young men and is seen as the father of modern gymnastics.
He introduced the pommel horse, horizontal bar, rings, and other equipment used in gymnastics

12. Suppose your students are 15 years old. Maximum heart rate would 205. Resting heart rate
is 70. Target heart rate is between 60-90. Calculate highest target heart rate [bpm

A.151 bpm C. 192 bpm

B. 60 bpm D. 90 bpm

Knowledge area : Demonstrates Knowledge of assessment and feedback

Answer: C

Rationale:- 220 – 15 = 205[MHR]

205[MHR] -70 [RHR]= 135

.60 x 135 ˭ 81 + 70 = 151 LTHR

.90 × 135 ˭ 122 + 70 = 192 HTHR bpm

13. The preferred technique for skills low in organization and high in complex.

A. Progressive –part methods C. Part practice method

B. Repetitive part method D. Complex method

Knowledge area: Uses knowledge of organizing and managing Physical

education classes

Answer: C

Rationale: Breaking down the skill in to natural part or segments, practicing

those parts separately until they are learned, and then integrating them to perform

the skill in its entirety. Part practice the preferred technique for skills low in
organization and high in complex. The athlete practices each component of skill
separately and then combines the parts into whole skills

14. For a given 10 teams In a single round robin how many byes and total rounds

games given?

A. 3 byes and 54 games C. 24 byes and 42

B. 6 byes and 24 games D. 6 byes and 45 games

Knowledge area : Uses knowledge of planning and teaching method

Answers key፡ D

Rationale:- 24 −10= 6 byes

n (n-1) / 2
10 (10- 1) / 2 = 90/ 2

= 45 total games

15. Which one of the best an objectives of extramural competition

A. To provide recreation
B. To develop the feeling leadership quality
C. To improve standards of sports
D. To develop the feeling of cooperation
Knowledge area: organize various types of computations for intramural and extramural

Answer key: C

Rationales:- objectives of extramural

 To provide the knowledge of new rules and advanced techniques

 To broaden the base of sport
 To improve the standard of sport
 To provide experience to student

16. Which one of the following tests is related to hip and trunk flexibility?
test measurement

A. Harvard step test C. Sit & reach test

B. Cooper field test D. Illinois Agility Run Test

Knowledge area : Demonstrates Knowledge of assessment and feedback

Answers key፡ C
Rationale: The objective of this test is to monitor the development of the athlete's hip and
trunk flexibility.

17. Student centered philosophy of leadership in physical education is the characteristic of:

A. Dictator teacher D. Cooperative teacher

B. Laisser-fair teacher
C. Authoritarian teacher

Knowledge area : Uses knowledge to create and manage safe learning environment

Answer key: D

Rational:-The characteristic of Student centered philosophy of leadership in physical education

is Cooperative teacher. The teachers roles are:-ensure tasks are understood, to clarify practice
goals, supply direction set time limits, demonstrate appropriate behavior, state objectives clearly,
facilitate learning by monitoring group progress and provide instruction and guidance in effective
groups techniques.

18. Which one of the following tests is not related to Cardiovascular endurance test measurement

A. Harvard step test

B. Cooper field test
C. Sit up test
D. 12 minutes run test
Knowledge area : Understands principles and benefits of Physical education

and Physical fitness .

Answer key : C

Rational: Cardiovascular endurance test measurement are:-Astrand

Treadmill test, Cooper vo2 max test, 3 minute step test, Harvard step test,
Treadmill vo2 max test etc. Muscular strength test measurement are:- Sit up
test, Curl up test Standing long jump test , Overhead press test etc.

2.2.13. Music Teachers

 Music teachers should know:

 Music History

 Theory of Music

 Music folklore

 Sample Questions

1) One of the following musical symbols tells us to play or sing loud

A) P B) ff C) f D) pp

2) A branch of secular music that differs from others and is always carried out at funeral time is:

A) festival B) Ingurguro C) Zefen D) Musho

3. Which one of the following is the process of teaching song?

A) Teaching the song in small group
B) To hear the song before they ever try to sing it
C) Every one perform the song
D) all of the above
4. Which one of the following is the psychomotor domain?

A) demonstrate a simple dance step

B) apply the rules to solve problems

C) enjoy helping others

D) Appreciate good literature.

Item Answer Rationales


1 D Option D is correct:-( f )musical symbol tell us to play or sing loud

2 C Option C is correct:- Musho is a music in funeral time

Because, choice ‘A’ shows the right and appropriate way of teaching. In
3 A
which, the process of teaching and learning song will be more effective.

Because, dance is a performing art. In which body and mind are performing
4 A
together. This belongs to Music and Physical education.

2.2.14. Fine Arts Teachers

 Fine Art teacher knows:

 The concepts or ideas, principles, theories, and material usages of fine art

 History of arts and its teaching strategy

 The drawing element, principle and fundamental teaching strategies

 Application of the theory of colors in and practice with different painting media

 Graphic art, printing, collage, mosaic, typographic and its strategy

 Variety of sculpture types and techniques

 Art content selection and organization

 Safety rules and procedures

 Sample Questions

1) The historical walled city of Harar is known as:

A. Tiya C. Jugol

B. Sofomar D. Castles

2) The pre-historic period/era of art refers:

A. Pop Art C. modern Art

B. Cave Art D. Informal Art
3. Which one of the following alternative is the best direct print made by found objects?

A. Potato prints C. Stencil prints

B. Glue line prints D. Leaf prints

Answers and the Rationale

Item No Answer Rationales

1 C 0ption B is correct bc jagol is historic walled city of Harar

2 B The pre historic pried/era of art refers to cave art

Leaf is found object to be used as direct print. But, the other

3 D alternatives are not found object. They are ready made or prepared
to be used for printing.

2.2.17. Aesthetic & Physical Education Teachers

 Aesthetics & Physical Education teacher at this level should know:

 The surrounding situations (things around us)

 Cultures and Heritage

 Safety rules and procedures

 Practical activity of body parts and their function.

 Physical, social, intellectual & emotional development & characteristic of students.

 Sample Questions

1 . The traffic green light instructs the driver to

A. Move B. Stop C. ready D. walk

2. Which one is the symbol of whole note?

A. B. C. D. \--

Answers and the Rationale

Item No Answer Rationales

1 A Option A is correct bc the traffic green light instructs for the

driver to move

2 B Option B is correct:- O is the symbol of whole note

2.3. Competency Standards and sample tests with Answers for school Leaderss

2.3.1. The school Principals

The school Principals

The principal should know how to:

i. Lead and Facilitate Vision of Learning

 facilitate the articulation and realization of a shared vision of continuous school improvement.

 lead the process of setting, monitoring and achieving specific and challenging goals that reflect
high expectations for all students and staff.

 lead the change process for continuous improvement.

ii. Develop and Manage School–Community Relations

 Connect the school with the community.

 involve parents and community members in improving student learning.
 use community resources to improve student learning.
 establish expectations for the use of culturally-responsive practices that acknowledge and
value diversity.

iii. Lead and Manage Learning and Teaching

 ensure the instructional content is aligned to the national curriculum

 ensure instructional practices are effective and meet the needs of all students

 advocate for high level learning for all students.

 understand, promote and share relevant research.

 monitor and evaluate the quality of teaching and learning programs.

iv. Lead and Develop Individuals and Team

 identify and prioritize professional development needs

 monitor and evaluate workplace learning

 develop networks to support individuals and teams

 support staff in planning and implementing research-based professional development.

v. Lead and Manage School Operations and Resources

 establish and maintain a safe school and learning environment.

 mobilize, allocate and utilize resources, including technology.

 institute procedures and practices to support staff and students.

 promote the values and challenges of the diverse school community

 report to the community and stakeholders on effective and efficient use and management of
school resources.

vi. Ethics and Professional Norm

 Understand, uphold and model professional ethics, policies and legal codes of professional
 Promote the values and manage challenges of the diverse school community

vii. Manage the effective use of technology in support of teaching, learning, and administrative functions

 Possess the necessary knowledge and skill of technology

 Monitor the utilization of technology in learning and teaching and operational management

Sample Questions

1. Which one of the following is different from the others in terms of creating effective

A . Avoiding gossip D. Active listening

B. Willingness to compromises
C. Defensiveness

Knowledge area: Lead and Facilitate Vision of Learning,

Specific knowledge area: lead the change process for continuous improvement.

Answer key: C

Rationale: effective communication is about understanding the emotion and intentions

behind the information.  It requires listening in a way that gains the full meaning of
what's being said and makes the other person feel heard and understood which do not
involve defensiveness.
2. Which of the following leadership styles are demonstrated by a principal who
promotes a professional learning community on a campus?
(A) Authoritarian

(B) Charismatic

(C) Laissez-faire

(D) Transformational

Knowledge area: Lead and Facilitate Vision of Learning

Specific knowledge area: Lead the process of setting, monitoring and achieving
specific and challenging goals

Answer key : D

Rationale: Transformational leaders view themselves as “servants” to others and help

guide them toward the unified vision. They inspire others to work with dignity and
respect for themselves and others.

3. Which of the following is not grouped under the roles of school community

A. Fostering students’ academic achievements

B. Demolition of citizens’ knowledge

C. Leading to financial support

D. Processing the communication between schools and public

Knowledge area :Develop and manage school Community relations

Specific knowledge area: Connect the school with the community.

Answer key : B

Rationale: School community relationship is a mutual understanding through which

the school and the community link with each other for the achievement of goals of the
community and school too. Demolition of citizens’ knowledge is not the roles of
schools community relation rather the roles include increase access and students
academic achievement, retention and attendance rate of students to school etc...

4. Which of the following is the best initial action that a principal can take to address
a low level of parent involvement in school activities?

(A) Conducting a survey of the parents to determine their perceptions of

the school

(B) Providing staff training on effective methods for communicating with


(C) Requiring staff to document the types and frequency of contact with

(D) Asking teachers for suggestions on how to improve parent


Knowledge area :Develop and manage school Community relations

Specific knowledge area: involve parents and community members in

improving student learning.

Answer key : A

Rationale: Although a worthy intention, (B) focuses only on

teachers’ communication skills with parents. (C) is merely a

procedural safeguard,

and (D) seeks input only from teachers and not parents. (A) reaches

specific, intended target, parents, in the most comprehensive manner

regarding a specific, relevant issue. Therefore, the correct answer is


5. A Coaching style which focuses on the acquisition of particular skill is

A. Directive coaching C. Specific coaching

B. Circumstantial coaching D. Formal coaching

Knowledge area: Lead and Manage Learning and Teaching

Specific knowledge area: advocate for high level learning for all students.

Answer key : C

Rationale: Person’s unique way of working with another individual to help him

acquire a particular skill or her improve performance and reach his or her potential

specific coaching Style. The coach can use their own experiences and personality to

coach employees to achieve specific goals. Goals of the coaching process include

maximizing management abilities, growing leadership potential, and creative

behavioral change

6. Continuous professional development needs analysis at institutional (school) level
should begin with which of the following steps?

A. Reviewing the skills, knowledge and behaviour needs within your team

B. Review of the school’s strategic and operational plans

C. Reviewing individual performance

D. Assessing 360-degree feedback

Knowledge area: Lead and Develop Individual and Team

Specific knowledge area: identify and prioritize professional development


Answer key : B

Rationale: One cannot start need analysis of professional development without

any idea of what one want to achieve or starting a project without knowing
where you want to go. A Review of the school’s strategic and operational goals
with explicit plans provides structure and focus for your learning, ensuring you
make the most of your learning opportunities.

7. In instructional leadership, the effectiveness of a curriculum’s implementation is

determined by:
A. Objective B. Design

C. Method D. Evaluation

Knowledge area: Lead and Develop individuals and Team

Specific knowledge area: monitor and evaluate workplace learning

Answer key : A

Rationale: Objective of the curriculum is the backbone for the effective

implementation. Curriculum goals and objectives set the direction for the
subsequent organization and development of the curriculum and that the curriculum
goals and objectives determine the activities that will take place in the many
classrooms of the school. 

8. A teacher in your school who did not have any authorization for the purchase,
purchased some materials for her classroom and submitted the bill to your office
for reimbursement. As the school principal, which of the following should be
your response?

A. Refuse the reimbursement for the purchase made

B. Call the store keeper to approve the charge

C. Checking that the account is solvent

D. Allowing reimbursement for the purchase made

Knowledge area: Lead and Manage School Operations and Resources

Specific knowledge area: establish and maintain a safe school and learning

Answer key : A

Rationale: The school has its own organizational structure and staff. Purchasing is an
activity which should be done by procurement department not by teachers. The school
has no legal basis to pay for un authorized payment.

9. Assume that some students in your school always break a classroom behavior rule; disrupt
the class and interrupt the day's lesson. Which of the following is the most important guideline
for the teacher to follow to disciplining the students?

A. Involve the whole class in determining an appropriate consequence

of actions.

B. Document the steps taken to address the student's actions and his or her
response to those steps.

C. Determine the consequences for the students’ actions based on the

previous behavior.

D. Address the students’ actions in a mode that allows the students keeping
their dignity.

Knowledge area: Lead and Manage School Operations and Resources

Specific knowledge area: institute procedures and practices to support staff

and students.

Answer key : D

Rationale: Disciplining your students, while still showing respect for them, is

one way that you can create a great repoire with your students. You will
gain their respect, and they in turn will have a greater incentive to follow
classroom rules.

11. Which of the following actions by a principal would most likely

be considered unethical?

A. Writing a letter of recommendation to a competent academic staff member

B. Refusing an attempt made by kebele security to arrest a student

from a classroom without showing warrant from concerned official

C. Using office staff time to create education-related materials that will be

marketed for personal gain

D. Taking an opportunity at a public event to discuss about a school budget with a

member of district school board

Knowledge area: Ethics and Professional Norm

Specific knowledge area: Understand, uphold and model professional ethics,

policies and legal codes of professional conduct

Answer key : C

Rationale: A principal must use official time in an honest effort to perform official
duties. Generally, personal activities should not be conducted during duty hours.
Therefore, it is unethical to use office staff time for personal gain.

School Supervisors

The School Supervisor should know how to:

i. Model and motivate learning for Life through their professional Practice

 Place learning at the center of strategic planning

 Set higher standards
 Provide leadership support in designing and developing school
learning strategy
 Ensure Implementation of school learning strategy

 Review school learning and development

ii. Initiate, conduct and lead educational research

 construct an educational research strategy to initiate, support and lead the

school principals and teachers
 Support school principals and teachers in selecting and using a range of
educational research techniques
 Support school principals and teachers in analyzing and presenting findings
iii. Apply Current Knowledge and Understanding in Educational Practices

 Evaluate current educational practice to support schools improve learning

 Enable schools to design and implement their structures and processes in
adapting improved learning practices
 Promote and guide effective school services
 Plan and prepare monitoring, and evaluation program to provide appropriate
feedbacks and supports to the schools for improvement
iv. Implement effective and participatory School leadership and management

 Provide support for teachers to ensure effective instructional leadership

 Ensure efficient and participatory school management
 Provide Support for schools to have appropriate Learners Diversity
 Propose strategic change requirements and opportunities for change
 Lead Improvement, Innovation and Change
v. Identify and Interpret Compliance Requirements.

 Clarify the scope of school operations

 Interpret, analyze and prioritize the identified compliance requirements
 Identify compliance requirements
 Document compliance requirements
vi. Develop self, individual and Team

 Identify individual and group learning and development needs

 Set personal targets and take responsibility for self and others’ development
 Create professional learning opportunities for self, individuals and group or team
 Monitor, evaluate and improve learning effectiveness
Based on the above supervisors’ competences the following sample questions with
their short descriptions are presented below.

1. School need to have a clear and shared vision. This is because a vision:

A. Provides energy, momentum and strengths to individuals

B. Provides bases for partnership

C. Binds an organization together in times of crises

D. All

Knowledge area: Model and motivate learning for Life through their

professional Practice

Answer: D

Why: A vision statement describes what a company desires to achieve in the

long-run, generally in a time frame of five to ten years, or sometimes even
longer. It depicts a vision of what the company will look like in the future and
sets a defined direction for the planning and execution of corporate-level

2. The process of school development plan is based on the assumption that

A. The quality of education is the product of multiple and complex interactions

of factors which must be planned ahead in a coordinated ways

B. Providing quality of education is the sole responsibility of the government

C. Quality of planning demand only the involvement of experts at different

levels of the education structure

D. All of the above

Knowledge area: Model and motivate learning for Life through

their professional Practice

Answer: A

Why: School Development Planning is an ongoing process that

helps schools as complex communities to meet the dual challenge of enhancing
quality and managing change.” (DES,1999:9, Online).

3. Among the following which one is not a characteristic of action research? Which one is it?
A. Self-reflection

B. Problem-solving

C. Systematic inquiry of global issue

D. All of the above

Knowledge area: Initiate, conduct and lead educational research

Answer: C

Why: Action research is planned, systematic approach understanding the

learning process. Action research is a process that requires us to “test “our
ideas about education. Action research is open-minded. Action research
is critical analysis of educational places of work. Action research is a cyclical
process of planning, acting, developing, and reflecting.

4. In order to effectively lead and support teachers, supervisors are expected to have
adequate knowledge base on

A. Staff and team development theories and principles

B. Curriculum development theories and principles

C. Change and school effectiveness theories and principles

D. All of the above

Knowledge area: Apply Current Knowledge and Understanding in

Educational Practices
Answer: D

Why: An effective supervisor plays a vital role in leading the team and improving

As a matter of fact, the main objective of a good supervisor is to gain collaboration of

the team to reach their goal without any mistakes. To do that, the supervisor needs to

have certain important qualities. Specifically, these include good
listening, communicating skills, and teamwork. So an effective supervisor based
his/her knowledge on all staff and team development, curriculum development and
change and school effectiveness theories and principles.

5. Which one of the following domains is not part of School Improvement Program
(SIP) in Ethiopia?

A. Teaching-learning process

B. Student learning environment

C. Leadership and management

D. Curriculum development

Knowledge area: Apply Current Knowledge and Understanding in Educational

Practices Types of

Answer key: D
Why: The 1999 E.C General Education Quality Improvement Package
launched, there are six programs of one is school improvement program. This
goal of this program is to increase students’ learning and learning outcomes. It
includes four domains and abou twelve sub domains or elements. The main
domains are: teaching learning, school facilities, school management and
community involvement.

6. It was understood that diversity is a set of conscious awareness of life experiences which
A. Understanding and respecting interdependence of humanity, cultures, and
natural environment

B. Practicing mutual admiration for different qualities and experiences;

C. Understanding and respecting other ways of thinking, knowing and doing


D. All of the above

Knowledge area: Implement effective and participatory School leadership and


Answer: D

Why: Diversity" means more than just acknowledging and/or tolerating difference.
Diversity is a set of conscious practices that involve:
 Understanding and appreciating interdependence of humanity, cultures, and the
natural environment.
 Practicing mutual respect for qualities and experiences that are different from
our own.
 Understanding that diversity includes not only ways of being but also ways of
 Recognizing that personal, cultural and institutionalized discrimination creates
and sustains privileges for some while creating and sustaining disadvantages
for others;
 Building alliances across differences so that we can work together to eradicate
all forms of discrimination.
7. As a source of data for monitoring system ‘Examination and Tests’ are more
concerned with
A. Output

B. Processes

C. Input

D. All of the above

Knowledge area: Implement effective and participatory School leadership and

management Types of

Answer key: A

Why: The inputs represent the flow of data and materials into the process from
the outside. The processing step includes all tasks required to effect a
transformation of the inputs. The outputs are the data and materials
flowing out of the transformation process. Example: A small engineering
firm believes there are problems with its hiring process.
8. Mr. Tamene is a new principal in one of the primary schools in Jimma Zone. He is asked
by the woreda education office to prepare financial plan for new budget period. He therefore
asks you to give him some advice on the preparation of financial plan. As supervisors what
do you advise the new principal to do first?

A. Identifying programs, projects or activities the school wishes to accomplish

in the budget period.

B. Identifying resources in terms of manpower, materials, and time

C. Estimating costs of the resources - this is the most important activity in


D. Allocating of the budget as per budgetary guidelines formulated by the

government or funding agencies

Knowledge area: Identify and Interpret Compliance Requirements

Answer key: A

Why: This refers to the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required
to clarify scope of school operations; identify, interpret and document
the range of internal and external compliance requirements and
obligations that must be fulfilled by the schools

9. A supervisor of a school suggests a school principal to use on –the –job training and
development method to train teachers to improve their teaching related performance. The
supervisor believed that the method has one of the following advantages over off the job
training and development method. Which one is it?
A. It enables teachers learn and at same time accomplish their task

B. It enables teaches to devote their entire time on learning relevant theories

C. It helps to train a large number of teachers in a short period of time

D. All of the above

Knowledge area: Develop self, individual and Team

Answer key: A

Why: Training and development methods refer to the way a job is being
performed or the technique used to enhance the skills and knowledge of
an employee.

10. Which of the following is the best strategy for promoting professional development
among teachers?
A. Creating new professional development programs
B. Encouraging individual teachers to participate in development programs
C. Making professional development one of the areas of employee evaluation
D. Punishing teachers who fail to participate in development programs

Knowledge area: Develop self, individual and Team

Types of question:- Evaluation

Answer key: B

Why: Teacher professional development is any type of continuing education effort for
educators. It is one way teachers can improve their skills and, in turn, boost
student outcomes. Learning can take place in formal or informal settings. Formal
settings include conferences, courses, seminars, retreats and workshops. Informal
opportunities for teacher professional development include independent research
or investigation, peer learning initiatives or even just chatting with a colleague in
the staff room. Professional development for teachers takes place on a number of

different levels: district-wide, among teachers in a given school, or even on a
classroom or individual basis.

Part III

Tips on Preparation for the Licensing Test

It is believed that the candidates for the licensing tests are teachers and school leaders who have
sufficient experience in both setting tests and preparing for tests. Nevertheless, the following
preparation tips should be considered as additional information and refreshing the experiences that
these candidates already have.

3.1. Learn what the Test Covers

In general, teachers’ or school leaders’ licensure tests require thorough revision of the relevant
study materials as the tests are designed to assess an individual’s competency in a wide range of
knowledge and skills pertaining to teachers and school leaders’ preparations. Thus, one has to make
enough preparation for the test as soon as s/he decides to take the test. The following steps may be
helpful in preparing for the licensure test.

1.1. Assess how well you know the content covered by the licensing test with regard to your subject
areas and corresponding pedagogical skills.

1.2. Identify the information the test will cover by reading through the National Professional
Standards for teachers, principals and supervisors.

1.3. Identify the information the test will cover by reading the teacher’s content and pedagogy
standards of the specific subject.

1.4. Read each standard and/or competency with its descriptive statements in order to get a more
specific idea of the knowledge you will be required to demonstrate on the test. You may wish to use
this review of the standards and /or competencies to set priorities of your study time.

1.5. When studying the resource materials, concentrate on the key ideas and important concepts that
are discussed in the competencies and descriptive statements (performance indicators).

1.6. Familiarize yourself with different types of test questions.

3.2. Gather Study Materials

Compile key materials ranging from your college/university preparation period and current subject
areas you teach as well as the corresponding subject area content and pedagogy standards that are
aligned with the competencies. Some of these include the following:

 National Professional Standards for Teachers

 National Professional Standards for School Principals
 National Professional Standards for School Supervisors
 Teachers Subject Specific Content and Pedagogy Standards
 Licensing and relicensing Implementation Guide and manual for
both teachers and school leaders
 Materials related to your subject matter and subject area methodology

3.3. Develop Your Study Plan

Once you have gathered your study materials and figured out your level of strength and weaknesses in
relation to the domains of competencies to be tested, make a study plan. The following are tips for
consideration as you prepare your study plan.

7.1. Split your test preparation into manageable size. It may be helpful to break up your study plan to day-
to-day lesson plan , where you focus on one area for one study.

7.2 Find a study colleague so that you may encourage each other in being on track as per the study plan.

7.3 Allow sufficient time in preparing for the test.

7.4 Study slowly and for a longer period of time so that you can retain all the information.

Part IV

Appendix: Frequently Asked Questions

The following questions have been distilled from discussion during meetings with REBs, capacity
building forum and licensing test administration on issues pertaining to licensing tests. Questions which
could be raised during the implementation of licensing and relicensing tests have also been incorporated
for general knowledge.

4.1 What type of tests do I need to take?

The teacher candidate is required to take the test prepared in the subject she/he has been prepared to
teach at a particular level(cycle) and the corresponding pedagogy tests that are prepared in alignment
with the national teachers professional standards. School leaders (principals and supervisors) take
knowledge and skills tests aligned with the national professional competency standards.

4. 2 How soon should I start to prepare?

The candidate should start preparing for the test as soon as she/he is registered for the test. It is even
recommended to begin gathering information and documents essential for the preparation earlier than
the registration.

4.3 When are the written licensing tests given?

The written licensing tests are given three times in a year.

4.4 What does the written licensing test measure?

With regard to teacher candidates, the test measures the subject-specific content knowledge and the
pedagogy skills that the aspiring teachers need. With regard to school leaders, it measures the
academic preparation pertaining to the school leadership and supervision expected as principals and
supervisors. The tests do not measure an individual’s disposition toward teaching or potential for
success, nor do they measure teacher’s actual teaching ability. The assessments are designed to be
comprehensive and inclusive but are limited to what can be covered in a finite number of questions
and question types. Teaching requires many complex skills that are typically measured in other
ways including classroom observation, video recording and portfolios.

4.5 Does the Directorate and/or the REBs organize orientation event about the test?

Yes, the Directorate and its counterparts (Teachers’ and School Leaders’ Licensing & Relicensing
units in the REBs up to woredas level) organize orientation events about the licensing written tests
prior to their administration.

4.6 How does the Directorate ensure the test is valid and fair?

The Directorate uses validation process such as piloting or pre-testing and reviewing the tests
before they are implemented in the actual assessment (prior to endorsing them for operation). Test
items are reviewed by subject/assessment experts. Test items are targeted to the assessment
candidates in content, language level and range of expected abilities.

4.7 Can I take the licensing test more than once?

Yes, you can take the tests more than once, up to two times, in case you do not pass the first time.

4.8 Where do I get information about licensing test centers?

The information about licensing test centers and test dates is obtained, by contacting (by phone,
face to face and online on web site) from the Teachers’ and School Leaders’ Licensing and
Relicensing Units at the Regional Education Bureaus.

4.9 How do I register for the licensing test?

The applicant for the licensing test may obtain information about the registration by contacting: (i) the
units of Regional Bureaus,zonal and woredas Education office for the dates of the tests during the year
and (ii) the concerned Colleges of Teacher Education and Faculties of Education in Universities.
Moreover, you may find information on MoE web site.

4.10 Is there a registration fee for the licensing test?

Currently there is no registration fee. Any change of regulation may be communicated through REBs
and their units below.

4.11. Can I change my test date and/or test center?

Changes can be made to your test registration whenever something unconditional occurs to the
candidates. However, the candidate should report/apply with legal evidence in advance of the test date.

4.12. Where can I get explanation about my score?

Preliminary explanation about your score can be available from the Regional Education Bureaus and
offices at the bottom. Moreover, further explanation might be provided by the Directorate for Teachers
and School Leaders Licensing and Relicensing at the Ministry of Education.

4.13.How are licensing tests developed?

The licensing tests are prepared on the basis of Test Item Specifications developed by using the
competencies of the professional standards (both content & pedagogy and generic standards).

The tests are prepared by test development professionals from universities of teachers and school
leaders preparation. These tests are reviewed by subject experts to ensure their alignment with
specifications and taxonomy of items.

4.14. Who is required to take licensing tests and why?

All teachers and school leaders who fulfill the minimum qualification to teach or lead or supervise at
the level they are assigned are required to take the test. These include in-service teachers and school
leaders as well as beginning teachers who are joining the teaching profession. Licensing teachers and
school leaders need to assess their knowledge and skills to perform the activities safely and effectively.
For the time being licensing focuses on teachers and school leaders because they are key factors for
influencing the achievement of students and in turn education quality.

4.15. Where can I find information to help me prepare for licensing tests?

Information that helps the candidate to prepare for licensing tests is digitally available on line - the
websites of the Regional Education Bureaus and the Ministry of Education. In addition, the print
materials are available at the libraries of schools, REBs, Zonal and or Woreda Education Offices as
well as Ministry of Education.

4.16. What Identification must I bring at the licensing test centers?

You must bring official identification documents (e.g Identify cards given by your employee, by your
College/University, resident units (kebele, )etc) when coming to the Test Center. However, you can
not bring into the test center personal items like study materials, books or notes, any electronic,
photographic, recording or listening devices (calculator, mobile,…).

4.17. What if I am absent from the test on the test date?

You are allowed to take the licensing test at the next due date provided you produce satisfactory
evidence for being absent at the initial due date for which you are registered.

4.18. What is licensure/certification?

Licensure in any area such as medicine, law, architecture, accounting, etc. is an assurance to the
public that the person holding the license possesses sufficient knowledge and skills to perform
important occupational activities safely and effectively. In case of teacher licensing, the license tells
the public that the individual has met predefined competency standards for teachers and school
leaders at the level of licensing.


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