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Kerala State Transport Project


Kerala state transport project

Project Name: rehabilitation and up-gradation of thattararnbalam - michel junction -

kochalummood - mangankuzhy – pandalamroad (length 18.657 km) in alappuzha district





Document No: BEGORRA/KSTP/EMP/001 ESMP Page No: 1

Kerala State Transport Project

Document Details

Document Details
Document No. BEGORRA/KSTP/EMP/001
Issue No. 01 Issue Date:

Prepared By Nisanth Thulasidas Reviewed By REJI

(Environment Manager) (GM)

Approved By
(Project manager)

Amendment Record
Prepared Approved Approved Approved
Sr. Revision By Checked Reviewed By By By
No. No. (Env. By (GM) By (GM)


R1 SIGN: - SIGN: - SIGN: - SIGN: - SIGN: - SIGN: -

Document No: BEGORRA/KSTP/EMP/001 ESMP Page No: 2

Kerala State Transport Project

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Kerala State Transport Project

Table of Content
Sl. No. Content Name Page No.
# List of Abbreviations & Definitions 05
# Summary 07
01 Introduction 08
02 Project Description 10
03 Safety, Health & Environment Policy 18
04 Environmental Management: 20
Environmental Pollution control measures:
- Air pollution prevention & control measures,
- Water pollution prevention & control measures & water supply
wastewater and solid waste disposal from construction
- Noise pollution prevention & control measures,
- Soil pollution prevention & control measures,
- Energy Management,
- Spill Control Management,
- Tree protection, tree cutting and reinstatement plan,
- Traffic diversion management,
- Construction material management & housekeeping.

05 Emergency Preparedness & Response 41

06 Communication & Consultation 42
07 Training & Environment Awareness with institutional 43
08 Environment Monitoring, Audit & Management Review 44
09 Non-conformity, Corrective & Preventive Action 48
10 Conclusion 53

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Kerala State Transport Project

List of Figures
Figure 01 Flow chart for Organization Structure .................................................................. 11
Figure 02 Flow chart for Typical Cross-section for the Project…………………………………………….16
Figure 03 Flow chart for Work Methodology ....................................................................... 17
Figure 04 Flow chart for Water Pollution, Prevention & Control .......................................... 30
Figure 05 Flow chart for Noise Pollution, Prevention & Control ........................................... 36
Figure 06 Flow chart for Thattarambalam – Michel Junction – Kochalummood Road.......... 35

List of Tables
Table 01 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Details ................................................................. 23
Table 02 National Ambient Air Quality Standards ................................................................ 25
Table 03 Noise quality standards ......................................................................................... 31

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Kerala State Transport Project
List of Abbreviations & Definitions
Sl. Name Definitions
01 Environment Surroundings in which an organization operates, including air,
water, land, natural resources, flora fauna, humans and their
NOTE: Surroundings in this contract extend from within an
organization to the global system.
02 Corrective Action Action taken to eliminate the cause of an existing
nonconformity or other undesirable situation in order to
prevent its recurrence.
03 Preventive Action Action taken to eliminate the cause of a potential
nonconformity, defect or other potentially undesirable
situation in order to prevent occurrence.
04 Environmental These are procedures, which shall be established and
Control Measures maintained to cover situations where their absence could lead
(ECM) to deviations from the existing environmental policy and their
objectives and targets.
05 Environmental This plan is a derived action plan for achieving the project
Management Plan related objectives and targets by explaining the responsibility
(EMP) and time frame required to achieve at each relevant function
and level of the organization.
06 Environmental That part of the overall management system which includes
Management organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities,
System (EMS) practices, procedures, processes, and resources for developing,
implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the
environmental policy.
07 Biodegradable Materials that decay over a short period such as food waste,
materials paper, organic waste etc.
08 Material Safety MSDS is a hazard communication standard prepared by the
Data Sheet (MSDS) manufacturers or distributors of hazardous materials to assess
the physical and health hazards of the chemical or product.
09 Natural resources Means Valuable, naturally occurring materials such as soil,
wood, air, water or minerals.
10 Non-biodegradable Materials, which does not decay. Such as plastic, etc.

11 Non-hazardous This include more than domestic wastes. Non-hazardous wastes

wastes are generated from many sources
Commercial and institutional wastes (includes garbage,
landscaping, etc.)
Resource-use and extraction wastes (includes slash piles,
agricultural wastes and drilling mud)

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Kerala State Transport Project
Sl. Name Definitions
12 Oil & Grease O & G Substances, which has the property to float in the water,
(O & G) as the density is lesser than the water.
13 Recyclables Materials, which can be reused, either in the same form or as
part of a different product. Example paper, plastic etc.
14 Reduce To lessen in extent, amount, number or other quantity.
15 Reuse To extend the life of an item by using it again, repairing it,
modifying it, or creating new uses for it. Such as plastic, some
metals etc.
16 Ambient Means a complete environment which surrounds you
17 Noise It’s an unwanted sound.

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Kerala State Transport Project

The Kerala State Transport Project (KSTP) on behalf of Government of Kerala contemplating to enhance
the capacity of identified State Highways (SH) and Major District Roads (MDR) for efficient and safe
movement of freight and passenger traffic. The up-gradation of the selected state road sections shall
improve the connectivity and facilitate access of rural/urban population to better economic
opportunities and social services.
The Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study for the proposed Project Road Section 7
has been carried out in accordance with the Scope of Work defined in the terms of reference (ToR) for
the assignment and Relevant Standards and Guidelines. Sustainability Guidelines of the KfW
Development Bank, the World Bank Environmental and Social Standards (ESSs) and guidelines of
Ministry of Environment, & Forests and Climate Change (MOEFCC), Government of India has been
The major objective of this study is to establish present environmental and Social conditions along the
project corridor through available data and information supported by field studies to evaluate the
impacts on relevant environmental and Social attributes due to the construction & operation of the
proposed project, to recommend adequate mitigation measures to minimize
/reduce adverse impacts and to prepare an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for
timely implementation of the mitigation measures to make the project environmentally and Socially
sound and sustainable. The ESMP will be part of the bid document for construction of the project.

The purpose of this Construction Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) is to provide a
consolidated summary of all the Environmental and Social (E&S) commitments relevant for the
construction phase of the Project. The measures focus on environmental (such as air emissions,
biodiversity and environmental contamination) and social aspects (such as the protection of human
rights, communication with local stakeholders, safety of workers and communities). This ESMP also gives
an overview about the E&S Management System that is being implemented to ensure systematic and
effective execution of these commitments, including roles and responsibilities between the BEGORRA –
PRL (JV) and KSTP.
The ESMP can be updated as the Project proceeds through detailed design and construction to reflect the
results of discussions with stakeholders and to include details of any other E&S developments.

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Kerala State Transport Project

1.0 Introduction
The purpose of the Environmental Management Action Plan (EMP) is to set out the minimum
environmental provisions and requirements for preventing and avoiding potential pollution or
contamination during the construction process to be followed by the BEGORRA – PRL (JV) during all
activities foreseen for the development of the project site activities.

The primary objective of the EMP is the reduction of adverse environmental effects due to the
construction process, in accordance with the SHE objectives as described into doc. Site SHE Plan.

Construction activities shall be undertaken in a manner that minimizes impacts to the environment, fully
in accordance with national environmental standards for environmental protection and according with
applicable laws, permits, contractual regulation, to which employer and the BEGORRA – PRL (JV) are

It has also been considered to promote and to encourage the development of the project insidean outline
of Environmental Administration, having as main guide the requirements settled downin the standard ISO
14001, "Environmental Management Systems-Specification with Guidance for Uses", and in an alternative
way in the local regulations.

This EMP shall be applied by the BEGORRA – PRL (JV), together with its Subcontractor(s), Suppliers and
Vendors present in Site, performing Construction. Subcontractor(s) are expected to demonstrate a
proactive behavior towards environmental concerns. It is their responsibility to provide information
requested by the BEGORRA – PRL (JV) with regard to their scope of activities and to demonstrate
compliance with the applicable environmental requirements and particularities.

During this phase, any change shall be agreed with the BEGORRA – PRL (JV) Site Construction Manager
and all parts shall be informed of subsequent revisions. Any deviation from Employer environmental
requirements must be approved, in advance and in writing, by the Employer Representative. BEGORRA –
PRL (JV) proposal on the organizational structure, the roles and the meetings that are the backbone of the
collaboration between Employer and the BEGORRA – PRL (JV) . The Employer and the BEGORRA – PRL (JV)
are to share their respective roles in the collaboration organization. At the initial workshop, we establish

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Kerala State Transport Project

how the collaboration organization to function and be organized. Our ambition is to in the best
way listen to Employer’s opinions, so that we can then merge them with our vision of
collaboration. This EMP may be reviewed and updated whenever necessary or from one phase
to another one of Site activities.

 Purpose & Scope of the EMP

The principal purpose of the EMP is to be a reference manual for the site managers and
site personnel. This project specific EMP explains the various environmental aspects &
impacts associated with the construction activities of the BEGORRA – PRL (JV) and its
subcontractor’s. ThisEMP also explains the possible mitigation measures requires to be
taken for minimizing and controlling the potential environmental significant impacts that
arises during the execution of the project through appropriately laid down action plans.
The brief scope ofworks as per General condition of contract/ Tender are listed out in this

 Objective

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Kerala State Transport Project
 Objectives of the EMP
1. To determine broad parameters of Environment Management at site.

2. To establish and define chain of command for resolution of all hazard and prevention of pollution.

3. Continual Environment performance improvement by directing focus on the key areas for improvement in a
consistent manner.

 Purpose
4. This EMP plan explains Environment Issues at this construction site and the procedures that shall be followed by
all Subcontractors.

 Scope

5. These initial EMP Plan has been prepared to encompass many of the high-risk activities and operations which will
initially be carried out on construction site and the methods by which control measures are to be put in place to
minimize the risk of ill health occurring in our workplace and prevention of pollution.

• To determine broad parameters of Environmental Management at site.

• Define chain of command for resolution of all Environmental degradation &
prevention issues.
• Define pollution prevention & environmental responsibility at each level of the
construction team.
• Identify highly polluting activity within the scope of work and specify integrated
preventive measures to mitigate the same.
• To ensure compliance with relevant applicable legislation.
• Continual Environmental performance improvement by directing focus on the key
areas in a consistent manner.

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Kerala State Transport Project

2.0 Project Description

Brief description of project is given below in Table-1:

Table 1: Project Highlights

S. No. Features Details

2. Job Number KSTP/KfW/RKI PKG-IV/WORK/Rd-7
3. Client KSTP
4. Consultant SAI-ORION (JV)
5. Location Thattarambalam – Michel Junction – Kochalummood



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Kerala State Transport Project

2.1 Organization structure

Mr. Reji. P

Mr. Nisanth


Figure 1.0

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Kerala State Transport Project

2.2 Roles & Responsibilities

The environmental roles and responsibility is as follows:

2.2.1 Project Manager (PM)

The PM will have overall responsibility of Environmental Management at the site. For
ensuring this, PM will:
The PM will have overall responsibility of Environmental Management at the site. For ensuring this PM will:

S. Task Target Verification Document

1. Responsible for completion of project with total implementation of Project -
the company’s EHS policy, EMS & ESMP requirements and comply Duration
with relevant legislations.
2. Ensure sufficient resources are available at project through: Project • MOM- Project EHS
• Review of ESMP implementation and discuss any outstanding Duration Committee Meetings
issue in Project EHS Committee Meeting. • EHS audits
• Investigation of non-compliance and non-implemented items.

3. Ensure that all staff & workmen are competent to perform their tasks Project • Screening record of
safely in compliance with EMS and ESMP requirements. He shall do Duration workmen
so by ensuring:
• Induction record for
• Screening of workmen is effectively implemented by office & site Workmen
execution engineers.
• Environment Training
• Environment Induction provided for all staff & workmen by Record
Environment Manager before deployment.
• Regular monitoring and organize continuous in-house
Environment trainings.
• Establishing adequate control measures for the Employees
fitness in order to avoid fatigue, stress, extended working.

4. Review Project Environmental Inspection and monitoring Project • Inspection report

implementation Duration
• Monitoring report

5. Investigate all high potential incidents and non-compliance and As & when Investigation report and
ensure immediate remedial action to stop recurrence. notified action plan

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2.2.2 Safety Manager

S. Task Target Verification Document


1. Conduct Environmental inspection, audit and Once in Six Months BU-EHSM Site Visit Report
Environmental training in co-ordination with EM.

2. Investigate all serious environmental incidents & As and when Incident Investigation Report
recommend preventive actions at projects. required

3. Co-ordinate purchase and quality control activities After receiving Approved Vendor List
related to PPE / environmental gadgets. Material Request

4. Monitor all EM activities & co-ordinate with Clients, As and when No documentary evidence
Project In-charges, CH, BUH, Service Dept Heads required

5. Organize campaigns, competitions & other special ESMP During January & as Record of Environmental
basis programmes to promote Environmental awareness and when required Campaign and competitions
at workplace.

6. Conduct Environmental Audit and during the Project As per schedule Audit Report

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2.2.3 Environmental Manager:

Environmental Manager will be the key person in the project for environmental
management. He/ She shall monitor closely the environmental aspects for the site related
S. Task Target Verification Document
1. Disseminate and Communicate EHS Policy, Environmental Project Display Boards
Management System requirements to project personnel. Duration
2. Provide necessary advice, information and support in the Project Notice Boards
effective implementation of the Environmental Management Duration
System requirements and Environmental management plan.
3. Update Environmental Plan according to the requirement of Project Environmental Plan
activities being carried out when there is a revision. Duration
4. Plan and conduct Internal Environmental training programs, Project Environmental Training
initiate drive to promote Environmental awareness and Duration Records
5. Carry out Environmental inspection of Work Area, P&M As per Monthly Inspection Reports
Equipment’s & Machineries, etc. as per the EMS requirement.
Activity Plan
6. Creating Environmental awareness through Tool Box talks. Project Tool box talk Report
7. Advice and co-ordinate with line management in preparing Project Environmental Risk
Environmental Risk Assessment for new activities. Duration assessment Records

8. Conduct investigation of all incidents & recommend appropriate When reported Investigation Report
corrective measures.

9. Organize campaigns, competitions & other special ESM Phasis As and when Record of Environmental
programmes to promote Environmental in the workplace. required Campaigns &
10. Register Customer complaints and take corrective action. Project Customer Compliant
Duration Register
11. Maintain all Environmental related documents Continuous Environmental related
Update Environmental training records Documents

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Kerala State Transport Project

2.2.4 Stores Manager

• Manage handling, storage, transport and record keeping considerations especially for
hazardous waste and substances in line with company procedure, legal and other
• He will keep a copy of related authorization and complying the relevant conditions of the
Authorization and consent.
• Maintain storage area as an oil spill free condition with proper housekeeping.
• He will keep the hazard material log book associated with the MSDS log book.

2.2.5 P&M Head (Plant & Maintenance)

• Prevent and control dust pollution, water pollution, water losses, oil spillage, and noise
pollution at site resulting from operation of plant and equipment
• Provide and maintain waste water treatment unit for vehicle washing unit, etc. and air
pollution control arrangement for traffic area, etc.
• Maintain storage area as an oil spill free condition with proper housekeeping.
• Noise level of vehicle and other equipment will be low as far as possible.
• Maintain Pollution under Control (PUC) record for vehicle and periodically checked.
• full responsibility for all wastes generated and disposed
• Shall ensure that personnel have the relevant competency and experience to execute the waste works
• Shall ensure a high level Environmental awareness among the workers is maintained.
• Shall manage all subcontractors to ensure that overall Environmental compliance is achieved.

• Shall work in close cooperation with the Environmental professionals.

• Shall comply with all statutory requirement applicable for the project

• Shall report to the Manager (Environment).

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Kerala State Transport Project

2.2.6 Site Engineer:

The Site In-charge / Engineer will be responsible for;

• Implementation of environmental operational control procedures.

• Support to environmental agency to carry out proper monitoring work.
• Suggest and initiate for waste segregation and storage.
• Maintain the work area housekeeping

2.2.7 Site Supervisor

They will be responsible for implementing the requirements of this plan. In particular they
are required to;
• Be familiar with Site Environment Management Plan (EMP).
• Liaise and cooperate with Environmental Manager and to ensure that impacts
brought toattention are corrected.
• Establish and maintain proper communication with all workers with regard to
environment, and our roles to mitigate the impact.
• Provide adequate supervision for the work.

2.2.8 Workers
All Employees/Workers including sub-contractor’s Employees will be accountable for
conforming to the requirement of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and
statutory requirements. In particular every Employee will be required to:

• Take care of environmental protection of himself & others.

• Co-operate to fulfil statutory Environmental obligations.
• Co-operate in pursuit of continuous Environmental performance Improvement; and
• Conform to requirement of Project EMP while job.

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2.2.9 Typical Cross-section for the Project

Typical Cross-section for the Project (Figure 2)

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Kerala State Transport Project

3.0 Environment Policy

Environmental Policy

1. Key Objectives
The key objectives of this policy are to set out Begorra Infrastructure and Developers Pvt. Ltd, Rehabilitation and upgradation
of Thattarambalam - Michel Junction-Kochalummood-Mangankuzhy-Pandalam Road project, aims and objectives regarding
their approach to environmental awareness. This policy forms part of Begorra Infrastructure and Developers Pvt. Ltd’
Environmental Management System in accordance with ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management System.
2. Scope
This policy covers all aspects of, Rehabilitation and upgradation of Thattarambalam - Michel Junction-
Kochalummood- Mangankuzhy-Pandalam Road project business operations and will ensure that steps are taken to
minimize the project environmental impact.
The environmental policy also sets out the company’s statutory obligations and responsibilities to clients and third-
party groups regarding its operations.
3. Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of the Managing Director and SHEQ Manager to ensure that the Environmental Policy is implemented
throughout the project and that any changes required are reviewed to ensure the policy remains current in the light
of changing statutory legislation.
Policy Statement
This policy covers all aspects of, Rehabilitation and upgradation of Thattarambalam - Michel Junction-
Kochalummood- Mangankuzhy-Pandalam Road project Begorra Infrastructure and Developers Pvt. Ltd will take a
proactive and responsible approach to all environmental issues. The company is committed to achieving high
operational and environmental management standards on behalf of its clients. To achieve the necessary high standards
of environmental awareness, the following steps will be taken:
• The Project site will encourage greater awareness and understanding and effective management of environmental issues
by staff training and example.
• The Project management will work to enhance the quality of the environment by encouraging its employees to use current knowledge
and experience to anticipate environmental problems that could arise from their professional activities.
The project management ensures and promotes training and continuing professional development of its employees in the
environmental field to improve their knowledge and understanding of environmental matters and increase their awareness
of their role in enhancing their environment.
The following steps will be taken with regard to specific environmental issues:
1) Pollution prevention
2) Effluents
3) Waste water run- off
4) Atmospheric emissions and dust
5) Noise & vibration
6) Waste
Pollution prevention: The project will ensure periodic noise & air Quality Monitoring noise & Vibration
Management, Effluents: The project will ensure effluents consist of liquid discharges including infiltration from
project area, transporting a pollutant dissolved colloidal or particles. If no recognized threshold exists for a chemical
compound pursuant as per ESHS specification sub clause 12.2
Waste water run- off: The project will ensure waste water mitigation and we take appropriate measure to ensure
that discharges of process waste water, sanitary waste water, and waste water from utility operations.
Atmospheric emissions and dust: The project will ensure periodic ambient air quality monitoring and maintain record
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Kerala State Transport Project
Noise & vibration: The project will ensure periodic ambient Noise quality monitoring and maintain record
Waste: The project will ensure& minimize generation of waste and identifying collecting transport waste as per PCB rules
Waste Management and Minimization
• The site management will review the way in which materials are designed, procured and supplied so that the amount of waste
generated on construction sites can be minimized, where possible.
• Where practicable, consideration will be given to material re-use, recycling or recovery before disposal options are explored.
Facilities will be made available for waste sorting and recycling within company offices and on construction

• sites.
Sustainable use of Resources
• The project management will maximise the use of local and sustainable materials, where possible.
• Consideration will be given to the life span of all construction materials, used, new and recycled and theease with which they could be
disposed of or used again once the structure reaches the end of its life.

• The Project management will work towards improving material resource efficiency, by promoting the economic use of construction
materials and methods so that waste is minimized.
• The Project management will encourage the sustainable use and management of water resources through incorporation of water
efficiency measures and the use of sustainable urban drainage systems, where appropriate.
Energy Conservation
• The Project management will where possible encourage the use of sustainable energy resources and seek opportunities to improve energy
Environmental Compliance
• The site management will comply with their statutory and environmental obligations and in all instances will actin a professional and
diligent manner.
• The site management will ensure, where practicable, that business partners and sub- contractors have appropriate environmental
policies and take steps to implement them.
• The overall objective of the Environmental Policy is to promote site management culture which actively commits resources to the
management of environmental issues at a corporate and individual level and demonstrate a high standard of commitment to the
environment and environmental issues.

For, Begorra Infrastructure and Developers Private Limited,

(Authorized Signatory)

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Kerala State Transport Project

Safety, Health & Environment Policy for BEGORRA – PRL (JV) has been defined by the ProjectManager.

He also ensures that:

• The policy is appropriate in the nature, scale and environmental impacts or its
activities, products or services.
• The main motto of policy is to have continual improvement and prevention of pollution.
• The SHE policy encompasses to compliance with all applicable environmental
legislation andregulations.
• The policy and objectives are reviewed during the Management Review Meeting for
modification (if any) and setting up of new targets.
• The SHE Policy and Objectives have been distributed to all concerned including for
the implementation, maintenance and continually improve and understanding to all
employees at all locations.
• The requirement of this international standard shall be identified and planned how
to fulfillthese requirements. The details of the above shall be made available in the
EnvironmentalManagement Programmes.
• Policy is made to public through various means. I.e. Display at the main gate of the
site andat other prominent locations of the company.

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4.0 Environment Management

Environmental Pollution Control Measures

As per the EMS, Environmental Control Measures (ECM) means Environmental

Operational Control Procedures (EOCPs) shall be established and maintained to cover
situations where their absence could lead to deviations from the Environmental Policy and
developed objectives and targets.
EOCPs maintains the baseline of Environmental performance within the organization as
opposed to objectives and targets that improves the Environmental performance. It is
easy to understand that without operational control there could be a chance that
organization improves through objectives and targets in some areas and deteriorates in
other areas. Environmental control measures are required to prevent this deterioration in
environmental performance and maintain a baseline from where continual improvement
in Environmental performance can be planned through objectives and targets. Vibration
and Ecological monitoring is not applicable in our scope.

Air Pollution, Prevention & Control Measures

This plan establishes procedures to monitor impact on Air quality and measures to control
Air pollution including dust suppression due to construction activities at work sites. This
plan contains description of activities that causes degradation in air quality,
Environmental procedures to manage pollutants, monitoring program, and record
keeping and reporting.
Ambient Air Quality Monitoring shall be undertaken for PM10, PM2.5, CO, SO2 and NOx are
according to different parts of BIS: 5182 and for PM2.5 CPCB Guidelines as required under
the contract. Other Parameters as per National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS),

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4.0.1 Potential Sources of SPM & RSPM

i) Dust generation at site due to operations like excavation, grading, clearing of land,
back filling, cement & fly ash handling, storage and disposal of construction waste

ii) Emissions of cement and fly ash from Batching Plant

iii) Diesel-Generator (DG) Sets

iv) Emission from Vehicle & Equipment’s

i) Prevention & Control of Dust Generation at Site

Dust would be generated at site due to various activities like; vehicle movement, transfer
of material, etc. Excavated materials will be dumped / placed in a manner that will
minimize dust production. Watering will be done if required for dust suppression and
stabilize materials. The height from which materials are dropped will be kept to minimum
limit fugitive dust emission. Stockpiling if required will be done with suitable slopes. The
vehicles carrying sand on the road will be tightened properly with tarpaulin sheets and
loaded with sufficient free-board so that dust particles could not escape out of the
carrying vehicles. Wash pit or wheel washing, high pressure water jets and/or vehicle
cleaning facility shall be provided for vehicles which exits from sites. Project site boundary
shall be barricaded with sheet of 15 ft. height. Waste storage area shall be covered to
prevent dust emission from site.

Sprinkling/Irrigation: Sprinkling the ground surface with water until it is moist is an

effective dust control method for haul roads and other traffic routes. In areas where
evaporation rates are high, water application to exposed soils may require near constant
attention, i.e., periodic sprinkling is required. If water is applied in excess, sprinkling may
create unwanted excess runoff from the site and possibly create conditions where
vehicles could track mud onto public roads.

Vegetative Cover: In areas not expected to handle vehicle traffic, vegetative stabilization
of disturbed soil is recommended as per applicability.

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Kerala State Transport Project

Windbreaks: Windbreaks are barriers (either Natural or constructed) that reduce wind
velocity through a site and therefore reduce the possibility of suspension of suspended
particles. Windbreaks can be trees or shrubs left in place during site clearing or
constructed barriers such as a wind fence, tarp curtain, hay bale, crate wall, or sediment
wall. Windbreaks are effective for reducing the dust from the stockpiles, plants and
machineries (conveyors). Windbreaks shall be provided at the downwind direction of
sufficient height based on the wind speed, wherever feasible.

ii) Prevention & Control of emission by Diesel Generator (DG) Sets

• Adequate stack height with sampling port hole shall be installed with DG sets at site
as per following equations and as per height if mentioned in the consent under Air

• Adequate stack height for the stationed plant and equipment’s (other than Diesel
Generators) shall be provided for the exhaust emissions.

iii) Prevention & Control of Dust Generation by Vehicle & Equipment

• Air emissions from vehicles & equipment to be operational at site should be

prevented & controlled through periodic maintenance & servicing.
• All vehicles moving in the construction site shall restrict to defined speed limit.
• Dust / Mud and any deposition of material on public place shall be cleaned by
prompt sweeping.
• Wheel washing facility shall be provided for washing the wheels of vehicles before
going out of Site area.

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• Pollution under Control (PUC) shall be carried out at least once in six month. Its
certificate record shall be maintained.
• All vehicles, equipment and machineries used for the construction shall comply with
current rules and regulations protecting the environment.
• Temporary storage of excavated top soil, if needed, shall be done within barricaded
portion and will be disposed of at authorized place.
• Adequate care will be taken so as to prevent any fall out of materials from vehicle
and create nuisance. If by chance any fall out occur, it will be immediately cleaned
and washed.
4.0.2 Air Quality Monitoring
Ambient Air Quality shall be monitored as per contract requirements to assess the
pollution level during construction phase. The location, duration and frequency will be as
given in table below. Location and frequency will be vary according to work.
Table No. : 1 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Details
Sampling Ambient Air
Parameter PM10 (µg/m ), PM2.5 (µg/m3), CO (mg/m3)

Duration 24 hours Ambient Air Monitoring for PM

Frequency at each location Twice a Month
Based on Construction Activity with 5 to 6
Total Period of Monitoring During Civil construction
Additional requirement Ad hoc monitoring as required

Air quality from every monitoring shall be compared and every effort shall be made to
minimize the impact of construction activity on the quality of Air. Temporary effects shall
be controlled by measures described above.

Mitigation Measures
Transport of material from one place to another creates air pollution, which degrades the
Atmosphere of the area. To minimize pollution precaution are taken to minimize visible
particulate matter from being deposited upon roadways. It includes removal of

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particulate matter from equipment and cleaning of dust / mud and deposit of material on
public place by routine sweeping work.

Control requirement at road construction site:

The dumping material shall be placed in a manner that will minimize dust production.
Material shall be stabilized by watering or other accepted dust suppression techniques.
The height from which material dropped shall be the minimum practical height to limit
the fugitive dust emission. Stock piled, sand and aggregates used in concrete
manufacturing and construction work should be piled with suitable slopes and if required
it will be enclosed on three sides with suitable barricading. Cement will be stored
separately in cement go-down. Water sprinklers shall be provided as required to control
and suppress dust during handling of excavation, debris and or during demolition. During
dry weather, dust control methods shall be used daily especially on windy, dry days to
prevent any dust from blowing.

Monitoring of PM:
The impacts of fugitive dust as ambient Air pollution depends on quantity generated as
well as drift potential of dust particles injected into Atmosphere. Larger particles will settle
down but smaller particles will drift away. PM levels will be monitored to check dust
impact during construction phase.

The samples will be collected with the help of High Volume Air Sampler using standard
methods on pre weighted GFA filter paper at a rate of 1:1 m3/minute for 24 hours and PM
will be monitored by suitable placement of High Volume Air Sampler at various locations
at the site. Air monitoring shall be carried out monthly at each location.

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Presentation and Interpretation of results:
The results will be reported on the basis of 24 hours and will be presented as µg/m3. These
results will be compared with National Ambient Air Quality standards. The results will be
recorded and mitigation measures will be taken for control of air pollution.

Table No. : 2 National Ambient Air Quality Standards

Time Weighted in µg/m3
Industrial Area
Carbon monoxide Average 8 hrs. 4.0 mg/m3
(CO) Average 1 hr. 2.0 mg/m3
Particulate matter Annual average 60.0 µg/m3
(PM10) 24 hours 100.0 µg/m3
Particulate matter Annual average 40.0 µg/m3
(PM2.5) 24 hours 60.0 µg/m3
Sulfur Dioxide Annual average 50.0 µg/m3
(SO2) 24 hours 80.0 µg/m3
Oxides of Annual average 40.0 µg/m3
Nitrogen (NOx) 24 hours 80.0 µg/m3

4.1 Water Pollution, Prevention & Control Measures and water supply,
wastewater and solid waste disposal from construction activities

Flow Chart - Water Pollution, Prevention & Control (Figure 4)

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Identification of Wastewater Sources

Optimization of water usage and Identification of Pollution

Prevention options at the source, to minimize the wastewater
generation such as water conservation measures, less polluting
chemical usage etc.

Establishing adequate treatment system to treat the


Identify the options for the possible reuse of treated

wastewater such as sprinkling, horticulture etc.

Discharge of unused wastewater and sludge as per the

applicable legislative norms

Water Requirement and Sources

During the construction phase, water will be required for civil works, workforce at site
office and workforce at campsite. The water will be sourced from the river along the
project. road section well water will be use for without affecting the local supply.
The total water required for the project is 561 Kl/day.

Treated effluent from sedimentation tank shall be reused in spraying. The entire
wastewater generated from the project site (sites) shall be effectively collected before the
treatment. During the collection process, efforts have to be made toprevent any leakage
or overflow. Temporary Drainage system shall be provided. Wastewater shall be
preferably collected in the covered lined drains.
As far as possible the project site shall have minimum treatment systems. This means that
wastewater generated from the different sources shall be collected together (through
drain network or mobile tanker network) and treated at a common place. The treated
wastewater for discharge of environmental pollutants shall meet the minimum
requirements specified by the concerned statutory authority depending on the type of
discharge such as inland surface water, public sewers, barren land etc. Wastewater
treatment system shall be Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD). We will submit Waste
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management plan for all other types of wastes.

4.1.1 Source of Waste Water

Wastewater generated from different sources at the project site and related activities
are listed below:

i) Wastewater generated from sewage

ii) Wastewater generated from canteen / mess

iii) Storm water discharge

i) Management of waste water due to Operations of Batching Plant

Batching plant wastewater arises from
1. Washing out transit mixer drums at the end of the each working day to prevent fresh
concrete residue from setting in the drum overnight. Additional wastewater
generated from washing down the yard and drum.
2. Occasionally unwanted fresh concrete is returned to the batching plant from site.
The wet waste consists mainly of water, with a variable proportion of coarse and fine
aggregates, cementitious powders and chemical admixtures.
It is easy to prevent the pollution at the source rather than treating the same. A
sedimentation tank shall be constructed of adequate quantity where wash water from
transit mixer drum will be stored and filtered by sedimentation process. Sedimentation is
a physical water treatment process using gravity to remove suspended solids from water.
The sedimentation tank shall have two chambers to utilize the sedimentation process to
the optimum. The sedimentation tank shall have a screen (weld mesh) to retain the coarse
materials at the entrance of first chamber. There shall be final collection tank after two
sedimentation tank. Treated water shall be used in water sprinkling.
ii) Management of wastewater due to curing / Site
The following measures are to be adopted to reduce the wastewater generation from the
concrete curing / Site.
Water Curing
• As far as possible the rough calculation shall be made to understand the quantity of
curing water required in a day for any type of concrete structure curing, considering
the necessary losses (runoff, evaporation etc.). This will help in optimizing the water
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• Utilize wet blankets / Hessian cloth or a similar method that maintains moisture while
minimizing the use and possible discharge of water.
• Direct cure water runoff shall be away from water bodies (surface and ground water).

• Water runoff or over flow water from curing yards shall be collected in a collection
tank of adequate capacity through lined open or closed drains.
• The runoff before entering the collection tank shall have a screen (weld mesh) to
retain the coarse materials.
• A closed loop system shall be followed to reuse the collected curing water. Fresh water
shall be added only for loss.
• At every three days interval, the complete collected curing water (from the tanks) shall
be used for sprinkling purpose.
iii) Management of wastewater from sewage
Facilities for collection and disposal of sanitary waste shall be provided and properly
managed to minimize the potential contamination of sewage to the ground water, surface
water and land. Portable toilets shall also be used in addition to the stationed toilet.
The following criteria shall be considered in providing portable toilets.
• Portable toilets shall be provided on the site in close proximity to areas where people
are working for the whole day continuously for a month.
• Location of portable facilities (urinal, washbasin and toilets) shall be away from storm
drain systems (minimum of six meters) and surface waters to avoid spillage.
• Portable toilets will be provided if no permanent facilities are available.
• Portable toilets shall be regularly cleaned and all the sewage shall be pumped from
the collection tank periodically and shall be brought to the common soak pit and septic
tank for further treatment.
iv) Management of Wastewater generated from canteen/mess
Wastewater from canteen/mess is generated from washing utensils, floor washing and
washbasins. The following measures shall be adopted to reduce the wastewater
generation and the pollution load:

• All the leftover food particles in the plates and cooking utensils should be collected in
separate bins. In no case food particles shall be allowed to go in to the drain.
• Food grains shall be washed in a separate container and not directly in the sink to
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prevent the spillage.

• Left out cooked oil shall be collected separately and disposed off to the approved
recycler. At no cases, it shall be disposed in the drains.
• Two stages of washing dishes shall be followed for washing larger number of utensils.
In the first stage the sink shall be filled with soapy water and all the dishes shall be
washed. In the second stage the sink shall be filled with fresh water and all the pre-
washed dishes (with soapy foam) shall be washed with the fresh water.
• Water conservation taps available in local market shall be fitted in dishwashing sink
and washbasin.

v) Management of wastewater from storm water discharge

There shall be a proper drainage system for storm water runoff to prevent the water
inundation in all working areas. Working areas includes Site, plant and machineryareas,
storage areas etc. The following management practices shall help in preventing the
pollution entering the storm water drain.

• Keeping pollutants off exposed surfaces: Placing waste baskets around the site
and cleaning it often.

• Cover and maintain dumpsters: Checking frequently for leaks. Placing dumpsters
under a roof or cover with tarpaulin or plastic sheeting. Never cleaning a
dumpster byhosing it down on site.

• Keeping materials out of the rain: Covering exposed piles of soil or construction
materials with plastic sheeting or temporary roofs.

• Portable toilets in good working condition (if any): Checking frequently for leaks
and service regularly.

• Optimum consumption of water for dust control.

Periodic cleaning of storm water drains shall be carried out especially before and after the
monsoons. Cleaning up leaks, drips, and other spills in the land shall be carried out
immediately. This will prevent contaminated soil or residue on paved surface. Never
hosing down “dirty” pavement or surfaces where materials have spilled.

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4.1.2 Water Quality Monitoring

As far as possible, to the greatest extent the wastewater shall be treated and used for the
internal purpose to zero liquid discharge. Usage of recycled and reused water by various
utilities (such as canteen water, curing yard water, gardening, etc.) shall also be
Drinking water quality shall be checked half yearly as per Drinking water quality standards
IS: 10500, 2012.

4.2 Noise Pollution, Prevention & Control Measures

Flow Chart - Noise Pollution - Prevention & Control (Figure 5)

Noise Exposure Hazard Identified

Noise Exposure Assessment

Identify Noise Sources

Identify Exposed Personnel

Noise Control Implementation

Identify Appropriate Controls

Implement Control Measures

Noise Control Evaluation

4.3 1)Tree plantation, Tree Protection Plan, Tree compensatory Plan

4.4 2)Hazardous Waste Management Plan, Waste Management plan we have maintained And
submitted separately

5.3.1 Legal and Other Requirements

• Compliance of Noise Pollution (Regulation & Control) Rules, 2000 and its amendment.

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Table No: 3: Noise Quality Standards with Respect to working Zones.

Type of Area Noise level, (Leq) dB (A)

Day time Night time
(06.00 A.M. to 09.00 P.M.) (09.00 P.M. to 06.00 A.M.)
Industrial Area 75 70

Commercial Area 65 55

Residential Area 55 45

Silence Zone 50 40
* Day time shall mean from 06.00 A.M. to 09.00 P.M.
* Night time shall mean from 09.00 P.M. to 06.00 A.M.
* Silence zone is an area comprising not less than 100 meters around hospitals,
educational institutions, courts, religious places or any other area which is declared as
such by the competent authority.

• Noise limit for DG sets (up to 1000 KVA manufactured on or after 1st Jan 2005)
shouldnot exceed 75 dB (A).

4.3.2 General Requirements

• All the plant and equipment to be used on the site shall be properly maintained
in good operating condition and noisy construction activities shall be effectively
sound- reduced by means of silencers, mufflers, acoustic linings or shields,
acoustic sheds or screens or other means, to avoid disturbance to any nearby
noise sensitive receivers and shall be used only in case of power failure/

• All the noise hazard areas (noise level exceeding 75 dB) shall be provided with
• All the personnel’s working in the noise hazard areas shall be provided with
personal hearing protectors.
• Adequate information shall be provided to all the employees working in the
noise hazard areas

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• Scheduling noisy activities takes place when the minimum numbers of other
nearby workers are present (but noise out of hours needs to be carefully planned
to avoid neighborhood annoyance).
• Rotation of workers to minimize exposure times.
• Machinery used for construction will be of high standard of reputed make and
will adhere to international standards. These standards itself take care of noise
pollution control/ vibration control and air emission control. Lubrication shall be
carried out periodically of machinery. Use of well-maintained construction
equipment and vehicles used for transportation.

4.3.3 Noise Control Measures

Prevention of the Noise at the Source

All noise-emitting objects generate air borne energy (noise) and structure borne energy
(vibrations). Some of the engineering control measures, which can be taken at the site
level are:
• All vibration shall be prevented by taking suitable control measures such as by;
o Replacing rivet with welds,
o Avoid metal to metal contact by using plastic bumpers,
o Providing vibration isolation mountings
o Lagging (covering or insulating) dampen vibrating surfaces
o Absorbing shock with wear resistant rubber or plastic coatings
• Noise shall be prevented at the source by adopting following measures;
o Provision of mufflers or silencers
o Provision of noise barriers and noise enclosures at the source of

Modification of the Noise at the Transmission Path

Modifying the noise transmission path is seen as the second line of defense and includes
the following methods:
• Increasing the distance between source and receiver.
• Enclosing noisy sources by full enclosures, partial enclosures and barriers and shields.
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• Separating noisy and quiet areas by partitions.

Administrative Noise Control Measures

Where it is not practicable to comply with the exposure standard for noise solely through
other control measures, administration control measures are used. These measures
reduce the noise to which a person is exposed by means of working arrangements,
• Organizing schedules so that noisy work is done when, as few people as
possible arepresent.
• Notifying people in advance when noisy work is to be carried out, so they can
limittheir exposure to it.
• Keeping people out of noisy area, if their job does not require them to be there.
• Sign posting noisy areas
• Periodic rotation of persons working in excessive noisy area shall be carried out.

Personal Hearing Protectors

Personal hearing protectors shall be used only as an interim measure while control of
excessive noise is being achieved by engineering control measures. The removal of
personal hearing protectors for even short periods of time can significantly reduce their
effectiveness and result in inadequate protection. Due to the difficulties of wearing
personal hearing protectors for long periods of time in certain environments, regular
brief periods in quiet areas, without personal hearing protectors, should be allowed.
Noise Monitoring
Noise monitoring shall be carried out twice a month with 6 estimated locations and spot
noise also be check on monthly basis at 1 m, 3 m & 5 m distances.

4.5 Soil Pollution, Prevention & Control Measures

Following mitigation measures shall be taken for soil pollution prevention:
• Green belt development and trees protection shall be done to prevent soil erosion.

• We will provide wheel wash facilities at exit gate, from where soil disposal shall be carried

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4.6 Energy Management
Measures to manage Energy:
Energy management measures are listed below where we can reduce energy
consumption and conserve energy.
• We will regularly do maintenance of equipment & machineries used during
• Use less energy consumption LED lights, Air conditioners, etc.
• Use energy efficient motors and pumps,
• Provide proper illuminating and ventilated place for working area as well as at
construction site also.
• Proper transparent window which can work as a light in day time.
• We shall use Solar light with refractive tapes on barricade boards.

Thattarambalam – Michel Junction – Kochalummood

(Figure 6)

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Vertical Profile of Road Section

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4.7 Spill Control Management

• Container Management:
i. Containers must be in good condition and compatible with the materials
stored within it.
ii. Containers must be accessible and spacing between containers must provide
sufficient access to perform periodic inspection and respond to release.
iii. Empty container marked with the word empty.
iv. Any spill on the exterior of the container must be cleaned immediately.
v. Do not overfill waste drums.
vi. Do not put any flammable material close to it or must be grounded to prevent
static spark.

• Good Housekeeping:
i. It must be stored inside building or under cover.
ii. Containers should be close while not in use.
iii. Immediately clean up and properly manage all small spills or leaks.
iv. Periodically inspect equipment and storage areas to ensure leaks or spills are
not occurring.
v. Use signage to identity the storage area.

• Secondary Containment:
i. Store all bulk chemicals within appropriate secondary containment, or any
sized chemical if there is a potential for release to environment.
ii. Secondary containment should be check periodically, and any spills
identified in secondary containment must be immediately cleaned up and

• Marking/Labelling:
i. Ensure all hazardous substances, chemicals are properly marked and
ii. It should be marked with the chemical name and hazard.

• Control Measures:
If spill is small:
i. Steps to taken shut off leak if safe to do so.
ii. Keep non-involved people away from spill site.
iii. Eliminate all source of ignition.

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If spill is large:
i. Prevent spill entering into sewers by dike the area with sand bags.
ii. Spread absorbents over the source of spill.

4.8 Tree Protection, Tree cutting and reinstatement management

i. Tree protection plan:

1. Tree cutting shall be limited to absolute minimum numbers.
2. Tree cutting shall be carried out only after obtaining proper permission.
3. Tree cutting should be avoid if there is chances to change the drawing.
4. Use trimming of plantation for essential activity at work area.
5. Awareness training among the workmen and staff on Tree protection.
6. Ensure pesticide spray to protect tree from fungal infection.
7. Adequate inspection on regular basis by concern authority.
8. Adequate water arrangement for tree irrigation.
9. Fencing and trenching should be done around the tree to protect tree from wild animals.
10. Adequate wind protection must be ensured.

ii. Tree cutting plan: With a view to minimize environmental disturbance due to tree
cutting following measures shall be adopted:

11. Tree cutting shall be carried out only after obtaining proper permission.
12. Prepare action plan for cutting of tree at project stretch.
13. First cut those trees which are bend and damaged.
14. Intimate forest department before cutting trees.
15. Ensure only Certified agency must be hired for tree cutting.
16. Awareness training among the workmen and staff on Tree cutting.
17. Ensure 100% fencing around the tree cutting areas.
18. Adequate stacking arrangement for trimmed branches.

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iii. Tree Reinstatement/ Compensatory planning:

Trees are essential for earth. They create the air we breathe and filter air pollution. Trees
also build soil and soak up storm-water before it can create a flood, and they offer energy-
saving shade that reduces global warming and creates habitat for thousands of different
species. Trees also help to reduce ozone levels in urban areas. Most importantly, trees
sequester carbon, helping to remove carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from
the air, which cools the earth. In fact, a mature canopy tree absorbs enough carbon and
releases enough oxygen to sustain two human beings. The carbon storage capacity of
forests is approximately three times as large as the pool of 2 carbon in the atmosphere.
If forests are changed, reduced, or eliminated, the captured carbon goes into the
atmosphere as Carbon Dioxide (CO2). Trees are barrier to Noise also. So tree saving is
most important. Compensatory plantation is being taken up as per concerned Forest
authority/ Municipal authority.

4.8 Traffic diversion

The basic objective of the Traffic Diversion plan is to lay down procedures to be adopted by
BEGORRA – PRL (JV) to ensure the safe and efficient movement of traffic and also to ensurethe
safety of workmen & Public. In all cases, the employee shall keepproper precautions. Wherever
operations undertaken are likely to interfere with public traffic.

Traffic diversion plans shall be drawn up and implemented by the BEGORRA – PRL (JV) in
consultation with the approval of local police authorities and/or the concerned metropolitan
/ civil authoritiesas the case may be. The BEGORRA – PRL (JV) shall take all necessary measures
for the safety of traffic during construction and provide, erect and maintain such barricades,
including signs, markings, flags, lights and flagmen.

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The guiding principles to be adopted for Traffic Safety in construction zone are to:

• Provide safe and clearly marked lanes for guiding road users.
• Provide safe and clearly marked buffer and work zones.
• Provide adequate measures to control driver behaviour.
• Regulatory signage to be clearly displayed.
• Warning signs in the traffic control zone shall be utilised.
• General traffic safety instruction to be displayed.
• Traffic cone / Barriers to be installed with full visibility.
• Traffic Diversion board to be displayed.
• Full height fence, barriers, barricades board to be displayed.
• Warning lights / diversion light / Blinkers / Rope light to be displayed.
• Barricades board must be anchored & aligned properly.
• All barricades shall be conspicuously seen in the dark/night time by the road users.
• Retro reflective stripes to be displayed on the barricades with required size and shape at
appropriate angle at the bottom and middle portion of the barricade.
• To avoid slip, skid of vehicles Proper brooming, cleaning washing must be maintained of
• Spillage of construction water / Polymer or other waste must not be go through over
the road.
• Construction zone sign covering advance warning zone, approach road zone, work zone.
• First Aid and emergency response arrangements to be available.

4.9 Construction material management & housekeeping

• Full height fence, barriers, barricading boards etc. shall be erected around the site and
toe dust cleaning will be done on regular interval
• All stairways, passageways and gangways shall be maintained without any blockages or
• All surplus earth and debris shall be removed/disposed-off to officially designated
• Labour colony, roads, piers etc. housekeeping shall also be done as per contractual

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5.0 Emergency Preparedness & Response

In the compilation of operation related aspects and impacts, all emergency situations are also
identified such as storage of gas & oxygen cylinders, handling of hazardous material, releasing of
toxic chemicals etc., along with the normal and abnormal situations. For these emergencies to
be prevented from happening, Emergency Preparedness and Response Plans are prepared
indicating the preventive measures, preparedness and the response plan (Refer Document
Emergency Preparedness and Response program shall consider the following:
• Assessing the potential for accidents and emergencies
• Preventing incidents and their associated environmental impacts
• Plans / procedures for responding to incidents
• Periodic testing of emergency plans / procedures
• Mitigating impacts associated with these incidents

Periodic mock drills shall be conducted for the effectiveness of the Emergency Preparedness and
Response Plan. Emergency may occur due to oil fire, chemical spills etc.

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6.0 Communication & Consultation

BEGORRA – PRL (JV) Project Manager has established an appropriate communication method
in consultationwith Chief SHE Manage to all stakeholders internally as well as externally. Also
project will initiate dialogue and consultation with all concerned whenever there is a
requirement and interest from any stakeholder. Communication and consultation will be
through briefings and meetings, induction/ orientation, newsletter, posters, e-mails
suggestion boxes/schemes, intranet, notice boards containing information on Environment
The following topics will be communicated internally as well as externally to vendors, client,
visitors, authority and any other interested party.

• Site Environmental procedure

• Environmental Aspects and Impacts and control measures
• Reporting an Incident and Non-conformities
• Environmental alerts
• Regulatory and other requirements
• Emergency procedures
• Environmental Performance
• Results of Audits and Inspections
• Results of Incident investigations
• Environmental Initiatives
Complaint and feedback received from any stakeholder will be dully addressed and issues
will be resolved.

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7.0 Training & Environment Awareness with Institutional

Training is an important tool in bringing the behavior change and modification in thinking
processes of employees, for an effective implementation of EMP. Regular training and
awareness program shall be held for workers and employees on environmental related
topics. The objective of this training is to engage personnel at different level starting from top
level to shop floor level and to make awareness about of Environment Management Plan
(EMP). We will implement our training program as per work. KSTP and our Project Manager
(PIU) will gives us training regarding different subjects.

Environment related training topics:

• General Environmental Awareness

• Environmental Aspect and Impact, Environmental Objective, target and Program.
• EMS System at Construction site
• Environmental Control Measures
• Environmental legal and other requirement
• Housekeeping/Site cleanliness
• Waste Management Procedures, including waste separation, reduction, and reuse and
• Emergency Preparedness and Response
• Incident Reporting.

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8.0 Environment Monitoring, Audit & Management Review

Monitoring and measurement
Monitoring is required to gauge whether the system is performing in-line with the referred
procedures / plans / guidelines / relevant documents. EMP will help in tracking the project-
wide key environmental characteristics as well as those related to particular Environmental
Control Measures (ECM), Objective & Targets and legal compliance.

Monitoring and Measurement is carried out for (i) tracking of project-wide Environmental
parameters with respect to ambient air, water & effluent, noise, (ii) tracking of resource
consumption such as water, energy, raw materials, (iii) tracking of Environmental control
measures such as operation of treatment plants, (iv) monitoring progress of objectives and
targets, (v) calibration of Environmental data measuring devices and (vi) monitoring legal

The above monitoring is generally undertaken through a combination of centralized and

decentralized responsibilities keeping in view the way of the project is structured. There is no
specific requirement on the frequency of monitoring and this is decided on a case-to-case
basis based on the issue or parameter to be monitored. Monitoring and measurement
enables the project to;

• Evaluate Environmental performance

• Analyze root causes of problems
• Assess compliance with legal or contractual requirements
• Identify areas requiring corrective action
• Improve performance and increase efficiency (or) productivity.

Environmental Monitoring

• A third party Environmental Monitoring shall be carried out on every 6 months. The
frequency shall be revised as per contractual requirement and requirement as mentioned
by statutory Government body like mentioned in consent.

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• The monitored data shall be evaluated with legal requirements (e.g. As per The
Environment (Protection) Rule), as per requirement of consent, contractual requirement.
• The third party shall be approved by PCB and/ or MOEF.
• If the monitored data exceed than the limit then it shall be controlled by planned activity
or say, prepare objective, target and program(s) for the same. Implement and monitor
the compliance of the same.

Equipment to be available:
• TDS meter shall be used to monitor water quality.
• Sound Level meter (dB) for noise monitoring and Lux meter for lightening

Environmental Audit/Other forms of Audit/IMS Audit:

• External Audits carried out by a 3rd party independent auditor;

• Analysis of internal non-conformances reports;
• Site instruction issued by the Employers representative for environment
• Employers Representative Audit results, customer complaints and other express
• Site inspections conducted by the Safety, Engineering & Project Management
• Monitoring of document submittals status;
• Analysis of rejections for not being in compliance with stated remediation
measures or inspection and test plans;

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• Analysis of incidents, occurances of fatalities, major & minor injuries, dangerous

occurances, near-misses, damage reports for equipment and public property,
accident incidence and frequency rates;
• Corrective and preventive measures identified and achieved;
• Collation and analysis of data from all measurement processes.
• During IMS audit at the project site implementation of EMP is checked. IMS audit
is a systematic and documented verification process of objectively obtaining and
evaluating evidence to determine whether the project site confirms to the audit
requirement. By systematically undertaking IMS audits and reporting its findings,
effectiveness to the management helps to take the needful action, if required.
• Internal audit findings are reported in the audit report as non-conformance and/or
suggestions for the improvement. The concerned representatives shall close the
audit findings in the due course and intimate the same to the lead auditor / team
leader of the audit team.
• Project EHS team shall track the compliance of observation raised during audit and
it’s sustainably implementation.

Management Review
Management Review Meeting to review the EMS status is held at least once in six months to
ensure their continued suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. The Management Review
meeting is presided over by Director and is attended by the following:

1. Project Manager
2. Chief manager safety
3. Environment Manager
4. Manager QC
5. Any other person deemed necessary by the MR/Project Manager.

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Kerala State Transport Project

The Project Manager may co-opt any other person as required. Management Representative
acts as the Member Secretary for Management Review Meeting.

The agenda points for Environmental Management Review meeting are as follows:

i) Follow up action from previous management review

ii) Results of internal/external audits and evaluation of compliance with legal
requirements and other requirements to which the organization subscribes.
iii) Communication from external interested parties including complaints.
iv) Customer feedback and complaints.
v) The environmental performance of the organization.
vi) Status of corrective and preventive action.
c) Changes that could affect the Environmental Management System including changing
circumstances and developments in legal and other requirements related to EMS
vii) Review of Policy and Objectives related to Environmental management systems.
viii) Review of Resources.
ix) Recommendations for improvement
5.6.2 Review Out put
The output from the review includes any decision and action related to;
i) Improvement of the effectiveness of the EMS processes.
ii) Improvement of product related to customer requirements.
ii) Resource needs.
iii) Compliance level of system and legal requirement.
iv) Identification of legal and other requirements (new and amended if any)
v) Possible changes to environmental policy, objectives, targets and other elements of the
EMS consistent with the commitment to continual improvement.

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Kerala State Transport Project

9.0 Non-Conformity, Corrective Action & Preventive


If any issue raised by Client, not complied as per the Environmental Management Plan
guideline, BEGORRA – PRL (JV) Environmental Manager will be responsible to close / comply
as soon as possible. Any Non-Conformance will be close out as soon as reasonably practical
by site engineer in co-ordination with Environmental Manager.

All work processes within BEGORRA – PRL (JV) Quality or safety & Environmental Management
System, where governed by a specification, standard, code or procedure and or Method
Statement, shall comply with the requirements of that document including any attachments
or appendices thereto. Any work process not in compliance with its governing procedure and
or Method Statement will be deemed not to be in compliance with the Management System,
Project Objectives and/or the Contract Documents.

Identification of a non-conformance can be by any party from the results of Inspection and
or Surveillance Activity. All non-conformance types once identified shall be raised using the
NCR Form and entered into the NCR master register. The individual responsible for closeout
shall be stated in all cases.

The successful Close-out of all raised NCR’s shall be attained through:

a) Name and designation of the person responsible and accountable for close-out is
assigned on the NCR Form;
b) Tracking of the NCR status; All NCR’s shall be entered into the NCR Register that
shall detail the tracking status against the rectification target dates;
c) Target dates that are not achieved shall initiate an immediate review by the
Quality Assurance Manager;
d) Missed target dates shall be reported to the Project Manager by the Quality
Assurance Manager as and when this arises.

Document No: BEGORRA/KSTP/EMP/001 ESMP Page No: 50

Kerala State Transport Project

e) The NCR register shall reviewed in its entirety on a monthly basis during the
scheduled progress meeting. This review shall include the identification of trends
and the causational factors associated.

Corrective Action
Non-conformance raised through audit, shall be raised as a Corrective Action Request (CAR).
The raising of a (CAR) initiates an investigation process with the objective of determining the
root cause of the deficiency thus facilitating an effective Corrective Action to be planned. The
investigation process shall identify any unforeseen or undesirable effect on the Quality and
Safety Management System and determine the detailed action necessary to resolve the
deficiencies. The implementation of the Corrective Actions taken shall be monitored through
to resolution of the immediate efficiency and the longer-term success, through (CAR) trend
Similar to the Non Conformance Register, Corrective Action Requests shall have an
independent register however this register is maintained at Area Head Office to monitor the
success of the Quality and Safety Management System in resolution.

Preventive Action
Records of all non-conformance and corrective actions are maintained as quality records.
These records are analyzed and utilized to provide feedback for use in planning of
forthcoming production activities to prevent recurrence of non-conformities.

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Kerala State Transport Project

10 Social Management Plan

The Social Management is preliminary in KSTP scope. However Following Aspects of Social
Management shall be taken care by the Contractor: -

1. Engagement of local workers, Such as Security Guards, Drivers, helpers etc.

2. Facilities as per applicable BOCW and as per the condition of contract

3. Facilities Health camp for Local workers

4. Facilities Vaccination Camp

5. Organizing Awareness Program through NGO

6. Organizing craft and drawing class for local people exceptionally for child

7. Organizing Yoga class through NGO

8. Organizing Medical check up

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Kerala State Transport Project

By systematic way of implementing the Environmental Management System as discussed in
this plan, it is certainly possible to prevent or control or minimize the adverse Environmental
impacts that shall arise during the pre-construction and construction stage of the project.
With the mitigation measures detailed in this document and implemented during the
construction and reinstatement stage, along with the corrective measures including
prevention and control measures taken during the environmental management system audit,
the Environmental conditions such as air, water, and noise shall be well maintained and no
unacceptable residual impacts are anticipated.

Document No: BEGORRA/KSTP/EMP/001 ESMP Page No: 53

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