EMP Template

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Environment management Plan

1. Introduction (@project & Company description)
2. Objective (@goal of Environment management) The main objectives of the
environmental management system are to prevent pollution, meet compliance
obligations and enhance conditions of the environment.
3. Scope (define scope, i.e. project area & Facilities for which plan is prepared)
4. Company’s policy on environment management
5. Regulatory Requirements
6. Approach & Work plan (project approach to Environment management, your approach,
how you are going to execute action plan)
7. Roles & responsibility(Environment management team(Roles & Responsibilities in
managing EMS)
8. Environment management Programmes: includes environment aspects, impacts and
mititgation measures
(as per ESMP provisions, EMP during construction phase)

Sr.No. Environmental impact Mitigation Measures to implement Remark

(which is
done, in
1 Soil Pollution -Dedicated storage area of raw materials to
prevent ingress of harmful material to soil
-Dedicated storage area for hazardous
materials & wastes to prevent spills/leaks on
-Random monitoring of ground water and
soil near muck disposal site where ground
water contamination is anticipated.
-Careful planning of construction activities
and revegetation to prevent Soil Erosion

2 Air Pollution -Careful planning of construction activities

and re vegetation to minimize fugitive dust
- Enclosure to the dumpers/Tractors carrying
the sand/concrete/muck/dry while plying on
the roads on the way to the site.
-Dust suppression by water sprinklers and
Barriers at Loading-Unloading areas.
- Vehicles and machinery are to be
maintained to emission standards; periodic
check of machinery and vehicles.

3 Noise & Vibration -Periodic check & maintenance of Vehicles &

Machinaries to reduce noise & vibration
-Physical Barriers at potential places, i.e.
Bulk loading-Unloading areas, project
boundaries and construction activities.
- Periodical noise & Vibration monitoring

4 Water pollution -Sedimentation tank at Batching Plant will be

provided for treatment & reuse of water.
-Water efficient and leak proof fixtures at the
site and Project Office shall be implemented
to reduce water consumption.
- Septic tank, Drainage connection shall be
provided for Labour Colony.
5 Waste management -Inventory of generation of wastes from
(Solid wastes, E-wastes, Project activities, identification of each
Biomedical wastes, category of wastes , handling & disposal of
Hazardous wastes, C & wastes as per applicable National legislation
D wastes ) for each category of wastes.
-The hazardous wastes, E –wastes ,
Biomedical wastes, C & D wastes shall be
disposal off at Common disposal facilities
authorized by GPCB. And, solid wastes shall
be collected by GMC from the Site.
-Dedicated storage area, color coding bins for
collection & storage shall be provided.
6 Tree protection/ Cutting
and Disposal -The compensatory Afforestation and
Transplantation shall be carry out as per
local/State norms in co ordination with Forest
Department/Municipal Corporation.
- Selection of Afforestation/Transplantation
site and species shall be decided as per norms
of Forest Department/Municipal Corporation.
- The trees shall be saved to the maximum
extent possible and cutting & falling of Trees
shall be minimized.
- Trees cutting wastes shall be disposed off in
environmentally sound manner in
coordination with Forest
Department/Municipal Corporation.
Energy Management - Energy efficient fixtures, tools &
/Conservation equipment shall be used to
conserve the energy.
- Periodical maintenance of such
equipments shall be carry out to
prevent loss of energy.
- Awareness among the staff shall
be created to conserve the energy

Traffic -Traffic management plan shall be

Diversion/Management implemented.
-Administrative & Engineering measures
shall be implemented.

Construction Material
Management and House -Full height fence, barriers, barricades etc.
Keeping shall be erected around the site
-All stairways, passageways and gangways
shall be maintained without any blockages or
-All surplus earth and debris shall be
removed/disposed-off to officially designated

Availability of Dedicated ESHS unit shall be established to

institutional capacity implement & monitor the Environmental &
Social mitigation measures.

Environmental Environmental Monitoring Plan as per

Monitoring provisions of ESIA shall be implemented
along with internal & external Audits.

Incident management Incident Management Plan shall be developed

, which will document the procedures with
reporting formats to implement & monitor the
Environmental incident, if occure.

For each environmental aspect & impact, separate plans are prepared,which list out all on
site mitigation measures within Regulatory framework. The details are as per Table --;
Plan subject Name of plan Referenc Submission Submission
e no. to GMRC to AFD
Environmen Environment management plan
Waste management plan
Construction Air Pollution
Prevention Plan
Biodiversity Management Plan
Energy Management Plan
Construction Noise and Vibration
Management Plan
Surface Water Pollution
Prevention Plan
Hazardous Materials Management
Tree Protection Plan
tree cutting/removal Plan
Planting Plan

Health & SHE Plan

Traffic management plan
Emergency management Plan


9. Environment Monitoring
The environmental monitoring is important for continuous improvement and help in predicting
any impacts during Construction activities, so that corrective/preventative measures can be
implemented to minimize/eliminate the impacts.
Environment monitoring programme will be implemented as per ESIA for the entire period of
construction (4 Years), which is summarized in Table ___.

The frequency of Monitoring will be as per ESIA and the number of locations could be modified
based on need as the Construction activities progresses. Sensitive Receptors and potential source
of generation of pollutants will be considered , while selecting location of Monitoring to
minimize/eliminate the impacts.

Env.Monitoring shall be carried out by NABL Accredited/MoEFCC recognized private or

Government Laboratory. Env. monitoring shall be carry out during construction under the
supervision of PIU. The results of Env. Monitoring will be submitted periodically to
management as part of Monthly EHS Report.
Air: Twice a month for entire construction , 24 hourly monitoring for 2 days, twice in a month
for 4 years at 21 locations (15 baseline and 6 estimated batching plant locations)
Noise: Twice a month for entire construction , 24 hourly monitoring for 2 days, twice in a month
for 4 years at 21 locations (15 baseline and 6 estimated batching plant locations)
Soil: Two times in a Year for entire construction, Once in six months for 4 years at 14 locations
(8 baseline and 6 estimated batching plant locations)

Water: Two times in a Year for entire construction, Once in six months for 4 years at 14
locations (8 baseline and 6 estimated batching plant locations)
Vibration: Four times in a Year for one year , 24 Hours, once in three month at 10 baseline
Ecology: Two times in a Year for entire construction , Once in six month for 4 years at 3
locations (at afforestation locations)

10. Emergency response plan???

11. Audit , Corrective Actions & Management Review ???
12. Key performance indicators???
13. Communication & Training???
14. Sustainability


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