679-Texto Del Artículo-1464-1-10-20221214
679-Texto Del Artículo-1464-1-10-20221214
679-Texto Del Artículo-1464-1-10-20221214
Tel Aviv University
Leo Grech/Yehudah Mosconi is famous for the sale of his
library and for his Introduction to the medieval Hebrew chronicle
known as Yosippon. The paper recreates his background in
Mallorca in the second half of the fourteenth century. It argues that
an examination of the Introduction he authored may help to
understand the Jewish attitudes to -and perceptions of- history
writing at the time. Similarly, his remarks on the acquisition of
books differ from more conventional descriptions in terms of
progeny. They provide evidence of the thought and ideals of
collectionism of Hebrew books in medieval Spain.
Keywords: Leo Grech/Yehudah Mosconi. Hebrew book
collectionism. Hebrew Historiography.
Leo Grech / Yehudah Mosconi es famoso por la venta de su
biblioteca y por su Introducción a la crónica hebrea medieval
conocida como Yosipon. El articulo reconstruye su contexto en
222 Eleazar Gutwirth
3 See for example A. Pons, ʺLos judios del reino de Majorca durante los
siglos XIII-XIV,ʺ Hispania, XVI (1956), pp. 224-231, and Apendice documental, nos.
38: maestre Leo Metge (a. 1357), and 56: maestre Leo Mosconi, metge. On his early
teacher, Shemarya of Negroponte and his Spanish phase, see, e.g. E.Gutwirth,
“ʹAcutissima patriaʹ: Locating texts before and after the expulsions,” Hispania
Judaica Bulletin, vol. 8 (2011): 19-38.
4 Howard Kreisel, R. Judah Leon ben Moses Moskoni Eben Ha-‘Ezer
Supercommentary on Ibn Ezra's Torah Commentary, Beer Sheva: Univ., 2021, notes
that Mosconiʹs is the largest known supercommentary and that it cites various lost
previous ones. This could be understood as reinforcing our view of the
significance of collectionism for his outlook. On the genre of the
Supercommentaries see, for example, Eleazar Gutwirth, “Fourteenth Century
Supercommentaries on Abraham Ibn Ezra,” in Fernando Díaz Esteban, ed.,
Abraham Ibn Ezra and His Age, Madrid: AEO, 1990, 147-154.
5 Ora Limor, The Disputation of Majorca 1286 A critical edition and Introduction,
Jerusalem: Univ, 1985.
224 Eleazar Gutwirth
6 For the economic and fiscal situation of the Jews in fourteenth century
Majorca see the first chapter of Natalie Oeltjen, ʺCrisis and Regeneration: The
Conversos of Majorca, 1391-1416ʺ Thesis, University of Toronto 2012, and its
7 J. Hillgarth and B.Narkiss, “A List of Hebrew Books (1330) and a Contract
to Illuminate Manuscripts (1335) from Majorca,” Revue des Études Juives, 3rd Series,
3 (1961): 304-320.
8 E. Gutwirth, ʺAlchemy and Armaments: On an aljamiado Fragment in a
Houghton MSʺ Sefarad; Vol 81, No 1 (2021). págs. 69-88.
Leo Grech/Yehudah Mosconi: Hebrew Historiography… 225
26 de septiembre de 1999), ed. M. Freixas and S. Iriso, II, Barcelona, 2000, pp. 1677–
91 (at 1682). For the codicology see G. Avenoza, ‘Datos sobre el códice M-54 de la
Biblioteca de Menéndez Pelayo de Santander: el Yosifón en romance’, Boletín de la
Biblioteca Menéndez Pelayo, 75, (1999), pp. 393–401. Estanislau de K. Aguiló i Aguiló
et al., ʺInventari de la heretat y llibreria del metje juheu Jahuda o Lleó Mosconi
(1375)", Boletín de la Sociedad Arqueológica Luliana, 10 (1903-1904), 80-91.
14 Miriam Frenkel,“Book Lists from the Cairo Geniza: a Window on the
Production of Texts in the Middle Ages.” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African
Studies, vol. 80, no. 2, (2017), pp. 233–52.
15 Contrast Sefer Ben Gurion (Yosipon). First Ladino Translation by Abraham
Asa (1753). A Critical Edition, Lazar, Moshe (Editor) technical editor, Francisco J.
Pueyo Mena,.Lancaster, Calif. : Labyrinthos, 2000.
Leo Grech/Yehudah Mosconi: Hebrew Historiography… 227
10k or Misc 17] rather than spread across 140. 000 or more
Understanding Mosconiʹs library of 198 volumes, like any
medieval Jewish book list or inventory, requires some
awareness of Geniza book lists to achieve a sense of proportion
and a perspective. The study of these lists [despite
appearances] is not some contemporary innovation of today
and it could be traced back to the age of Ernest James Worman
[d.1909] or Wilhelm Bacher [d.1913], but has changed with the
publication of Alloniʹs studies.16 Thus, when we look at two
or three Jewish book lists from 14th century Majorca or even
the 6 Majorcan Jewish libraries found by Hillgarth, we might
recall that Alloni studies 114 medieval Jewish libraries/book
lists. Nor should we forget the list of ca. 139 volumes of Moshe
Almateri [1362] who died in Mallorca.17We must also take into
account the various studies of medieval Spanish Hebrew book
lists in inventories, testaments and other testimonies.18
Narkiss-Hillgarth have surmised that the Majorcan notaries
were not particularly careful or precise in their transcriptions
of Hebrew/Aramaic book titles. Steinschneider had referred to
the titles in the list of Mosconiʹs books as maltraitées19. In
general, it is known that medieval notaries transcribed from
Hebrew ʺby earʺ not only in Majorca. Similar problems
concerning titles-and therefore identification of the books-, for
different reasons, occur in the Cairene counterpart. Frenkel
16 Nehemiah Allony, The Jewish Library in the Middle Ages — Book Lists from
the Cairo Geniza, Edited by Miriam Frenkel and Haggai Ben-Shammai, with the
participation of Moshe Sokolow., Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi Institute, 2006.
17 J. Riera i Sans ʺCent trenta-nou volums de llibres d’un jueu mercader i
talmudista: Mossé Almaterí (1362)ʺ Sefarad Vol. 68 Núm. 1 (2008) - 15-35.
18 Eduard Feliu, ʺBibliografia sobre inventaris, testaments, llistes I notícies
de llibres hebreus medievalsʺ, Tamid 2 (1998-1999), pàgs. 228-240.
19 J.N. Hillgarth and B. Narkis, ʺA List of Hebrew Books (1330) and a
Contract to Illuminate Manuscripts (1335) from Majorcaʺ REJ, 120 (1961), 297–320.
228 Eleazar Gutwirth
35 Haqdamah. p22
Leo Grech/Yehudah Mosconi: Hebrew Historiography… 235
36 Joseph R. Hacker, ʺJewish Book Owners and their Libraries in the Iberian
Peninsula, Fourteenth–Fifteenth Centuriesʺ The Late Medieval Hebrew Book in the
Western Mediterranean. Hebrew Manuscripts and Incunabula in Context ed Javier del
Barco, Leiden- Boston:Brill, 2015, pp 70–104
37 Estanislau de K Aguilô, ʺ Inventari de la heretat y libreria del Metje jueu
Jahuda o Lleo Mosconi.ʺ BSAL, 10 (1903-04), 80-91; I. Levi, “L’inventaire du
mobilier et de la bibliothéque d’un médecin de Majorque au XIV siècle (Leone
Juda Mosconi)”, Revue des Etudes Juives, vol. XXXIX (1899), págs. 242-260; M.
Steinschneider, “La bibliothéque de Leon Mosconi. Notice bibliografique”, Revue
des Etudes Juives, vol. XL (1900), pp. 62-63, 168 - 187; M. Kayserling, “Nouvelle note
sur la bibliothèque de Leon Mosconi”, Revue de Etudes Juives, vol. XLI, 82 (1900),
págs. 250-265; idem,“Notes sur l’histoire des Juifs de Majorque”, Revue des Etudes
Juives, vol. XLIV, 88 (1902), págs. 297-300.
38 Haqdamah, p21
236 Eleazar Gutwirth
39 A. Pons, Los judios del reino de Majorca durante los siglos XIII y XIV, Madrid
1958, Volume 1, p333
Leo Grech/Yehudah Mosconi: Hebrew Historiography… 237
its mind set even though his budgets were not those of
contemporary nobility and monarchy. Here it may be recalled
that royal and noble courts are the protagonists of early Iberian
collectionism as in the cases of the kings of the Trastamara
dynasty.40Nevertheless most studies of collectionism refer to a
somewhat later period than that of Leo Grech/Yehuda
40 For other aspects and later evidence of collectionism see e.g. María Luisa
López-Vidriero Abelló ʺEdiciones hebreas en las colecciones privadas del Rey de
Españaʺ La Rassegna Mensile di Israel, Vol. 82, No. 2-3, SUPPLEMENTO: Il
collezionismo di libri ebraici tra XVII e XIX secolo: (2016), pp. 141-174. A prime
topic of late medieval royal and noble collectionism is that of the menageries.