F Voice Control Robotic Car
F Voice Control Robotic Car
F Voice Control Robotic Car
Submitted By
ID No: 01319106008
Batch: 13th
Session: Spring-19
Year of Examintation-2023
February, 2023
I declare that the dissertation titles “Voice Control Robotic Car” hereby submitted to the
department of Computer Science & Engineering, Pundra University of Science & Technology,
for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering, has not been submitted by me for a degree
at any other University. Wherever contributions of others are involved, every effort is made to
indicate this clearly, with due reference to the literature, and acknowledgment of collaborative
research and discussions.
I give consent to this copy of my report paper, when deposited in the University Library, being
made available for loan and photocopying for the purpose of scholarly research. I also give
permission for the digital version of my thesis report to be made available on the web, via the
Department/University’s digital research repository, the Library Search and also through web
search engines, unless permission has been granted by the University to restrict access for a
period of time. The work was done under the guidance of Md. Rabiul Islam, Lecturer of the
Department in CSE, Pundra University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh.
ID No: 01319106008
Session: Spring-2019
Batch: 13th
Year of Examination: 2023
This is to certify that project paper on “Voice Control Robotic Car” is the bona find record
of project work done Md. Faysal Reza for partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree
of B.Sc. in Computer Science & Engineering from Pundra University of Science &
This project paper has been carried out under my guidance and is a record of the successful
work. I wish his success in future.
Faculty Guide
This project builds a voice control robotic car that can be controlled by voice commands which
reacts in accordance to the corresponding voice command. But, noise and distance
handling require future development. Simple voice commands like left, right, forward, back,
stop is used to run the car. These commands are specified to Bluetooth module through an
android application. The Bluetooth module and control unit are united to store and test the
voice instructions. We chose this as our project as robotics has become a major part of us
normal lifestyle and also have a varied scope in the engineering field. It plays a vital role in the
development of newfangled technology.
First of all, I would like to thank the almighty Allah for giving me the strength, patience, and
ability to complete this project.
Then I would like to express the deepest sense of gratitude from the core of my heart to my
supervisor Md. Rabiul Islam, who gives me the opportunity to make this project under his
supervision. I am very much thankful for his valuable and scholastic guidance, constant
encouragement, and invaluable discussion throughout the research work.
I want to thank my parents, my grandfather, my grandmother, and all my friends and well-
wishers for their support during times of stress in the project.
The Author
February, 2023
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - General Introduction ......................................................1
1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Objectives ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Methodology ................................................................................................................... 1
1.4 Scope of the Project ........................................................................................................ 2
1.5 Motivation ....................................................................................................................... 2
Chapter 2 - Equipment’s Details .......................................................3
2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Equipment’s .................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Arduino Uno ................................................................................................................... 3
2.4 Bluetooth Module HC-05 ............................................................................................... 6
2.5 DC Motor Driver L293D ............................................................................................... 9
2.6 DC Motor ...................................................................................................................... 11
2.7: 3.7V 18650 Li-Ion Battery .......................................................................................... 13
2.8 Robot Chassis & Wheels .............................................................................................. 14
2.9 Connecting Wires ......................................................................................................... 15
2.10 Power Adapter Charger ............................................................................................ 15
Chapter 3 - Diagram and Working Principal ................................17
3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 17
3.2 Block Diagram .............................................................................................................. 17
3.3 Circuit Diagram............................................................................................................ 18
3.4 Working Principle ........................................................................................................ 18
Chapter 4 - Software Requirements ................................................19
4.1 Arduino IDE: ................................................................................................................ 19
4.2 The Android App ......................................................................................................... 20
Chapter 5 - Result & Discussion ......................................................21
5.1 Result and Discussion .................................................................................................. 21
Chapter 6 – Conclusion.....................................................................22
6.1 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 22
Chapter 7 – Reference .......................................................................23
7.1 Reference ....................................................................................................................... 23
1.1 Introduction
Robotics is an developing technology. The framework gear includes of a controller outfitted
by Bluetooth communication module. It’ll be associated to the motors and other alternative
mechanisms of car. When the Bluetooth app is turned on and is associated with the current
system by Bluetooth, one will operate the car by giving wireless commands from the app via
the functions already programmed in the app. The car will signal in four directions: Forward,
Backward, Right and Left. In forward movement, all four motors will signal in the same
direction and for backward signal; movement of the motors will be in reverse direction. For
left and right movements, either of the motors will rotate and to stop the motors motivation
stop. Orders are given to the motors via the Bluetooth app of Android Smartphone by the
user. In this project, we will cautious how to control robotcontrolled car using Bluetooth
module via Bluetooth application of an android mobile phone. The profit of using robot-
controlled car is it can be cast-off to lessen manual work.
1.2 Objectives
Robots are Fundamental in different manufacturing industries. Because the cost per hour to
control a robot is a fracture of the cost of the human labor needed to perform the identical
deed. Over this, at one time programmed, robots often act as duty including a sublime
validity that conquers the foremost knowledgeable mortal operator. The robots are in the
jumping stage of their development, that the robot they are working to be a lot of useful,
matching the human ability and abilities to argument jobs tasks simply. Whatever the owner
computer has created an indelible mark on society. Robots need a mix of components to be
effective. While not risking human life or limb, robots will exchange mortal. Whatever
dangerous labor work. Robots will perform in every kind of impure environment, chemical
likewise as nuclear.
1.3 Methodology
This system is used to control all the robot hardware that is connected to the microcontroller.
The methodology of the proposed system is mainly divided into three steps. In the initial step,
an android application interfaces with the Bluetooth module. After that in the second step, the
microcontroller receives the signal which has been sent by the Bluetooth module. Then
microcontroller sends the activation signal to the motor driver module. In the last step driver
module switches the devices that are connected to the robot.
1.5 Motivation
This project's aim gets an important role in contributing to the fancy. Dominant the device and
atmosphere including oration create mortal life easiest and lightest. The project may be an easy
shaping of this refuge. That voice is received by the arm which processes and sends it to the
robot for final output. Basically, speech is used in the way of the people. With the developments
of communication technologies within the last period, that speech begins to be important in
many ways. More than used raised finally several interfaces, speech is simply to communicate
with computers.
2.1 Introduction
System hardware design composed of Arduino Uno, Bluetooth Module HC-05, DC Motor
Driver L293D, DC Motor,3.7V 18650 Li-Ion Battery, Some Wires, Robot Chassis & Wheels.
In this chapter we will discuss about component description, features, working procedure and
specifications of our all component.
2.2 Equipment’s
● Arduino Uno
● Bluetooth Module HC-05
● DC Motor Driver L293D
● DC Motor
● 3.7V 18650 Li-Ion Battery
● Robot Chassis & Wheels
● Connecting Wires
● Power Adapter Charger
2.3 Arduino Uno
The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328. It has 20 digital
input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs and 6 can be used as analog
inputs), a 16 MHz resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an in-circuit system
programming (ICSP) header, and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the
microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-
DC adapter or battery to get started.
The Uno differs from all preceding boards in that it does not use the FTDI USB-to-serial driver
chip. Instead, it features an ATmega16U2 programmed as a USB-to-serial converter. This
auxiliary microcontroller has its own USB bootloader, which allows advanced users to
reprogram it. A typical Arduino Uno along with its pin numbering is shown in Fig: 2.1
● Flash Memory is 32 KB
● SRAM is 2 KB
● EEPROM is 1 KB
1. Vin:
This is the input voltage pin of the Arduino board used to provide input supply from an external
power source.
2. 5V:
This pin of the Arduino board is used as a regulated power supply voltage and it is used to give
supply to the board as well as onboard components.
3. 3.3V:
This pin of the board is used to provide a supply of 3.3V which is generated from a voltage
regulator on the board.
4. GND:
This pin of the board is used to ground the Arduino board.
5: Reset:
This pin of the board is used to reset the microcontroller. It is used to Resets the
6. Analog Pins:
The pins A0 to A5 are used as an analog input and it is in the range of 0-5V.
7. SPI Pins:
This is the Serial Peripheral Interface pin; it is used to maintain SPI communication with the
help of the SPI library. SPI pins include:
▪ SS: Pin number 10 is used as a Slave Select
▪ MOSI: Pin number 11 is used as a Master Out Slave In
▪ MISO: Pin number 12 is used as a Master In Slave Out
▪ SCK: Pin number 13 is used as a Serial Clock
8. Digital Pins: The pins 0 to 13 are used as a digital input or output for the Arduino board.
9. Serial Pins: These pins are also known as a UART pin. It is used for communication
between the Arduino board and a computer or other devices. The transmitter pin number 1 and
receiver pin number 0 are used to transmit and receive the data resp.
10. External Interrupt Pins: This pin of the Arduino board is used to produce the External
interrupt and it is done by pin numbers 2 and 3.
11. PWM Pins: This pin of the board is used to convert the digital signal into an analog by
varying the width of the Pulse. The pin numbers 3,5,6,9,10 and 11 are used as a PWM pin.
12. LED Pin: The board has an inbuilt LED using digital pin-13. The LED glows only when
the digital pin becomes high.
13. AREF Pin: This is an analog reference pin of the Arduino board. It is used to provide a
reference voltage from an external power supply.
Bluetooth Module HC-05 is used for many applications like wireless headset, game controllers,
wireless mouse, wireless keyboard, and many more consumer applications. It has range up to
<100m which depends upon transmitter and receiver, atmosphere, geographic & urban
conditions. It is IEEE 802.15.1 standardized protocol, through which one can build wireless
Personal Area Network. It uses frequency-hopping spread spectrum radio technology to send
data over air. It uses serial communication to communicate with devices. It communicates with
microcontroller using serial port.
1. Key/EN: It is used to bring Bluetooth module in AT commands mode. If Key/EN pin is set
to high, then this module will work in command mode. Otherwise by default it is in data mode.
The default baud rate of HC-05 in command mode is 38400bps and 9600 in data mode.
2. Command mode: It uses AT commands which are used to change setting of HC-05. To
send these commands to module serial (USART) port is used.
4. TXD: Transmit Serial data (wirelessly received data by Bluetooth module transmitted out
serially on TXD pin)
5. RXD: Receive data serially (received data will be transmitted wirelessly by Bluetooth
Features of HC-05
● Working current: matching for 30 mA, matching the communication for 8 mA.
● Used for a GPS navigation system, water, and electricity gas meter reading system.
● With the computer and Bluetooth adapter, PDA, seamless connection equipment.
● Use the CSR mainstream Bluetooth chip, Bluetooth V2.0 protocol standards.
The brains of the shield are two L293D motor drivers and a 74HC595 shift register. The L293D
is a dual-channel H-Bridge motor driver that can control two DC motors or a single stepper
motor. Because the shield includes two such motor drivers, it can control up to four DC motors
or two stepper motors.
The 74HC595 shift register, on the other hand, extends the Arduino’s four digital pins to the
eight direction control pins of two L293D chips. The shield supports a motor voltage range of
4.5 to 25 volts. This power can be shared with the Arduino or used separately. In order to
choose between the two, a special jumper labeled PWR is provided near the two-terminal
power connector.
1. Enable 1,2: This pin enables the input pin Input 1(2) and Input 2(7).
8. Vcc2 (Vs): Connected to Voltage pin for running motors (4.5V to 36V).
9. Enable 3,4: This pin enables the input pin Input 3(10) and Input 4(15).
10. Input 3: Directly controls the Output 3 pin. Controlled by digital circuits.
15. Input 4: Directly controls the Output 4 pin. Controlled by digital circuits.
2.6 DC Motor
A DC motor is any of a class of rotary electrical motors that converts direct current (DC)
electrical energy into mechanical energy. The most common types rely on the forces produced
by induced magnetic fields due to flowing current in the coil. Nearly all types of DC motors
have some internal mechanism, either electromechanical or electronic, to periodically change
the direction of current in part of the motor.
DC motors were the first form of motors widely used, as they could be powered from existing
direct-current lighting power distribution systems. A DC motor's speed can be controlled over
a wide range, using either a variable supply voltage or by changing the strength of current in
its field windings. Small DC motors are used in tools, toys, and appliances. The universal
motor, a lightweight brushed motor used for portable power tools and appliances can operate
on direct current and alternating current. Larger DC motors are currently used in propulsion of
electric vehicles, elevator and hoists, and in drives for steel rolling mills. The advent of power
electronics has made replacement of DC motors with AC motors possible in many applications.
Motor Specifications
● Recommended/Rated Voltage: 6V
● Weight: 17 grams
A lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery is an advanced battery technology that uses lithium ions as a key
component of its electrochemistry. During a discharge cycle, lithium atoms in the anode are
ionized and separated from their electrons. The lithium ions move from the anode and pass
through the electrolyte until they reach the cathode, where they recombine with their electrons
and electrically neutralize. The lithium ions are small enough to be able to move through a
micro-permeable separator between the anode and cathode. In part because of lithium’s small
size (third only to hydrogen and helium), Li-ion batteries are capable of having a very high
voltage and charge storage per unit mass and unit volume. Li-ion batteries can use a number of
different materials as electrodes. The most common combination is that of lithium cobalt oxide
(cathode) and graphite (anode), which is most commonly found in portable electronic devices
such as cellphones and laptops. Other cathode materials include lithium manganese oxide (used
in hybrid electric and electric automobiles) and lithium iron phosphate. Li-ion batteries
typically use ether (a class of organic compounds) as an electrolyte.
● Voltage: 3.7V
● Type: Li-Ion
● Weight: 35-40g
This is a smart 4 Wheel Robot Car Chassis for making movable robot. This is a complete
package for your robot with including: an acrylic base with two gear motors, two compatible
wheels, a ball caster, and other accessories. The Arduino Uno R3 and Motor Driver Module
can be easily set in this robot chassis.
● 4 x Fasteners.
Two power supply has used in this project. An electrical load received electric energy by a
power supply. Which is an electronic device and by that’s to convert one form of electrical
energy to another. Then outcomes, as electric power converters refereed are sometimes by
power supplies. Whereas others are built into larger devices along with their loads. Examples
of the latter include power supplies found in desktop computers and consumer electronics
devices. The source of this power can come from different source like the main power source
AC voltage and battery or even from a renewable power source like solar panel wind turbine
or fuel cell to name just a few. The most common source of power is usually the main AC.
Adapter Specifications
● Input: AC 100-240V-50/60Hz
3.1 Introduction
The voice-control robot car classification licenses people to control robots by using a
smartphone application. It is necessary to look at hardware and users' smart phone software
for developing a voice control robot. They can deal with many applications such as industry,
automation house, restaurant security, and toy for kids, etc. In this chapter, we will discuss
the Bluetooth module (HC-05), and Arduino UNO, ‘voice control robot system’ apps,
Arduino compiler, Block diagram & circuit diagram of our System.
The Arduino Wireless Voice Controlled Robot contains a source and a receiver segment. The
source end contains Smartphone Bluetooth and the Android application familiarized with it.
Thus, the Headset area has an Arduino sheet as a processor, an (HC-05) Bluetooth Module as
a reserved message module, L293D for driving machines, and a couple of DC designed as a
unit for stirring robots.
The key code, also identified as a draft, created on the IDE stage will in the end generate a Hex
File which is then transported and uploaded to the organizer on the board. The IDE situation
mostly contains two basic parts: Editor and Compiler wherever the former is cast off for writing
the mandatory code and later is cast off for compiling and uploading the code interested in the
given Arduino Module. This situation supports both C and C++ languages.
SriTu Hobby Shows has developed an Android app. We created an Android app with the help
of the app and named it SriTu Hobby. The app contains the ability to attach to Bluetooth and
opinion the phone's Bluetooth settings. An Android app has been developed by SriTu Hobby
Chapter 6 – Conclusion
6.1 Conclusion
The mission "Voice Controlled Robotic Car" has many uses both now and in the future. In the
upcoming, developments can be added to the project to make it more operative. The project
has a wide choice of submissions, including military, home security, rescue missions, industry,
then medical funding. Using the given possessions, we were able to make a basic classic of a
voice-controlled robotic car. Because this project is simple to the instrument, this robot is
beneficial to human life. The Voice Control Car is beneficial for intensive care and supporting
incapacitated persons. It is humble to use since it functions with basic voice commands. It is
operative in places that humans are incapable to reach. This robot is diffident in size. This robot
can be cast-off by the detective people. It has the possibility to be used for shadowing. For
safety resolutions. The voice acknowledgment software is exact and complex to related noise,
consenting it to decide a voice command.
Chapter 7 – Reference
7.1 Reference
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/
2. https://www.arduino.cc/
3. https://www.elprocus.com/atmega328-arduino-uno-board-working-and-
4. https://components101.com/wireless/hc-05-bluetooth-module
5. https://lastminuteengineers.com/l293d-motor-driver-shield-arduino-
6. https://components101.com/ics/l293d-pinout-features-datasheet
7. https://components101.com/motors/toy-dc-motor
8. https://www.cei.washington.edu/education/science-of-solar/battery-
9. https://srituhobby.com/how-to-make-a-diy-gesture-manual-and-voice-