Physical Science Model Lesson Plan

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• Name of the Student Teacher:

• Name of the Guide Teacher:
• Name of the School:
• Standard: IX
• Subject: SCIENCE
• Unit: Units and Measurement
• Topic: Measurement of Length
• Date:
• Time: 45 minutes


1. acquires knowledge of the (a) fundamental quantities and S.I. Units

(b) Description of vernier callipers
(c) Least count and its determination
(d) Zero error of vernier callipers
2. understands the explanation for vernier callipers and reason for finding out the L.C and zero
error of a vernier callipers.
3. applies the scientific knowledge to identify the type of zero error in the diagram.
4. develops skill in (a) observing the diagram of vernier callipers
(b) drawing the diagram of vernier calipers
(c) labelling accurately the parts of the diagram of vernier callipers
(d) finding out the LC of a given vernier callipers
(e) calculating accurately the length of an object for the given values
5. Develops Interest in using the physical measurement in day today life
6.develops attitude towards science in knowing more about vernier calipers.

1. Vernier callipers
2. A Chart showing the diagram of a vernier callipers and the diagram to show the types of zero
Content Specifications Learning Experiences Evaluation

Length, Mass and Time recalls What are the

SI- System International (Universally fundamental
accepted system) quantities?

Metre(m), Kilogram(kg), Second(s) What is meant by SI?

Ampere(A), Kelvin(K) etc. What are SI units?

We can measure the length of an recognizes Explanation for a metre What are
object correct to one millimeter with scale the uses of
this scale. Because centimeter, metre
millimeter divisions are marked on a scale?
metre scale

observes The teacher displays a How many

chart showing the scales are
diagram of a vernier there in
callipers the
Draw the diagram of
labels the parts vernier callipers

Label the parts of

diagram of vernier

1. It has one main scale (cm,mm) recognizes The teacher explains a What are
with two fixed vertical of jaws and vernier callipers the uses of
a movable vernier scale with a Ratchet?
pair of jaws parallel to the fixed
2. Ratchet is used to move and fix
the vernier scale at any point of
the main scale
3. Downward jaws-measurement of
outer dimensions
Upward jaws-measurement of
inner dimensions Steel strip-
measurement of depth of
LC = 1M.S.D −1V.S.D.= 1mm−0.9mm recognizes The teacher explains Define
= 0.1mm = 0.01cm the least count of a least
vernier calliper count

LC = 1mm−0.9mm finds out The pupil finds out the The least
= 0.1mm = 0.01cm least count of a given count of
vernier calliper the

A cylinder is holed between the two recognizes The teacher (a) What is
jaws of the vernier callipers. The demonstrates the the
position of the zero of the vernier experiments to find formula
scale on the main scale noted as a out the length of a used for
main scale reading. cylinder by using calculation
The vernier scale division which vernier callipers. of the
coincides with any one of the main length of
scale division gives the vernier scale an object?
reading. (b) How
Length of the object = M.S.Reading + will you
(Vernier scale reading Least count). find out
main scale
Length of the object = 3.5 + (40.01) Calculates accurately Calculate accurately
= 3.5 + 0.04 the length of the object
for the given values
= 3.54cm
M.S.R.= 3.5cm
V.S.R.= 4
L.C = 0.01cm

When the jawas of vernier callipers recognizes The teacher explains (a) Define
are in contact, the zero of the vernier zero error and it’s two zero error
scale coincides with the zero of the types (b) What is
main scale. positive
If the zero of the vernier scale is on error?
the right or left of the zero of the (c) What is
main scale is known as positive and negative
negative error respectively. error?

(A) Positive error identifies Identify the type of

(B) Negative error error in the following
(i) Because LC is the smallest length gives reasons Give reason for the The
measured by vernier callipers and following (i) Why do smallest
used to find out the thickness. you find out LC of a length
vernier callipers? measured

(ii) To make the measurement correct (ii) Why do you find out by vernier
zero error? callipers is
and accurate. known as

It is used to find out the length and shows curiosity The pupil shows
diameter of a cylinder and etc. curiosity to know more
about vernier callipers

Fundamental quantities – SI units − Description of vernier calipers – least count and its determination – procedure
to find out the length of the cylinder – zero error and its types.
1. Explain the description of a vernier calliper with a neat diagram.
2. How will you find out the LC and Zero error of a vernier caliper?

Signature of the Guide Teacher Signature of the Student Teacher

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