Effect of Signal Coordination On The Traffic Operation of Urban Corridor

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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2023) 30 (1): 12-24

DOI: http://doi.org/10.25130/tjes.30.1.2

Effect of Signal Coordination on The Traffic Operation

of Urban Corridor
Zainab Ahmed Alkaissi *
Highway and Transportation Department, College of Engineering, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq.

Abstract: The severity of traffic congestion has

Keywords: increased in Baghdad city and influenced the public’s
perception of the community. Extended travel time is
Delay; Signal Coordination; Signalized experienced by users of the urban street system, so
Intersection; SYNCHRO; Traffic Operation; optimal traffic operation with a coordinated traffic signal
Travel Time; Urban Corridor system becomes necessary. Also, it is needed to alleviate
congestion and progress traffic movement along the
ARTICLE INFO urban corridor. This study aims to evaluate and optimize
traffic signal timing for selected intersections on
Article history: Palestine arterial corridor and apply the coordinated
Received 26 Nov. 2022 signal system to reduce the users’ travel time on the
Accepted 14 Jan. 2023 selected urban corridor. Analyzing and evaluating
Available online 29 Jan. 2023 congested signalized intersections using Synchro (ver.9)
(Al-Nakhala intersection, Al-Sakhra intersection, and
Beirut intersection) were performed. Also, their adopted
©2023 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, TIKRIT strategies for improving traffic performance and reducing
delays were provided. The overall assessment in terms of
the level of service for the current traffic states is (LOS F)
ARTICLE UNDER THE CC BY LICENSE with an average control delay of (197.2, 166.8, and 262.3)
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ sec/veh. for the Al-Nakhala, Al-Sakhra, and Beirut
intersections respectively. The queue length appears after
two cycles, becoming more severe congestion at
Citation: Alkaissi ZA. Effect of intersections under oversaturated traffic conditions. The
Signal Coordination on the Traffic performance operation efficiency improved by reducing
the control delay from (197.2 to 88) sec/veh, (166.8 to 46)
Operation of Urban Corridor. Tikrit sec/veh, and (262.3 to 76) sec/veh for the Al-Nakhala, Al-
Journal of Engineering Sciences Sakhra, and Beirut intersections respectively. Even at
2023; 30(1): 12-24. high volume and oversaturated conditions, the blocked
http://doi.org/10.25130/tjes.30.1.2 intersections were effectively alleviated. Finally, it was
observed that the proposed signal coordination, built on
*Corresponding author: standard actuated control significantly performed along
the urban corridor, reducing vehicles’ delay. However,
Zainab Ahmed Alkaissi there are still concerns regarding the flow-to-capacity
Highway and Transportation Department, College of ratio (v/c ratio is still greater than 1), and the level of
Engineering, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, service is still in poor conditions (LOS E) for Beirut and
(LOS F) for Al-Nakhala intersections. The application of
signal coordination improved traffic progression by
reducing travel time, and vehicle delay and alleviating
blocked intersections.

Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences Volume 30 No. 1 2023 Page 12

Zainab Ahmed Alkaissi / Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2023; 30(1): 12-24.

‫تأثير تنسيق اإلشارات على التشغيل المروري لممر حضري‬

.‫ العراق‬- ‫ بغداد‬/ ‫ الجامعة المستنصرية‬/ ‫ كلية الهندسة‬/ ‫قسم الطرق والنقل‬ ‫زينب أحمد القيسي‬

‫ وزيادة أطوال األميال للنقل وزمن الرحلة لذا فإن التشغيل المروري‬،‫زاد التأثير السيء للزحام المروري في مدينة بغداد على المجتمع‬
‫ تحليل وتقييم‬.‫لإلشارات الضوئية المنسقة أصبح ضروريا" لتقليل الزحام وإحراز التقدم في الحركة المرورية على طول الممر الحضري‬
‫ اإلصدار‬SYNCHRO ‫ تقاطع بيروت) باستخدام برنامج‬،‫ تقاطع الصخرة‬،‫التقاطعات ذات االِشارات الضوئية المزدحمة (تقاطع النخلة‬
‫ أن التقييم الكلي لمستوى الخدمة لحاالت المروري‬.‫ أيضا يتم اعتماد إستراتيجياتهم لتحسين األداء المروري وتقليل زمن التأخير‬.‫التاسع‬
‫مركبة لتقاطع النخلة والصخرة وبيروت على‬/‫) ثانية‬262.166،3.8 ،197.2( ‫) مع معدل زمن تأخير التحكم‬F( ‫الحالية هو مستوى الخدمة‬
‫ تم‬.‫ أظهرت النتائج طول طابور بعد دورتيين مما يؤدي الى زحام أكثر تدهورا" عند التقاطعات تحت تأثير الظروف المشبعة‬.‫التوالي‬
،‫مركبة‬/‫) ثانية‬46 ‫ الى‬166.2(‫ و‬،‫مركبة‬/‫) ثانية‬88 ‫ الى‬197.2( ‫تحسين األداء للتشغيل المروري من خالل تقليل زمن تأخير التحكم من‬
‫ األ أنها‬،‫ على الرغم من الحجم الكبير والظروف المشبعة‬.‫مركبة لتقاطع النخلة والصخرة وبيروت على التوالي‬/ ‫ ) ثانية‬76 ‫ الى‬262.3(
‫ لوحظ أن تنسيق اإلشارة المقترح والمبني على التوقيت المتغير له أداء‬،"‫ أخيرا‬.‫خففت بشكل فعال من االنسداد في التقاطعات المرورية‬
v/c ‫ والذي بدوره يقلل من تأخير المركبة ولكنه اليزال يتعلق بنسبة التدفق الى السعة االستيعابية (نسبة‬،‫فعال على طول الممر الحضري‬
‫ أدى‬.‫) لتقاطع النخلة‬F ‫) لتقاطع بيروت و (مستوى الخدمة‬E ‫) ومستوى الخدمة اليزال في حالة سيئة (مستوى الخدمة‬1 ‫التزال أكبر من‬
‫تطبيق تنسيق اإلشارات الضوئية الى تحسين تقدم التشغيل المروري من خالل تقليل التأخير للمركبات وتقليل زمن الرحلة وتخفيف حدة‬
.‫الزحام في التقاطعات المسدودة‬
.‫ التأخير‬،‫ زمن الرحلة‬،‫ سنكرو‬،‫ التشغيل المروري‬،‫ التقاطعات ذات اإلشارة الضوئية‬،‫ ممر حضري‬،‫ تنسيق األشارة‬:‫الكلمات الدالة‬
The traffic signal coordination benefit is based probability can be estimated, and it was stated
on the relationship between signalized that the minimum cycle lengths were related to
intersections. The traffic speed along an urban a lower risk of crashes [7]. An improved
corridor depends on the signal spacing and the graphical method and estimated queue length
cycle length at traffic signals. The platoon’s using a vehicle queuing accumulation curve
speeds are reduced when traffic signals are were applied to control the spillover of queues
closely spaced and operate under a short cycle along the arterials with signalized intersections
length. Several studies explore the usage of the of oversaturated conditions [8]. Connected
Quadrant Roadway Intersection (QRI) for autonomous vehicles (CAVs) are not suitable to
different configurations of intersection and consider as means of increasing road capacity
reported a reduction in travel time during peak [9]. Thus, connected autonomous vehicles
and nonpeak conditions [1]. The Federal could provide a new traffic data management
Highway Administration (FHWA) classified source and be used as actuators in traffic flow
microsimulation and macroscopic simulation [10]. Analyzation and implementation of a
models for vehicle movements to assess traffic continuous flow of intersections in Amman
operation. They simulated each vehicle’s named Tabarbour using field data were utilized.
characteristics and interactions with other Microsimulation software VISSIM and
traffic stream components to provide valuable SYNCHRO were utilized to model and compare
data about the existing system’s performance the conventional conditions with an improved
[2]. The SYNCHRO software is a microscopic strategy [11]. A reduction of 97% and 87% for
analysis level. Also, it is a signal optimization maximum queue and average vehicle delay
software. It is based on the highway capacity were obtained and, the level of service was
manual, the methodology for traffic operation improved from F to C. The effect of the signal
of signalized intersections, and applies the coordination system on driving characteristics
intersection capacity utilization (ICU) method was explored. It was found that the
to determine intersection capacity [3]. Also, implementation of signal coordination made
SYNCHRO estimates the measure of younger, male, and pick–up drivers more
effectiveness (MOE) for each lane, approach, responsive to crash accidents. Also, aggressive
intersection, and the whole network [4]. driving behaviors appeared in a coordinated
Studies upgraded the travel time distribution system more than in non-coordinated corridors
using the MAX BAND model by analyzing the [12]. The speed for mixed traffic flow was
discrete phenomenon of vehicles under the higher than the critical speed, and the stability
oversaturated condition to get the optimal of the mixed traffic flow was reduced with a
parameters of traffic signal coordination [5], high penetration rate [13]. Implementation of
[6]. The effect of coordination on safety using a displaced left turn (DLT) intersections reduced
novel multi-nominal logit model was the extra stops of vehicles and improved the
investigated, and it was found that the crash overall efficiency of a signalized intersection.

Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences Volume 30 No. 1 2023 Page 13

Zainab Ahmed Alkaissi / Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2023; 30(1): 12-24.
The reduction in the queue length ranged from signalized intersections (including major
47.5 to 42%; otherwise conventional Palestine Street with secondary roads). The
intersections showed long queue lengths and case study map is bounded by the spatial
higher vehicle delays. Therefore, regarding the extension 33° 22' 30'' N to 33° 21' 0'' N and 44°
queue length, DLT intersections with developed 24' 30'' E to 44° 25' 30'' E. The accomplishment
signal timings strategy had better traffic of the research objective requires the following
operation performance than a conventional steps of methodology, proposed strategies
intersection [14]. The dynamic changes in analysis, and evaluation of signalized
traffic demand throughout the day and year intersections along the urban corridor:
induced traffic overload. These characteristics • Identified the most congested signalized
made it challenging to implement green wave intersections (Al-Nakhala, Al-Sakhara, and
coordinated control and provide acceptable Beirut) along the corridor of Palestine urban
effects [15]. A signal optimization method on street based on previous studies for the
congested areas was proposed to estimate the study area, [20, 21].
maximum throughput of the road network in • Analyzing and evaluating congested
oversaturated conditions. The density wave signalized intersections using Synchro
transfer velocity was utilized throughout an (ver.9) and SimTraffic ware software,
estimation model based on a 3D macroscopic estimating volume to capacity ratio (v/c),
fundamental graph model to assess the control delay per vehicle, and determining
congested downstream region and determine the corresponding level of service (LOS)
the control boundary, and dynamic changes based on Highway Capacity Manual (HCM,
[16, 17]. The green wave coordinated control 2000) methodology.
theory was investigated, and the strategy was Improvement techniques using arterial signal
expanded to different roadways and conditions. coordination for adaptive signal system.
The coordinated control methods for urban Estimate offsets based on the actual travel
streets were classified into two categories: the speed of major streets measured in the field
optimization of green wave bandwidth and the with forecast correction [22].
optimization of other measures of effectiveness
such as minimum delay time, stops, and queue
length [18, 19]. Urban cities suffer from the
explosive growth in vehicular traffic volume on
major arterials, and a steady increase in traffic
jams, vehicle mileage, and travel time was
detected. Hence providing optimal traffic
operations was the ability of network designs
with coordinated traffic signal systems to
alleviate congestion and to progress traffic
movement along major urban corridors. This
research analyzed and compared traffic
operation along a typical arterial street under
conventional conditions and adopted strategies
to improve traffic performance and reduce
delays for three signalized intersections along
an arterial corridor. The previous studies
indicated that a traffic signal coordination
system helped reduce delays which will be
helpful for traffic operation. However, most
methods adopted in the literature still need to
adopt the change in traffic regulation for local
regions’ laws. The objective of this research is to
study and optimize the traffic signal timing for
selected intersections on Palestine arterial
corridor and its contribution to a coordinated
signal system to reduce the travel time for users Fig.1 The Digitized Map of the Study Area.
on the street network.
2.2.Data Collection
2.METHODOLOGY The study area of this research included
2.1.Case Study Palestine urban corridor with three signalized
The proposed methodology analyzed the intersections (Al- Nakhala, Al-Sakhara, and
signalized intersections (Al- Nakhala, Al- Beirut), as depicted in Fig. 1. These signalized
Sakhara, and Beirut) along the corridor of intersections suffer from current daily
Palestine urban street. Fig. 1 shows the digitized congestion during peak periods. The
map of the urban region with selected investigated roads spread from Palestine urban

Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences Volume 30 No. 1 2023 Page 14

Zainab Ahmed Alkaissi / Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2023; 30(1): 12-24.
street along its corridor from the Al-Mawal the Al-Nakhala intersection of (4600 veh/hr),
intersection to Beirut Intersection with major and the peak period (1:00 p.m. -3.00 p.m.) with
urban and collector roads. Reconnaissance peak traffic volume for Al-Sakhara intersection
survey; floating car method (for collecting of (4100 veh/hr). Finally, the Beirut
volume) with the global positioning system GPS intersection induced the highest traffic volume
technique was utilized as the primary source of of (5088 veh/hr) from (1:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.).
data collection. The collected field data could The distribution of hourly traffic volume
measure the traffic operation of studied depicted that some intersections approaches
signalized intersections during the peak periods had obvious peak periods that included through
from (11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) on 11, 12, and 13 traffic (north-south directions) along Palestine
April 2022 and 23, 24, and 25 May 2022. April Street, while other approaches had significant
and May, as spring months, were chosen due to precise peak hours, and this was obvious from
the high traffic flow distribution in the study the peak hour factor results for the intersection
area. The traffic volume data based on 15 min. approaches as presented in Figs. (5-7) for Al-
intervals are shown in Figs. (2-4) for Al- Nakhala, Al-Sakhara, and Beirut respectively.
Nakhala, Al-Sakhara, and Beirut signalized For more clarity and illustration, a schematic
intersections respectively. The traffic volume map of the study area illustrating the spatial
data were recorded based on a 15-minute distribution of peak-hour traffic volumes is
interval and summed up into one-hour shown in Fig. 8.
intervals. It was observed that the period (2:00
p.m. -4:00 p.m.) had the peak traffic volume for

North Approach South Approach

West Approach East Approach
Traffic Volume (veh/hr)





11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Fig. 2 Field Data of Traffic Volume for Al-Nakhala Intersection.

North Approach South Approach

West Approach East Approach
Traffic Volume (veh/hr)





11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Fig. 3 Field Data of Traffic Volume for Sakhara Intersection.

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Zainab Ahmed Alkaissi / Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2023; 30(1): 12-24.

North Approach South Approach

West Approach East Approach

Traffic Volume (veh/hr)


12:15-12:30 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Fig. 4 Field Data of Traffic Volume for Beirut Intersection.

North Approach South Approach

West Approach East Approach
Peak Hour Factor (PHF)






11:00-12:00 12:00-1:00 1:00-2:00 2:00-3:00 3:00-4:00 4:00-5:00
11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Fig. 5 Peak Hour Factor (PHF) for the Al-Nakhala Intersection.

North Approach South Approach

West Approach East Approach
Peak Hour Factor (PHF)

11:00-12:00 12:00-1:00 1:00-2:00 2:00-3:00 3:00-4:00 4:00-5:00
11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Fig. 6 Peak Hour Factor (PHF) for Sakhara Intersection.

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Zainab Ahmed Alkaissi / Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2023; 30(1): 12-24.

North Approach South Approach

West Approach East Approach

Peak Hour Factor (PHF)






11:00-12:00 12:00-1:00 1:00-2:00 2:00-3:00 3:00-4:00 4:00-5:00
11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Fig. 7 Peak Hour Factor (PHF) for Beirut Intersection

Fig. 8 Schematic Map of Traffic Volume in

(Veh/Hr) Variation of the Case Study.
3.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION improving traffic performance and reducing
This study explored the traffic operation of delays were provided.
Palestine Street with signalized intersections as 3.1.Analysis of Base Model for Actual
a case study. Several analysis and simulation Condition
models using Synchro ver.9 were implemented The analysis of the studied intersections using
to represent the actual traffic operation of Synchro simulated the actual situations.
signalized intersections (Al-Nakhala Generally, in Baghdad city, most signalized
intersection, Al-Sakhra intersection, and Beirut intersections have been controlled by a
intersection). Also, their adopted strategies for policeman from arbitrary judgment for timing
depending on maximum serving flow and four

Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences Volume 30 No. 1 2023 Page 17

Zainab Ahmed Alkaissi / Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2023; 30(1): 12-24.
phases split (phase for approach movements). was set to run on the same cycle length. Synchro
Based on that, actuated signal timing system contains several optimization types, offsets,
was adopted to simulate the intersection signals and phase splits to reduce the number of stops
by Synchro using maximum green time for and delays. The optimization types were
actual green. All the data required for analysis applied to the studied intersections within the
were obtained from the field as described urban corridor as presented in Figs. (16, 17).
previously. The three studied signalized A comparison of delay results for signal
intersections along the corridor of Palestine coordination with offset optimization is shown
Street were drawn using Synchro (ver.9) in Fig. 18. The performance operation efficiency
software with input data for volume and timing improved by reducing the control delay from
signals as shown in Figs. (9-12). The results’ (197.2 to 88) sec/veh., (166.8 to 46) sec/veh.,
reports are presented in Figs. (13-15) for Al- and (262.3 to 76) sec/veh. for Al-Nakhala, Al-
Nakhala, Al-Sakhra, and, Beirut intersections, Sakhra, and, Beirut intersections, respectively.
respectively. The traffic operations of all However, the flow-to-capacity ratio (v/c ratio
studied signalized intersections were poor and was still greater than 1), and the level of service
induced oversaturation conditions due to high was still in poor conditions (LOS E) for the
traffic demand. The overall assessment in terms Beirut intersection and (LOS F) for the Al-
of the level of service for the current condition Nakhala intersection. The simulation analysis
was (LOS F) with an average control delay of results indicated that signal coordination
(197.2, 166.8, and 262.3) sec/veh. For Al- reduced control delay per vehicle, even at high
Nakhala, Al-Sakhra, and Beirut intersections volume and oversaturated conditions, and
respectively. The queue length appeared after effectively alleviated the blocked intersections.
two cycles which caused more severe Figs. (19, 20) illustrate the Synchro flow
congestion at intersections under oversaturated diagram to show how the offsets affect traffic
traffic conditions. flow. It is clear that traffic flow evenly arrived at
3.2.Improvement using Signal the Al-Nakhala intersection. Also, vehicle
Coordination accumulation was initiated during the red
The traffic congestions during the peak hours of interval to form a triangle (representing the
selected signalized intersections are more developed queue length). After the green phase
severe as discussed in the previous section. had started for the main street, vehicles
Traffic signal synchronization using signal departed, and the oblique lines depict the
coordination control was implemented to vehicle trajectory. The arterial signal
provide minimum stopping delays and reduce coordination provided progression through
travel times. Palestine Street as an arterial with traffic and reduced traffic congestion and the
a high carrying traffic volume over a long developed queue length. Offsets were estimated
distance in the study area, was the main object based on the actual travel speed of major streets
of the traffic coordination system to alleviate as shown in Fig. 20, providing progression and
congestion and promote the operation allowing vehicle discharge before the heavy
efficiency of signalized intersections. Arterial platoon arrives. Overall, the results showed that
coordination control was adopted using the proposed signal coordination built on
optimum offsets to allow continuous flow standard actuated control had an efficient
through signalized intersections. The set of performance along the urban corridor,
signals for Al-Sakhra and Beirut intersections reducing vehicle delay.

Fig. 9 The Studied Signalized Intersections Along the Corridor using Synchro

Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences Volume 30 No. 1 2023 Page 18

Zainab Ahmed Alkaissi / Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2023; 30(1): 12-24.

Fig. 10 Input Data for Analysis using Synchro for the Al-Nakhala Intersection.

Fig. 11 Input Data for Analysis using Synchro for the Al-Sakhra Intersection.

Fig. 12 Input Data for Analysis using Synchro for the Beirut Intersection.

Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences Volume 30 No. 1 2023 Page 19

Zainab Ahmed Alkaissi / Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2023; 30(1): 12-24.

Fig. 13 Results Summary for Al-Nakhala Intersection.

Fig. 14 Results Summary for Al-Sakhra Intersection.

Fig. 15 Results Summary for Beirut Intersection.

Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences Volume 30 No. 1 2023 Page 20

Zainab Ahmed Alkaissi / Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2023; 30(1): 12-24.

Fig. 16 Offsets and Phase Split for Al-Sakhara Intersection.

Fig. 17 Offsets and Phase Split for Beirut Intersection.

Fig. 18 Comparison of Control Delay at Signalized Intersections.

Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences Volume 30 No. 1 2023 Page 21

Zainab Ahmed Alkaissi / Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2023; 30(1): 12-24.

Fig. 19 Space-Time Diagram for Actual Traffic Flow Along Palestine Arterial Street.

Fig. 20 Space-Time Diagram for Traffic Flow Along Palestine Arterial Street After
Signal Coordination.

4.CONCLUSIONS capacity ratio (v/c ratio was still greater than 1).
This section illustrated the main finding of this Also, the level of service was still in poor
research as follows: conditions (LOS E) for Beirut intersection and
1. The traffic operations of all studied (LOS F) for the Al-Nakhala intersection.
signalized intersections were poor and
induced oversaturation conditions due to
The application of signal coordination
high traffic demand.
improved traffic progression by reducing travel
2. The overall assessment in terms of the
time, and vehicle delay and alleviated blocked
service level for the current traffic states
was (LOS F) with an average control delay
of (197.2, 166.8, and 262.3) sec/veh. for Al- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Nakhala, Al-Sakhra, and, Beirut The author would like to thank Mustansiriyah
intersections respectively. University (www.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq) in
3. The queue length appeared after two cycles Baghdad, Iraq, for supporting this work.
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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences Volume 30 No. 1 2023 Page 23

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