New Organisation's Registration System (From PIC To OID)
New Organisation's Registration System (From PIC To OID)
New Organisation's Registration System (From PIC To OID)
Table of contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 3
2. Difference between a PIC and an OID ...................................................................................... 3
3. How to access your organisation’s information in the new system ............................................ 4
4. How to register a new organisation in the Organisation Registration System ............................ 5
5. Managing contacts and authorised users in the Organisation Registration System (who can
access information about your organisation) .................................................................................... 7
6. OID in Mobility Tool+ ................................................................................................................ 8
7. Where to find further help and advice ..................................................................................... 12
8. UK NA Contact details ............................................................................................................ 12
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1. Introduction
From 22 October 2019, organisations participating or wishing to participate in the Erasmus+ or
European Solidarity Corps actions managed by a National Agency (decentralised Key
Actions) have to manage their organisation's information through a new organisation registration
This new system, accessible through the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps platform, makes
it easier for most organisations to register and to participate with less information requested as part
of the process.
If your organisation has already participated in any Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps actions
managed by a National Agency, and you already have a PIC (Participant Identification Code), then
you do not have to register again.
If you wish to participate for the first time in an Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps action
managed by a National Agency, then you can register your organisation directly in the Erasmus+ and
European Solidarity Corps platform.
The 9-digit PIC (sample PIC: 987654321) is obtained and managed through the Participan Portal,
now SEDIA Funding and Tenders Portal, and identifies organisations in projects managed by the
Education, Audio-visual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), i.e. centralised projects.
If your organisation will continue to participate in actions managed by the EACEA (i.e. centralised
actions managed by the Executive Agency, not by a National Agency) or if it you are a new
organisation wishing to participate in such actions, then you will need a PIC and will have to manage
your information in the Funding and Tenders Portal.
The 8-digit OID, which is prefixed with an E (sample OID: E12345678), is obtained and managed
through the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps platform, and identifies organisations in
projects managed by a National Agency, i.e. decentralised projects.
Organisations that have already participated in any Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps
actions managed by a National Agency, i.e. have a PIC number, have been assigned an OID
automatically and don’t have to register again.
If you are applying for an accreditation and/or a grant that is managed by your National Agency, you
will only have to keep your organisation information up to date in one place: the Organisation
Registration system.
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Using both registration systems
You may need to keep your organisation information updated in both registration systems, for
• if you have both a PIC and an Organisation ID, it is highly recommended that you update
your organisation information in both systems.
• If you update the organisation information in the SEDIA Funding and Tenders portal on or
after the 22nd of October. These updates are not transferred automatically to
the Organisation Registration system.
• If you apply for an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) and did not apply for a grant
managed by your National Agency on or before the 22nd of October.
• If in addition to applying for accreditation and/or a grant managed by the National Agencies
you also apply for a grant managed by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive
Agency (EACEA).
• If you have been participating only in actions that are exclusively managed by the Education,
Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), and now want to to participate also in
activities managed directly by National Agencies.
As mentioned above, changes made in the SEDIA Funding and Tenders portal to the organisation
information on or after the 22nd of October are not transferred to the Organisation Registration
Likewise, changes in the Organisation Registration System will not be transferred to the
SEDIA Funding and Tenders portal at any time.
Please note that there is a difference in the naming and roles of organisation contacts/users between
both systems, and in certain cases users that have access to the SEDIA Funding and Tenders
portal will not necessarily gain access to the Organisation Registration system. For more information,
please see article 5 of this manual.
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If you are an authorised user representing your organisation, you can access and manage your
organisation’s information by selecting My Organisations. Please make sure to login with your
existing EU Login credentials once instructed by the system to do so.
If your organisation hasn’t been registered, visit Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps
platform and click on ‘Register My Organisation’.
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On the Welcome to the Organisation Registration system screen, click the Edit button to start the
process. Use the side menu to navigate to the various sections in the registration form.
The available tool tips, indicated with a small icon provide additional instructions and assistance
for filling in each field.
Once all information is entered in the registration form, the ‘Register my organisation’ button is
enabled. Click the button to submit your data and finalise the registration. A confirmation message
will be displayed as well as your newly created OID.
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5. Managing contacts and authorised users in the
Organisation Registration System (who can
access information about your organisation)
Upon registration of the organisation in the Organisation Registration system, the Organisation
Contact Person and the first Authorised User have to be registered. Additional authorised users
can be added immediately after the organisation is registered.
The Authorised User role is applied to users added by the person registering and/or updating the
organisation information in the Organisation Registration system. An authorised user is not
necessarily the organisation's contact person. The person registering the organisation is
automatically considered an authorised user. They are marked in the Organisation Registration
Authorised users can edit the organisation information in the system and assign or revoke the
authorised user role to/from other users as well as update the organisation contact person
The Authorised Users need to have an EU Login account before they can be added to the
organisation details upon organisation registration.
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self registrant in the Participant Portal or the SEDIA Funding and Tenders portal for your organisation,
your will already have the right to view and edit your organisation information in the new Organisation
Registration system.
The user roles upon transfer of organisation details from the Participant Portal are applied as follows:
• For organisations where the contact person and self-registrant are different: The 1st self-
registrant is copied as the Organisation Contact person and an Authorised user.
• For organisations where no LEAR was assigned: The self-registrant is copied as
the Organisation Contact Person and as an Authorised User.
• For organisations with a LEAR: The LEAR is copied as the Organisation Contact Person and
as an Authorised User.
If your were added as a self registrant, Legal Entity Appointed Representative (LEAR) or as an
Account Administrator in the Participant Portal or the SEDIA Funding and Tenders portal after the
organisation transfer date, the updated information will not be transferred and therefore you will not
see the organisation listed under My Organisations.
If you were added as a Legal Entity Appointed Representative of a centrally validated PIC before the
22 October 2019 and the newly updated details have not yet been re-validated, your details will not
have been transferred to the Organisation Registration system.
The Legal Entity Appointed Representative (LEAR) details can be updated in both cases.
To be added as an authorised user, please request that one of the other authorised users adds you
to the organisation details in the Organisation Registration system.
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Mobility Import-Export
The PIC can still be used when importing mobilities. The exported mobilities file will only display the
OID in place of the PIC. The column headers of the exported mobilities file will still refer to the PIC,
for example: "Sending organisation PIC" or "Receiving organisation PIC". Both PIC or OID can be
entered under these columns and the system will detect automatically which one is provided.
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Please note that the OID must be used for organisations that have a PIC but have not participated
in any previous accreditation or grant application process, or participated in a decentralised project
managed by a National Agency.
This also applies for PICs created in the Participant Portal or SEDIA after the 22nd of October 2019
(see also OID Keeping consistent organisation information between systems).
The PIC will not be recognised in the import file, nor can it be used to add an organisation. These
organisations have to register in the Organisation Registration system in order to retrieve an OID.
The columns Sending Organisation ID and Receiving Organisation ID in the import/export file
refer to the Mobility Tool+ unique organisation identifier.
Do not confuse the Mobility Tool+ unique organisation identifier with the OID (Organisation
Registration system ID). The Mobility Tool+ unique ID is labelled as the Organisation ID, and while
the initial alpha-numeric reference generated in the Mobility Tool+ may be kept or changed to any
other reference number, it must be unique for the project.
This field allows the unique matching between Mobility Tool+ and third party systems. Please note
the following restrictions when importing:
• if the organisation has to be created on importing mobilities, a new Mobility Tool+ unique
organisation ID should be used;
• if the organisation is already created in the project, then the Mobility Tool+ unique organisation
ID in the import file must match the one assigned in the project;
• if the organisation is already created in the project and the Mobility Tool+ unique organisation
ID is different from the one in the import file then the file will return an error;
• if the Mobility Tool+ unique organisation ID and the OID/PIC are replaced for any organisation
in an existing mobility then the mobility is updated.
Please note that Mobility Tool+ unique organisation ID will remain the same after the introduction of
the new OID. The match with the third party systems, feeding data into Mobility Tool, will not be
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Adding organisations to the project.
The PIC can also still be used when adding organisations to a project in Mobility Tool+. The field is
now labelled OID instead of PIC. If a PIC is used it is replaced with the OID. After the Check
OID button is clicked the OID associated to the PIC is displayed.
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As mentioned above, the OID must be used for organisations that have a PIC but have not
participated in any previous accreditation or grant application process, or participated in a
decentralised project managed by a National Agency.
This also applies for PICs created in the Participant Portal or SEDIA after the 22nd of October 2019
(see also OID Keeping consistent organisation information between systems).
The PIC will not be recognised in the import file, nor can it be used to add an organisation. These
organisations have to register in the Organisation Registration system in order to retrieve an OID.
In order to update your organisation details please go to the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity
Corps Platform. If you have access to edit your organisation details, the organisation should be
displayed in the My organisations list.
If you need more information on where to go to manage your organisation's data, organisation contact
person, authorised users and public documents, please feel free to use the following links:
8. UK NA Contact details
If you have any queries about this subject please contact the respective Erasmus+ Helpdesk:
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