Fs1-Task 4&5
Fs1-Task 4&5
Fs1-Task 4&5
4.1 Exposure
What are the characteristics of adolescents who belong to the formal
operation stage? What they are capable of doing now.
1. Adolescents are capable of comprehending abstract concepts without any
physical context.
2. Adolescents are now capable of thinking about concepts like morality,
freedom, love, and other abstract ideas.
3. Adolescents can consider every scenario possible in advance and then
rigorously test each one.
4. Adolescents are capable of using symbols to understand abstract
5. They develop the ability to think abstractly by playing with concepts in their
heads, independent of concrete manipulation.
4.2 Participation
Observed Evidence of Cognitive Abilities
(Formal Operation Stage)
Observe how 2 classes’ response to each of the following:
Grade Observed: Grade 7 Subject Area: English Time: 9:00 to 10:00 AM
Subject Matter: The Cycle of the Sun and the Moon
Lesson objective:
a) decode the meaning of the unfamiliar words found in the story;
b) arrange the series of paragraph to unveil the literary piece;
c) share their insights regarding the moral of the literary piece, and
d) create a graphic organizer presenting the characters with their roles
in the folktale and a story chart.
4.5 Dissemination
What other activity you can give to enhance your student’s cognitive
development. Choose a specific level and subject area to serve as context for
1. In what stages are the learners attending Basic Education (K-12) found in
the cognitive continuum? Approximate the cognitive stage of the learners in
school using the information in Table 5.1
Teaching Formal Operational Learners
Suggested Teaching Techniques for formal operation Stage
Guidelines for Grades 7-12 Suggested Teaching Techniques
1.Continue to use concrete a. Effective discussions can be
operational strategies and materials. facilitated by interactive
b. Use charts, pictures, and simple,
but slightly more complex graphs
and diagrams as visual aids.
2.Give the students a chance to a. Giving students the task of
manipulate and test objects. making a craft that represents
historical figures.
b. Encouraging students to research
the topic.
3.Make sure presentations and a. Make a presentation that would
readings are brief and well organized. stimulate the students' interest.
b. provide students with material that
is easy to comprehend.
4.Allow students to explore many a. Provide students with
hypothetical questions. opportunities to discuss social
b. Provide consideration of
hypothetical "other worlds."
5.Give opportunities to classify and a. To reduce the complexity of a
group objects and ideas on specific subject matter, use
increasingly complex levels. graphs, charts,analogies, and
b. Allow students to write on the
board their ideas about the subject
using concept maps and other
learning tools.
6.Present problems that require a. Focus discussions on open-ended
logical,analytical thinking. questions which stimulate
b. Provide materials such as Mind
Twisters, Brain Teasers, and