Contextualized LP
Contextualized LP
Contextualized LP
A. Content Standards: The learners demonstrate an understanding of proper usage of modals expressing
B. Performance Standards: The learners perform tasks in relation to the song’s message.
C. Learning MELC: Express permission, obligation, and prohibition using modals
Competencies/Objectives: Specific Objectives:
Write the LC Code for each Analyze the proper usage of modals expressing ability
Reflect about the different abilities they possess
Perform tasks in relation to the OPM song’s message entitled “I Can” by
Donna Cruz
C. Presenting • The teacher will flash a lyric video of an OPM song entitled “I Can” by Donna Cruz.
Examples/Instances of the He will instruct them to listen to it attentively and ponder it with their hearts.
Lesson (
D. Discussing New Concepts • After listening to the song, the teacher will ask the learners a set of questions based on
and Practicing New Skills the lyrics they’ve just heard.
1. What did you feel after you listened to the song?
2. What did you realize?
3. What is the message of the song?
4. What word is dominant in this song?
5. What does it denote?
6. Which word between ‘I’ and ‘can’ actually denotes ability?
7. What part of speech is it?
8. What type of verb?
9. What do you know about modal verbs?
E. Discussing New Concepts • The teacher will present sentences that contain modals. He will instruct the learners to
and Practicing New Skills #2 analyze the sentences. Afterwards, learners will be tasked to answer questions.
1. I can dance.
2. You may go.
3. I must follow the rules.
4. You should drink water instead of soft drinks.
• The teacher will present the types of modals namely: modals expressing ability,
modals expressing permission, modals expressing obligation, and modals expressing
F. Developing Mastery • The teacher will ask questions to deepen learners’ understanding and mastery of the
(Leads to Formative lesson.
Assessment 3)
1. Aside from ‘can’ what other modal shows ability?
2. When do we use each?
3. Who else can give examples?
G. Finding Practical • The teacher will divide the learners into 4 groups and they will do the assigned tasks.
Applications of Concepts and
Skills in Daily Living Group 1 – Think of a similar song which helps you realize your abilities.
Group 2 – Make a slogan related to the message of the song “I Can”.
Group 3- Present a role play which depicts the message of the song “I Can”.
Group 4 – Draw a symbolism for the message of the song “I Can”.
Criteria %
Content 50
Creativity 40
Teamwotk 10
TOTAL 100%
I. Evaluating Learning Think of your unique and best ability which you can use to achieve your dreams. Then
list down the unique abilities of each of your members on a manila paper.
Criteria %
Content 60
Creativity 30
Behavior 10
TOTAL 100%
J. Additional Activities for Write an essay answering the question: What is your greatest dream in life?
Application or Remediation
Criteria %
Content 50
Context 40
Creativity of the output 10
TOTAL 100%
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovations or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared by:
Principal I