Geo Rtest 3
Geo Rtest 3
Geo Rtest 3
1. Write your name, class section & date clearly in the space provided.
2. Carefully read through the complete paper.
3. Space has been provided for the objective part.
4. Use separate answer sheets for the subjective part.
5. Do not copy the questions on the answer sheets.
6. Recheck your work before handing it over at the end of the examination.
7. The allocated marks for each question in the paper are given in brackets [ ].
Q No. 1 2 …
Max. Marks 5 5 25
Marks Obt.
Ans. Sheets
Marked by: ___________________Sign: ________________ Dated: ___________
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Test: Geography
Class VIII
Section – I OBJECTIVE [Marks:15]
a) Complete the fact sheet about Turkey. [ /6]
i Latitude: iv Area:
___________________ ______________________
ii Neighbors: v Seas:
___________________ ______________________
iii Capital City: vi Regions:
___________________ ______________________
ii Coastal Areas
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Section – II SUBJECTIVE [Marks:10]
Q-1: Attempt any two parts. All parts carry equal marks. [2.5x2=5]
a) Write about the natural vegetation in Turkey and the problem it has faced.
b) What do you know about the population structure and density of Turkey?
c) Describe Turkey’s agricultural and mineral production.
Q-2: Compare the cultural life of Turkey and Pakistan. How are they similar or
different? Use the following prompts:
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