Direction: Discuss and explain exhaustively the following questions including cited
authorities in 100 words. Choose 3 out of 5 questions.
Whenever you consider instructional to use within your lesson, you should
consider the purpose of material, it is intended to provide drill in practice, is it
telling you story, maybe it seems to be designed just to give general information,
perhaps it would be really good for enrichment and maybe you see this as a
great way to provide remediation. Next consider the content, is the content
accurate, does it have bias, is it designed to only provide one side of an issue,
does it contain misinformation, maybe consider whether the contents at the right
level of detail, does it really give you the information that you need to help your
students meet your objectives. You also need to consider your intended
audience. Think about whether the content will be the right level for your intended
audience, is it going to be too easy or maybe too complex or is it just right. Think
about the level of complexity, is it very detailed or very general and is that right
for your learner, does it scaffold the information that you needed to, does it
provide vocabulary at the appropriate level. Next think about engagement, is the
learner expected to do anything with the resource or interact with it in anyway,
how likely is it the learner will be cognitively engaged, will this really cause them
to think about the topic or the content. We should also think about accountability
and feedback. Is there anything that holds the learner accountable for paying
attention or engaging with the content. If the learner does need to do something
like answer questions, does the program or application give any kind of feedback
to the learner immediately to let them know whether they’re right or not. It is also
important to consider access to the materials, does it require a login which might
slow you down in class but on the other hand the login might also let you track
student’s progress. Will students need any specific software or maybe the
application is device specific for example maybe its an app that’s only available
for the Ipad. Certainly, these aren’t the only things to consider when selecting
instructional materials that you will be using in your lessons but if you at least
begin to ask yourself these questions you’ll be able to make better choices for
you and your students
The reason that we really need to assess is very simple, students do not
learn what we teach, assessments are the best way to find out whether students
have learned something and assessing of materials is also important to know the
effectiveness of a certain materials that we used in our class. Assessing
materials is important in such a way that in can help you whether or when to
improve or revise our instructional material that we used in class. As I have been
mentioned before on my report that it is important to assess or evaluate the
instructional materials we used during our class so that we have a basis next
time if that certain material is effective in the teaching and learning process.
4. What is the importance of multimedia learning in the new normal and how
will you utilize the use of multimedia in your learning?
We used to learn using multimedia learning even before the pandemic hits
the world. When we say multimedia learning we’re talking about learning from
words and pictures. In general, words can be spoken or written, pictures can be
static or animated so what we are doing right now in our class is a multimedia-
based learning as well as learning from a classroom lecture where an instructor
shows his PowerPoint presentation just like what we are used to do back to time
when there is no COVID’19 pandemic yet. Its also learning from a book with
images, it’s a learning from an interactive game such as tablet games or smart
board activity, it is also a learning within a virtual simulation. Since the
implementation of the home learning system, we teachers have no choice but to
use a variety of learning media and the most common among all is the google
classroom media, using this GCR the delivering of materials and assignment and
quizzes to the students made easy all facilitated by Google Classroom. Using
multimedia-based learning delivering of lessons made easier. Teacher’s
creativity is really demanded in the home learning period and the role of
technology is much important in supporting the implementation of online learning
or home learning with the use of multimedia-based learning.
We can utilize this platform in our learning process by sharing the
information and ideas, instant communication considering the distance varies
between the student and teacher, we the teachers who are taking up masters
degree together with the students can easily participated in the class wherever
we are as long as we have an internet connection. Discussions during classes
we’re done in a more confident way when access to information is as easy as
today and that is with the help of multimedia than we used to do before the
pandemic hits the world.