THP Rulebook RPG

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“The enemy is coming. Their invasion is imminent.

They will
crash onto our beaches and pound their boots on our soil.
And they will march on our capital with the same merciless
determination that they’ve shown our neighbors and allies.

“Intercepted transmissions have shown that they believe this

will be an effortless campaign; that they will, as they put
it, ‘dance through our lines in the morning and eat dinner
in Capital Square.’

“Our job, tomorrow, is to make sure they’re full on their

own words by lunchtime.”

- excerpt from GA James Bletchly’s “Trespasser” Speech

You have just been promoted to lead the newly-formed

Harbinger Project – a secret collection of the top allied
minds, brought together in an effort to defeat the enemy
through foreknowledge of their actions. By intercepting
enemy transmissions and breaking enemy codes, you will be
able to make the best use of your military might against the
oncoming invasion and show the enemy the true meaning of
“forewarned is forearmed.”

The Harbinger Project is a solitaire game in which you play as the head of a group of code-
breakers and spies in an attempt to defend your country from invading enemy forces. It will
be your job to decipher and break enemy codes and to use this information to maximize the
efforts of your military forces. There are fourteen each of the four enemy unit types; your
job is to destroy them all before they reach the Capital. If any enemy units remain after
the Siege of the Capital, you lose the game. Otherwise, you win.

The enemy is also attempting to break your codes. Doing so would give them the advantage
they need to take the Capital. After each Invasion, the enemy makes headway on this task,
but you can slow their progress by spending time enciphering allied codes. If they aren’t
stopped, however, they will eventually break the allied codes, and you lose the game.


To play you will need to print off both the Map and the Cipher Sheet. You will also need a
pencil with an eraser and two eight-sided dice. Place the Cipher Sheet to the right of the
Map so that the six rows on each sheet line up.

The Map shows the area of your country being invaded. Each of the six rows corresponds to
one of the six Invasions. The first Invasion is the beach landing, using the top row; each
successive Invasion uses the next row down.

At the bottom of the Map is the enemy’s

destination: your capital city. Here there
are 20 Recruited Units spaces that may be
filled in during the game.


Each Invasion row is separated into three, four, or five spaces. These are
the potential targets of the enemy attacks. Each space contains what you
need to track all the information about invading forces and your defenders.

INVASION ROW TARGET VALUES These numbers are used to randomly

determine which spaces will be
targeted in each invasion.
1 2

ENEMY GROUND UNITS There are four types of enemy ground

units that may attack a targeted
space;Infantry, Armor, Artillery,
INFANTRY and Paratroopers.When a type of
1 2 enemy ground unit is determined
ARMOR to be attacking a specific targeted
space, the matching symbol is
circled in that space.


FRIENDLY GROUND UNITS In each space, you may defend

TARGET VALUES with up to four types of friendly
ENEMY GROUND UNITS ground units, each of which excels
FRIENDLY GROUND UNITS SNIPER at combating a specific type of
BOMBERS/FIGHTERS enemy ground unit.



BOMBERS/FIGHTERS Spaces may be attacked by enemy

Bombers. When the location of the
Bomber attack is determined, the
BOMBERS symbol in the corresponding space
is circled. Bombers are defeated
FIGHTERS by friendly Fighters; each
Invasion you will have the chance
to circle these symbols in the
spaces you wish to defend.

Snipers are used to defeat enemy Infantry.

Engineers use mines and tank traps to destroy enemy Armor.

Commandos raid enemy emplacements and use explosives to destroy


Anti-aircraft guns shoot down the aircraft transporting

The Cipher Sheet is used to track information needed during
the game. There are six rows that correspond to the six
Invasions; each row provides the symbols and spaces needed to
track the relevant information for the corresponding Invasion.


CRITICAL STRUCTURES Each of the six Invasions threatens two Critical Structures, the
loss of which will have severe negative impacts on your defense.
Below each structure are eight spaces to be filled in as units are
assigned to defend that structure. Each Critical Structure begins
the game with two defenders; these spaces are already filled in. Next
to each structure are the symbols for enemy Bombers and friendly
Fighters; these symbols will be circled to denote the presence of
these units at each structure.

Each Invasion you will accumulate units to assign to defend. You start
with seven units in each row, and can recruit more. The seven units
you start with for each Invasion are called Ready Units. Each row
contains 15 spaces that can be filled in to mark extra Recruited Units.

During each Invasion there are three different Codes that can be
deciphered and broken: Targets, Ground Attacks, and Air Attacks. As
you attempt to decipher the codes, you will use these spaces and
symbols to track your progress.

TIME TRACK There is a limited amount of time to prepare before each Invasion.
Each time you take actions to ready your defenses & break codes, you
mark off spaces on the Time Track. Use the top row space first, then
drop down and use the second row when needed. When the rules refer
to the leftmost space of the time track, use the leftmost space
following this order.
In each Time Track space are two values. The number to the left of
the slash is called the Recruitment Value and is used when taking a
Recruit action. The number to the right of the slash is called the
Encipherment Value and is used when taking an Encipher action. The
number below some spaces is called the Invasion Value and is used
after each action is taken to see if the current Invasion begins.
The Cipher Sheet also contains areas to track information
relevant to all Invasions.

ENEMY CIPHER While Invading, the enemy is also

attempting to break your codes; doing so
will result in a loss of the game. This
area is used to track their progress.
Below this are six spaces for you to
write in Enciphered Codes which can
be used to slow down the enemy’s code-
ENEMY CIPHER breakers. There are also three Radio
Tower symbols to track how many Radio
Towers have been lost.


Enemy Bombers pose a terrible threat to
ENCIPHERED CODES your units and Critical Structures. To
FIGHTER RESERVE combat them, you can send Fighters to
defend an area. You have ten Fighter
squadrons at your disposal during the
1 2 game, and can never gain more.

ENEMY UNITS ENEMY UNITS There are four types of enemy units.
GROUND/AIR ATTACKS RESERVE Fourteen of each type are marching toward
ENEMY UNITS the capital. As enemy units are defeated,
3 4 their symbols are crossed off; defeat all
1 2
fourteen of each type to win the game.
3 4 Next to each type are two values used to
randomly select enemy unit types.

35 4 6

5 6

5 6
7 8

7 8

7 8

GROUND/AIR ATTACKS These areas are provided to assist you

in remembering where enemy attacks will
take place, if needed.







Each Invasion works the same way, and you resolve them one at a time starting with the
Invasion row at the top of the Map and proceeding down. You will begin by choosing an
action to take and resolving its effects. After each action you will cross off a space
on the Time Track and check to see if the enemy attack triggers. If it does, you will
have a chance to assign your Ready Units, Recruited Units, and Fighters. You mark off any
enemy units you were able to destroy, roll to see if you lost any Critical Structures,
and determine how much progress the enemy makes breaking your codes. After resolving the
attack, you begin taking actions for the next Invasion down.

After completing all six Invasions, you proceed to the Siege of the Capital. If at any time you
destroy all fourteen of each enemy type, you win; if, after the Siege of the Capital, there is
at least one undestroyed enemy, you lose.


You begin each Invasion by taking actions. The possible actions are:

DECIPHER intercepted enemy codes.

BREAK enemy codes to learn valuable information about the incoming

attack. The more time spent Deciphering, the more information you are likely to

gain. This action may only be taken once per Invasion.

RECRUIT new units to defend your country and Critical Structures.

ENCIPHER allied codes to make it harder for enemy code-breakers to

make any progress.

DEPLOY defensive units to defend your Critical Structures. This action

may only be taken once per Invasion. Once taken, you may no longer take actions, and

the Invasion automatically begins.

After each action is taken, cross off the leftmost uncrossed-off space of the Time Track for
your current Invasion. If the box you crossed off has a corresponding Invasion Value, you
must make an Invasion Roll by rolling one die. If the rolled value is greater than or equal
to the Invasion Value, the Invasion begins: you may take no more actions and must resolve
the Invasion.

Each action is detailed on the next pages.


To have a better chance of breaking the enemy’s codes, you must first decipher them.
Deciphering involves rolling the dice and writing numbers into the six circles that make
up the three Codes. Later, when taking a Break action, you will hope to roll numbers that
fall within the range between the two numbers for each Code, so the farther apart these two
numbers are, the better.When you choose to take the Decipher action, roll both dice. With
each die, in either order, you must:

Write the rolled value into any empty Code circle, or

Ignore the rolled value & erase any one value in a Code circle.

You must do one of these for each die. The order of the two numbers in a Code has no effect.

You decide to Decipher. You roll both dice and get a 4 and an 8.
Since you want numbers as far apart as possible, the 8 is perfect.
You write it in an empty circle for the Targets Code. You don’t want
to erase the 8, though, so you must also write the 4 in an empty
circle; this time you choose the Ground Attacks Code. You cross of
the first space of the Time Track, but it has no Invasion Value so
you do not make an Invasion roll.

Your next action you Decipher again and roll a 2 and a 5. The 5
isn’t great, but the 2 is really good. You first use the 5 to erase
the 4 since neither of them will make a good range. You write the 2
in the Targets Code next to the 8. You check off the next Time Track
space which also has no Invasion Value.

You decide to Decipher again and roll a 2 and a 5. These make a decent
rage, so you write the values into the Ground Attacks Code. You cross
off the third space of the Time Track, which has no Invasion Value.

You Decipher again and roll a 3 and a 7. You don’t plan to Decipher
again, so you write both numbers into the Air Attacks Code. You
cross off the 4th space of the Time Track. This space has an
Invasion Value of 8, so you roll one die and roll a 2; the Invasion
does not yet happen.


In order to learn the enemy’s plans, you must break their codes. Once per row you may take
the Break action to figure out as much information as possible from each of the three
Codes. The more time you’ve spent Deciphering Codes, the better your chances of learning
what you need to successfully defend against the invading forces. You may only take a
Break action once per Invasion.

When you choose to Break you will resolve each Code one at a time. You start with the
Targets Code, then the Ground Attack Code, and finally the Air Attack Code. If a Code does not
have both circles filled in with values from Deciphering, you may not attempt to resolve it.
You may still take the Break action, but may only resolve Codes with a number in both circles.

To resolve a Code, roll both dice and compare the rolled values with the numbers written in
the circles for that Code. Each rolled value that falls within the range of the two numbers
in the Code circles, including being equal to either number, is considered a Success. You
are not required to have the smaller number on the left and the larger number on the right;
a die is considered a Success if it is equal to or greater than the smaller number and less
than or equal to the larger number.

After rolling you may choose to use a Spy Plane to reroll either or both dice. To do so you
will have to outfit one of your Fighters with cameras. Cross off one of your ten Fighters on
the Cipher Sheet and reroll either or both dice. You may do this as many times as you wish
on any Break roll.

After you are happy with your roll, count the number of Successes you rolled: zero, one, or
two. If you rolled one Success, circle. If you earned two Successes circle. Then move on to
the next Code to resolve. After resolving each Code once, the Break action is complete. You
may not take any more Break actions until the next Invasion.

You attempt to Break the codes you’ve been Deciphering. You start
with the Targets Code and roll a 1 and a 2. The 2 falls within the
inclusive range between 2 and 8 that you Deciphered for your Targets
Code, but the 1 does not. You decide to use a Spy Plane. You cross off
SUCCESS SYMBOLS one of your Fighters and reroll the 1 getting another 1! You decide
not to use another Spy Plane. The 1 and 5 earn you one Success, so you
circle the appropriate Success symbol next to the Targets Code.

You roll for the Ground Attacks Code and roll a 4 and a 7. You decide
not to use a Spy Plane and circle the one Success symbol.

You roll for the Air Attacks Code getting a 5 and a 2. You circle the 1
Success symbol. You cross off the 5th space of the Time Track and roll a
4 for the Invasion Roll; it is lower than the Invasion Value of 8 so the
Invasion does not yet happen.

Knowing the enemy’s plans is helpful, but it’s all for naught if you don’t have the
manpower to make use of what you know. You may know where the enemy is going, but you’ll
need to have enough friendly units to send there to defend. The Recruit action allows you
increase the number of units you have at your disposal.

When you choose to Recruit, find the Recruitment Value in the leftmost uncrossed-off space on the
Time Track. This is the number of Recruited Units spaces you may fill in. You may fill in any of
the 15 Recruited Units spaces in your current Invasion or any of the 20 Recruited Units spaces
in the Capital. For your current Invasion row, the 15 spaces are not a limit; if you Recruit
more than 15 units in one row, simply mark them some other way. For the Capital, the 20 spaces
are a limit; you may never Recruit more than 20 units at the Capital.

Now that you’ve attempted to break some of the enemy’s codes, you decide to Recruit
more units to defend. The Recruitment Value in the leftmost uncrossed-off space of
the Time Track is 2. You decide to fill in one Recruited Unit in the current Invasion
and one Recruited Unit in the Capital. You cross off the 6th space of the Time Track
which has an Invasion Value of 7. You roll a 3; the Invasion does not yet happen.


While you’re attempting to break the enemy’s codes, the enemy code-breakers are attempting to do the
same thing to you. You track their progress on the Cipher Sheet using the Enemy Cipher grid.
To break your codes the enemy generates random numbers after each Invasion and fills in the
grid. To prevent them from doing this, you take the Encipher action to write numbers in the
Enciphered Codes spaces on the Cipher Sheet. If the enemy attempts to fill in the grid with
a number you Enciphered, the number is erased instead of written in.

When you choose to Encipher, find the Encipherment Value in the leftmost uncrossed-off space
on the Time Track. The Encipherment Value is how many numbers you may write into the
Enciphered Codes spaces. You may write in any numbers you wish. There are only six spaces;
you may never Encipher more than six values at once. You may not erase or replace numbers
already written in the Enciphered Codes spaces.

To keep the enemy code-breakers at bay you take an Encipher action. The Encipherment
Value in the leftmost uncrossed-off space of the Time Track is a 1. You may write any
one number into the Enciphered Codes spaces, and choose to write in a 3. You cross of
the 7th space of the Time Track which has an Invasion Value of 6; you roll a 5 and
the Invasion does not yet happen.


Deploying your units allows you to get bonus units to defend your Critical Structures. You
may only choose the Deploy action once per Invasion, and, once it is carried out, the time
for you to take actions is over and the Invasion of the row is resolved.

When you choose to Deploy, fill in any five of the spaces located below the two Critical
Structures of the current Invasion. Two spaces below each Critical Structure start the
game already filled in. After Deploying, you may take no more actions and must proceed to
resolving the Invasion.

You choose a Deploy action in order to get some bonus units to defend
your Critical Structures. You choose to fill in 1 space below the
Bridge in the row and 4 spaces below the Radio Tower in the row. You
may take no more actions, so you move on to resolving the Invasion.


After taking each action you will mark off the leftmost uncrossed-off space of the Time Track
for your current Invasion. Some spaces of the Time Track have an Invasion Value. After
taking any action, if the space you cross out has an Invasion Value, you must immediately
make an Invasion Roll by rolling one die. If the rolled number is greater than or equal
to the Invasion Value, you may take no more actions and must proceed to resolving the
Invasion. Otherwise, you may continue by taking another action.

There is no need to mark off a Time Track space or make an Invasion Roll after taking a
Deploy action as the Invasion must be resolved after a Deploy action is taken.


The Invasion of each row will start one of two ways: either you will choose to Deploy,
after which it happens automatically, or you will roll equal to or higher than the Invasion
Value when making an Invasion Roll after taking an action. In either case, resolving the
Invasion works the same way and follows these steps in order:

Determine Success information

Assign units and Fighters
Determine remaining information
Resolve Bomber attack
Resolve ground attack
Resolve Critical Structure attack
Apply effects of lost Critical Structures
Roll for Enemy Cipher progress

Each Success that was gained during Break actions reveals one piece of information about
the enemy’s plans relating to the Code on which the Success was earned. You can have up to
two Successes for each of the three Codes.

During this step you will roll dice based on the number of successes earned, and fill in
the information you learn. Start with the Targets Code, then the Ground Attacks Code, and
finally the Air Attacks Code.

For each Success you earned on the Targets Code you will learn one of the two spaces on the Map the
enemy intends to attack. Roll one die for each Success and check off the matching Target Values in the
spaces in your current Invasion. It is possible that both targeted spaces will be the same space.

During your Break action you earned 1 Success for the Targets Code, so you learn one of
the targeted spaces. You roll one die and roll a 3. You check off that number on the Map;
the space that number is in is one of the two spaces where the enemy will attack.


The enemy can attack with four different types of ground units. In each of the two targeted spaces,
the enemy will send one or two types of units. For each Success you earned on the Ground Attacks Code
you will learn which types of enemy units will be present in one of those spaces. If you learned the
targeted spaces, you can circle the enemy unit types in those spaces; if you did not, you can circle
the enemy unit types on the Ground Attacks section of the Cipher Sheet in order to remember what
information you learn during this step.

For each Success roll both dice and look up the rolled numbers in the Enemy Units section. It is possible
that both rolled numbers will correspond to the same enemy unit type.

On the Cipher Sheet, circle the enemy unit types in the Ground Attacks section that correspond to the
numbers you rolled. If you had only one Success you will learn which types of enemy units will attack
the leftmost targeted space; circle the enemy unit types in the left column. If you had two Successes
you learn which enemy unit types will attack both the leftmost and rightmost spaces; roll both dice
once for the left column and then a second time for the right column.

If, while resolving the Targets code, you learned what both of the targeted spaces would be, you do
not need to use the Ground Attacks section of the Cipher Sheet as you know what both the leftmost
and rightmost targeted spaces are. In that case, you can simply circle the enemy unit types directly
in the targeted spaces themselves. If you learned none or one of the targeted spaces, you can use
the Ground Attacks section of the Cipher Sheet to remember what you rolled and can transfer that
information to the Map once both targeted spaces are learned.

It is possible that there is only one targeted space. In that case, the leftmost and rightmost spaces are the
same, and both Ground Attacks rolls will apply to that single space.

During your Break action you earned one Success. You roll two dice to determine which enemy
LEFT RIGHT unit types will attack the leftmost targeted space; you roll a 4 and a 5 which corresponds
to enemy Armor and Artillery. Since you only know one of the targeted spaces, you do not yet
know which space will the leftmost targeted space, so you cannot yet circle the enemy units
on the Map. Instead, you circle the Armor and Artillery symbols in the left column of the
Ground Attacks section of the Cipher Sheet.


The enemy will attack either one of the targeted spaces or one of the Critical Structures with their
Bombers. Knowing their target will allow you to defend with Fighters. Bombers can cause terrible damage
if they are not stopped.

If you get one Success on this Code you learn whether the enemy plans to send their Bombers to one of
the targeted spaces on the Map or to one of your Critical Structures. Roll one die and reference the Air
Attacks section of the Cipher Sheet. If you roll a one through four, the enemy will attack a targeted
space and you can circle the word “Target.” If you roll a five through eight, the enemy will attack one of
your Critical Structures and you can circle the word “CS.”

If you get two Successes on this Code, you learn exactly where the enemy plans to send their Bombers.
Roll one die and reference it the same way as above to find if they will attack a Target or a Critical
Structure. Then roll one die and reference the Air Attacks section of the Cipher Sheet. If you roll a
one through four, the enemy will attack the leftmost Target or Critical Structure and you circle the word
“Left.” If you roll a five through eight, the enemy will attack the rightmost Target or Critical Structure
and you can circle the word “Right.”

If you know which of the two Critical Structures the Bombers are attacking you can circle the Bomber
symbol next to that Critical Structure. If you know both Targets and know which one of the two targeted
spaces the Bombers are attacking you can circle the Bomber symbol in that space. If you don’t know
precisely where the Bombers will attack, you can circle what information you do know on the Air Attacks
section of the Cipher Sheet and circle the correct Bombers symbol one that information is learned.

During your Break action you earned 1 Success for the Air Attacks Code. You roll one die
1-4 TARGET LEFT and roll a 6. The enemy will attack your Critical Structures, and you circle “CS” in the Air
5-8 CS RIGHT Attacks section of the Cipher Sheet.


After determining what information you’ve revealed from breaking enemy codes, you may
assign your units to defend Critical Structures and spaces on the Map. Add together the
Ready Units and the number of Recruited Units spaces you have filled in on the current
Invasion. This is the total number of units you may assign. You may assign units to
Critical Structures and to spaces on the Map. Assigning units to defend Critical Structures
gives you better odds of successfully defending these structures from the enemy. If you
choose to assign units to Critical Structures, fill in that number of spaces under the
Critical Structures in the current Invasion row. Each Critical Structure begins with two
units already defending, and more may have been added from taking a Deploy action. You may
never have more than eight units defending one Critical Structure.

Assigning units to defend spaces on the map allows you to kill enemy units that are in
that same space. There are four types of friendly units you may choose from, each of which
destroys a specific type of enemy unit. To assign units to the Map, you must choose which
space or spaces you wish to defend and which types of units you wish to defend with. In
each space, next to each friendly unit type, is a blank space to write in how many of that
type of friendly unit you wish to assign to that space.The total number of each type of unit
you assign, plus the number of spaces you choose to fill in under your Critical Structures, may
not be more than the total of Ready and Recruited Units.

You may also assign Fighters to defend against Bombers. In any space on the Map in the
current Invasion, or at either Critical Structure, you may circle the Fighter symbol to
defend with Fighters at that space or structure. For each Fighter you assign, cross off one of
the ten Fighter symbols on the Cipher Sheet. You may not cross off a Fighter more than once.

You have 7 Ready Units and 1 Recruited Unit, so you may assign 8 units to defend
against this Invasion. You know one of the two spaces they will attack, and you know
the enemy unit types they will send to the leftmost space. Since you took a Deploy
action, you already have some extra units defending your Critical Structures so you
choose to send all 8 units to defend on the Map. Given the placement of the Target
Values in the spaces for this Invasion, it’s fairly likely that the one space you know
will end up being the leftmost targeted space and eventually be attacked by enemy Armor
and Artillery. You decide to place 4 Engineers and 4 Commandos there to defend.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



You know that the enemy Bombers will attack your Critical
Structures, but not which one. You decide losing these structures
1 2 would set you back too far, and assign a Fighter to defend at both
structures. You cross of two Fighters from the Fighter Reserve and
circle the Fighter symbol next to both Critical Structures.
3 4

5 6

Each Success at breaking an enemy code gives information about the Invasion that you
get to see before you assign units. After assigning units you determine the rest of the
information that you were unable to learn.


The enemy will attack one or two spaces. The process of determining these targets is the
same as during Step 1. If you have already learned both targets during Step 1, then there is
nothing left to learn. If you learned one target during Step 1, roll one die to determine the
other target. If you learned neither targets, roll both dice to determine them both.

During Step 1 you learned one of the two targeted spaces. Now you determine the other
space and roll an 8. You fill in the 8 on the Map, and now know both targeted spaces.


The enemy will attack each targeted space with one or two enemy unit types. The process
for determining these targets is the same as during Step 1. If you had two successes for
this Code and learned each type of unit, transfer the information from the Ground Attacks
section of the Cipher Sheet to the Map; the unit types in the left column are circled in
the leftmost targeted space on the Map, and the units in the right column are circled in
the rightmost targeted space on the Map.

If you had one success for this Code, transfer the information from the left column of the
Ground Attacks section of the Cipher Sheet to the leftmost targeted space on the map. Roll
both dice to determine the enemy unit types in the rightmost targeted space following the
same procedure as in Step 1. If you had no successes, roll separately for the enemy unit
types in each space following the procedure in Step 1. It is possible that there is only one
targeted space. In that case, the leftmost and rightmost spaces are the same and both Ground
Attacks rolls will apply to that single space.

You earned one Ground Attacks success during your Break roll, and learned what enemy
unit types will attack the leftmost space. Since you now know which space is the
leftmost targeted space, you circle the Armor and Artillery symbols in that space. You
need to roll for the rightmost space; you roll a 7 and an 8 and circle the Paratroopers
symbol in the rightmost targeted space.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


The enemy will attack one of the targeted spaces, or one of the Critical Structures, with
their Bombers. If you had two successes for this Code then you know exactly which space or
structure the enemy is attacking and can circle the Bomber symbol near it. If you had zero
or one success for this Code, roll for the information you didn’t learn following the same
procedure as in Step 1. Circle the Bomber symbol in the attacked space.

You had one success on the Air Attacks Code during your Break action, and you learned
the enemy will send their Bombers to your Critical Structures. You roll one die and
roll a 1, meaning the Bombers will attack the Critical Structure on the left. You
circle the Bomber symbol next to your Bridge.


The enemy sends their Bombers to attack one space during each Invasion. Without
interference, their Bombers can wreak terrible havoc. Find the targeted space or the
Critical Structure with the circled Bomber symbol. If that space or structure also has a
circled Fighter symbol, your Fighters shoot down the enemy Bombers and successfully defend
the air. There is no Bomber attack; proceed to the next step.

If there is not a circled Fighter symbol in the space or structure with the Bombers, then
the enemy Bombers are successful. If the attack was on a targeted space on the Map, erase
all friendly units assigned to any spaces on the Map, not just the space with the Bomber.
If the attack was on a Critical Structure, cross out both Critical Structures in this
Invasion, not just the structure with the Bomber.

The Bombers attacked your Bridge, but you assigned a Fighter to defend. The Fighter
keeps the Bombers from destroying both of your Critical Structures.


In each targeted space on the Map your friendly units engage the invading enemy forces in
an attempt to destroy as many of them as possible. Resolve the attack in each targeted
space, in any order. Each type of friendly unit can destroy one type of enemy unit:



In each targeted space, one or two enemy unit types will be circled. These are the types of
enemy units ENEMY
thatCIPHER can be destroyed in that space. For each of these enemy units, check to

see if the type of friendly unit that can destroy them is also in that space. If so, you
destroy a number of that enemy unit type equal to the number of the correct friendly unit
type with which you are defending. Cross off that many enemy unit symbols from the Enemy

Units section of the Cipher Sheet. Do this for each targeted space on the Map. If you cross
off all fourteen of each enemy type, you immediately win the game.

The targeted space on the left is under attack by enemy Armor and
1 2 Artillery. Enemy Armor is destroyed by Engineers; you have four
Engineers in the space and so cross out four enemy Armor symbols
in the Enemy Units list. Enemy Artillery is destroyed by Commandos.

3 4
You have four Commandos in the space as well and so cross out
four enemy Artillery symbols on the Enemy Units list. In the
rightmost targeted space the enemy is attacking with Paratroopers.
Unfortunately you do not have any AA Guns in that space, so you do
5 6
not destroy any enemy Paratroopers.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
7 8


Each Invasion, two Critical Structures are under attack. The loss of these structures can
be devastating to your defense.

For each Critical Structure, one at a time, roll one die. If the number rolled is greater
than the number of spaces that are filled in below the Critical Structure, the structure is
lost; cross it off. If the number rolled is equal to or less than the number of spaces that
are filled in below the Critical Structure, your defenders have successfully defended the
structure and there is no effect.

You have 3 defenders at your Bridge. You roll a 6 and cross of the Bridge. You have 6
defenders at your Radio Tower. You roll another a 6 and your Radio Tower is safe.


Critical Structures can be lost in one of two ways: they are crossed off after a Bomber
attack during Step 4, or they are crossed off during the Critical Structure attack during
Step 6. Regardless of how they are lost, the effects are the same and depend on the type of
structure it was.

Factories produce the weapons and vehicles of war used to repel the
invaders, and losing one can severely impact your ability to defend.
If a factory is lost, cross out the seven Ready Units in the next
FACTORIES Invasion row; these units may not be assigned to defend.

Radio Towers are used to transmit your messages and orders across the
country. If a Radio Tower is lost, cross off one Radio Tower symbol
next to the Enemy Cipher. This will speed up the enemy code-breakers’
RADIO TOWERS progress during Step 8.

Bridges allow easier movement across more difficult terrain; losing

one to the enemy will allow them move quicker across the country. If
a Bridge is lost, cross off the leftmost two spaces of the Time Track
BRIDGES in the next Invasion row. When taking actions during that Invasion,
these spaces count as if they have already been used.

The Airbase houses all of your Fighters and Spy Planes, the loss
of which will make defending the Capital much more difficult. If
the Airbase is lost, cross out all remaining Fighters on the Cipher
Sheet. These may no longer be used during the Siege of the Capital.

The Harbinger Project Offices are where all information regarding your
codes and code-breaking efforts are stored. If the Harbinger Project
offices are lost, cross out all four columns of the Enemy Cipher. This
does not result in a loss of the game, but columns may no longer be
crossed off during the Siege of the Capital.

During the attack on your Critical Structures you lost a Bridge. You cross off
first two spaces on the next Time Track. During the next Invasion you will be much
more pressed for time.


The enemy code-breakers are trying just as hard to decipher your codes as you are to
decipher theirs. After each Invasion they make slow but steady progress which is tracked on
the Enemy Cipher. If they break your codes, the game is lost.

To determine their progress, roll both dice. For each die, in either order, you must
Erase one matching number from the Enciphered Codes spaces, or
Write the rolled number into an empty space in the Enemy Cipher
When writing a number into the Enemy Cipher you must write it in the highest row possible
that has at least one empty space. If there are multiple empty spaces in that row, you may
choose which space in which to write it.

Repeat this process a second time, and then once more for each Radio Tower that has been
crossed out next to the Enemy Cipher.

After rolling all required dice and writing in all required numbers, check each column. If
any column contains two or more spaces containing the same number, draw a line through all
nine spaces of that column; the enemy has broken this part of your code. You may no longer
write numbers into that column.

If all four columns are crossed off, the enemy has broken your code and you lose the game.

You roll two dice to determine the Enemy Cipher progress and roll a 4
and 5. You write these numbers into the top row of the Enemy Cipher.
You roll a second time and roll a 3 and another 5. You erase the
3 from the Enciphered Codes spaces and write the 5 into the Enemy
Cipher. You have lost no Radio Towers so far, so you stop rolling.
So far, no column has more than one of any number, so no columns are
crossed off.

After rolling for Enemy Cipher progress, if you have resolved all six Invasions, continue
to the Siege of the Capital. Otherwise, begin taking actions for the next Invasion; you may
erase all circles
on the Ground Attacks and Air Attacks section of the Cipher Sheet so it
may be used again for the next Invasion.


The Siege of the Capital

Eventually the
RESERVE invaders will make it to the Capital. If you have not destroyed all
fourteen of each enemy type by the sixth Invasion, you will use all of your remaining

resources to attempt to beat the invaders back.

1 2

Check each type of enemy unit in order, starting with Infantry and proceeding to Armor,
then Artillery, and finally Paratroopers. Follow this process for each unit type:
3 4
If you have destroyed all fourteen of the enemy unit type, these units are no longer a
threat. You may move on to the next enemy unit type.

5 6
If you have not destroyed all fourteen of the enemy unit type then you must make attacks
on the enemy in an attempt to do so. You have three options for attacks:

7 8 You may cross off five Recruited Units at the Capital to roll one die and destroy that
many of the enemy unit types in question. If you roll higher than the remaining number
of enemy units of this type, you may not apply it to other enemy unit types. You may
only choose this option once per enemy unit type.

You may cross off one uncrossed-off column of the Enemy Cipher to roll two dice.
Subtract the smaller number from the larger number and destroy that many of the enemy
unit types in question. If you destroy more units than the remaining number of enemy
units of this type, you may not apply it to other enemy unit types. You may only choose
this option once per enemy unit type. Crossing off the fourth column of the Enemy
Cipher does not result in a loss of the game during the Siege of the Capital.

You may cross off one Fighter to roll two dice. Subtract the smaller number from the
larger number and destroy that many of the enemy unit types in question. If you destroy
more units than the remaining number of enemy units of this type, you may not apply it
to other enemy unit types. You may choose this option any number of times per enemy
unit type.

If, after exhausting all possible options, you have not destroyed all fourteen enemy
units, the invaders overrun the Capital and you lose the game. If you are able to
destroy all fourteen enemy units, repeat this process for the next enemy unit type.

If you destroy all fourteen of all four enemy unit types, you have successfully repelled
the invading force and win the game.

Game Design: Jack Bennett

Design and Illustration: Ashley Knappenberger
Playtesting: Mikolaj Laczynski
Chad Mestdagh
Chris Mozzone
Morten Monrad Pedersen
Publisher: Jack Bennett
© Corvid Games 2013

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additional support for The Harbinger Project, visit us as For more of
Ashley Knappenberger’s work, visit

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