Lec 16 - Multiple Objectives

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MME445: Lecture 16

Multiple Constraints and

Conflicting Objectives
Part 2: Selection with multiple objectives
Learning Objectives

Knowledge & Knowledge on graphical trade-off methods

Understanding and penalty functions

Ability to select systematically when design

Skills & Abilities
objectives conflict
Appreciation of the value of compromise in
Values & Attitudes
engineering design

• M F Ashby, Materials Selection in Mechanical Design, 4th Ed., Ch. 07
Lecture Outcome
At the end of this lecture, students should be able to
• analyse the process of materials selection for problems having
multiple objectives,
• examine how exchange constant can be determined or estimated
and be used to calculate the penalty function, and
• analyse how we can select a better material for an existing
application using relative penalty function

1. Introduction & Synopsis

❑ Common design objectives:

1. Minimising mass (sprint bike, satellite components)
2. Minimising volume (mobile phone, minidisk player)
3. Minimising cost (everything)
4. Maximising energy saving
5. Minimising environmental impact (packaging, cars)

❑ Each defines a performance metric

❑ Some objectives may conflict with another

We wish to minimise both !!
(meeting all constraints, of course!)

❑ Conflict arises, because the choice that optimizes one objective
will not, in general, do the same for the others

❑ The best choice is thus a compromise, optimizing none but pushing

all as close to their optima as their interdependence allows.

❑ And this highlights the central problem:

• How is mass to be compared with cost, or volume with environmental impact?
• Each is measured in different units; they are incommensurate.
• We need strategies to deal with this.

Trade-off strategies

❑ Consider the choice of material to minimize both cost

(performance metric P1) and mass (performance metric P2) while also
meeting a set of constraints (e.g., maximum service temperature,
corrosion resistance in a certain environment)

❑ Following the standard terminology of optimizations theory,

we define a solution as a viable choice of material, meeting all the
constraints but not necessarily optimal by either of the objectives.

2. Multi-Objective Optimisation
The terminology

• Solution:
a viable choice, meeting
constraints, but not necessarily

Metric 2: Cost, C
optimum by either objective

• Express objectives to be
while plotting all viable solutions as

function of performance metrics.

Light Metric 1: Mass, m Heavy

2. Multi-Objective Optimisation
The terminology

• Dominated solution:

one that is definitely non-optimal
(as point A) A
Dominated solution
(obviously, there are solutions better

Metric 2: Cost, C
than this one)

• Non-dominated solution: solution

one that is optimal by one metric Trade-off

(as point B) but not necessarily surface
by both metric

Light Metric 1: Mass, m Heavy

• Trade-off surface:
the surface on which the non-dominated solutions lie
(also called the Pareto Front) (In our case a 2-dimensional curve) 8/27
Finding a compromise: Strategy 1
compromise by intuition and experience

1. Make a trade-off plot
2. Sketch a trade-off curve
3. Use intuition to select a
solution on the trade off curve

Mass, m
• “Solutions” nearest the surface
offer the best compromise
between mass and cost curve

• 8 out of 50
Choose from among these !! Cheap Cost, C Expensive

• Which part of the trade-off curve is the best?

The strategy is to use in selecting materials from among the non-dominated (red-colored) set
is intuition (experience, good judgment, common sense – call it what you like).
Finding a compromise: Strategy 2
treating objectives as constraints

Reformulate all but one of the

objectives as a constraint,
setting an upper limit of it, and Setting cost
as constraint;
then optimize the other objective e.g., C < 15 $/kg

Mass, m
• Here the cost is set as a curve
constraint and an upper limit
of 15 $/kg (say) is set

• The solution that minimizes Best

the other objective can then choice

be read off.
Cheap Cost, C Expensive

❑ But this is cheating!!

• This is not a true optimisation – cost has been treated as a constraint, not an objective.
• It is an extreme sort of optimization. 10/27
❑ Strategies 1 and 2 help with all trade-off problems
in material selection, but they rely to some extent on judgment.

❑ A more systematic method is possible – based on Penalty


Finding a compromise: Strategy 3
penalty functions and exchange constants

❑ The trade-off surface identifies the subset of solutions that offer the best
compromises between the objectives.

❑ Ultimately, though, we want a single solution.

❑ One way to do this is to aggregate the various objectives into a

single objective function, formulated such a way that its minimum
defines the most preferable solution.

❑ To do this we define a locally linear penalty function

(or, value function or utility function) :
a = exchange constant
𝑍 = 𝛼1 𝑃1 + 𝛼2 𝑃2 + 𝛼3 𝑃3 + ... P = performance metric

❑ The best choice is the material with the smallest value of Z.

❑ The a’s are called exchange constants
(or, equivalently, utility constants or scaling constants)

❑ They convert the units of performance into the units of Z,

which are usually currency ($).

❑ The exchange constants are mathematically defined by

𝜕𝑍 𝑍 = 𝛼1 𝑃1 + 𝛼2 𝑃2 + 𝛼3 𝑃3 + ...
𝛼𝑖 =
𝜕𝑃𝑖 𝑃𝑗 ,𝑗≠𝑖

• They measure the increment in penalty for a unit increment in a given

performance metric, all others being held constant.
• If, for example, the metric P2 is mass m, then a2 is the change in Z associated
with a unit increase in m, taking other metric, cost for example, is constant.
𝛼2 =
𝜕𝑃𝑚 𝑃

❑ Frequently one of the objectives to be minimized is cost, C, so that P1 = C.

❑ Then it makes sense to measure Z in units of currency.

❑ With this choice, a unit change in C gives a unit change in Z,

with the result that a1 = 1 and the equation of Z becomes
𝑍 = 𝐶 + 𝛼2 𝑃2 + 𝛼3 𝑃3 + ...

❑ Consider now the earlier example in which

P1 = cost C, P2 = mass m, and a2 = a, so that
𝑍 = 𝐶 + 𝛼𝑚
1 1
𝑚=− 𝐶+ 𝑍
𝛼 𝛼
❑ Then a is the change in Z associated with a unit increase in m.
The second equation defines linear a relationship between m and C.
Summary of Strategy 3:

1. Define locally-linear penalty Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4
Contours of
function Z = C + a m constant Z
2. Seek solution with smallest Z

Mass, m
2 ways to do this:
Optimum solution,
❑ Evaluate Z analytically for minimising Z

each solution and rank them

values of Z
❑ Make trade-off plot
Cheap Cost, C Expensive
▪ Plot on it contours of Z
1 1
𝑚=− 𝐶+ 𝑍 ❑ The best choices lie near the point at which
𝛼 𝛼
▪ Lines of constant Z have slope -1/a one of these lines is tangent to the trade-off
curve, since this minimizes Z.
▪ Read off solution with the lowest Z,
which lies at the bottom left corner of
the plot 15/27
❑ Almost all the material selection charts use logarithmic scales.
❑ A linear m-C relationship, plotted on log scales, appears as a curve
❑ But the procedure remains the same:
The best candidates are those nearest the point at which one of these curves
just touches the trade-off surface.

But what is the meaning of a ?

❑ The quantity a is called an “exchange constant” -- it measures the value

of performance, here the value of saving 1 kg of mass ($/kg).

❑ It quantifies the effect of a material substitution on the total value,

or the (value) penalty involved in the substitution.

How to get a ?
◼ market survey (perceived value)
◼ full life cost (engineering criteria)

Estimation/determination of exchange constants

❑ Values base on engineering criteria

• e.g., approx. derivation from technical models for the lifetime cost of a system
(e.g., weight saving in transport system)

• affects dramatically the application of materials

(e.g., aluminium alloys in aircraft, not in car bodies; titanium alloys in military
than civil aircraft)

• values of exchange constant varies with time

(change in fuel price, legislation, etc.)

❑ Values base on perceived worth
• More difficult to assess

• e.g., weight/cost trade-off for a bicycle ($20/kg - $2000/kg)

• Family car? Titanium watch?

• One aim of advertising is to increase the perceived worth of a product,

thereby increasing its value without increasing its cost

❑ Environmental impact ??
• How much is unit decrease in eco-impact worth?

• Until an exchange constant is agreed on or imposed, it is difficult

for the designer to respond

Finding a using engineering criteria
example: materials for transport systems

▪ Mass, in transport systems, means fuel

$ kg
▪ Life cost = Initial cost, C + Fuel cost over life, scaling with mass m
▪ Penalty function Z = C + αm

▪ Must establish exchange constant, α

Choice of material depends on system

Steel Steel / Al Al / (composite) Al / Ti / composites Composites

a 3–6 6 – 20 100 – 600 600 – 2,000 (?) 5,000 – 10,000
Penalty function in transport system
Mass vs. cost of beam for given stiffness
System a ($US per kg)

c/E1/2 Family car 0.5~6

1e6 Trade-off Exchange Truck 5 to 20

P2= Cost surface constant

Cobased superalloys Civil aircraft 100 to 500
Ni-based superalloys Military aircraft alloys
Tungsten 500 to 1000
for given a = 500 $/kg Bicycle frame 20-4000
stiffness 100000 Ti-alloys Exchange
Epoxy/HS Carbon Space vehicle 3000 to 10000
Density x Price /Sqrt Modulus

weave Lead alloys

CFRP epoxy a = 50 $/kg Bronze

10000 laminate Exchange
1000 a = 5 $/kg Copper alloys
Zinc alloys
a = 1 $/kg
 P 
10 a = −  2  P 2 HSLA steels CAST IRONS
 P 
 1
Engineering 50 100 200 500 1000 2000
/E1/2 5000
P1=Mass Density/Sqrt Modulus
definition of a
for given
It is often the case that a single material (or subset of materials) is optimal over a wide
range of values of the exchange constant. Then approximate values for exchange constants
are sufficient to reach precise conclusions about the choice of materials.
Relative penalty functions
for substitution of an existing choice

❑ When we seek a better material for an existing application, it is more helpful

to compare the new material choice with the existing one.

❑ To do this we define a relative penalty function:

𝐶 𝑚 • subscript 0 means properties of the existing material
𝑍∗ = + 𝛼 ∗
• asterisk * on Z* and a* means that both are now dimensionless
𝐶0 𝑚0

❑ The relative exchange constant a* measures the fractional gain in value

for a given fractional gain in performance.
❑ Thus a* = 1 means that, at constant Z,
∆𝐶 ∆𝑚 This means that, halving the mass
=− is perceived to be worth twice the cost
𝐶0 𝑚0
❑ Figure 7.8 shows the relative
trade-off plot on linear scales.
❑ The axes are C/Co and m/mo.
❑ The material currently used in
the application appears at the
coordinates (1,1).

Sector A : both lighter and cheaper

Sector B : cheaper but heavier
Sector C : lighter but more expensive
Sector D : uninteresting

❑ The contour of Z* that is tangent to

the relative trade-off surface again
identifies the optimum search area.

❑ So if values for the exchange

constants a are known, a completely
systematic selection is possible.
Summary & Conclusions

❑ Real design involves conflicting objectives

– often technical performance vs. economic performance (cost).

❑ If the exchange constant is known

– penalty function allows unambiguous choice.

❑ The penalty function technique can be applied to bar charts,

or bubble charts for interactive and visual selection.

Next Class
MME445: Lecture 17
Multiple Constraints and
Conflicting Objectives
Case studies with conflicting objectives

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