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Bangladesh University of Engineering &


Course No: MME 458

Course Name: Metal Forming Sessional

Experiment No: 04

Name of the Experiment: Deformation Behavior on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties

of Plain Carbon Steel

Submitted By:

Utsha Das



Date of performance: 10-1-2023

Date of Submission: 18-01-2023

The main objective of this experiment is to analyze the deformation behavior on microstructure
and mechanical properties of plain carbon steel.
Rolling is a process of reduction of the cross-sectional area or shaping a metal piece through
the deformation caused by a pair of rotating in opposite directions metal rolls.

Based on work temperature, rolling can be divided into 2 classes:

Hot Rolling

Hot rolling is a metal working process that occurs above the recrystallization temperature of
the material. After the grains deform during processing, they recrystallize, which maintains an
equiaxed microstructure and prevents the metal from work hardening. The starting material is
usually large pieces of metal, like semi-finished casting products, such as slabs, blooms, and
billets. If these products came from a continuous casting operation the products are usually
fed directly into the rolling mills at the proper temperature Advantage
 Hot rolling can eliminate certain defects in the cast metal, such as welding pores,
refining coarse grains and changing the distribution of inclusions, so that the
compactness and mechanical properties of the metal are improved.
 Due to the reduced metal deformation resistance, the requirements for the rolling
equipment can be correspondingly lower, so that the cost of the equipment can be
reduced and the energy consumption can be greatly reduced.
 Equiaxed grain and no directional properties can be achieved
 Hot rolling usually uses large ingots and large reduction rolling, which not only
improves production efficiency, but also creates conditions for increasing rolling
speed and achieving continuous and automated rolling process Disadvantage
 When product are cooled to room temperature, the surface is covered in mill scale,
which is an oxide that forms at high temperatures. So, Hot rolled product has poor
surface finish.
 Dimensional accuracy is lower due to shrinkage during cooling. So, this process is not
suitable for section size lower than 3 mm.
 After hot rolling, non-metallic inclusions inside the steel are pressed into thin sheets,
causing delamination (sandwich). The delamination greatly deteriorates the tensile
properties of the steel in the thickness direction.
 Residual stress caused by uneven cooling. The residual stress has some influence on
the performance of steel members under external force. Such as deformation, stability,
fatigue and other aspects may have adverse effects.
Commercial Applications:
Hot Rolled Steel is used in applications that do not require precise shapes and tolerances. Hot
rolling is used mainly to produce sheet metal or simple cross-sections, such as I-beams & rail
tracks. Other typical uses for hot-rolled metal: Truck frames, automotive clutch plates, wheels
and wheel rims, Pipes and tubes, Agricultural equipment, Railroad hopper cars and railcar
components, Doors and shelving, Guard rails for streets and highways.

Cold Rolling
Cold rolling occurs with the metal below its recrystallization temperature (usually at room
temperature), which increases the strength via strain hardening. Commonly cold-rolled
products include sheets, strips, bars, and rods; these products are usually smaller than the
same products that are hot rolled. Cold rolling cannot reduce the thickness of a workpiece as
much as hot rolling in a single pass.
 Better dimensional control than hot working is possible. So, It is suitable for section
size lower than 3 mm
 Surface finish of the component is better because no oxidation takes place during the
 Strength and hardness of the metal are increased.
 Cold rolled product has directional properties which is useful in certain applications
 Higher forces are required to initiate and complete the deformation  Heavier and
more powerful equipment and stronger tooling are required  It is more costly process.
 Over-working of metal results in brittleness and it has to be annealed to remove the
 Subsequent heat treatment is mostly needed to remove the residual stresses set up
during cold working.

Commercial Applications:
Cold Rolled process is known for its ability to hold tight tolerances and retain few surface
imperfections. Cold Rolled Steel is a common material for building steel sheds, industrial
buildings, and garages. Typical uses for cold-rolled steel include metal furniture, motorcycle
exhaust pipes, computer cabinets and hardware, shelving, lighting fixtures, hinges, tubing,
metal containers, fan blades, frying pans, wall and ceiling mount kits, and a variety of
construction related products.
Experimental Procedure
I. Collected two plain carbon steel samples.
2. Measured thickness of the samples.
3. Determined chemical composition of the samples.
4. Observed microstructure under optical microscope.
5. Carried out hardness test in suitable scale(s).


a) Identification of the sample by type of rolling performed in given samples

Sample B

Sample A

Sample A Hot rolled Steel

Sample B cold rolled steel
Sample B has nearly same hardness as Sample A. Grain of Sample A looks like equiaxed and
Sample B has quite elongated grain. Those indicates that Sample A is hot rolled steel and Sample
B is cold rolled Steel.
b) How to Distinguish between Plate and Sheet Materials.
Sheet Plate
thickness < 6 mm thickness 6 mm
used in applications where weight saving is used it in applications where durability is
more important than durability more important than saving weight

c)Microstructural Study of Hot Rolled and Cold Rolled Materials.

Cold rolled materials consists of elongated grain due to straining. In hot rolling, after
the grains deform during processing, they recrystallize, which maintains an equiaxed
microstructure. So, hot rolled microstructure consists of equiaxed grain.


Figure 2-Microstructures of (a) cold and (b) hot rolled microstructure

d)Comparison of Mechanical Properties of Hot Rolled and Cold Rolled Materials.
Sample A (Hot Rolled) Sample B (cold rolled)
199.5 152.4
199.8 147.1
211.7 149.1

• In the event of, hot rolling sample deformation occurs above the
recrystallization temperature. Recrystallization occurs during hot rolling, and
elongated grain is replaced with equiaxed grain. As a result, some strain
hardening occurs, resulting in a minor increase in strength and hardness.
Cold rolling causes strain hardening because it operates below the
recrystallization temperature. Cold rolling samples are process annealed to
improve the maximum possible strain. This decreases its hardness.

• Having more Carbon % is also a reason for the increased hardness of the hot
rolled sample.
e) Impact of Sample Dimensions on Choosing an Appropriate Rolling Schedule in
terms of Temperature.

The dimensions of the sample dictate which rolling technique is used. Due to the high
temperatures used during hot rolling, less force is needed to reduce thickness compared
to cold rolling. The development of scaling and oxidation, however, is more likely in
hot rolled samples. After being cooled to room temperature, samples contract. A hot
rolled product’s surface polish and dimensional precision might be challenging to
achieve. Making thin sheets involves cold rolling.
Finally, hot rolling is employed when a sizable amount of thickness reduction is
When higher dimensional accuracy and a smooth surface are required, cold rolled is
the preferred method.

f)Suggestion of a Hypothetical Rolling Schedule for Cold Rolling and 'Suggestion of a

Hypothetical Rolling Schedule for Hot Rolling. Rolling schedules must be made for
reduction from 10 mm to final thicknesses of your measured samples and proper
justifications for your schedules should be provided.
Sample A
For hot rolling,
Initial thickness Final thickness
10 mm 5.34 mm

For hot rolling, co efficient of friction, µ= 0.5 and let, the radius of the roller, R= 200
Maximum reduction, ∆ℎ𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝜇2𝑅

∆ℎ𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 0.52𝑥200 = 50 mm
In each pass, maximum 50 mm thickness reduction is possible.
We need to reduce only 10-5.34=4.66 mm
We need single pass to complete rolling

Thickness reduction in single step, ∆ℎ= 10-5.34 =4.66 mm

Consider width of the sample, W= 100 mm

Flow stress of Steel, σo = 300 MPa

For hot rolling, we need to keep the temperature above the recrystallization
temperature. Recrystallization temperature = 0.4 * melting temperature (Tm)
Tm = 1537-(88 C+8 Si + 5 Mn + 5 Cu + 1.5Cr + 4 Ni + 2Mo + 2 V + 30 P +25 S) °C

⸫Recrystallization temperature = 608.17 °C

To maintain a safety factor, we can estimate the starting temperature 640°C because
temperature will reduce during further process.

Rolling load
R.L. = 1.55 * 300 * 100 *

= 2.83 MN
Pass Load (MN) Thickness Roll radius Temperature

1 2.83 4.66 200 mm 640°C

Sample B
For cold rolling,
Initial thickness Final thickness
10 mm 1.75 mm

For hot rolling, co-efficient of friction, µ= 0.1 and let, the radius of the roller, R=400
Maximum reduction, ∆ℎ𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝜇2𝑅

∆ℎ𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 0.12𝑥400 = 4 mm
In each pass, maximum 4 mm thickness reduction is possible.
We need to reduce only 10-1.75=8.25 mm
We need 3 passes to complete rolling

Thickness reduction in single step, ∆ℎ= 2.75 mm

Consider width of the sample, W= 100 mm

Flow stress of Steel, σo = 500 MPa

Rolling load
1st pass:

R.L. = 1.55 * 500 * 100 *

= 3.064
MN 2nd pass:


R.L. = 1.55 * 500 * 100 *

= 3.296
MN 1st pass:


R.L. = 1.55 * 500 * 100 *

= 3.93 MN
Pass Load (MN) Thickness Roll radius

1 3.064
2 3.296 2.75 400 mm
3 3.93

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