UEE509 Tutorial Sheets and Lab Assignments

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Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala

Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering Department

BE Third Year Electrical Engineering Session: July-Dec., 2022
UEE509: Power System Analysis
Tutorial Sheet #01 Course Instructor Dr. Manbir Kaur
1. In a power system, two generators rated at 10 MVA, 13.2 KV and 15 MVA, 13.2 KV are
connected in parallel to a bus bar. This system is feeding two motors of inputs 8 MVA and
12 MVA respectively. The operating voltage of motors is 12.5 KV. Assuming base MVA as
50 MVA and base KV as 13.8 KV draw the reactance diagram. The percent reactance for
the generators is 16 % and for motors is 21%.
2. Assuming MVA bases of 35 and 90 MVA calculate the through impedance in ohms
between the generator and the output terminals of the transformer for the system as
shown below in Fig.1.1 The specifications for the generators and transformer are given in
the table.

30 MVA, 11 kV,
Generator G1
X’’ = 0.20 p.u. G1
35 MVA, 11 kV,
Generator G2
X’’ = 0.20 p.u.
Transformer 90 MVA, G2
11 kV (delta) /66 kV (star)
Fig. 1.1
X = 10%

3. The single-line diagram for a 50 Hz power system is shown in Fig. 1.2 where the system
contains three generators, three transformers and three transmission lines. The system
ratings are given in table and the transmission line reactance are as indicated in the
Figure 1.2. Draw the reactance diagram choosing the Generator 3 circuit as the base.
200 MVA, 20 kV,
Generator G1
Xd = 16%
300 MVA, 18 kV,
Generator G2
Xd = 20%
300 MVA, 20 kV,
Generator G3
Xd = 20%
300MVA, 220/22 kV
Transformer T 1
Xd = 12%
Three single-phase
units each rated
Transformer T 2
100 MVA, 130/25 kV,
X = 10%
300 MVA, 220/22 kV,
Transformer T 3 Fig. 1.2: Single line diagram of power system network
X = 10%
4. Show that per unit impedance of transformer is same whether measured from either
LV or HV side of given three phase transformer rated at 110kV/10.5kV, 25MVA. The
leakage reactance measured from low voltage side is 0.16 ohms.
5. A single phase system has two transformers A-B and B-C connected by a line B feeding a
load at the receiving end C. The ratings and the parameters values of the system
components are as:
Transformer A-B: 500V/1.5kV, 9.6kVA, leakage reactance =5%
Transformer B-C: 1.2kV/120V, 7.2kVA, leakage reactance =4%
Line B: Series Impedance =(0.5+j3.0) ohms
Load C: 120V, 6.0 kVA at 0.8 power factor lagging
(a) Determine the value of the load impedance in ohms and actual ohmic impedances of
the two transformers referred to both primary and secondary windings.
(b) Choosing 1.2kV as the voltage base for circuit B and 10kVA as the system wide kVA
base, express all system impedances in per unit.
(c) What value of sending end voltage in circuit A corresponds to the given loading
Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala
Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering Department
BE Third Year Electrical Engineering Session: July-Dec., 2022
UEE509: Power System Analysis
Tutorial Sheet #02 Course Instructor Dr. Manbir Kaur
1. A transmission line is connected through an off-nominal ratio transformer at sending end
and its receiving end. A three phase transmission line has flat horizontal spacing of 3.5m
between adjacent conductors. The conductors are no. 2/0 hard drawn seven strand
copper with outside diameter of 1.05cm. The line is held at 7.5m above ground. The
sending end voltage is 11kV and the off-nominal ratio of transformer on sending end side
is 1: 10 and that on the reviving end side is 6:1-1.50.
(i) Carry out electrical design if transmission line.
(ii) Formulate equivalent π-model of line between sending end and receiving end.
(iii) Assemble bus admittance matrix of the given configuration
2. Assemble YBUS for the network shown in Figure 2.1 using direct method.

G1 G2


1 2

Fig. 2.1

4 3

M1 M2
All reactance values of network elements are in per unit based on 100MVA/11kV and are
given as :
XG1 = j 0.1, XTF1 =j0. 02, XG2 = j0.1, XTF2 =j0.02 , X12 =j0. 12, X23 = j0.24, X34 =j0.5, X14=
j0.55, X13=j0.6, X24 = j0.6, XM1 =j 0.05, XM2 = j0.05, XC = -j0.8
3. For the five bus system, the parameters of the transmission lines are given as: All
values are in per unit and line resistances are neglected.

Line between bus Series Reactance Total Shunt Admittance

1-2 j0.20 j0.12
2-3 j0.10 -
2-3 j0.10 -
1-3 j0.25 j0.30
2-4 J0.08 j0.14
2-5 J0.10 j0.15

Admittance of Bus capacitor at bus 2 = j0.30

Admittance of shunt reactor at bus 3 = -j0.60
(a) Construct YBUS for the given system
(b) Modify YBUS with bus 2 eliminated.
(c) Modify YBUS as obtained in part (a) if a line reactance of line 1-3 is modified to
j0.30 with shunt admittance unchanged.

4. Assemble Bus admittance matrix for IEEE five bus data using direct inspection method
and singular transformation method. (Refer Google to get Line Data for the IEEE bus

Laboratory assignment 1: Develop the MATLAB program for Bus admittance matrix
(a) Direct method
(b) Singular Transformation Method
Use IEEE five bus data.
Show the results as (i) without shunt admittance (ii) with shunt admittance (iii) with
mutual coupling between element B and C. Assume mutual impedance of j0.20.
Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala
Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering Department
BE Third Year Electrical Engineering Session: July-Dec., 2022
UEE509: Power System Analysis
Tutorial Sheet #03 Course Instructor: Dr. Manbir Kaur
1. For the given three bus system, the line data and bus data is given. Using Gauss Seidal
Procedure after second iteration. Assume 100MVA and 11kV as base
(i) Find the phase values of voltages at bus 2 and 3
(ii) Find the slack bus real and reactive power
(iii) Find the line low and line losses
Bus # Bus Voltage Generation Load
Per unit Real Power Reactive Real Power Reactive
(MW) Power (MW) Power
(MVAr) (MVAr)
1 1.05+j0.0 0 0 - -
2 1.0+j0.0 50 30 305 140
3 1.0+j0.0 0 0 138 45
The line data is as
Line # From bus to Bus Series Impedance (per unit)
1 1-2 0.02+j0.04
2 1-3 0.01+j0.03
3 2-3 0.0125+j0.025

Fig. 3.1
2. For the three bus system shown in Figure 3.1, each of three lines has a series impedance
of (0.04+j0.16) p.u. and a total shunt admittance of j0.04 p.u. The specified quantities at
different buses are as following:
Bus Real Load Reactive Real power Reactive power Voltage
demand Load generation generation specification
(PD) demand (PG) (QG)
1 2 1 Unspecified Unspecified V1=1.05+j0 (slack
2 1.5 6 0.5 1.0 Unspecified (PQ-
3 0.5 0.5 0 QGS V3 = 1.05 (PV-bus)
The controllable reactive power source is provided at bus 3 with the constraint
0  QG 3  1.5 pu . Find the load flow solution after two iterations using NR method ,
Decoupled Flow Method and fast decoupled flow method. with a tolerance of 0.01 for
power mismatch.

Laboratory assignment 2-5: Develop the MATLAB program for load Flow analysis on IEEE
5/14 bus data. (use GS, NR, DFM, FDFM)
Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala
Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering Department
BE Third Year Electrical Engineering Session: July-Dec., 2022
UEE509: Power System Analysis
Tutorial Sheet #04 Course Instructor Dr. Manbir Kaur
1. A 6 pole, 50 Hz, 250MVA, synchronous generator is supplying power at 0.8 pf
lagging. The moment of inertia of rotor is 45000kg-m2. Find the inertia constant & per
unit inertia constant.
Hint: H= (0.5Jw2)/S
2. In an interconnected system consisting of two turbo generators via a transmission
line of reactance 0.3 per unit. The ratings (per unit values)of two machines are given
Generator 1: Inertia constants 4.0MJ/MVA , X1’ = j0.16, E1’ =1.2, Pmech1=1.5
Generator 2: Inertia constants 6.0MJ/MVA , X1’ = j0.20, E1’ =1.1, Pmech1=1.0
Find the inertia constant of equivalent machine, the mechanical power input,
magnitude of power angle curve. Hint: Non-coherent system
3. Consider a synchronous machine characterized by the parameters (all values are in
per unit): 𝑋𝑑 = 1.0, 𝑋𝑞 = 0.6, 𝑋𝑑′ = 0.3 and negligible resistance. The machine is
directly connected to an infinite bus of voltage 1.0 per unit. The generator is
delivering a real power of 0.5 per unit at 0.8 power factor lagging. Determine the
voltage behind transient reactance and transient power angle equation for the
following cases: (i) without saliency (ii) with saliency .
𝑬′𝒇 𝑽𝒕
Hint: Without saliency 𝑷𝒆 = 𝒔𝒊𝒏𝜹 = 𝟑. 𝟕𝟒𝟏𝟗 𝒔𝒊𝒏𝜹
𝑿𝒅 ′
𝑬′𝒇 𝑽𝒕 𝑽𝟐𝒕 (𝑿′𝒅 −𝑿𝒒 )
and with saliency 𝑷𝒆 = 𝒔𝒊𝒏𝜹 + 𝒔𝒊𝒏𝟐𝜹 = 𝟑. 𝟕𝟐𝟎𝟖 𝒔𝒊𝒏𝜹 −
𝑿𝒅 ′ 𝟐𝑿′𝒅 𝑿𝒒
𝟎. 𝟖𝟑𝟑𝟑𝒔𝒊𝒏𝟐𝜹
4. A 50 Hz , 500km long transmission line with constants as given below ties two large
power areas: R = 0.11 ohm/km, L=1.45mH/km, C= 0.009F/km and G=0. (a) Find the
steady state stability limit if VS= VR=200kV. (b) What will be the steady state
stability limit if the capacitance is neglected? (c) What will be the steady state limit if
line resistance is also neglected? (d) Comment on the results.
|𝑉𝑆 ||𝑉𝑅 | |𝐴|
Hint: 𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑥 = |𝐵|
− |𝐵| |𝑉𝑅 |2 cos(𝛽 − 𝛼)
𝐴 = |𝐴|∠𝛼 = 1 + , 𝐵 = |𝐵|∠𝛽 = 𝑍(1 + )
2 4
𝑍 = (𝑅 + 𝑗𝑤𝐿) × 500 = 234.13∠76.42 𝑜ℎ𝑚,
𝑌= = (𝑗𝑤𝐶 × 500) = 1.413 × 10−3 ∠90 𝑚ℎ𝑜
𝐴 = |𝐴|∠𝛼 = 1 + = 1.1654∠6.54, 𝐵 = |𝐵|∠𝛽 = 𝑍 (1 + ) = 253.73∠79.08
2 4
5. A synchronous motor is drawing 30% of the maximum steady state power from an
infinite bus bar. If the load on motor is suddenly increased by 100%, would the
synchronism be lost? If not, what is the maximum extrusion of torque angle about
the new steady state rotor position?
6. A synchronous generator is feeding 250MW to a large 50 Hz network over a double
circuit transmission line. The maximum steady state power that can be transmitted
over the line with both the circuits in operation is 500MW and is 359MW with any of
the circuits. A solid three phase fault occurring at the network end of one of the lines
causes it to trip. Estimate the critical clearing angle in which the circuit breakers must
trip so the synchronism is not lost? What further information is needed to estimate
the critical clearing time?
7. For the system as shown in Figure 4.1, the generator is connected to infinite bus
though high voltage line. The breakers on both sides of the fault are arranged to clear
the fault simultaneously. Determine the critical clearing angle for a three phase fault
at point P when the generator with transient reactance of j0.3pu is delivering 1.2 per
unit power. Assume the voltage behind the transient reactance is 1.05 per unit for
the generator and that of the voltage at the infinite bus bar is 1.0 per unit. Determine
the critical clearing time of the breaker when the inertia constant of the system is 3.4
per unit. The transient reactance of transformer is j0.15pu and that of transmission
link is j0.25 pu and motor load with transient reactance of j0.15pu fed at 1.0 per unit
voltage. Plot swing curve with fault cleared by opening breaker simultaneously at
both ends of line at 2.5 cycles and 6.25 cycles after the occurrence of fault.

T1 T2

Fault M2

Fig. 4.1

Laboratory assignment 6: Develop the MATLAB program to plot swing curve to assess
transient stability of a system for data using of Problem no 7.
Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala
Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering Department
BE Third Year Electrical Engineering Session: July-Dec., 2022
UEE509: Power System Analysis
Tutorial Sheet #05 Course Instructor Dr. Manbir Kaur
1. Consider a synchronous machine characterized by the parameters (all values are in per
unit): 𝑋𝑑 = 1.0, 𝑋𝑞 = 0.6, 𝑋𝑑′ = 0.3 and negligible resistance. The machine is
directly connected to an infinite bus of voltage 1.0 per unit. The generator is delivering
a real power of 0.5 per unit at 0.8 power factor lagging. Determine the reactive power
loss. Conclude whether there is a drain of reactive power from sending end or
Hint: Find sending end voltage 𝐸⃗ = 𝑉 ⃗ + 𝐼 (𝑗𝑥𝑑 ) 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝐼 = 𝑃 = 0.5 = 0.625∠ −
𝑉𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 0.8
Then reactive power loss= Reactive power at sending end –Reactive power at
receiving end

2. For a two bus system, obtain the expression for critical receiving end voltage and
magnitude of power angle when receiving end is loaded as given in two cases as (i)
purely inductive load such that real power at receiving end is zero (ii) there is constant
real power demand.
Hint: Case 1: 𝑃𝑅 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛿 = 0 ℎ𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝛿 = 0
For voltage stability limit 𝑑𝑉𝑅 = 0, 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝑉𝑅
Case 2: For constant real power demand 𝑑𝑉𝑅 = 0, 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝛿
For voltage stability limit 𝑑𝑉 = 0, 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝑉𝑅

Laboratory assignment 7: Develop the MATLAB program to obtain PV-QV curves of a given
Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala
Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering Department
BE Third Year Electrical Engineering Session: July-Dec., 2022
UEE509: Power System Analysis
Tutorial Sheet #06 Course Instructor Dr. Manbir kaur
1. In the power system network with data prior to line tripping is given in table 1, the line
between buses 3-4 is taken out of service. Determine for all the lines in system (i) line
outage distribution factor (ii) new values of line currents. The lines between buses 1-2, 1-
3 and 1-4 each carry a load of 25% and each of the lines between buses 2-3 and 2-4 are
loaded to 75% at their rated capacities before tripping the line between bus 3-4 out of
service. Calculate the loading on these lines after tripping of the line.
Table 1
Bus Voltage impedance data To Bus Value
No. (per unit) From bus (per unit)
1 1.00 1 Ref j4.0
2 0.98-3 1 2 j0.25
3 1.022.5 2 3 j0.10
4 1.011 3 4 j0.10
1 4 j0.40
2 4 j0.20

2. For problem no. 1, calculate the power at each bus. If 50% of the real power at bus 3 is
shifter to bus 1, compute the change in current flow in the line connecting buses 2-3.

Laboratory assignment 8: Develop the MATLAB program to obtain contingency analysis of

IEEE 9 bus system. (Find bus voltages when transmission lines (4-5, 5-, 7-8, 8-9, 9-6 and 4-6)
is taken out one by one.
Find bus voltage when line (4-5, 7-8, 4-6) are taken out with generator 2 out.
Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala
Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering Department
BE Third Year Electrical Engineering Session: July-Dec., 2022
UEE509: Power System Analysis
Tutorial Sheet #07 Course Instructor Dr. Manbir Kaur
1. Two generators rated 200MW and 400MW are operating in parallel. The droop characteristics
of their governors are 4% and 5% respectively from no load to full load. Assuming that the
generators are operating at 50 Hz at no load, how would a load of 600MW be shared between
them? What will be the system frequency at this load? (a) Assume free governor operation. (b)
Assume both governors have a droop of 4%.
2. Two systems are interconnected via a tie line. Both the area s have the characteristics as Area 1:
R= 1%, D=0.8pu, Base MVA=500, Area 2: R=2%, D= 1.0pu, Base MVA =500. A load change of
100MW occurs in area 1. Assume both areas were at nominal frequency 50Hz (a) what is new
steady state frequency (ii) what is the change in tie line flow?
3. A 200MVA generator operates at full load at a frequency of 50Hz. The load is suddenly reduced
to 20MW. Due to time lag in governor, the steam valve begins to close after 0.22 sec.
Determine the change in frequency that occurs in this time. Given H=10kW-sec/KVA of
generator capacity.
4. A single area system consists of two generating units rated at 400 and 800MVA with speed
regulation of 4% and 5% on their respective ratings. The units are operating in parallel sharing
700MW. Unit 1 supplies 200MW and unit 2 supplies 500MW at 50 Hz frequency (1.0 per unit).
The load is increased by 130MW. (i) Assume there is no frequency dependent load (D=0), find
the steady state frequency deviation and the new generation of each unit. (ii) The load varies
0.81% for every 1% change in frequency, find the steady state frequency deviation and the new
generation of each unit
5. The specifications for two area system connected by a tie line is as sown in fig.1. such that total
active power generation in each area is sufficient to meet its load demand and power flow over
tie line is zero. A sudden change in load of 10MW occurs in area A. Determine the ACE in each
area, the change in frequency and appropriate signals that will be provided to the
supplementary control. Derive the expression for ACE also.
Area A Area B


PgA=PDA = 1000MW PgB=PDB = 10,000MW

RA = 0.015rad per sec/MW RB = 0.0015rad per sec/MW

Laboratory assignment 9: Develop the MATLAB Simulink block to study frequency response
with ALFC and AVR controller for two area system.
Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala
Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering Department
BE Third Year Electrical Engineering Session: July-Dec., 2022
UEE509: Power System Analysis
Tutorial Sheet #08 Course Instructor Dr. Manbir Kaur

1. The fuel inputs for two on line units 1 and 2 in MKcal/hr. is as follows:
H1  80  7 P1  0.023P12
H 2  120  6 P2  0.034 P22 where P1 and P2 are unit outputs in MW.

(i) Plot the input-output curve for each unit. Assume the minimum and maximum loadings of
each unit are 20MW and 100MW respectively.
(ii) Calculate the net heat rate and plot it.
(iii) Assume the fuel cost is Rs. 1.5/MKcal, calculate the incremental production cost in
Rs./MWh for each unit and plot it.
2. For two units as mentioned in problem 1, determine the economic operating point of two
units and incremental cost of power, when delivering a load of 175MW. Assume
negligible losses.
3. The heat rate of a 100MW fuel fired generator is given by:
10Mkcal/hr at 25% of rating, 9Mkcal/hr at 40% of rating, 8Mkcal/hr at 100% of rating and
the cost of fuel is Rs. 2/Mkcal. (i) Find the cost of fuel. (ii) Find The fuel input rate and fuel
cost when 25%, 50% and 100% loading is done (iii) the incremental cost is Rs./MWh.
4. The fuel cost models for a two unit plant is given by
F1 = 462.28 +8.28P1 + 0.00053P12 GJ/h and F2 = 483.44 +8.65P2 + 0.00056P22 GJ/h
where P1 and P2 ate in MW. The plant supplies a load of 1000MW. Obtain the most
economical loading of each unit and the incremental cost of power with and without
losses.. The losses expressed as PL = B11 P12 with B11 = 1.5*10-4/MW.

Laboratory assignment 10: Develop the MATLAB program to obtain economic load dispatch
of three thermal units using gradient method.
Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala
Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering Department
BE Third Year Electrical Engineering Session: July-Dec., 2022
UEE509: Power System Analysis
Tutorial Sheet #09 Course Instructor Dr. Manbir Kaur
1. Determine the schedule of unit commitment in a 4 unit plant for a load of 6MW, if the load step
is 1MW. The cost curves for four units are approximated as:
F1 = 0.35P12 + 25P1 Rs./hr. F2 = 0.8P22 + 27P2 Rs./hr.
F3 = 1.1P32 + 30P3 Rs./hr. F4 = 1.2P42 + 33P1 Rs./hr.
Neglect Transmission losses. Use Dynamic Programming technique.

2. A two plant hydro thermal system is expressed as the function of active power output as
Fuel cost of thermal system F1 = 0.0111P12 + 10P1 Rs./hr.
Rate of water discharge of hydro system q2 = 60P2 +2380 m3/sec
Transmission losses PL = 1.43x10-4 P22
System’s demand and the optimal incremental cost is given as:
Duration (hrs) Load Demand PD (MW) Incremental cost ‘’
14 700 14.5
10 450 13.43

It is required to calculate the optimal active power generated by each of the plant in each of
the sub intervals, the system power losses, the water conversion coefficient, allowable
volume of water discharge at the hydro plant.

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