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E-ISSN: 2395-6658

Emer Life Sci Res (2015) 1(2): 13-19 P-ISSN: 2395-664X

Evaluation of Fruit Peels for Some Selected Nutritional and Anti-Nutritional


Archana Maniyan, Reshma John, Anu Mathew

Received: 9 June 2015, Accepted: 8 July 2015

for the readers of this journal to orient their food

habits towards more healthy and nutritional foods
Fruit peels are an important source of bioactive as per their daily body requirements according to
compounds including anti-oxidants and proteins. the profession they are engaged in.
The objective of the investigations performed was
Keywords antioxidants, carbohydrates, fruit peels,
to evaluate the peels of selected fruits for some
phytic acid, protease, tannin
nutritional and anti-nutritional components
including Carbohydrates, Protein, Antioxidants,
Protease, Tannin and Phytic acid. Sundried and
finely ground fruit peels are subjected to various Although, human being has enormous strength to
reactions in order to estimate the quantities of each consume and adapt to a variety of eating stuff, there
of the desired components. In the results are certain things like fruits and vegetables that has
accomplished, highest carbohydrate content was become crucial for human diet. Fruits and their
found in Guava (75 mg/ml) followed by important components have a crucial role in
Pomegranate (55.2 mg/ml), Apple (37.15) and supplying invaluable nutrients for maintaining
Banana (32.64 mg/ml). Highest protein human health. Interestingly, the seed and rind of
concentrations were observed in Musk melon (1.6 some fruits have higher vitamins, fibers, minerals
mg/ml) followed by Passion fruit (1.33 mg/ml), and other essential nutrients activity than the pulp
Sapota (1.06 mg/ml) and Mango (1.06 mg/ml). fractions. It is therefore necessary to evaluate the
Highest antioxidant activity was noted in nutritional and anti-nutrient contents of these fruits
Pomegranate (0.57%) and Mango (0.57%) followed and their waste materials so that the knowledge
by Grapes (0.53%), Apple (0.5%) and Guava derived can be used to encourage adequate
(0.47%). Phytic acid content was highest in peels of consumption of fruits and re-utilization of the seeds
Mango (0.22 µg/ml) followed by Sapota (0.17 and rind in possible value added applications in
µg/ml). High Protease concentrations were noted in addition to medicinal significance.
Pomegranate (1.06 mg/ml) followed by Mango (0.3 Phytochemicals are diverse range of
mg/ml). Highest Tannin content was observed in biologically active compounds found in plants,
Apple and Pomegranate (42.46 µg/ml) followed by which provide color, flavor and natural protection
Grapes (35.72 µg/ml). against pests to the plants along with reduction of
Society on the whole depends mainly on the risk of developing many forms of cancer (lung,
junk foods which ultimately lead to distressed prostate, pancreas, bladder and breast) and risk of
lifestyle and poor health. So, many of these cardiovascular diseases. The majority of these
compounds under study are of special interest due beneficial effects are at least in part due to the
to their ability to reduce the hazard caused by presence of phytochemicals in vegetables and fruits.
reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. There are Carbohydrates, proteins, antioxidants, proteases,
several constituents in fruit peels that can be tannin, phytic acid etc., are some of the important
utilized in more efficient ways and hence suggested bioactive components present in fruit peels. Each of
not to be discarded. These findings will pave way

A. Maniyan, R. John, A. Mathew

Department of Environmental Sciences, All Saints’ College, Thiruvananthapuram- 695007, Kerala, India
Maniyan et al. Emer Life Sci Res (2015) 1(2): 13-19

them has their own significance and biological as responsible for anti nutritional activity, hence
roles. determination of phytic acid content is essential.
Free radicals are continuously produced in Protease enzymes help in protein
our body either naturally or on exposure to breakdown, support digestion and metabolism
environmental stress as well as other factors and process and are known to sustain immune system.
can be implicated in many diseases like cancer, These enzymes are artificially available in food
atherosclerosis etc. Antioxidants are known for supplements and additive products. However, as
their capacity to avoid the injury caused by free these enzymes are naturally available in some fruits,
radicals. Although, our body has a defense system it will be beneficial to determine total protease
to produce antioxidants, fruits and vegetables are activity in fruit peels.
rich source of them. Due to their nominal side Tannins which are present in most plant
effects, there are growing interests in using natural foods have traditionally been considered anti-
resources as antioxidants for preventive and nutritional but it is now known that they are
therapeutic medicine (Blomhoff et al. 2006). It has beneficial and their anti-nutritional properties
been postulated that a network of antioxidants with depend upon their chemical structure and dosage. It
different chemical properties may work in a is therefore essential to know how much
synergistic way, protecting cells from damage. It concentration is present in the sample of different
has been proved that free radicals are damaging cell fruit peels and one of the main focuses of this work
components causing several physiological and is to estimate the quantity of tannin in each fruit
pathological defects like inflammation, peels selected.
cardiovascular diseases and ageing.
The antioxidant activity of different fruit Materials and methods
peels and seeds were assayed on the basis of Collected fruits were washed, peeled and their peels
improved ABTS radical cation decolorization assay were carefully separated removing any amount of
with some modifications incorporated (Duda- edible portions. The peels were air dried for 1 week
Chodak and Tarko 2007). Reducing power assay and then ground to fine powder. Powdered samples
method was employed for potential antioxidant were kept in airtight bags under refrigeration during
determination in different fruit peels (Saranya et al. the study period. Standard procedures followed for
2013). The antioxidant activities of pulp peel and estimation of various contents in the fruit peels are
seed from 24 exotic fruits from Colombia were displayed in table 1.
evaluated by ABTS (free radical-scavenging
capacity) and FRAP (ferric reducing antioxidant Results and Discussion
power) methods (Contreras-Calderón et al. 2011).
The concentration of protein is one of the When the fruit peels were analyzed for
factors which determine the quality of fruit peels. carbohydrate content, highest concentrations were
Various studies have shown that as the quality of found in Guava (75 mg/ml) followed by
the protein increases nutritional quality also Pomegranate (55.2 mg/ml), Apple (37.15 mg/ml),
increases. Proteins are critical sources of nitrogen as Banana (32.64 mg/ml). Least concentration was
well as sulfur and are essential dietary constituents. found in Grapes (8.81 mg/ml). The result shows
Hence estimation of protein is being undertaken. significant amount of carbohydrates in the fruit
Fruit wastes rich in carbohydrate content and other peels and hence they can be utilized as a source of
basic nutrients could support microbial growth and carbohydrates. Carbohydrate concentration was also
hence can be utilized for the production of single seen highest in Pomegranate peels in the studies of
cell protein (Adoki, 2008). Rowayshed et al. (2013) which supports the present
Phytic acid is considered as an anti findings of the study but Guava is found to have
nutritional factor as it can remarkably reduce Iron even more amounts of carbohydrates than
and Calcium absorption in our body. The Pomegranate.
complexing of phytic acid with nutritionally Banana and Orange peels also contain significant
essential elements and the possibility of interference amounts of carbohydrates as estimated by
with proteolytic digestion have also been suggested

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Maniyan et al. Emer Life Sci Res (2015) 1(2): 13-19

Table 1: Estimation of various components in fruit peels using standard procedures

Method Procedure Estimation
Carbohydrates Anthrone 1g each of 10 powdered peel samples were weighed and filtered, then centrifuged at 10,000 rpm Supernatant was rapidly cooled and provided
method(Roe J.H for 10 minutes. Supernatant was made up to a volume of 30 mL.. Then 4 mL-1 of Anthrone the dark green color at 620 nm using a
,1955) reagent was added and kept in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes. spectrophotometer. Total carbohydrate content
was then calculated using the obtained
absorbance values of samples and standard
Protein Folin-Lowry’s Samples were mixed thoroughly with 7 ml phosphate buffer and filtered out using cheese cloth. Resultant blue color was read at 670 nm using a
method (Lowry Filtrate was centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 10 minutes. Supernatant was made up to 10 ml using spectrophotometer. Bovine Serum Albumin
et al., 1951) buffer. 1 ml of 10% TCA was added to one mL of the solution and shaken thoroughly. It was (BSA) solution (20-100 Mg/ml) was used as
then kept in freezer for 15 minutes. Centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 10 minutes and upper layer standard. Protein concentration was calculated
was decanted. Pellet is taken and dissolved in 0.1N NaOH. 0.1 ml aliquot was taken and made by applying test and standard values in the
up to 1 ml using 0.1N NaOH. 5 ml alkaline copper reagent was added and kept for 10 minutes. corresponding equation.
Then 0.5 ml of reagent D (1ml Folin’s reagent + 1 ml 0.1 N NaOH) was added and the solution
was kept for 30 minutes.
Phytic acid Wheeler E.L 30 mg of powdered samples was extracted in 50 ml 3% TCA. Shaken thoroughly for 45 minutes Red color developed was read
and Ferrel, R E and centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 10 minutes, to 10 ml of supernatant 4 ml FeCl3 was added, immediately within 1 minute at 480 nm using a
,1971 Again, centrifuged, pellet washed twice by 25 ml of 3% TCA. Supernatant was discarded .Once spectrophotometer. Using standard curve , Iron
again centrifuged pellet was taken and precipitated in 2 ml of distilled water. 3 ml 1.5 N NaOH was present in the test and phytate was
was added , Heated in boiling water bath for 30 minutes filtered hot through Whatman No.2 calculated as per the equation.
filter paper. Precipitate dissolved with 30 ml hot 3.2 N HNO3 .Cooled , 5 ml aliquot is taken,
Added 20 ml 1.5 M potassium thiocyanate solution and diluted to 70 ml. Added 20 ml 1.5 M
potassium thiocyanate solution and the red color is developed.
Antioxidant Reducing power 1 g each of powdered samples was extracted using 10 ml distilled water, then 2.5mL phosphate The absorbance was measured at 700nm in
assay method buffer (0.2M, pH 6.6) and 2.5mL potassium ferricyanide was added. To this 2.5mL of UV‐ Visible Spectrophotometer. Ascorbic acid
(Yen GC and trichloroacetic acid (100g/L) was added, and centrifuged at 3000rpm for 10 minutes, then the was used as standard and phosphate buffer as
Duh PD; 1994) mixture was incubated at 50oC for 20 minutes. Finally, 2.5mL of the supernatant was mixed blank solution.
with 2.5mL of distilled water and 0.5mL Fecl3 (1g/L).
Tannin Vanillin 1g each of ground sample was extracted with 50 ml methanol. After 24 hours Centrifuged , and Read in a spectrophotometer at 500 nm after 20
Hydrochloride to 1 ml of supernatant 5 ml of vanillin hydrochloride reagent was added minutes. Blank was set with vanillin
method hydrochloride reagent alone. A standard graph
(Robert, E B; with 20-100 µg catechin was prepared using the
1971) diluted stock solution (1 mg catechin/ml).
Protease Anson, M.L., 1 g each of samples was extracted in 10 ml distilled water ,centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 10 Amount of tyrosine released was measured at
1938 minutes. 0.5 ml of the aliquot again incubated for 30 minutes with 1 ml 2% casein in 0.1M Tris- 670 nm using a spectrophotometer
HCl buffer at 37oC for 10 minutes. Reaction was stopped by adding 5 ml 5% TCA and
incubated for 30 minutes. To the filtrate 4 ml 0.1N NaOH and 0.5 ml Folin-Ciocalteau reagent
was added.

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Maniyan et al. Emer Life Sci Res (2015) 1(2): 13-19

On estimation, highest protein concentration was

found in Musk melon (1.6 mg/ml) followed by
Passion fruit (1.33 mg/ml), Sapota (1.06 mg/ml)
and Mango (1.06 mg/ml). So, findings of this study
suggest that Musk melon can be highly
recommended for daily consumption or usage in the
diet owing to its high protein content. Least
amounts were found in Grapes (0.16 mg/ml) and
Guava (0.19 mg/ml). The result agrees with
Saranya et al. (2013) about high concentrations of
protein in Musk melon, Sapota and Mango and low
amounts in Guava (Figure 2). The results show that
Figure 1: Graph of showing concentration of carbohydrate significant amounts of protein are present in various
in different fruit peels fruit peels and their proper and economical
recycling can lead to many economical protein
Anhwange et al. (2009) and Osarumwense et al. containing products.
(2013), respectively (Figure 1).When the fruit peels
were analyzed for carbohydrate content, highest
concentrations were found in Guava (75 mg/ml)
followed by Pomegranate (55.2 mg/ml), Apple
(37.15 mg/ml), Banana (32.64 mg/ml). Least
concentration was found in Grapes (8.81 mg/ml).
The result shows significant amount of
carbohydrates in the fruit peels and hence they can
be utilized as a source of carbohydrates.
Carbohydrate concentration was also seen highest
in Pomegranate peels in the studies of Rowayshed
et al. (2013) which supports the present findings of
the study but Guava is found to have even more
amounts of carbohydrates than Pomegranate.
Banana and Orange peels also contain significant Figure 3: Graph showing percentage concentration of
amounts of carbohydrates as estimated by
antioxidants in different fruit peels
Anhwange et al. (2009) and Osarumwense et al.
(2013) respectively.
Antioxidant activity of different fruit peels were
analyzed by estimating their reducing power
percentage in this study. Pomegranate and Mango
showed the maximum level (0.57 %) of
antioxidants followed by Grapes (0.53 %), Apple
(0.5 %) and Guava (0.47 %). Least amounts were
found in Musk melon (0.03 %) (Figure 3). As
earlier studies show that food with high anti-oxidant
properties will have great potential to fight or curb
many degenerative diseases, in this context it can be
recommended that both pomegranate and mango
are vital sources of antioxidant components and
thereby should be included in our daily
Figure 2: Graph showing concentration of Protein in
consumption. The result of this study is in
various fruit peels accordance with Saranya et al. (2013) which also
revealed high antioxidant concentration and activity

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Maniyan et al. Emer Life Sci Res (2015) 1(2): 13-19

in Pomegranate, Guava and mango. In a study mg/100g decreases iron absorption by 4-5 folds.
conducted by Kim (2013) fruits were ranked The study shows generally low values of phytates
according to their antioxidant capacity as compared to the aforementioned value. This means
pineapple>pear>apple>grapes>banana>watermelon that if the peels are properly processed could be
. The ranking of the fruits based on their antioxidant good source of livestock feed. Pomegranate (1.06
activity in the present investigation is similar with mg/ml) was found to have highest protease
their observation. The differences in the antioxidant concentration followed by Mango (0.3 mg/ml).
activities among the fruits could be attributed to Least amounts were found in Banana (0.11 mg/ml),
their differences in phenolic contents and Sapota (0.1 mg/ml) and Apple (0.1 mg/ml) (Figure
compositions and to other non-phenolic 5).
antioxidants present in the samples (Wolfe et al.
2003). The probable reason for low antioxidant
capacity observed in the present investigation
compared to available values in the literature may
be (i) low quality of the grape fruits available in the
local market, (ii) long period of transportation from
the place of production to the market (iii)
geographical differences and (iv) difference in
variety of the fruits.

Figure 5: Graph showing concentration of Protease in

different fruit peels

The result obtained does not comply with results of

Saranya et al. (2013). As here Pomegranate is found
to have highest amount of protease activity rather
than Sapota in the aforementioned report and
mango is found to have more protease
Figure 4: Graph showing concentration of Phytic acid in concentration than estimated.
various fruit peels
Phytic acid is considered an anti nutrient, as it
interferes with the daily activities of human body
like digestion and protein breakdown (Schjønning
et al. 2004). It captures essential nutrients like iron,
zinc, calcium etc. diminishing their accessibility in
human system (FAO 1990). In this study
concentration of phytic acid was found to be
highest in peels of Mango (0.22 µg/ml) followed by
Sapota (0.17 µg/ml) and the least amount of Phytic
acid was found in peels of Banana (0.04 µg/ml)
which is lower when compared to the value
reported by Anhwange et al. (2009) (Figure 4). It is
essential to know the phytate level in foods due to
their damaging effect on digestive system. Hurrell
Figure 6: Graph showing concentration of Tannin in
(2004) reported that phytic acid intake of 4-9
various fruit peels

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Maniyan et al. Emer Life Sci Res (2015) 1(2): 13-19

Highest concentration of Tannin was found in Acknowledgements

Apple and Pomegranate (42.46 µg/ml) followed by
The authors are extremely thankful for the financial
Grapes (35.72 µg/ml). Least amount was found in
support in addition to the laboratory facilities
Passion fruit (1.43 µg/ml) (Figure 6). The result
provided by the PG Department of Environmental
complies with that of Duda-Chodak et al; 2007
Sciences, All Saints’ College, University of Kerala
about high concentrations of tannins in Grapes and
for carrying out this study successfully.
apple and low quantities in Orange. Pomegranate
peels have been attested as an important source of
Tannins by Saad et al. (2012). Tannins constitute an References
essential fraction in the peels of fruits. In many
cases, the fruit peels are the waste products of A. Adoki (2008). Factors affecting yeast growth
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Conclusion Hernández, Belén García-Villanov (2011).
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can help in developing various processing methods
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that can lower their negative effects and also their
Hamza, A.M. Emad (2013). Nutritional and
correlation with other components in the peels. If
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