6f35 Rebuild Manual
6f35 Rebuild Manual
6f35 Rebuild Manual
Special Tool(s)
205-153 (T80T-4000-W)
Holding Fixture
Installer, Bushing
Item Specification
Motorcraft® MERCON® LV Automatic Transmission Fluid MERCON® LV
XT-10-QLVC (US); CXT-10-LV12 (Canada)
Ultra Silicone Sealant —
Disassembled Views
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1. Clean and inspect the transaxle case for damage. Clean the silicone from the transaxle case-to-torque converter housing sealing surface and the main
control cover sealing surface.
2. Assemble the Handle 205-153 and the Bushing Installer 307-664 and install a new bushing on the Bushing Installer.
3. Using the Handle 205-153 and the Bushing Installer 307-664, install the new bushing in the transaxle case.
4. Assemble the Handle 205-153 and Seal Installer 307-626. Install a new LH halfshaft seal on the Differential Seal Installer 307-626.
5. Using the Differential Seal Installer 307-626 and Handle 205-153, install the new LH halfshaft seal in the transaxle case.
6. Install a new manual control shaft seal on Manual Lever Seal Installer 307-581.
7. Using the Manual Lever Seal Installer 307-581, install the new manual control shaft seal in the transaxle case.
8. If not previously installed, install the clutch support tower and the 3 bolts.
• Tighten to 12 Nm (106 lb-in).
11. Lubricate the seals on the intermediate (2, 6) clutch piston with clean transmission fluid.
Be sure the bleed hole is aligned in the correct position as noted during disassembly or damage to the transaxle can occur.
Install the intermediate (2, 6) clutch piston on the seal protector with the bleed hole aligned at the top of the transaxle case.
13. Position the intermediate (2, 6) clutch piston return spring on the piston to align the piston before pushing it in its bore. The tabs of the return spring
should fit into the indentions of the piston and the 2 outer tabs should be at the clockwise most position of the open area at the bottom of the transaxle
case. The bleed hole on the piston should be aligned between the inner double tabs of the return spring.
1 Outer tabs
2 Open area at the bottom of the transaxle case
3 Bleed hole
4 Inner double tabs
15. Install Forward/Intermediate Spring Compressor 307-584/1 on the intermediate (2, 6) clutch piston.
16. Using Forward/Intermediate Spring Compressor 307-584/1, push the intermediate (2, 6) clutch piston into the clutch cylinder by hand.
17. Remove Forward/Intermediate Spring Compressor 307-584/1 and Clutch Piston Seal Protector 307-632.
Be sure the return spring is positioned correctly with the forward clutch bleed hole aligned between the inner double tabs and the outer tab
in the clockwise most position of the slot at the bottom of the case or damage to the transaxle can occur.
Install the intermediate (2, 6) clutch piston return spring. The tabs of the return spring should fit into the indentions of the piston and the 2 outer tabs
should be at the clockwise most position of the slot at the bottom of the case. The bleed hole on the piston should be aligned between the inner double
tabs of the return spring.
1 Outer tabs
2 Bleed hole
3 Inner double tabs
Be sure the snap ring is aligned with the gap facing the front of the transaxle or damage to the transaxle can occur. The front of the transaxle
is where the low/reverse and forward (1, 2, 3, 4) clutch hydraulic ports are located.
Position the snap ring in place. Align the gap of the snap ring to face the front of the transaxle.
1 Snap ring
2 Snap ring gap
3 Low/reverse and forward (1, 2, 3, 4) clutch hydraulic ports (located at the front of the transaxle case)
20. Install the 2-6 Piston Return Spring Compressor 307-633/2 on the transaxle case to center the intermediate (2, 6) clutch return spring.
21. Install the 2-6 Piston Return Spring Compressor 307-633/1 on the snap ring.
22. Install Forward Clutch Spring Compressor 307-574/1 on the transaxle case.
Be sure the return spring is centered or it can bind on the snap ring groove and cause damage to the transaxle case.
Using the Forward Clutch Spring Compressor 307-574/1 and the 2-6 Piston Return Spring Compressor 307-633, install the intermediate (2, 6) clutch
snap ring in the groove.
24. Remove the Forward Clutch Spring Compressor 307-574/1 and the 2-6 Piston Return Spring Compressor 307-633.
25. Install the intermediate (2, 6) clutch apply ring. Tap the ring in place using a suitable tool.
Be sure to install the No. 1 thrust bearing with the flat side facing up or damage to the transaxle can occur.
Install the No. 1 thrust bearing with the flat side facing up.
Be sure to install the No. 3 thrust bearing with the flat side facing down or damage to the transaxle can occur.
Install the No. 3 thrust bearing with the flat side facing down.
29. Install the direct/intermediate clutch hub and rear sun gear assembly.
31. Soak the intermediate (2, 6) clutch assembly in clean transmission fluid.
32. Install the intermediate (2, 6) clutch assembly, temporarily reversing the top friction and steel plates for the clutch stack-up measurement.
33. Install the Shim Selection Gauge 307-300 on the transaxle case.
34. Using a suitable depth gauge, measure and record as measurement A, the distance from the Shim Selection Gauge 307-300 to the top of the
intermediate (2, 6) clutch pack at 3 different points and average the 3 distances.
35. Using a suitable depth gauge, measure and record as measurement B, the distance from the top of Shim Selection Gauge 307-300 to the transaxle case
step above the intermediate (2, 6) clutch.
36. Subtract measurement B from measurement A The clearance should be between 0.240 mm (0.009 in) and 2.60 mm (0.102 in). If the clearance is out
of range, check the intermediate (2, 6) clutch pack for correct installation. If the intermediate (2, 6) clutch pack is correctly installed, install a new
clutch pack.
Description Reading
Measurement A
Measurement B
Subtract measurement B from measurement A and check to see if it is
within range of 0.240 mm (0.009 in) and 2.60 mm (0.102 in)
37. NOTE:
When the intermediate (2, 6) clutch is correctly installed, a friction plate is on top.
Remove the top intermediate (2, 6) clutch friction and steel plate and correctly install the plates back in the transaxle case.
40. NOTE:
Note the position of the low/reverse pressure plate. When installing the center support, the long support legs must fit through the low/reverse pressure
plate and rest on the OWC.
Position the low/reverse pressure plate so that the center support legs fit through the pressure plate and rest on the OWC and install the low/reverse
pressure plate.
42. Align the low/reverse clutch pack with the pressure plate and install it in the transaxle case temporarily reversing the wave spring and top steel plate.
43. Install the Shim Selection Gauge 307-300 on the side of the center support with the long support legs.
44. Using a suitable depth gauge, measure and record as measurement A, the distance from the top of Shim Selection Gauge 307-300 to the contact
surface of the low/reverse clutch piston.
45. Using a suitable depth gauge, measure and record as measurement B, the distance from the top of Shim Selection Gauge 307-300 to the leg surface of
the center support.
Description Reading
Measurement A
Measurement B
Subtract measurement B from measurement A and record as
measurement C.
47. Install the Shim Selection Gauge 307-300 on the transaxle case.
48. Using a suitable depth micrometer, measure and record as measurement D, the distance from the Shim Selection Gauge 307-300 to the top of the
49. Using a suitable depth gauge, measure and record as measurement E, the distance from the top of Shim Selection Gauge 307-300 to the top of the
low/reverse clutch at 3 different points and average the 3 distances.
Description Reading
Measurement D
Measurement E
Subtract measurement E from measurement D and record as
measurement F
51. Subtract measurement F from measurement C to get the low/reverse clutch clearance. The clearance should be between 0.406 mm (0.015 in) and
2.000 mm (0.078 in). If the clearance is out of range, check the low/reverse clutch pack for correct installation. If the low/reverse clutch pack is
correctly installed, install a new clutch pack.
Description Reading
Measurement C
Measurement F
Subtract measurement F from measurement C and check to see if it is
within range of 0.406 mm (0.015 in) and 2.000 mm (0.078 in)
52. NOTE:
When the low/reverse clutch is correctly installed, the wave spring is on top.
Remove the top low/reverse clutch steel plate and wave spring and correctly install the plates back in the transaxle case.
53. NOTE:
Be sure the center support is installed with the long support legs facing down and the feed holes facing the front of the transaxle.
Install the center support with the long legs facing down and the feed holes aligned with the feed holes in the transaxle case.
1 Long center support legs face down
2 Feed holes face the front of the transaxle case
60. Soak the forward (1, 2, 3, 4) clutch pack in clean automatic transmission fluid.
Be sure to install the forward (1, 2, 3, 4) clutch beveled snap ring with the flat side facing down or the snap ring can come loose, causing
damage to the transaxle.
Install the forward (1, 2, 3, 4) clutch beveled snap ring with the flat side down with the gap facing the front of the transaxle.
1 Forward (1, 2, 3, 4) clutch snap ring
2 Forward (1, 2, 3, 4) clutch snap ring gap
64. Using a suitable tool, seat the snap ring in the snap ring groove.
65. Install Dial Indicator Gauge With Holding Fixture 100-002 or a suitable dial indicator on the transaxle case and position the plunger on the top
forward (1, 2, 3, 4) clutch friction plate.
66. Install the new low/reverse and forward (1, 2, 3, 4) clutch feed seals in the transaxle case.
67. Apply 483 kPa (70 psi) of air pressure to the forward (1, 2, 3, 4) clutch piston port while recording the clutch pack clearance on the dial indicator. The
clearance should be between 0.076 mm (0.002 in) and 1.840 mm (0.072 in). If the clearance is out of range, check the forward (1, 2, 3, 4) clutch pack
for correct installation and the transaxle for correct assembly. If the forward (1, 2, 3, 4) clutch pack is correctly installed, install a new forward (1, 2, 3,
4) clutch pack.
68. Install the front planetary sun gear and shell assembly.
72. Install the park pawl actuator rod in the Transmission Range (TR) sensor.
73. Position the park pawl aside and position the park pawl actuator rod and the TR sensor in the transaxle case.
74. Install the manual control shaft and align the roll pin holes.
Make sure to hold the manual control lever while tightening the manual control lever nut or damage to the manual control lever and park
components will occur.
79. Install the lube funnel and position the alignment pin in the alignment hole.
80. Position the lube funnel hold-down bracket in place and install the 2 bolts.
• Tighten to 12 Nm (106 lb-in).
82. Simultaneously install the drive/driven sprocket and chain assembly. Lightly tap on the driven sprocket to be sure it is fully seated in the case.
88. Install the Turbine Shaft Seal Protector 307-635 on the input shaft.
91. Using the Handle 205-153 and Axle Seal Installer 307-718, install the new RH halfshaft seal.
93. Using the Handle 205-153 and Axle Seal Installer 307-718, install the new RH halfshaft seal.
All vehicles
94. Install the differential ring gear in the torque converter housing.
Be sure the flat side of the beveled snap ring is facing down or the ring can come loose, causing damage to the transaxle.
Install the beveled differential ring gear snap ring with the flat side facing down.
97. Install the pump and filter assembly in the torque converter housing and install the pump bolts.
1 Tighten to 35 Nm (26 lb-ft).
2 Tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb-in).
99. NOTE:
Be sure the sealing surfaces of the torque converter housing and the transaxle housing are free of oil before applying silicone.
100. NOTE:
Be sure the stud bolt is in the correct location as noted during disassembly.
Install the torque converter housing on the transaxle case and install the 17 transaxle case-to-torque converter housing bolts.
1 Tighten to 24 Nm (18 lb-ft).
2 Stud bolt location.
102. Install the Turbine Shaft Speed (TSS) sensor and the bolt.
• Tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb-in).
103. Install the Output Shaft Speed (OSS) sensor and the bolt.
• Tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb-in).
104. Assemble the bypass valve in the sleeve and install the assembly in the case.
1 Bypass valve
106. Install the new main control-to-transaxle case separator plate and align it on the stud and the guide pin.
107. NOTE:
Be sure that the manual pin (part of the TR sensor) is correctly installed in the manual valve.
Position the main control assembly in place and align the manual valve on the TR sensor.
111. Tighten the main control bolts and the nut in a crisscross pattern.
• Tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb-in).
112. Position the TR sensor detent spring in place with the alignment tab in the alignment hole and install the bolt.
• Tighten to 13 Nm (115 lb-in).
113. NOTE:
Be sure the solenoid body-to-main control cover seal is installed with the holes facing up.
117. Apply silicone to the main control sealing surface of the transaxle case.
119. NOTE:
Install the main control cover stud bolts in the correct location as noted during disassembly.
120. NOTICE:
The torque converter is heavy. Be careful not to drop it or damage will result.
Using the Torque Converter Handle 307-091, install the torque converter.