An 4129

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Application Note AN4129

Green Current Mode PWM Controller FAN7601

1. Introduction FAN7601.
It contains the following blocks.
This application note describes the operation and features of • Start-up circuit and reference
the FAN7601. This device is a BCDMOS programmable • Oscillator
frequency current mode PWM controller which is designed • Soft start and latch
for off-line adapter applications and auxiliary power • Current sense and feed back
supplies. To reduce power loss at light and no load, the • Burst mode
FAN7601 operates in burst mode and it includes a start-up • Output drive
switch to reduce the losses in the start-up circuit.
Because of the internal start-up switch and burst mode oper-
ation, it is possible to supply an output power of 0.5W with
under 1W input power when the input line voltage is 265V.
On no load condition, input power is under 0.3W.
The FAN7601 offers a latch protection pin for the protection
of the system e.g. over voltage protection and/or thermal
The internal over voltage protection function shuts down the
IC operation when the supply voltage reaches 19V.
In addition, a soft start function is provided, and the soft start
time can be varied. Figure 1 shows a block diagram for the

Vref Vstr
8 1

7 Vcc
5V Ref
Circuit − 19V
Rt/Ct 4 OSC
Vref − 12V/8V


1.5V R 6 OUT
Latch/SS 3
+ S Q
− R +
Delay Circuit
2.5V −
Reset 2 CS/FB
+ Circuit 0.97V/0.9V
− Start-up
1V Circuit
− Latch/SS
GND 5 −

Figure 1. Internal Block Diagram of the FAN7601

Rev. 1.0.1
©2003 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation

2. Device Block Description current is supplied to the Vcc capacitor from the Vcc wind-
ing. Therefore the Vcc capacitor must be large enough to
1. Start-up Circuit And Reference supply sufficient current during the soft start time when
starting up. The value of the Vcc capacitor is determined by
The FAN7601 contains a start-up switch to reduce power
(1) where 4V is the UVLO hysteresis and 2mA is the IC
loss in the external start-up circuit of conventional PWM
operating current and 1mA is the start-up current.
converters. The internal start-up circuit charges the Vcc
capacitor with a 1mA current source if the line is connected
until the soft start is completed as shown in Fig. 2. The soft Tss ⋅ ( 2mA – 1mA + Q g ⋅ f sw )
C Vcc > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (1)
start function starts when the Vcc voltage reaches the start 4V
threshold voltage(typically 12V) and it ends when the Figure 4 shows the Vcc voltage when starting up with a 47uF
LATCH/SS pin voltage reaches 1V. The internal start-up capacitor and a FQPF7N60 MOSFET. The input line voltage
circuit starts charging the Vcc capacitor again if the Vcc is 265V and the soft start time is about 40ms.
voltage is lowered to the minimum operating voltage
(typically 8V). In such a case the UVLO block shuts down
the output drive circuit and some other blocks to reduce the
IC current, and the soft start capacitor is discharged to zero
voltage. If the Vcc voltage reaches the start threshold volt- VTH
age, the IC starts switching again and the soft start capacitor
is charged from zero voltage. The internal start-up circuit VTL
current until the soft start is completed . Start-up
Soft Start
VTH 1.5V
VTL Soft Start t
Figure 3. Typical Start-up Sequence for FAN7601
Soft Start
1.5V Voltage
Soft Start t
Figure 2. Start-up Current and Vcc Voltage

Figure 3 shows a typical start-up sequence for the FAN7601.

The Vcc voltage should be higher than the minimum
operating voltage at start-up to enter a steady state. If the
Vcc voltage is higher than 19V, the over voltage protection
function works. There is some delay in the over voltage
protection circuit. The Vcc capacitor can be selected
according to the soft start time and total gate charge(Qg) of
the MOSFET. In the data sheet, the operating supply current
is measured with a 1nF capacitor connected at the OUT pin.
Therefore the real operating current necessary for the IC
operation excluding the MOSFET drive is typically 2mA.
During the soft start period (Tss), the Vcc capacitor is
charged by a 1mA start-up current from the Vstr pin and the Figure 4. Vcc Voltage Waveform at Start-up
Vcc capacitor is discharged by a 2mA IC operating current The FAN7601 provides the Vref pin. The reference output
and the MOSFET gate drive current. The MOSFET gate voltage is 5V. Because this voltage is the reference of the IC
drive current is Qg×fsw. Qg increases according to the MOS- operation, a 100nF ceramic capacitor must be connected
FET drain source voltage, therefore the drive current is max- between the Vref pin and the GND pin to filter the switching
imum when the input line voltage is highest. During the soft noise as close as possible to the IC.
start period , the converter output voltage is very low, so few

©2003 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation


2. Oscillator
The oscillator frequency is programmed by selecting the
values of Rt and Ct. The capacitor Ct is charged from the 5V
reference through the resistor Rt to approximately 2.5V and 1 8
discharged to 1.25V by an internal current sink. Figure 5
R1 2 7
shows the oscillator frequency characteristics according to PNP
the variation of Rt and Ct. The values of Rt and Ct can be
NTC 3 Latch 6
chosen with reference to Fig. 5.
4 5
R2 Css

Figure 6. Thermal Protection Circuit
3.3nF Figure 7 shows an output over voltage protection circuit. If
100 4.7nF
the output voltage exceeds the sum of the zener diode
Frequency (kHz)

10nF voltage and the photo coupler forward voltage drop, then the
capacitor Css is charged. In parallel with Css, a 1MΩ resistor
is connected because of the leakage
current of the photo coupler. If a 1MΩ is not connected the
leakage current of the photo coupler charges the Css up, and
the latch protection operates abnormally.
0 10 20 30 40 50

Rt (kΩ) Vcc Vout

Figure 5. Oscillator Frequency Characteristics
2 4 1
3. Soft Start and Latch
Latch 3 3 2
The 12uA current source charges the soft start capacitor Css
when the Vcc voltage reaches the start threshold voltage.
4 Css 1M
The soft start ends when the Latch/SS pin voltage becomes Zener
1V and the Latch/SS pin is charged up to 1.5V. The soft start Diode
capacitor is reset when the Vcc voltage is lower than the
minimum operating voltage.
The soft start time Tss is calculated by (2). Figure 7. Output Over Voltage Protection Circuit
Tss = Css/12µA (2)
4. Current Sense and Feedback
The latch protection is provided to protect the system.
The FAN7601 performs current sensing and output voltage
The latch protection pin can be used for output over voltage
feedback with only one pin. To achieve the two functions
protection and/or thermal protection etc. If the Latch/SS pin
with one pin, an internal LEB(Leading Edge Blanking)
voltage is made greater than 2.5V by the external circuit,
circuit for filtering current sensing noise is not included
then the IC is shut down. The latch protection is reset when
because an external RC filter is necessary to add output
the Vcc voltage is lower than 5V.
voltage feedback and current sensing information.
Figure 6 shows a thermal protection circuit which uses an
Figure 8 shows the current sensing and feedback circuits.
NTC thermistor. As the temperature rises the resistance of
Rs is the current sensing resistor for sensing the switch
the NTC drops so the base voltage of the PNP transistor
current. The current sensing information is filtered by an RC
drops. Then the PNP transistor turns on and charges the Css.
filter composed of Rf and Cf. The current Ifb flowing
When the Latch/SS pin voltage is higher than 2.5V, the IC
through the photo transistor varies according to the feedback
goes to the shut down mode. The exact values of resistors
information and add an offset voltage on the sensed current
and NTC must be selected by an experiment because the
information as shown in Fig. 8 and Fig. 9. When the CS/FB
VBE(sat) of PNP
pin voltage touches 1V, the output drive circuit turns the
transistors and the leakage current of Css vary according to MOSFET off. The higher the DC offset is, the shorter the
the temperature. switch-on time is. By varying the Ifb, the duty cycle is con-

©2003 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation



Current Sense Ifb 5
Comparator Rf
CS/FB PN2907
+ 3
− Latch/SS Cf
− Rs

Figure 10. Circuit for Improving the Turn-Off

Figure 8. Current Sensing and Feedback Circuit

3. Design Example
1V 1V
A 50W adapter is designed to illustrate the design procedure.
DC Offset The system parameters are as follows.
On Time Offset On Time
- Maximum output power(Po) : 50W
(a) Heavy Load Condition (b) Light Load Condition - Input voltage range : 85Vrms~265Vrms
- Output voltage(Vo) : 12.1V
Figure 9. CS/FB Pin Voltage Waveforms - AC line frequency(fac) : 60Hz
5. Burst Mode - Adapter efficiency(η) : > 80%
The FAN7601 contains a burst mode block to reduce power - Switching frequency(fsw) : 91kHz
loss at light and no load. A hysteresis comparator senses the
CS/FB offset voltage for the burst mode. The FAN7601 1. DC Link Capacitor and Bridge Diode
enters burst mode when the offset voltage of the CS/FB pin The DC link voltage becomes minimum when the output
is higher than 0.97V and exits the burst mode while the off- power is maximum and input line voltage is lowest. The
set voltage is lower than 0.9V. The offset voltage is sensed minimum DC link voltage can be calculated using (3).
during the switch-off time. In the burst mod block, there are
2 Po_max
about 4~8 switching cycles delay to filter the noise. By this Vdc_min = 2 ⋅ Vac_min – -------------------------------- (3)
η ⋅ Cdc ⋅ fac
burst mode, a power consumption of less than 1W can be
achieved in standby mode. If the minimum voltage is chosen then the capacitance can
be calculated by (4).
6. Output Drive Po_max
Cdc > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (4)
The FAN7601 contains a single totem-pole output stage, η ⋅ fac ⋅ ( 2Vac_min – Vdc_min )
2 2
designed specifically for a direct drive of a power MOSFET.
The drive output is capable of up to 100mA peak current
with typical rise and fall times of 45ns, 35ns respectively If we choose the minimum voltage to be 70% of the peak
with a 1.0nF load. Additional circuitry has been added to line voltage( 2 ⋅ 85V ) then Cdc must be larger than 142uF.
keep the drive output in a sinking mode whenever the UVLO The selected value is 150uF.
is active. This characteristic eliminates the need for an Figure 11 shows an experimental result for a 50W demo
external gate pull-down resistor. board with a 150uF capacitor. Because the measured
The output drive capability can be improved by adding one efficiency is 84%, the minimum voltage is about 90V.
PNP bipolar transistor as shown in Fig. 10. In general, the
on-resistance is high to prevent voltage spike at turn-on, only
the turn-off characteristic is improved.

©2003 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation


The bridge diode conduction time can be calculated by (5)

and the diode RMS current can be calculated by (6).

tc = -------------------- × arc cos  --------------------------------------
2π ⋅ fac 2 ⋅ Vac_min
Vdc_link 2 ⋅ fac
I BD ( RMS ) = 2 ⋅ ( 2 ⋅ Vac_min – Vdc_min ) ⋅ Cdc ⋅ ---------------- (6)
3 ⋅ tc
The calculated value is 1.3A and the selected bridge diode is
Iac KBP206(600V/2A).

2. Transformer Design
Since 2001, the European Commission has been regulating
no load losses for AC adapters, battery chargers and
external power supplies under 75W.
Table 1 shows the regulation target specification.

Figure 11. DC Link Voltage and Current Waveforms

Table 1: European Commission Regulation Specification

No Load Power Consumption
Rated Input Power Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
1.1.2001 1.1.2003 1.1.2005

≥ 0.3W and < 15W 1.0W 0.75W 0.30W

≥ 15W and < 50W 1.0W 0.75W 0.50W

≥ 50W and < 75W 1.0W 0.75W 0.75W

At light and no load, the FAN7601 operates in burst mode to by (8).

reduce the power loss. To meet the regulation specification
the most important thing is to minimize the number of Vo + V Diode 1
MOSFET switchings. The flyback converter transfers energy - ⋅ ---------
t on = ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (8)
n ⋅ Vdc_max + Vo + V Diode fsw
during the switch-off time. As the primary inductance of the
flyback transformer increases, the energy transferred to the Then the number of primary turns can be obtained as in (9).
secondary side increases during one switching cycle. There- Ae is the effective cross sectional area of the core and Bmax
fore it is better to use a higher inductance transformer, but is the maximum flux density. Ae of EER2828 is 82.1mm2
inductance is restricted by the size and cost of the trans- and Bmax is 0.15T. The calculated number of primary turns
former. In this design example, a 600uH transformer is is 54. Then the number of secondary turns can be calculated
selected and the ferrite core is EER2828. The transformer by (10). The calculated number of secondary turns is 10.
turns ratio is calculated when the input line voltage is lowest The air gap length can be calculated by (11).
and the output power is maximum. The maximum duty ratio
must be lower than 0.45 to prevent subharmonic oscillation. Vdc_max ⋅ t on
Np =  --------------------------------------- (9)
In this design example, the turns ratio must be higher than Ae ⋅ Bmax
0.174 by (7). Vo + V Diode 1 – D max
Ns = Np -------------------------------- ⋅ ----------------------- (10)
Vdc_min D max
1 – D max Vo + V Diode 2
n > ----------------------- ⋅ -------------------------------- (7) –7 N P
D max Vdc_min lg = 4π ⋅ 10 ⋅ Ae ⋅ ---------- (11)
Once the minimum turns ratio is determined, then the If the primary inductance is not high enough, the converter
numbers of primary and secondary turns is calculated when can operate in the DCM(Discontinuous Conduction Mode)
input line voltage is highest and the output power is when the input line voltage is highest and the output power is
maximum. If the converter operates in the CCM (Continuous maximum. For the DCM, the turn-on time can be calculated
Conduction Mode) then the turn-on time can be calculated as in (12).

©2003 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation


The maximum average current of the output diode is the

2 ⋅ L ⋅ Io ⋅ n same as the maximum load current. In this case, 4.167A is
t on = ---------------------------- (12)
Vdc_max the maximum load current. For better efficiency, two 100V,
Then the number of primary turns and secondary turns can 20A schottky diodes are used. The diode is reverse biased
be calculated by (9) and (10), respectively. when MOSFET is turned on. The reverse voltage depends on
An adequate IC supply voltage is 12V considering the the MOSFET switching characteristic. If the MOSFET
minimum operating voltage and the over voltage protection switching is fast, the diode junction capacitance and
level. In this design example, the number of Vcc windings is transformer leakage inductance resonate. Then the diode
selected so as to be the same as that of the secondary reverse voltage can exceed the diode rating. Therefore the
windings, namely 10 turns. If the number of windings is too MOSFET gate drive on resistance must be high enough to
small, the supply voltage can touch minimum operating limit diode reverse voltage. Figure 13 shows the output
voltage at no load; then the UVLO circuit comes into diode voltage and MOSFET gate voltage waveforms when
operation, increasing the power loss. If the number of input line voltage is 265V and output power is 50W.
windings is too large, the supply voltage can reach the over The gate drive on resistance is 75Ω. As shown in the figure,
voltage protection level. If it proves difficult to prevent over the diode reverse voltage exceeds the diode rating, 100V.
voltage protection operation in normal mode, the circuit as To reduce the diode reverse voltage, gate drive resistance is
shown in Fig. 12 is recommended for the Vcc circuit. changed to 150Ω. Figure 14 shows the output diode voltage
and MOSFET gate voltage waveforms with a 150Ω resistor.
The diode reverse voltage is lowered because of MOSFET's
slow turn-on characteristic.


Figure 12. Zener Clamped Vcc Circuit Vdiode

3. MOSFET Current Sensing Resistor

Once the turns ratio of the transformer is determined, peak Vgate
MOSFET current can be calculated. The sensed current
information must be lower than 1V. If the resistance is too
high, the output power can not be delivered because the
MOSFET current is limited to the lower value.
The resistance can be determined as in (13). In this design
Figure 13. Diode Reverse Voltage and MOSFET Gate
example, a 0.5Ω resistor has been selected. Voltage With 75Ω

Rs < --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (13)
Ns Io D max
-------- ⋅ ----------------------- + Vdc_min
------------------------- ⋅ --------------
Np 1 – D max 2⋅L fsw

4. Output Capacitor Design

The value of the output capacitor depends on the output Vdiode
voltage ripple and noise specification. In this design example
two 1000uF capacitors are used.

5. MOSFET and Diode Selection Vgate

The current of MOSFET is highest when the input line
voltage is lowest and the output power is at maximum.
The MOSFET RMS current can be approximated as in (14).
The calculated value is 0.94A. A 600V, 2.7A(Tc=100°C)
MOSFET FQPF7N60 has been selected.
Figure 14. Diode Reverse Voltage and MOSFET Gate
n ⋅ Io Voltage With 150Ω
I MOSFET ( RMS ) ≈ ----------------------- D max (14)
1 – D max

©2003 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation


6. Output Voltage Sensing Resistor and current peak of the blue line is higher than that of the red
Feedback Loop Design line, more energy is transferred to the secondary side.
Therefore standby power is lower with the higher resistance.
The output voltage sensing circuits cause power loss if the
But if the resistance is too high, the system can become
impedance is too low. The values of the output voltage
unstable. The selected values are 10pF for Cf and 1kΩ for Rf
sensing resistors are selected so that that power loss is under
10mW. The designed values are 27kΩ for the upper resistor .
and 7kΩ for the bottom resistor.
To control output voltage, a KA431 and an optocoupler are
High resistance Low resistance
used as shown in Fig. 15. Equation (15) is the compensator
transfer function. In this equation, k is the current transfer 1V
ratio of the optocoupler and this value is nonlinear.
Filtered informations

Figure 16. Current Sense Waveforms
V fb Rf 1 1 For the stability of the system, capacitor C1 must be high
-------- = k ⋅ -------- ⋅ --------------------------------- ⋅  1 + ---------------------------- (15
VO R3 R f ⋅ C f ⋅ s + 1  R1 ⋅ C1 ⋅ s enough. C1 can be selected as in (16). The selected value is
10 1
C1 > --------- ⋅ ------------------- (16)
fsw 2π ⋅ R1

R3 determines the control loop gain. If the value is too low,

the system can become unstable. And if the value is too high,
the output voltage regulation characteristics may be poor.
The selected value is 1.5kΩ. If the value of Rfb is too high
then the output voltage is not regulated at no load because
the offset voltage of the CS/FB pin is lower than necessary.
If the value is too low the audible noise increases. Because
the current transfer ratio of the photocoupler is nonlinear, the
Vcc R3
value of Rfb has to be selected by experiment at no load.
R1 The selected value is 3.9kΩ.
7. Transformer Audible Noise
Rfb Because the FAN7601 operates in burst mode at light load
Rf and no load, it has a switching period and a non-switching
CS/FB period. Figure 17 shows the gate and output voltage at no
Cf RS load. Burst operation frequency is about 114Hz. The burst
operation frequency varies according to load condition and
the frequency is in the range of the audible frequency.
Therefore the transformer may generate audible noise.
Figure 15. Output Voltage Compensation Circuit
The audible noise level depends on the control loop
The FAN7601 does not contain an LEB(Leading Edge characteristic. If the loop speed is fast, audible noise
Blanking) circuit, but the parasitic capacitance and increases but power loss decreases. If the loop speed is slow,
resistance of the internal circuit work as an RC filter which audible noise decreases but power loss increases. There has
filters switching noise. The parasitic capacitance is about to be a compromise between power loss and audible noise.
10pF and the parasitic resistance is about 20kΩ. These Varnishing the transformer helps in reducing audible noise.
values are sufficient to filter switching noise; therefore a
small capacitor can be used for Cf . The value of Rf should
be 1000~2000 times higher than that of Rs. The filter resistor
Rf causes some sensing delay so that the peak value of the
filtered information is less than that of the real current
information. The higher resistance causes a greater
difference as shown in Fig. 16. The black line is the CS/FB
voltage and the red and blue lines are the real current
waveforms before filtering . The red line is the current
waveform when the resistance is low and the blue line is the
current waveform when the resistance is high. Because the

©2003 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation


greater than 0.5 for CCM, the slope compensation is neces-

sary. Figure 18 shows the slope compensation circuit.

Vgate 2k

Rf Cf

Figure 17. Burst Mode Operation Waveforms

Figure 18. Slope Compensation Circuit
8. How to Reduce Standby Power Figure 19 shows the designed application circuit diagram,
1) Make the transformer inductance sufficiently high . table 2 shows the test results and table 3 shows the 50W
2) Make the control loop speed fast. adapter demo board components list. As can be seen in the
3) Use a higher resistor for Rf. But too high resistance table, the input power is less than 0.3W in the whole input
makes the system unstable. voltage range at no load. The power was measured with a
power meter from Voltech, PM3000.
9. Slope Compensation
To prevent subharmonic oscillation when the duty ratio is

10. On/Off Control

The Latch/SS pin can be used for the On/Off control with an NPN transistor. Figure 19 shows the On/Off control circuit.


Control Signal

Figure 19. On/Off Control Circuit

©2003 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation


Table 2: Experimental Results

Input Power

Output Power 85Vac 110Vac 220Vac 240Vac 265Vac

No Load 0.129W 0.136W 0.220W 0.245W 0.252W

0.5W 0.687W 0.703W 0.783W 0.796W 0.878W

50W 59.2W 58W 57.8W 57.6W 57.8W

©2003 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation


R206 C204


T1 12 D201 L201


C201 C202
D101 9
6 D102
R108 C222

C110 C111 5

C102 C112 4 1 R204

1 8 C203
Vstr Vref 3 2

2 7
R101 R105
C105 IC201
3 Latch 6
OUT R110
C101 C109 4 5 R205

C106 IC101

R112 IC302 R207
4 1

R111 3 2

TR101 R106 ZD201

R113 R114

Over Voltage Protection

Thermal Protection

Figure 20. Application Circuit Diagram

©2003 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation


Table 3: 50W Adapter Demo Board Part List



F101 250V 1A - C101 220nF/275V Box Cap.

NTC C102 100nF/275V Box Cap.

RT101 5D-9 - C103 150uF/400V Electrolytic

R111 8k - C105 10pF Ceramic

RESISTOR C106 272 Miler

R101 - - C107 47uF/25V Electrolytic

R103 56k 1/2W C108 103 Film

R105 150 - C109 0.47uF Electrolytic

R106 10k - C110, 111 102/1kV Ceramic

R107 0.5 1/2W C112 104 Ceramic

R108 1k - C201, 202 1000uF/25V Electrolytic

R109 8k - C203 102 Ceramic

R110 3.9k - C222 222/1kV Ceramic

R112 1k - MOSFET

R113 36k - Q101 FQPF7N60 Fairchild

R201 1.5k - LF101 23mH -

R202 1.2k - L201 9uH -

R203 0 - DIODE

R204 27k - D101,102 UF4007 -

R205 7k - D103 1N4148 -

R206 10 1/2W D202, 204 MBRF20100CT -

R207 10k - ZD201 15V Zener/1W -

IC BD101 KBP206 -

IC101 FAN7601 Fairchild TRANSISTOR

IC201 KA431 Fairchild TR101 2N3906 Fairchild

IC301, 302 H11A817B Fairchild

©2003 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation


4. Transformer Specification

1 12
3mm 3mm

Np 2 9


5 Ns

NVcc Np

Winding Specification
Pin (S → F) Wire Turns Winding Method
NP 1→2 0.35φ × 2 27
NS 9 → 12 0.65φ × 3 10
NP 2→3 0.35φ × 2 27
NVCC 5→6 0.2φ × 1 10

Electrical Specification
Pin Value Remarks
Inductance 1-3 600uH 100kHz, 1V
Leakage 1-3 15uH 2nd shorted





CORPROATION. As used herein:

1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems 2. A critical component is any component of a life support
which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, device or system whose failure to perform can be
or (b) support or sustain life, or (c) whose failure to perform reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support
when properly used in accordance with instructions for use device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.
provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to
result in significant injury to the user.

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