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Bible Passage

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Psalms 9 1 - 9 3
Old Testarmen
mighty deeds,
5 You need not fear any dangers at
4 Your
me glad; LORD, Maka
night because of what you have done
or sudden attacks during the day Ising for joy.
6 or the plagues that strike in
dark How great.are your
or the evils that kill in daylight. How deep are your
6 This is something a tool cannot
Athousand may fall dead beside you, know
10,000 all round you,
but you will not be harmed.
a stupid person cannot erstan
7 the wicked may growlike weeds
B You will look and see
those who do wrong may prosc
how the wicked are punished.
yet they will be totally destroyed
You have made the LORD your
8 because you, LORD, are
for ever.
the Most High your protector,
10 and so no disaster will strike you,
9 We know that your enemies will tie
no violence will come near yoOur and all the wicked will be defeater
10 You have made me as strong as
home a wild ox;
G0d will put his angels in charge of you have blessed me with happines
to protect you wherever you go. 11
I have seen the defeat of my
12 They will hoid you up with their hands enemies
to keep you from hurting your feet and heard the cries of the wicked
on the stones.
3 You will trampie down lions and 12 The righteous will flourish like palm
snakes trees;
fierce lions and poisonous snakes. they will grow like the cedars of
God says, "i will save those who 13 They are like trees planted in the
iove me house of the LOrD,
and wili protect those who that flourish in the Temple of our Goa,
acknowiedge me as LORD. 14 that still bear fruit in old age
When they cali to me, I will answer and are always green and strong
them, 15 This shows that the LoRD is just,
when they are in trouble, I will be that there is no wrong in my
with them. protector.
wil rescue them and honour them.
it will reward them with long life; God the King
will save them" The LORD is king.

A Song of Praise
93 strength. He is clothed with majesty

How good it is to 9ive thanks to The earth is set firmly in place

92 you,OLuRD and cannot be moved.
L Sig your honour, O Most 2Your throne, O LORO, has Beel
High God from the beginnin9.
and you existed before ime bey
proclaiin youi COnstant love
evely ulhing voic
and yuur taittitulness every nugh raise their
The oceandepths
with the muic ot sInged O LORO
instruments and Odi
Lney aise their voice
and wit melody o Lhe halp 4The LoRD ules supreme n heuv
greater than the roar of the dc
the wave
91.9 Probabie text yout Heufew iny hore powerful than
Ps 92 Hetrew titie A phalin, a sung tor thhe Sabual the sea.

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