Ch-7 Question Bank

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Question Bank

Chapter 7 Memory

1. How would you explain memory as constructive and reproductive process.

2. Using concepts from cognitive psychology, explain how you would improve revision techniques
for students who are preparing for an exam.

3. How would you agree to “memory as a work bench”?

4. Construct a case vignette where forgetting has occurred due to retrieval failure.

5. Define the terms memory and forgetting.

6. With the help of the diagram, discuss stage model of memory.

7. What is the “level of processing” view of memory?

8. Explain how memory is a constructive process?

9. What is “schema”?

10. Explain the disuse theory.

11. Explain how forgetting is due to interference & retrieval failure.

12. Explain the term mnemonics. Explain mnemonic techniques using methods of imagery (visual)
and organisation.

13. What is PQRST method.

14. Explain memory in terms of encoding, storage and retrieval.

15. Differentiate between:

(i) Sensory & Short-term memory

(ii) Short term & Long-term memory

(iii) Maintenance rehearsal & elaborative rehearsal

(iv) Retroactive & Proactive interference

(v) Mnemonics using images & organisation

16. Explain the following & give one example each:

(i) Chunking

(ii) Method of Loci

(iii) Eyewitness memory

(iv) Flashbulb memory

(v) False memory

(vi) Autobiographical memory

(vii) Control processes

17. In a psychology lab experiment, the subject have to memorize long lists of words, do fifteen
basic math problems, and then get tested on the lists of words. What process were the
experimenters getting the subjects not to do by including the math problems in between the
memorization and the recall? Explain.

18. What is the difference between iconic memory and echoic memory?

19. In school, Tim learned the basics of Spanish grammar; however, after learning this new
information, Tim cannot seem to recall the French he learned several months ago. Which of the
following could be causing Tim's inability to recall past learning?

20. Walter decides that he would like to ride a bicycle. He has not used a bicycle in twenty years
and wonders if he will remember how to do so. To his surprise he easily remembers how to ride.
What type of memory allows Walter to ride a bicycle after twenty years? Explain.

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