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A young man felt sharp pain in the

back during active tightening on the horizontal

bar. Objectively: pain while moving

upper extremity, limited pronation

and adduction functions. Sprain of what

muscle can be observed here?

A. М.latissimus dorsi

B. М.levator scapulae

C. М.romboideus major

D. М.trapezius

E. М.subscapularis

2. A 55-year-old patient was hospitalized

in result of the trauma of the medial

group of femoral muscles. What kind of

movements is the patient unable to do?

A. Adduction of femur

B. Abduction of femur

C. Flexion of femur

D. Extension of femur

E. Suppination of femur

3. Usually the intravenous injection is

done into median cubital vein because it

is slightly movable due to fixation by the

soft tissues. What does it fix in the cubital


A. Aponeurosis of biceps muscle

B. Tendon of the triceps muscle

C. Brachial muscle

D. Brachioradial muscle

E. Anconeus muscle

4. A 45-year-old man with domestic

apper arm injuiry came to the trauma

unit. The objective data are: there are no

extension, adduction or pronation functions

of the arm. What muscle damage

caused this condition?

A. Teres major

B. Subscapular

C. Teres minor

D. Subspinous

E. Supraspinous

4 A). A 45-year-old man applied to the

trauma station because of domestic

shoulder trauma. Objectively: extension,

reduction and pronation functions of the

shoulder are absent. What muscle was


A. Teres major muscle

B. Subscapular muscle

C. Teres minor muscle

D. Infraspinous muscle

E. Supraspinous muscle
5. A physician examined a patient

and found inguinal hernia. Through what

anatomic formation does it penetrate into

the skin?

A. Hiatus saphenus

B. Anulus femoralis

C. Canalis adductorius

D. Lacuna musculorum

E. Anulus inguinalis superf icialis

6. A man with cut wound of his right

foot sole was admitted to the hospital

ward. The patient has limited elevation

of the lateral foot edge. In course

of wound management the injury of a

muscle tendon was revealed. What muscle

is injured?

A. Long peroneal

B. Anterior tibial

C. Long extensor muscle of toes

D. Triceps muscle of crus

E. Short peroneal

7. A patient with neuritis of femoral

nerve has disturbed flexion of thigh as well

as disturbed crus extension in the knee joint.

What muscle’s function is disturbed?

A. Quadriceps muscle of thigh

B. Biceps muscle of thigh

C. Triceps muscle of thigh

D. Semitendinous muscle

E. Semimembranous muscle

8. As a result of an accident a patient

has intense painfullness and edema of the

anterior crus surface; dorsal flexion of foot

is hindered. Function of which crus muscle

is most likely to be disturbed?

A. M.tibialis anterior

B. M.flexor digitorum longus

C. M.flexor hallucis longus

D. M.peroneus longus

E. M.peroneus brevis

9. A 35 year old man with a trauma

of his left hand was admitted to the

traumatology department. Objectively:

cut wound of palmar surface of left hand;

middle phalanxes of II–V fingers don’t

bend. What muscles are damaged?

A. Superficial finger flexor

B. Profound finger flexor

C. Lumbrical muscles

D. Palmar interosseous muscles

E. Dorsal interosseous muscles

10. A patient has a deep cut wound on the

posterior surface of his shoulder in its middle

third. What muscle might be injured?

A. Triceps muscle of arm

B. Biceps muscle of arm

C. Anconeus muscle

D. Brachial muscle

E. Coracobrachial muscle

11. A man with an injury of the dorsal

area of his neck was admitted to the

resuscitation department. What muscle

occupies this area?

A. M.trapezius

B. M.sternocleidomastoideus

C. M.latissimus dorsi

D. M.rhomboideus minor

E. M.scalenus anterior

11 A). A man with an injury in the nuchal

region (regio nuchae) was admitted to the

resuscitation department. What muscle

occupies this region?

A. m. trapezius

B. m. sternocleidomastoideus

C. m. latissimus dorsi

D. m. rhomboideus minor

E. m. scalenus anterior

12. A patient with a knife wound in

the left lumbal part was delivered to the

emergency hospital. In course of operation

a surgeon found that internal organs

were not damaged but the knife injured

one of muscles of renal pelvis. What

muscle is it?

A. Greater psoas muscle

B. Iliac muscle

C. Erector muscle of spine

D. Abdominal internal oblique muscle

E. Abdominal external oblique muscle

13. A 38-year-old patient came to a

traumatology centre and complained

about an injury of his right hand. Objectively:

the patient has a cut wound in the

region of the thenar eminence on the right

hand; distal phalanx of the I finger cannot

be flexed. What muscle was injured?

A. Long flexor muscle of thumb

B. Short flexor muscle of thumb

C. Short abductor muscle of thumb

D. Opposer muscle of thumb

E. Abductor muscle of thumb

14. After a trauma a patient lost ability

of elbow extension. This might have been

caused by dysfunction of the following

main muscle:

A. m. triceps brachii
B. m. subscapularis

C. m. teres major

D. m. infraspinatus

E. m. levator scapulae

14 A). As a result of an injury a patient

cannot extend his arm at the elbow. This

may cause abnormal functioning of the

following muscle:

A. Musculus triceps brachii

B. Musculus infraspinatus

C. Musculus levator scapulae

D. Musculus teres major

E. Musculus subscapularis

15. A patient complained about being

unable to adduct and abduct fingers in

the metacarpophalangeal articulations

towards and away from the 3rd finger.

Which muscles’ function is impaired?

A. Interosseous muscles

B. Lumbrical muscles

C. Brevis flexors of fingers

D. Long flexors of fingers

E. Extensors

16. A patient has difficulties with

hand movement. Examination revealed

inflammation of common synovial sheath

of flexor muscles. It is known from the

patient’s anamnesis that he got a stab

wound of finger a week ago. Which finger

was most probably damaged?

A. Digitus minimus

B. Pollex

C. Digitus medius

D. Index

E. Digitus anularis

17. A patient was admitted to the surgical

department with inguinal hernia. During

the operation the surgeon performs

plastic surgery on posterior wall of inguinal

canal. What structure forms this wall?

A. Transverse fascia

B. Aponeurosis of abdominal external

oblique muscle

C. Inguinal ligament

D. Loose inferior edge of transverse

abdominal muscle

E. Peritoneum

18. A 25 year old patient was examined

by a medical board. Examination revealed

pathology of chest. Transverse dimensions

were to small and the sternum was

strongly protruding. What chest type is it?

A. Keeled chest

B. Funnel chest

C. Flat chest

D. Cylindrical chest

E. Barrel chest

19. A doctor asked a patient to breath

out fully after taking a normal breath.

What muscles contract during such


A. Abdominal muscles

B. External intercostal muscles

C. Diaphragm

D. Trapezius muscles

E. Pectoral muscles

20. A boy has fallen down from a tree.

Now he finds it difficult to abduct his arm

Krok 1 Medicine 2012 2

into horizontal position. Which muscle is

most likely to be injured?

A. M.deltoideus

B. M.triceps brachii

C. M.anconeus

D. M.coracobrachialis

E. M.supinator

21. A comminuted fracture of

infraglenoid tubercle caused by

shoulder joint injury has been detected

during X-ray examination of a patient.

What muscle tendon attached at this

site has been damaged?

A. Long head of m. triceps brachii

B. Long head of m. biceps brachii

C. Medial head of m. triceps brachii

D. Lateral head of m. triceps brachii

E. Short head of m. biceps brachii

22. A 42-year-old male with a lesion of

the ulnar nerve is unable to flex the

II and V fingers to the midline. Which

muscle function is impaired in this


A. Palmar interosseous muscles

B. Dorsal interosseous muscle

C. Fidicinales

D. Short palmar muscle

E. Abductor muscle of little finger

23. During a surgery for femoral

hernia a surgeon operates within the

boundaries of femoral trigone. What

structure makes up its upper margin?

A. Lig.inguinale

B. Arcus iliopectineus

C. Lig.lacunare

D. Lig. pectinale
E. Fascia lata

24. A 19-year-old victim has been

delivered to the casualty department

with a cut wound of the trapezius

muscle. Which of the cervical fasciae

forms a sheath for this muscle?

A. Investing layer of cervical fascia

B. Muscular part of the pretacheal layer

of cervical fascia

C. Visceral part of the pretracheal layer

of cervical fascia

D. Prevertebral layer of cervical fascia

E. Carotid sheath of cervical fascia

25. Electrocardiogram of a young man

reveals deviation of his electrical axis of

heart to the left. This phenomenon can be

caused by:

A. Hypersthenic body type

B. Asthenic body type

C. Dilation of the right atrium

D. Dilation of the right ventricle

E. Dilation of the left atrium

26. What kind of muscle contraction occurs

in an upper limb during an attempt to lift a

load beyond one’s strength

A. Isometric
B. Isotonic

C. Auxotonic

D. Phasic

E. Single

27. A patient has been delivered into a

surgical ward with an incised wound of the

anterior surface of the shoulder in its lower

one-third. Flexing function was disrupted

in the shoulder and elbow joints, which is

caused by the damage to the

A. Biceps muscle of the arm

B. Triceps muscle of the arm

C. Anconeus muscle

D. Deltoid muscle

E. Coracobrachial muscle

28. Paronychia of the patient’s little finger

was complicated with phlegmon of the hand

and forearm. In this case the suppuration

had spread through the:

A. Vagina synovialis communis mm.


B. Vagina tendinis m. flexor pollicis longi

C. Canalis carpalis

D. Vagina tendinis m. flexor carpi radialis

E. Interfascial compartments

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