3CT Cle5

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Knowledge (15 points)

A. Directions: Identify what is being asked. Write your answers on the space provided. Choose your answer inside the
Anointing of the Sick Dove Oil Sacrament
Candle Eucharist Olive branch Stole
Cross or Crucifix Holy Spirit Reconciliation Twelve Apostles
Covenant Laying of human hands on Rite of the Anoiniting Viaticum
the sick
_______________1. What is the next level type of promise that involves a life-or-death agreement?
_______________2. What is also known as Penance and Confession?
_______________3. Who used oil to anoint the sick and many were cured?
_______________4. What is a Latin word that means “food for the journey”?
_______________5. What is known as Extreme Unction?
_______________6. What tells us there is no need to wait until a person is at the point of death to
receive the Sacrament?
_______________7. What is present at the time of anointing, so the sick can feel one with God It is also
known as “Sick Call Set”?
_______________8. Who brings comfort and peace?
_______________9. What symbol of the Anointing of the Sick shows that Christ is present?
_______________10. What is a symbol of the Holy Spirit?
_______________11. What is used to represent Jesus’ healing grace?
_______________12. What is worn by the priest as he administers the sacrament of the Anointing of the
_______________13. What symbolizes comfort and the power of God entering the sick person through
the meditation of the priest?
_______________14. What is a symbol of the consolation of the Holy Spirit?
_______________15. What symbolizes the eternal life and the Body of Christ and is sometimes given
when the sick is anointed?
II. Process: Directions: Read the bible verse below and based on your understanding, draw a symbol of what you have
understood about the bible verse. Explain briefly your illustration. (20 points)
“Heal me o Lord, and I shall be healed; saved me and I shall be saved, for you are my praise” Jeremiah 17:4


III. Understanding (10points)

What is honesty and why is it so important? Honesty is being truthful and sincere. Simply, if you speak the truth you are
demonstrating honesty. This sounds simple, but being honest is not always easy. People lose trust in each other when
honesty is not practiced. It takes someone with great character to admit when they are wrong and people respect us more
when we practice honesty each and every day.

Direction: Choose from the quotation below which shows the importance of honesty.


“If you want to be trusted, be “If it is not right, do not do it, if it “I’d rather be honest than
I choose letter ____


3 5 8 10
Poorly discussed the ideas Slightly discussed the ideas Fairly discussed the ideas Logically discussed the
reasonably in correct manner ideas with clarity.

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