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Anatomy and physiology

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Clarenburg, R (1992). Physiological Chemistry of Dom-
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Engelking, L.R (2000). Metabolic and Endocrine Physiol-
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Mcbride, D.E (1996). Learning Veterinary Terminology.
Michell, AR (1989). An Introduction to Veterinary
Anatomy and Physiology. BSAVA

Benyon, P.H. and Cooper, J.E. (1991). Manual of Exotic
Burger, I. (ed.) (1996). The Waltham Book of Companion
Animal Nutrition. Pergamon.
Carey, D.P., Norton, S.A. and Bolser, S.M. (1996).
Recent Advances in Canine and Feline Nutritional
Research. Proceedings of the 1996 lams International
Nutrition Symposium. Orange Fraser Press (Ohio).
Case, L.P. (1999). The Dog, Its Behaviour, Nutrition and
Health. Iowa State University Press/Ames.
Davies, M. (1996). Canine and Feline Geriatrics. Black-
well Science.
Flecknell, P. (ed.) (2000). Manual of Rabbit Medicine and
Surgery. BSAVA
Gorman, C (1995). The Ageing Dog. Henston.
Hand, M.5., Thatcher, CD., Remillard, RL. and
Roudebush, P. (2000). Small Animal Clinical Nutri-
tion, 4th edn. Mark Morris Associates.
Kelly, N.C and Wills, J.M. (1996). Manual of Companion
Animal Nutrition and Feeding. BSAVA
Laber-Laird, K., Swindle, M.M. and Flecknelt P.
(1996). Handbook of Rabbit and Rodent Medicine.
Lane, D.R and Cooper, B. (1999). Veterinary Nursing,
2nd edn. Butterworth-Heinemann.
Lewington, J. (2000). Ferret Husbandry, Medicine and
Surgery. Butterworth-Heinemann.

Lewis, L.D., Morris, M.L. and Hand, M.s. (1987). Small

Animal Clinical Nutrition, 3rd edn. Mark Morris

Lloyd, M. (1999). Ferrets, Health, Husbandry and Dis-
eases. Blackwell Science.
National Research Council (1985). Nutrient Require-
ments of Dogs. National Academy Press,
National Research Council (1986). Nutrient Require-
ments of Cats. National Academy Press,
National Research Council (1995). Nutrient Require-
ments of Laboratory Animals. National Academy
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Okerman, L. (1994). Diseases of Domestic Rabbits, 2nd
edn. Blackwell Science.
Reinhart, e. and Carey, D.P. (eds) (1998). Recent
Advances in Canine and Feline Nutritional Research,
vol. 2, Proceedings of the 1998 lams International
Nutrition Symposium. Orange Fraser Press (Ohio).
Richardson, VCe. (1992). Diseases of Domestic Guinea
Pigs. Blackwell Science.
Richardson, vce. (1997). Diseases of Small Domestic
Rodents. Blackwell Science.
Richardson, V (2000). Rabbits, Health, Husbandry and
Diseases. Blackwell Science.
Simpson, J.w., Anderson, RS. and Markwell, P. (1993).
Clinical Nutrition of the Dog and Cat. Blackwell
Strombeck, D.R (1999). Home-prepared Dog and Cat
Diets. Iowa State University Press/Ames.
Taylor, D. (1996). Small Pet Handbook. HarperCollins.
Williams, D.L. (1998). Exotic Pets. Lifelearn.
Wills, J.M. and Simpson, KW. (1994). The Waltham
Book of Clinical Nutrition of the Dog and Cat.

FAB (the quarterly journal of the Feline Advisory
Rabbit Healthcare (the Rabbit Charity publication for
Rabbiting On (quarterly magazine of the British House
Rabbit Association)
Veterinary International (Friskies Nutrition, Nestec
Veterinary Nursing (journal of the British Veterinary
Nursing Association)
Veterinary Practice Nurse
Veterinary Technician (journal of the North American
Veterinary Technician Association)
Waltham Focus

Anatomy and physiology

Case, L.p. (1999). Digestion and absorption in dogs. In
The Dog, Its Behaviour, Nutrition and Health. Iowa
State University Press/Ames. pp 294-296.
McBride, D.E (1996). Learning Veterinary Terminology.
Mosby. pp 207-217.
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absorption. In The Waltham Book of Companion
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Pearson, A.J. (1999). Anatomy and physiology. In
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B., eds), Butterworth-Heinemann. pp 255-319.
Simpson, J.w., Anderson, RS. and Markwell, P. (1993).
Anatomy and physiology of the digestive tract. In
Clinical Nutrition of the Dog and Cat. Blackwell
Science. pp 1-18.

Components of food
Burger, I. (ed.) (1996). A basic guide to nutrient
requirements. In The Waltham Book of Companion
Animal Nutrition. Pergamon. pp 5-24.
Case, L.P. (1999). Nutrient requirements of the dog. In
The Dog, Its Behaviour, Nutrition and Health. Iowa
State University Press/Ames. pp 277-294.
Gross, K.L., Wedekind, KJ., Cowell, CS. et al. (2000).
Nutrients. In SmallAnimal Clinical Nutrition, 4th edn
(Hand, M.S., Thatcher, CD., Remillard, RL. and
Roudebush, P., eds). Mark Morris Associates. pp
21-26, 36-95.
Lewis, L.O., Morris, M.L. and Hand, M.s. (1987).
Nutrients. In SmallAnimal Clinical Nutrition, 3rd edn
Mark Morris Associates. pp 1-11-1-23.
McCune, S. (1999). Nutrition. In Veterinary Nursing,
2nd edn (Lane, D.R and Cooper, B., eds). Butter-
worth-Heinemann. pp 171-179.
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Nutrients and the requirements of dogs and cats. In
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Science. pp 20-37.

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(Hand, M.s., Thatcher, Co., Remillard, RL. and
Roudebush, P., eds). Mark Morris Associates. pp

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Nutrients. In Small Animal Clinical Nutrition, 3rd
edn. Mark Morris Associates. pp 1-3-1-11.

McCune, S. (1999). Nutrition. In Veterinary Nursing,
2nd edn (Lane, D.R and Cooper, B., eds). Butter-
worth-Heinemann. pp 170-171, 179-180.

Types of food
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petfood label. In The Waltham Book of Clinical
Nutrition of the Dog and Cat (Wills, I.M. and Simpson,
x.w, eds), Pergamon. pp 15-23.
Case, L.p. (1999). Diets: evaluation and selection. In
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State Univesity Press/Ames. pp 299-305.
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foods. In Small Animal Clinical Nutrition, 3rd edn.
Mark Morris Associates. pp 2-15-2-16.
McCune, S. (1999). Nutrition. In Veterinary Nursing,
2nd edn (Lane, D.R and Cooper, 8., eds). Butter-
worth-Heinemann. pp 180-182.

Home-made diets
Donoghue, S. and Kronfeld, D.s. (1994). Home-made
diets. In The Waltham Book of Clinical Nutrition of the
Dog and Cat (Wills, I.M. and Simpson, x.w, eds).
Pergamon. pp 445-449.
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Recipes for homemade dietary foods. In Small
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Nutrition, 4th edn (Hand, M.s., Thatcher, CD.,
Remillard, RL. and Roudebush, P., eds), Mark
Morris Associates. pp 163-178.
Strombeck, D.R (1999). Home-prepared Dog and Cat
Diets. Iowa State University Press/Ames.

Feeding dogs and cats

Lewis, D., Morris, M.L. and Hand, M.S. (1987). Enteral
feeding. In Small Animal Clinical Nutrition, 3rd edn.
Mark Morris Associates. pp 5-19-5-34.
McCune, S. (1999). Nutrition. In Veterinary Nursing,
2nd edn (Lane, D.R. and Cooper, B., eds), Butter-
worth-Heinemann. pp 192-193.

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Morris Associates. pp 371-375.
Simpson, J,w., Anderson, RS. and Markwell, P. (1993).
Enteral feeding. In Clinical Nutrition of the Dog and
Cat. Blackwell Science. pp 101-107.
Lifestage foods
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life cycle. In The Dog, Its Behaviour, Nutrition and
Health. Iowa State University Press/Ames. pp
Davies, M. (1996). Nutrition in older animals. In Canine
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worth-Heinemann. pp 487-488.
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Henston. pp 83-96.
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Roudebush, P. (eds) (2000). Small Animal Clinical
Nutrition, 4th edn. Mark Morris Associates. pp
Legrand-Defretin, V. and Munday, H.S. (1996). Feed-
ing dogs and cats for life. In The Waltham Book of
Companion Animal Nutrition (Burger, I., ed.). Perga-
mon. pp 57-68.
Lewis, D., Morris, M.L. and Hand, M.S. (1987). Dogs -
feeding and care. Cats - feeding and care. In Small
Animal Clinical Nutrition, 3rd edn. Mark Morris
Associates. pp 3-2-3-31; 4-1-4-12.
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The gut as an ecosystem
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Clinical nutrition
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Nutrition, 4th edn. Mark Morris Associates. pp
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3rd edn. Mark Morris Associates.
McCune, S. (1999). Nutrition. In Veterinary Nursing,
2nd edn (Lane, D.R and Cooper, B., eds), Butter-
worth-Heinemann. pp 194-201.
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Small furries
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and Roudebush, P., eds). Mark Morris Associates.
pp 943-959.
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and Cooper, B., eds), Butterworth-Heinemann. pp
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nary Practice Nurse, 10, 4-7.
Lloyd, M. (1999). Nutrition. Nutritional diseases. In
Ferrets, Health, Husbandry and Diseases. Blackwell
Science. pp 18-20; 116-119.
Lewington, J. (2000). Ferret Husbandry, Medicine and
Surgery. Butterworth-Heinemann.
McCune, S. (1999). Nutrition. In Veterinary Nursing,
2nd edn. (Lane, D.R and Cooper, B., eds). Butter-
worth-Heinemann. pp 201-203.

Meredith, A. (2000). Anatomy and biology, diet. In

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ed). BSAVA. pp 16-18, 21.
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In Rabbits, Health, Husbandry and Diseases. Blackwell
Science. pp 7-18; 81-107.
Taylor, D. (1996). Food for the small pet. In Small Pet
Handbook. HarperCollins. pp 68-80.

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