Revisi DOC-20221221-WA0001
Revisi DOC-20221221-WA0001
Revisi DOC-20221221-WA0001
Excelency KH. Ahmad Ghonim Jauhari and families as the chief of Assunniyyah Aljauhari Islamic
Boarding School
Honorable All the Teachers of Assunniyyah Aljauhari Islamic Boarding School
Honorable All The Judges of English Speech Competition
And unforgotable all the audincies, ladies and gantleman whom i loved
First of all praises and thanks always be uppon to our god Allah SWT who has given us
some mercies and blessings, untill we can be together here, in this perfect oppurtunities and
beutifull occasion, exactly Speech Competition.
Secondly never be forgotten to send our best regards and our best thanks to our
prophet Muhhammad peace be uppon him, who has brought us from the darkness to the
lightness namely islam religion
I am Safira Fitri Zuroida salim as the delegation of first grade of MIPA Assunniyyah Al-Jauhari
Senior high scholl will deliver my speech on the title Nothing comfort in the growth and
nothing growth in the comfort.
In one day by stepping outside of our comfort zone, we were able to growth experience.
Like it or not, we all have comfort zones. Comfort zone safe spaces where our behaviors fit
pattern that minimizes stress and risk. Comfort zones provide a sense of a familiarity mental,
security and saturnity that is comfortable place where our brain releases feel good chemical
dopamine, and serotonin. Our brain actually loves being in this comfortable place because our
brain wants to lounge around all day because staying in comfort zone is dangerous for our own
personal growth. So, as human being if we are not growing it’s mean we are dying. If we do not
consciously train ourselves to go extra mile we will default to safety to our comfort zone.
Dear all the audiencies, have you ever felt uncomfortable as the new comer at this
islamic Boarding School?, but i believe day by day that all of us begin comfort with this
situation, have deal with the rule, have good interaction with other, and enjoy to study,
memorize and another activities.
Talking about life which is stagnant without experience, without excitement and without
growth is weird. I have listened that wise people ever said ‘life begins at the end of your
comfortzone”, so the question is how do we consciously train ourselves, how do we shift our
mindset from one that is more focused to surviving, to one that is more focused to thriving.
Then if we begin to fell insecure, remember that Allah ever said at Al-Baqoroh verse 152
فاذكرونى أذكركم وأشكرولي وال تكفرونthe maning is “remember me and i will remeber you”... and
insyaAllah the blessings will be seen in our life, it can be the serenity, the peace, the strong
connection we will feel it so beyond.
Thats all enough from me, I do apologize from any mistakes, thanks for the attention.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb