Collecting Pressing Protocols
Collecting Pressing Protocols
Collecting Pressing Protocols
Specimens are pressed in a plant press, which consists of a wooden frame (for rigidity),
corrugated cardboard ventilators (to allow air to flow through the press), blotter paper (to absorb
moisture), and folded newspaper (to contain the plant material). The plant press is tightened
using straps with buckles or bolts with wing nuts. The objective of pressing plants is to extract
moisture in the shortest period of time, while preserving the morphological integrity of the
plant, and to yield material that can be readily mounted on herbarium paper (an acid-free
cardstock) for long-term storage.
In order to fit on a standard herbarium sheet, a plant specimen should be pressed flat to no more
than 11 X 16 inches. If the specimen will not fit those dimensions, it may be folded or cut into
sections. Multiples of smaller plants may be pressed together in order to provide ample material
for mounting and study. Small loose pieces, such as seeds, may need to be placed in a small
paper packet inside of the newspaper. Large fruits or bulbs are often cut in half lengthwise or in
slices prior to pressing. In order to insure rapid and thorough drying, extremely succulent
materials such as cactus stems may need to be sliced open and some of the fleshy interior
scraped out. Each specimen should consist of a stem with attached leaves and, if at all possible,
flowers and/or fruits. The roots of herbaceous plants should also be included. In the case of very
large trees, shrubs, or vines, pieces should be selected to illustrate to the greatest extent possible
the overall characteristics of the plant and the range of variation in flowers, leaves, and other
structures. Each collection, i.e. gathering of a plant specimen, should be assigned a collection
number. Data for each collection should be entered in a field notebook (see discussion of label
data below). If ample material is available, a minimum of three specimens should be pressed for
each collection, especially if collecting in a region where the flora is poorly known. This will
help facilitate the identification of the plants through the distribution of specimens to various
herbaria and researchers. An ethical collector will insure that his/her collecting activities do not
pose a significant threat to the survival of endangered species or habitats.
Mounting and storage of specimens require a considerable financial commitment in the form of
archival materials, labor, and storage cabinets. Herbaria have the prerogative not to accept
specimens if the cost of labor/materials for processing is excessive or if the quality of specimens
or accompanying data is unsatisfactory. Due to differences in mounting methodologies and
materials, most herbaria prefer not to accept already mounted specimens. Because plant
classification is generally based on the morphology of flowers and fruits, in most cases sterile
(non-flowering or -fruiting) specimens will not be accepted.
The identification of plant specimens requires a considerable amount of time and effort. It is
important to find out what research is being or has been done on the flora of the region where
you are working. A thorough literature review and consultation with herbarium personnel will
give you a good basis for starting the identification process.
The identification of unknown plant material is accomplished with the use of dichotomous keys;
published plant descriptions, illustrations and photographs; and comparison with properly
identified herbarium specimens. A microscope is essential for the observation of many
diagnostic features.
Regulations pertaining to collecting plants vary from country to country and state to state, so it is
important for you to make official contacts well in advance. It is customary and may be required
to deposit one full set of specimens in a herbarium in the host state or country. A local herbarium
is the ideal place to begin your quest for identifications, as its collection may be the most
comprehensive for the region. It may be possible to arrange to identify your plants and receive
assistance from staff members at this institution. But, one must realize that the identification of
even relatively common plants may be time-consuming. Most institutions run on tight budgets
and do not have staff available to assist or supervise visitors. Even if you are not able to identify
your plants to species, you may be able to roughly group them by family or genus. This will
allow you to seek experts in specific plant groups who may be willing to look at specimens in
their purview. Experts in the flora you are working with may be interested in your collections
and willing to give assistance. Your collections may, in fact, be helpful to their projects.
When submitting a plant specimen for identification, it is critical that the sample includes
flowers and/or fruits and a portion of the stem with at least several leaves attached. Information
of the plant's growth habit, size, and the habitat where it is found (as well as any other features of
the plant that may not be apparent from the sample, such as plant color or fragrance) often assist
in the identification process. When submitting photos for identification include a general include
full-frame close-ups of foliage as well as flowers or fruits. Be sure each photo includes a scale in
the form of a ruler or coin. The photos should be accompanied by the same descriptive
information provided with a pressed plant sample.
A plant specimen is incomplete without label data. Label data is a form of field data and must be
accurate. The following are important elements:
Label Examples
* Please note, label formats vary considerably. We currently recommend that determiner be
paired with the identification. There are two standards to denoted multiple collectors and a
collection number. E.g.:
David W. Hall #1946 with Chuck Nance and Allen Ake - where the collection number is
know to be that of David W. Hall and may be cited as David W. Hall #1946 but is
sometimes also cited as: David W. Hall, Chuck Nance and Allen Ake #1946.
David W. Hall, Chuck Nance and Allen Ake #1946 - where the collection number is
theoretically that of the first collector but the number could also be a team number. This
should always be cited as: David W. Hall, Chuck Nance and Allen Ake #1946
Herbaria of Michigan State University (MSC) and C.A. Cid Ferreira, 9749 04 DEZ 1987
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Sabah Campus
(UKMS) Plantas coletadas com apoio de ENGE-RIO e Mineração
Rio Norte, com participação de C.A.C. Ferreira, C.
Farney de Sá, G. Martinelli, E. Soares, C.D.A. Mota de
E.F. Batista.
Specimens are frequently re-identified once the original label is prepared and/or the specimen
has been mounted. These re-identifications are recorded on annotation slips.
Mounting is the process of affixing a dried pressed plant and its label to a sheet of heavy paper.
This provides physical support that allows the specimen to be handled and stored with a
minimum of damage.
Prior to attachment, the specimen and its label are laid out on the paper to allow maximum
observation of diagnostic (usually reproductive) features as well as the range of variation in
vegetative structures, including both sides of the leaves. Plants are generally positioned in a life-
like arrangement (that is, with roots or lower stem toward the bottom of the sheet and flowers
toward the top). When laying out the plant, be sure to leave space on the sheet for the specimen
label, annotation labels, and institutional accession seal. A paper envelope or packet should
also be attached to the sheet to contain any fragments of the specimen that break off over time.
Once the optimum arrangement of the specimen has been determined, it is attached to the sheet
using a combination of glue and strips of gummed linen cloth tape. Glue is used sparingly to
attach the larger portions of the plant, such as stems, large leaves, and fruits. Gummed linen
mounting strips are then applied to reinforce portions of the plant that might be torn loose as the
specimen is used. Large or bulky items may need to be sewn onto the sheet with a sturdy linen
thread. The objective is to secure the specimen firmly to the mounting paper, while leaving
some pieces of the plant loose enough to be removed if necessary. Excessive applications of glue
that embed flowers and seeds on the sheet may make it impossible to observe diagnostic features
or to remove samples, thus rendering the specimen useless for scientific study. The best way to
learn proper mounting procedures is through hands-on training and practice with a variety of
plant specimens. Because herbarium specimens are intended for long-term study and storage, it
is critical that that all supplies used for mounting be both durable and archival. Archival
denotes materials that are free of acids and other compounds that may cause them or the
specimen to degrade or discolor over time. Consequently, the mounting paper, label paper,
packet paper, ink, glue, mounting strips, and storage folders should all be acid free and designed
for long-term stability.