Herbarium Techniques 2021

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A Herbarium is defined as a collection of plants that usually have been dried, pressed, preserved on
sheets and arranged according to any accepted system of classification for future reference and study.
For hundreds of years scientists and plant lovers have preserved dried plants for study in herbariums.
The great taxonomist Carolus Linnaeus had 14,000 specimens in his herbarium!

Botanical Garden:
1. Places where living plant collections of different varieties are
2. These include medicinal, economic important, Industrial, cultivated ornamental, etc.
3. Here the living plants are only grown.
4. Modern botanical garden are quite big and possess greenhouses, a herbarium, a library
and research laboratories.
1. Place where a collection of dried, pressed and well preserved plants specimens are
2. Here plant materials are arranged according to a system of
3. It also posses wood materials, microslides, photographs, drawings,
4. Herbarium is comparatively a small institution present inside a botanical garden or in an


A museum is an institution that cares for (conserves) a collection of artifacts and other objects of
scientific, artistic, cultural, or historical importance and makes them available for public viewing through
exhibits that may be permanent or temporary.

1. Museums stand as both cultural data banks of society, made of material remains of the
past, and theatres of history's reconstruction.
2. Tourism promotion
3. Support for research activities of researchers and students
4. Collection and storage of books and related materials
5. Viewing of materials / Data searching
6. Research and studies on the history and culture

Functions of herbaria

Herbaria have one or more of the following functions or

• Conservatory of dried plant material
• Archival record of a region’s flora
• Source of botanical information and diversity
• Recorder of plant names
• Supplier of a support service to the community: plant identification, information,
education, collecting services for bioprospecting or other specialized projects
• Training for botanists
• Research
Different types of herbaria
We can identify many different types of herbaria, based on the kinds of specimens they
• International herbaria keep specimens from all over the world.
• National herbaria keep specimens from all regions within a specific country.
• Regional herbaria keep specimens from a specified region or province within a country.
• Local herbaria keep specimens from a small area within a region or province.
• Teaching or academic herbaria are attached to a training institute and are generally a
place where students deposit their collections.
• Private herbaria are kept by individuals, or are attached to private land, such as farms
or private nature reserves.
• Research herbaria usually house voucher specimens representing one of the following:
i) A specific research field, for example, medicinal plants, weeds, or useful
plants ii) A distinct family, for example, Fabaceae or Asteraceae
iii) A specialised plant group, for example, water plants or bryophytes

Specialized collections within herbaria

There can also be special collections within a single
• Historic: Very old collections that are kept separate and in their original state, for example,
the South African Museum(SAM) collection in Compton Herbarium, (NBG), CapeTown.
Cupboards and covers are unchanged and often not curated; for example, name changes are
not incorporated.
• Vouchers: Voucher specimens for ecological, anatomical, cytological, chemical, or
molecular studies.
• Special Interest: Groups of plants with a linking quality, for example, medicinal plants.

A voucher herbarium specimen is a pressed plant sample deposited for future reference. It supports
research work and may be examined to verify the identity of the specific plant used in a study.
A voucher specimen must be deposited in a recognized herbarium committed to long-term

Why is voucher material needed? Plant classification is constantly changing. Shifts in species
alignments and groupings are made as new evidence comes to light. Identifications are subject to
change. Vouchers specimens help cross-reference these changes to previous research.

The preparation of a herbarium involves:

(i) Field visits,

(ii) Collection of specimens

(iii) Drying,

(iv) Mounting on a herbarium sheet,

(v) Preservation,

(vi) Labelling and

(vii) Proper storage.

a) Field visits and specimen collection:
A complete specimen possesses all parts including root system, flowers and fruits. Therefore, regular
field visits are necessary to obtain information at every stage of growth and reproduction of a plant
species. In the fields, the tools required are mainly trowel (digger) for digging roots, scissors and
knife for cutting twigs, a stick with a hook for collection of parts of tall trees, a field note book, polythene
bag, old newspaper and magazines.

To avoid damage during transportation and preservation at least 5-G specimens of a plant should by
collected. The collected specimens are transported in a vasculum (specimen box) to prevent willing,
livery collected specimen must be tagged with a field number and necessary information should be
recorded in a field note book.

(b) Pressing and drying:

The specimens are spread out between the folds of old newspapers or blotting sheets avoiding
overlapping of parts. The larger specimen may be folded in ‘N’ or’ W’ shapes. The blotting sheets with
plant specimen should be placed in the plant press for drying. After 24 to 48 hrs the press is opened.

(c) Mounting:
The dried specimens are mounted on herbarium sheets of standard size (41 x 29 cm). Mounting
is done with die help of glue, adhesive or cello-tape. The bulky plant parts like dry fruits seeds, cones
are dried without pressing and are put in small envelops called fragment packets. Succulent plants
are not mounted on herbarium sheets but are collected in 4% formalin or FAA (Formalin Acetic

(f) Preservation:
The mounted specimens are sprayed with fungicides like 2% solution of mercuric

(e) Labelling:
A label is pasted or printed on the lower right hand corner. The label should indicate the information
about the locality, altitude, habit, date and time of collection, name of collector, common name,
complete scientific name etc.

(f) Storage:
Properly dried, pressed and identified plant specimens are placed in thin paper folds (specimen
which are kept together in thicker paper folders genus overs), and finally they are incorporated into
the herbarium cupboards in their proper position according to a well known system of classification.


Specimens are pressed in a plant press, which consists of a wooden frame (for rigidity), corrugated
cardboard ventilators (to allow air to flow through the press), blotter paper (to absorb moisture), and
folded paper, typically a newspaper (to contain the plant material). The plant press is tightened using
straps with buckles or bolts with wing nuts. The objective of pressing plants is to extract moisture in
the shortest period of time, while preserving the morphological integrity of the plant, and to yield
material that can be readily mounted on herbarium paper (an acid-free cardstock) for long-term

In order to fit on a standard herbarium sheet, a plant specimen should be pressed flat to no more
11 X 16 inches. If the specimen will not fit those dimensions, it may be folded or cut into
Multiples of smaller plants may be pressed together in order to provide ample material for mounting
and study. Small loose pieces, such as seeds, may need to be placed in a small paper packet inside of
the newspaper. Large fruits or bulbs are often cut in half lengthwise or in slices prior to pressing. In
order to insure rapid and thorough drying, extremely succulent materials such as cactus stems may
need to be sliced open and some of the fleshy interior scraped out.

Each specimen should consist of a stem with attached leaves and, if at all possible, flowers
and/or fruits. The roots of herbaceous plants should also be included. In the case of very large trees,
shrubs, or vines, pieces should be selected to illustrate to the greatest extent possible the
overall characteristics of the plant and the range of variation in flowers, leaves, and other structures.
Each collection, i.e. gathering of a plant specimen, should be assigned a collection number. Data for
each collection should be entered in a field notebook (see discussion of label data below) and the
number should be written on the folded paper containing the specimen. Do not trust your memory for
this information! If ample material is available, a minimum of three specimens should be pressed for
each collection, especially if collecting in a region where the flora is poorly known. This will help
facilitate the identification of the plants through the distribution of specimens to various herbaria and
researchers. An ethical collector will insure that his/her collecting activities do not pose a significant
threat to the survival of endangered species or habitats. Ethical herbaria will only accept legally
collected specimens.

Care should be taken to make good specimens.

Pressing material immediately upon collection
results in the best specimens. Samples that are
allowed to wilt prior to pressing will generally
produce inferior specimens. Plants should be
carefully arranged as they are placed in the
press to maximize preservation of diagnostic
features. Leaves, flowers, and fruits should be
spread out so that they do not overlap and can be
observed from different perspectives. The
collection number should be clearly written on the
outside of the folded paper containing each plant
specimen. The plant press must be kept tight; this
prevents shrinkage and wrinkling of the plant
material and yields specimens that are easier to mount securely on herbarium paper. The
pressed plants must also be thoroughly dried prior to storage and mounting. Best results are obtained
with the use of an electric drier that holds the presses and provides steady bottom heat between
95°F and
113°F. A low ambient humidity and good airflow around and through the presses also insures rapid
and thorough drying of plant material. As the specimens dry, it may be necessary to further tighten the
straps on the press to minimize shrinkage and wrinkling. Rapid drying promotes the best retention of
plant color, but excessively high temperatures or long drying periods can result in blackened,
discolored, and brittle specimens.

Mounting and storage of specimens require a considerable financial commitment in the form of archival
materials, labor, and storage cabinets. Herbaria have the prerogative not to accept specimens if the
cost of labor/materials for processing is excessive or if the quality of specimens or accompanying data
is unsatisfactory. Due to differences in mounting methodologies and materials, most herbaria
prefer not to accept already mounted specimens. Because plant classification is generally based on the
morphology of flowers and fruits, in most cases sterile (non-flowering or -fruiting) specimens will not be

The identification of plant specimens requires a considerable amount of time and effort. It is
important to find out what research is being or has been done on the flora of the region where you are
working. A thorough literature review and consultation with herbarium personnel will give you a good
basis for starting the identification process.

The identification of unknown plant material is accomplished with the use of dichotomous keys;
published plant descriptions, illustrations and photographs; and comparison with properly identified
herbarium specimens. A microscope is essential for the observation of many diagnostic features.

Regulations pertaining to collecting plants vary from country to country and state to state, so it is
important for you to make official contacts well in advance. It is customary and may be required to
deposit one full set of specimens in a herbarium in the host state or country. A local herbarium is the
ideal place to begin your quest for identifications, as its collection may be the most comprehensive for
the region. It may be possible to arrange to identify your plants and receive assistance from staff
members at this institution. But, one must realize that the identification of even relatively
common plants may be time-consuming. Most institutions run on tight budgets and do not have staff
available to assist or supervise visitors. Even if you are not able to identify your plants to species, you
may be able to roughly group them by family or genus. This will allow you to seek experts in specific
plant groups who may be willing to look at specimens in their purview. Experts in the flora you are
working with may be interested in your collections and willing to give assistance. Your collections may,
in fact, be helpful to their projects.

When submitting a plant specimen for identification, it is critical that the sample includes flowers and/or
fruits and a portion of the stem with at least several leaves attached. Information of the plant's growth
habit, size, and the habitat where it is found (as well as any other features of the plant that may not be
apparent from the sample, such as plant color or fragrance) often assist in the identification process.
When submitting photos for identification include a general include full-frame close-ups of foliage
as well as flowers or fruits. Be sure each photo includes a scale in the form of a ruler or coin. The
photos should be accompanied by the same descriptive information provided with a pressed plant


A plant specimen is incomplete without label data. Label data is a form of field data and must
be accurate. The following are important elements:

• Scientific name: genus, species, authority, infraspecific information

• Determiner of the scientific name: the name of the person who identified the plant
• Detailed location; the location is used by researchers on several levels:
o for general mapping to region, county or province;
o for detailed mapping, as in GIS computer applications;
• to physically locate the plant(s) in order to obtain further research material. The location should
consist of: country, state or province, county or municipality and a description of the location in
reference to roads, road junctions, mile markers and distances from cities and/or towns.
Latitude and longitude, section, township and range, and elevation may also be helpful. A
location taken with a Global Positioning System (GPS) is a desirable complement to the
locality description. GPS coordinates MUST include a

• Habitat: the type of plant community where the plant is growing and, if known, other plants
growing in association
• Plant habit: describes the form of the plant (tree, shrub, vine, herb) and its height. Examples:
tree, ca. 50 ft. tall. sprawling herb
• Frequency: is the plant rare, occasional, frequent or common?
• Plant description: describe characteristics of the plant which may be lost upon drying, such as
flower/fruit color and fragrance, leaf orientation and aroma
• Collector name: it is recommended that the collector be consistent and use their full first
name, middle initial (or full name) and full last name.
• Other collectors (*see label examples note below) present with the collector
• Collection number: a sequential straightforward numbering system (1,2, 3, ...) is preferable.
• Date of collection: a format with the month spelled out or abbreviated and 4 digit year will
prevent confusion.


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