ABTG OxCabinets Nov 20

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Oxygen & Ozone Cabinets

AquaBioTech Group have developed several highly efficient and cost-effective

recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS) for hatchery, brood stock and on-
AquaBioTech Group is an
growing operations. Components of the systems that we offer are a result
international aquaculture
of many years of research and client feedback, including over 15 years of
and fisheries services
company strategically located
experience in our own 31 research laboratories in Malta.
in the Mediterranean,
on the island of Malta. With almost ten years of experience working with suppliers of oxygen
It operates globally, with cabinets, AquaBioTech Group has gained vast knowledge of the product and
clients and projects in over has an in-depth understanding of client needs and challenges. As a result of
fifty-five countries. Staff are this, AquaBioTech Group has used this supply chain knowledge and industry
recruited from across the understanding to build our improved version to our own informed design.
globe, enabling communication
with clients in thirteen Product design was left in the hands of the AquaBioTech Group’s engineers,
languages. each bringing with them a versatile skill set, including mechanical engineering
and experience in industrial automation and wastewater treatment.
AquaBioTech Group undertakes
a variety of aquaculture,
fisheries, marine surveying,
aquatic environmental,
financial, and technical
projects, performed with its
selected, worldwide partners.

AquaBioTech Group has developed a standard range of oxygen cabinets to
meet the usual range of requirements. They can be customized to meet your
specific requirements and needs, having multiple applications across industry
sectors. All work undertaken is designed to produce high performing, and
good quality products, that follow International standards.


Oxygen & Ozone Cabinets

As result of our own research and development work, the team at AquaBiotech Group has developed Dosing
Cabinets and Emergency Dosing Cabinets.


The Dosing Cabinet supplies both oxygen and/or ozone The Emergency Cabinet supplies only oxygen and
during normal operation. The cabinet has the capacity fulfills two roles. In case of emergency, such as a
to introduce oxygen or ozone to the downflow bubble power cut, it doses oxygen as a backup. In normal
contactors (aeration cones) and dose oxygen to ozone operation it doses oxygen according to the fish
generators. It is possible to adapt the cabinets to the lowest acceptable dissolved oxygen levels managed
RAS needs in terms of number of channels and flow by a controller which can be linked to the monitoring
(with the different working pressures and a selection of system. These cabinets can have multiple dosing
orifice sizes). The solenoid valves can also be controlled channels at relatively high pressure and flow rate.
remotely. Oxygen can be delivered directly to the tanks through
the network of pipes and air diffusers.

Quality Control
Water intrusion protection
Ozone Compatible materials
tested in-house

Supply Voltage 115Vac / 230Vac

Flow rate (per channel) From 0.1 - 1L/min to 1 -15L/min
Static Pressure 0 - 2.3bar (10)
Number of channels 1 - 8 (or by request)
IP IP54 / IP66

The table above shows our standard specifications, however, client

requests for customization are also possible.

AquaBioTech Group’s offers a competitive product, being reliable and easy to service. The dosing cabinets can
be controlled remotely, reducing human intervention time. They are versatile and customizable, and so can be
adapted to meet your specific requirements.
AquaBioTech Group offers other services including consultancy on all aspects of RAS projects lifecycle, system
design and technical support and installation.

Central Complex, Naggar Street, Targa Gap, Mosta MST 1761, Malta G.C. +356 2258 4100 cabinets@aquabt.com


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