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Definition: The summary is defined as shortened version of a passage that is written or
spoken. It must contain all the main points. It must also flow from beginning to end without
changing the meaning or emphasis of the original information.
1. Read the passage at least twice; once to find out what it is about, how it is organized
and what the writer is thinking (writer’s intention). Read the second time to jot down
all the important points.
2. When jotting down your points you should :
a. Put all the points that are similar together.
b. Always substitute one word for several, a phrase or a clause for a sentence.

A phrase is a collection of words that may have nouns or verbals/verbs, but it does not have a subject doing a verb. The
following are examples of phrases:

 smashing into a fence

A clause is a collection of words that has a subject that is actively doing a verb. The following are examples of clauses:

 when the saints go marching in

c. Make sure that you are not repeating the same idea in another form.
d. Do not give examples of things from the passage, instead use a few words to
describe them.

3. Read the passage a third time to make sure that you have all the important information
that you need. If necessary rearrange your points so that they flow from beginning to
4. Write your first draft. Use only the information taken from the passage. Do not “make
up” any information.
5. You may use a few words from the passage if they fit into your summary and they
make sense. This will help to show that you really understood the passage.
6. Make sure that you do not have less than the required number of words in your
summary as this may mean that you have left something out. Make sure that you do not
have more than the required number of words. If you do you must reduce the number
of words without changing any of the ideas in your summary.
7. Write your final version. Check to see that your sentences are well- constructed and
that the grammar is correct.

Please note that the passages that you are required to summarize are usually Expository in
nature although, some may be narrative or descriptive. There may also be elements of
persuasive and argumentative writing in the passage.

In planning the summary it is important to note the organizational structure when

looking for the MAIN POINTS of the summary.
The structure of some pieces may be:



In looking for the MAIN POINTS students should look for three (3) CAUSES and three (3)
EFFECTS ect. It is possible for a passage to only contain one of each organizational structure
or only one type .

In writing the introductory paragraph you may begin the piece by using any of the four
- The article…
- The extract…
- The passage…
- The excerpt…

You include a CONCLUSION in the summary. You may use the words, “In conclusion”, to
signal to the reader that they are ending the summary.
In Planning the summary- First the MAIN POINTS, then the Introduction, finally the
In Writing- First the Introduction, then the MAIN POINTS, then the Conclusion.


Topic: Summary Writing
Title: “One turtle at a time.”
(Suggested Time: 40 minutes)

Instructions : You may complete the writing task individually or you may work as a group of four or five
students to do the exercise.

Read the following article on Sea Turtles carefully and then write a summary of it in not more than 120 words. If

this limit is exceeded only the first 120 words of your answer will be read and assessed. As far as possible use

your own words. Your summary must be in continuous prose.

1. In your answer you will be assessed on how well you:

a. Were able to identify the main ideas

b. Organized and expressed these ideas

c. Used appropriate grammar, sentence structure, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation.

Sea turtles have been swimming the world’s oceans since the days when dinosaurs walked the

land. Now all seven species of these ancient and enduring creature are endangered, some

critically. As threats of their survival increase- such as pollution, poaching ( illegal hunting and

killing of endangered animals), fishing and coastal development- turtle numbers have

decreased by an alarming ninety percent over the past decade. The vast distances that turtles

migrate complicates their conservation at an international level. Leatherbacks, for example, are

found in the waters of the Caribbean, Newfoundland and the British Isles. Luckily, attempts to

save them at a local level are increasing, and visitors to the Grenadine Islands in the south

Caribbean have several opportunities to witness and participate in conservation at a grassroots


Although they spend vast amounts of time in water, the behavior of turtles while at sea is the

least understood of all marine animals. Capable of great longevity(live for a very long time),

turtles are in no hurry to reproduce, and when, after many years of floating in the sea, a female

does come ashore to nest, each egg she lays has a one-in-a-thousand chance of reaching


Turtles usually nest at night, laying around a hundred eggs at a time. Many are dug up by dogs

or poachers, while others are destroyed by eroding sand. Those that do survive take fifty to

seventy days to hatch, and when they do, baby turtles emerge at night when there are fewer

predators around. Guided by the light of the moon, they head for the sea.

Even when turtles have reached maturity, their struggle for survival is far from over. Kido

Ecological Research Station, on the north-west coast of Carriacou- a Grenadine that is part of

the nation of Grenada- works with schools, local communities and visitors to conserve turtles

of all ages in this region. Old Hegg Turtle Sanctuary on Bequia, the largest of St. Vincent’s

Grenadine islands, works to increase the hatchlings’ (baby turtles) chances of survival through

their earliest and most vulnerable years. The work of organizations such as Kido and Old Hegg

is helping to stabilize turtle populations. Visiting such places and experiencing turtles first

hand, nesting or just resting, can be a rewarding and fascinating experience.

Lesley Anne Rose, “One turtle at a time.”

Caribbean Beat, May/ June 2006, pp. 28

(25 Marks)

“One turtle at a time”

Introduction –
This extract is about sea turtles which are now and endangered species. Although it is very
difficult to protect these animals there are now organizations working to save these marine


Causes/Problems/Issues/ Disadvantages:
- Turtles are being destroyed by predators and other hazards.
- Although mature turtles are capable of great longevity, their eggs and hatchlings have a
very low survival rate.
- Turtles migrate over vast distances and this makes it difficult to protect them.

Effects/Solutions/Results/ Disadvantages:
- The Kido Ecological Research Station is working with local communities in order to
protect the turtles.
- Old Hegg Turtle Sanctuary is also helping to stabilize the turtle population in the
Grenadine islands.

In conclusion, experiencing turtles firsthand can be a rewarding experience.


Title: Sea Turtles

This extract is about sea turtles which are now an endangered species. Although it is very
difficult to protect these animals there are now organizations working to save these marine
Turtles are being destroyed by predators and other hazards. Mature turtles are capable of great
longevity but, their eggs and hatchlings have a very low survival rate. Turtles migrate over vast
distances and this makes it difficult to protect them. The Kido Ecological Research Station is
working with local communities in order to protect the turtles. Old Hegg Turtle Sanctuary is
also helping to stabilize the turtle population in the Grenadine islands.
In conclusion, experiencing turtles firsthand can be a rewarding experience.

No. 2 -SUMMARY – “New Moon And Old Wives”

(Suggested Time: 35 minutes)
2. Read the following article carefully and then write a summary of
it in not more than 120 words. If this limit is exceeded only the
first 120 words of your answer will be read and assessed. As far
as possible use your own words. Your summary must be in
continuous prose.
3. In your answer you will be assessed on how well you:
d. Were able to identify the main ideas
e. Organized and expressed these ideas
f. Used appropriate grammar, sentence structure, vocabulary,
spelling and punctuation.

(Suggested time: 35 minutes)
You MUST answer the question in this section.
1. Read the following article on the moon and write a summary of it in NOT MORE
THAN 120 words. If this limit is exceeded, only the first 120 words of your answer
will be read and assessed. As far as possible, use your own words. Your summary must
be in continuous prose. You may use your answer booklet to jot down a plan of your
points or make notes. THIS WILL NOT BE MARKED.

In your answer you will be assessed on how well you

(a) Were able to identify the main ideas and opinions in the extract
(b) Organized and expressed these ideas
(c) Used appropriate grammar, sentence structure, vocabulary, spelling and

For centuries the moon has been associated with various activities, phases and conditions in
life. Insanity is an example- the word ‘lunatic’ comes from the Latin word for moon, ‘luna’. In
Britain, the Lunacy Act of 1824 actually stated that people went mad when the moon was full.
Today, despite the fact that many of the myths have been found to be invalid, the moon still
grips our imaginations and we are still caught between scientific and poetic attitudes to the
moon. Researchers continue to study the moon, and many believe that there are clear links
between its cycle, natural events and human activities like agriculture, crime, and even our
The human body is 70% water, and since the moon has a gravitational effect on water, the
moon should therefore affect our bodies. The fact is, our moon has gravity which is about one-
sixth of that on earth, and although that force is considered very small by the time it reaches us,
it still has an amazingly powerful effect on our planet. For instance, the moon’s gravitational
pull causes the tides, shifting billions of tons of water twice each day. But lunar gravity only
works on large masses, such as oceans. It has no effect on even very large lakes. So how can it
affect us?
Scientists accept the strange effect the moon seems to have on reproduction: on marine life it
affects the breeding patterns of oysters and crabs; with women it affects the menstrual cycle.
Midwives say that they are busier delivering babies around the full moon, though this is not
confirmed by scientific statistics.
One of the oldest beliefs is that a full moon can turn someone who is sane into a mad person.
The story “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” was inspired by this belief. An investigation in Miami

suggests that the homicide rate peaks with the full moon; in India there seems to be much more
violent crime around the time when the moon is full, but this might be influenced by their
strong interest in astrology. Psychiatric nurses say patients become more disturbed when the
moon is full, and firemen report more cases of arson. The larger number of anecdotes has
inspired scientific research, and though it indeed shows a correlation between changed
behaviour and the full moon, conclusions are mixed.
A lecturer in medical psychology, Dr. David Nias, has suggested that the shifts in behaviour
are explained by the small number of people who believe in the “full moon effect” and change
their behaviour accordingly, in much the same way as believers in astrology might modify
their behaviour to match that associated with the star signs.

Adapted from J.Rahim, “New Moons and Old Wives’

Tales, Reflections on the Moon”, British Airways,
Highlife, August 1998, pp.127-128.

Total 25 marks

Introduction – The article explores the scientifically proven facts and the myths about the


Causes/Problems/Issues/ Disadvantages:
The moon…
Effects/Solutions/Results/ Disadvantages:
- It is believed that a full moon can turn someone who is sane into a mad person.
- Psychiatric nurses have reported that patients become more disturbed during a full
- The moon has a strange effect on the breeding pattern of marine animals. It also affects
the menstrual cycle of women.
- The gravitational pull of the moon causes the tides, shifting billions of tons of water
twice a day.
- There is the suggestion that during a full moon there are more violent crimes in parts of
the world.

In conclusion, the moon whether through the power of science or belief has greatly impacted
life on our planet.


Title: “New Moons and Old Wives”

The article explores the scientifically proven facts and the myths about the moon.
It is believed that a full moon can turn someone who is sane into a mad person. Psychiatric
nurses have reported that patients become more disturbed during a full moon. The gravitational
pull of the moon causes the tides, shifting billions of tons of water twice a day.
The moon has a strange effect on the breeding pattern of marine animals. It also affects the
menstrual cycle of women. There is the suggestion that during a full moon there are more
violent crimes in parts of the world.
In conclusion, the moon whether through the power of science or belief has greatly impacted
life on our planet.


PERSUASIVE WRITING is defined as presenting

reasons and examples to influence actions or thoughts. Effective persuasive writing
requires a writer to state clearly an opinion and to supply reasons and
specific examples that support the opinion.

The class will identify and discuss the major techniques used in persuasive writing.
 authoritative evidence
 the rhetorical question
 the analogy
 emotive language
 contrast
 direct personal appeal
 repetition

The format of the essay.

Title- Create a title for the essay.

Begin by introducing the topic and making clear you position. You may use an attention
grabber in the first sentence. Include in the introductory paragraph a general comment on the
issue. Try to incorporate an example of emotive language.
Eg. This issue is causing a sense of unease…
The general public is becoming upset about this issue…
The members of the community are perturbed about the government’s treatment…
The Thesis Statement containing three points arranged in order of importance
should follow.

The Body-
Point 1-(the strongest point) include an example of authoritative evidence eg. The media-
newspaper etc.
Point 2 – include examples of the rhetorical question. You may use information from your
personal experience to cement this point.
Point 3 – You may use evidence from your observations of what is happening in your
community etc. Include examples of direct personal appeal.
The Conclusion- Signal to the reader by using the words, “In conclusion…”
Restate your position on the issue, whether you agree or disagree with the issue. Include a
summary of the three points, if required give a recommendation for solution to the problem.

The Essay/ Article

“ Violence against women and children is escalating in Jamaica. The men have
become predators and they need to be punished.”
Write an essay stating whether you agree or disagree with this statement.
(35 marks)
Title : Violence Against Women and Children
 Position on the issue clearly stated.
 General comment on the issue, which includes emotive language.
 Thesis Statement containing three points arranged in order of importance
should follow.


This should any of the three points below that were discussed in the class arranged in order of
 The media is reporting several cases of women being raped and their throats slashed.
 The men are taking revenge on women, if they feel that they have been unfaithful.
 The men think that they have power over the women and the women have no rights.
 Children are easy targets for these men because they are vulnerable.

The strongest point should include an example of authoritative evidence eg. The media-
newspaper etc.
The next point should include examples of the rhetorical question, using information from
personal experience to cement this point.
The final point should include examples of direct personal appeal and it should be based on
observations about what is happening in the community etc..
The Conclusion
- Signal to the reader by using the words, “In conclusion…”
Restate your position on the issue, whether you agree or disagree with the issue. Include a
summary of the three points, if required give a recommendation for solution to the problem.

Sample Essay
Violence Against Women
It is a fact that violence against women and children is indeed escalating in Jamaica. The men
are no longer protectors, they are now the predators and this must stop!
The media has reported several cases of women being raped and their throats slashed. Men
think that the women are powerless and have no rights. Additionally, children have become
easy targets for these men because they are vulnerable.

Several news outlets have written exposes about men who have viciously murdered women in
recent weeks. This was seen in an article written by Olivia Miles dated march 04, 2017
entitled, “Women Under Attack!” The reports quoted the Commissioner of Police, Marcus

Phidd, who stated that, “…This has been the worst outbreak and onslaught of crime, against
the most vulnerable members of the society that the country has experienced.”
This is clear evidence that these perpetrators need to be brought to justice.

Men think that their word is law and the women must never challenge their decisions. Most
men in the society have not been trained to treat women with the respect and courtesy that they
deserve. These men who are being so cruel to their partners, how would they feel if they knew
that other men were treating their daughters in the same manner? Why are these men being so
vicious, don’t they know that they should be the protectors of the women and children?
Children must feel safe and protected, they should not be treated like prey by these vile men.
There are communities where the children have no peace. Fathers, brothers, uncles,
grandfathers, please stop destroying the children. You should make them feel safe and secure.
You should be the ones shielding them from harm and danger.

In conclusion, violence against women and children must stop. These cases of violence against
women must be solved quickly. Men must treat women as equals and the children must be
allowed to live as children and thrive. The government must create a task force to stamp out
this evil, so that everyone can feel safe again in Jamaica the land we love.


“Students should not be allowed to use cellular phone sin schools.”

Write an essay/article giving your views on this statement.

Using cellular phones in school is a hindrance to the learning process. Therefore, I

strongly believe that students should not be allowed to use cellular phones in schools. It causes
disruptions and is a source of distraction amongst students. It also creates or exacerbates
conflicts in the schools and limits the safety of its carrier. School are supposed to be focused
on teaching and learning and using a cellular phone in school may disable these processes.

Firstly, cellphones can cause distractions in the classroom. Cellphone is a source of
distraction as students are engrossed in text messaging, emailing and checking social media.
The Oxford Learning Center reported that “Students check their phones in the classrooms on
an average of 11 times a day and spend up to 20% of their in-class time texting, emailing and
checking social media”. The center also reported that “When students are distracted it’s a
recipe for extra stress, frustration, and catching up time for everyone”. Students already have a
grave difficulty staying focused on school work. Why increase that difficulty by adding
another distraction? Adding the use of technology by way of cell phone is not worth the added
frustration to teachers. Are these telephone calls, text messages and pictures which offers
temporary thrills and excitements really worth giving up the PERMANENT gratification one
gets from having a good education, a good job, the ability to provide for oneself and one’s
family? Do not hinder students’ educational progress. Do not allow students to use cellphones
in schools.

Cellphones in schools may lead to greater division amongst students as they increase
the possibility of cyber-bullying and worsen conflicts. We are quite aware that petty squabbles
occur now and again in schools and children get offended by the unpleasant word or action.
These squabbles can be easily squashed by school administrators. However, it has been seen
that with the use of cellphone sin schools these squabbles turn into wars as they offended party
calls a friend or relative to come to the school to avenge the insult. Oftentimes, these relations
lead to grievous bodily harm or even death of one student and the imprisonment of another.
Teachers too are ask risk. Either way the use of cellphones in schools does more harm than
good. Without a doubt, cellphones should not be allowed in schools.

Finally, taking cellphones to school limits the safety of students on and off the
compound as their lives can be endangered. According to The Jamaica Gleaner, on Thursday
September 27, 2018, Tevaughn Spence, a 3rd form student at Albion All-Age in Montego Bay
was stabbed to death after refusing to hand over his cellular phone to a group of sixth formers
at the school. It was later discovered that Spence was using his phone that morning in the
school’s General Purpose Room (GP Room) to complete an assignment. Another reported
senseless killing over a cellular phone is that of sixteen year old Matthew Reid who was
chased, cornered and stabbed several times for his Iphone 11, which he did not hand over to
young men who demanded it. Do you really believe that use of cellphones in schools is worth
the lives of our children? Students, do you really want the worry of wondering when it will be

your turn to be stabbed, maimed or killed for a measly cellphone? Cellphones should be taken
to school as it puts the lives of our children in danger.

In closing, the negative consequences: retarded educational progress, increased

conflicts and death can be easily prevented if the use of cellphones is prohibited. Students
should not be allowed to use cellphones in school.

The Letter to the Editor

Persuasive Writing

Question- It is a complete waste of

resources for governments to have a
School Feeding Programme. Let parents
be responsible for their children’s

Write a Letter to the Editor giving your

views on this statement. (35 marks)


The letter format

The block style which includes the writer’s address, the date, the address of the newspaper, the
salutation and the closing, the signature of the writer.

 Position on the issue clearly stated.
 General comment on the issue, which includes emotive language.
 Thesis Statement containing three points arranged in order of importance
should follow.

This should any of the three points below that were discussed in the class arranged in order of
 The School Feeding Programme does not provide adequate nutrition for the children.
 Parents must shoulder the responsibility of providing a proper diet for their children.
 Almost every government is now in recession and they do not have the money to
provide proper lunches for the children.

The strongest point should include an example of authoritative evidence eg. The media-
newspaper etc.
The next point should include examples of the rhetorical question, using information from
personal experience to cement this point.
The final point should include examples of direct personal appeal and it should be based on
observations about what is happening in the community etc..
The Conclusion
- Signal to the reader by using the words, “In conclusion…”
Restate your position on the issue, whether you agree or disagree with the issue. Include a
summary of the three points, if required give a recommendation for solution to the problem.

14 Fairway Avenue
Kingston 10

June 7, 2017

The Editor
The Gleaner Company (Media) Limited
7 North Street
P O Box 40
Jamaica, W.I.

Dear Sir:

It is indeed a complete waste of resources for governments to have a school feeding

programme. There is great concern about this issue among members of almost every

The School Feeding Programme does not provide adequate nutrition for the children. Parents
must shoulder the responsibility of providing a proper diet for their children. Almost every
government is now in recession and they do not have the money to provide proper lunches for
the children.

The School Feeding Programme does not provide balanced meals for the children. There has
been a lot criticism about lunches that are being prepared. In a recent Gleaner article, dated
Monday May 05, 2014, written by journalist Brian James entitled, "The Children Are Hungry"
it was revealed that the children were being given bullas and bag drinks on Mondays and
Fridays. Mr. James quoted Mrs. Carla Brown a primary school teacher who stated that, " The
children are consuming so much sugar that they cannot sit still to learn or they are so hungry
they just sit and stare."

Parents must shoulder the responsibility of providing balanced meals for their children. In
many communities parents keep reproducing more offspring than they can care for and as a
result these children are often neglected and hungry.

Parents please remember that each child needs your love and support. Please do not have these
children and then leave them to suffer.

The economy of most countries is now in recession and these governments do not have
sufficient funding to provide lunches for the children. Should the burden of feeding the
children be left up to the government? Aren't the children the nation's responsibility? We all
need to love and care for each and every child in this country. The government cannot do for
us what we must do for ourselves.

In conclusion, the School Feeding Programme is certainly a complete waste of

valuable resources. The programme does not provide nutritious meals for the children. Parents
must feed the children that they produce because these governments are in recession and they
do not have proper funding to support this programme.

Yours sincerely,
Karen Blake
Karen Blake (Miss)

Letter To The Editor
“Students should not be allowed to use cellular phones in schools.”
Write a letter to the editor giving your views on this statement.

2b Upper Waterloo Road

Mona Heights
Kingston 6

May 12, 2019

The Editor
The Jamaica Observer
40-43 West Kings House Road
Kingston 5

The Editor, Sir:

I wish to share my views on the debate as to whether students should be allowed to use
cellular phones in school. Using cellular phones in school is a hindrance to the learning
process. Therefore, I strongly believe that students should not be allowed to use cellular
phones in schools. It causes disruptions and is a source of distraction amongst students. It also
creates or exacerbates conflicts in the schools and limits the safety of its carrier. Schools are
supposed to be focused on teaching and learning and using a cellular phone in school may
disable these processes.

People believe that students should be allowed to use their cell phones in schools to
conduct research and access educational apps or videos. However, more often than not, the
cellphone is a source of distraction as students are engrossed in text messaging, emailing and
checking social media. The Oxford Learning Center reported that “Students check their phones
in the classrooms on an average of 11 times a day and spend up to 20% of their in-class time
texting, emailing and checking social media”. The center also reported that “When students are
distracted it’s a recipe for extra stress, frustration, and catching up time for everyone”.
Students already have a grave difficulty staying focused on school work. Why increase that
difficulty by adding another distraction? Adding the use of technology by way of cell phone is
not worth the added frustration to teachers. Are these telephone calls, text messages and
pictures which offers temporary thrills and excitements really worth giving up the
PERMANENT gratification one gets from having a good education, a good job, the ability to
provide for oneself and one’s family? Do not hinder students’ educational progress. Do not
allow students to use cellphones in schools.

Cellphones in schools may lead to greater division amongst students as they increase
the possibility of cyber-bullying and worsen conflicts. We are quite aware that petty squabbles
occur now and again in schools and children get offended by the unpleasant word or action.
These squabbles can be easily squashed by school administrators. However, it has been seen
that with the use of cellphone sin schools these squabbles turn into wars as they offended party
calls a friend or relative to come to the school to avenge the insult. Oftentimes, these relations
lead to grievous bodily harm or even death of one student and the imprisonment of another.

Teachers too are ask risk. Either way the use of cellphones in schools does more harm than
good. Without a doubt, cellphones should not be allowed in schools.

Finally, taking cellphones to school limits the safety of students on and off the
compound as their lives can be endangered. According to The Jamaica Gleaner, on Thursday
September 27, 2018, Tevaughn Spence, a 3rd form student at Albion All-Age in Montego Bay
was stabbed to death after refusing to hand over his cellular phone to a group of sixth formers
at the school. It was later discovered that Spence was using his phone that morning in the
school’s General Purpose Room (GP Room) to complete an assignment. Another reported
senseless killing over a cellular phone is that of sixteen year old Matthew Reid who was
chased, cornered and stabbed several times for his Iphone 11, which he did not hand over to
young men who demanded it. Do you really believe that use of cellphones in schools is worth
the lives of our children? Students, do you really want the worry of wondering when it will be
your turn to be stabbed, maimed or killed for a measly cellphone? Cellphones should be taken
to school as it puts the lives of our children in danger.

In closing, the negative consequences: retarded educational progress, increased

conflicts and death can be easily prevented if the use of cellphones is prohibited. Students
should not be allowed to use cellphones in school.



Basic content:

All letters of complaint should be expressed clearly in a formal tone. The complaint and all the
inconvenience suffered by the complainant should be clearly and logically stated. Although
strong language is issued by many writers, it is advisable to refrain from abuses, threats and
insults because they only serve to embitter relationships. If you make allegations, they must be
supported with proof or evidence. If the nature of the complaint needs settlement through
compensation, indicate the cost, in your letter.

 Embitter: to cause bitter feelings in (someone)

 Allegations: a statement saying that someone has done something wrong or illegal
 Something that is done or given to make up for damage, trouble, etc.
 something good that acts as a balance against something bad or undesirable
 payment given for doing a job

Language Structure of Letters of Complaint

Introductory Statements:

I am writing because/ on account of/ on the subject of…

I am writing to indicate/ to inform you about…

I am afraid that I am compelled to…

Expressing the Complaint

I must complain about/ object to/ record my dissatisfaction.

I can no longer put up with/ tolerate/ bear.

I find it distressing/ most disappointing/ appalling.

I feel something ought to be done/ said…about.

Sample One

18 King Street
Morant Bay P.O.
St. Thomas

November 14, 2017

Mr. Nigel Thompson

The Manager
Phidd’s Furniture Store
12 Queen Street
Morant Bay P.O.
St. Thomas

Dear Mr. Thompson: 

On Friday November 03, 2017 I bought a refrigerator from your store. It was a Panasonic Inverter
Four (4) Door Refrigerator, Serial number NR- D585XZ. The refrigerator is not functioning
properly because freezing compartment has not kept the food frozen and the air that is produced
is warm. As a result of this several parcels of meat have been dumped because of decay.

To resolve the problem, I would appreciate if you could send a technician to investigate the cause
of the problem and restore the refrigerator to normal working condition. Enclosed are copies of my
receipt and warranty concerning this purchase.

I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem and I hope that you will deal promptly
with this matter in order to save further inconvenience and loss.

Please contact me at the above address or by cell phone at 864- 9320.

Yours sincerely,

Jean Gray

Jean Gray( Mrs.)

Sample Two

No 67 Happy View
St James

October 12, 2014

The Manager
The Fair Trade Commission
Green Hill

Dear Sir/Madam:

I write to complain against Best Line Supermarkets from which I purchased a box of cereal on October
10, 2014. I have two areas of concern: the treatment I received , and the quality of the product.

The item was on sale and I paid $8.45 for it. On arrival home I realized that the product had expired
since September. I returned the package, with the bill, and was directed to speak with the supervisor.
He simply said that it was my duty to check any product I wanted to buy.

I went to the manager, explained the issue and expressed my disappointment. I also requested a
refund but he too told me that I should have checked the date before making the purchase. In
addition, he said that their policy is no exchange or refund on sale items. He promised to speak to his
colleague, then he dismissed me and went to the telephone. I believe this treatment is unjust and
would like you to intervene to rectify this matter.

Yours sincerely

Hadia Rogers (Miss)



Example 1

Example 2

A report is a compilation of information systematically organized on a specific topic, subject,
issue matter or incident. The report has a specific purpose and is directed to particular
audiences or readers. The report may contain conclusions and recommendations , and a
Types of Reports
Here are some types of reports you may encounter:
 Informative report
 Field trip report
 Newspaper report
 Investigative report
 Progress report
 Sales Report
 Incident/ Accident report
 Eye- witness report
 Evaluation report
Purposes of a Report
To inform
To investigate
To provide and update
To explain
To justify
To analyze
To evaluate

Structure of a Report
Generally, the structure of a report has the following headings:
a. Introduction
o Purpose- a statement of the objectives of the report
o Scope- a specific area treated in the report
o Procedure – the method used to gather data
b. Discussion : analysis, description, interpretation, presentation of the information
c. Endings: summary, conclusions, recommendations
Design of a Report

To enhance the presentation of information, you may use the following design features:
 Headings
 Italics
 Appropriate font size if typed
 Bullets
 Bold Face
 Visuals ( graphs, charts, tables)

The three main types of reports- The field trip report, the eyewitness/ incident / accident
/ simple report, the newspaper report
Field Trip Report
A report on a field trip documents what you saw and what you did. The emphasis is on the
educational value of your trip. Your trip may be part of a class project in particular subject-
biology, geography, social studies, visual and performing arts or agricultural science.

The field trip usually includes the following:

a) Who ? – Who are the members of the trip?

b) Why? - What is the purpose of the trip?

- What do you hope to achieve?
- What are the advantages / benefits of the trip?

c) What? – What special clothing is needed?

- What time will the group depart?
- What time will the group return?

d) Where? - What special clothing is needed?

- An agricultural exhibition
- An historical site
- A protected wetland.

e) When? - time incident occurs

f) How? – How many buses or transport units are requires?

- How many teachers/ parents will accompany the students?
- How much will the trip cost?

- How much pocket money is necessary?

Writing an Eyewitness / Incident / Accident / Simple Report

An eyewitness report is an account of an event, incident or accident which a person
experiences first hand. It captures what the person saw, felt and thought. An eyewitness
report can sometimes be used in a court of law as evidence.

Features of an eyewitness report

An eye witness report focuses on the following:
1. Time of the incident
2. Location of the incident
3. Accurate and complete details of the incident
4. Sense impressions of the person
5. Emotional reactions of the person
6. Vivid language to convey the experience clearly
7. Appropriate verb forms such as the past tense and past passive tense

Newspaper Reports
The content of newspaper reports are news stories, investigative reports, weather reports,
sports reports, etc. Newspaper reports select relevant and interesting details. A newspaper
report may contain the opinions and impressions of the writer. It may also be objective
(factual) or a combination of fact and opinion.
Structure of a newspaper report
A) Headline: An attractive headline is used to capture the readers’ attention.

B) Introduction: The most important pieces of information are usually placed at the
beginning of the report. It should answer the five journalistic questions (who, what,
when, where, and how).
C) Body: (i) more details are presented.
(ii) different viewpoints are presented – agreeing or disagreeing with the main
(iii) quotes by witnesses or people involved may be used.
(iv) background information may be included.
(v) reference to earlier events may be recalled.

D) Conclusion: A summary of the report is given, and what happens next may be

Criteria for writing the eyewitness / incident / accident /
simple report.

Here are some basic criteria you should apply when writing the eyewitness / incident /
accident / simple report.
 Careful and logical arrangement
 Clarity in expressing information.
 Conciseness which requires the exclusion of all unnecessary words,
expressions and irrelevant details.

Apart from the above considerations, the writer of the eyewitness / incident / accident /
simple reports should aim at recording information objectively. He should exclude all
opinion, preferences and judgements. The report must be based on factual information.
However, in more complex reports, the writer may be asked to include recommendations and
conclusions based on evidence.

The following guidelines will help you to organize your report.

1. The subject of the report should be written above.
2. The introduction should be brief. It should contain any special
instruction and terms of reference.
3. In complex reports the content should be arranged under
sections and headings.
4. In the conclusion you may make recommendations or

Motown Boy’s College
7 Carmichael Avenue
Kingston 10
Jamaica W. I.

April 5, 2018

The Sports Master

Princeton Boy’s College

Dear Sir/Madam:

Re: Accident to Wayne Brown on the football court on March 28, 2018

I wish to report that Wayne Brown, one of the players, sustained an injured leg in an
accident yesterday.
The incident occurred during the luncheon interval at 12:20 p.m. while the team was
practicing for the Inter College Football Competition which was scheduled for next week.

It occurred as Wayne Brown obtained the ball and was running towards the goal post.
Thomas King, who was in pursuit, tripped him. He flipped over, hit the goal post and injured
his leg.
The referee, Mr. Michael Jones, stopped the game immediately and ordered two students to
assist Wayne Brown. Brown was placed in the back seat of the principal’s car and taken to
the Glastonbury District hospital. He was treated and kept in ward 8 for routing observation.
Thomas King was given a yellow card.

Yours respectfully,
Brian Moore


1. Statistics is the science of collecting and interpreting numerical information.

2. Statistics has to do with the movement of numbers over a period of time. This may show if the numbers stays the same
(consistent/ stable) or if they get bigger (increase) or if they get smaller (decrease) or if they move up or down( fluctuate).
These movements are called TRENDS.


Consistent/ Stable: A number can be described as consistent/ stable if the number remains the same over a period of time.

Fairly Consistent or Stable/

Reasonably Consistent or Stable : These terms can be used to describe a number that shows very little movement over a
period of time. This means that the number moves but does not move outside a certain range.

Increase: This occurs if the number gets bigger over a period of time. This can be described as steady, gradual, significant,
or sharp.

Decrease: This occurs if the number gets smaller over a period of time. This can be described as steady, gradual,
significant, or sharp.

Fluctuation: This occurs if the number moves upwards and downwards over a period of time. There is no definite pattern, it
is unpredictable.

Significant Figures: These are numbers that are different from all the other numbers. If a number is really big or really small
it is a significant figure because it stands out.

Crops Sold Over Five Days in Morant Bay

CROPS Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday TOTAL

Tomatoes 22 26 21 28 23 (Fairly Stable) 120 (4th)
Onions 7 ( sig. figure) 44 ( 6 times the 18 56 ( Fluctuation) 12 ( Sharp 137 (3rd)
Mon. fig) decrease,4 times
less than Thur.)
Potatoes 47 45 48 46 48 ( Fairly Stable) 234 (1st)
Carrots 16 19 22 25 28( Steadily 110( 5th)
increases by 3)
Peas 10 23 36 (Steadily 52 (sharp 63( sig. figure) 184 (2nd)
increases) increase)
TOTAL 102 157 145 207 174 785

Write a report, in not more than 200 words, the sale of crops sold in five days in Morant Bay.

In your report you should include:

-trends for each type of crops over the five day period

Reference to any significant figures/days.

(Do not include reasons or explanation in your report.)

This is report of the crops sold over five days in Morant Bay. The data reveals that over the
five day period, the sale of potatoes remained fairly stable. The total indicates that the sale of
potatoes, over the five day period was the highest out of all the crops.

Over the five day period the sale of peas steadily increased. On the fourth day, there was
a sharp increase in the number of sales of peas which was a high of fifty-two (52). On Friday the sale
of peas showed a significant figure of sixty-three (63). This was the highest figure for peas over the
five day period and also out of all of the crops for that period. This was the second highest figure for
the number of sales over the five day period.

The trend for onions over the five day period shows that it fluctuated. On Monday, the sale of onions
showed a significant figure of seven (7). This was the lowest figure for the sale of onions over the five
day period and also the lowest out of all of the other crops. On the following day the number of
sales of onions had increased to a figure that was six (6) times more than the figure for the previous
day. On Friday, the sale of onions showed a sharp decrease for the previous day.

The sale of tomatoes over the five day period remained fairly stable. The total number of sale
of carrots over the period showed that it was the lowest out of all the crops. The trend over the

period indicated that the sale of carrot steadily increased by a figure of three (3) for each day over
the period.


“Students should not be allowed to use cellular phone sin schools.”

Write an E-mail to the principal of your school giving your views on this

To: <Clive Gray>

From: jackie.smith@ymail.com
Subject: The Use of Cellular Phones in Schools

Good afternoon Mr. Gray,

I wish to share my views on the debate as to whether students should be allowed to
use cellular phones in school. Using cellular phones in school is a hindrance to the learning
process. Therefore, I strongly believe that students should not be allowed to use cellular
phones in schools. It causes disruptions and is a source of distraction amongst students. It
also creates or exacerbates conflicts in the schools and limits the safety of its carrier. School
are supposed to be focused on teaching and learning and using a cellular phone in school may
disable these processes.

Firstly, cellphones can cause distractions in the classroom. Cellphone is a source of

distraction as students are engrossed in text messaging, emailing and checking social media.
The Oxford Learning Center reported that “Students check their phones in the classrooms on
an average of 11 times a day and spend up to 20% of their in-class time texting, emailing and
checking social media”. The center also reported that “When students are distracted it’s a
recipe for extra stress, frustration, and catching up time for everyone”. Students already have
a grave difficulty staying focused on school work. Why increase that difficulty by adding
another distraction? Adding the use of technology by way of cell phone is not worth the
added frustration to teachers. Are these telephone calls, text messages and pictures which
offers temporary thrills and excitements really worth giving up the PERMANENT
gratification one gets from having a good education, a good job, the ability to provide for
oneself and one’s family? Do not hinder students’ educational progress. Do not allow
students to use cellphones in schools.

Cellphones in schools may lead to greater division amongst students as they increase
the possibility of cyber-bullying and worsen conflicts. We are quite aware that petty
squabbles occur now and again in schools and children get offended by the unpleasant word
or action. These squabbles can be easily squashed by school administrators. However, it has
been seen that with the use of cellphone sin schools these squabbles turn into wars as they
offended party calls a friend or relative to come to the school to avenge the insult.
Oftentimes, these relations lead to grievous bodily harm or even death of one student and the
imprisonment of another. Teachers too are ask risk. Either way the use of cellphones in
schools does more harm than good. Without a doubt, cellphones should not be allowed in

Finally, taking cellphones to school limits the safety of students on and off the
compound as their lives can be endangered. According to The Jamaica Gleaner, on Thursday
September 27, 2018, Tevaughn Spence, a 3rd form student at Albion All-Age in Montego Bay
was stabbed to death after refusing to hand over his cellular phone to a group of sixth formers
at the school. It was later discovered that Spence was using his phone that morning in the
school’s General Purpose Room (GP Room) to complete an assignment. Another reported
senseless killing over a cellular phone is that of sixteen year old Matthew Reid who was
chased, cornered and stabbed several times for his Iphone 11, which he did not hand over to
young men who demanded it. Do you really believe that use of cellphones in schools is worth
the lives of our children? Students, do you really want the worry of wondering when it will be
your turn to be stabbed, maimed or killed for a measly cellphone? Cellphones should be taken
to school as it puts the lives of our children in danger.

In closing, the negative consequences: retarded educational progress, increased

conflicts and death can be easily prevented if the use of cellphones is prohibited. Students
should not be allowed to use cellphones in school.





Create the setting. Make it interesting for the reader. Start with an exciting beginning.
The characters must have names which suit their personalities. There should be no more than
three- four characters.

Use exciting dialogue to establish the setting and introduce the characters.
Eg. (1) “ Oh no the trees are blazing!”” Shamoy shouted.
(2) “We need to warn the town,” said Tyreik.
(3) Leonardo’s eyes widened and he looked as if he was about to faint.
(4) Mr. Brown told the children to remain calm and he would take them safely back to


Climax: Tension increases- high drama- pressure on all the characters- series of three or
four incidents.
o Fire blazing- Mr. Brown and the children all seem trapped as the fire races towards
their camp.
o All the escape routes seem blocked except one which will take them through
dangerous swamp land.
o There may be alligators in the swamp.
o The alligators were about to devour Leonardo…

Resolution-Problem resolved. The children are safely at home with their parents and the fire
was put out by the fire brigade.

The Last Resort
Author: Judy –Ann Chung

Faster! Faster! Faster! He urged himself to run. Sweat poured down his face and got into his
eyes making them sting. His lungs felt as though they were about to explode but he knew he
couldn’t stop running. Everyone’s life depended on his escape.
Bang! A shot rang out in the still night air. He could hear angry shouts behind him. They
were getting closer and he was growing weaker. His legs wouldn’t be able to carry him much
further. He had to think of something and quickly too. Desperately he turned down a narrow
street. The blood froze in his veins as he saw the big wall at the end of the street. It was a
dead end! His eyes darted around searching for somewhere but no hiding place was available.
He could hear the sounds of his pursuers as they neared the place where he stood a
desolate and broken man. So this was it. This was how it would end. None of his other ideas
had worked. He had tried this only out of desperation and he had failed. He had failed her
especially. As he waited to meet his own “dead end” his mind drifted back to how it all
“Daddy! Daddy!’’ Hailey shouted.
Hailey shook her father awake. Robert Williams forced his eyes open.
“Yes, sweetheart,” said Robert.
He looked at his daughter concern evident on his face. Hailey’s face looked pale and her eyes
were large, round and full of fear.
“It happened again,” Hailey said.
Her voice was barely above a whisper. She held out a tiny fist and in it was a blood soaked
cloth. A lump formed in Robert’s throat and tears threatened to spill down his cheeks. For the
past month Hailey had been coughing a lot and each time she coughed a little blood came up
with it but, never before had she produced this much. Without warning she began to cough
again. Blood dribbled down her chin. This sight tore at Robert’s very core. With tears flowing
like Niagra Falls he grabbed his daughter and his keys and then rushed to the car. On the way
to the hospital Hailey coughed a lot more, staining the back seat with blood.
“Daddy it hurts,” She whimpered.
“I know baby. Daddy’s carrying you to the hospital and they’re going to make you all
better,” said Robert.
He wasn’t half as confident as he sounded. He had seen these same symptoms in Hailey’s
mother and now she was dead.
The doctor on call at the Emergency Room confirmed his worse fears. Hailey had
inherited the sickness from her mother. Luckily, because she was so young and it was
detected early, surgery could fix the problem. Unfortunately the surgery cost three million
dollars and Robert was already in financial trouble.
He tried to obtain funding from the company where he worked, but they just didn’t
have that kind of cash to lend. He had tried to get a loan from the bank but he wasn’t able to
obtain the loan because he was already in so much debt. He even asked his family for money
but they only managed to raise half a million dollars.

One day he came across his high school friend, Risky,in a bar. Risky looked
prosperous, his clothes looked as if they cost a small fortune. He listened to Robert and he
seemed sympathetic to his plight. He told Robert that if he delivered five cases for him he
would give him the three million dollars. Just by looking at Risky, Robert could tell he was
involved in some shady business but Hailey was getting worse each day. He reluctantly
agreed. The first four cases were delivered with ease but on his trip to deliver the fifth one
some gangsters from a rival group intercepted him. They beat him and took the case. Risky
was furious. Apparently each case was worth five million dollars.
“Not only will I not give you the three million dollars but you now owe me two million,”
Risky snarled in his face, “Your precious Hailey is going to meet her mother real soon.”
Risky’s words sent Robert into a rage. He swung and was rewarded with the
satisfying sound of Risky’s nose being broken.
“I’ll teach you not to mess with me you punk!” Risky screamed as he held his bloody
He shouted,“ Boys take him away and teach him a lesson!”
Robert had been locked in a room without food and water and beaten severely. One of
the guards became careless and this had finally provided Robert with the opportunity to
“Ha, ha, ha!” Risky laughed.
The cold laugh dragged Roberts thoughts back to the present.
“Thought you could escape from me? I’m Risky the Greatest. No one escapes from Risky!”
He was now boxed in against the wall by Risky and his henchmen. With a sigh of relief he
closed his eyes and awaited the shot he was sure to come.
A cold hand gripped his wrist as he slumped to his knees. The last thing he saw before he
blacked out was the flash of police lights and Hailey’s peaceful face in a coffin.
“Mr. Williams?” Robert opened his eyes to find Doctor Wilson, smiling down at him.
“How did I get to the hospital? Where is Risky? How is Hailey?” Robert asked.
His mind was going a mile a minute.
“Whoa, slow down,” Doctor Wilson said with a good-natured laugh. “The police
brought you here. By ‘Risky’ I think you’re referring to the gangster who shot you in your
abdomen? Well he and his gang are safely behind bars. As for Hailey, she isn’t fine yet but
she will be.”
Seeing Robert’s confused expression he proceeded to tell him about the five million
dollars that was award being offered for Risky’s capture. He also told him that the police said
as long as he testified against Risky he wouldn’t be arrested.

Robert’s heart soared at the news. He cried tears of joy. Silently he vowed that from
now on they would never miss a single Sunday in church. His last resort had worked out after


This section will have ONE question on

Argumentative Writing.

Question – “Marijuana should not be legalized in Jamaica.”

Write your views in the form of an article/essay for a local magazine. (25mks)

1. Include your title
2. Introduction-
State your views showing whether you agree or disagree with the topic. You may insert a

statement containing emotive language (your feelings) about the issue. Then write your

three points. Please note that the sentence with the three points is called your thesis


For example:

The Marijuana industry is marketing products to children in order to get them addicted to this

drug. Marijuana impairs the ability to judge time, distance, speed and it slows reaction time,

because it reduces the ability to track moving objects, which can lead to fatal accidents.

Marijuana has over four (400) hundred chemicals which are harmful to the body.

However, for the final point you will also state one counter point for the legalization of
On the other hand, in Jamaica Marijuana is used for medicinal purposes...

Remember to use the following Major Techniques in your essay. You can use them at
any point in your essay where ever you see fit, depending on your style of writing:

 Authoritative Evidence- A study done by Northwestern University has

found that pot users have poor memory and abnormal brain structure.

 The Rhetorical Question- Is there scientific evidence proving that cannabis

is very addictive with a high potential of being abused?

 Emotive Language- The bad habit of smoking is destructive…

 Direct Personal Appeal- Young adults, all the evidence...

Teenagers, this narcotic is…

 Devices- eg. Simile, Pun, Irony etc.

Please remember to use at least one of the following CONNECTIVES to show the other
side of the last point:

 On the other hand

 On the contrary
 However


This will contain your reasons why Marijuana should not be legalized-
Point One-
The Marijuana industry is marketing products to children in order to get them addicted
to this drug.

Point Two-
Marijuana impairs the ability to judge time, distance, speed and it slows reaction time,
because it reduces the ability to track moving objects, which can lead to fatal accidents.

Point Three-
Marijuana has over four (400) hundred chemicals which are harmful to the body.

Point Three- Counter argument for the legalization of marijuana:

Connective- On the other hand

On the other hand, in Jamaica Marijuana is used for medicinal purposes...

4. Conclusion-
In conclusion, restate your position. If Marijuana should not be legalized is your position,

make this clear. Sum up the points against legalizing this drug. Also add the one counter

argument for legalization. You may also give a recommendation for a possible solution.



It is the common view that Marijuana should not be legalized in Jamaica. Over the

years, endless discussions have been held disputing whether or not Marijuana should be

legalized. Those who support its legalization fail to understand the negative consequences of

marijuana use on the human body.

The bad habit of smoking is destructive to the body and it impairs many of the

body’s functions. Marijuana comes in so many forms today, but this has not changed that fact

that it has effects on the body which are both physical and psychological.

These are the three major reasons why it should not be legalized. The Marijuana

industry is marketing products to children in order to get them addicted to cannabis.

Marijuana impairs the ability to judge time, distance, speed and it slows reaction time, as it

reduces the ability to track moving objects, which can lead to fatal accidents. Marijuana has

over four (400) hundred chemicals which are dangerous to the human body.

The Marijuana industry is marketing products to children in order to get them addicted

to cannabis. It has been argued that the tobacco industry first used the same tactics to appeal

to the children. There are many food products for children that are made from marijuana.

These are products such as gummy bears, lollipops, and candy bars which are colourful and

sweet and branded with cartoon characters.

Isn’t it true that these products will undoubtedly appeal to the children? Is there

scientific evidence proving that cannabis is very addictive with a high potential of being

abused? Will it be reasonable to assume that the marijuana industry is exploiting the

children in order to secure future profits?

Marijuana impairs the ability to judge time, distance, speed and it slows reaction time,

because it reduces the ability to track moving objects, which can lead to fatal accidents. There

is data which proves that driving under the influence of marijuana will increase road

accidents. High levels of marijuana in the body can lead to the cognitive impairment of


It slows the ability of drivers to track moving objects thus leading to fatal accidents.

Would you want the driver of the taxi cab that you are in to be high on marijuana? Do

you think you would feel safe being around someone who is high on marijuana while

using heavy machinery?

The Marijuana plant has over four hundred (400) chemicals which are dangerous to

the body. Marijuana is considered even worse than cigarettes. A study done by

Northwestern University has found that pot users have poor memory and abnormal brain

structure. The drug can also cause symptoms like schizophrenia and other severe mental


The effects becomes even worse, depending on how young users are when they

start abusing the drug. There is evidence that pregnant women smoking weed, will cause

birth defects and mental abnormalities to their unborn babies.

Substantial proof exists suggesting that marijuana is also harmful to the respiratory

system. It is associated with symptoms of obstructive and inflammatory lung disease, an

increased risk of lung cancer, and it is suspected to be associated with reduced pulmonary

function in heavy users. 

There is proof that marijuana can take up to twelve (12) days to be eliminated from

the body. Further, its use has been associated with harmful effects to other organs, including

the reproductive and gastrointestinal systems.

Young adults, all the evidence makes it clear that marijuana use is harmful to the brain

and the body. Teenagers, this narcotic is dangerous and must never be used as it can severely

affect your critical thinking capabilities and ruin your health.

On the other hand, in Jamaica Marijuana is used for medicinal purposes. At the

University of the West Indies, scientists have developed a treatment for Glaucoma named

Canasol. The specific drug was isolated for use for treatment of this eye disease. It has also

been established that cancer patients drink marijuana tea in order to minimize the effects of


In conclusion, Cannabis should not be legalized because the marijuana industry is using

this drug to make products which will cause children to become addicted. This drug should

be banned because drivers who have been under the influence have been involved in fatal

road accidents.

Marijuana has over four (400) hundred chemicals which are harmful to the brain

and body. It is therefore, in the best interest of the country, that Marijuana should not be

legalized. It is recommended, that Marijuana is only used for medicinal purposes and this

should be properly regulated by the government.


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