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Short-term mechanical performance and flexural

behavior of reinforced slag-fly ash-based geopolymer

concrete beams in comparison to OPC-based
concrete beams

P.N. Ojha, Brijesh Singh, Amit Trivedi, Pranay Singh, Abhishek

Singh, Chirag Pede

Online Publication Date: 20 Nov 2022

Journal Abbreviation: Res. Eng. Struct. Mater.

To cite this article

Ojha PN, Singh B, Trivedi A, Singh P, SinghA, Pede C. Short-term mechanical performance and
flexural behavior of reinforced slag-fly ash-based geopolymer concrete beams in comparison
to OPC-based concrete beams. Res. Eng. Struct. Mater., 2023; 9(1): 31-51.

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Research Article

Short-term mechanical performance and flexural behavior of

reinforced slag-fly ash-based geopolymer concrete beams in
comparison to OPC-based concrete beams

P.N. Ojha1,a, Brijesh Singh1,b*, Amit Trivedi1,c, Pranay Singh1,d, Abhishek Singh1,e, Chirag
1Centre for Construction Development and Research, National Council for Cement and Building Materials,

Article Info Abstract

Article history: The study presents experimental investigation on short term mechanical
properties and flexural behaviour of conventional Ordinary Portland Cement
Received 02.09.2022 (OPC) based concrete and slag-fly ash based geopolymer concrete. Conventional
Revised 15.11.2022 and geopolymer concrete mixes were designed to achieve compressive strength
Accepted 16.11.2022 equivalent to M40 and M70 grade as per Indian standard code. Mechanical
properties of concrete mixes such as compressive strength, split tensile strength,
Keywords: flexural strength, modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio were evaluated and
compared. The flexural behaviour of reinforced concrete beams for both
conventional and geopolymer concrete has been studied using 4-point bend test.
Geopolymer concrete;
The findings suggest that geopolymer concrete shows comparable mechanical
Reinforced concrete;
properties in terms of split tensile strength, flexural strength and Poisson’s ratio.
Mechanical properties;
However, modulus of elasticity of geopolymer concrete is lower than the
Flexural behavior; High
conventional concrete of equivalent strength. Studies on flexure behaviour of
strength concrete; reinforced concrete beams shows that both geopolymer and conventional
Four-point bending test concrete exhibit comparable flexural behavior in terms of load-deflection curves,
yield load and yield moment. The amount of energy dissipated in flexure is
marginally higher for high strength conventional concrete. Based on the visible
cracks developed in flexure, it was concluded that the reinforced conventional
concrete and reinforced geopolymer concrete show similar number and type of
cracks in flexure.

© 2023 MIM Research Group. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
Usage of conventional Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) based concrete has many adverse
environmental impacts. OPC production is an energy-intensive process and is a significant
source of CO2 emissions in the environment. With the growth of construction sector, the
production of OPC is expected to rise exponentially, especially in developing countries.
Many researchers have tried to find alternate ways to find environment friendly
alternative cementitious systems, including attempts to create eco-friendly cement-free
concrete to solve the issue [1, 2, 3]. As a result, geopolymer concrete has emerged as one
of the widely accepted replacement for OPC based concrete. The geopolymer concrete has
shown excellent structural performance [4], durability [5], better resistance to acid attack
[6], good mechanical properties under chemical attack [7] and better chemical stability
than conventional concrete [8]. The mechanical performance of geopolymer concrete in
terms of split tensile strength and compressive strength, is also comparable to that of OPC
concrete [9]. Some further advantages of geopolymer concrete include high early strength
*Corresponding author:

Res. Eng. Struct. Mat. Vol. 9 Iss. 1 (2023) 31-51 31
Ojha et al. / Research on Engineering Structures & Materials 9(1) (2023) 31-51

[10] and good temperature resistance [11]. Geopolymer is amorphous rather than
crystalline, as compared to other natural zeolitic materials [12]. Geopolymer concrete
differs from conventional concrete as it does not use conventional Portland cement as a
cementitious material. It uses industrial waste like fly-ash and Ground Granulated Blast
Furnace Slag (GGBS). These materials act as precursors and are activated using alkaline
solutions like Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and Sodium Silicate (Na 2SiO3). The hydration
product of geopolymer concrete does not involve water; instead, as geopolymerisation
reaction occur, water added to the mix gets expelled out during the subsequent drying and
curing process. Activation of precursors in geopolymers is different from the hydration
reactions when Portland cement is mixed with water, which produces the primary
hydration products. i.e., calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) gel and calcium hydroxide in
conventional concrete. The difference causes variations in these two concrete systems'
mechanical, durability, and chemical properties [13].
Studies on conventional concrete are extensively available in literature [14]–[17] for both
normal and high strength concrete. Some past studies have highlighted the mechanical
properties of geopolymer concrete to establish it as a suitable replacement for
conventional concrete as construction material. Numerous experiments on the fresh and
hardened properties of geopolymer concrete utilizing various precursors and activators
have been done by researchers across the world. It is known that the major ingredients in
the geopolymerization reaction—alumina (Al2O3) and silica (SiO2)—present in the
precursors dissolve in water and react with alkali from the activators to form an
aluminosilicate gel, which gives the geopolymer concrete mix its mechanical strength [18].
According to Ojha et al [1]. , the workability of geopolymer concrete depends on the
proportion of precursors to alkaline solution as well as the ratio of Na 2SiO3/NaOH. Due to
the viscous nature of sodium silicate, an increase in the aforementioned ratios results in a
larger water requirement for the creation of a workable geopolymer concrete mix.
Hutagi and Khadiranaikar [19]studied the flexural behavior of reinforced geopolymer
concrete beams cured under ambient temperature. The study involved twelve reinforced
concrete beams tested using four-point bend test. The authors reported geopolymer
beams' behavior to be similar to the conventional concrete beams in flexure. In a similar
study, El-Sayed and Algash [20] evaluated the flexural behavior of ultra-high performance
geopolymer concrete reinforced with Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) bars. The
study reported a higher crack width in Geopolymer concrete beams reinforced with GFRP
bars than the steel reinforcement control beam. GFRP bars as reinforcement improve
mechanical behavior like deflection, crack pattern, number of cracks, and mode of failure.
Mo et al., [21] have reviewed past investigations on the structural performance of
geopolymer concrete. The structural elements considered in the study included the
reinforced concrete beams, columns, slabs, and panels. Based on the review, the authors
found no negative effect of geopolymer beams on the structural performance of the
elements considered. Study conducted earlier [14] using four-point bend test on
reinforced geopolymer concrete beams the behavior of the beam was studied based on the
ultimate load values. The results have shown similar performance for both geopolymers
as well as conventional concrete beams. Saranya et al. [13] studied application of binary
geopolymer beam with GGBS and dolomite as source material. Ten beams were cast and
tested. Experimental and numerical simulations of beams were conducted under
monotonic loading and has been found to have superior properties. Mohammed et al., [22]
performed a similar review and data analysis on the mechanical properties of the
Geopolymer concrete. The study attempted to establish a correlation between various
mechanical properties and the compressive strength of the Geopolymer concrete.
Under reinforced fly ash based (low calcium) geopolymer concrete beams as seen in past
[13, 19, 20, 21] have indicated similar first cracking load, crack width, load–deflection

Ojha et al. / Research on Engineering Structures & Materials 9(1) (2023) 31-51

relationship, flexural stiffness, ultimate load and failure mode compared to conventional
reinforced concrete beams subjected to flexural loading. In few cases, it was seen that the
reinforced geopolymer concrete beams gave higher first crack load, ultimate load, mid
deflection and smaller crack width when compared to conventional concrete beams.
Studies done on flexural behavior of reinforced geopolymer concrete with combination of
different constituents of geopolymers with fly ash to compare with conventional concrete
that has indicated capability to take more flexural load, decrease of deflection and increase
of first cracking load, ultimate load carrying capacity and higher ductility but a greater
number of narrow cracks.
Study conducted by past researchers on flexural behaviour of reinforced geopolymer
concrete beams are with fly ash-based system mostly. Studies conducted by Saranya et al.
[13] was on application of binary geopolymer beam with GGBS and dolomite as source
material. Past studies done by researchers such as Mo et al. [21] evaluated structural
performance of geopolymer concrete after being subjected to elevated temperature and
indicated that flexural behaviour was influenced by multiple factors, and the material
demonstrated some defects; which was inconsistent to the behaviour of the ambient
beams. Hutagi and Khadiranaikar [19] conducted the study with low calcium geopolymer
concrete with fly ash instead of GGBS.
Research Significance: The literature on combined slag and fly ash based geopolymer
concrete which is high calcium system is limited when it comes to study on flexural
behaviour of reinforced slag and flyash based geopolymer concrete. Before putting any
new building materials into practice, its structural performance in terms of flexure, shear
and compression in very essential and present study covers mechanical and flexural
behaviour of reinforced geopolymer concrete having combined slag: fly ash based high
calcium system wherein ratio of GGBS and fly ash is kept at 70:30 respectively by weight,
the activator modulus is maintained as 1 and curing regime is kept as ambient. Majority of
the previous studies conducted in the area of alkali activated (geopolymer) concrete were
primarily focused on normal strength concrete mix and present study deals with the
comparison of mechanical and flexural behaviour of both normal and high strength
reinforced high calcium geopolymer concrete with conventional concrete.
The present study gives an experimental analysis of the flexural behavior and short-term
mechanical characteristics of OPC concrete and slag and fly ash based geopolymer
concrete. Two separate mixtures—one for M40 grade and the other for M70 grade, are
used to make geopolymer and conventional concrete. Cube compressive strength, split
tensile strength, flexural strength, elastic modulus, and Poisson's ratio are among the
mechanical parameters that were examined. Further, using a 4-point bend test on beams
with dimensions of 200 mm x 200 mm x 2400 mm, the flexural behavior of concrete has
been investigated. Energy dissipation performance of conventional beams and geopolymer
beams has been also evaluated.

2. Materials and methods

2.1 Materials
In conventional concrete mix OPC-53, fly ash and silica fume were used as cementitious
materials. In the geopolymer mix fly ash, and GGBS are used. The properties of OPC
complies with IS 269: 2015[23]. Fly ash and silica fume are used as per IS 3812: 2013[24]
and 15388: 2003[25] respectively. GGBS confirms the requirement of IS 16714: 2018[26].
The physical characteristics of OPC, silica fume, fly ash and GGBS have been evaluated as
per test procedure laid down in relevant parts of IS 4031. The chemical characteristics of
OPC, silica fume, fly ash and GGBS have been evaluated as per IS 4032: 1985 [27]. Coarse
aggregate had the maximum nominal size of 20mm and the fine aggregate confirms to the

Ojha et al. / Research on Engineering Structures & Materials 9(1) (2023) 31-51

Table 1. Physical characteristics of GGBS, fly ash, OPC and silica fume
Indian Standard for OPC -53 Silica Fly
Properties GGBS
Testing Grade Fume Ash
Fineness Blaine’s (m2/kg) IS 4031 (Pt-2): 1999 320 22000 403 335
Soundness Autoclave (%) IS 4031 (Pt-3): 1988 0.05 - - -
Soundness Le Chatelier
IS 4031 (Pt-3): 1988 1 - - -
Setting Time Initial (min.) 170.00 &
IS 4031 (Pt-5): 1988 - - -
& (max.) 220.00
Specific gravity IS 4031 (Pt-11): 1988 3.16 2.24 2.2 2.9
Table 2. Chemical characteristics of GGBS, fly ash, OPC and silica fume
Chemical Name GGBS Fly ash OPC
Calcium Oxide (CaO), % 37.66 5.80 60.73 -
Silica (SiO2), % 34.60 48.66 20.38 95.02
Reactive Silica, % 33.96 23.52 - -
Alumina (Al2O3), % 18.38 26.72 4.95 -
Iron Oxide (Fe2O3), % 0.98 8.87 3.96 0.80
Magnesium Oxide (MgO), % 5.15 1.43 4.78 -
Na2Oeq (%) 0.60 0.74 0.52 -
Loss on Ingnition, % 0.40 4.76 1.50 1.16
Total Sulphur as SO3 ,% 0.05 0.75 2.07 -
Sulphide sulphur (%) 0.39 0.56 - -
Chloride (Cl), % 0.024 0.026 0.04 -
Manganese Oxide (MnO), % 1.32 0.13 - -
Table 3. Properties of coarse and fine aggregates
Coarse Aggregate
Indian Standard for Fine
Parameter 10
Testing 20 mm Aggregate
Specific gravity IS 2386 (Pt-3): 1963 2.83 2.83 2.65
Water absorption (%) IS 2386 (Pt-3): 1963 0.3 0.3 0.59
20mm IS 2386 (Pt-1): 1963 98 100 100
10 mm IS 2386 (Pt-1): 1963 1 68 100
4.75 mm IS 2386 (Pt-1): 1963 0 2 99
2.36 mm IS 2386 (Pt-1): 1963 0 0 89
1.18 mm IS 2386 (Pt-1): 1963 0 0 64
600 µ IS 2386 (Pt-1): 1963 0 0 43
Passing (%)
300 µ IS 2386 (Pt-1): 1963 0 0 26
150 µ IS 2386 (Pt-1): 1963 0 0 14
Pan IS 2386 (Pt-1): 1963 0 0 0
Abrasion, Crushing &
19,19,13 - -
Impact Value (%)
Flakiness % & Elongation
29, 25 - -
Zone II as per IS 383:2016[28]. The physical characteristics of coarse and fine aggregates
have been evaluated as per test procedure laid down in relevant parts of IS 2386. Table 1

Ojha et al. / Research on Engineering Structures & Materials 9(1) (2023) 31-51

to Table 3 gives the physical and chemical properties of the materials used in the
preparation of the mixes.
2.2 Concrete mix design
The mix design details for Reinforced Conventional Concrete (RCC) and Reinforced
Geopolymer Concrete (RGC) for normal and high strength concrete are as shown in table
4A. The cost comparison of both normal & high strength geopolymer concrete and
conventional concrete has been given in Table 4b and 4c. The conventional concrete has
designed as per IS 10262: 2009 [29] . The ratio of coarse to fine aggregates has been kept
as 60:40 for normal strength conventional concrete mix and 35:65 for high strength RCC
mix. Slump for all the concrete mixes was kept in the range of 75-100 mm. Superplasticizer
have been used in conventional concrete mixes to achieve the required slump between 75-
100 mm.
Table 4A. Mix design Details


M40 M70 M40 M70
Total cementitious/ precursor content
350 380 362 525
OPC - - 290 400
Individual Silica Fume - - - 50
cementitious GGBS 245 266 - -
materials /
precursors Fly ash 105 114 72 75
Ratio of water to total cementitious
0.50 0.40 0.47 0.27
material / precursor
Na2O (% by weight of total precursor) 7 8 - -
Activator Modulus (SiO2/Na2O) 1 1 - -
NaOH (kg/m3) 17.24 21.39 - -
Na2SiO3 gel (kg/m3) 74.20 92.12 - -
Fine Aggregate (kg/m3) 690 660.80 650 692
Coarse Aggregate – 10 mm (kg/m3) 514.50 540 777 754
Coarse Aggregate – 20 mm (kg/m3) 631 662 518 406
Water (kg/m3) 132.48 107.58 170 140
Superplasticizer (%) Nil Nil 0.70 1.00

The effects of varying constituents of concrete in conventional concrete mix on mechanical

and durability properties is a well-established fact, but this is not the case with geopolymer
concrete, the hydration, chemical reaction and microstructural properties are more
complex for geopolymer concrete. Various factors that can affect its strength can be said to
be temperature, activator modulus, type, quality and proportions of slag and fly ash, water
content etc. Hence, to obtain optimized mix trial and error method is being used and based
on strength results of various mixes the mix is finalized as shown in table 4. The ratio of
GGBS and fly ash is kept at 70:30 respectively by weight, the activator modulus is
maintained as 1. The ratio of coarser to fine aggregates is kept at 55:45 percent for all
geopolymer mixes and percentage by weight of total precursor content for Na 2O is fixed at
7 and 8 percent for M40 and M70 mix respectively. The alkaline activator solution used in

Ojha et al. / Research on Engineering Structures & Materials 9(1) (2023) 31-51

geopolymer concrete is the combination of Sodium Silicate solution (SiO 2/Na2O), potable
water and Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH), for this study the value Activator Modulus
(SiO2/Na2O) is kept constant as 1. The activator needs to dissolve the reactive part Si and
Al present in the GGBS and Fly-Ash and provide a highly alkaline medium for condensation-
polymerization reaction. The sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide solutions were
prepared separately and mixed at the time of casting. NaOH solution is prepared one day
before casting as it generates a lot of heat, and then it is used to obtain a required amount
of workability here water doesn't participate in hydration reaction but is required for
maintaining the workability of geopolymer mix. Mixes were prepared in a big pan type
mixer (capable of preparing 120 litres of concrete mix in a single batch. For a particular
concrete mix, concrete was prepared in three batches. From each of the first and second
batch, one reinforced concrete beam and one set (i.e. total 6 cubes) of concrete cubes were
cast. From third batch, specimen for evaluation of split tensile strength, flexural strength,
MOE, Poisson’s ratio were cast along one set (i.e. total 6 cubes) of concrete cubes were cast
to ascertain the compressive strength of concrete from each batch. Total 6 specimens were
cast for evaluation of each parameter i.e. compressive strength, split tensile strength,
flexural strength, MOE and Poisson’s ratio. Average result of 6 specimen has been reported
in the manuscript. As mentioned above one set (i.e. total 6 cubes) of concrete cubes were
cast from each batch to ascertain the compressive strength of concrete from each batch.
Table 4B. Cost comparison for M40 grade of geopolymer & conventional concrete (per
Geopolymer concrete Conventional Concrete
Quantit Cost Quanti Cost
Rate y (per (Rs.), Mate Rate ty per (Rs.)
m3) Approx. rial m3 Approx.
2.00 Rs
6.5 Rs per
per kg Ceme
GGBFS 245 kg 490 Kg (Indian 290 kg 1885
(Indian nt
1.00 Rs 1.00 Rs
per kg Fly per kg
Fly Ash 105 Kg 105 72 72
(Indian Ash (Indian
Rate) Rate)
30 Rs
Caustic per kg
17 kg 510 Not applicable
soda (Indian
Activator Sodiu
12 Rs
per kg
Silicate 74 kg 890 Not applicable
Total cost of precursor and Total cost of cementitious
Rs 1995 Rs 1957
activator in Geopolymer material in conventional
per m3 per m3
concrete concrete
Aggregates almost same in similar in both cases

Ojha et al. / Research on Engineering Structures & Materials 9(1) (2023) 31-51

Table 4C. Cost comparison for M70 grade of geopolymer & conventional concrete (per
Geopolymer concrete Conventional Concrete
Quantit Cost Quanti Cost
Rate y (per (Rs.), Mate Rate ty per (Rs.)
m3) Approx. rial m3 Approx.
2.00 Rs
6.5 Rs per
per kg Cem
GGBFS 266 kg 532 Kg (Indian 400 kg 2600
(Indian ent
1.00 Rs 1.00 Rs
Fly per kg Fly per kg
Dry 114 Kg 114 75 kg 75
Ash (Indian Ash (Indian
Rate) Rate)
20.00 Rs
per kg
- - - - Fum 50 kg 1000
30 Rs per
kg (Indian 21 kg 630 Not applicable
Activato Sodiu
r m 12 Rs per
Silicate kg (Indian 92 kg 1104 Not applicable
solutio Rate)
Total cost of precursor and Total cost of cementitious
Rs 2380 Rs 3675
activator in Geopolymer material in conventional
per m 3 per m3
concrete concrete
Aggregates almost same in similar in both cases

2.3 Methods for evaluation of mechanical properties of conventional and

geopolymer mixes
Compressive strength test of concrete mixes was evaluated on concrete cubes of size 150
mm as per IS: 516 (Part 1/Sec 1): 2021 [36]. Flexural strength test of concrete mixes was
determined as per IS 516 on concrete beam (size 100 × 100 × 500 mm) at the age of 28
days as per IS: 516 (Part 1/Sec 1): 2021. Split tensile strength and modulus of elasticity of
concrete mixes were determined as per as per IS: 516 (Part 1/Sec 1): 2021 and IS: 516
(Part 8/Sec1): 2020 [37] respectively on concrete cylinder (150 mm diameter and 300 mm
2.4 Reinforced concrete beam detailing
The beam specimens were designed with an aim to obtain pure flexure failure. The cross-
sectional dimensions of beams were fixed as 200 mm wide and 200 mm depth, and the
beam length is kept as 2400 mm. The clear cover provided is 25 mm. The cross-sectional
area and side view are as shown in figure 1(a), 1(b) and 1(c). The steel bars used in beams
are 16mm, 20mm and 8mm. The reinforcement design of beam in flexure and shear is
being done as per IS-456, for M40 grade beams 2 bars of 16 mm diameter and one bar of
20 mm diameter is used. Whereas, for M70 grade beams, 20 mm diameter high yield steel
bars are used.

Ojha et al. / Research on Engineering Structures & Materials 9(1) (2023) 31-51

Fig. 1(a) Design details for M40 and M70 reinforced beam (Sectional View) and (b)
Details of shear reinforcement


Ojha et al. / Research on Engineering Structures & Materials 9(1) (2023) 31-51


Fig. 1(c) Design details for M40 and M70 reinforced beam (Lateral View)

To make the beam extra safe in shear the shear reinforcement are provided on slightly
higher side the stirrups are provided at a spacing of 60 mm c\c and 50 mm c\c for M40 and
M70 grade for both RCC and RGC beams. The spacing of stirrups is reduced further to 40
mm c\c at ends where the possibility of occurrence of shear failure is slightly higher.
Nominal amount of compressive reinforcement is provided in both the M40 and M70 grade
beams. The reinforcement details of all beams are provided in Table 5.
Table 5. Reinforcement details of beam specimen
Area of steel (mm2)
Specimen Id
M40 RCC 100.54 711.41
M40 RGC 100.54 711.41
M70 RCC 100.54 937.26
M70 RGC 100.54 937.26
2.5 Preparation of specimen
The steel molds of size 200*200 mm are used for both RGC and RCC beam, before filling of
the molds the molds are coated with lubricating oils in order to prevent the adhesion of
hardening concrete. The reinforcement cage is fixed in the mold after putting the cover
blocks of 25 mm to obtain required arrangement. The concrete is being filled in the moulds
in three layers of equal depths. After each layer the needle vibrator and tamping rods are
used to ensure proper compaction. Figure 2 shows the moulds, reinforcement and freshly
cast beams for testing.
Although, the polymerization reaction is generally accelerated in higher temperatures than
in ambient behavior and gives higher early strength, yet the beams cured at ambient
temperature gives better compressive strength in 28 days as compared to 7 days, thus the
curing of beams is conducted at ambient room temperature. Three cubes of 150 mm are
casted along with the beams to determine the compressive strength of concrete at the day
of testing i.e., 28 days strength.

Ojha et al. / Research on Engineering Structures & Materials 9(1) (2023) 31-51

(a) (b)

Fig. 2 (a) Reinforcement and mould for preparing the specimen and (b) Casting of

2.6 Loading and test setup

The four-point bend test is conducted on beams using Flexural Testing Machine of capacity
500 kN. The loading applied is the displacement controlled loading. The beam is being
placed on the steel girder and out of the 2400 mm length of beam clear span of beam is
maintained as 2000 mm. The distance between the point loads is kept as 666 mm, thus
dividing the clear span of 2000 mm in three equal parts. The concrete cubes specimens
were tested in a displacement-controlled compression testing machine of 3000 kN
capacity at room temperature of 27 ± 2oC and relative humidity 65% or more. LVDT was
used to get the deflection at the centre of beam. The first crack load was obtained by visual
examination. The test setup for four-point bend test is been shown in figure 3(a) and 3(b).

Fig. 3 (a) Beam in 4 point bend test and (b) Test Setup

3. Results and discussions

3.1 Fresh concrete properties
Fresh concrete properties such as initial workability (in terms of initial slump) and air
content after preparation of mix were evaluated for all the 4 concrete mixes and test results
are given below in table 6.

Ojha et al. / Research on Engineering Structures & Materials 9(1) (2023) 31-51

Table 6. Fresh properties of geopolymeric and conventional concrete mixes

Initial Air Superplasticizer

S. No. Specimen Id workability in Content (% by weight of
terms of slump (%) cementitious content)
1. M40 RCC 100 mm 1.30 0.80
2. M40 RGC Collapse 1.20 Nil (i.e. 0 %)
3. M70 RCC 85 mm 1.60 1.20
4. M70 RGC 80 mm 1.40 Nil (i.e. 0 %)
Superplasticizer was used in case of conventional concrete mixes to achieve sufficient
initial workability (i.e. slump of at least 75 to 100 mm) as mentioned in Table 6. In case of
geopolymer concrete mixes, superplasticizer was not required at all, as M40 RGC mix
showed collapse behaviour immediately after preparation of mix. Whereas, M70 RGC mix
showed initial slump of 80 mm without any superplasticizer. In case of, conventional
concrete mixes, M40 RCC and M70 RCC required 0.80% and 1.2% superplasticizer to
achieve an initial slump of 100 mm and 85 mm respectively. All the four concrete mixes
were homogenous and did not show any signs of bleeding and segregation. Air content for
conventional and geopolymer concrete mixes are observed to be in range of 1.2 to 1.6%.
3.2 Mechanical properties of mixes
Test results of different mechanical properties i.e. compressive strength, split tensile
strength, flexural strength, modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio for all the concrete
mixes have been tabulated below in table 7. The mechanical properties of conventional mix
are compared with geopolymer concrete mix of equivalent strength. The conventional and
geopolymer concrete mixes were designed and optimized to have almost similar and
comparable compressive strength, so that other mechanical characteristics of
conventional and geopolymer concrete can be compared. One of the significant difference
in both the concrete system is the difference in their modulus of elasticity. Six specimens
for each mix were tested for evaluation of every parameter and average value of test results
have been tabulated in table 7.
Table 7. Mechanical properties of different mixes
Cube Flexural
Tensile Modulus of
Compressive Strengt Poisson's
Specimen Id Strengt elasticity
strength h Ratio
h (GPa)
(MPa) (MPa)
M40 RCC BEAM 1 46.11
4.04 4.42 32.64 0.16
M40 RCC BEAM 2 44.61
M40 RGC BEAM 1 50.71
4.10 5.07 22.92 0.17
M40 RGC BEAM 2 51.46
M70 RCC BEAM 1 82.15
5.05 8.52 43.13 0.14
M70 RCC BEAM 2 83.90
M70 RGC BEAM 1 77.80
4.50 5.85 33.37 0.14
M70 RGC BEAM 2 79.80

As per experimental plan, in order to compare the behaviour of hardened concrete

properties of geopolymer and conventional concrete mixes, mixes were cast to obtain
almost comparable compressive strength for geopolymer and conventional concrete mixes
of equivalent grade. Flexural and split tensile strength of concrete mix has a direct

Ojha et al. / Research on Engineering Structures & Materials 9(1) (2023) 31-51

relationship with its compressive strength. Split tensile strength of M40RGC is about 101.5
% of split tensile strength of M40RCC and split tensile strength of M70RGC is about 89.00
% of split tensile strength of M70RCC. Flexural strength of M40RGC is about 115 % of
flexural strength of M40RCC and Flexural strength of M70RGC is about 69 % of flexural
strength of M70RCC. For concrete mixes equivalent to M40 grade, the flexural and split
tensile strength values of M40 RGC are slightly higher in comparison to M40 RCC. This
observation is supported by the previous findings [30] also reported that flexural strength
of alkali activated concrete is higher in comparison to flexural strengths of conventional
Portland cement concrete of similar grade. However, in case of high strength concrete
mixes equivalent to M70 grade, trends are opposite to the observations made for flexural
and split tensile strength of mixes equivalent to M40 grade. Flexural and split tensile
strength of M70 RGC mix are lower in comparison to M70 RCC of equivalent grade at 28
days. This increase in flexural and split tensile strength of high strength conventional
Portland cement concrete is similar to findings of Arora [16, 40, 41] wherein it was
reported that flexural strength of silica fume concrete was higher by 10- 15% as compared
that of Portland cement concrete for about 12-15 % silica fume addition. The addition of
silica fume in concrete mix leads to reduction in the development of cracks at micro level
near the interface of cement paste and unreacted cement or pozzolans [30, 42, 43, 44, 45].
Modulus of elasticity of M40RGC is about 70.00 % of modulus of elasticity of M40RCC and
Modulus of elasticity of M70RGC is about 77 % of Modulus of elasticity of M70RCC.
Modulus of elasticity of both M40 RGC and M70 RGC are observed to be lower than their
corresponding conventional concrete mixes of similar grade. This observation is
supported by observations of research studies carried out by past researchers [30, 31, 32].
The intrinsic modulus of C-A-S-H gel formed in slag-based geopolymer concrete is
comparable with the C-S-H gel formed in cement. But the intrinsic modulus of N-A-S-H gel
formed in low-calcium fly ash gel based geopolymer concrete is much smaller than that of
the C-S-H gel formed in cement. The lower value of modulus of elasticity for geopolymer
concrete than conventional concrete can be attributed to the low intrinsic modulus of N-
A-S-H gel and higher initial micro-cracks formulation in geopolymer concrete [30, 31, 32].
3.3 Load- deflection behaviour
Figure 4 and 5 show the load-deflection curves for the RCC beams and reinforced
geopolymer beams for the M40 and M70 grade concretes respectively. The load vs
displacement curves at the mid span of the beam are as mentioned in figure 5 for M40
mixes of conventional and geopolymer concrete and in figure 6 for M70 mixes.

Fig 4 Load deflection curves for M40 RCC and RGC beams

Ojha et al. / Research on Engineering Structures & Materials 9(1) (2023) 31-51

Fig 5 Load deflection curves for M70 grade RCC and RGC beams

Yield point was determined visually from load deflection curve and the yield point is stage
where no significant increase in load was observed and deflection was increasing
continuously. The yield points for all M40 mixes are in the displacement range of 18 to 22
mm. The drop in the curves for all mixes represents the occurrence of failure. The
displacement range for ultimate or failure points of various curves of grade M40 is much
higher as compared to range of yield points, it is between 26 to 33 mm. After the yield point
the curves are depicting an elastic plastic behavior for all curves except for RGC M40 beam
2 where the curve slightly shows strain hardening behavior. From load displacement
results it is evident that the yield points are reached at the same time for both conventional
concrete and geopolymer concrete of same grade at almost similar deflection. The curves
suggests that the flexural behaviour of both the conventional and geopolymer concrete are
comparable. The values of experimental moment calculated from the load-deflection curve
and predicted moment as per IS456 is given in Table 8.
The predicted maximum strength of beams is calculated as per the dimensions of beam
and the reinforcements provided and these are calculated as per IS 456: 2000 [33]. The
moment of resistance (Mp) is calculated as per IS-456. Experimental maximum value
which is obtain from beam testing is obtained then from mid span moment formula for
four point test the predicted maximum moment (Me) that the beam can resist is calculated.
The normalized strength is calculated as given in Equation 1, whereas, the expression for
normalized moments is as given in Equation 2;
𝑃 (1)
𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝐿𝑜𝑎𝑑 =
𝑀 (2)
𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 =
𝜎𝑏𝑑 2
Where, σ is the Compressive strength of the mix at 28 days, P is Load obtained from the
load deflection curve, M is Moment obtained from the load deflection curve, b is Width of
the beam and d is the Depth of the beam. The normalized yield strength as a percent of
ultimate strength varies from 95 to 100 percent, this shows that beams are not undergoing
strain hardening. Whereas, the ratio of normalized yield moment to ultimate moment
varies in between. Figure 6 gives us the relationship between the normalized yield strength
and normalized ultimate strength.

Ojha et al. / Research on Engineering Structures & Materials 9(1) (2023) 31-51

Table 8. Characteristics of load deflection curves of the beams

Moment Compres Normalised Predicted
Ultimate Moment
Id Yield sive Moment Mp Me/M
(Experim Strength (KN-m) (as p
kN-M Yield Ultimate
ental) MPa per IS 456)
kN-M kN-M kN-M
53.30 54.17 46.11 0.15 0.15 44.01 1.23
53.97 55.20 44.61 0.15 0.15 44.01 1.25
57.03 59.57 50.72 0.15 0.15 44.01 1.35
53.30 55.27 51.47 0.14 0.14 44.01 1.26
74.23 75.70 82.15 0.10 0.10 67.37 1.12
74.87 77.53 83.90 0.10 0.11 67.37 1.15
75.70 76.47 77.80 0.11 0.11 67.37 1.14
74.67 77.50 79.80 0.11 0.11 67.37 1.15

The findings in the study is comparable to past literatures. Hutagi and Khadiranaikar [19]
studied the behavior with reference to various first crack load, service load and ultimate
load. The results were found to be similar to that of conventional cement concrete
reinforced beams. Kumaravel and Thirugnanasambandam [34] in their paper studied the
flexural behaviour of geopolymer concrete beams and compared with control cement
concrete beams. The results show that the geopolymer concrete beams exhibit increased
flexural strength. The deflections at different stages including service load and peak load
stage are higher for geopolymer concrete beams. Moreover the review paper by Under
reinforced fly ash based (low calcium) geopolymer concrete beams as seen in past [13, 19,
20, 21] have indicated similar first cracking load, crack width, load–deflection relationship,
flexural stiffness, ultimate load and failure mode compared to conventional reinforced
concrete beams subjected to flexural loading. Mo et al. [21] shows that there is no
detrimental effect on structural performance when geopolymer concrete is compared with
the conventional concrete. For four-point bend test the theoretical maximum deflection
occurs at the mid-point and is given by Equation (3);

23𝑝𝑙 3 (3)
∆max =
648 𝐸𝐼

Where, ∆max is the Maximum deflection at mid span, p is the Load applied on the beam, l
is total length, E represents modulus of elasticity and I is the Moment of inertia of the beam
cross section.
The values of normalized yield deflection to ultimate displacement is in the range between
55 to 75 percent, from this it can be said that beams follow inelastic behavior for very long
time after the yield points.

Ojha et al. / Research on Engineering Structures & Materials 9(1) (2023) 31-51

Fig. 6 Theoretical mid span displacement, normalized yield displacement and ultimate
displacement for all mixes

3.4 Strength Characteristics

Table 9 and Table 10 shows the normalized yield strength and normalized ultimate
moment respectively. As shown in table, the yield strength and yield moment for the
comparable strength conventional and geopolymer concrete are comparable. One of the
reasoning for the similarity can be attributed to the cross-linked structure in geopolymer
mix which makes it capable to take similar load as conventional concrete with lower
binding content. Table 9 and table 10 also confirms the action of reinforcement in OPC and
the geopolymer concrete is also comparable. Figure 7 represents normalized yield strength
as percentage of normalised ultimate strength. Sumajouw et al. [38] evaluated the flexural
load capacity of the sixteen reinforced geopolymer concrete beams and the average
experimental to prediction ratio was found to be 1.11. Considering that the beams were
under-reinforced, the effect of the geopolymer concrete compressive strength was
marginal. Similar trend has been observed in the study discussed in this manuscript.
Table 9. Normalized yield strength and normalized ultimate strength of the beams
First Yield Ultimate Yield Ultimate
Id Strength Py/Pu
Crack Load Load Strength Strength
kN kN kN kN kN
M40 RCC BEAM 1 60.25 159.90 162.50 46.11 0.087 0.088 98.40
M40 RCC BEAM 2 64.75 161.90 165.60 44.61 0.091 0.093 97.77
M40 RGC BEAM 1 66.85 171.10 178.70 50.72 0.084 0.088 95.75
M40 RGC BEAM 2 57.90 159.90 165.80 51.47 0.078 0.081 96.44
M70 RCC BEAM 1 79.92 222.70 227.10 82.15 0.068 0.069 98.06
M70 RCC BEAM 2 82.25 224.60 232.60 83.90 0.067 0.069 96.56
M70 RGC BEAM 1 87.65 227.10 229.40 77.80 0.073 0.074 99.00
M70 RGC BEAM 2 80.75 224.00 232.50 79.80 0.070 0.073 96.34

Ojha et al. / Research on Engineering Structures & Materials 9(1) (2023) 31-51

Table 10. Normalized yield moment and normalized ultimate moment of the beams
Compressive Normalized Normalized Ultimate
Id Strength Yield Moment Moment My/Mu
kN-M kN-M
MPa kN-M kN-M
M40 RCC B-1 53.30 54.17 46.11 0.029 0.029 98.40
M40 RCCB-2 53.97 55.20 44.61 0.030 0.031 97.77
M40 RGC B-1 57.03 59.57 50.71 0.028 0.029 95.75
M40 RGC B-2 53.30 55.27 51.46 0.026 0.027 96.44
M70 RCC B-1 74.23 75.70 82.15 0.023 0.023 98.06
M70 RCC B-2 74.87 77.53 83.90 0.022 0.023 96.56
M70 RGC B-1 75.70 76.47 77.80 0.024 0.025 99.00
M70 RGC B-2 74.67 77.50 79.80 0.023 0.024 96.34

Fig. 7 Normalized yield strength as percentage of normalised ultimate strength

3.5 Energy dissipation

Figure 8 shows the values of energy dissipated by the beam during the four point bend test.
It can be seen that the beams of higher grade dissipates more energy. In terms of energy
dissipation, the performance of geopolymer concrete beams as compared to conventional
concrete beams is almost identical. However, in high strength concrete, the energy
dissipation values are found to be slightly lower in geopolymer concrete compared to
conventional concrete. The observed variation in energy dissipation in higher grade
concrete can be attributed to the presence of silica fume in the high strength conventional
OPC concrete. The difference in the gel systems formed in these two variation of the mixes
can be attributed as a possible explanation of the observed trend which is not much
significant in the normal strength concrete. Findings in the literature [30] suggests that the
C-S-H gel formed in OPC concrete and the N-A-S-H gel primarily found in fly ash based
geopolymer have variations in their intrinsic modulus which is well reflected in high
strength concrete.

Ojha et al. / Research on Engineering Structures & Materials 9(1) (2023) 31-51

Fig. 8 Energy dissipated in flexure by beams

3.6 Crack width and pattern

Figure 9 (a) and (b) show the crack patterns observed in the beam after the completion of
the test. In the test the flexural cracks were first observed at the tension zone in beam
between the loading arrangements. With increase in load the cracks developed both in size
and number. The patterns of cracks clearly shows that all beams have undergone pure
flexure failure. It can be further depicted that the cracks patterns, crack width and number
of cracks are almost identical for both reinforced as well as geopolymer concrete for both
normal and high strength beams. As shown in figure 9 (a) and (b), the number of visible
cracks in normal strength conventional concrete is 8 and in normal strength geopolymer
beam is 10 where two cracks are smaller in size. The high strength conventional concrete
bears 10 major cracks and the corresponding strength geopolymer concrete has 9 cracks
of identical patterns and size. Researchers also investigated the structural behaviour of
under reinforced geopolymer concrete beams containing different concrete materials.
Andalib et al. [39] incorporated 30% Palm Oil Fuel Ash (POFA) into the geopolymer
concrete to produce reinforced geopolymer concrete beams and they observed
comparable cracking and ultimate moments as well as crack pattern as conventional
reinforced concrete beams. Literature supports the findings of present study. Hutagi and
Khadiranaikar [25] has also found that there is no significance difference in crack patterns
of reinforced concrete beams as well as geopolymer beams

Ojha et al. / Research on Engineering Structures & Materials 9(1) (2023) 31-51

Fig. 9 (a) M40 RCC and RGC beams 9 and (b) M70 RCC and RGC

The past literature has also shown the similar trends which validates the findings of this
paper. In the experimental study conducted by Ren et al. [35] geopolymer concrete beams
under a flexural load resembled the mechanical performance of the OPC concrete beams.

4. Conclusions
In present study, short-term mechanical properties and flexural performance of normal
and high strength reinforced conventional and geopolymer concrete were experimentally
analyzed. Geopolymer and conventional concrete mixes were designed for M40 and M70
grade. The mechanical characteristics such as cube compressive Strength, split tensile
strength, flexural strength, modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio were evaluated for all
the four mixes. Further, the flexural behaviour of reinforced concrete beam was studied
using 4-point bend test on reinforced concrete beams. Following conclusions can be drawn
from the above study:
• Geopolymer concrete achieves similar and comparable compressive strength as in
case of conventional concrete at lower precursor content in comparison to total
cementitious content required in case of conventional concrete mixes.
• The modulus of elasticity of geopolymer concrete is lower than the conventional
concrete of equivalent strength. The split and flexural strength of geopolymer and OPC
based concrete of comparable compressive strength were observed to be similar for
normal strength grade i.e. M40 grade. However, in case of high strength mixes,
conventional mix showed higher flexural strength in comparison to geopolymer
concrete mix. Increase in flexural and split tensile strength of high strength
conventional concrete is higher by 10- 15% as compared to that of geopolymer
concrete. This can be attributed to presence of 10-12% silica fume in high strength
conventional concrete mix.
• The flexural performance of conventional and geopolymer concrete was observed to
be comparable in 4-point bend test. The strength characteristics in terms of yield load
and yield moment capacities were also comparable. This suggests that reinforced
conventional and geopolymer concrete of equivalent strength behave similarly in
flexure. The normalized yield strength as a percent of ultimate strength varies from
95 to 100 percent, this shows that beams are not undergoing strain hardening. The
values of normalized yield deflection to ultimate displacement is in the range between

Ojha et al. / Research on Engineering Structures & Materials 9(1) (2023) 31-51

55 to 75 percent, from this it can be said that beams follow inelastic behavior for very
long time after the yield points.
• Energy dissipation performance of conventional beams and geopolymer beams was
observed to be identical. However, in high strength concrete the energy dissipation
values are found out to be slightly lower in geopolymer concrete as compared to the
conventional concrete. The added silica fume in higher compressive strength
conventional concrete may be responsible for the improvement in energy dissipation
capabilities of the beams.
• Based on the visual examination of flexural cracks, it can be concluded that the
reinforced conventional concrete and reinforced geopolymer concrete depict similar
number and type of cracks in flexure. The number of visible cracks in normal strength
conventional concrete is 8 and in normal strength geopolymer beam is 10 where two
cracks are smaller in size. The high strength conventional concrete bears 10 major
cracks and the corresponding strength geopolymer concrete has 9 cracks of identical
patterns and size.

Authors acknowledge the funding received from Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt.
of India

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