EC102 Assignment 2

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Name - Nachiket

Roll No - 2009513

Branch - ElecfronicS

Signalure -
EC-102 Assi9nmenl 2

2 k ohms
BCSY npn transsor
470 4F

Initiallyhe Capqeitor is uncharged, So

potentjal dfferenC Qcross it SIS zero , henc
a stantit is shot civcuited. lhole voltage
is dropped across 8.2K ohm esistor
CHTTent does nol flofrom resis[or hen
hen cc
LED does not glo at initial stage
e Can seethat emitfer is at
higher potential tha collecor 4 curent
floL only ohen emitter is
HoLo having ptentra
high en ough fo Cause breakdon

No capacilor sars cha9i

sloaly tlthe potential diferenc acoss
becomes ge enouh to t emiter -base
juncion to ayalanehe (for BC548, VaEV6ov
As avaanche takes place fansistor
tuns on dischaes capacitor partially LED
stavts glouoing As tyansistor continues to
dische the capactor du hich volta dops
belo break doon voltaye curent stops
looing thro ug transistor LED
stbps gloing
Capacito again slrts chqrging.rTs
breakdoon voltã such tha LED Stats
lo Loing gain, and after that
potential is
dropped beloo breakdown voltie it stops
lo Loing and this Cyele epeds again ogain
Thereque nc
by Changing the values ocyele coifrolled
can be
capa citanc
Capacito and o the esistanc ofo resistor
T requeney need fo be increaaed then
resi stane or Capacitan cL must be decreased
and increased
theae thingsqse then
Fre qulney decreases
Tf resistanc is too lo then crent
wth Loill hoT become foo l o o
torn off
Lill be
and i t is foo high hen capaitor
chare.d enough to Cauae breakdoon
Observáon This Crouit is used to
glouo o
9 louo the ED Such hal glo
Plash is creáted
oycle coninues.
this Cycle
Frequency o sh can
be determined by the
capaeitan oCapacitor
andresis[áncu oTesislor , it also can
and be

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