4th Sunday of Lent Year A - 19-Mar-23

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Our Lady of the Assumption Parish, Deptford.

131 Deptford High Street, SE8 4NS

Email: deptford@rcaos.org.uk Phone: 02086922011
Website: www: ola-rcdeptford.org.uk
Parish Priest: Fr. Cosmas Ikirodah, MSP

Fourth Sunday of Lent (A) - 19th March 2023 Sunday (12/02/23) Offertory Collection Total & DONA:

Sunday Masses 1st Collection & Gift Aid £ 918.74 Thank You

9.00am Intentions: For all parishioners Mass Booking : £ 117.00 Thank You

11.00 am Intentions: Late Elizabeth Ogbeta Imienwanrin Arch Publishing : £ 23 Thank You
(R.I.P.) Church restoration: £ 9.84 Thank You
6.30pm Intentions: UCH Retired Members Seminarians in Africa : £ 20.00 Thank You
************************************** Total: £1,136.99 A great thanks to you all
Weekday Adoration and Masses 2nd Collection for 4th Sunday (19th-26th): Poor Parishes
Weekdays Adoration: 8.00 – 8.50 am Tuesday - Friday. **************************************
Weekday Masses: 9.00am The Total Cost For Parish Roof Repairs will be £16,620.00
The total cost for our parish roof repairs will cost £16, 620.00
Saturday Adoration and Benediction: 8.50am - 9.50am
VAT Inclusive. The repairs will cover the following: Replace
Saturday Mass: 10.00am the iron cast gutters with uPVC on both size of the roof.
Treatment of the roof with biocide to kill the moss and
************************************** application of layers of sealant to prevent moss re-growth for 10
Weekday Mass Intentions years. Please note that £11,520.00 of the repair cost is for Scaf-
folding. Total Amount Raised so far £ 14,376.33
Mon 20th Mar: Fr. Cosmas Day off. No Mass today Contribution/Donation to the Parish and For Roof Repair:
Tue 21st Mar: Parishioners Parishioners who wish to contribute or donate to support the
church and for the Roof Repair should please use the parish
Wed 22nd Mar : bank account below:
Thur 23rd Mar: Account name: RCAS Deptford
Account number: 42-11-11-53
Fri 24th Mar: Holy Souls Sort Code: 60-13-10
Sat 25th Mar:
Alternatively, you may wish to
Confession: Every Saturday at 10.40am - 11.30am and by
drop your offering envelope
appointment through the letter box of the Pres-
************************************** bytery or use DONA Contact
-less device in the church and Nar-
Parish Office Hours:
thex, or scan this QR code: Thank
10.00am - 2.00pm, Tuesday to Friday. you for your donation. May
the Almighty God continues to
bless you and your family. Amen.
Parish Bookshop: Opens every Sunday after the 9.00am
& 11.00am Masses.
Coffee Morning: There is Coffee Morning every Sunday References For Bank Transfer
after the 9.00am Mass. You are all welcome. Please state collection name in the refer-
ence: 1st Col (Gift Aid or not), 2nd Col
(Gift Aid or not), Mass Stipend, Holy
Souls, Church Roof, Presbytery

OLA is a Parish of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark. CIO Registered Incorporated Charity Number: 1173050
Pastoral Message for the Launch of CARITAS Southwark Believing Jesus is the Son of God
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus is the Son of God, but there
are those who have other
I greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus as we continue our
Lenten journey towards Holy Week and Easter. In this opinions. Perhaps, they say, he
joyful season of renewal we seek the living water who is was just a very good man with a
Christ himself. With the Samaritan woman in today’s gift for teaching and healing.
Gospel, we believe the Lord Jesus offers every person the Perhaps he was just a prophet.
gift of eternal life. He shows us that no one is beyond God’s
love; not you or me; not our neighbour; not the unknown Perhaps he was just a charismatic
stranger in our midst. The Lord Jesus asks us to be God’s leader, a social worker, a
love for others, especially those in most need. philanthropist, a rebel or some
kind of religious genius.
Today, I share with you the wonderful news that we are Today Jesus takes Peter, James
about to launch CARITAS Southwark. Caritas is the Latin
word for love and CARITAS Southwark will be our and John up a mountain to pray. And as Jesus was praying
Archdiocesan network to co-ordinate our practical loving the appearance of his face is changed, and his clothes
service of others, putting faith into action. become a dazzling white. Suddenly they see two men,
Moses and Elijah, talking to him. They have appeared in
Pope Francis said: ‘.. there is an inseparable bond between glory and are speaking of his departure, which he is to
our faith and the poor. May we never abandon them.’ (EG accomplish at Jerusalem.
48) CARITAS Southwark will work with our parishes and
schools to support them in serving those in need. Our What the Bible is saying here is that Jesus of Nazareth was
volunteers have worked hard to get us to this point of a no ordinary human being. Jesus was no ordinary carpenter
formal launch in a Mass in St George’s Cathedral, from Galilee. Jesus was not just a miracle worker, not just
Southwark, at 12.30pm on Saturday 18 March. Everyone
is invited to the Mass and the reception afterwards. a teacher, not just a healer. In the ‘Transfiguration’ Jesus
reveals his true identity. Jesus is the Son of God, the only
Son of God’. It’s no wonder that Peter wants to erect three
The Church has always served the poorest and the weakest.
This happens today through our parishes, schools and social tents to hold onto this truth. How privileged the early
and charitable projects and organisations. In such challeng- disciples were to have been given this vision. We have not
ing times, it is important that we strengthen and enhance our been given first hand experience of the Transfiguration,
charitable outreach, rooted in our faith in Christ. This will but what we do have is the evidence of how the disciples’
build on the excellent work already taking place and provide
encouragement and support for new initiatives. CARITAS lives were changed by the Knowledge of Jesus’ identity.
Southwark is about facilitation and collaboration, building The disciples had the memory of the Transfiguration to
up our common bond of charity through a more considered motivate them through the difficult times ahead. We have
identity whereby our Archdiocese can promote and recog- the memory of Peter’s commitment and influence to
nise faith in action.
motivate us similarly.

Many parishes already have projects in place. Others, as yet, There are those who think it is good enough simply to
do not have any specific or developed formal outreach. This believe Jesus was a good man. For those of us who believe
is a time for all of us, clergy, religious, and lay faithful, to Jesus is the Son of God, we will never attend the funeral of
pray and reflect on the Scriptures, strengthened by the Eu- a loved one with thoughts of never seeing them again.
charist, so as to discern how we live out the call to see and
serve the Lord Jesus in our brothers and sisters in need. To Believing in God, means believing that one day we will
all who already give their time and effort so generously in share in Jesus’ glory.
voluntary service to the Church’s social mission, I extend
my heartfelt gratitude.
Across our Archdiocese, a tangible love of neighbour is
shown through numerous social and charitable projects. Lent Stations of the Cross
Such apostolates, and new ones which will hopefully come
to fruition, require that our hearts be touched by the love of
Christ and opened to the needs of others. It is through us,
is on Every Friday Morning
sometimes in simple and seemingly small ways, that the
love of Christ becomes real and is freely offered to people in After Mass and in the Evening
need. Thank you for your assistance in this important new
step. With an assurance of my gratitude, and my prayers and at 7.00pm
blessing. Yours devotedly in Christ,
Bishop John Wilson

OLA is a Parish of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark. CIO Registered Incorporated Charity Number: 1173050.

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