48 Iwori Oyeku
48 Iwori Oyeku
48 Iwori Oyeku
Lagos, Nigeria.
December, 2010
Obo the awo of the farmland
He cast Ifa for Adaba susu the dove
When lamenting her inability to have her own baby
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of children
2. Ifa says that the job that this person is doing presently is not
his/her job that will make him/her succeed. Ifa warns that
this person is just pursuing another person’s destiny about.
Ifa advises this person to go and prepare Egungun costume
because his/her great ancestors come from Egungun
lineage. If it is possible for this person he needs to be
wearing the Egungun costume during Egungun festival.
Man or woman, this person needs to concentrate more on
Egungun than any other divinity. He/she also needs to offer
ebo with two matured rams and money. on this, Ifa says:
Eti koro bi, the awo under the rock
He cast Ifa for Ladejobi offspring of those who use walking
stick round the main road
He was advised to offer ebo
You family is known for Egungun propitiation
Oladejobi what are you doing cultivating the farm
Your family is known for Egungun business
Iwori oreku
Eegun o gbodo na Babalawo
Babalawo naa o gbodo yaju si Eegun
Dia fun Tekun-tekun
To ti nsowo eku ni riru lailai
Won ni ko rubo itiju
O koti ogbonyin sebo
Tekun-tekun o ma le duro donilu
To fin lo o
Tekun-tekun o!
Iwori does not carry the Egungun costume
Egungun must never beat a Babalawo
And a babalawo must not be rude to an Egungun
Ifa’s message for Tekun-tekun
Who had the being carrying the Egungun costume since
time immemorial
He was advised to offer ebo against disgrace
He refused to comply
Tekun-tekun cannot wait for the drummer again
Before he ran away
Oh Tekun-tekun
4. Ifa advises a barren woman to offer ebo of childbearing. The
ebo materials here are: four tied hens, plenty of Akara, and
plenty Yanrin vegetable and money. This person will use the
Akara, vegetable and one of the tied hens to feed Osun. On
this, Ifa says:
It is not possible for an Egungun to jump and dangling on a
For people to hear the voice of Egungun
It is not possible for an Oro to swirl round and round a
In order to hear the voice of the Oro
Ifa’s message for my mother the holder of Otoro title in Efon
When she reclined and was weeping in lamentation of her
inability to have her own babies
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Please help me plead with Osun
The Alakole who never uses a broad sword to cut okra
Please help me plead with Osun
Is my mother worth saluting or not
The holder of Moro title in Efon land
Is my mother worthy of being crowned or not
Omukemuke, we suck like insect
Is my mother worthy of salutation or not
My mother Eporogun is worthy of salutation
5. Ifa says that the job that somebody is doing will turn to a
failure and disappointment for the person. There is need for
this person to offer ebo and feed Ifa in order for Ifa to show
him/her the way. If a man, he needs to be initiated into Ifa,
and if a woman he needs to become and Apetebi. He/she
must never do any job that is illegal or where public opinion
is divided. For example he/she must never be a swindler,
gambler, fraudster, magician, or engage in prostitution, child
abuse, or homosexuality. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo
with one matured he-goat and money. on this, Ifa says:
Mahunyin awo ale odo
Dia fun Oloje
Ti nloo ra Igede leru
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O koti ogbonyin sebo
Ero Ipo ati Ofa
Nje Gbangba l’Ogedengbe nsawo
Mahunyin the awo of river bed
He cast Ifa for Oloje
When going to buy Igede, the power of the spoken word as
He was advised to offer ebo
He refused to comply
Traveler to Ipo and Ofa land
The business of Ifa is practiced in the open
Dia fun won niju Onroko
Nibi ti won nsunkun alai rifa je
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Nje kilawa o je nileyii lola o?
Ifa kan Kenke
Nlawa o je nile yii lola o
Ifa kan Kenke
He cast Ifa for inhabitance of the farmers settlement
When they were lamenting their inability to receive the
blessing of free gift
They were advised to offer ebo
They complied
What is it that we are going to benefit from tomorrow
It is a big gift
That we are going to benefit in this land tomorrow
It is a giant gift
Itikorobi the awo under the rock
He cast Ifa for Ogun Onija Oole
The holder of Ejemu title in Oluwonran land
He who matches forcefully to the venue of confrontation
When he was going on military campaign to Ejigbomekun
Eseji land
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of victory
8. Ifa says that it foresees the Ire of prosperity and all ire of life
for this person. Ebo materials here are 16 rats, 16 fish, 16
hens, 16 guinea-fowls, 16 pigeons and money. He/she also
needs to feed Aje as appropriate.
Iwori wa r’Eku o
Emi o r’Eku
Dia fun Orunmila
Ifa nsunkun oun o laje lowo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Aje wa je derubu aw0
Owennewenne, aje je derubu awo
Iwori come and carry Egungun costume
I am not carrying the costume
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When lamenting his inability to receive the blessing of
financial prosperity
He was advised to offer ebo and to feed Aje
He complied
Aje came trooping to the home of Awo
Aje came trooping to the reach of Awo
9. Ifa says that it foresees ire of success for this person where
he/she is going. Ifa advocate patience for this person. Ifa
advises him/her to offer ebo with one she-goat and money.
on this, Ifa says:
Dake jejeeje
Awo Pepeye lo dia fun Pepeye
Nigbati n soje e lo sode Oyo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
O ni dake jejeeje ni Pepeye nwi
Please keep mute
The awo of Pepeye the Duck
Cast Ifa for the Duck
When going on Egungun business to Oyo land
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
The language of Pepeye is keep mute
10. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with four rats, four
fish, one matured she-goat and money and to also feed
Yemoja as appropriate in order to receive the blessing of the
fruit of the womb. On this, Ifa says:
Iwori o reku
Eegun o gbodo na Babalawo
Dia fun Pepeye
Ti yoo tode komo wale
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ni jebutu omo
Iwori does not carry Egungun costume
Egungun never beat a Babalawo
Ifa’s message for Pepeye, the duck
When going to the river side to carry her children back
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of several children
Be careful for you not to be exposed
Be cautious for you not to reveal the secret of the awo
Ifa’s message for Pepeye the duck
When going on Egungun business to Oyo land
He was advised to offer so that the secret of the awo
will not leak through him
He refused to comply
The secret of the awo have being exposed
Iwori o reku
Eegun o gbodo na Babalawo
Ajeji ni o mese ile
Eni to roko igbala
Ni yoo sa baba a re loko
Dia fun Eegun
Ti nlo ode Oje
To ya sode Oje
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
Eegun wa di Onile
O di onide o
Iwori does not carry the Egungun costume
Egungun must not beat a Babalawo
A stranger does not understand the terrain of the land
The person who weeds the Egungun grove
Will eat the spirit of his father with a hoe
Ifa’s message for Egungun
When going on Oje business
Who will branch at Oje land
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long not too far
The Egungun becomes the land owner
And he becomes the owner of expensive brass
Pako tree does not give me the chance to climb Ese
Ese tree does not give me the chance to climb Araba
Araba does not give me the chance to climb Toto tree
Ifa’s message for Woruku Aye, human being
Who was advised to perform decent rite for Woruku
orun, dead ancestor
He complied
It is because of Woruku Aye human being
That we need to give decent burial rite to the ancestor
14. Ifa says that it foresees the ire of childbearing. There is
a pregnant woman where this Ifa is revealed that needs to
offer ebo because the fetus in her womb will grow up to
become a leader or an Oba in future. Ebo materials, two
rats, two fish, two hens and money. They also need to feed
Ifa with two rats, two fish and one hen. On this, Ifa says:
The flood by the river side jumps and tumbles
Ifa’s message for Olomo Oyindin
Who will have the fetus of a leader in her womb
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
The pregnancy of those days is an Oba
Olomo Oyindin is she who has the fetus of a leader in
her womb
This pregnancy will grow up to become and Oba in
15. Ifa says that this person must never rely on charm of
special mean in anything that he/she is doing. He/she also
needs to offer ebo so that he will not be exposed and be
subjected to ridicule and public disgrace. Ebo material two
ducks, and money. One of the ducks will be used to feed
Ifa. On this, Ifa says:
Eye abapa ge
Eye abese ge
Dake jeje awo eye
Dia fun eye
Igba to nsawo Oje lo sode Oyo
Won ni ko ma lo
Ko gbo
The bird with broad wings
The bird with broad feet
Dake jeje is the awo of Eye the Bird
He cast Ifa for the bird
When going on Egungun business to Oyo land
He was advised not to go
He refused to comply
Travelers to Ipo and Ofa towns
Can’t you see how the prediction of Ifa has come to
16. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with three roosters
and money and to feed Ifa with one hen in order to receive
the blessing of victory over adversity. On this, Ifa says:
If the soap fills a container
The soap will foam
The bar soap with plenty of lather
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When he was in the midst of enemies
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of victory
Aboru Aboye
1. Ifa – for direction, guidance, victory, success, protection,
elevation, and overall wellbeing
2. Ori –for fulfillment of destiny, protection, victory, success,
accomplishment, contentment, peace of mind, harmony, and
self actualization
3. Esu –Odara – for protection, sanctuary, elevation, progress,
joy, and general wellbeing
4. Egungun –for success, victory, elevation, ancestral support,
financial well being, and overall achievement
5. Aje – for financial success and leadership
6. Osun – for childbearing, childrearing and compatible spouse
7. Yemoja – for childbearing, childrearing and compatible
Aboru Aboye
Solagbade Popoola
Lagos, Nigeria
December, 2010.