Theoretical Framework - Anne
Theoretical Framework - Anne
Theoretical Framework - Anne
Due to the increased importance of pricing decisions made by firms and families,
monetary policy and predicted inflation started to have a greater impact on these decisions. The
change in the inflation gap has the biggest impact on inflation expectations, all other things being
equal. Other factors that affect inflationary pressures include the policy interest rate, past
inflation, historical inflation volatility, nominal wage growth, and growth in industrial
production. (Guinigido, 2016)
There are many studies of online consumer behaviors in recent years, most of them focus on the
factors influencing the online consumer behaviors, and the researchers seems to find different
factors in different way. (Agrawal,2020) Moreover, there is a variety of studies which focus on
comparisons between online and offline consumer behavior in relation to different products has
been presented. No previous study has attempted to integrate the three important concepts of
intention, adoption, and continuation and explore the entire process of online consumer
purchase, according to our literature assessment. We attempt to associate the three elements
together and form a base model – Model of Intention, Adoption, and Continuance (MIAC) for
the development of an online consumer behavior framework by integrating Fishbein's attitudinal
theoretical model and the expectation-confirmation model (Oliver 2019).
The attitudinal model of Fishbein has been frequently employed in marketing (Lilien et al.
2022), and this paradigm offers academics a useful lens through which to examine the elements
that influence customer purchasing intention and adoption. . In this concept, intention is the
primary determinant of behavior. Other elements, such as attitudes, subjective standards, and
perceived behavioral control, have also been linked to a set of relevant behavioral, normative,
and control beliefs about the conduct. Fishbein's model, on the other hand, stops at adoption and
ignores other significant aspects that explain and predict consumer retention (repurchase).
Agrawal, M., Sandhir, V. and Gupta, G, “Emerging Profile of Online Apparel Shoppers in India
and Comparison with the US Online shoppers: A Few Marketing Implications”, Advances in
Consumer Research. 2020
Celik, H.,” Influence of social norms, perceived playfulness and online shopping anxiety on
customers adoption of online retail shopping,” International journal of retail and distribution
Kotler, P., “Marketing Management,” 11th edition, Prentice-Hall 2022